Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Santuary Lost- EotL Dominion of Sanctuary

Location: Spring Island - Sanctuary
Objective: Fire in the Sky - Destroy the Turbolaser Cannons
Outfit: Light Weight FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor
Equipment: Two Horus Blaster Repeater Pistols, G-16 Blaster Carbine, Mortarium Jetpack
Tag: Lissa Lissa │ Open

The Clone ran a hand over his face, looking like he had just woken up as he opened his eyes. His deployment had been last minute, and he hadn't gotten a lot of sleep last night. Then again, when did he ever between the emergency drills between the jumps across Imperial space. And he hadn't expected a... crusader they called her? She seemed alright for the most part but if there was a living version of Imperial propaganda, it was Oola Ven.

Justice looked up, nodding at their fearless leaders' words before putting his helmet on. Another planet, another fight. It didn't matter to him what the cause for this time was, he only wanted it to be done fast before any of his people got killed for this mess. Standing up after their leader's address, he only had enough time to say. "You heard the lady Boys. Sooner we get those cannons down, the sooner we get air superiority and the sooner we can go home. Now let's get the job done." Moments later, he heard the thud of the transport landing on the ground and the doors opening up, his reflexes making him hop out first before some lucky rebel destroyed the craft he was standing in with a lucky shot.

Squirming into the sand dunes for cover after they landed, he told his team to suppress the fortifications the rebels were shooting from in order for Formation Aurek the best chance possible of moving up. A flash of light caught his eye though, just seeing the Oola's white lightsaber stab in one of the Rebel fishmen's chest. The only thought that came to his mind as it happened is. If the Jedi have the same abilities as her, we are nerfed...

Location: Diner far away from invasion landing

Far away from the Imperial invasion on an commercial island sitting on a red cushion topped barstool in a diner Djikra found herself with an amazing opportunity. She was here looking to expand Elnev Holdings into the food growing and shipping businesses to further her future plans. The stock market began plummeting as investors frantically started dumping holdings. Something she hadn't expected when she arrived a few days ago to get the feel of the planets best areas to grow kelp... or areas that would be good for it and other sea life farming that hadn't been exploited yet.

Djikra sat with a bowl of this planets shrimp, an alcoholic beverage that complements it, and her holotablet making financial moves. My, My, what an unexpected windfall for Elnev Holdings. It sucks for the people here, and the planets long time neutrality.... But boarders ebbb & flow. At least it isn't the Sith Order... Djikra's people had a long history with that dark order, one of alliance and betrayal. At least the Empire of the Lost is far more tolerant of aliens than most other predecessor Empires.

Djikra went back to her food while waiting for the right times on small farms & small packing companies, plus undeveloped areas to add them to her holdings. "Hey bartender, Can I get another drink?" He nodded while most patrons were glued to the battles happening far above & planet side.


Objective: III - The Hand That Feeds
Location: Sanctuary
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih


”Ami what the blasted hell are we doing here trying to secure seaweed?” Myri questioned her frequent stormtrooper partner. Even with the Staff Director being distracted by her trial and the loss and destruction of Tion, Myri knew that somehow Amiggie had been the one that got them attached to this mission. This was below even Myri’s station in the NISB. There was no security at all in this mission. Sure there were some rebels about, but out here in the kelp farms?

As she was walking Myri was staring at the ground and shaking her head. Sure in her friendship with Ami they had seen some cool action and Myri would never turn down an opportunity to have Ami’s camaraderie along on a mission. But she just kept wondering when she was going to get to do real spy stuff and test her skills other than kicking ass. She looked up to Ami and smirked, letting go a bit of a laugh even. ”I can’t believe you wore that out in public,” Myri said to her friend, still laughing lightly. ”I mean it’s actually super cute and it even fits you…but we’re on business.”

What exactly their business was Myri didn’t understand. That made her worry a lot. She was supposed to be the subtle down to business one of the pair and Ami was the hammer when needed. Myri didn’t understand what either of their purposes were on Sanctuary. ”How did you manage to get us assigned to bothering kelp farmers instead of taking out the big gun?”
Will Smash Heads for Beer

Obj 3
Civilian Clothing

"Frack you Buttercup," Ami grumbled trudging through the swamplands. It had been a while since Ami had seen action with the rapid expansion of the Empire, one would think that a Stormtrooper like Ami would be in the thick of battle. Yet here she was doing fracking cleanup with the only friend she has in this fracking Empire.

"This has to be the worst thing to do in the galaxy," Ami groaned as she tried to maintain her balance, entering the beach was no easy task due to the seaweed that was strewn everywhere on the sandy shores. Ami nearly slipped walking here it was like navigating a minefield. "I can't believe you dragged me into this mundane chit!" Ami growled angrily kicking sand in the process. "What the hell does the Empire want with seaweed?!"

