Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Separation of States (Mandalorians and Imperial Remnant)

Nolan was happy to be back in the ship, and took out ANOTHER bottle of Circe Green from his pack in the storage locker. Popping the cork, and his helmet, he took a big gulp. The refreshing liquid calmed the edges that Nolan felt from this exchange. He held it out for Az if he wanted any.

"Now that this is over, what say we hit up a bar back on station before everyone departs?" He spoke to all the Vod over the comms.

Nolan wasn't exactly mister empathy but he knew a good brew and some good people could change the mood of a few fairly easily. It's basic psychology, feed the need and the bad emotions get drowned in booze.

[member="Azreal"] [member="Shado CZ MK 001"] [member="Arla Balor"][member="Kal Kandossii"]
As their vode returned to the haner and fell into the ships Kal gave a mock bow to the troopers who were on guard duty watching the mass of vode waiting in the hanger. The others of Beskar'ad fell in as Kal waited by the ramp. The mandos cleared the hanger and Kal hopped up as the final few stowed upon the shuttles.

Sliding on with a lingering look at the troopers he caught the offer for a drink over the buy'ce. "Sign me up ner vod!"
Arla was back on board, and ready to be somewhere else again. She needed silence now. Words were just too much at times for her, she preferred to punch something instead.

She leaned back in her seat, closed her eyes, and forgot about the pain that did not seem to have a cure.


Back on board finally, Jerrick removed his own helmet, and took a breath. His hair falling around his face hid some the scars gained by becoming what he was. He rubbed his face with one hand, and held the helmet in his arms with the other. He sighed.
"I could think of five ways to deal with these people...talking isn't one of them.." he placed his helmet back on, and walked away. He had said his piece of mind, and was ready to go release his annoyance on something that wouldn't survive that outcome. [member="Azrael"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Nolan Detta"]

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