Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Factory Second Chance Request

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Submission Name: SF-24 "Hercules"
Link to Submission:
Reason for Second Chance:
  • There is a lot of reasons why this was apparently denied, but they don't really seem very well grounded.
    • First, the claim that the storage element of the ship is unfounded despite a semi-scientific article talking about the theory seems short sighted, and ignores the reality of a sci-fi universe.
    • Second, instead of working on a 'limitation' for the explosion or what have you, it was claimed to be a super weapon and denied with no limitations discussed - effectively forcing it into a category it was never meant to be in.
    • Third, declaring a stealth generator as not usable on a civilian ship seems odd. Even if it helped a fleet around it, there are a number of civilian ships already subbed that tend to fleets logistically or otherwise, but are considered fine despite a 'possibility' they could have military applications.
    • Fourth, it continues on to a series of made up scenarios of abuse that are not actually restricted to the submission itself - but could easily be ad-libbed with suitable replacements to fit. For instance, there was talk about 'infinite molecular furnaces', but there are canon nonsuperweapon automated droid factories that industrialize entire planets infinitely that have been accepted in droves.
    • Fifth, the one piece I can admit, which still didn't demand an autodenial, was a series of overlap from other submissions. These include defensive weapons or gravity modulators that weren't meant to be on the submission - and were fully within their right to request removed. I unfortunately, didn't have the chance to do so.
    • Last, it is claimed to be a combat ship disguised as a civilian ship, but this is far from the truth - more conjecture. All these issues could be dealt with simple back and forth to create interesting mass transports instead of autodenial with no discussion. As such, I'd like it second chanced to work out these issues so it can be seen as a well balanced transport ship between nations - like it was originally meant to be.

Cyprian Ichar

John Locke John Locke

If my Ticker Cannon submission could be sent over to the Prefactory so that I could take some time to rewrite sections to improve balancing for a Second Chance, then that would be greatly appreciated.

BIG Z1776

Baboon with a MAAWS
Submission Name: T80-IFV "Boxer" Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Link: Here
Reason for Second-Chance Submission: Submitting on advice from a couple other RPJ's. This vehicle is my last combat vehicle which has not yet been approved, and I wish to get it approved ASAP so that I may begin to RP the faction's army (of which this vehicle is a key component of its overall tactical doctrine). I have made my edits, and I believe the sub is balanced and all systems are properly explained in satisfactory detail.
BIG Z1776 BIG Z1776

I'm not sure I entirely understand what it is you're asking for still. Do you want a new judge to review the submission?

You are aware that all the members of site staff are volunteers and give up their free time to review these submissions, but they will do so in their own time as they are available.

According to the factory rules once a submission is in the judging forums it may be used in Rp;

  • Factory submissions may only be introduced into role-play threads whose start date begins after the submission's posted date.

This means that once you post a submission to be judged, you can use it in RP for your faction as you wish. Furthermore:

You may also request a second chance at any point during the active judgement process if you feel you have reasonable evidence of judge bias or believe your submission is receiving an otherwise unfair judgement.

Unless you believe that your submission is being judged unfairly I am going to deny this second chance request.

In the future if you feel your submissions are being forgotten or judged too slowly I would suggest that you reach out to me by site PM or discord DM to alert me of that fact so I can look into it for you.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Submission Name: Vanessa's Fuzzy Blankets
Link to Submission:
Reason for Second Chance: The submission was retroactively denied after over a year and two months of approval using the excuse of its not "conform[ing] to Star Wars" as it was a physical object possessed by a Sith spirit capable of a level of self-mobility and obeying the command of its owner. There are at least two instances within Star Wars legends and canon lore in which a spirit bound to an object has a level of control over said object - the Muur Talisman, which not only was able to move around of its own volition thanks to the possessing spirit of Karness Muur, but would also obey those who called for it to come to them, and Ssi-Ruuk Entechment, where spirits were used to command and empower droids of various different forms and were under the control of the Ssi-Ruuk - a control which could be broken.

