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Dominion Shadow Empire: Vulgar Vagaari | EE Dominion of Vagar Praxut




In the wake of a devastating defeat on Abridon, the Shadow Empire is reeling, now forced for the time being to return to its previous modus operandi, that of a secretive and subversive terrorist network. Operating just within the Eternal Empire’s reach, yet also within its shadow, the Shadow Empire is moving to rebuild the Shadow Army and Fleet. To that end, the organization has established connections with the Vagaari Empire, a society of nomadic slavers and raiders. Intelligence reports have suggested that the Shadow Empire intends to bolster its depleted Shadow Ultranaut Corps with a new force of expendable slave soldiers. These reports have been substantiated by the numerous raids conducted by Vagaari salvers in the neighbouring systems, seizing young and healthy men and women, presumably to be handed over to the Shadow Empire and brainwashed to its nefarious ends.

Seeking to put an end to the slave soldier programs of the Shadow Empire and the Vagaari, the Eternal Empire has committed a number of assets to extinguish the slaving operations. In addition, the Eternal Empire intends to liberate all slaves on Vagar Praxut and to bring an end to the Vagaari slaving rings for good.


Objective 1: Salvation
Set as the keystone operation against the slave soldier programs of the Shadow Empire, the Estosh City Slave Compound is one the largest bases of slaving operations on the planet. The entire facility has been converted to hold slaves intended for the Shadow Empire, and as such, the secretive organization has established a strong military presence at this location. Sending a few strike teams of handpicked assassins, mercenaries, soldiers, and other operatives, the objective is to rescue the slaves and take control of the base. There are also two known directors of the slaving soldier programs present at the facility who must be neutralized, Moff Tarsi Ichen and Prefect Decha Zocha.

Objective 2: Retribution
Given the large compensation the Vagaari Empire is receiving from the Shadow Empire for the procurement of subjects for its slave soldier program, the ruling figures of the Vagaari government, including the Miskara, will not hear any pleas to cut ties with the Shadow Empire. As such, much like its operation against the former regime on Vassek, the Eternal Empire has dispatched a singular strike team to liquidate the government, with the priority of assassinating the Miskara and any officials loyal to him.

Objective 3: Support
The individuals liberated in the ongoing anti-slavery operations on Vagar Praxut must be tended to and processed, as many of them have been traumatized, injured, and/or separated from their families. Assist them in recovering from their ordeal and ensure that these individuals are not left behind as the Eternal Empire works to remove the Vagaari Imperial government.

Objective 4: BYOO
There are many more ways to interact with Vagar Praxut and by extension, the Vagaari, than are listed here. Not to mention, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!


Links: Vagar Praxut | Shadow Empire

OOC: Huge thanks to Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta for the narrative and writing this dominion! <3

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Estosh City, Vagar Praxut
Objective I.: Salvation
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open

She was really home now, felt a little better, but she was still having trouble with the Force using. Her body it healed nicely, and the midichlorians began to recover. She grew stronger day by day, she knew it would take some time before she was as strong and “healthy” as she used to be. But Ingrid had the time and patience. The Empress was in no hurry, not overstrain herself because she knew it would worsen her own chances of recovery. Most people close to her also asked her to rest and stay away from the battlefield for a while.

But Ingrid was not one of those who was able to relax or unwind if they are able to work.

That's why she was her today. In the first line, among her people, among her Ultranauts. For the first time since returning to the Eternal Empire after the captivity. Many events have accelerated recently that may have been important later. As a possible alliance within the NIO, the marriage proposal of the Sith Emperor; the future encounter and secret meeting with Maw leaders.

But now none of this was as important as stopping the Shadow Empire and abolishing the institution of slavery here at this place. She also sent another team to do what they did on Abridon, to kill the leader of the planet and the people loyal to him.

The dropship landed not too far from the facility that had to be occupied. She looked through on her men and then gave a single command in High Nelvaanian language.

<"Let's start!">


Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Special Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand
Location: Miskara’s palace, Vagar Praxut
Objective II.: Retribution
Equipment: Væringi MK. I Assassin Armour and Cloak | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x Red blade lightsaber shoto | Shield talisman | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet || Empyrean gland
Tags: Open
It was finally a task that she liked as well. Kessia had long been waiting for her to finally kill someone in a legal way. She really enjoyed this, to see life disappear from someone’s eyes. Especially if it's because of her. But she had little opportunity to do so because, because of her brainwashing and conditioning, she only had the opportunity if she was allowed to. The woman was a sociopath, she would have killed anyone, even for a bad gaze or a single bad word. But she was commanded to obey all laws. It was her conditioning that saved her from the Dark Side as well.

But now she was here, she had been left out of the previous assassination, but this was more important now, so the Empress now sent her to this place, which she was very happy about. Kessia arrived fully equipped at the place given to the team members for the meeting. They might come from different places to make sure they can’t connect them when they start the operation. Or at least she knew that information.

Maybe because she received the order from the Empress in person; maybe the others, too; she didn't know. It wasn't that important. For now, however, she waited where she needed to be, at those coordinates. In the shadows, in a barren place where there are no cameras and no people walking around.