The worst part was that Ami was forced to wear this stupid stress that her Mom bought her for her 18th Birthday. Ami was not the type who liked to wear dresses mainly because it felt weird to her. But her Mom was a typical girly girl and Ami wasn't one to gift a Bantha in the mouth. However, what really irked Ami was that this was the only clean clothes she had, with her favorite outfits being in the wash. "My Mom wants me to be a girl," Ami spoke in a mocking tone. "And she gave me this dress, I look like a moron Buttercup but what's worse that I'm not out there fighting!"

The Stormtrooper then raised an eyebrow when Myri said that SHE was the one who them here. "What the hell?!" Ami exclaimed. "I was following you Buttercup! You're the one who bought us this chithole!"

Myri Dara Myri Dara
Objective III: The Hand That Feeds

"Baby we need to get to the surface!" Velran shouted. "There are leaders who need to be taken down so the Empire can rise! The Sith are coming, and we need to get rid of all of the traitors who would dare destroy the Empire I've worked hard to build!"

It was an exciting time for sure, Velran needed to think outside of the box something that his Moff Council refused to do. Would Alicia Drey Alicia Drey have the great idea of turning into a Pickle to destroy the Empire's enemies? Would Teckla Tane Teckla Tane ? Nope! As they arrived on the surface, Velran smirked taking a deep breath.

"Our first objective!" Velran said. "Is to infiltrate the rebel base! It's 100 meters north from here, so we have time to make it before the leader's dinner! Be slow and steady, we want to replace the original pickle with me without the rebels knowing!"

Kanni Ugaiya Kilran Kanni Ugaiya Kilran


Objective: III - The Hand That Feeds
Location: Sanctuary
Outfit: Casual
Tag: Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih


Amiggie denied having set up the mission. It made sense, talking with farmers and trying to collect kelp was not something the stormtrooper would normally be involved in. But to have it turned back on Myri was a shock. ”What the kriff are you talking about Ami? I didn’t bring you. You brought me…” Myri grumbled.

”Losek the Looser!!” Myri expanded. As she started to rise in notoriety within the NISB, she managed to pick up a rival. Jr. Agent Yeste Dalnigain Yeste Dalnigain suggested that Losek Varginn actually had a crush on Myri, but Myri put that off as impossible. More to the matter that she didn’t like him and wasn’t about to entertain anything romantic with another NISB agent. She’d sooner date Ami!

Speaking of dating Ami, Myri was still amused by the outfit that her friend had on. It was something that she could see being worn on a date, by anyone other than Ami. ”You look cute,” Myri forced herself to say with a smirk. She hoped it wouldn’t hurt Ami’s feelings. Myri wasn’t the dress up sort either. The look for Ami wasn’t unattractive. It just wasn’t her friend.

”We were bamboozled Ami. One of my rival agents signed us up for this. Probably put your name on the mission so that I wouldn’t question it.” There was another growl from the junior agent. ”We’re stuck with it now. Let’s go try to negotiate with the farmers. You’re cute dress might help with things,” Myri giggled and winked. ”The farmers don’t know you’re a brash stormtrooper. Maybe you could flirt a little bit…”

Myri started to lead the way to the harvesters to see who was in charge. ”And you never know when trouble might just find us. You carrying in the cute dress? Or are we just going to have to go old school on any trouble?”
“The Sith are coming!” Her father said. THE SITH ARE COMING. His daughter dreamed of this. Once upon a time, on her bed, in her head, as she struggled under her covers, fighting the covers in reality as they tangled around her arms and legs, fighting undercover as a Mushu-Fushu Agent of Fumoffu in her dream, she heard the echo all over again, like the blow of a long lost listless wind over an ocean, and she knew, right there and then, that no matter how many commas oughtta separate words within her sentences, she would deliver justice even if it meant as the remnant of her Empire, or even as an Imperial rebel if worse came to worst, bcuz she was Emperor Velran Kilran’s descendant, yes, his adopted daughter, and Kanni Ugaiya Kilran had promised him no less than her loyalty in full, would uphold his legacy, deliver justice and judgment and punishment when and where given, oya, she wasn’t Mandalorian but she did like this expression, OYA.


Kanni proceeded to moofy-movey as the Pickle Emperor pronounced the judgment of his enemies in Operation: The Hand That Feeds. In retrospect this was very wummfy-mummfy or else your sister is a mummy and your mum is a numpty, yuppy-wuppy.

“Okk I do love surfaces!”

Kanni hugged her precious daddy in her pocket because he was a pickle but he was powerful oh don’t you forget it ladies and gentlemen!

