Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Myra Elspeth"]

"Nah, I'm going to back up on deck in a few minutes. Warm up there, I should dry off pretty quickly. Just got to pick up the last drone and we're on our way. We're going to a really awesome place. I think you'll like it."

Makai had scrapped his previous plans of camping on the beach. While it sounded fun he wasn't sure if Ellie was up to sleeping outdoors given her fever. Especially with late evening storms and the potential for being on a damp sandy ground overnight. His new plan was to do a bit of hiking and cave exploration and sleep in the sailboat - if she was still feeling up to it.

"You never play around with my hair. "

He was far from complaining. It was nice for Ellie to pay attention to him. Half the time he was certain she still saw him as a skinny, overly talkative boy she had been stuck with against her will for weeks on end. It wasn't like she could talk to tell him to shut up - although she loved doing that now.

Before he knew it lips met Ellie's once again. Part of him wasn't even aware of it, lately Ellie had a way of getting under his skin in a good way. Half the time he was thinking about her or about to message her, wondering what she was up to.

Lips left hers, trailing along her jaw and neck.
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

[SIZE=9pt]There were a series of thoughts that ran across Myra’s mind at that exact moment. One would be sure that they were rather important. Likely dealing with how she was going to respond to Makai saying that she never played with his hair -- not that his hair was really at the forefront of her mind when it was still firmly fixated on his blue speckled, damp chest. It had been a rather embarrassing mix of trying to look at his face and not at his chest. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Not that Makai made it at all easier. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]Instead, all the words just seemed to jumble even more together. As if suddenly smushed together by her hands and turned into mush. Utter, jello mush.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Maybe limed flavored. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The gangly, grey- eyed girl froze. Unsure, uncertain, mind going twenty parsecs a second and, perhaps more amusingly, holding her breath as if a mere inhale would just make him stop. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=9pt]Koa, of course, wasn’t struck dumb as Myra. No, he was more annoyed that his petting had been put to a halt. A loud yowl seemed to instantly echo throughout the tiny cabin, startling the teenager and prompting a series of, perhaps, unfortunate events. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The kisses to the lips were great -- even though she kept them shut. The ones along her neck, well made her toes curl and a rather odd gurgle bubble from her throat. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Insert mental scream, fingers curling and -- [/SIZE]A jerk of her knee, a pop of her head that likely narrowly almost hit Makai against his jaw, and of course, Koa shoving himself between them to get his own bout of attention.
One minute he was on cloud nine. There was a small measure of pride in the fact he could elicit such a response from one [member="Myra Elspeth"]. As quickly as the feeling erupted everything came crashing back down to earth.

While Ellie's head may have missed his jaw, her skull connected firmly with his eye socket. Her knee-jerk reaction caused another bout of pain, this one to a more sensitive region of his body. There was a small grunt of pain as Koa weaseled between the two of them, settling firmly on top of Ellie.

“Damn Ellie… I knew you were violent” voice cracked a little “but I didn't think you were a killer.”

Face was pale, setting off his blue-green scales even more. Somehow he managed to shuffle to the small fridge in the boat. Dishtowel was unfolded,ice deposited inside. His eye was already turning black-and-blue and he wasn't sure which part of his body throbbed with pain more. He leaned against the wooden bow,ice resting against his eye.

“How's your head? Do you need ice?”
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

It just went from bad to worse!

Mortification swept over Myra's face, turning it as red as Dantooine cherries and making her stomach sink and twist as if she had been spinning round and round without stopping. Large eyes already went wide, her small hands coming up to cover her open mouth, muffling the 'Eek' and embarrassed noises of the young teenager. It was just terrible.

"OhmystarsIamsosorry!" it all came out in a jumbled hot mess, the girl blinking rapidly as she saw poor Makai hunch over in pain. Anyone else might have fallen into hilarity, but for Myra, the whole scene just seemed to be a mortifying outcome. What girl ends up sucker-punching their crush AND kneeing them in the jewels.

Koa gave a yowl for attention but Myra already was on her feet. Didn't matter that her own head was throbbing in pain at getting a good knock at Makai's face. "Are you okay?" really, Myra, of course he isn't okay!

"I ain't violent you just surprised me!" she ended up flashing at him, embarrassment turning into slight anger at herself -- which only seemed to turn on the young Dashiell like normal.

It was a wonder he could stand her.
[member="Myra Elspeth"]

Just as the pain was slowly subsiding a new form of hurt hit. Eyes were closed as Ellie spoke but soon the one 'good' iced azure eye opened to stare at her. Watched as her anger was directed towards him. Makai remained silent for a long moment, trying to process what was going on. A flash of hurt crossed his face for the briefest of moments.

Any other day he could have brushed off her anger as Ellie being who she was. Couple her anger with the crushing tension between his parents and the encroaching headache and it made something inside him snap. It didn't make it right, his words or actions, but in some ways he couldn't stop it. Couldn't keep the words from tumbling out towards her.

"I'm sorry Myra, it won't happen again." Broadening shoulders squared, as if to pull himself together physically and emotionally. "It shouldn't have happened in the first place. I shouldn't have pushed myself on you. I'll be taking you back, its best you just go home."

Makai turned from her, dishtowel still on his eye and headed up the stairs to the deck. Heading up, a sinking feeling settled in his stomach, upset at himself. You never should have kissed her Makai, you knew she was too young. You knew this could happen. Man up and blame yourself, not the girl.
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

So many many thoughts went racing through Myra's mind. The first was the bucket of ice water that startled her from her mortification and jumped her straight into hot water. And in this case, meant that the girl’s embarrassment fed her hot temper.

