Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shadow Hulk: A Touch Of Darkness (Open to Omega Pyretectorate and Friends)


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Omega Protectorate Territory, Relative Northern Edge by Thebeon
[member="Ayden Cater"], [member="Delila Castillon"], [member="Noah Corek"], [member="Nyos Val"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Ventasia Terana"], [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"], [member="Miles Varden"], @Other Protectorate and Ex-Protectorate Members Who Want To Play, @Otherwise If You Want To Join In PM Me​
'Twas the night before Life Day, when all through the Space​
Not a creature was stirring, not even Ayden's face;​
The sensors were primed by the border worlds with care,​
In hopes that the Fringe will never strike there;​
The troops were nestled all snug in their beds;​
While visions of Sio's boobs danced in their heads;​
And HK in his cloak, and I in my cap,​
Had just settled our programming for a long Abregado nap,​
When out in the Comm room there arose such a clatter,​
I sprang from my sex bot to see what was the matter.​
Away through the door I flew like a flash,​
Tore open the Commlink and threw up my sass.​
The lamps on the breast of the new-polished floor,​
Gave a lustre of midday to panels below,​
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,​
But a huge blob on radar, kinda looked like rein-deer,​
With a little old droid so lively and quick,​
I knew in a moment it must be Fringe trick.​
More rapid than eagles alarms they came,​
And HK has barged in, and shouted, and commed them by name:​
"Now, Coryth! Now, Delila! Now Noah and Nyos!
On, Siobhan! On, Ayden! On, Vens and that Miles!
To the top of my palace! To the room of the war!
Now summon them! Summon them! Before Fringe will send more!"​
As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,​
When they meet with a threat, scramble to the sky;​
So up to into orbit the starships they flew​
With the frigate full of soldiers, and the Dancing Queen too—​
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the comm,​
The chatter and mutter of each little summon.​
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,​
Up the tubrolift HK went to the War Room he bound.​
I was dressed all in metal, from my head to my foot,​
And my cloak slightly tarnished from blasters and soot;​
A bundle of weapons I flung on my back,​
And I looked like a merc who compensated for small sack.​
My eyes—how they glowed! Ready for combat, so merry!​
Their blood will be red like roses, full of holes size of a cherry!​
My bolt gun will pierce them like some sort of explosive bow,​
And once the fire dies out, they'll be pure as the snow;​
The stump of a pipe Captain tight in his teeth,​
And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath;​
He had a stern face and a little round belly​
That shook when he slurred, like a bowl full of hate jelly.​
He was chubby and plump, a right scarred old Space Elf,​
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;​
A glare of his eye and a twist of his head​
Soon gave me to know there was something to dread;​
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,​
And watched all the consoles; then turned with a jerk,​
And laying his finger aside of his nose,​
And giving a nod, from his seat he rose;​
He sprang to his officers, to his team gave a whistle,​
And to battle stations they all flew like the down of a thistle.​
But I heard him exclaim, ere the radar again in my sight—​
“Battle stations to all, and prepare for a fight!
(To summarize, unknown object has been detected crossing Omega border near Thebeon, it appears to be a large ship from what the troops stationed on Abregado who watch over that section of the border are able to tell. HK, remembering Fringe's use of stealth transports on Eriadu, and just aware of them being used by other factions as well since he uses plenty of stealth tactics himself believes to be an invasion or raiding force, and so he summons other Protectorate commanders for meeting or holo conference to discuss the crisis. Meanwhile, fleet is scrambling around Abregado and preparing to possibly defend the borders of Protectorate, many young soldiers are yearning to enter combat while older grizzled veterans know battle is not a fun place to me, but what they all know for sure is, it's going to be a long night before Life Day.)​

