Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Semi Annual Southern Systems Business Bazaar Expo! [ Open to all ]

Melkor walked into the expo, he was running way lat4e but he needed to set up his booth.

Quickly he set up his booth, setting an assortment of weapons and other items.

Lastly he put his banner up above the large booth

Vulcan Industries

He sat down at the booth and waited for the customers

The astrodroid manning the Beast Hunter's Guild booth while Mrrew was exploring the others gave a series of slightly agitated beeps at seeing he had a customer. This is what happened when droids went without memory wipes... they got snotty. However, R9 was looking forward to that oil bath... With another volley of beeps sounding very much like 'One moment', the droid's holoprojector came to life, the flickering blue form of Fossbon, the head trainer for the Guild, appearing in front of Saffron.

"The Beast Hunter's Guild provides a wide arrange of training programs and skillsets to virtually any animal in the galaxy! Need a Rancor taught how to carry a rider? Want a Krayt Dragon to assist you in battle? Want an Aak dog to do tricks? The guild can do that, and more! Virtually anything you could want an animal to be trained in can be done, with virtually any animal in the known galaxy! The Beast Hunter's Guild can provide you with expertly trained animals in all fields!."

After that paticularly cliche holorecordingl, which had aired in the holonet a few days before, the Astrodroid beeped again, as if to say "Does that answer your question?"

(Basically; we can teach anything to do anything. :p)
Bummer. The Chiss had wanted to get something implanted right then and there. A pinging sound from his pocket distracted the impatient slicer. He pulled his Datapad out of his pocket and noticing that the saleswoman had moved on to a new customer, checked his messages. An unnamed cybernetics maker had responded to him about some custom implants, some really special ones apparently. Wouldn't hurt to shop around would it?

Still, it would be a shame to walk out of the Expo empty-handed. He hastily tried to flag down the bikini-clad saleswoman again.

"Excuse me, Miss. Do you happen to have a cranial language implant? And is that something I could walk out of here wearing today?"

[member="Countess Xyhn"]

"Perfect... Miz Arceneau holds high praise for your Guild Mistah Mrrew," she revealed, her crimson lips curving upward.

"The Oiran Guildhouse is interested in procuring Bha'lirs for both of it's locations. Along the number of twenty-four if possible." she would cant her head slightly, "For pets...and security." The Oiran Guildhouse was a protected organization under the watch of Danger Arceneau, with a new chapter recently built within Silver Jedi Territory.
Wirch Bicket said:
[member="Skye Mertaal"]

"Absolutely, there are some target barrels at the back of the stall." Wirch moved out of the way and three barrel stood evenly spread along the back wall of the booth. The distance was not that great, but it simulated firing at close range which was the expected situation when one would use the weapon.

Skye would give a grateful nod, and would take the weapon in hand. After testing the weight and flexing her fingers, she would take position at the small simulated firing range.

She would go through a full clip, pleased by the results, another question would follow, "Are there specific types of ammunition one has to use for this, or am I able to use any that comes in hand?"
The astrodroid whirred in acknowledgement, and took a little green form off the table with it's manipulator apendage. With another whirring beep, and a series of quick movements of his manipulator apendage, he began to fill it out.

Name of Client: Oiran Guildhouse
Animal needed: Bha'lir
Number needed: 24
Training: Taming, Guard Animal
Price of capture: 204,480
Price of training: 766,800
Overall price: 971,280

Client's signature:

The astrodroid's manipulator appendage pointed at the signature line, beeping expectantly. Normally, the price for training and capture of such rare animals would be three times that, but when Danger's shareholder discount, bulk discounts, and the expo discounts are factored in? They were getting twenty-four guard animals for less then a million credits. It was an amazing steal. And with prices like this there were sure to be more customers. And the more customers, the higher chance R9 would get that oil bath...

As Cryax waited for the Mirage booth to clear, he realized the over-stimulation of the Expo, the body heat, weird smells, and loud, raucous laughter was becoming too much to bear. In fact, his normally deep blue skin started to pale. The agoraphobic Chiss had reached his threshold for pandemonium. He turned on his heels suddenly and fled the trade show.

He had wanted to buy language implant, but who knows what one of these shady merchant might put in his head he rationalized, as he high-tailed it for the exit. Might have to take a trip to the ice planet again and learn Cheunh there instead. At least it would give him an excuse to visit Csilla and to meet other Chiss. He hoped the cold race would be somewhat welcome to see an outsider take an interest in getting back to his roots, and not just as a kind of prodigal son.

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
"You can use just about any kind of two types of blaster ammo: energy cells and gas canisters. These pistols have been specifically built with the idea in mind that different types of cells and canisters will be used. Would you be interested in purchasing one of more of these?" He made sure to sound polite so that he did not put off the woman. She obviously could shoot quite well, if only looking at those test shots. He personally hoped that theses weapons would be purchased by people who could use them efficiently.

