Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Myra Elspeth"]

How long would they be sailing for? Makai had suspected they would be gone for roughly three days, although he had supplies to carry them for a week in case of an emergency. Everything depended on how many stops they made on the way back or what she may have wanted to see or do.

"Three days or so was my plan. We can make it shorter if you like, if you want to get back sooner I can. It wouldn't be too hard."

Makai did his best to hide his disappointment of the fact Ellie didn't seem to know how long she was staying.He didn't feel like turning back immediately after the Trench visit but would if she asked. Quiet lapsed between them as he thought on turning back and missing out on spending time with her. For some reason, her Ma must want her back.

"If you don't want to go out today I can take you back home.....I can go by myself if you ain't happy."
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

"No!" Okay so maybe she said that a little too quickly. Again, the girl flushed, embarrassed and chiding herself for being such a stupid ninny.

"No." she added a bit quieter, apologizing with an abashed expression. "It's fine. I don't mind goin'." Myra attempted to assure the Dashiell, rocking on her heels uneasily. Ugh, was he really going to drop her off? He likely would too. He was like that. Thinking he was doing the best for her but totally reading everything WRONG.

Boys were so dumb sometimes.

"So what's the project all about?" Yup, quick change of subject to get Makai as quickly away from the thought of not taking her with him.

"What do you need to do specifically?" Good girl, Myra. Have him have to be specific meant that Makai would have to put thought into answering her.

Unless he decided to simply say 'stuff'.

In which case, Myra would very likely consider punching him on the arm.
[member="Myra Elspeth"] was extremely frustrating. Apparently it was a girl thing, because he didn't seem to have this problem elsewhere in his life. First she was worried about returning back to the house and now she didn't seem to mind being out with him for three days. Perhaps she figured that a bit of errands was worth the mini-trip around some of Mon Cal's more interesting structures.

Her outburst caused Koa to wake up, the Loth-cat stretching in the sun and giving both of them a glare before settling back down. Head rested down on his paws, glaring at the two for interrupting his slumber. There was a small snort, letting it be known to the two humans not to wake him again anytime soon!

"Green energy on Lowick. Dad's new project. I haven't been yet. Been stuck here." His Ma had been watching him mostly. So far it was....interesting. He wasn't sure how to feel about it.It certainly wasn't what he expected. Complaining to Ellie would only make him seem like an ungrateful brat. "Just got to collect some buoys and a drone system. Nothing exciting."

"I suppose I will end up going to Lowick soon enough to help with something. Its just in the early stages now. Building a second campus for the company there."
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

"Wait, you are going to Lowick?" Myra's eyes went wide, confusion in their midst. The young pre-teen attempted to go over exactly just where it would be. She didn't have quite the grasp of where each planet was located at; there were literally thousands of worlds out there.

"Where is that?" it didn't have quite the nice ring to it. Her brows scrunched forward, fingers flexing on the helm. Well, at least he explained things instead of saying 'stuff.' She knew that Makai was helping his father more and more now with the company.

"A second campus?" of what exactly?
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

"Eventually I'll be going.Not sure when, I'm going to guess when phase two is in place and I have a school break? I might not be salvaging with Mr.Zej this year. I'll miss it but it can be made up for during the year."

Aeolus creaked and groaned with an uptick in the breeze. They were picking up the speed having been caught in a deep and powerful current. Makai knew he was nearly towards the drop off site once he reached this point. It signaled they were near extremely deep and colder water. Hands remained steady on the helm, using the current to their advantage.

"Lowick is down South, more near Ceto where we used to live. Don't know much about it besides it has a jungle and an ocean. Sounds real humid.I guess its going to be like a secondary headquarters. Dad hasn't told me much, I've been stuck here. Maybe you can head out with me when I go? Or come visit."

It seemed their visits were growing shorter and shorter but Makai liked to hold out hope.

"You ready to camp out tonight? Or do you wanna sleep in the boat?"
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

So he wasn't going to be spending his summers salvaging anymore? That confused Myra. Well mostly because it seemed that Makai at least enjoyed spending time with Mr. Zej. He took Koa with him too; well when it was safe enough. Otherwise, the fluffy cat spent her time on the Farm with the Arceneau teenager.

Of course, that thought went out the window and into the proverbial sea at his follow up.

"Wait, what?" her fingers curled a little bit tighter on the helm.

