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Separation of States (Mandalorians and Imperial Remnant)

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
Mason made a hmming noise as he listened to the big Mandalorian. By now he would have thought that the predisposition of past Emperor's would have been forgotten, especially given the relatively recent run of the Fel Empire. The person that they were referring to was ancient history. The galaxy had changed, and the results of the first Emperor's disposition towards the darkside had left lasting ramifications on the galaxy. His spawn would no doubt have taken notice of this fact. Granted, these weren't his spawn that had brought about the current Emperor, just extended family.

"The Empire I refer to is long since dead. We are not a remnant of that ancient Empire, which built death stars and destroyed planets. We are a Remnant of the more recent Empire's: less controlling and bloodthirsty, more orderly."

He drummed his fingers against the table lightly as he regarded the Mandalorians. It was impossible for him to tell what they were thinking with their helmets on, but he was thinking that it wasn't good. These Mandalorians were so thoroughly rooted in the past that it was all they thought of.

"The Emperor you speak of is ancient history. Hundreds of years ago. Our Emperor is not his spawn, or a direct descendant of him. He's a descendant of the man's family only. He is young, full of passion, and knowledgeable of his predecessors. Our intentions are not such as to destroy planets, but to make the galaxy a safer, more orderly place.

"As I said earlier, we're going to go so far as to terraform Kalee and make it a suitable refugee center. Not to be rude, but it's right on your border and yet it seems you've done nothing to fix it, so I ask, who amongst us, in this room, is most like the Empire of old? The one that lets a planet go to waste, and may have been somewhat responsible for it, or the one that intends to fix the planet and turn it into a refugee center for all species the galaxy has to offer, under the protection of Imperial forces?"

He stopped drumming his fingers.

"We are not six hundred years in the past. The banner may look the same and come with the same rigid military standards, but the people that fly the banner are not the same."

[member="Serco Savar"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Arla Balor"]
A challenge, really, calling the Vod out to our faces. Nolan tensed up and leaned forward, intent on pouncing on the man who dared insult the Mandalorians by comparing them to a tyrannical demon of old. He clenched his crushgaunts so hard, the sound was audible.

Within his helmet, on the private comm between his vod, he growled at the man. Who is he to question our actions, when he, instead of fixing the Empire he had, ran to start a new one? He left his post and abandoned his people. Who is he to call us anything, when he is nothing better than a wamp rat himself?

Before he knew it, his hand was on the grip of his pistol, he could kill all of the soldiers in here and still have a round left for the heretic.

[member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Arla Balor"] @Kal Kandosii [member="Serco Savar"]
Arla could hear Nolan making sure she was only on the frequency that her companions could hear she turned toward Nolan "take your hand off your weapon this is a peaceful meeting moves like that will get us nothing but trouble". She knew that everyone had heard her and that if any of them did a bone head thing like that again they'd have to deal with her. She was in not in the best of spirits these days and having a fight might just make her feel better.

Arla wanting to defuse some of this thought of the right words that would not offend her vod and would hopefully bring this meeting back down a notch or two turned to the Admiral. "Admiral Deschart we as a people have long memories it is often hard for us to forget the past because of our culture to always remember and learn from mistakes. Your Emperor may be new and cut from a different fabric it will take time to prove to us that he is different from the other"

She did not want to seem to be out of turn, "As for the planets on our borders I'm sure the Field Marshall has details some of which cannot be shared at this time. Security and classification being taken into consideration, I'm sure you understand"

[member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Serco Savar"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Davin"] [member="Garen Ruca"]

Serco Savar

[member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Garen Ruca"]

When the Admiral spoke Serco visibly cringed at the man's choice of words in response to the Madalorians quip about the past. It would seem things were going down hill fast and straying far away from what they were intended to be. It was not until he noticed the one reach for his side arm that Serco moved or said anything.

"What the Admiral....................."

Serco paused as the third spoke letting her finish before continuing.

"................................. means is that their are more than one Empire that operates or has operated in the Galaxy." "It is not uncommon to automatically assume we you put it cut from the same fabric." "All I can say to you is that we all have to live with the sins of the father as if they are our own."

Serco paused looking down as if remembering something painful before looking up and continuing.

"My father chose love and family over the law and was cast out from the things he loved most." "I had to leave my family behind and everything I have ever known for no other reason than to keep my family safe."

"We intervened in Crina not because we missed for conquest but because the Royal family asked for our help." "We do so freely with our on Emperor leading the defense of Crina from Rebels who wanted nothing more than to murder and pillage." "In the end we asked nothing of them in return." "The live under our banner not because we demanded it of them but because they asked it of us."