“What in tarnation is that supposed to mean Makai Dashiell?!” her face was beginning to get a splotchy red, fists curling tight at her sides. Koa gave a small start at the sudden blast from the young teenager. Short she might be with only arms and legs, but the girl could carry a presence when she wanted to. Or more aptly, when her emotions colored them to a more pronounced level.

What did he mean he wouldn't do it again!? That it shouldn’t have happened in the first place. That he pushed himself on me?! It all seemed to be a blabber of words that just didn’t make sense and only irked the brunette with every passing second. To top it off, seeing Makai already growing a shiner where she had accidently hit him made her feel all the more guilty. But instead of saying sorry all she could do is just get madder than a wet Womprat in a paper bag.

Course then he had to go on and say that he was going to take her back so she could go home. After all the time she took to get here in the first place to see him. Was she just that expendable? Was she just tossed to the side cause she screwed up and now Makai was all.. UGH!

Her lips gave a tight purse, big grey eyes flashing like a tropical storm. Frustration lined her features and gave a brief shimmer over those eyes watching him go on and move up the stairs like the damn fool he was. Momma always said men could be fools but Makai was a special type of fool and ugh how he --

‘That’s it?! You’re just gonna walk away and dump me back at the dock?!” her voice sailed high with the volume of an indigent child. Sooo not the sort of experience Myra had imagined coming on up here.
[SIZE=10.5pt][member="Myra Elspeth"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Feet froze on the steps as she started to yell.If there was one thing Makai hated it was yelling, especially when it was directed towards him. He didn't even get to hear the rest of her sentence before he felt himself zoning out, her words becoming far away and muffled. Hand unconsciously gripped the stair railing, knuckles turning white. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Bleary iced azure eyes shot open.Voices were murmuring downstairs. Was his Dad home? Ears strained to listen but the ocean was drowning out the pitch of the voice, all he could tell was there was more than one. Little feet slipped out of bed and were moving out of his room. Curly-hair in disarray he poked his head into his Dad’s office, dark. Footfalls were coming behind him, turning to look. His Ma was dressed in flight gear, an inquiry on where she was going. He wanted to come too.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]More questioning, he started to follow her. Suddenly he was being yelled at, the young half-Galan bursting into tears. Grandparents scooped him up as he cried after her, begging to come back. He didn’t understand. She never came back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Distantly at the back of his leg he could feel movement. It was slowly dragging him back to reality. Claws dug into his leg as Koa tried to jump up, to get his attention. In a haze he looked down, white-knuckled hand moving off the railing to pet the Loth-cat. The dishtowel and ice were on the stairs and Makai had no idea how long he had been ‘away’. Free hand came to wipe away a few hot tears, praying Ellie was too mad and hadn’t come to see him. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Thanks buddy” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Hand came back down to scratch the Loth-cat’s ears before picking up the melting ice. Hands were shaky and he kept dropping the ice. A small curse left his lips and he grew frustrated with himself. Finally picking them all up he was able to move back down the steps, back into the galley where he dumped the ice and the dish rag into the sink. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Eyes went to Ellie, still angry. Shaky hand rested on her shoulder, forcing those stormy gray eyes to focus on him. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Please, don’t yell.” Tone was desperate, almost begging. “You can do anything….anything you want to me. Just….please don’t start yelling at me. Be mad, kick me, storm around…. throw things if you want.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Hand slid off her shoulder, looking defeated. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“Ellie….I get it. You don’t like me….not like how I like you.I should have realized you probably just see me like some overgrown big brother who has hung around you all these years. I...uh….I’m sorry….Didn’t mean to surprise you earlier.”[/SIZE]
[member="Makai Dashiell"]

Everything that Myra has planned. Everything of what she'd imagined, fantasized through the rose tinted lenses of a girl with a childhood crush just seemed to be crashing down all around her. Myra felt lost; in her young age she had no venue to properly filter out the cacophony of emotions that were slamming at her left at right.

Tears of frustration and anger rose high, shimmering across her gray eyes. He was dumb. He knew nothing! Makai Dashiell was dumb, and stupid, and didn't get it. Wouldn't get it! Probably stuffing his face with Choco chews now while he turned the boat around.

Maybe that was a blessing in disguise, that Myra hadn't gone after him in a fit of fury. Sure as there where two suns in the Tatooine sky if she had, she'd only have yelled even more. The preteen was too young to properly even communicate what she felt, let alone register what was going on in her best friends mind.

So it was the sensation of his blue speckled hand on her shoulder that caught her attention. Light brown hair and gray eyes swung to face him, body tense as if to give him another string of thoughts from her mind--

Until she caught the haunted expression on his angular face, saw the plea in his eyes. Course it would figure her know a way to blow the song out of her sails. Just like that, her anger melted away into worry. Brows went scrunching forward, even a little bit of shame trickled inside.

Yelling. Makai didn't do well with yelling. Well, from time to time. More often than not he simply tuned Myra out when she got in one of her moods. Basically humoring her. What she didn't know is having his missing ma come back into his verse made him a mite more sensitive to the action.

“I don't mean to but you get me so--”

Andddd of course Makai had to add on top of that the blind assumption that Myra only saw him as an older brother. Really?! REALLY?!!

Her lips went to twist in frustration again, her tiny chest taking a sharp breath and holding it in. Fine. FINE! Nevermind that she didn't quite get the part of ‘not like how I see you’. She was focused too much on the brother comment. Being so young and not comprehending things only made it worse

Makai Dashiell just didn't get it.

So she didn't yell. He'd be glad for that, but a frustrated, heartbroken and confused Myra bent to take Koa in her arms.

The Loth cat was a mild comfort, but the parting words were as vague as they were full of emotion.

“You know nothing Makai Dashiell.” Myra said, turning to head up top and leave the older teen to the cabin below.

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