"Camping? We are going camping?" her eyes went a little wide. Myra didn't tend to spend too much times outdoors unless it was back at the farm. Or visiting Makai's home on the beach. Otherwise, her pa had the security guards watching her day and night. Odds were that they were right NOW watching her one way or another.

They rarely ever left her alone.

"Where at?"
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

"We don't have to camp. I will be camping on the beach of whatever island we come across that looks interesting. You can either camp out with me or sleep inside the Aeolus. Its up to you, I've got all the equipment. Dad and I do it all the time on Arda."

Makai looked her over, amused at the expression. He suspected she had never been camping. Or perhaps was surprised that he was interested in such a thing. It was hard to tell sometimes with Ellie. Eyes moved off Ellie and back to the ocean. They were close to the trench now, nearly where they needed to be.

"Take the helm, I've got to slow us down. Steer into the wind, will ya?"

Makai left the helm in her hands, scurrying off to move the sails and pull a few down to stop their momentum.
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

"I don't mind camping," Myra did her best to shut down the thought that she may not want to be out camping with Makai quickly -- perhaps a bit TOO eagerly. Her face turned pink again.

"I mean," okay play it cool, "We can see what we can do... it will be fun right?" well as much fun as they could have without both of their bodies guards eyeballing them from out in the distance.

"Okay," she added a bit more quietly, biting her lower lip as she saw the younger Dashiell walk off. The wind was making his floppy, curly hair scatter all over the place. It looked so soft, and nice and -- uggh... her head fell.

Stop thinking so much! Myra would chide herself. A boop at her calve brought her attention down to the Loth-cat.

"Yeah, I think I'm an idiot too, Koa."
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

Makai probably shouldn't have left Ellie alone in charge of the Aeolus, but it wasn't like she could crash into anything at the moment. There was an autopilot feature but that was difficult to program 'into the wind', it was more for things like satellite coordinates of their final location. Glancing back towards here, Ellie seemed to look just fine at the helm, fitting in like she belonged there all along.

Makai pulled himself up, literally climbing halfway up the mast and going through the necessary preparations to tie the sails down. Winches and a pulley system helped make it an easier one-man job, carefully moving around as he tied the deflated sails. Already the Aeolus was greatly slowing, mainly pushed by the water current rather than the stiff breeze.

He could drop anchor, but they were moving slow enough where he could probably swim out and grab the buoys. Drones would recall back towards the boat once he found the equipment. Tying off the last piece of sail, Makai carefully climbed back down the mast, dropping the last two feet or so onto the decking with a small thud.

"You look like a natural." He was moving back now, heading to put the Aeolus in autopilot mode on a course meandering through the current. Ellie wouldn't have to worry about 'driving' as he went to collect the buoys. "Thanks for taking over, I'll let it self-sail right now."

Hands reached for the hem of his long-sleeved rash guard, pulling it over his head and off, tossing it on 'Koa's couch'. By now he had gotten used to Ellie seeing him shirtless with his patches of scales, hand still brushed awkwardly against a patch on his shoulder.

"I don't know if I want you coming out into deep water....sorry....The current isn't a joke." He would worry the entire time. "You don't mind,do you?"
Whatever [member="Makai Dashiell"] had said seemed to sail over Myra's head. There was like, a distinct sensation of her brain breaking. Had to be. Otherwise why would she be standing there like a baffoon with her mouth half open and dry at the seemingly slow motion that Makai was taking off that shirt.

Oh, it was most likely just from her own perspective, but man, did everything just seem to slow down. She could see how his skin would flex at the motion, the tiny blue scales glinting under the rays of the sun, tanned flesh rippling over that wirey musculature that had no good reason to look so good as it did --

" -- You don't mind do you?"

Myra gave an abrupt start. She had completely utterly missed whatever Makai had been saying. She went from watching him take off his shirt to seeing him pad over to her, ice blue eyes with only those shorts to keep his blue speckled butt decent and the rather mind numbing cute smile he had that just made her feel--

"Ahh.. um... no." hopefully she answered that right, her face blushing a bright pink in her embaraseement.
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

Scale speckled hand reached out without a word, coming to rest on Ellie's forehead. His friend looked flushed and it wasn't the first time he noticed it today. Was being out on the open water making her sick? Ellie's Pa would never let her around him if she got sicker than sick on this trip. As it was she already asked how quickly they were returning from being out sailing. Debate raged in his head if he should collect the buoys and drones quickly and head back. If he pushed it they could be back around midnight.