Especially if you were a Sith cuz u will b punished hmmfmmmm

“Hundred meters and counting, don’t worry, Daddy!” Kanni was panting as she ran because she didn’t want to waste time between these trees. Oh look they were pretty! Oh look it’s a pretty tree! “Oh look it’s a bumblebeeeeee!”

Oh, right, Papa said sommat ‘bout going slowly and steady as he wanted to replace the original pickle without the cucumbers knowing or whatever but, oopsy, Kanni was running! Didn’t know any better, foomphie!


She promptly tripped over a tree stump and watched as her father got lost in the foliage.


Kanni nuuu’d.

“Where are you my precious pickly daddy as I will scoop you up and cherish you like this one mug I have in my cabin of Darth Vader as an infant and he looked like Darth Sidious did when he danced to the Shoo-Moo-Fa-Cha-Ha-Ha”

She looked left, looked right, cried.


Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Location: Spring Island - Sanctuary
Objective: Fire in the Sky - Destroy the Turbolaser Cannons
Tag: CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice"

Oola kept moving, not wanting to ease up on the momentum as the troopers moved to advance. All the while, the Mirage Starlight flew like a missile through the ranks of the Mon Calamari troopers, the alabaster-hued blade spearing a soldier straight through his upper chest, instantly turning his insides to steam and grease. And yet, Oola did not allow her lightsaber to cease its momentum, telekinetically propelling it straight through the gaping, boiling hole that had been made in the soldier’s chest to continue on its trajectory to impale another rebel, inflicting much the same mortal injury in the process.

From there, Oola called her blade back into her grasp and kicked into a full sprint, the Force impelling her legs beyond the limits of their natural musculature until she was almost a blur to the eye. While Force Speed was by no means her best ability, the Litr Gryttr crystal in her lightsaber strengthened her connection to the Force, making it easier to harness even her weaker powers.

Safe to say, it made telekinetic lightsaber combat a breeze.

“Justice!” Oola called out to the clone over comms. As far as the Twi’lek could tell, he was the best out of all the troopers under her command and thus, the most capable of initiative. “Aerial attack! You know what to do! It’s time to shatter them!” She finished.

Moments later, Oola rushed out from the dunes, her lightsaber flying ahead to tear through the ranks of the Mon Calamari troopers in the manner of a boomerang. In less than a second, four of the rebels were suddenly bisected from hip to hip—a quartet of sai tok strikes, delivered from afar. Before the soldiers could fully process why their legs no longer seemed to respond, the bisected halves of their maimed bodies slid to the ground in a sequence of wet thunks. All the while, Oola was already moving past them, the frosty-white blade of her weapon flying out from her grasp to behead two more enemy soldiers in a pair of ranged sai cha strikes, turning the area into a scene out of an abattoir.

And yet, even with all the carnage that had already been inflicted, the remaining Mon Calamari troopers still had yet to face the coming attack from the air.
Location: Spring Island - Sanctuary
Objective: Fire in the Sky - Destroy the Turbolaser Cannons
Outfit: Light Weight FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor
Equipment: Two Horus Blaster Repeater Pistols, G-16 Blaster Carbine, Mortarium Jetpack, Thermal Detonator
Tag: Lissa Lissa

Justice was struggling to keep up with his commander as she cried out for him to attack, putting his carbine away and propelling himself over the sand dune that had served as his cover and towards the gun. His men were steps behind him and for some it was steps too late. What remained of the Mon Cal defenses that weren't focused on getting slaughtered by Oola turned their fire towards the now exposed group. The bolts ripped into the members of his squad as they lifted off into flight, knocking some of the stormtroopers down like ducks during a hunt. Thankfully he wasn't one of them. As the colorful bolts blazed past him, he could only blast away in return with his two pistols, shouting "We can do this! That gun is going down today, Brothers! I'm not dying here on this beach, and neither are you! We fight together as one!"

Landing quickly on the rocky battlements, he shot the first Fishman through the gut and then turned to face the next assailant as they charged him, lunging at him with a combat knife. It was easy enough to dodge to the side and slam his gun down on his hand, making the fishman squeal as he dropped the knife out of his hand only to be silenced by another shot from his pistols. His actions were built on his bred in instincts for combat. This would happen again and again till the Clone finally reached the Gun as what remained of his men tried to hold the fishmen back as they suicidally charged to stop them from destroying their only protection. Not wasting time, he raced to the gun's main controls, bending down and placed the thermal charge from his belt to the console. Hopefully it would be enough to make the gun inoperable till they could full secure the ground around them. Until then, all he could do is bolt back into the fray, hoping to get what men he had left through to this battle's end.
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Location: Spring Island - Sanctuary
Objective: Fire in the Sky - Destroy the Turbolaser Cannons
Tag: CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice"

“Good work Justice!” Oola called out to the clone as he rocketed skyward. All the while, the Twi’lek made her way up the steps of the battlement, her lightsaber a flying boomerang of death as it struck down four more Mon Calamari troopers one after another, severing their bodies in twain from hip to hip. With much of their attention focused on the aerial attack led by Justice, they had failed to see the Twi’lek Crusader ascending the steps behind them, until it was too late.

