Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Selling Information like it's going out of style!

Not bossed around. Just some one to share a life with. *jamacain accent* goin deep here mon.

with all siersousness I do want a person to share life with. (dont just hand them over Ill find them myself)
Thessa Kai said:
I thought we set-up OTHER people Dells.


We totally do. I'm just you know....putting feelers out there for you. Never know when Mr.Right is around the corner and you're too busy being grumpy to notice. Think of me as your fin-woman ;)
Delila Castillon said:
Shes a you know...fins (as in fish)

Things would have been way worse on Zeltros!I would have picked someone better than Sarge, maybe Beefcake. I got a soft spot for his sickening charm.
That so?


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