Serco slowly pulled his word from his sheath setting it on the table the handle towards Azrael.

"I am an initiate in the Order of Imperial Knights the Emperor's personal guard." "As a show of good faith he sent not Master's of the Order in full battle armor but initiate's in plain clothes." "As a sign of good faith to show we mean not violence or conquest but a peaceful existence with our neighbors."

"Now I respect the Grand Admiral but some times men of war feel so feverishly about the causes they support that they let theur emotions get the best of them." "Unfortunately for me I am an Empath and I feel every subtle emotion that come pouring out of everyone around me." "The down side being it gets really hard to split them out causing one feth of a headache." "Perhaps with more training it will come who knows."

Serco sighed.

"So instead of letting our emotions get the best of us how about we sit and have a peaceful discussion about how we can help each other." "I have had enough death for a life time already and I really like these robes." "I would like to keep them clean if I can."

Serco chuckled.

"Besides I am much too pretty to die today."
Only the shift of his crimson visor moved as Nolan laid his hand upon his sidearm, but made no move or vocal command to stop him. Arla had that covered, and her words were true and spoken well. As much as this conversation was veering off course, her words helped settle him a bit. The slow return of his gaze and helmet to the man seated at the head end of the table was accompanied by the withdraw of his hands from the table's surface, back into a folded position across his chest. Perhaps another time, in another set of circumstances, Azrael would have been far more placid in his approach to these negotiation talks, but things had recently occurred that has shifted his mind, bent his focus, and weighed heavy on his mind.

While he watched and listened to his sister speak, he considered the weight of her words. She mirrored what he had thought - that to announce their link to the past, and to wave their same colors and banner alike only to insist that their regime was a far cry from that Galactic Empire of old was going to be a tough pill to swallow at first. Brows furrowed beneath his helmet as the younger cadet interjected again, being far more verbose than before - giving out details about his own personal life that seemed somewhat irrelevant to the conversation. Though the particular part about being an Empath was striking - as the sheer weight of burden and sorrow that was radiating from the three Mandalorians present were likely creating. Their leader had been slain in battle, and that was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Moreso, their leader had also been Azrael's adopted father. Every mention of that word from young Serco's mouth was like a tiny jab of an arrow at the heart of his grief.

"Admiral, the Mandalorians do not pretend to be what we are not. Sentient aide is not our mission, and while we protect the systems within our borders, our legacy is not known as relief squads to rescue dying planets. Neither Kalee or Crina are within our borders, and we have no quarrel with you in attempting to aide or benefit those systems. You however want assurance that the Mandalorians will not come after you and your own - and that is reasonable. If you do not threaten our borders, or intervene on our attempt to expand our influence, you will have no issue with the Mando'ade." Azrael's voice pitched lower. "Cross us, aruetiise, or give us reason to believe your intentions are anything but honorable, and you will find out exactly how old fashioned we can be."

They wanted to negotiate, he'd just given them in no more simple terms, the conditions of their agreement. They would not step forward and attempt to eradicate their forces should they prove to live by their stated word. If however, they decided to generate an army and amass a front to either threaten the Mando'ade, or begin to act like the Dar'jetti did, then they'd find out exactly how quickly and violently they had cleared their 'backyard' of the Galaxy, twice over in the last six months.

[member="Mason Deschart"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Serco Savar"]
At the words of Az and the warnings from [member="Arla Balor"], Nolan cooled off quickly. He settled back into attention, his hands now crossed in front of his waist. A psychologically defensive stance, showing that his guard was up but he was relaxed. He cracked his neck out of habit at the hint of threat Az put out when he spoke of the Empire going back on their word. Nolan knew how to take a beating, but he could dish it all back just the same. And when he was known for entering every battle by way of crashing a frigate into the City they were invading, Nolan guessed they would not be so quick to test Mando resolve.

He even took a step to the side and back, as if retreating to a better position, but he was merely aging a vantage point and began taking snapshots of each face in the room. Especially the Admiral. The tall red headed young man gave off the familiar aura like that of the Jedi. Nolan could smell it, to the same man, were he to 'feel out' with the Force, he would see a murky color of black, red and purple, he was no Jedi, but far from Sith too.

