Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Screams Under Skye | EE Dominion of Skye (SGWH)




For many years the S’kytri wandered their home planet in peace. No Galactic powers telling them what to do, or how to run their planet. Sunsets and sunrises passed without issue, and they were happy to not require the assistance of any galactic neighbors besides trade.

At least, until recently.

A distress signal sent from the planet was caught on Empire channels, speaking of massive planet-wide cave ins, and many trapped citizens of the planet underneath. Merely a day after the signal was brought to the attention of the Empire, another, more panicked, signal reached their ears.

The Entyrmion had fallen.

Long forgotten beasts of old escaped from the planet’s underworld, and were ravaging the surface. These beasts in the thousands of years they had been trapped, were now… Changed. Stronger, bigger… Darker.

Now, not only was there a humanitarian crisis, but a war for the planet.



Objective 1: Under the Mines
Thousands of distress beacons planet wide from miners trapped in cave-ins call for help. Make your way through the tunnels to reach them before their air runs out… Or a more terrible fate takes them first.

Objective 2: War on the Surface
All across the planet, creatures long forgotten to myth and legend attack the local S’kytri settlements. Help defend them, and push back against the horde! Just beware, some of these creatures seem… Dark.
As a little help, these creatures are mutated and corrupted locals (now Sithspawn), possibly demons.

Objective 3: Find the Source
Someone or something had to be the cause of a planet-wide disaster. Find them, take them out, and put an end to it all.

Objective 4: Bring Your Own Objective (BYOO)
There could be countless other tasks/narratives on the planet and in the hex. Exploring and examination of the planet, exploring ancient ruins, possibly searching for older Rebel or First Order facilities, contacting the locals and all that could be listed. The point is to make everyone have fun.

OOC: Thanks to Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan for the dominion

Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Find the Source and kill it.
Location: Kharys' fortress, Canaitith Mountain, Skye
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Njósnari Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I hoped to have some rest; lately everything has been crowded and rushed. I wanted to spend just one, just one week somewhere, in peace. Vacation, VACATION! Slowly, I didn't even know the word anymore, what it meant. Also, it's been a long time since I last saw Arturo Braga Arturo Braga , I'm really starting to miss him. I think this is where the old people say, if I have time to think about my boyfriend, I'm not working hard enough.

Feth them!

A planet called Skye; the name of this one was quite friendly and kind, I really liked it, I liked to imagine something like seas, oceans, pleasant climate, cocktails, relaxation! I don't even know what relaxation or vacation means anymore! I didn't have much time to go anywhere...

But back to the task at hand and why I was in this place. The whole planet was attacked by monsters. Actually, they didn't even come from outside, but someone, or a group turned the locals into monsters and the locals attacked their former people. Unpleasant! And our task was to find whoever did this to the locals and capture them or kill them. Great bounty hunting job, at least for me. Although I still would have preferred to take a vacation, I cannot stand idly by while others suffer.

So I accepted the task and now I am here on the planet. Following the information I received, I arrived at the place, which was a mountain range, and at the top was a huge and well-protected castle. Based on the reports, the darkness was concentrated here, so this place was worth investigating. I wasn't a Force user, but I wasn't even a Sensitive, just attuned, like all other twi'leks. However, the intelligence agents of the Eternal Empire had always provided me with correct information so far, so I had no reason to doubt it.

Flying low with my jetpack, I arrived near the palace. At the moment, I was at the bottom of the mountain, in the valley, and from here I looked up at the palace that looked like a huge tower at the top of the mountain. I had no idea what kind of security systems there might be, but already it looked like a very well protected place. While I don't particularly like them, they were useful and I sent the mini probe droids out to survey the place.

Meanwhile, I tried to contact the others on the safe communication channel.

<< This is Silhana Cadera, is there anyone else in the area on behalf of the local government and the Eternal Empire? >>

I hoped so.



Location: Skye | Canaitith Mountain | Kharys' fortress
Objective 3.: Find the Source
Equipment: KC-77N Hybrid Pistols x2 | HUD goggles | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | Protective outfit | Knuckle plate vibro blade
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera
Dialogue Legend: "Galactic Basic" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | << comm. channel >>


Another new locale for Myri due to her work within Blackwatch. She was still in her probationary process, but she had earned a good deal more freedom from the day she’d walked out of the academy. This time she found herself on Skye, warm and mountainous with a local species of sentient flying beings. Myri had met briefly with some of the S’kytri. They were frightened and trying to mobilize the Highland and Lowland clans in collaboration for the current threat.

The locals didn’t seem as happy to see the Eternal Empire as Myri thought they should be, but that was the glory of the Empire. They did what had to be done whether they were wanted or not. Doubting that she would be getting a whole lot of support from the Supreme Councils or the Patriarch Myri set out on her own. Hoping to hook up with some other Imperial assets.

She grinned as Silhana Cadera’s voice came over her comm. << Welcome to Skye Silhana Cadera. This is E7 Operative Myri Dara of Blackwatch. How can I be of service? >>
Last edited:

Nyrasa Emrick
Lady of the Emrick Dynasty, The Emrick Witch, Nyrasa Vrinas, Special Agent of the Blackwatch, Blade of the Black Citadel

Location: Kharys' fortress, Canaitith Mountain, Skye
Objective: Find the source and eliminate it (III)
Equipment: VA-BWu | XA-4 'Sliverslash' Galvanic Whipblade | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | KIIR-24 'Stormclaw' Gauss Pistol | X-7 Vibro-Blades
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Myri Dara Myri Dara


The Blackwatch agent peered out of her science crawler as she analysed her surroundings. She had only just departed from Zakuul days ago, now she was here, stuck on some planet chasing the cause to the planets problems. Of course, her determination to find this enemy was born from ambition and curiosity. She was a scientist above all else, and this 'source' of Skye's problem was something she could exploit, if found. She just had to hope no one got to it first.