She checked the time; a matter of minutes and they could start…





equipment: H.A.R.M mk 1 armor, 2 GMG's, 7 EE brand Biodroids, 7 m-416 slugthrowers, 1 protosaber, M-107 with 2000 rounds of ammo.

Ty saw the writting on the walls the shadow empires days were numbered and yet hes contempt with the forseeable outcome. That didnt mean however he was just going to roll over and take it. standing at the top of a city skylite tower ty released his mynock as a few blocks down the last of the EE brand biodroids 1 through 7 set up in a seperate skylight with two GMG's and their m-416's to help slow down the inevitable. Ty was no idiot he knew if he and his units stayed they would surely die but in the end his bell tolled and he was to meet his maker now it just remained to be seen who his exicutioner would be.

Due to his high vantagepoint and useing both mynocks as effective spotters Ty got prone of the roof of his tower several ammo boxes of pre loaded mags for his M-107 lay within arms reach smiling to himself He watched as a dropship dropping off the Empress herself and a detachment of troops
Loading a non tracer round into his M-107 Ty sent out a mental message to the dear empress. <ah look what the cat dragged in you look like your not well from where im looking tell the trooper next to you that he was a good soldier for me will you?.> Ty added before fireing a round useing the mynocks as spotters Ty whatched as the round zipped threw the air before splitting the Ultranughts head open like a melon.

<oh and Ingrid Try to make this fun will you? i'd rather not be board before i die here today.>

Ty would then send a mental command for the biodroid team to wait until troops were making their way to their position before they start shooting in order for them to make the most of limited ammo.

Objective: Retribution
Location: Miskara’s Palace, Capital City - Vagar Praxut
Tags: Kessia Miran Kessia Miran

Unbeknownst to the Blackwatch Sniper, the woman she had first met on Chalcedon, the Chameleon, was also Zena Baize, the individual who had administered her entrance examinations on board the Eternal Silence. Indeed, there were still many things that the Asa’nyx did not know in being a junior agent, as Blackwatch was host to a myriad of secrets and even layers of internal subterfuge. Ivixa did her best to stay out of it, focusing only on her assigned duties, which were more often than not, quite straightforward. However, the Shadow Empire yet still had tendrils hidden within Blackwatch even after suffering a defeat on Abridon. As such, Ivixa and other agents like her, were only given information on a strict need-to-know basis.

Fortunately, for this particular operation, Ivixa was aware of most, if not all of the relevant details, save for the true identity of the Chameleon. The Shadow Empire had enlisted the Vagaari Empire to capture young and healthy individuals for a slave soldier program, in order to replace the losses sustained on Abridon. As a society of slavers and nomadic conquerors, the Vagaari were only too happy to lend the Shadow Empire its slaving expertise, especially given the large sums of credits they were receiving as compensation. It went without saying that the Vagaari economy was built on slavery, having managed to maintain the practice even as the major galactic powers moved away from and condemned the it. Nevertheless, the profitable dealings with the Shadow Empire had only reinforced the Vagaari’s commitment to the archaic institution. All attempts to negotiate with the Miskara regarding cutting ties with the Shadow Empire had been rebuffed, thereby leaving only one option.

Government Liquidation.

Having arrived on Vagar Praxut three days earlier, Ivixa had made the most of the time in order to scout out Miskara's Palace, memorizing potential escape routes, entrances, patrol patterns, and yet more. Fortunately, the bulk of the prep work had already been done on her behalf, including the time and location of a meeting involving the Miskara and his top officials.

Ultimately, all the team had to do was execute the plan.

Arriving at the set coordinates, Ivixa shimmered into visibility as she deactivated her cloaking device, before nodding to the Chameleon. The last time the two had met, at least according to Ivixa’s knowledge, the diminutive Asa’nyx had been a Wild Huntress. Now, Ivixa was a Blackwatch Assassin, having repainted her armor from pink and white to red and black, the colors of the Eternal Empire. While there was some anxiety, Ivixa was excited for the opportunity to work with the mysterious assassin again, having developed a certain chemistry with the woman on Chalcedon.

“Chameleon, it’s good to work with you again.” Ivixa said, with a soft, friendly smile. “ is exactly what it looks like.” Ivixa continued, referencing the appearance of her armor. “I joined Blackwatch.” She added.

“Pleasantries aside…” The Asa’nyx paused, tapping the communications device on her wrist as she did. “I’m sending you the data from my last three days of scouting. Remember, the Miskara’s meeting is in ten minutes, but it should last for well over an hour.” Taking a deep breath, the Asa’nyx then focused her golden-eyed gaze intently on the Chameleon.

“When we get inside, we’re gonna light them up like a Life Day tree.”

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Tags: Ty Sibo Ty Sibo Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

Kalic took a breath as the freighter he brought, slowly slipping into the atmosphere and attempting to avoid Imperial sensors. The biggest issue was that he was flying on old slaver ship. Yeah, it wasn't new, but it was still a slaver ship, meant to help him and a few other Rebels pull their own anti-slaver op while the Eternals were too busy to worry about them. He'd then hear a while behind him, knowing it was Jee voicing her concerns.