Back of his hand moved to one of her cheeks. Warm and he didn't suspect it was from the sun either. Critical eye passed over Ellie, as if searching for the illness on her skin.

"You're sick again, aren't you?"

Voice was quiet as his hand dropped. He didn't want anything to happen to his best friend. Guilt washed over him for being more than a little selfish, for dragging her out on adventures when she didn't even feel good. Of course she was too stubborn to say anything before they had set sail.
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

Lub dub. Lubdub. LUBDUB.

"Umm." wait, she should say something here. Definately should say something. However, it was hard to make sense out of anything when Makai was standing out in front of her, feeling the the cooling sensation of his palm against her forehead. Oh how bright blue his eyes were. And here he was, staring down at her. A sudden awareness came to her again.

Crap, what was I supposed to say?

"I'm okay really!" right, it registered -- granted she didn't move away from having him touch her. Wouldn't have minded feeling his hand slide down her cheek either --- oh he was doing it!

Myra swore her heart jumped straight to her throat.

"Just the flight over." she offered an excuse. One that he'd buy hopefully. Swallowing hard, she did her best to try and wrangle her gaze from him-- and his chest -- and focus on the helm.

Yeah that didn't work.
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

Just the flight over.

Iced-azure eyes took her in again.Ellie's hair looked good like that....tossed carefree into the wind. Did she always have it like that?No, certainly something different......What was he originally supposed to be looking at?Right....her flight issues. Makai wasn't sure if he wanted to believe her. It wasn't as if Ellie traveled in third class,slum world steerage. Top of the line luxury for her, he knew her folks saw to it. Didn't mean the flight wasn't taxing. Ellie could have stayed up doing homework. Or could have been on a holofilm marathon. Forgot to eat perhaps.

"Go down and drink some water then. Maybe you're dehydrated."

Seemed a fitting answer. He personally had to drink gallons when traveling through space. Then again, he was part fish.

Koa swiped at Makai and meowed pitifully. Paws rested at the edge of his couch on deck, looking as if he was going to pounce right up on Makai's bare shoulder.

"Maybe you could feed Koa for me too, before he goes native."
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

Somewhere between watching how the wind sent Makai's hair flopping all over the place and the way his eyes just seemed to drift all over her - or was that just a part of my imagination? - did Myra catch the part of feeding Koa. A few quick blinks and the pre-teen gave quick nod of her head.

"Oh! Yeah!" okay perhaps she said that bit too quickly. Did my voice really squeak in the end? Ugh, Myra stop being such a dummy! Mental chiding wasn't enough and she even gave a little half scowl that was directed to herself.

"I can feed him." maybe going down under would be able to settle her nerves a bit. Of course, that was the moment that her traitorous eyes snuck a peek at Makai's chest again. Really, no one should look this good at fifteen...
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

Why is she making that face towards me? I messed up again? Already?!

"Awesome....thanks. Koa appreciates it too."

The Loth-cat had already scurried down from his perch and had made his way over to the stairs leading into the berth and aft cabin. He disappeared for a moment, overly large ears listening for the sound of footsteps coming his way. Koa waited all of two seconds before popping his head back up towards the deck, pouncing up and down on the step in an excited motion.

"Better get moving, I'll be back in a minute or two."

Giving Ellie one last look, Makai turned his back and headed back to his task. It only took a moment to reach the side, diving over without hesitation. The ocean was much colder, the current much stronger than what he was typically used to. Then again, the bottom was miles down. Thin, built in-webbing that appeared in the water helped greatly. Seas were rough even for his aquatic nature and he felt better about excluding Ellie.

Dipping under the waves, Makai set out to collect what he needed, disappearing from view.
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

[SIZE=9pt]Enter Myra standing like a buffoon with Koa in her arms watching the graceful form of a blue speckled Makai dive off the side of the sailboat.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]So not fair. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]An impatient Koa gave Myra a bump on her chin with his enormous head. It was enough to prompt the girl to check back to reality as a fuzzy ear almost poked her on the mouth. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Okay okay!” she would cry between giggles. Makai would be fine swimming. It was what he did best -- among other things. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Lets go down… see what we can do.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Daydream of Makai looking at me like that again…[/SIZE]
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

Under the waves it was easier to collect the buoys. Less resistance from the waves. Not having to resurface every few moments made it less difficult. After grabbing three or four ropes, he would haul himself back to the Aeolus, half-climbing up like some sea creature to toss in his lines. The water was freezing in comparison to what he was used to, causing him to hurry.