[member="Skye Mertaal"]
After wandering around the expo for a bit, Mrrew eventually made his way back to his booth. It was about time for the display. He was pretty sure most people would find it slightly tacky, but hey it would get attention- and that's what he wanted to do. Once he got back to the large booth he'd rented for the Beast Hunter's Guild, the Togorian took his seat and pulled out his comlink. Fossbon had been standing by with the beasts until he called them in. Now he would. He had everything he needed already- he'd been working with them with both normal training tecnniques and the Amulet of Control made for them, and they'd practiced. Hopefully this would work without someone getting eaten.

Half an hour or so after the call, Fossbon and his crew appeared at the expo, rolling forward wheeled cages covered with thick sheets, each cage large enough to fit a pair of Wookiees. Everyone they passed could hear grunts and growls coming from under the sheets, cayusing most patrons to give them a wide berth. Funny how scared most people would be of Mrrew's main attraction if they were out of their cages. A minute later, the four cages were behind the Beast Hunter's Guild large booth, all in a row. Fossbon the Amaran and his two assistants busied themselves with pulling off the sheets. Each cage contained a paticularly fierce looking Wampa, who almost instantly reacted violently to the ability to see the peopl around them. The Wampas shook the thick durasteel bars that seperated themselves from the expo, watching everyone that got to close as if they were potential prey. Fossbon and the other two stepped back. Mrrew stood up, producing a bullhorn from somewhere or another.

Ale Snider got up from the booth and walked over to Hardwick.

"Sir, it's time for the meeting."

"Alright," The two started walking to the meeting location. "So, what do you know about this person?"

"Wait, you haven't heard of her? She's a pretty big deal on Tatooine. She's the one in charge of this expo."

"Son, if I had heard of her before, would I be asking bout her?"

"You need to get out more."

"Our men won't train themselves!"

They came to the building they had been instructed to show up to, and Ale and Hardwick walked up to the guard.

"Hello sir, he have an appointment here."

(Sorry it took me so long, was having a bit of writers block on how to get started.)

[member=Danger Arceneau]

Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
[member="Skye Mertaal"]

"Excellent. Here are two pistols and their cost together is 50 credits." He passed two new pistols to the woman. He was glad that the pistols were going to someone who obviously knew how to use a blaster properly. He then remembered something and ducked down behind the counter, popping up a few moments later with two bags one with bullets and one with powder. He placed them on the counter gently saying, "Due to the rarity of bullets and powder in the galaxy, the Durasteel Fist has mandated that when selling these weapons to also give complimentary rounds. This has enough powder for 100 shots and enough bullets for the same."
Eventually, a small crowd had formed around the Beast Hunter's Guild booth, eager to see the 'trained animal display' involving the paticularly savage looking Wampas. Mrrew smiled, and looked among the various assembled sentients, then back to the Wampas. He'd been working with them, training them with Fossbon, basically to show off what the Beast Hunter's Guild's training programs can do. What they were about to do would be a lot more difficult, however, without the amulet of control the Togorian grasped from his gunbelt. A small amulet used for training the more ferocious beasts such as leviathons and Terentateks. They weren't required, of course, for Wampas- but it made doing what they were about to do a lot easier. And even then, it wouldn't have worked if they didn't spend a long period of time training the wampas first with the amulet.

The tall snarling Yeti-like creatures snapped and rattled the bars of their cages, growling at anyone who got close, other then Mrrew. Overall, they looked rabid. Mrrew's hand tightened over the amulet of control as he looked the nearest Wampa in the eye. "Stop." The Wampas each stared at him for a moment. "Still." None of the Wampas moved. This part could all be easily accomplished by normal training, which is what the Guild was advertising with this little display. That even the most fearsome animals can be trained to do virtually anything. On queue, Fossbon and his crew stepped over to the cages, and began unfastening the locks. The various onlookers suddenly got nervous. They were letting wild animals loose at the expo... In a moment, each of the doors hung open. The Wampas eyed the onlookers, but didn't move. They were well trained. "Come." Mrrew opinted to the ground in front of him. One of teh Wampas hesitated, staring at Mrrew. He stared back. Each of the Wampas slowly lurched over. The right training programs could tame anything from a Rancor to an Exogorth, if done correctly, and this is what the display was meant to show. The next part was to show just to what extent the Guild can train animals... That they can train them do do literally anything. Mrrew kept his grip on the amulet, and inserted contorl into his voice. This part would be difficult to do without the amulets the Gulid sold, but still not impossible on more docile species... Mrrew gave the same commands the maker of the amulet did.