"Let's face it Jee, the Empire's never seemed too good at keeping track of us when we fly right." She'd then let out another whistle, which lead to a frown on the Miraluka's face. "I'll be fine. We need to do this." She then whistled once more. "I'm not going to have a vision mid-mission. Just stay on the ship once we land and get ready to takeoff." Jee just shook her head as Kalic walked back to get his gear ready, taking a quick breath as he did. He wasn't saying... everything he knew about this.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Estosh City, Vagar Praxut
Objective I.: Salvation
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | Ty Sibo Ty Sibo

The Ultranauts were just heading inward when the shot was done. Someone grabbed Ingrid's waist and pulled her aside, into cover. One of the officers did this, who was actually a Warden and was able to react so quickly while the woman didn’t really want to move. The next moment she heard the telepathic message as one of the soldiers collapsed dead, headless. Ty Sibo…

The man was one perfect example of why the woman did not trust others. The man was even one of the Overseers before killing quite a few civilians during one of his assassinations and was imprisoned for this. Yet she could even owe him for one of Adrian's soulshard. She regretted that this was the end of it. However, as a ruler, she could only do one thing, she had to kill the man.

However, she did not respond to the telepathic message, she did not want to give pleasure to the man. However, the soldiers did not stop after the shot, but went on. In the meantime, they reached the entrance, on the door of which an explosive was mounted and detonated. The Ultranauts headed inward. Ingrid looked around quickly. She didn’t come to not take part in the action.

When she was sure that everything was fine, she started to run towards the entrance.


Ty sighed to himself Despite everything he made the wise wiser and those he effected for good or bad were able to better themselves in order to deal with him and the shadow empire. It was good to see that the years of struggle for the Eternal Empire had made it stronger Albeit not without the time it took for him to put such a planned betrayal into action, one of many plans and this one can be checked off the list as well.

wordlessly ty ordered his Biodroids to bomb out the support structure to his building. before sending out message on a enclosed channel to frank and Hades corp. "Ultor Exigent is active get the hades corp forces to the vault I'm entrusted to and any ultranaughts willing to fallow, I know you will have questions but for now know that this is to better the Eternal Empire so your loyalties will not be broken. when your loaded up you will leave to my next waypoint marked by my life signs use the second warp engine on our ships to get there."

<"Goodbye Ingrid, my lord its been good to see Tacitus put someone like you in charge as such I'll do you yet another favor and end myself for you the biodroids with me should be low ammo though so be carful. Ive seen this empire Rise and hemorage after Tacitus's disappearance. As such its good to see that you managed to wear the Title of Empress of the Eternal Empire well. My mission here is done may you have many years of success my lord.">

as the tower toppled into the ground below the last things Ty could see was a flash of energy as abolith prevented his imidiate death yet again were she may have sent him though is to be seen with time. Meanwhile Frank would carry out Ty's last orders taking with him the vault contents that Ty had been intrusted with as well as the names of those ultranughts and forces designated to the vault itself. leaving Eternal empires boarders without a word

as another chapter ends, another will soon begin.

[(ooc) Ty is bowing out of this thread good luck everyone it was great rping with you all]
Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Special Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand
Location: Miskara’s palace, Vagar Praxut
Objective II.: Retribution
Equipment: Væringi MK. I Assassin Armour and Cloak | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x Red blade lightsaber shoto | Shield talisman | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet || Empyrean gland
Tags: Open
Chameleon had already felt someone approaching before they arrived, though she could not see them with her eye. However, she found the aura familiar, so she did not reach for the weapon, but remained motionless. Moments later, Ivixa arrived. The feeling was mutual, it was good to work with the woman because she was professional and well trained. An assassin could never have wished for more than that.

"Ivixa! The feeling is mutual!" she nodded at her.

She still wore armour and a cloak, so her face wasn't visible now. She was just a shadow, never showing who she was, not many who saw her true form. The worst nightmare. Returning to the girl; Blackwatch, oh, Kessia knew very well.

"I heard the rumours, congratulations! At 244Core, right?" she asked.

She looked at the data, it was very good and accurate, and the woman did a very good job. She grinned under her helmet.

"We'll make sure that meeting ends sooner." she said cheerfully. "Will we only be the two of us, or will someone else join the action?"

It would have been good to know this information before they go in.


Objective: Retribution - Kill the Slaver King
Location: Miskara’s Palace, Capital City - Vagar Praxut
Tags: Kessia Miran Kessia Miran

“Yes, it was! And thank you~” Ivixa answered the Chameleon’s congratulations with a soft smile, though a part of her wondered how the woman knew that information regarding her initiation over 244Core. Regardless, she didn’t want to dwell on it now, especially since it seemed that she only had her for company to face a large contingent of Vagaari Royal Guards and Imperial Soldiers, who would no doubt be on high alert, especially given the raids already transpiring across the planet and the naval battle being waged within the system by A Admiral Elisabeth Zita .

The two assassins would have to be swift, quiet, and lethal.

“I think...this is it. Though, perhaps reinforcements might come later.” Ivixa said, before quietly clearing her throat, intending to shift gears to the mission itself, the gears in her mind turning as she contemplated how best to approach the mission.

