CT-2282 "Justice"
Location: Spring Island - Sanctuary
Objective: Fire in the Sky - Destroy the Turbolaser Cannons
Outfit: Light Weight FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor
Equipment: Two Horus Blaster Repeater Pistols, G-16 Blaster Carbine, Mortarium Jetpack
│ Open
The Clone ran a hand over his face, looking like he had just woken up as he opened his eyes. His deployment had been last minute, and he hadn't gotten a lot of sleep last night. Then again, when did he ever between the emergency drills between the jumps across Imperial space. And he hadn't expected a... crusader they called her? She seemed alright for the most part but if there was a living version of Imperial propaganda, it was Oola Ven.
Justice looked up, nodding at their fearless leaders' words before putting his helmet on. Another planet, another fight. It didn't matter to him what the cause for this time was, he only wanted it to be done fast before any of his people got killed for this mess. Standing up after their leader's address, he only had enough time to say. "You heard the lady Boys. Sooner we get those cannons down, the sooner we get air superiority and the sooner we can go home. Now let's get the job done." Moments later, he heard the thud of the transport landing on the ground and the doors opening up, his reflexes making him hop out first before some lucky rebel destroyed the craft he was standing in with a lucky shot.
Squirming into the sand dunes for cover after they landed, he told his team to suppress the fortifications the rebels were shooting from in order for Formation Aurek the best chance possible of moving up. A flash of light caught his eye though, just seeing the Oola's white lightsaber stab in one of the Rebel fishmen's chest. The only thought that came to his mind as it happened is. If the Jedi have the same abilities as her, we are nerfed...
Objective: Fire in the Sky - Destroy the Turbolaser Cannons
Outfit: Light Weight FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor
Equipment: Two Horus Blaster Repeater Pistols, G-16 Blaster Carbine, Mortarium Jetpack

The Clone ran a hand over his face, looking like he had just woken up as he opened his eyes. His deployment had been last minute, and he hadn't gotten a lot of sleep last night. Then again, when did he ever between the emergency drills between the jumps across Imperial space. And he hadn't expected a... crusader they called her? She seemed alright for the most part but if there was a living version of Imperial propaganda, it was Oola Ven.
Justice looked up, nodding at their fearless leaders' words before putting his helmet on. Another planet, another fight. It didn't matter to him what the cause for this time was, he only wanted it to be done fast before any of his people got killed for this mess. Standing up after their leader's address, he only had enough time to say. "You heard the lady Boys. Sooner we get those cannons down, the sooner we get air superiority and the sooner we can go home. Now let's get the job done." Moments later, he heard the thud of the transport landing on the ground and the doors opening up, his reflexes making him hop out first before some lucky rebel destroyed the craft he was standing in with a lucky shot.
Squirming into the sand dunes for cover after they landed, he told his team to suppress the fortifications the rebels were shooting from in order for Formation Aurek the best chance possible of moving up. A flash of light caught his eye though, just seeing the Oola's white lightsaber stab in one of the Rebel fishmen's chest. The only thought that came to his mind as it happened is. If the Jedi have the same abilities as her, we are nerfed...