Unfortunately, her soldiers had already taken losses, with some being shot from the sky as they made their assault. While most of the troopers were unharmed, the Twi’lek knew that the wounded would need to be attended to and possibly evacuated.

“This is Squire Oola Ven to Holy Rosary. Requesting immediate casevac for three wounded troopers. Marking their positions!” Oola transmitted immediately, before receiving a quick response confirming reception of her transmission. All the while, two of the squads’ medics took to treating the stricken troopers, leaving Oola, Justice, and the survivors to press on with the assault.

And so, with a deep intake of breath, Oola sprinted up to the next level of the battlements, her lightsaber flying 20 meters ahead of her to impale a Mon Calamari through his chest as she did. Not even a heartbeat later, her gauntlet vibroblade sprang out from its sheath to slash a nearby rebel open from shoulder to hip in a spray of viscera and crimson life essence. The now-eviscerated body fell to the ground almost listlessly, but Oola was already racing past it, her vibroblade ripping into the throat of another Mon Calamari just as she called the Mirage Starlight back into her grasp.

Moments later, Oola came up behind Justice as he finished setting the charges, before extending her senses in an effort to reveal any incoming danger as he worked.

And right on cue, a premonition flared within her awareness.

Suddenly, Oola turned around and launched into a sprint, intercepting a pair of hulking war automatons just before they would have turned the corner to fire into Justice’s back. Her lightsaber flew ahead of her path and struck one of the battle droids on its duranium chassis in a shower of sparks, briefly staggering it. Unfortunately, while heavily-scorched and red hot, the metal plating turned the blade away, causing it to bounce off. Seeing the impact, the Twi’lek extended a hand to push the other battle droid down to the ground via a telekinetic impulse, buying her time to engage the first.

After calling her lightsaber back into her hand, Oola launched it towards the mechanical war machine once more, aiming for the same spot she had struck earlier. This time, it melted through the plating and instantly turned the droid’s insides to slag, causing it to fall to the ground. By the time the second droid was rising up onto its feet, Oola was right on top of it, her lightsaber slashing once, twice, then thrice until its plating and internals were gashed and smoking.

“Justice!” Oola called out as she turned away from the two fallen droids. “Ready up your troopers! Something big is coming.” The Twi’lek growled.

And right on cue, a series of pounding metallic footsteps seemed to vibrate the earth itself. Seconds later, the crimson photoreceptor of a massive, titanic war droid peered over the top of a nearby building, seeming to stare directly at Oola and Justice.

Location: Spring Island - Sanctuary
Objective: Fire in the Sky - Destroy the Turbolaser Cannons
Outfit: Light Weight FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor
Equipment: Two Horus Blaster Repeater Pistols, G-16 Blaster Carbine, Mortarium Jetpack,
Tag: Lissa Lissa

Justice was too busy fighting and running to notice her light footfalls as she ran up to join him. He did notice the large clanking sounds though and turned around just in time to see his commander use the famous lightsaber she wielded to cut them down, just leaving smoking piles of machine parts in her wake. He didn't have time to respond to her orders before he saw the same thing as she did. First the red eye looking at them both, then the guns leveled down at them. "Oh Nerf..." was the only thing he could say before they started to blaze away at them, turning the rock pathway they walked up on to rubble, hurting everyone that remained alive and coating the ground in red blood.

It only took a moment for Justice to yell across the radio, activating his jetpack and jumping back towards the sands "Everyone back to the beach! Protect the medical transports with everything we have!" His men largely followed them, darting back to the original positions, taking cover as they fought back with the small arms they had for as good as it would do them. They had not brought any anti-armor weaponry, going for mobility instead. Clearly, intelligence was as useful as ever... The only good thing that was going for the Imperials was that one of the explosions was the thermal detonator that neutralized their objective. Faced with complete destruction if something wasn't done, he scurried along the firing line to where the Squire looked over the new challenge. "Squire, please tell me we have air support. If not, we are going to have to be very creative or we will be very dead."
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Objective: II - King of the Ocean
Tags: Bella Bella | Lord Rasnuhl Lord Rasnuhl | Garrdar Spirways Garrdar Spirways | Vokeo Iga Vokeo Iga
Fleet Composition:
Imperial Ten-Six Star Destroyer, Anastasia
Imperial Ten-Six Star Destroyer, Erika
Imperial Ten-Six Star Destroyer, Blanchette
Virtue-Class Escort Frigate, Confutatis
Virtue-Class Escort Frigate, Kyrie
Virtue-Class Escort Frigate, Lacrimosa
Rapax-Class Escort Corvette, Winter Wind
Rapax-Class Escort Corvette, Torrent
Rapax-Class Escort Corvette, Tristesse
Tempest Squadron (TIE/DL) - 8/8
1x Jagdhund Squad (Bella's Squad) - 4/4
2x Hund Squads - 16/16
2x Eradicator Squads - 8/8
1x TIE/DL Squad - 8/8
3x TIE/V Squads - 36/36
2x Eradicator Squads - 8/8
1x Jagdhund Squad - 4/4
2x TIE/V Squads - 24/24
3x Eradicator Squads - 12/12