“First, let’s get inside the palace.” Ivixa began, now leading the way this time, under the presumption that the Chameleon would follow her direction. Taking in the sewer entrance, Ivixa was very grateful for her sealed armor, knowing that whatever brackish fluid inside would not foul up her skin. After pulling the gate off the hinges, Ivixa went inside. The water was thigh-deep for Ivixa, but for the Chameleon, it only came up to slightly below her knees. Nevertheless, Ivixa moved at a decent pace, keeping her rifle out of the water as she did. Finally, after a few minutes, the two assassins came up to a ladder, which Ivixa knew would lead out to the inner courtyard.

“This will lead us up to the courtyard.” Ivixa said. “The grate is nestled among six very large bushes, so we won’t have to worry about being spotted as we come up. Once we’re up top, I’m going to take an overwatch position and start clearing out the guards for you to move inside the palace. By then, the meeting should be well underway.” She finished. Taking a glance at her sensor readout, Ivixa nodded, letting her partner know that for now, the coast was clear. Then, Ivixa began to quickly ascend the ladder, taking a deep breath as she reached the manhole cover and pushed it aside with all of her surprisingly prodigious strength.

“Let’s move.”



Objective: Salvation
Location: Estosh City Slave Compound, Estosh City - Vagar Praxut
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
Support: Sirens (9)

“The Ten have been deployed, Aspect.”

The mechanical, yet feminine voice of the Aspect of Devotion’s advisor, a GEMINI-class gynoid, sang out as she monitored the status reports regarding the ongoing raid on the Estosh City Slave Compound. This mission was of particular interest to the Aspect, as it would be the first field trial for Project Siren, a secretive initiative to create an army of gene-craft soldiers in order to help the Empress, Ingrid L’lerim-Vandiir, maintain her regime. With the Empress being the best hope the galaxy had of fighting the Brotherhood of the Maw and the Bryn'adûl, not to mention her support of the Agents of Chaos, many considered it paramount that her reign be upheld at all costs. While worries of internal rebellion had dissipated as the old guard of the Eternal Imperial military retired or left service, there was still some level of concern regarding threats to her rule. Ultimately, Project Siren was intended to counter them. Perhaps the only “catch” was that Project Siren had been initiated by a party of the Empress’ supporters without the knowledge or consent of the Empress herself. As such, there was a degree of apprehension regarding its security. Nevertheless, while the initiative was only in the trial phase, already each of the ten subjects had shown promise in training and simulations. It was only a matter of their capabilities being tested and verified under live combat before full deployment of the Siren Corps could be initiated.

“Thank you, Eve.”

“Aspect, if I may...” The GEMINI unit began. “I do not believe you should anxious about the Sirens, they are-”

“I have no anxiety regarding the Sirens, Eve.” Hanna snapped.

“Then...what or who is unsettling your mood, Aspect?”

“The Empress.”
“Go, go, go!”

The ten Sirens moved with trained precision and agility, quickly departing the dropship before moving to meet the Shadow Imperial Ultranauts defending the walls of the compound. For her part, Velexia was among the first of her sisters to engage. Staring down the holographic sight of her SMG, the Siren acquired her first target and squeezed the trigger, sending a trio of slugs down range, with two punching into the man’s chest and the last burying in his neck. Not a split-second later, her aim snapped to another Ultranaut, bringing the soldier down in similarly concise and brutal fashion, with two double taps in quick succession, sparing only an instant to compensate for the recoil. After sliding into cover behind a nearby barricade, Velexia cut down another, reveling in the rush of the kill as she watched her target drop, a hole punched through his skull.

No wonder they needed slaves to fight for them.

“Jumping the walls now! Velexia, cover me!” Kasari called out.

“On it!”

In seeing Kasari activate her Eleleth, which sent the Siren flying into the air above the walls, Velexia cast forth a salvo of fire from her SMG to cover her, grimacing as she fought to control the weapon’s recoil. Nevertheless, her shots found another trio of Ultranauts, striking the soldiers down in a barrage of unrelenting, yet precise fire as Kasari ascended over the walls.

“Jumping now!”

After quickly slamming a fresh magazine into her SMG, Velexia took to the air with a mental command. At the apex of her ascent, her gun barked out another salvo, burying five slugs in the chest of an Ultranaut on the walls before she descended back down to the ground, now inside the compound itself. With a deep breath, Velexia took in the scene set before her, scanning across the courtyard to watch loyalist Ultranauts charge the entrance to one of the main buildings, along with the Empress herself.

“It’s really her…” Velexia said quietly to herself, momentarily stricken with awe as she watched the Empress lead from the front, ever fearless and striking in spite of her recent ordeal. Nevertheless, the diminutive Siren quickly moved to follow after her with Kasari and the other Sirens, wasting no time in doing so.

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Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Special Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand
Location: Miskara’s palace, Vagar Praxut
Objective II.: Retribution
Equipment: Væringi MK. I Assassin Armour and Cloak | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x Red blade lightsaber shoto | Shield talisman | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet || Empyrean gland
Tags: Open
"All right, then we'll do it, only you and me." she nodded.