[member="Azrael"] [member="Serco Savar"] [member="Mason Deschart"]

Serco Savar

[member="Azrael"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Mason Deschart"]

Serco looked over at Nolan Detta for a long few moments as the man's posture changed before turning back to Azrael the full weight of what the man had said processing through his mind. It was a start not where they wanted to be in the negotiation but it was a step in a better direction.

At least it seemed nobody wanted to kill anyone for the moment and Serco could live with that and any punishment he received for the most recent outburst. Serco looked at the Admiral and sighed before going back to the spot where he was originally standing by the door not caring to pick up the Dauntless Blade he had laid on the table.

Serco pinched his brow it was going to be a very long day and with the rate of emotions raging all around the room Serco was going to need to put himself into an extended Trance to recover from it.


[member="Azrael"] @Nolan Detta [member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Serco Savar"]

Jerrick stepped in through the doors as he had personally heard about this, the thing was though, this was a Mandalorian whom left them in disgrace, joined that very Empire this old man was speaking about, and came back to his aliit to help them in anyway they could. He nodded at [member="Azrael"], the man who had convinced him to return to his yaim, and become a true Mando'ade again.

He stood next to the man, and nodded at the other mando'ade in the room. "Ner'vods." He said in a greeting to them. Then he turned his gaze to the Imperials. "Arutiise." he greeted the others. He took a deep breath, exhaled. "I fought for your Empire. I did a lot for your Empire. I can vouch for them, they are not to be so easily trusted. I had gained a ori'vod during by service there, and they used us." He looked at Azaerl. "They tried to take away my culture, but instead, I spread it to my fellow soldiers, making them better then these Imperial dogs ever could have. they jahaatir."

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
Mason lofted a brow in the direction of Serco when the Knight Cadet went on about things. Though he couldn't find fault with what the man said, he was speaking out of turn again. This time Mason waited until he knew the man was looking in his direction and then shook his head in warning. This was still the Empire, even if it was only a remnant. Speaking out of turn in front of your superiors was frowned upon and didn't set a good impression of their strict military nature in front of the Mandalorians. Not that they were particularly any better. Though one of them actually spoke some sense, at least.

When Azrael spoke, Mason nodded his understanding. Yes, it made sense. If one crossed someone you tended to invite retaliation. The same went both ways. Of course Mason understood that telling the Mando's that they could expect the same treatment would just get a laugh, so he kept it to himself. If the Mando's crossed the Remnant they would find out.

"That's understood," he said in response to Azrael. "That's the way things tend to go when it comes to crossing someone. We only wished to approach you to indicate that we have no interest in combating you, and wish for you to leave us in peace. We won't hinder you if you don't hinder us, and vice versa. You might call it a simple non-aggression pact if you will."

Of course he was cut off from continuing by a rather rude Mandalorian that decided to barge in from out of nowhere. He'd have to speak with the guards about this later on. He didn't know this Mandalorian, and he saw no recognition on the face of any of his people in the room, so he promptly turned to face the man with a cold stare. Mason was well practiced in dealing with people. He hadn't even gotten heated when he'd verbally slapped the Mandalorians, he'd been perfectly calm.

"I don't know you. I don't believe anyone here knows you. It's doubtful anyone in the Remnant knows you. As there have been several upstart Empire's in the galaxy of late, it's safe to say that your accusations are baseless and unfounded. We have nothing against you or your people. If we did, we certainly wouldn't have come here in an antiquated vessel with no shields or weapons powered up. We did this out of respect. I do not know what happened to you in the past, but as I have been explaining, the past is just that: past."

That said, he turned back to Azrael.

"If you can agree, I believe a non-aggression pact is in our best interest. Additionally, if someone moves aggressively to combat you at your borders, providing a threat to us as well, we may move to assist you if you call for it."

[member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Serco Savar"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Shado CZ MK 001"]
In the hanger waiting with several other vode Kal watched the 'peace' talks that were ongoing. Emotions ran high, as seemed the way of things between two cultures wishing to come to terms yet neither wishing to appear weak before the other. It seemed there might be an accord that would be met. But one thing the admiral said tickled in his mind.

"The past is the past." True words and yet one does not forget their roots and neither do others. Just because you fly a different cause then what you once did doesn't change where you came from. "They want peace and desire to be judged on their own merits. A worthy endeavor. Yet to forget the past begs a revisit to the sins and tragedies that lay therein.'

Kal spoke mostly to himself but any vode listening to the open mandalorian channel would here him in the background. "I don't like the 'we may move to assist you' part. More concrete terms of agreement would seem to be in order. But to do so would lock them into assisting us if we were to call .And lock us to them as well." Kal mused for a moment trying to see if it was worth it, then shrugged. "That's why I'm with the ships, These decisions are above my pay grade." He chuckled to himself.