Thirty minutes later he found himself pulling himself and the last of the buoys onto the decking of the Aeolus. He didn't see Ellie hanging around anywhere. Part of him was amazed she had listened to him. Not that he was trying to tell her what to do in any stretch. Makai didn't want to lose her. Already had enough of that in his short time in the 'verse.

Rope was put into neat coils, the sensor equipment on the buoys collected. Rash guard went back on over his head before scooping up the sensors, shivering slightly. Feet padded to the stairs that led below decks. ]

"Hey Ellie?"
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

Makai would find Myra lying on her back with one particular playful Koa on top of her. He would knead at her belly, almost as if wanting to make her as comfy as possible so that he may be able to sleep on top of her. A few stray giggles from the pre-teen ensued.

"Koa-- stop being so sil-" at the sound of Makai's voice, the brunette swung her gaze over. Okay, whatever she was about to say seemed to have frozen in her throat. Yup, there he did it again. If he was just as cute while dry, he was even more distracting when wet.

The dark forelocks of his hair were plastered against his temple and neck with small curls. Beads of water would trickle down over his blue speckled skin, the small rise of goosebumps swimming across his lanky chest and arms. Makai was still doing loads of growing, but he was heading towards the stage where he was less boy, and more man and --- ohhh was he ever so cute to look at.

So. Not. Fair.

Blinking a few seconds, the girl didn't slip out of her reverie until Koa gave her a quick BONK right along her jawline.

"Ow!" Myra managed to cry, turning back to the Loth-Cat who was demanding attention. Again, her face flooded with embarrassment. Stop looking at Makai like a bumbling idiot, Myra!

"You silly goose!"
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

Shivering, Makai walked to other side of the long couch Ellie was laying on, picking up a hoodie from the end of his belongings. He could feel Ellie watching him as he collected the article of clothing and shrugged it on.Clearly he was a tropical fish and the deep,cold water wasn't agreeing with him. He turned back to his friend, watching Koa bounce all over Ellie before giving her a jab with his paw.

"Koa." Authoritative tone took over, voice automatically deepening. "Go on. Go sit over there.Stop botherin' Ellie."

Makai motioned to the long couch across the way, ushering the Loth-Cat to move off of Ellie. Ears flattened against the Loth-Cats' head, clearly angry he had to move from his comfortable perch. There was a disinterested yawn before he moved slightly, only to go sit on Ellie's feet and not across the room. Makai shook his head before coming around to be closer to Ellie.

Cold hand touched her forehead once again, a frown graced his features as he couldn't tell if she had gotten any better. He was still too cold to tell. Instead he came to sit on the edge of the couch,half-facing towards her. His body leaning against her own warm one. Concerned iced-azure eyes searched her over, as if Makai could suddenly spot invisible illness.

"About time you laid down and relaxed." Still shivering, he gently took her hand. "You okay? I'm glad you're taking it easy.Thought I was going to have to tie you down for awhile there. I'll leave you in a few minutes so you can relax without me pesterin' you."

Makai ran his thumb against her hand, still leaning against her slightly.

"Kinda hard to do sometimes...not be around you..."
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

His blue speckled hand was cold against her hot cheek, whatever sort of fever that might have taken her solely due to his presence. Or at least what the girl told herself. Yup, breath caught in her throat and her heart once again began hammering a fine tune of, luv dubbe, lubdub, lubdub!

"I don't mind." Came the breathy, if slightly dazed reply. Breathy because, oh yeah, she needed to breathe. Dazed because Myra really didn't want him to take his hand away. Before she knew it, her own hand came up, slender fingers reaching to push back with her forefinger and middle finger the dark, damp forelocks of his hair away from his temple.

"You're still wet... need a towel to dry yourself up," it was half in concern half in abashed embarassment that she did so. Would he think me a ninny? Likely. I'm just the childhood friend with no boobs and all arms and legs..

Life was just cruel.

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