So two; in fact, the woman was not bothered by this line-up either, the two were able to move and act quickly. True, it was not possible to cover such a large area, but everything had its drawbacks. As Ivixa started, Kessia followed. They moved quickly in the canal, the water was not too deep, it was not an obstacle for her. To reach the surface is child’s play, the woman was more worried about Ivixa.

"I can be invisible with the help of Force, and then the scanners and sensors won't detect me either." she explained.

Although she was well below Ingrid in terms of Force skills and power, for a while their level matched what they were capable of. Another issue is that the Empress developed and improved, Chameleon did not. Actually, she didn’t mind, she was perfectly happy with her own abilities. Kessia did well with the ones she now had. Thus, she did not even want to develop further in this, she was able to spend her time better with anything than with learning. Before they went up she looked at the data and then nodded to see where the enemy was.

Chameleon didn't want to take Ivixa's merits, so she followed the plan that the woman invented. When the roof disappeared, Kessia reached out to the Force and became invisible. When Ivixa reached the surface, she jumped up with a telekinetic jump, it was easier than climbing on a ladder.

"I neutralize the cameras so you can follow me." she said.

With that, as she walked closer to the building, there were three floating cameras / droids on the way, neutralizing them up close, invisibly so no one could see her or Ivixa. And the last, the fourth was just shot over the entrance, it didn't matter here. The door was just open, so she didn’t wait too much, but immediately entered and surveyed the place. Kessia saw two elevators, one guard in front of each, a reception with a droid, and a staircase typical of large opera houses with two more guards, plus four more cameras. Now she chose the telepathic message to remain silent.

~ In the main hall there are four guards and four cameras and one protocol droid, with two elevators and a staircase. ~ she sent a message to Ivixa.


Objective: Retribution
Location: Miskara’s Palace, Capital City - Vagar Praxut
Tags: Kessia Miran Kessia Miran

Ivixa moved from cover to cover, always keeping to the shadows as she stalked through the courtyard, before coming up on the perch she had scouted three days earlier, which she knew would be perfect for picking off the Royal Guards and Imperial Soldiers patrolling the area. With her rifle already loaded with a full magazine of armor piercing rounds, Ivixa activated her cloaking device then stared down the scope, taking in her first targets, four snipers in various positions overlooking the courtyard and outside the palace itself, one of many heightened security measures given the number of officials who would be present at the meeting.

She intended to kill them all.

Her armor’s integrated anti-sonic silencer would work to dampen the report of her shots, thereby making it difficult, if not impossible, for the enemy to detect her as she went about the initial phase of her plan. Taking out the snipers would make extraction all the more easier, thereby reducing the number of problems the two assassins would have to deal with later on.

Holding her breath, Ivixa honed in on the closest of the four snipers. Then, after lining up her crosshairs, she squeezed the trigger, firing off a single armor-piercing round to the effect of punching a hole through her first target’s helmet-clad head. Without reveling in her kill, Ivixa moved on to the next sniper, firing again after lining up her shot, intent upon neutralizing the snipers as quickly as possible so that she could link back up with the Chameleon and infiltrate the palace. Less than three seconds later, Ivixa cut down a third. Then, she took down the fourth in somewhat less efficient fashion than her previous kills, finding that her initial shot struck the sniper’s chest, forcing her to fire another in order to finish him off.

It had been a close call, but so far, Ivixa remained largely undetected.

Placing her rifle on her back, Ivixa jumped down from her perch, utilizing her armor’s repulsor pack to slow her descent. Then, she began to head towards the Chameleon’s position.

“Snipers are down.” She said over comms. “Following you into the palace.” The Asa’nyx added.

Just then, Ivixa came up on a pair of guards on a smoke break in a hidden alley. A pair of silenced point blank shots from her rifle caught one in the chest, ripping through his armor and knocking him to the ground. The second was locked in place in gruesome fashion in two bursts of CryoBan fired from the projector on her right gauntlet, freezing his skull to render him brain dead, at the very least.

“Copy that, Chameleon.” Ivixa said upon hearing her partner report the locations of the guards after finishing off the two in the alley.

“I’m on my way inside.”

Location: Hangar Bay, Space Wolf -> Space
Call Sign: Hunter-class Superiority Fighter - Sapphire One
Onboard Equipment: FAE/A-09 Anti-G SuitX-8 Night Sniper
Tags: A Admiral Elisabeth Zita

The switch from pink to red had been a relatively smooth one for the diminutive Togruta pilot. It went without saying that her skills as a starfighter ace now had value, of which the Eternal Empire had been prepared to pay in buying her out of her service contract with the Agents of Chaos Armada. Now, contrary to the ideology of the faction that had created her, she flew for an empire. An empire with an ever-expanding reach across the Unknown Regions, yet also maintained close ties with the Agents of Chaos. Having flown with the Eternal empire once over Byss in their recent assault against the Alliance-held Imperial stronghold, Bella felt hopeful in her choice to transfer into the Eternal Navy.