"Alright, let's keep a move on, with hope, we'll reach the castle before nightfall." She muttered over the comm system, as two more crawlers moved up beside hers. The S'kytri were otherwise helpless on this matter, too busy dealing with their own homes then to find the source itself. This didn't bother the agent, she had no doubt they would deal with the problem, as the Blackwatch had dealt with all of the threats to the Empire.

Just as the Walkers begun their move to the supposed source, a comm transmission reached the crawler. She clenched her fist as the transmission was heard by the crew, and she paused as the transmission was acknowledged by a Black Watch agent. Guess the source will be more difficult to isolate than I thought.

This is Special Agent Vrinas of the Blackwatch. I've nearly made my way to the base of the mountain, I trust the both of you are in the area?" She ended her transmission as she gave the order for the crawlers to increase speed. The hunt had begun.




Equipment: Twin Full Leg Braces, Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 4 Whimsy Knives, 3 Terminus Shivs, 4 Explosive Knives, 1 Scherezade Blade, 2 Sticky Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 2 Pink Vapor Grenades, 4 Microdetonators
Ship and Ship Accessories: Teeny, Screaming Mimi
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi - Shiny Paws III
Objective: I - Miner Troubles
Location: Skye, Mineshaft Vent
Tag: Open

Shiny Paws gave her a woeful sound as she shimmied her way into the large tube that protruded from below. Her leg braces catching just enough of the sidewalls to allow her to pause and address the worry the droid had expressed.

"Look. I don't see anybody else dealing with the underground. And someone's got to. Alright? So just relax, I got this. You and Teeny wait patiently." She leaned against the rim of the tube that blew hot exhaust against the armor around her legs. Her suit kept her comfy for the moment but she silently wondered about that comfort the further down she went.

Not that she was sharing that worry with her companion.

Another woeful tone from Shiny had her trying to pause again. Her leg braces grating as she started to speak about the next concern that was voiced. Metal ground briefly before her booted foot slipped from the tiny lip inside the tube.

The sudden rush of air, and the sharp clack of her elbows against the tube found her helmet, and subsequently her face, pressed tightly against her arms and the surrounding walls.

Suppressing the urge to flail was a troublesome thing, feeling a smidge of what it was to be claustrophobic as she kept her arms above her head against her best wishes.

The faceplate scuffed suddenly, realizing she'd pressed her face forward as she braced her arms against her chin to keep it from further damage.

A large swath of her vision now clouded as she tried to keep calm.

She didn't know how far she had slid down, just that she could faintly hear the wolf droid howling. And slowly fading as some great whoosh of air began to form in a rhythmic pattern below.

Did vents have fans in them? Was that how they worked?

She wondered at the possibility, listening closely as the sound grew while sparks formed around her. The tube slowly expanding as she continued to descend. The shadows of what she guessed were fan blades began to appear at the corners of her vision.

Which ultimately answered her question.

The mere seconds between knowing and experiencing those fan blades was met with a draw upon the force. The whooping of the fan blades as they beat hot air upwards slowed. The space between the exhaust tube and fan housing opening up into a bell shape as she passed through the reducer.

Tucking her arms to her chest, she passed through one of the sides as the blades returned to their regular speed. She didn't know when to brace herself for impact, or even what she would be landing on as she dared to peek between her feet.

The sight that greeted her making her stomach churn.

A metal beam caught part of her leg braces, flipping her violently end over end as she tried to engage the repulsor systems in the suit. The blue flares of energy attempting to counter the wild spin as another support beam rose to meet her.

Engaging the boot thrusters, she grazed the next beam with her stomach and bounced against the momentum she'd gathered. It knocked the wind from her, lights dazzling her vision as alarms sounded in the helmet.

The ground rushed up to greet her.

Managing to get her legs beneath her, she threw them outwards, and the repulsors along her back fired as her feet touched down. The servos groaning and whirring violently as she tried to curl forward into an awkward roll.

Something in the braces snapped as she felt the momentum drag her forward quicker than she could curl her body, her back and shoulders dragging along the ground before the wall stopped her slide.

She gasped for air, stomach tight and muscles tightly clenched for another impact as the lights in her vision slowly began to fade.

The place she found herself in steadied slowly, and the dark space finally settled into silence around her. Her thoughts focused on breathing finally as her diaphragm released the grip it had.

Her first deep breath inward was followed with a deep sigh.

"Smooth as spider silk." She chortled to herself. Using her elbows, she pulled herself from the half bent position she'd been thrown in against the wall. Her legs heavy as they slid down the wall.

The braces didn't respond as she tried to pedal her way off. Concern lancing the joy at survival.

"Aw come on! I make it down here in one piece and-baahhhh!" The frustrated sound didn't escape her helmet as she pulled herself backwards with her arms.

Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development


Location: Skye, flying in atmosphere
Objective: provide support and deploy as nevessary
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Myri Dara Myri Dara Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform
Guardema Bio-suit
Ship: 2 x Carrack Class Science Vessel
ENS Mihaly
ENS Ingenuity

The ENS Mihaly flew low over the surface after deploying one of its crawlers. One of her sister ships ENS Ingenuity flew nearby and was awaiting deployment orders. Both ships had deployed their Sensor droids and were rapidly collecting data to build up the most thorough geomagnetic survey ever taken of the planet. If the issue was of natural origins, her ships would hopefully detected it. The scientist had been subdued on the journey to Skye, things weighed heavily on her mind, from the absence of the Empress, to what had happened, and was still happening in the Panatha system, she almost felt slightly disassociated from real events. That is why she had chosen to remain aboard her ship for this mission. Here she could hide behind her professional veneer and excuse herself as necessary. Out in the field, a distracted soldier was as dangerous as any enemy could be.

An open message came through to her from Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera , a respected and trusted mandalorian ally that Trinity had worked with personally on occasion. "Miss Cadera, this is Overseer Harris of the Eternal Empire, always a pleasure. I am in your vicinity aboard my ship, I have authorised you access to connect remotely to access scan data which may help with your mission. If there is any other support I can offer, please contact me on this channel." Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick and Myri Dara Myri Dara would also have access to this same information by virtue of their Blackwatch clearance should they need it.

She would wait for the response from then mandalorian woman then change the channel to speak to Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim .


"Princess Felmorante, we are transmitting sensor data for you to use as necessary, i am also deploying the Ingenuity to your location now to assist with the rescue mission and provide any additional support necessary." Again, she would wait for a response from the Imperial Princess before ending the communication. The human urge inside her was to ask her how she was feeling with her adopted mother missing, but fought it back to respect protocol during a mission.

As she finished the comm she mentally sent the orders to ENS Ingenuity that immediately peeled out of dormation. Trinity then walked over to her command hologram as consecutive pulses of light slowly filled the empty space, mapping out the caverns and other structures beneath the ground. She was the only one in the command room of her ship right now and she savoured the few moments of peace.




Equipment: Twin Full Leg Braces, Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 4 Whimsy Knives, 3 Terminus Shivs, 4 Explosive Knives, 1 Scherezade Blade, 2 Sticky Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 2 Pink Vapor Grenades, 4 Microdetonators
Ship and Ship Accessories: Teeny, Screaming Mimi
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi - Shiny Paws III
Objective: I - Miner Troubles
Location: Skye, Mineshaft Vent
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

Droid Point of View

Shiny Paws let the wipers positioned atop it's photo-receptor lenses actuate once more, not willing to compute or report that Felmorante had the misfortune of improper spacial awareness or management. It had warned her, and tried to caution against the idea that she was prepared to undertake this task alone.

But as with all of its previous warnings, their ward seemed content to act on a plan with stupendously low chance of success.

A flood of information came across the line from Teeny, an instantaneous sharing of information across the network the two had been made to share. The Alpha Valdr droid had initially been unimpressed with the little droid. Until it had outdone their ward in a contest of wills.

Something even the meatbags struggled with.

A small cant of its Sensor Receptors had it trotting back to the Screaming Mimi, with Teeny wailing from the flight control center. Even inside the farthest storage areas of the ship it was difficult to ignore the woeful wailing of the smaller droid.

Though it made their ward all the more attentive to their requests.

Shiny stood inside the entryway to the flight control center, speaking with Teeny through their shared network on how best to handle the situation as. And inform the Overseer Harris of the unique situation that their young ward had placed herself in.

A small disagreement between the pair erupted as Shiny offered a counterpoint before Teeny pointed out the flaw in the idea. A series of chirps and whirs brought with it another idea, one that had the astromech circling their own logic core to dispute before tentatively agreeing with the Valdr droid.

A quick mention of their memory core being quite sharp and up to date allowed previous notions of challenge to be erased from Shiny's preconceived notion that Teeny might replace them.

The network between Felmorante's ship and the ENS Mihaly recieved a binary transcript from Teeny, given that Felmorante was unable to reply directly and Shiny did not enjoy any sentient interactions aside from his ward.

Lady Felmorante is currently unable to reply as she has fallen down a mine exhaust shaft while ignoring warnings of such an action. We will be transmitting your message when we have established a sustainable connection with the Imperial Princess. V-1 Astromech 'Teeny' Valdr Droid 'Shiny Paws III'

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Felmorante Point of View

She sat upright finally, trying to see in the failing light of what she had guessed was a worklight someone had left out during all of the commotion. The large scuff to her visor did help as she blinked, angling her face this way and that to see the metal beams that had made life all the more difficult.

Twisted and bent things that had wrenched themselves free when the whole of the world had begun to change.

Not surprising when she actually calmed down a bit to think about it. Hard to make stuff underground without making sure the ceiling didn't fall in. The slow descent into calm brought a different problem however as the adrenaline began to wear off.

Her fingers closed around a jutting piece of the leg bracing as her fingers began to tingle. The feeling seeming to crawl up her arms and into her shoulder as her stomach felt as though fire was forming. A thousand sit-ups would have felt better as she clenched her eyes and grit her teeth.

Even her past selves wouldn't have helped in the moment.

"Ah feth. That...that probably left a mark." She wheezed. The careful prod of her stomach drawing a sharp hiss as she leaned against the cave wall. The suit had kept her conscious through the fall and she sincerely wondered if the feature was a good one.