"Put your right hand in." Each of the Wampas put their right arm at their sides. "Put your right hand out." They each did, and music started playing from under teh desk of the booth. A few of the younger children in the crowd starting laughing, reconizing the music. "Put yoru right hand in and shake it all about." The Wampas, thougbh begrudgingly, did as they were told. Several of the children, and even a few of the adult unlookers, were now laughing hard. Dancing Wampas. Of course this type of training was pretty much useless for anything other then zoos and circuses, but it showed what the Guild was capable of. He decided not to mention that the Guild had tamed teh Wampas before the display, and the snarling was all an act. Nontheless... The speakers under teh desk continued to sing the hokey pokey, while the Wampas did each step clumsily. It took plenty of training, of course, to get them to do this- and it still would've been more or less impossible without the amulet. But it got it's point across. Mrrew continued giving them commands as each part of the song went on. "Put your right leg in. Put yoru right leg out."

Meanwhile, while Mrrew concetrated on keeping the Wampas doing their routine, Fossbon stepped up, and adressed the crowd. "This and more are possible with the Guild's extensive training programs- nearly anything you can think of can be trained into an animal, no matter how ferocious they may seem!"

The Wampas spun around one after another.

"Large animals and small, predators and not, they can be made to do anything from backflips to battle strategies."

The song was over now, and per Mrrew's commands each Wampa put one hand over another, outstretched, and started jumping up and down.

"Even the most ferocious creatures, Terentateks and Levithons, can be tamed..."

One of the Wampas, the one Mrrew found to be the least tempermental, starting doing a very clumsy and somewhat comedic version of the running man. One of FOssbon's crew, a small Ewok, started tossing the Wampas treats.

"We also train small animals, anything from house training to seeing eye animals!"

After finishing their treats, per Mrrew's commands, the Wampas lurched back to their cages, where the Ewok sealed each one behind them, and another of Fossbon's assitants showed up with a huge pail of raw meat for an extra treat. The various unlookers in the crowd were somewhere between amazed and elated, ecspecially the children, at the display.

"And all animal training sessions are 25 percent off for the remainder of the expo!"

Mrrew, visibly tired despite the fact that he wasn't the one dancing, made his way back to teh front desk to take order while people began to line up asking for their Ropos and Slice hounds to be trained.

(Yes. That just happened. :p)

(c) [member="Darth Praelior"] for the hokey pokey bit
[member="George Hardwick"]

It wouldn't be long before a rather large Wookiee with an ocular patch would grunt for Hardwick to follow him. Were he to agree, they would go through a series of double doors towards what would appear to be a club.

Down the far corner, Danger Arceneau would be sitting down with her iconic glass of whiskey in hand. Once she would see them approach, she would rise to her feet, extending her hand in greeting.

"Well well... General Hardwick, a pleasure."
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"Yes, good to meet you." He said as he shook her hand.

"And I am Ale Snider, co-owner and financial adviser to the general."

"So, how may we help you today?"


Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
[member="Zothustro Quill"] [member="Hannibal Oryen"] [member="Darth Janus"] (really whichever is there)

A lone figure made his way through the booths. He was a young man with an average face and build. He seemed to be in his early twenties or so, but walked with the confidence and sureness of a man three times his age. He wore a simple, dark colored suit and tie, a matching hat, and a black coat. His hands were gloved and a fine pair of shoes covered his feet. He appeared uninterested, though his eyes scanned the tables around with keen precision.

He'd come here on a whim of sorts. To see what the galaxy had to offer for a private businessman like himself. If he found something he liked, he'd snag it. If he didn't, well... he'd have to find someone else who sold it.

As he passed by one of the droid booths, he stopped and glanced over the machines there. He had hired help aplenty, but what he didn't have was a few of the items they sold here.

"Hey, you," he called out to the person running the booth. His tone wasn't arrogant, but it wasn't exactly informal either. It was a stern mix of a voice used to giving orders and the tone of honest curiosity. "These things, the medical droids. Tell me about 'em."
[member="George Hardwick"]

She would motion him to join her at her table and take a seat. " Well ain't much that goes on Tatooine that doesn't perk my ears, General," Danger would say with a winning smile, waving for a waiter to come over and offer them drinks.

"I hear you got yourself a nice little piece of sand to call your own now?" she'd start off, "How bout you tell me more about it?"
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

The two sat down at the table. "Yes, well, as you may or may not know, our mission is to provide a training environment for all things military without all the politics and having to choose a side."

"We provide an option for country's to outsource their training to us, at a reasonable price."

"We've seen plenty of these so called 'PMC's' calling themselves professionals, selling their guns to the highest bidder. Mostly just a bunch of fools they handed a gun. 90% of them would never make it in a real military!"

"There are a lot of PMC's out there, but we are unlike any other in that we sell training. No one else does that, and that gives us a major advantage.

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