As she climbed into the cockpit of her TIE, Bella sensed emotions which echoed that of what she had felt before her first sortie, in spite of the fact that she was a very different person now from the fresh-out-of-the-academy Variance Clone she had been then. For one, she was more outgoing, having trained, commanded, and guided more than a few young pilots. She was also stronger, especially pertaining to willpower. Her wits had been tested over Talay and Florrum, the former facing veritable swarms of Confederate fighters and the latter buzz droids, an experience which had awakened a dormant arachnophobia she had never known that she possessed.

Unfortunately, Bella couldn’t say that she was over that particular phobia, but at the very least, she knew that next time, she wouldn’t freeze.

Voices immediately met her montrals as she slid on her helmet, fingers dancing across the interface to power on her machine. She had flown TIEs before, so the controls were intimately familiar to her. As such, before long, the twin ion engines hummed, then screamed to life, emanating the ancient wail of the First Galactic Empire.

“This is Sapphire One, all signs report in.” Bella began, as she ran through the last of her pre-flight checks while verifying the presence of each pilot in her squadron. “All signs accounted for.” She said after the last, Sapphire Twelve made her report.

“Okay, we’re running escort duty with Titan, Panther, and Supernova Missile Boat Squadrons!” Bella called out. “Our job is to keep the Vagaari fighters away from them at all costs.” She continued. “Understood?”

Her squad answered with an affirmative chorus, eliciting a sigh of relief from the Togruta as she flipped another switch in her cabin before grabbing the sticks.

“Launching now!”

Bella was the first one away, shooting off into the void of space, there entering a deadly lightshow of laser fire and glowing engines. She immediately accelerated into formation with the Missile Boats Titan Squadron, immediately powering on her laser and ion cannons as two squadrons of incoming Vagaari fighters pinged on her sensors.

“Lock S-Foils in attack posture! Vagaari fighters, incoming!”

She felt uneasy with the mission looming before them, even more so the group she was currently fighting alongside. She had known the platoon leader, Corin, from a summer escapade a few weeks ago, but it was a different experience entirely to fight alongside someone. They were advancing upon the stronghold of this unknown enemy, the warden in line with the Empress as the army moved onward. They halted, and the squad began to set up devices to breach the enemy strong hold, though Lil felt uneasy as they waited. This was too easy. The VIP in their company was too valuable to ignore. The enemy would have to make a move now, wouldn't they?​
What was going on?​
The realization came suddenly and violently, a shot rang out, and one of the Ultranaughts fell dead. Lil snapped quickly, her hands moving out, taking the Empress and pressing her into cover. The charges exploded, the Ultranaughts now moving in, and leaving Lil with her head spinning. She hadn't fought in battles like this before, not like this. The chaos, the carnage, it was quite alot to take in. She stepped away from Ingrid, perhaps thinking that the Empress would remain in position, as she called out for the only other person in this army that she knew. She keyed the comm in her helm, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. "Corin, where the hell is tha-" She began to shout, only to be drowned out by the roar of the shuttle and the arrival of the Sirens. She snapped her head back, looking for the Empress, thinking to advise her to get back to safety, only to find she had disappeared.​
She winced, her saber flaring to life as the battle was breaking out. She had lost the Empress. To say she was less than pleased was an understatement. Time to rethink the approach. "Corin, where is your location? I'll link up with you. I lost the empress, think she rushed inside." It almost killed her to say that, but that was the truth.​


Objective One
Tags: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Velexia
Gear: FS-18 Omega Phase Assault Rifle, KC-95 Blaster Pistol, Lucius-pattern Bayonet, Sk-RS MK. IV Armour, Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid
Forces: Three Ultranaut Platoons, One Valdr Skær-Pattern Dual-Role Droid per section

The walls gave way as the Heavies detonated their charges. Thunderclaps rolled over the slave compound as one, two, three charges went up in quick succession. Captain Corin Autem didn't let the opportunity pass them by. "Go!" She said over the encrypted channels, relishing the sensation as her platoons entered the breaches on her command. The Ultranaut Captain joined them, filing in behind the others as the dust settled around them. Her HUD picked up enemy combatants as soon as they came into view, their silhouettes red in the murk. Training and instinct took over the moment her hindbrain recognized them as humans. Raising her weapon, she fired two shots in rapid succession. Both were aimed center mass. Both bolts hit the Shadow Imperial she'd chosen, sent him sprawling. Vengeance for the man she'd lost outside, she figured.

It didn't change the fact he was gone though. Nothing could right that wrong.

Sprinting across the small space between the perimeter wall and the nearest building, Corin was quick to throw herself into cover. All around her Ultranauts swarmed, individual fireteams moving to secure the immediate vicinity and face down any wouldbe defenders before they could think to organize themselves. Taking a knee, Corin took up a firing position as the last of her squads piled in from outside. Somewhere among the seething mass of soldiers, the Empress and Lilanna went unseen, just two more bodies among many. Corin tried to look for them, but it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. After a few seconds she gave up. 'Sides, she had more pressing matters. Or so she thought.

When Lilanna's panicked voice came over her comlink, the Captain couldn't help but raise her head, worried. "Say again?" She replied, unsure what message the young apprentice was trying to convey. Before she got a reply, the Sirens appeared, multiple squads confirming that their allies had made it inside the compound relatively unscathed. Good news, then. Finding her feet, Corin made to move, her heartbeat loud in her ears. "All platoons, push forward. Don't give them room to breath."

