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Semi Annual Southern Systems Business Bazaar Expo! [ Open to all ]


Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
[member="Zothustro Quill"]
"Can the S1 tell me in detail what it needs to be fully efficient?" he asked. He could care less about his men half the time, they were just hired thugs, but recruiting and training new henchmen was expensive. Plus the longer they were alive, the more experienced they were.

"If it can tell me what it needs to do the job, I can set it up. The other one I can use damn near anywhere, it just can't do crap like heart surgery or somethin', right."
While his astrodroid once again manned the Beast Hunter's Gulid booth, Mrrew crossed the expo,s earching for the Vulcan Industries display. He'd recently aquired several production contracts in the auctions from the company's CEO, and he'd already contacted him about a harpoon rifle, but he had another idea. The TOgorian frowned as he searched through the crowds, looking from expo to expo. McYodas... Bertram the Ewok's Broiler Emporium... Vulcan Industries!

The Togorian waded through the crowds towards the booth, seraching for it's CEO [member="Darth Morgoth"].
Melkor smiled as he saw his friend and business parnter walking over to his booth. He smiled as he extended his hand and said "Come to talk about another product idea? Or maybe you want a pair of STHC's? Not that you need a weapon"He chuckled as he eyed the Togorian's claws.
Mrrew chuckled. Sure, he needed weapons. He was toting around his sword and heavy blaster pistol hanging from his belt everywhere he went. Luckily, with half of the booths in the expo devoted to selling wepaonry, no one batted an eye. "You were right the first time."

[member="Darth Morgoth"]
Mrrew smiled, and moved his way into the booth as to talk quiter without the throngs of people around overhearing. "You make blasters, correct?"

[member="Darth Morgoth"]

"That is correct." Zothustro nodded. "If the S1 were to be fully efficient, it would need assistants and a properly stocked hospital at its disposal. You can use S2s as assistants, I'm certain. The S1 is also capable of telling you what it needs in detail if said equipment or tools aren't readily available to it already."


Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
[member="Zothustro Quill"]

"Good, I'll take two S1s, then," he said, tossing a pair of high denomination credit chips onto the booth's table top. The two would more than cover the expense. "How many S2s do I need per S1? I'm assuming it's probably two or three, so I'll need a few more than what they need. Keep my bases covered, y'know?"

With that, Vassago tossed a few more chips on the table. All together, they should cover the droid expenses and a little extra. The Gurlanin didn't believe in tipping or leaving gifts. He believed in over-tipping. When you tipped a little extra, the person you've tipped remembered you and wanted your business. They'd occasionally bend over backwards to please you, which was a huge benefit in general.

The crime boss doubted that would work on Quill, but making sure the guy kept selling to Vassago's little empire he'd begun cutting out of the underworld was key. You never knew when you'd need a droid.

Or a favor.

Zothustro nodded in his elderly, sagelike way as he collected the chips. "Two should suffice per S1. Shall I add them to your order?"

The X'Ting's antenna twitched at the mentioning of keeping bases covered. What base was being covered here? Zothustro highly doubted that an entire facility could be completed obfuscated by seven or so medical droids. Unless it was a really small facility, in which case it could scarcely have any occupants. This must have been one of those mammal turns of phrase or something. He didn't quite get it, but money was money. Zothustro didn't need to be down with the hip human lingo to sell products, dig?

"Also, would you like to have them delivered to a certain place or would you prefer to leave with them now?"


Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
"Make it four per S1 for a total of two S1s and eight S2s," Vassago said with a shrug. The credits he'd tossed up would cover that easily. "As for where I want them delivered..."

He pulled out his datapad and scrawled a bit onto the screen. After a moment, he shot it over to the alien's terminal. On it was an address, a name, and a comm code along with a date.

"Have them delivered on that day to that location on Umbara. Buddy of mine runs the place there and that's his comm code. Just have your delivery guy call him when the truck gets there and he'll open the warehouse doors to have the droids delivered."

[member="Zothustro Quill"]
Business deal done, Mertaal would soon find her way over towards the Beast Hunter's Guild booth. She had a specific order in mind for them.

Reaching the attendant [member="Mrrew"], she gave a curt nod. Then said, "I have a specific set of an order request, if you are able to get them for me?" she would ask.

" I want a pair of Valrain, " she said, "As well as a breeding pair of Maalraas."
Mrrew looked up at the new potential customer, [member="Skye Mertaal"], and nodded. He'd never recieved an order for Valrain before, but he'd read of them. Giant birds, quick and intelligent. Would certainly be an interesting hunt.

"Would you like any of the animals trained?"
Mrrew raised the whiskers over his eyes. A bounty hunter using giant birds and Malraas... Interesting. He briefly wondered if she was part of the Bounty Hunter Guild he'd just signed the Gulid up to sponsor bounty hunters for... The Togorian shrugged. Didn't matter, what mattered now was making a sale.

"Do you want them trained for combat, fighting, or just tamed to follow your commands? If just tamed they will have little to no idea what to do in a combt situation- you may tell them to pin someone, and they may try to, but the Guild can train them with fighting techniques, make them less hesitant in a fight, overall make them stronger attack animals, less likely to get injured. Of course, it would also cost slightly more. Which do you prefer?"

[member="Skye Mertaal"]

"I'd want them trained to make the most of their natural hunting and predatory abilities. Tracking being the main focus, but with combat ability if needed." she knew that adding that extra bit of training would mean more money, but that was fine.
Mrrew nodded, smiling. It might not have been much more expensive to add the extra training, but every little cedit added up, and every time he could sell training packages was more money for the Guild. The Togorian fished a pair of forms out from under the desk, and with the help of his datapad started filling out some of the information. After a few moments, Mrrew turned the forms around, and handed [member="Skye Mertaal"] the giant Togorian-sized pen he'd ben using, gesturing to the dotted line where she was to sign her name.

Beast in question: Valrain
Amount needed: 2
Price for capture: 68,000 [Including Expo discount]

Training programs: War Beast (combat training), Hunting
Price for training: 172,500 [Including Expo discount]

Overall price: 240,500

Client: _______________

Beast in question: Malraas
Amount needed: 2 (Breeding pair)
Price for capture: 8,500 [Including Expo discount]

Training programs: War Beast (combat training), Hunting
Price for training: 120,000 [Including Expo discount]

Overall price: 128,500

Client: _______________

"Any questions?"
Mrrew glanced over each form, before hadning both sheets of paper to his astrodroid, who had been sitting on the ground next to the Togorian the entire time. After a moment of shaking the appers in front of it's optics, the droid gave an annoyed beep, and extended his manipulator arm to file away the forms. Mrrew looked back to [member="Skye Mertaal"].

"A pleasure doing buisness with you. You will be contacted when your animals are ready."
Mrrew, somehow back at the Vulcan Industries booth, nodded. "Perfect." He dropped his voice, sot hat only [member="Darth Morgoth"] could hear. "Think of a blaster canon, like the (bazooka sized, shoulder carried) carried by heavy troops of various millitaries. What if you were to create one of those- but focus on a stunning feature? Basically, a stun bazooka for large creatures such as Rancors and the like, with no killing potential? Would that be possible?"

[member="Darth Morgoth"]

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