The first sounds of war were the concussion cannons sounding off one barrel after another in a ripple-fire manner, followed swiftly by the sounds of turbolasers and megamasers. Augustus' plan to come out swinging was successful, it caught the enemy off guard even if it was only for a moment. The Crown was the first to fire back being the most experienced out of the bunch, its weapons rocked the Anastasia's bridge. Augustus started to bark out orders,

"I want all our destroyer's concussion cannons and octuple batteries firing on the Crown. The rest of the armament is to focus on one frigate at a time until there are none left; the same with their support vessels. Have our Virtues coordinate with our gun crews to target the same vessels, and have our corvettes screen for any starfighters that get through. We'll knock out the Crown's support and drive her into a corner; although by that time they might not have an engine to drive with."

There was a resounding "Yes sir!" from the crew as the battle raged on. Augustus was confident in his crew, most of them were from the Anastasia back when it was still a "Ten-Five" model. He looked towards a comms officer and asked if they knew who was fighting with them.

"Darth Rasnuhl, sir," she responded.

Augustus didn't show it on his face, but he was surprised. He didn't expect Moffs to be at the forefront of battle; although his knowledge of Moffs was limited to what his father had taught him about past Imperial factions. However, Darth Rasnuhl was no ordinary Moff, he was a Sith, which already had Augustus respect the man, despite this being their first meeting. He then asked the officer to send a message to his ship.

<<"Darth Rasnuhl, my lord, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance and to fight alongside you. As the ranking officer here, do you have any strategies in mind for this particular operation? I can have what I've laid out sent to you posthaste.">>

He waited for a response from the Darth's ship while Augustus' fleet peppered their enemies with each boom of their cannons and the veritable light show of energy weapons.
Location: Spring Island - Sanctuary
Objective: Fire in the Sky - Destroy the Turbolaser Cannons
Tag: CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice"

“No air support!” Oola answered back as she kicked into another sprint, her legs burning with the exertion as the super heavy battle droid fired hail of plasma towards the space she had been standing in only moments prior. While the Twi’lek was well-conditioned, the demands on her body were beginning to take their toll. Nevertheless, Oola still had her legs beneath her, which didn’t fail her as she cut into the trees.

“Justice, have your aerial troopers harass the super heavy droid!” Oola directed over comms. “Those cannons have a high rate of fire, but they’re heavy weapons. The droid will have a hard time hitting agile airborne targets!” She continued. “Tell the rest of the troopers to set an ambush position at the beach. If my plan fails, it’ll be our secondary line of defense.” She finished.

With that, the Crusader grunted as she pushed her way through the undergrowth, her lightsaber a flash of light as she heaved it forward in a boomerang-like arc to decapitate a pair of concealed Mon Calamari troopers standing in her path. Then, without missing a stride, Oola leapt over their bodies and pressed on, her gaze narrowing with focus as she did.

All she needed was for her troopers to buy enough time to allow her to get on the super heavy droid’s flanks. Then, she could make her play.

Location: Spring Island - Sanctuary
Objective: Fire in the Sky - Destroy the Turbolaser Cannons
Outfit: Light Weight FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor
Equipment: Two Horus Blaster Repeater Pistols, G-16 Blaster Carbine, Mortarium Jetpack
Tag: Lissa Lissa

He should have known the answer as soon as it left his mouth, not able to offer a reply as the blast from the shot that just missed her blasted up a geyser of sand in his face, forcing him back a small distance. He said under his breath as he tried to recover from the shock, but he was built for war, and he did not stay silent for long. Muttering "Yes Ma'am..." under his breath, he quickly ordered the bulk of his troopers to fall back and dig in by the landing zone the medivacs had used to transport the wounded away. Digging in like some kind of rat might not be the best solution but it was the only one he had. He quickly gave those in the squad with underslung grenade launchers in their kit to attach the tubes to their blasters. Maybe they could make a dent in that monster as some last-ditch tactic to pierce its armor if their force user failed. Hopefully they wouldn't have to find out if it would work.