Bringing her rifle up, she moved with her fireteam deeper into the compound, the maze of buildings closing in around them like a crypt that had been exposed to the sky. Whose crypt it was, she couldn't yet say. Hers, maybe. She didn't find the prospect as intimidating as she thought she would.

Further in, she met a couple of Shadow Ultras moving in the opposite direction. One had a helmet tucked under his arm and a rifle in his hand. He didn't even have time to cry out in alarm before Corin's shot took his head clean off. As he slumped to the ground alongside his comrade, Lilanna's voice came over the com again. This time she took the time to make herself clear. Unfortunately, it was to relay some bad news. Apparently she had lost the Empress. Signalling for her fireteam to halt, the Captain moved into cover as two more fireteams -the rest of her section- passed by her to clear the building the deadman had appeared from. For a moment a wave of nausea and anxiety washed over her. She bit down on it, hard.

"Lilanna, this is Corin. We're just inside the compound. Go straight from the breach and follow the first alley you come to. You can't miss us. We'll hold until you get here, over."

Moving into a position where she could cover the street they'd come to, Corin watched as one of the Sirens appeared from an alley just down from her. The two shared a look before a voice in her ear snatched her attention away. "Apex 6, this is Apex 2-2, we're with the Empress and moving into the compound. Apex 2-1 and 2-3 are with us, over."

"Copy that, 2-2. Keep her safe. Out."
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Location: Space
Call Sign: Hunter-class Superiority Fighter - Sapphire One
Onboard Equipment: FAE/A-09 Anti-G SuitX-8 Night Sniper
Tags: A Admiral Elisabeth Zita

The Vagaari fighters closed in with violent, unrelenting speed and aggression, but Bella and Sapphire Squadron were immediately able to match their rhythm, exchanging fire for fire and break for break. For her part, Bella employed hit-and-fade tactics in engaging the Vagaari formations. Accelerating her TIE to near-maximum speed, she drew a bead on a bandit close to the rear of the charging Vagaari squadrons, before discharging a salvo of fire of four shots from her craft’s twin laser cannons, rendering the enemy craft as stellar dust in her wake. Then, driving her machine in a fast and gentle turn, she held to the edge of the growing furball, perpetually processing her surroundings so as to avoid a Vagaari fighter drawing a bead on her. All the while, she moved on the attack, picking off one, two, then three bandits forced outside the raging furball, kills of opportunity seized in the heat of the battle.

Shifting attention back to her sensors, Bella drove her TIE into the furball, gunning the engines as she lined up her nose with the fuselage of a bandit who was closing in on one of the missile boats in Titan Squadron. Her laser cannons flared to life, casting forth a stream of fire towards the Vagaari craft, sending it spiraling in flames as her shots connected.

“We’ve got you, Titan One.” Bella said after the kill. “Maintain course towards the objective.”

“Thanks for the assist, Sapphire.” The deep baritone voice at the other end answered. “We’re getting closer!”

Just then, as she moved back in formation with the missile boats, Bella heard the distinct voice of the Admiral, directly mentioning her call sign. Bella could initially only blink at hearing her words, processing the responsibility she had been given by the Admiral herself. It went without saying that the Togruta had only expected to be commanding Sapphire Squadron, but if the Wing Commander was indisposed then someone would have to take over.

But, it couldn’t be her, could it?

Bella blinked again, batting her lashes as she pulled herself back into focus. She had suffered a brief lapse in concentration, which resulted in another Vagaai fighter penetrating the formation and drawing a bead on one of the missile boats. Bella acted immediately, pushing the twin ion engines with as much speed as they could give her, before quickly lining up a shot and squeezing the triggers, sending a salvo of laser fire streaming towards the hostile craft, managing to take it down only just before it could deplete the shields of the missile boat.

A deep, relieved breath within her helmet followed, but Bella quickly moved back into formation and finally responded to the Admiral’s words.

“Understood, Space Wolf.” Bella answered. “Titan, Panther, and Supernova, target their corvettes and frigates with all available ordnance! Fire at will!” She called out, her voice stronger and more authoritative than it had ever been since she was a green Variance Clone fresh out of accelerated training. “All remaining missile boat squadrons, target the bigger ships, but focus fire on their engines and bridges! Fighters and interceptors, escort the boats and focus fire on the bigger ships with ion cannons and mag-pulse warheads! We need to disable their shields!”

Her orders were met with a reverberating chorus of affirmative responses. Then, as one, the strike groups moved to execute them.


Objective: Salvation
Location: Estosh City Slave Compound, Estosh City - Vagar Praxut
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Kalic Daws Kalic Daws Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor Corin Autem Corin Autem
Unit Support: Sirens (9)

The compound was a labyrinth of buildings, walkways, and other structures, which initially made navigating it difficult, if not for the ID10 unit which Velexia quickly deployed to map the area and scout out enemy positions. Setting the droid to relay its data not only to her, but also to the Sirens, Ultranauts, and other allies in the vicinity, Velexia moved after her partner as the two women pushed deeper into the compound.