[member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Shado CZ MK 001"] [member="Serco Savar"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Arla Balor"]
Arla did not even know what to say about this new mandalorian that had come from behind them. He must have been on the other escort anyhow her attention was drawn back to the Admiral as he spoke. It was not unnoticed the interactions of the Imperials with one another, clearly there was a hierarchy and when one stepped outside of their class admonishment was sure to follow.

She didn't know if she liked the words we may either but in truth that went both way they did not have to raise a single mandalorian glove to help them no matter how close. But now this could give them access to their worlds with spy mission that sometimes slipped through un noticed, and then what. Then in time the alliance would be nothing more than the datachip it was recorded on, and near was worthless.

But this decision laid with the Field Marshall, and they would abide by his decision. In this Arla was now quiet. Waiting to hear what [member="Azrael"] would say.

[member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Shado CZ MK 001"] [member="Serco Savar"] [member="Nolan Detta"]
Nolan shoot his head at the utreekov ade who spoke out of turn. Nolan looked back to the admiral, noticing the exchange between him and the red haired FU.

Within his helmet, Nolan spoke to the others, We seem to be getting off to a great start with our new burc'ya.

[member="Arla Balor"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Shado CZ MK 001"] [member="Serco Savar"] @Azrael


Through his helmet, he spoke back to the other vod.

"Vod, they are aruetiise to their own tsad droten. they seek akaan to the Tingel Arm. They are adeen adate who dont suvarir ijaat." He made no motion to indicate he was speaking to them through the helmets. He sighed, and took a step back. He had no apparent weapons on his person. "The Empire they speak of is the exact same I speak of." [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Kal Kandossii"]
While being known as a patient man, the limits of his patience were worn thin through the recent events in the past couple of months. Anyone who was aware of the current condition of the Mandalorians, and knew what they had lost couldn't fault him for being short with anyone at the moment. Considering the brevity of the situation however, Azrael was curious why they needed to even board the ship and look them in the eyes, when a simple holo-communication would do. Perhaps they didn't want the Mandalorians to think they were deliberately wasting their time if an accord couldn't be reached - or perhaps simply accidentally wasting it. Still, it wasn't hard to make the pact. As long as this Remnant didn't interfere or show themselves to be two-faced, he didn't have a problem staying out of their affairs. Bringing up the rear, the conversation between Jerrick and the Admiral didn't warrant a reaction from the Field Marshal however. He wasn't quite as concerned about the issues right now. They were small in numbers and certainly not the first or last to try to raise the Imperial banner again.

"Just to be clear, this does not make us allies, this simply ensure we won't act on you of yours as long as the conditions are met." Azrael said, cutting to the point of the meeting before he shifted his gaze slightly to his rear, refocusing ahead within a moment. "Now, is there anything else?" He asked simply because as far as he was concerned, the meeting was over, as the point of it had been reached and agreed upon. Despite Jerrick's aversion to this pact, it wasn't as if they were taking their side or protecting them. It was likely the Mandalorians wouldn't ever call for their aide, or come running if the Remnant were in trouble. All this meant is that for now, they wouldn't shoot them down, or destroy their operations.

[member="Serco Savar"] | [member="Shado CZ MK 001"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Kal Kandossii"] | [member="Mason Deschart"]
"Then we must teach them what it means to have 'ijaat'. I say, let them be 'aruetiise' to their people. We will show them their foolish ways will not 'cuyanir'."

Nolan looked back at the 'ade' and the to the admiral and others.

"I think this conversation has run it's course Az, what say we head home and I'll buy the first round. Let these utreekov play charity to the planets outside our borders. "

[member="Shado CZ MK 001"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Kal Kandossii"] [member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Serco Savar"] [member="Azrael"]

Serco Savar

[member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Nolan Detta"]

Serco continued to pinch the bridge of his nose closing his eyes for just a moment as the Admiral and Azrael continued to speak. The sudden rush of new feeling radiating around the room applified by the newest arrival was beginning to be more than Serco could handle. Rather than try to speak anymore Serco just tried to get through the meeting and get somewhere quite and insulated.

After a few minutes Serco dropped his hands and went back to just looking and watching his brow slightly creased from the raging pain pounding in his head.