Oh what she wouldn't give to be a little numb-

The tingle in her limbs hadn't faded just yet, but her midsection began to ease back from the intense burning and urge to vomit sensation she had. The small wonder of her suit at work making her frown.

"Oh don't butter me up now. I'm still thinking about shelfing you." She hissed, another alarm in her helmet sounding off as static filled the communication line. The familiar whirs and beeps interrupted here and there as Teeny attempted to fill her in on the information Trinity had provided.

"Only transmitting as necessary? Deploy ingenuity at my location? Assist rescue mission and provide support?" She tried confirming what she had received, leaning forward to peer into the fan blades now highlighted by the display in her helmet.

"Who beat me down here!?"

2nd Lt Eternal Army, Medics Corps
Objective: 1- Save as many miners as possible
Location: Skye | Mine Tunnels
Equipment: In Bio + Survival medpac (x3)
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Carth Braxis Carth Braxis | Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim

Vasha stood by her father’s side as they waited for more debris to be cleared from their path. The squad had been at this for hours trying to make their way to the first distress beacon inside the mines. Their progress had been quite slow. Everytime Vasha thought they were on their way they came upon another cave in. At first she would jump in and join the effort to clear the debris. But she lacked the engineering expertise to capably lead this part of the operation and a simple look from her father told her that she wasn’t a grunt any longer. She was an officer and she needed to let the others do what they were there for.

“Sorry about all the boring stuff,” Vasha said to her father when she knew that no one else would hear. She took advantage of being in the same company as much as possible now, trying to make up for time lost. “I know digging through rubble to rescue miners isn’t exactly how you like using your soldiers or your own talents. But this is important. To the Empire and to me.”

“Just a couple more minutes and we’ll be set to move forward Major,” the head engineer announced to Vasha’s father.

“Great,” she responded to herself as much as to the engineer. “After we’re through this just five hundred meters and an unknown number of obstacles to go before we actually make it to a beacon.”

As she finished the sentence the constant sound of a fan within a nearby exhaust shaft halted for a moment before returning to action. “That’s weird right?” she asked her father as the fan returned to the normal sounds shortly after. “Does that mean the mines are losing power or something?”


Lichix Taroq

Enforcer, Fixer, eventually Warlord


Location: Skye | Above what was The Entyrmion
Objective: Kill as many Sithspawn as possible
Tags: OPEN
Equipment: Vibrowhip, Vibroblade x 2, Vibrodagger x 2, 8-gauge scatter gun


Skye was a long way from home. A long way from Lichix’ goals. But she had done a job for the Empire on Panatha and it seemed that they had use for her skills once again. And let’s be honest Lichix enjoyed combat so much that she was glad to be given an opportunity to prove herself and kick a bit of ass along the way.

Unlike Panatha, Lichix did not have her crew fly her to Skye. She accompanied the rest of the Imperial contingency dedicated to helping out the S’kytri with their growing problem. Some of the Imperials went off to find miners trapped underground in various cave ins caused by the phenomenon that had thrown the planet into chaos. Some of the smarter ones went off to try and figure out why all this was happening. While Lichix wouldn’t consider herself stupid at all, she didn’t have the patience to go through all that for someone else.

But neither of those tasks were why Lichix was on Skye. As part of this disaster something the locals call the Entyrmion had fallen and opened up. To the S’kytri the Entyrmion was something like hell. In actuality it was a prison for things quite dangerous. And someone had to stop them from overrunning the planet. That was what Lichix was here for. She doubted that she would be the only one. But for now she was alone. And that was fine with her. The more blood for her blades.

The Rattattaki woman chuckled as she approached the fallen landmark. Her vibroblades were out and she twirled them around as she readied herself for the first threat. The first opponent. The thing that would become her first prey on this battlefield. A true and final death was about to be doled out to the creatures of the Skye underworld. And Lichix would be the name associated with that death.
Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Find the Source and kill it.
Location: Kharys' fortress, Canaitith Mountain, Skye
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Njósnari Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Myri Dara Myri Dara | Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I had the first "contestant", I was glad that it was a Blackwatch agent, as their group is usually a guarantee of excellent work. At least, so far it has always been when I had to work and cooperate with them.

<< Welcome, Agent Dara! >> I greeted the other woman. << I just arrived on the planet so I would need all the information. Where are the entrances, what to expect inside, if you could possibly know who to capture or kill, this general information would be great, over. >>

Soon, as I waited for the results of my own droids, I watched the castle rising into the sky from deep in the valley. Then a second message arrived. Another Blackwatch agent. This was great news; I was actually hoping there would be other Mandalorians here, but I guess I couldn't be too maximalist.

<< Special Agent Vrinas, welcome! >> I greeted her too. << Yes, I am currently at the bottom of the valley in front of the castle looking at the castle while my scout droids do their reconnaissance, over. >>

I liked this part the least during the job, when I was waiting for the results of the droids, because I was a scout among the Mandalorians. Soon, even one of the Overseers came forward. This was really surprising, especially since as far as I knew she was not specifically a warrior or soldier, but a civilian scientist turned Overseer and a soldier.

<< Overseer Harris, this is Silhana Cadera. Thank you, I already have access to this data. I already sent my requests a few minutes ago, but I don't think the system has them yet. Also, I would need pictures of secret passageways and caves. Can your ship scan them? Over. >> I asked her.