Giving the order to fan out, he directed his airborne forces to distract the droid in any way possible, making it try to follow them all with its beady eye. It would be able to catch them all eventually, but it would take time... Precious time that hopefully would give the Squire the chance she needed to execute her attack. Taking to the air for what might be the last time, Justice took in that time second by second, wishing he could fly away from the screaming wounded and the lingering death around him. If only he really had wings... But then the other part of him kicked in to overdrive, the part programed to fight and die in service of the Empire and he could only resolve that, if he was going to die, he would take as many of these fish brains with him as possible.
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Objective II: King of the Ocean

Allies: Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss | Bella Bella
6 Impetum Heavy Cruiser
1 Cynosure Nidus

From the bridge of the Imperator Warlord Rasnuhl took in the holoprojector of positions, beyond being the bridge transparisteel windows showing the cacophony of fire from the two sides. His newest warships could pack a punch for their size, but they were there for the invasion... Once the planetary lasers were offline. Talking out loud to his fleet tactician "So if three come down towards Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss formation from 30° above port side. And use and the other two & us to follow suit on the starboard but from below angle..." The older male Zabrak with his black uniform standing out against his yellow & black designed covered skin leans in over the holo display brow furrowed as Warlord Rasnuhl speaks "Hmmm... That would be a very non traditional move. One that may split them giving our allies an advantage." Warlord Rasnuhl shakes his head in agreement.

The duo is interrupted by the female communications officer "Lord Rasnuhl, You have an incoming transmission from Augustus Von Strauss. Orders?"
He paused for a moment recalling who the captain was in his new realm of Empire of the Lost list of allies to learn. "I see, patch it through."
<<"Darth Rasnuhl, my lord, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance and to fight alongside you. As the ranking officer here, do you have any strategies in mind for this particular operation? I can have what I've laid out sent to you posthaste.">>
<<Pleasure to make yours as well. Well since my ships are well armed but not as armed as your Star destroyer I was going to try and split them. Three of my Impetum's to 30° above on your port side and my ship plus the other two at 30° below starboard coming at them. Those together should force their hand at splitting their defenses.>> He pauses for a moment moving holo pieces around again <<I would like to see what you planned out, and any input about it all.>>

As Darth Rasnuhl waited for a reply, he ordered his ships to start moving towards the plan he laid out. Using his Carrier Star Destroyer Darth Rasnuhl deploys five squadrons of vultures to land on the hulls of his Impetum's so they can launch and screen his ships. Further launching twenty pairs of three vultures to help keep the organic pilots alive by forcing enemy pilots off the tails of allies etc.
Location: Sanctuary High Orbit
Objective: King of the Ocean
Tag: Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss Lord Rasnuhl Lord Rasnuhl Garrdar Spirways Garrdar Spirways

As her squadron followed close behind, Bella pushed hard on the throttle to send her starfighter racing around the edge of the primary battlespace. A glance casted in her wake saw the void light up with turbolaser fire unleashed from the Anastasia’s heavy batteries, giving plenty of cover for her starfighters to close the distance to their target. Seeking to take advantage of it, Bella dialed in a small amount of power to the overdrive motor, at which point an explosive burst of acceleration sent her machine zooming ahead.

With such speed, it didn’t take long for Bella to come within range of the Crown, far faster than it took for the enemy to scramble fighters to respond. Nevertheless, a few fighters were vectoring towards her direction, but if all went according to plan, Bella sensed that she might need not tangle with them.

“All call signs, launch missiles now!” Bella called out over comms. And right on cue, a target lock confirmation pinged against her montrals, at which point a veritable storm of iadrium and concussion missiles rushed out from her starfighter’s weapon pods. Eight missiles in total raced into the void, taking evasive, swerving trajectories to evade point defense fire as they homed in on their designated target—the Crown’s engine array.

However, Bella did not stick around to watch any explosions or get caught by point defense. She opened the overdrive motor once more, this time dialing in maximum power to send her starfighter racing away from the Crown with such blistering velocity that it was almost akin to a hyperspace jump, sending her zooming back towards the edge of the battlespace in the process.

If all of her missiles struck true, the Crown would soon be dead in the water.

“Fox fours away! Fire your missiles and hit it!”