The Subnet

News They Don't Want Heard
This one Mando sure liked to talk a lot about things that had nothing at all to do with the Remnant. He didn't care, though. Not anymore. He'd said his piece and that was that. As it was, he was more than ready to get this meeting over with. Politics were never something that he'd enjoyed. Being an Admiral meant that you did your politics at the end of several turbolaser batteries. They talked better than any mouth in the galaxy ever had anyways. They made a single argument and then the argument was over.

"Very good. We can consider this meeting adjourned and we shall leave you and yours alone so long as you do the same for us."

Mason nodded his head in Azrael's direction before turning his attention to Serco. No, he wasn't about to berate him in front of everyone, but considering the volatility of this one Mandalorian, he wanted to be sure that they got off of his ship as soon as possible.

"Cadet Savar, please escort the Mandalorian detail back to their craft and see that they leave safely. Then we'll be on our way."

[member="Serco Savar"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Shado CZ MK 001"] [member="Arla Balor"]

Serco Savar

[member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Azrael"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Shado CZ MK 001"]

Serco nodded to the Admiral.

"Yes Admiral."

Turning to the Mandalorians Serco smiled softly.

"When ever you are ready to depart it would be an honor to walk with you."

Serco stepped forward retrieving his sword from the table where he had left it and sheathed it turning back to stand by the door turning in slightly to face it waiting diligently.
While his reluctance to be called into Mandalorian affairs of state and government at the present moment, he had a duty to his people, and he couldn't shirk responsibility despite the events of the times. Still, Azrael had hoped that this meeting would be short, even if it couldn't be sweet. There was certainly no love on either end of this discussion, or the table. This was business, it wasn't public relations - or else it would have been a very different kind of conversation. The need was evident of their call to the Mandalorians, but Azrael wasn't taking into consideration the entire breadth of their plan just yet - and while he did not underestimate any possible opponent, a non-aggression pact was the easiest of solutions to this confab about a mutually agreeable solution. It was wise of Mason to address them in this manner, even if it wasn't entirely without animosity felt in the room. Securing the word of the Mandalorians to stay their hand and not press advantage where they could would buy this Remnant some time to fortify and grow. The Field Marshal knew though that at some point in the future their paths may cross again, so he'd keep a weather eye on the horizon for what may come to pass.

:: Trattok'or dayn, vode. :: The internal command to his brothers and sister was given in a crisp tone before his head dipped, offering a nod to Mason, while turning on his heel. This was not the time, nor the place to deal with emotions and past problems with a faction who was only a shadow of the past. If he needed to address those concerns later, he would - for now he was only interested in one thing, getting back to the work he was doing, and try and right his mind. He'd come out here to Yaga Minor for a reason, and it hadn't been to have discussion. The edge of Mandalorian space had been picked so that he could focus on work, and not be knee deep in the affairs of the vode for a brief respite. Whether that was seen or not, he wasn't exactly in the biggest of sharing moods, nor was he entirely happy. The gates of his mind were closed off, even to the vode at this point while he tried to reconcile the last two months of loss.

With the cadet in the lead, another silent command transferred the footage he had recorded of the meeting to a personal server aboard his ship, combining it with the layout they'd witnessed within the ship itself. It never hurt to be prepared, and it was helpful to make note of everything when in strange surroundings. Still it was just noise in the background of his mind. At the very least, he'd found a small distraction, but it wasn't to last, nor was it entirely gratifying. Boots clipped the durasteel pathway in a heel-toe staccato, now bringing up the rear of the unit brought in for this talk. Once in the safety of his ship, along with Nolan in the co-pilot seat, he'd lift off and give the escort fighters a chance to do the same, before blasting out of the hangar and back towards the relay space port that they had left, looming below in the void of space from the large wedge shaped shadow of the vessel above.

[member="Mason Deschart"] | [member="Serco Savar"] | [member="Nolan Detta"] | [member="Shado CZ MK 001"] | [member="Arla Balor"] | [member="Kal Kandossii"]

Serco Savar

[member="Azrael"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Shado CZ MK 001"]

Serco lead the group quietly to the hanger without much fan fare and wordlessly until they got to the hangar doors. At which time Serco would stepped to the side allowing them to pass through while uttering a simple phrase.

"I am sorry."

Once they passed through Serco would bring up the rear and stay watching the take off before heading back to the conference room and the Admiral. Serco had no desire to be there anymore and knew it was not going to be a pleasant experience but just wanted to get it over with. Once inside the room Serco looked at [member="Mason Deschart"] with a polite nod.

"The Mandalorians have departed Admiral."

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