"Having spoken with various Factory Judges on this, we've decided that the only thing which separates this submission from a generic wolf is the telepathy.
As such this is being denied on the grounds that it does not need to be submitted. If you wish to communicate with a sentient wolf (Star wars has those) then you may do so, there's also aspects such as Animal Friendship which will allow for it too."
Ok, so i have several problems to go over with the recent denial of my three species apps and with several reasons that i find to be within good reason to go over.
1. Sentience: On two of the three apps the creatures are fully sentient with their only means of communication as using words is virtually impossible being that of Telepathy. There are several things to bring up about the fact that these are different than the current canon creatures that exist. A: There is only one wolf that has ever achieve sentience in canon, and that was a mutant that was on Endor named Wilk, that had the ability to speak. There are several problems with using something like this, first of all it was a mutant that spoke with words, it didnt have telepathy. Furthermore this was the only case in canon and does not give me viable reason to believe that an entire speicies gains a completely non-canon and different mutation on a planet that has never interacted with the outside universe other than the original colonists. This goes along with the owl like creature, something that i have found no other canon being like it much less one that has achieved Sentience. The Elk is exempt from this point.
2. Planet Location and Getting there: This is by far the biggest issue, how did something, even if it and a mate both achieved this sentient mutation, get to the planet as well as the non-sentient Stithigam creatures and the Noctis birds who would never be able to use a tool to save their life. Its the simple fact that such beings would never be able to migrate to the planet. The species would need some space faring race to bring them there, which would mean my planet would not be Isolated from the Galaxy which in the end ruins the whole point of the planet and its existence. And if you point out the fact the Infereti arrived by ship, they only arrived by accident, and were an exploration group that never in their life would bring along animals that could possibly harm them or as they were Correllians never would have been exposed to the wolf species on Endor.
3. Also, there is a difference between Animal friendship, and mutual societal and intellectual benefit. The Noctis and Hirion are both Fully Sentient, they are not some mindless pet you can just befriend. They have a full range of emotions and can clearly learn like any other being of the universe. They just can use tools thus keeping them from advancing and making an actual Civilization, thus they are not some common Animal.
4. Intent: Ok, i realize this was lacking, so time for a better explination. I wanted to make these and several others for a completely new experience for players as well as give them two more groups to make characters for if they join my faction. Each submission has a purpose and this has furthered the fact that they are incorporated into my storyline because of the place these creatures have in a society and their level of intelligence. That mixed with the fact it would have introduced characters to fauna that had never been seen before in the known Universe, as i have found absolutely nothing like the Stithigam or Noctis species i made, and then face the new dangers that come with these new species. Thank you for listening.
Thank you for your time, and if there are anymore questions or grey areas i would rather discuss them with you than just have you say "Doesnt matter still denied" like i saw earlier in the posts on this thread.