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Noah groaned as HK had sent out a message stating that there might be a hostile raiding party coming on the northern most border of the Protectorate. He had been doing some last minute Life Day shopping for Sky and Melissa, his adopted and blood daughter respectively. All the sudden the comm link he kept for work had gone off and a text message had shown up on the holographic screen, of course though it was in HK's usual utter rambling and Noah could only make out a couple legible words, words like 'Fringe' 'possible sneak attack' and 'meet at my war room'. But really those were the only nine words he needed to hear. Since Noah was already on Abregado-Rae, this was because you could find anything, and that meant ANYTHING, on this planet. Before HK's time as ruler of it and before Noah's time in the Pyre, this had been a favorite of Noah's planets to off-load weapons and equipment he had salvaged and 'acquired'. It had also helped Noah to acquire a few, questionable weapons and weapon modifications. Now Noah stood at the gates of HK's palace, in front of two Iron Knight guards. After show them his credentials and explaining why he had been summoned by the Iron Knight, they allowed him past and into the palace. Once inside, Noah found the elevator and got inside, making sure to hit the button for the war room, Noah tapped his foot lightly as the elevator ascended to the war room. When the door finally opened, Noah stepped out and looked around, eyes settling on HK. "This better not be another false alarm HK, I have things that need to get done."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Noah Corek"],

The droid was standing by a durasteel oval table with a holotransmitter in the middle, standard furniture piece to be seen in bureaus and conference rooms nowadays,

"First of all, this is not another false alarm, it is first time we spot possibly enemy force cross this border this year. Last time I summoned you I did lied about them crossing, yes, but I did not lied about having nude pictures of Siobhan and Delila."

The machine would cross his arms at his chest looking to Noah,

"So that does not count as a false alarm. Second, what better place do you have to go to anyway? And third-"

The droid would look to the holotransmitter as it sparked up, showing the image of the huge warship that crossed the Northern Border,

"We have visual confirmation."

The machine would mutter out, looking to Noah.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Noah sighed and rubbed his chin remembering the last time HK had called him to the war room. "First HK. those weren't real nudes. They were from the waist up and from behind, you couldn't see anything worth looking at."

When HK asked where he would have anywhere else to be, Noah raised a eyebrow. "Um, at home? Near a warm fireplace? Sipping hot choclate with my daughters? You know, what any parent does this time of year." Noah informed him with a bit of a friendly scowl, of course that scowl was replaced with a bit of a less-scowl when he heard what HK muttered. "Well now, visual confirmation. That's interesting."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Noah Corek"],

"Hey, Delila has the most enticing lower back and shoulder blades around."

The droid would protest still,

"Besides, I am not going to distribute the good stuff for free."

He would quip before looking to the holotransmitter showing the warship that crossed their territorial border,

"So what do you think? That is definitely a warship-"

The droid would say motioning to the turbolasers and other barrels visible on the ship's hull,

"But not one I have seen before, or at least not in long, long time."

He would drawl on, inspecting the spotted vessel, making the hologram zoom in on some parts of it to look for any symbols or branding to name the ship.
[member="HK-36"], [member="Noah Corek"]

Kerrigan-Alcori Villa

Unsurprisingly, Lady Kerrigan had been getting into the Life Day spirit as well. The Kerrigan-Alcori clan even had a Life Day tree in their living room! Hopefully Grrrbyrr would not try to eat it, for almost nothing was safe from the Great Devourer when he was feeling really hungry. Anyhow, at this point in time Siobhan was in her room, wrapping presents. She had plenty of people to give gifts to this year, though in this particular case it was gifts for Tempest, Sio's Sexy Minion...err, apprentice, Tegaea and Galina. Galina Kerrigan-Alcori, the couple's adopted daughter.

As for the nature of the presents, well, that would be telling, but suffice to say some of Tempest's and Tegaea's would be best opened when Galina was in bed or otherwise distracted, for they were not what some people called kiddie-friendly. Among other things, Galina would be getting a shiny fur coat with Jakobeast fur trimming and two books, namely 'History of Kaeshana. The Eldorai Unveiled' and 'On Safari. The Wild Life of Dahomey' since Sio's little girl was a bit of a bookworm, as surprising as that might seem. Unfortunately, Siobhan's skills at wrapping presents left a few things to be desired...