“Velexia, stack up on me! Let’s take this building!” The voice of her partner, Kasari, sang out from next to her.

Activating her energy shield for the breach, Velexia moved behind the Siren, patting her shoulder to indicate that she was ready.

Moments later, Velexia shot out the window and threw a flash grenade through the hole, given to her by her partner. Then, after cutting down the door, Kasari stormed inside, followed closely by Velexia, both women aided by their sensors to quickly acquire their targets in the room. The Qilin’s SMG barked out a salvo of slugs, first cutting through the Shadow Imperial Ultranaut at the far side of the room before being turned towards another one, in cover, but not concealment behind a desk which only provided mediocre protection against the unrelenting hail of projectiles.

“Two tangos down!” Velexia called out as she shifted her attention upwards, to the second level of the building, where more lifeform signatures were pinged. “Are there targets here?”

“Let’s get up there first, sister!”

Nodding, Velexia raised her SMG and flew up the stairs via her Eleleth, cutting down a Shadow Imperial Ultranaut as she did, but taking fire in return which was fortunately absorbed by her shield. Kasari followed after, her rifle blasting down two more Ultranauts in the process.

“Clear, but I’m reading a lot of life signs in-”

The door to the room adjacent to Velexia slid open automatically, revealing a group of slaves, huddled inside a large cage.

“I-in here.” The Siren added, her voice cracking as her mismatched eyes took in the scared, grimy-featured slaves from beneath her helmet.

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Leader of the Dawn of Hope
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Estosh City, Vagar Praxut
Objective I.: Salvation
Equipment: The Soulsabers | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Kalic Daws Kalic Daws | Velexia | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor | Corin Autem Corin Autem

She didn’t really know what Sibo’s message was or what it meant, so she just moved on. Ingrid had just entered the building when she saw that another team had arrived. She only brought the team who were here with her, so it was a pleasant surprise that STRATCOM sent others, though she didn’t expect it. At least she thought these. By the way, the woman didn't know about the sirens yet, since they were created at the time she was on Coruscant.

She was never afraid of fighting as soon as she entered the building, heard a fight erupting behind her. The red-haired woman went ahead when several Shadow Ultranauts appeared. Two immediately targeted the woman. Ingrid didn't take out any weapons as the two soldiers opened fire on her, she only moved then. With her speed (she did not use the Force) she avoided shots and got so close to opponents that they could no longer use their rifles. She forced them into melee combat.

Here, of course, they switched to trying to hit her. She danced aside from the first rifle and grabbed the second. Ingrid made the opposite force, with the rifle slamming backwards and hitting the soldier in the head. The enemy staggered, and Ingrid immediately moved behind him and yanked the soldier in front of her. His partner fired and hit exactly on his own, and the woman even broke his neck in one motion.

She pushed the soldier's body towards the other soldier, who evaded it, the next moment Ingrid was already there, grabbing the part under the chin and getting behind the soldier in a quick, elegant motion as she broke the neck of this one as well. Meanwhile, several of her own people got in and they too got involved in a fight, she heard the voices. The Empress quickly took two daggers from the dead soldiers and one of their rifles.

She heard approaching sounds, when she looked up more enemy soldiers arrived.


Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Special Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand
Location: Miskara’s palace, Vagar Praxut
Objective II.: Retribution
Equipment: Væringi MK. I Assassin Armour and Cloak | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x Red blade lightsaber shoto | Shield talisman | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet || Empyrean gland
Tags: Open
"All right, then we'll do it, only you and me." she nodded.

Kessia didn't know when Ivixa would arrive, so she set out to do something in here. Unfortunately, EMP didn’t bring a grenade, she didn’t like it. As far as she could see, the cameras were not looking at the guards, but at the area that the guards were looking at. Thus, one by one, the guards could still not be hunted down one by one because they would have moved out of place, into the field of view of the cameras. She had been thinking about Force using for a few moments, minutes before, now it was a situation where the greater power would have come in handy.

The guards had to be neutralized at the same time so that the camera could not see. That way, her invisibility will fall off. Because of this, she also activated the camouflage systems of her armour. She had to tear a vein in the soldiers' minds to kill them without any visible traces or signs. She held out her hand and began to concentrate, trying to imagine a brain in front of her, and there the vein what she needed.

Kessia then reached into the Force and concentrated her power around this part of the soldiers' brains. Under their uniform, it seemed that all four of them were people, so the task did not require any particular difficulty. Of course, the whole thing was stressful and difficult because she had to do it on four people at once. She started to concentrate as well. At first, the soldiers could feel their heads hurt at the same time.

Unfortunately, the woman wasn’t too experienced in this, so it didn’t go without pain. They could actually feel pressure, tension in their minds, as if they had a migraine. Because of the hard concentration Kessia's nose started to bleed, followed by a "cut" in the head of the four soldiers. All four soldiers fell to the ground at once. It was already striking to the droid, then Kessia moved…

Four shots, the four cameras exploded softly from the hit, then a fifth shot and the droid also became inoperable. Panting, Kessia slumped on her knees with a bleeding nose in the hall. That was exhausting.



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