Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff Second Chance

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Karlie Lynn Destat

Conspiracy Theorist and Investigator (IBI)
Requesting a second chance at submitting this star fighter, for flirting IC with a cute judge. Sorry... :( I'll gladly take a warning point for my role in having it denied for said misconduct. The Admiral [member="Gir Quee"] is not to be blamed in any manner for my misconduct. He remained professional in his job and duty....and was quite helpful in helping me with my first fighter sub. Learned a lot. :)

Castan CDX-3 Starfighter

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
[member="Sala'dine"] - Reviewing this request.

[member="Karlie Lynn Destat"] - I will only state this once and assume that it is understood going forward. Maintain polite and professional behavior. A second offense of that nature will incur a ban from the factory.
[member="Sala'dine"] I will approve this for a second chance however it will need to be drastically more descriptive in its abilities and limitations. I will move it to the pre-factory so that this can be done, after which it will be re-judged, if you'd like.
[member="Jamie Pyne"] - I would like to please request a second chance on my submission, the Warrior II - Class Gunship, as despite the entry being ready for approval - it wasn’t passed through because of a single piece of text that was taken out of context. The Judge that picked up my submission believed that my starship was invulnerable to starfighters, and with how the flowery language was at first; I could see the reasons why, and thus complied with his request and added a supporting statement that would ideally clear up any confusion. However, despite this concession, the Judge asked that I change the wording in the previous sentence to match the two examples he had given - which were essentially what was written there in the first place.
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
[member="Jamie Pyne"] I would like to have both the Utai Home Theater and Utai Video Studio moved to the Pre-Factory so that I could remove the one feature of those subs which I feel contributed most to their denial, that is, the ability to upload memories from sentients in audio and video forms respectively.

Now, with that specific feature removed, I feel these subs will require a lot of reworking to be re-judged, even though some of the S&Ws would still be relevant to the resulting subs.

Utai Home Theater
Utai Video Studio
[member="Jamie Pyne"] I would like to request a second chance on the following submission (Warhammer Shield Cracker). While I understand the Judge's reasoning, there are multiple near-identical submissions which have been approved in the past (x) (x) I believe there was also a partial misunderstanding by the judge in regards to the weapons power, as I was intending to limit such power by reducing its range to a single beam rather than a massive, battlefield-encompassing ring as the other submissions and the canon version. This is not a weapon designed to cripple fleets, rather it's a less-powerful, single-target version of this weapon, which I believe is a considerable enough drawback for it not to be considered a super weapon.

I am happy to add any and all clarifications of this necessary if the submission is granted the second chance.


OOC Writer Account
[member="Jamie Pyne"],

Mithran I-Class Powered Assault Armour

This submission was denied as a result of a disagreement between myself and the assessing judge as to the ratings' appropriateness, The Judge insisted that the Ion and Sonic resistances to be lowered as the the armour possesses weaknesses to weapons which rely on these types of power. I've currently got the ratings set at average as the armour protects adequately against certain threats of an Ionic or Sonic nature but not the ones specified under the weakness within the submission, recently another Powered Armour Submission that I composed and at a higher production rating was approved with the ratings in that submission being identical to the Mithran Armour. They are what they are because I came to a similar conclusion that the protective qualities and flaws should contribute to determining an appropriate resistance rating. It's not a refusal strictly to lower the ratings but doing so might misrepresent the Submissions' resistance to certain attacks, having it at 'average' shouldn't invalidate particular vulnerabilities when you consider the other protective qualities which help balance the rating. So it boils down to the Judge believing the Rating is inappropriate based on the fact there is a number of weaknesses associated with this resistance, whereas the submitter (me) has the view that ratings should reflect not just the flaws but protective capability so as to be a more accurate and broad representation of the armour's resistance to the threat in question and thus is appropriate as-is. It'd be a relief to have a member of Staff take a look at this issue and have a ruling.

Fiolette Fortan

[member="Jamie Pyne"], I would like to ask for a second chance on my submission of the Rozhenko-type, Droid Bomber.

The Judge that picked up my submission zeroed in on one portion of the submission and did not look at the whole of the submission, including strengths and weaknesses. Rather than scaling down the weapon attached to the bomber he took it for canon value. I have since made some of the adjustments as suggested by the Judge who had the submission. I am more than willing to make additional adjustments to the submission itself as required however I feel as a whole the submission is balanced - again will make any adjustments and/or concessions as requested by the next judge.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
[member="Jamie Pyne"] I would like to ask for second-chancing the Ergonomic Assessments for Dummies submission, which was archived without any reason given and, as such, offers no clues whatsoever as to what could be reworked, nor did it provide with any indication of issues that could be addressed. Although I do not feel there are significant balancing issues or conceptual issues, since a very similar submission was approved (X), I do feel that it was perhaps archived a little too hastily.
[member="Jamie Pyne"]
I'd like to request a second chance for this. I'm alright with removing the Artificial Gravity Generator, and lowering the weight to more appropriate levels. I just want a cool hammer, the Gravity generator thing is just extra flash.

But, given the Dravalan strength levels, the weight problem isn't really an issue. And I'd very much like to keep the Grav-effect if possible as saying its pulled from Halo. When, in truth so many items have very similar counterparts in Chaos is a bit of a unfair reasoning.

Not to mention, the weapon doesn't even operate the way the Halo's gravity hammer does.
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

I'd like to second chance this sub and get a different judge. I have nothing against the current judge, he just seems to be on a bit of a LOA in terms of reviewing Factory submissions and I'd like to keep things moving.
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

I would like to Second Chance this submission.

First of all, the RPJ ascribed capabilities to the weapon that were neither implied nor directly stated to be in its purview.

Secondly, the quotes from the description are clearly taken out of context, and the context is tongue-in-cheek. I apologize if attempts at humor muddied the true capabilities of the submission; that was not my intention.

Thirdly, enacting the gravity of a planet on a small surface is not at all "super-weapony" in the SW universe. There are multiple technologies extant in canon that go far beyond that. See X, X, X, X.

This quote specifically might be of interest (from Gravitational Field Disruptor):
Princess Leia Organa used one of these devices to increase Darth Vader's porter's mass to the seventh power

As is clearly evident from the above, the technology for projecting and/or increasing the gravity felt by an object is widespread and easily available. This submission is simply a focused, weaponized application of said technology, adapted for use in space.
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