I additionally believe the submission being denied was an attempt to punish me directly as during the invasion referenced in Srina's denial post, I received a DM from an RPJ regarding a non-violation of the site, factory, codex, or other rules in which the following threat was made: "Please note, we will be continuing to monitor the thread in question, and should the cause for concern worsen, disciplinary measures will be taken, including the archival of the blanket in question." I have already sent you a screenshot of the message but do not wish to namedrop the RPJ or post the screenshot here. I received no further communication from the RPJ after having sent a polite response to them regarding the circumstance in question and consulting with another RPJ, my writing partner, on what to do. That invasion ended and was judged with nothing done to me or the submission in question - that is, the "cause for concern" evidently did not "worsen." At 8:23am CST on 12/30/2020, well past the deadline and judging of the Korriban/Felucia invasion and well past my presumption that, as the invasion was being judged and nothing had happened, the situation was resolved, Srina retroactively denied the submission and moved it to archives. Thusly, aside from believing the claim the submission was used in a way that does not "conform to Star Wars" does not hold up to scrutiny, I believe the denial was motivated by other things and request that it be reapproved.
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Krayzen Dratos Krayzen Dratos

Second Chance Approved. I will have a review for you in the next few days.

Onrai Onrai

A second chance review is not the place to air your issues with site staff. This is a chance to make an argument based on the merits of your submission and your submission only. Kindly do not use this as a platform for these kinds of accusations, they have absolutely no bearing on the merits of the submission in question. If you have concerns there are other, proper, channels with which to raise them. Do not try this again.

In regards to the submission in question, having looked into the submission you are technically correct, it is possible to attach a spirit to an object and let it control it. However, this is not the reason the submission was denied. While the concepts behind the submission do work and could be used to argue for another submission's approval, this particular submission, however, is a failure of intent. After taking my time to think about it, I have to agree with the previous decision, the intent and usage of this submission do not conform to the general idea of Star Wars.

As such I am upholding the denial.
Submission Name: Living Clay
Link to Submission:
Reason for Second Chance: The Judge and I fundamentally disagree on the purpose and potential of the submission. My argument is that it does not allow for anything not currently possible through a combination of Alchemy/Sorcery/etc. and "Alchemical Alloys" or other generic materials and that the inclusion of specific limitations above and beyond what the Factory Rules stipulate for Alchemy is therefore unnecessary.

BIG Z1776

Baboon with a MAAWS
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Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Submission Name: OxI Modular Weapons System
Link to Submission:
Reason for Second Chance:
To be frank, the unnecessarily hostile tone of the judge, combined with the entirely arbitrary nature of the demanded edits, suggests that their intent is not in keeping with the cooperative spirit of the Factory. Having been a Judge multiple times myself, I understand that judges are humans, that they occasionally make mistakes. Allowances must be made for the stresses and pressures of balancing life, RP, and the responsibilities inherent within the role of Factory Judge. However, there are standards and rules of conduct that must be upheld, regardless of external stimuli, in order to foster the spirit of collaboration and cooperation that the Factory seeks to cultivate for all writers, new and old alike.

I know the system, and I know how it's supposed to work. I also know how and when it's necessary to take steps to address grievances in those rare cases when it becomes necessary. A newer writer, having submitted no more than a handful of submissions and who encounters such naked aggression from a judge, through no fault of their own, is not. There's a reason judges are supposed to make suggestions, not demands. There's a reason they are supposed to engage submissions with a positive and collaborative mindset, not arrogance and condescension. A gross breach of decorum from a Judge has vast potential to not only discourage them from working with the Factory, but also dissuade them from continuing their stories on Chaos entirely.

I am aware that the Judge in this case has made edits to tone down the language used when making their "recommendations", but the original complaint still stands. As such, I'm requesting a Second Chance on the grounds that the Judge's recommendations are completely and wholly arbitrary and unnecessary in nature, and their initially hostile tone suggests that collaboration was not their intent from the outset.
Submission Name: FAE/W-05 "Kopa Khan" Rotary Particle Beam Cannon
Link to Submission:
Reason for Second Chance:
  • I would like to request a new judge for the following reasons:
    • The judge claims that passive sensors are stealth technology. I was quite frankly, not aware of this and very strongly disagree with that assessment.
    • This individual is also asking me to remove the submission's modular functions, specifically pertaining to a power generator link, which is in part based on the canon capabilities of the Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon. The judge justifies this decision by making up a scenario of abuse which I don't believe applies to this submission.
Thank you.

John Locke John Locke
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