In the meantime, I sent my coordinates on the joint EE network so that everyone knows where I am and where they may need to come. Or just they should know it's me and they don't have to shoot me from a distance. So for now I had to wait for them to get here and for the droids to find something. And then…

Oh, they found a cave entrance. Not sure if it leads anywhere, but it was pretty hidden, so maybe it could be a secret passage. But… I'm usually out of luck and this has been best learned and experienced by Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr lately. But I always hope, maybe one day I'll find my luck.

That's why I started heading for the cave, it was nearby so when the others arrived, they would still see me. Mandalorian armour with a pink hue can be striking.



Location: Skye | Canaitith Mountain | Kharys' fortress
Objective 3.: Find the Source
Equipment: KC-77N Hybrid Pistols x2 | HUD goggles | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | Protective outfit | Knuckle plate vibro blade
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | OPEN
Dialogue Legend: "Galactic Basic" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | << comm. channel >>


Myri smiled when she heard the responses from Silhana and Special Agent Vrinas. She had heard both names, Special Agent Vrinas moreso than Silhana’s, since becoming an agent. She’d never worked with either before, but working with new people was what was going to take Myri from probationary agent to full special agent status. Even though she had been working on her own a bit more, she had a sneaking suspicion there were plenty looking over her shoulder. And that was something Myri hoped to change sooner rather than later.

As she processed the messages that came over her comms she noticed that more information was available as her HUD goggles connected with the data provided by the ENS Mihaly. She also heard a follow up from Silhana giving her location. <<Affirmative Special Agent Vrinas. I am looking up at the fortress now. I’ll find Ms. Cadera’s location and we can meet up there to move forward.>>

Coordinates provided by Silhana made the job of finding her much easier. Myri made sure all her gear was ready and rushed off in Silhana’s direction. When she caught up to the Twi’lek Mandalorian she paused for a moment. She wasn’t exactly one to talk as her clothing didn’t exactly scream combat ready special agent, but Myri was not expecting pink armor. There was a smile on her face as she approached Silhana. Myri had her own style about her, so she respected when someone else didn’t let the expectations of the galaxy dictate their style.

“Ms. Cadera?” Myri said as she got closer and lifted her goggles up to the top of her head. “I’m Agent Myri Dara,” she continued with a nod of her head. “Locals weren’t so forthcoming with information about the fortress. Didn’t seem to mind that we were going to infiltrate it. So that was good. Been places where I needed to sneak into a sacred spot and that didn’t go very well. I don’t know if they could tell I wasn’t a senior agent, or if they don’t like the Empire, but they were pretty tight lipped. Your droids probably have more info by now than I do.

“As to what we might encounter,”
Myri took in a deep breath. “The local mythology says the Entyrmion was their version of hell. In it were the worst creatures the S’kytri could imagine. The cave-ins have broken that place open. So basically. If you can imagine it, we might see it. And not in a good way. To the cause? Who can be killed or stopped to get this place back in order? They claim they don’t know. I am not sure if I believe them. But without cracking skulls I don’t think they were going to respect me enough to talk. And in my short experience cracking skulls in questioning the locals should be a last resort.”
Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development


Location: Skye, flying in atmosphere
Objective: provide support and deploy as nevessary
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Myri Dara Myri Dara Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim Lichix Taroq Lichix Taroq

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform
Guardema Bio-suit
Ship: 2 x Carrack Class Science Vessel
ENS Mihaly
ENS Ingenuity

"Thank you Miss Cadera, your request is now showing on our system. MEIPOC is currently building a visual map of the caves based on scan data which will be sent to you in the next data burst in approximately 2 minutes, it estimates a 94% fidelity rate so please proceed with caution." The data received would appear to the viewer as a 3d makeup of the inside of the cave as though a camera droid had moved through it. The images were generated by the advanced AI based in scan data, so would not be perfect, a trick of physics could have vertical shaft mistaken for an ore vein for example, but Silhanna was smarter than to fall into a hole just because it wasn't in the pictures. She watched the data herself before transmission. "There are several small pockets ahead of you where natural gas has escaped from the ground shifting, this gas is non-toxic, but is not breathable and is highly flammable." she warned as she sent the requested information through the the mandalorian.


Lady Felmorante is currently unable to reply as she has fallen down a mine exhaust shaft while ignoring warnings of such an action. We will be transmitting your message when we have established a sustainable connection with the Imperial Princess. V-1 Astromech 'Teeny' Valdr Droid 'Shiny Paws III'

"Thank you for your information Teeny, Ingenuity is almost on scene will be landing imminently, please liase with the ultranauts on board."

The overseer sighed and smiled ironically, so maybe falling down a hole was an option?

She turned to her adjudant officer "Please update Ingenuity with the mission parameters and prepare for emergency extraction of the princess. I am going to contact the Regent personally about the status of her sister." The officer dismissed himself and carried on his duties. Overseer Harris returned to her private office to contact Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir . It was just a short factual communication about Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim , and provided reassurance that the young woman would be returned to the surface safely.

Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid
Alor'ad (Captain), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Find the Source and kill it.
Location: Kharys' fortress, Canaitith Mountain, Skye
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Njósnari Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Myri Dara Myri Dara | Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

<< My rank, Alor'ad, or Headmistress. I am a member of Clan Cadera and director of the Bounty Hunters' Guild, not a civilian. Alor'ad corresponds to your Captain rank. >> I corrected the agent and Overseer, there was no offence in my voice, it was more of an official correction.

