Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Scouting the ACA

Lira Dajenn

[member="Ryan Korr"]

Lira didn't answer. Instead she began to survey the spaceport.

There were guards at the spaceport of course, and they appeared to be looking for them. She frowned, trying to remember where the hangar was and if they could get to it. She knew that by now her ship had likely been cordoned off from the rest of the hangar, and most likely it was surrounded by guards. With a frown she closed her eyes, recalling the layout of the spaceport.

“We go around.” Lira said opening her eyes suddenly. The Spaceport was mostly an enclosed building, though of course the hangars needed to be open. They themselves were Walld off and to the right of the main terminal, meaning they got be reached with a bit of creativity.

Quickly Lira moved, her breath steadily moving her chest up and down as she walked towards the main Wall. A guard looked her way, but didn't recognize her from the distance. With a swipe of her hand Lira motioned to Ryan.

He would scale the wall first with a running start, then pull her up when he was on top.
Booted feet flew across the ground with the swiftness of the wind. His breath sawed in and out of his chest from their previous run, but he pressed on despite the screams of his capillaries. The Force was a river of light that flooded his body and senses. Sounds, smells and sights were all clear and sharp. He grunted as his boots hit the wall and he began running up it with long strides.

The weakness in his limbs fell away with the invigoration of the Force. He could not keep it up forever, but he didn't need an infinity to scale the wall.

The toes of his boots scraped the wall with his last two bounds as he scrabbled for the top. Fingers clung to the edge and he hauled himself up. He looked down below at [member="Lira Dajenn"], careful to avoid outlining himself against the sky and alerting guards.

"Jump," he projected.


Lira Dajenn

[member="Ryan Korr"]

Lira gazed around for a few moments, checking to make sure there was no guards or anyone else watching.

Taking a few steps back she wound herself, the force finding its way back into her muscles. There was a feeling of tiredness that came over it, but she shook her head and wiped it away. There wasn't any time to be tired, not yet. She rushed forward, taking powerful springing steps. Two of them landed on the wall, and with the last she pushed herself up.

For a few seconds she flew, then reached out.

Her hand clasped around Ryan's wrist, and his own around hers.

She nodded, then pushed herself off the wall, with the added momentum of him practically throwing her Lira double over the wall and landed on the other side with a quiet thud buffered by the force. Immediately whirling locks of white swooped around looking for anyone.

When no one was found, she called out to Ryan and set off.

Their Hangar was not far from the entrance thankfully, and as they slowly approached Lira spotted her ship being cordoned off from the others. It was surrounded by literal red tape and a fleet of droids that Lira couldn't identify, likely part of some special ACA squad. She looked for any living people, then let out a loud sigh. She knew what she had to do.

“Get to your ship. Get ready to go.” She grumbled, she would have to sit on his lap after all.
Korr nodded once and sprinted toward his ship. There were no guards around his beat up looking Shrike-class. Everybody was too concerned with the shiny Republic Interceptor in the other bay.

The canopy swung open and he hopped inside the familiar cockpit, breathless and exhausted from the run. He began a pre-flight check at a speed that would make some air traffic controllers cry. Switches flicked, lights blinked, and the star fighter's engines roared to life with a high whine.

Now he just had to sit there and wait for [member="Lira Dajenn"] to finish her task. He closed his eyes and stretched out in the Force, wary for a trap. The ACA's use of droids had put him at a disadvantage, but he could still feel the precognitive sense of danger if he listened to the rippled in the Force. Not nearly as good as Lira's mechu-deru, but it was something droids lacked.

Ryan waited.

[member="Ryan Korr"] might have felt a sense of danger, but nothing immediate. His slightly hasty take off was not enough to raise the attention of the distracted guards and air traffic controllers.

However, the facial recognition systems and extensive monitoring would not take long to trace the route of the pilot of the Republic interceptor. The ships in orbit could well be alerted before his ship could calculate the hyperspace jump, or he reached a distance far enough from the world to leave realspace.

Lira Dajenn

Lira moved quickly, her moves like a dance. She ensured that the ship was clear of all civilians, ensured that no one was near it or close to it that could get severely harmed, then she walked over towards Ryans ship.

There was a sour expression on her face, one that told of misery and annoyance.

A remote was produced from her hand and she signaled to him to make some room. Of course there wasn't any, and she would have to sit on his lap, something that irked her, especially since they had quite a ways to travel.

“Were stopping at the first planet and getting a ride. Even if you have to leave me there.” She grumbled, then crawled up into the fighter onto his lap. “Go.”

The canopy Sealed, and immediately Ryan's fighter took off. As soon as the ship was far enough away, Lira pressed the button on her remote.

Build deep into the J-1's systems like any self respectable starfighter was a self destruct system. The one on the J-1 did not cause a massive explosion, but instead it burnt through the reactor incredibly quickly. This caused the ship itself to go into overdrive and simply overload. Every circuit, every wire, and even the hull of the ship heated to such an intense degree that the ship simply melted into slag.

If a person was standing near this it would harm them a great deal, but Droids? Droids would be fine.

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