Craft: NCE-101b "Jagdhund" Elite Superiority Fighter
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Objective: II - King of the Ocean
Tags: Bella Bella | Lord Rasnuhl Lord Rasnuhl | Garrdar Spirways Garrdar Spirways

Imperial Ten-Six, Anastasia
Imperial Ten-Six, Erika
Imperial Ten-Six, Blanchette
Engaging Enemy Capital Ships
Virtue Escort Frigate, Confutatis
Virtue Escort Frigate, Kyrie
Virtue Escort Frigate, Lacrimosa
Engaging Enemy Capital Ships
Rapax Escort Corvette, Winter Wind
Rapax Escort Corvette, Torrent
Rapax Escort Corvette, Tristesse
Screening Against Fighters
Tacitus Carrier, MoonlightWaiting Outside System

Tempest Squadron (TIE/DL) - 8/8
1x Jagdhund Squad (Bella's Squad) - 4/4
2x Hund Squads - 16/16
2x Eradicator Squads - 7/8
1x TIE/DL Squad - 8/8
3x TIE/V Squads - 32/36
2x Eradicator Squads - 7/8
1x Jagdhund Squad - 4/4
2x TIE/V Squads - 21/24
3x Eradicator Squads - 10/12

<<Pleasure to make yours as well. Well since my ships are well armed but not as armed as your Star destroyer I was going to try and split them. Three of my Impetum's to 30° above on your port side and my ship plus the other two at 30° below starboard coming at them. Those together should force their hand at splitting their defenses.>> He pauses for a moment moving holo pieces around again <<I would like to see what you planned out, and any input about it all.>>

Augustus listened to the Darth's words carefully, moving around his own holo pieces seeing all the ways the strategy could play out. It was sound and going up against a mostly inexperienced, civillian floatilla it would likely get the exact reaction from them. The Crown however, being an experienced vessel, might alter the outcome.

<<I believe your plan should work sir. Pushing forward, would also give us an edge, ISDs were designed for closer engagements and I have no qualms about using them as such. I'll have my ship get ready to follow your lead once you are in position.>> He paused playing it out in his head. Then added, <<My plan was to use our heavier weaponry to slug it out with the Crown. While targeting its frigates and support vessels with the rest of our batteries. Whittling down their numbers and the Crown's friends. Additionally, The Baroness' squadron in tandem with Tempest and the Blanchette's Jagdhund squad are working on disabling the engines of the Crown. All other fighter and bomber squadrons are making their way to their allotted targets.>>

Augustus' tactical mind was active and all signs pointed to their plan being successful, but he couldn't stop from thinking that the Crown might have an ace in the hole. It more than likely didn't, but it wouldn't be bad to assume otherwise, a good captain prepared for all eventualities. Luckily for him, Bella Bella and her fighters were already close to the cruiser and hounding (bu dum tiss) it, maybe making it's ace come out sooner than expected if it did have one.

"All stations, prepare to act on Darth Rasnul's plan once his ships are in position." He looked down towards one of his comms officers, "And have the vitrues and rapax's spread a little more out, but have their fields of fire still overlapping, I don't want a hole in out fighter screen."

There was a resounding affirmative from his crew and the few commanders he had on comm lines to his bridge. Now he waited.

Meanwhile in the hangar control room:

"Holy chit, Karl are you seeing what I am?" An engineer called out.

Karl looked at a terminal, specifically the one recording the Baroness' flight data. "I knew she was good." He pushed up a small set of reading glasses. "But this is amazing. She's really putting the Jagdhund to work." He walked over to a comms officer and plugged his headset into his terminal connesting directly to her cockpit.

"Please excuse me for interrupting what seems to be an attack run, looking at the data." He chuckled. "You're doing marvelous, you've pushed her far, and I think you could go even further. Thank you for making this old engineer's week."

All of the data he was getting was great, but a Baroness in the cockpit was putting a skew on the data, which Karl didn't mind. Even Tempest with their new defenders were pushing their crafts farther than the other defender squadron out there. And his son was providing valuable data on the Ten-Six as well. Everything was going splendidly for him and his designs.
Location: Spring Island - Sanctuary
Objective: Fire in the Sky - Destroy the Turbolaser Cannons
Tag: CT-2282 "Justice" CT-2282 "Justice"

Now was the time to strike. Pushing through the brush with her last reserves of strength, Oola leaped out from the vegetation and sent her lightsaber flying towards one of the heavy battle droids guarding the flanks of the super heavy war droid. This time, she aimed her blade for its lower joints so as to bypass its heavy armor plating, thus bisecting the automaton via a ranged sai tok strike. To finish it off, the Crusader slashed her lightsaber straight through the photoreceptor array in a graceful display of telekinetic lightsaber manipulation, causing the droid to fall silent.

After swiftly dispatching the other heavy battle droid in much the same manner, Oola turned her attention towards the super heavy, which as predicted was struggling to shoot down the airborne clone troopers. However, one of the clones landed on the top of a nearby building, thinking to attack the titanic war droid from above. However, in doing so he gave up his mobility, allowing the droid to obliterate his position with a powerful burst of concussion fire, shattering the troopers’ armor and pulverizing the body within.