I was not a civilian, and only civilians are called Miss. I didn't mean to say that I will soon become Alor of the Clan Sarad as well, as I have decided to make my own clan as well, where the appropriate members of House Orchid can join, or others. I have worked alone a lot and often with my own methods, so it would all be perfect. I still planned to stay with Clan Cadera, as I did as part of House Corek. In fact, I didn't even want to change my name to Silhana Sarad, Cadera was perfect. It will be like with the late Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud .

I missed him.

Soon, one of the agents arrived. Ms. Cadera again. I sighed tiredly.

"If possible, you should address me as Alor'ad." I asked her.

I nodded at the report, so Sithspawns. Not that I would necessarily get to know them, but monsters probably are. It is not known who the targets are. Interesting.

"They can probably be in the middle and those around whom these creatures are clustered. Based on the data I got, they might be Sithspawn. In a better case. At worst, something like what we saw on Panatha. But still… there has to be someone who controls them." I told her.

There was always someone controlling them. The other issue is that this person is not always easy to find, but that was my job as a bounty hunter. This was also the job of the agents.

<< I hope you don't mind if I call you Miss Harris in the future… >> I grumbled back as the Overseer also called me Miss.

Do they seriously not know how much of an insult this is to my kind? Especially since they both come from a militaristic empire. In the meantime, I also received the data. The cave passage here still seemed the best, then going up from here. There is a shield up there anyway so we'll not be able to go to the palace from above.

<< Then let's go, we proceed from the bottom and go up. >>

This was for both agents and the Overseer. I took the two pistols in my hands and started towards the entrance of the cave. When I got there, I looked at Myri Dara Myri Dara and nodded to let's go. The passage was wide enough for the two of us to fit in.

I entered the darkness…



Location: Skye | Canaitith Mountain | Kharys' fortress
Objective 3.: Find the Source
Equipment: KC-77N Hybrid Pistols x2 | HUD goggles | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | Protective outfit | Knuckle plate vibro blade
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick | OPEN
Dialogue Legend: "Galactic Basic" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | << comm. channel >>


Myri frowned immediately when the Mandalorian announced her rank. She hated when she got mistaken for something less than she was because she was young or not in a uniform. She couldn’t believe that she would do the same thing to someone else. “Of course Alor'ad. I meant no offense, but I’ve never worked with a Mandalorian before. Wasn’t sure what the ranking system was, or if you might consider it an insult for me as an outsider to address you as such.”

Sithspawn. Another new experience for Myri. She nodded as Silhana spoke about such things. She mentioned Panatha, Myri had not been present, but she read what reports were made available to her. The true intel the reports gave wasn’t much, but Myri knew that Panatha was a very big deal. Part of her wished she had been there. But a new agent can’t be everywhere and the more experienced agents were obviously needed there. “That makes sense. Most creatures that run amok with such suddenness there has to be something or someone behind it. Now we just need to figure out who and where.” Myri smiled.

Myri cringed when Alor’ad Caldera asked to call Overseer Harris “Miss”, reminded of her own slip in addressing the woman as something less than she had earned. Myri followed Silhana to the cave opening. She lowered her goggles over her eyes before her left hand fell to the handle of her blaster pistol, while the small vibroblade was held in her right. She was ready for whatever they came their way, smiling in anticipation.

Nyrasa Emrick
Lady of the Emrick Dynasty, The Emrick Witch, Nyrasa Vrinas, Special Agent of the Blackwatch, Blade of the Black Citadel

Location: Kharys' fortress, Canaitith Mountain, Skye
Objective: Find the source and eliminate it (III)
Equipment: VA-BWu | XA-4 'Sliverslash' Galvanic Whipblade | Overseer-pattern HPI Biochip | KIIR-24 'Stormclaw' Gauss Pistol | X-7 Vibro-Blades
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera | Myri Dara Myri Dara | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Open


The crawlers sped up as they approached both the Agent and the Mandalorians position. Just as the cave entrance loomed in front of them, the crawlers came to a stop. Luckily, Nyrasa had chosen just the right vehicle for the expedition, outfitted with all of the up to date tech needed for all the research she had been doing as of late. Quickly ensuring she had her weapons and equipment in check, she hopped out of the first crawler. Finding that they must've gone ahead, she hopped back in her vehicle, and activating the stealth functions, was prepared to enter.

She quickly ordered the other crawlers to stay behind, as the crew in hers should be sufficient for the task at hand. Slowly, the crawler entered the cave and began moving through it. She regretted not scanning the cave first, but realising someone else might have done it, regretted not reviewing the resources provided to her.

Almost as soon as she and her crew had begun, she came across the unusual duo. Cautiously getting out of her vehicle and coming up beside them, "What'd I miss?" The crawler resumed behind them, "I don't suppose any of you have gotten a layout of the cave before entering?" She asked, glancing around cautiously. This cave was certainly the perfect place for sithspawn to attack, and she wanted to preserve as many for research as possible. Her anticipation grew as she gripped the grip of her whipblade, her eyes green with spirit ichor, unwilling to be caught by surprise.

