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Separation of Jedi and the G.A.R.?

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I did read the first post. And to me, it wasn't clear whether the Republic/Jedi were being separated into two factions or divided within the faction. Thank you for clearing that up.

With that in mind, I fully support the separation of Jedi/GAR :)


I'm Sexy and I Know It
The instances in the movies where Jedi were in the military were to bring them into the Chain of Command. It was also so that Order 66 would catch the main bulk of the Jedi unawares, spread out, and surrounded by Republic troops. Just my two bits so far. I'll post more when I get home tonight.


Disney's Princess
This is always a hard question. I find that the Chain-of-Command never exists during PvP so it's never really been a war-time liability. I've RP'ed many a Jedi-Naval Commander and not once have I received a single order from a superior Officer. Either Jedi or Navy. And that has been since the Faction was created, day one.

The trouble always seems to come 2 ways.

  • An individual writer gets offended that the Jedi Order even allows it's members to participate in combat and complains about it.
  • Or two, a singular Jedi individual makes a mistake during combat and nobody knows how to hold him or her accountable for it.
People who complain almost always leave the Order to seek their own personal ideologies elsewhere. Silvers, Grays, Pacifists, etc. So that takes care of itself. The second is much harder. Punishing a Jedi character for crimes or mistakes committed whilst acting as a Military Commander has never been a smooth, (or even applicable,) process.

Separating the Jedi from the Military does little to solve those problems. Members will still complain, if only in the opposite way. And Military Commanders will still continue to make mistakes, blunders, war crimes, etc; and still evade accountability.

In conclusion. Do what you want. I don't think it will solve anything. *sadness* :(

Talon Vosra

In the legacies canon that we all know and love, Jedi commanding in the republic military has ended poorly. also of note. Just like every single IC decision it doesn't actually effect the way invasions, skirmishes, or dominions play out.

Example: No republic officers show up for an invasion but one of the objective is a space battle. A Jedi's writer sees the deficiency and can either take direct control, which would be against regulations in this case, or NPC an admiral and write the admirals actions and that of his character as separate entities.

Conclusion: An IC law or rule doesn't have to render anyone incapable of having fun. It should give you some fluff that you can use to enhance your Role Play experience and something for your character to react to.

On a side note if a character performs an action that deserves repercussions, the writer should be able to be mature enough to accept it. If a writer can't accept that there are consequences for his characters actions I'd hate to see how they get through real life.
Lol. Did you seriously like your own post [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]?

Anyways...I guess I just don't understand what the point is. What Jedi is currently commanding Republic units? You will always have Jedi interfacing with the military...that's just a reality of the Republic being at war, period.

The issue is a lot of people frame their posts as directive to NPC military units instead of suggestive to said NPC unit's commander. Why? Because it's easier not to roleplay out the resistance of some NPC commander when you're just trying to accomplish some RP fluff goal.

So I guess my opinion can outlaw whatever you want, it's still going to happen and probably often. I pretty much agree with [member="Sam Jhovna"].
Yeah, I went a bit crazy with it and the website was going a bit slow. Was trying to vote on Popos and other peoples stuff and starting scroll/mash/nerd rage browsing.

:| Got frustrated with it and went on a spree. *shrugs* yeah I like my own material. *votes for self*

I'm a very vain person, I like all my stuff. *goes to do so*
Marcello Matteo said:
Well at least someone does [member="Aaralyn Rekali"] ;)

Kidding. You know I love to fake-hate you.

Last off topic post, [member="Popo"].
<3 Damn, and I went on a liking spree of posts.

*hides the mouse* I blame [member="Popo"] and Taco Bell.


The Hound

Do we even have NFUs in ranking positions?? I'm just curious. This doesn't do much but add IC fluff. Nothing has truly changed though I like the acknowledgment of the switch IC.
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