Oola gritted her teeth at the sight. Nevertheless, the Crusader didn’t break her stride as she raced towards the super heavy droid’s rear flank. Once she was right next to the large, bubble-shaped deflector shield surrounding the automaton, Oola activated her field disruptor and rolled through the energized barrier, which crackled and fizzled as she traversed it.

Then, she attacked.

Her lightsaber was a blur of alabaster incandescence as the plasma-infused blade lashed out in a sequence of strikes, immediately taking out two of the super heavy droid’s legs. On cue, the automaton lost its balance and tipped to the ground, at which point Oola jumped up onto the top of its chassis and plunged her lightsaber through the droid’s central photoreceptor in a shower of sparks and molten metal. Then, just as the droid collapsed to the ground, the Twi’lek leapt off of its head in an acrobatic backflip, landing gracefully on her feet as the super heavy droid came crashing down with a final mechanical whine and a hard, metallic thud.

Location: Spring Island - Sanctuary
Objective: Fire in the Sky - Destroy the Turbolaser Cannons
Outfit: Light Weight FAE/A-11 Imperial Stormtrooper Armor
Equipment: Two Horus Blaster Repeater Pistols, G-16 Blaster Carbine, Mortarium Jetpack
Tag: Lissa Lissa

Justice could only aim down the sights of his carbine, hiding behind what little cover there was and blasting away at the Heavy Battle Droids, trying his best to ignore the blaster bolts as they sped by. Please Squire... We can't keep this up... He knew from the cries of pain that came from beside him is that their force was dwindling. It would only a matter of time till the line fully broke and there was nothing he could do to save his troops or himself. As the clunks of the droids came closer and closer, he decided that he would have to change his own fate if he was going to try to make it through this.

Preparing, he grabbed the tape off of his utility belt, taping some of the detonators to two of his knives and putting them on a short timer. Hopefully these will help. Now, here we go... Quickly getting up out of cover, he leaned forward and activated his jump pack, he zipped in between two droids as the approached, sticking the knives into their red sensor lights. The Clone was smiling as he turned around just in time to witness the twin blasts. The backblast of his jump pack landing right on another droid, damaging its visual sensors as the jump pack's fire spit into the eye slits. That did not mean the droid was finished however as Justice soon found out as its metal paws pushed the Clone off its body and onto the ground, defenseless. It was then a quick draw contest with the Enemies Juggernaut quickly drawing his wrist blaster to bear on where he thought the Clone was and starting to blaze away. The Clone could only do the same, twisting and drawing his pistols at the droid and pulling the trigger.


Justice's eyes slowly opened, the sheering pain in his shoulder making him wince. He had been very fortunate or just had been plain lucky that only one of the droid's bolts had found its way into his shoulder before he had shut it down for good. What stunned him more though as he sat up was what remained of the giant war machine had been cut at the ankles. She... really did it... It was hard for him to believe that the young women he had seen before had destroyed that... And yet given her earlier heroics, he should have believed it from the start. Either way, she had freed up the sky for Imperial Transports to come down and drop off more troops. Waving off the medics that came to help him to free them up to take care of others, he started to take off his armor and pull out his personal aid kit, wrapping up the bleeding wound to his shoulder as he swore to himself that he would look up any information he could on Squire Lissa Lissa if it was the last thing he did.
Objective II: King of the Ocean

Allies: Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss | Bella Bella
6 Impetum Heavy Cruiser
1 Cynosure Nidus

His ships moved with haste to their designated locations while they waited for Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss 's analysis of the plan.
<<My plan was to use our heavier weaponry to slug it out with the Crown. While targeting its frigates and support vessels with the rest of our batteries. Whittling down their numbers and the Crown's friends. Additionally, The Baroness' squadron in tandem with Tempest and the Blanchette's Jagdhund squad are working on disabling the engines of the Crown. All other fighter and bomber squadrons are making their way to their allotted targets.>>

When Darth Rasnuhl heard the plan and moved the pieces around he was more confident that aggressive action would win them the day. It's something that wasn't done often & usually done with the ragtag group trying to get the drop on the better equipped enemies.

Responding back <<Sounds good. My ships will be in position in a few moments, Move when ready.>> It felt like a long time, but repositioning took time especially arcing out to the side and changing attack angle. It also played to the Impetum's natural design of two thirds of its weapons could fire almost straight ahead, giving a greater concentration of fire.

His ships began to take more of the share of enemy fire as they dish out return fire. Hoping for Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss to pull off a perfectly timed dance that would devastate what was left of the enemy fleet. Speaking to Augustus again <<Let's go cripple their fleet!>> Their ships along with Bella Bella 's fighters were going to make short work of them all. Unless the Enemy captain had some tricks up his sleeve.

the 6 Impetum's move into position trying to time with Augustus's ships attack.
Then open fire while the vultures on their hall harass enemy ships that come near.

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