Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Selling Information like it's going out of style!

I'd imagine she throws exactly how we would all picture a heel wearing shopaholic... The best way to dodge would be to put more than 10 feet of distance between yourself and her.
Jonathon Patches said:
I'd imagine she throws exactly how we would all picture a heel wearing shopaholic... The best way to dodge would be to put more than 10 feet of distance between yourself and her.

Silens Telum

Blackcraft Interventions 'CEO'
Well... it's thick durasteel. So... unless she has lightsaber heels(Good god I've started a fashion trend I can just feel it), then I'm pretty sure I'm safe.

Vanilla Toner

I want to say something dirty. But I don't want to get you excited Telum. So I'll just say:

Welcome Patches. :D

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