Submission Name: SF-24 "Hercules"
Link to Submission: https://www.starwarsrp.net/threads/sf-24-hercules-class-super-freighter.145684/
Reason for Second Chance:
Submission Name: SF-24 "Hercules"
Link to Submission: https://www.starwarsrp.net/threads/sf-24-hercules-class-super-freighter.145684/
Reason for Second Chance:
- There is a lot of reasons why this was apparently denied, but they don't really seem very well grounded.
- First, the claim that the storage element of the ship is unfounded despite a semi-scientific article talking about the theory seems short sighted, and ignores the reality of a sci-fi universe.
- Second, instead of working on a 'limitation' for the explosion or what have you, it was claimed to be a super weapon and denied with no limitations discussed - effectively forcing it into a category it was never meant to be in.
- Third, declaring a stealth generator as not usable on a civilian ship seems odd. Even if it helped a fleet around it, there are a number of civilian ships already subbed that tend to fleets logistically or otherwise, but are considered fine despite a 'possibility' they could have military applications.
- Fourth, it continues on to a series of made up scenarios of abuse that are not actually restricted to the submission itself - but could easily be ad-libbed with suitable replacements to fit. For instance, there was talk about 'infinite molecular furnaces', but there are canon nonsuperweapon automated droid factories that industrialize entire planets infinitely that have been accepted in droves.
- Fifth, the one piece I can admit, which still didn't demand an autodenial, was a series of overlap from other submissions. These include defensive weapons or gravity modulators that weren't meant to be on the submission - and were fully within their right to request removed. I unfortunately, didn't have the chance to do so.
- Last, it is claimed to be a combat ship disguised as a civilian ship, but this is far from the truth - more conjecture. All these issues could be dealt with simple back and forth to create interesting mass transports instead of autodenial with no discussion. As such, I'd like it second chanced to work out these issues so it can be seen as a well balanced transport ship between nations - like it was originally meant to be.