Last edited:



Equipment: Twin Full Leg Braces, Aspara Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 4 Whimsy Knives, 3 Terminus Shivs, 4 Explosive Knives, 1 Scherezade Blade, 2 Sticky Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 2 Pink Vapor Grenades, 4 Microdetonators
Ship and Ship Accessories: Teeny, Screaming Mimi
Companions: 1 Wolf Boi - Shiny Paws III
Objective: I - Miner Troubles
Location: Skye, Mineshaft Vent
Tag: Trinity Harris Trinity Harris Vasha Braxis Vasha Braxis

Droid Point of View
The equivalent of a Droid sigh escaped Teeny as Shiny tilted their head in silent inquiry. Sharing the details, Shiny replicated the scoffing sound it had heard so many of the meatbags make in its service time.

Pull their ward from troubles of her own making?

Teeny chirped sharply, configuring their ships beacon to better relay their position to the Ingenuity as they waited what felt like eons for the vessel to arrive and begin releasing the personal.

A brief interaction was all that was necessary as the Ultranauts set about their work.

Plasma cutters and set about to opening the exhaust vent from the side, slowly showering sparks down the inside as magnets were placed behind the cutting path.

Another team began working on a pulley system rigged against an external lug on the Screaming Mimi. Even being the Imperial Princesses vessel, it was the most readily available point of bracing.

Felmorante Point of View

She accessed the HUD inside of her Visor, trying to gain sight around her. Parts of the projected image seemed...missing. Her eyes squinting before realizing the array might have been damaged in her terrifically graceful fall.

She rolled her eyes, another irritated sound as she rocked slightly and let the blood flow, feeling the internal medical systems kicking in as the pain ebbed away.

"Almost a millenia of practice and you drop in like a rancor pup." She paused her rocking, the scathing words a whisper that caused her to be deathly silent to determine their origin.

She scanned again with her eyes, spying nothing and hearing nothing besides the fan.

And drilling? Or was that...

"Someone is down here." She snapped, thoughts of the foreign voice now a far flung thing as she went to right herself. Finding herself unable to bend at the hip with a sudden flop back to where she had been seated.

"Oh sure, I get down here with someone else beating me here, scuff up my Visor, and feth up my braces. Oh this day is already-!" She didn't finished her sentence, instead letting the irritation flow into her hands just beyond the suit.

Between the Force, and the inlaid Crushgaunt system, the bracing peeled away with concentrated efforts. The grind and snap of metal announcing her if the clangor of metal against metal hadn't.

A deep breath in. Another out.

She focused on her legs, feeling the white noise tingle dancing along parts of them as she tried to push herself up. Her knees bent, but her feet didn't as she tried to balance herself. Her arms tensed, a hand holding against the wall before the repulsor system fired briefly.

Her face screwed up in a twist of painless agony. The feeling of pressure against a numb limb causing expletives to be strung together into complete nonsense to ease the sensation.

She exhausted her collection of expletives, still leaning as the numb sensation remained in both of her feet and seemed to settle somewhere in her calf. Between short in and out breaths where she had to center all of her weight on that feeling, she produced the IBIS Drone from her back.

She stared at the slightly mangled assembly on the right side, frowning as she tried to engage the little droid. The soft whir of its systems was almost lost beneath the overhead fan, and it began to ascend before sparking and listing slightly.

"Alright little guy. Someone's around here that...isn't a Miner. See if we can't find 'em." She let it float in her hand before taking direct control of the droid with her neural interface device.

She saw double for a moment, before her focus settled through the droids eyes. Well. Eye.

The sensors delighted her, though a few seemed out of commission for the time being as the little droid buzzed along. The right side seeming to sag as the repulsor systems kept it afloat as best they were able.

A spark sizzled every now and again, highlighting the tunnel as it broke into a branching passageway and into what looked like a cleared area. It swiveled briefly, coasting a little to far in its twirl as it dipped dangerously close to a wall before righting itself and drifting along.

Slowly, constant light found her little droid as a soldier's form came into view.

The droid drifted upwards, watching silently before another soldier appeared. Turning to follow their path, the little droid waited as both seemed headed in opposite directions.

Felmorante pondered briefly on which path to take, the little droid visibly twirling as it sparked overhead in a strange dance.

Gets Better With Age
Objective 1

Another day, another mission for Carth.

The Eternal Empire was doing like any other Empire did before them: Expand and they need people like Carth to carry out their will. Right now though, the top priority is to save miners in the planet Skye. Just because Carth was a soldier didn't mean he was completely heartless his daughter sought to preserve that part of his humanity. "Vasha," Carth said his voice in his usual guttural growl. "Give me sitrep on the situation, how many miners are trapped specifically?"

He was late to the situation as he was busy being patched up in the Bacta Tank. Carth had some nasty wounds sustained in the last op and Vasha insisted that he stay in the tank for his own health. "Either way there's no time," Carth said. "They'll run out of air if we don't do anything to stop it, we'll need to improvise."

Vasha Braxis Vasha Braxis , Trinity Harris Trinity Harris , Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
2nd Lt Eternal Army, Medics Corps
Objective: 1- Save as many miners as possible
Location: Skye | Mine Tunnels
Equipment: In Bio + Survival medpac (x3)
Tag: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim | Carth Braxis Carth Braxis | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris

“Can’t get a read on the number of lifeforms yet at the source of the beacon,” Vasha informed her father as the engineers were just about finished making their way through the current obstacle. “There are dozens of beacons in our assigned area, but we can’t tell for sure how many survivors are down there. And the cave ins he made sensor readings less than reliable.”

The medic’s thoughts went to the recent sound of the fan pausing and restarting nearby. Since then she received a message from the recently arrived ENS Ingenuity. “There is another group of ultranauts just arrived nearby. They are responding to the distress of important Imperial personnel. Who exactly is above my clearance level it appears. I’m pretty sure the source is close by, but I was going to tell the engineers to continue on towards the miners and let the new squad handle the Imperial distress call. We can have the squad move forward and take an engineer to investigate if you wish. I doubt we’ll get too far behind as these cave-ins seem to have happened every twenty meters or so and take a good deal of time to get through.”

“Ma’am,” one of the engineers approached. “We’re through.”

Vasha nodded. “Move forward. I’m sure we’ll need your work again shortly. Let me know the second you find anyone needing medical attention.” She turned her attention to her father. “The engineers are working as fast as they can. I’m sure they would welcome some wise suggestions from a commanding officer. Or should we branch off and try to be heroes to the Imperial VIP?”

Overseer for Imperial Scientific Development

Dr. Trinity Harris DXenbo DAnthro
Overseer for the Comittee for Scientific Development


Location: Skye, flying in atmosphere
Objective: provide support and deploy as necessary
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Myri Dara Myri Dara Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim Lichix Taroq Lichix Taroq Vasha Braxis Vasha Braxis

Weapon: HH38 Geysa Hybrid Pistol
Riding: Phantom
Accompanied by: Plushee Companion Droid
Hersir Imperial Uniform
Guardema Bio-suit
Ship: 2 x Carrack Class Science Vessel
ENS Mihaly
ENS Ingenuity

Trinity ordered the Mihaly to make another pass, still collecting further sensor information as the communication came through from a grumbling Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera . She pinched the bridge of her nose as she leant on the edge of her holo table. She wanted to say, actually, I don't care if you call me Miss Harris, or Trinity, these little protocol things were just a headache that added to her current headache, but she smiled, the Mandalorian had earned the right to use a title, so Trinity had to respect that. "Apologies Alor'ad Cadera, I will make sure to use your preferred title in future communications. Your mapping data should be updating in real time to improve accuracy. If there is further information you require, please contact me."

Turning back to the adjudant that had entered the room and was waiting with iced tea for her she smiled and swallowed a headache pill with the first gulp. "Thank you" she offered as the adjudant also handed her another briefing pack, detailing the status of other teams on other worlds.


Sliding the briefing back onto the small pile of read documents on her bench, Trinity decided to read a little more into the young Princess Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim that she was hoping to rescue. Much of it was classified even to the Overseer but she was curious about the young woman. Bright, independant, and apparently still recovering from a major debilatating injury, well, if the mind is strong enough the body will just have do what it is told, she supposed.

On the ground the ultranauts were now liasing with Vasha Braxis Vasha Braxis and the other ground units to extract her, they got the distinct impression that this girl did not want "saving" and had not decided to stay put, as was the best response in a safety incident like this. The Ultras began to make preparations to lower themselves into the void, making sure to stabilise the tunnel first with strong metal braces. A dozen heavily equipped soldiers would put significantly more strain on the old structure than the slight girl they were after. Before long, anyone at the bottom of the shaft would hear the deliberate whining of a mechanic winch as soldiers descended from above.

Silhana Cadera
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid
Alor'ad (Captain), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Bounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Find the Source and kill it.
Location: Kharys' fortress, Canaitith Mountain, Skye
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Beskad | Besar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Njósnari Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Myri Dara Myri Dara | Nyrasa Emrick Nyrasa Emrick | Trinity Harris Trinity Harris | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"Thank you, Agent Dara!" I said honestly.

After a few moments I heard the Overseer's voice apologising. I hoped that these errors were not due to the empress not returning from Panatha. If the rumours are true, then she is not dead yet, because her daughter did not assume the role of empress, but was given the rank of Empress Regent. Something like this has happened before, if the historical data is correct. First, when Darth Tacitus, the original emperor, disappeared and then died. And L'lerim was also a prisoner of war for a year at the beginning of his reign. True, it was completely different from now.

<< Thank you too, Overseer Harris! >>

I was about to enter the cave passage when the other agent arrived… I sighed at her words. I know it wasn't an attributive now, but it's still the same word. And I've heard it more times than I wanted to today.

"If I hear the word "miss" one more time today, I don't care in which means, I'm going to shoot someone!" I grumbled.

I shook my head at the next question, and after a few moments my miniaturised droids arrived as well.

"No, but we can send them in advance if needed. Although there is no excitement in it. I can detect quite a lot within a hundred-metre range. And yes, there are quite a few signs of life in there. Here, on the lower levels, there is nothing, they start about twenty metres higher. Until then, we can move forward without any resistance." I told them.

So I started forward, hurrying along the level where we were, from here steps carved into the rock or stone led up, in a spiral staircase format. Rather archaically, there were no windows to the outside, light sources that looked like torches, but they were more modern, they did not burn with fire, but with electronics. In some places, there were even statues carved into the walls, relating to the previous owners of the castle.

Finally, I reached the top of the stairs, where an ancient, solid and closed wooden door welcomed me and hopefully my companions.

"There is already an enemy on the other side, I open the door and let's start!" I told them again.

With that I opened the door and the enemy immediately attacked us...

// Feel free to figure out what's behind the door, be creative. :) //


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