It was at this moment, whilst Siobhan was trying to wrap gifts perfectly and attach shiny ribbons, that Chesna, the couple's Eldorai 'assistant', courtesan and probable planar demigoddess, entered the room, with an amused smirk on her face. Doubtless she would troll the Countess about her lack of finesse. Or about anything else she could think of. "Great Mistress, there's a message on your private terminal from that Iron guyl. It's marked secret and most important. Maybe Lost Sith have returned from the shadows again! Would you like me to wrap that for you?" she asked innocently.

"My wrapping is not that bad," Siobhan responded with a hint of annoyance. She wondered what the message was about. Part of her thought it was just HK trying to troll her for some reason. Maybe trying to get her to download the DLC for that video game ARGH had just released. These days you only got the juicy stuff if you also bought the DLCs!

"Yes, Mistress, of course, Mistress. It's as great as your cooking! You are a shining example of refinement," Chesna snarked, naturally not passing up the chance to troll her. "I bow before your incredibleness."

Siobhan sighed, but at least it meant she would have to spend more minutes feeling silly about her lack of wrapping skills. "Then go ahead and do it. But don't tell anyone what I got them. Or I'll...not touch or punish you for a week and send you to an outpost with only droids for company."

Chesna looked sulky at that. She was too kinky to torture! "Mistress is very cruel and stern," she pouted. "You love my foot massages and...special skills too much to last for longer than a day!" she declared confidenty. Siobhan shook her head but got up. The Eldorai thought of had a point.

"Maybe...but I got you something nice. You really want to have your present, don't you?"

"Mistress better not be teasing," Chesna responded as she went about the tremendously important task of wrapping presents whilst Siobhan walked off and soon entered her study, which had all the fancy holocom equipment needed for holoconferences and such. Which come to think of it was so much easier than flying across space for every single business meeting. It struck Siobhan as terribly weird that again and again potential business partners insisted on face-to-face meetings to discuss simple things that could be settled in a ten minute holochat. Anyhow, after having accessed the message her expression turned serious and she frowned. It appeared a large unknown object, potentially a big warship, had been sighted crossing the Protectorate border near Thebeon. In other words right from the no man's space that separated Omega from what had once been the Atrisian Empire and was now Fringe. Could be an incursion from Fringe...or something else. Who knew, maybe it was Klaxxi. Or another legion of Lost Sith...Lost Atrisian Samurai! Anyhow Siobhan made a call on a highly encrypted frequency to HK's headquarters on Abregado-Rae.
(OOC-I'm gonna assume we are on the Siege Tower seeing as that's HK's baby)

Nyos sat in the med bay, tinkering with soldiers who had cybernetic replacements. He had to make sure they were all in top condition for active duty. The call came out over the comes for Battle Stations, and after finishing the last patient, Nyos made his way to the bridge. He had on his standard gear (in Bio) and rode a lift all the way to the top. Once there he found HK and Noah conversing as the viewport became filled with an unknown battle ship.

"HK, what's the situation? Noah."

He nodded to each old friend.

[member="HK-36"] [member="Noah Corek"]
Sitting on a crate in the hangar bay, Miles saw the alarm before he heard it, red flashers illuminated the pale lit area. He ran to the staffing area to find out where he'd be deploying.

"Admiral, Varden here with the rest of the pilots. When and where and we'll be there sir!!"

Miles had on his G1 flight suit along with the other pilots.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Noah Corek"],

"Wait, wait let us stop talking about their lower backs for a second, I have Siobhan on the line here."

The droid would ask Noah to shut up and wave for them to cut the conversation short as he reached to press one of the buttons on a console in the table, and so would appear the hologram of [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] from one of the side holotransmitters build into chairs.

But the problem was that Siobhan was supposedly standing at the time she called up HK while the transmitters were build into chairs to perfectly show someone who was sitting. Right now only half of Siobhan was showing up, hovering above the chair,

"Hello Siobhan, are you seeing us alright? And how about the warship, are you getting that transmission too?"

The droid would ask her, making sure that the visual confirmation on the intruding warship was also being connected to her secured channel,

"Also, can you go sit down? We have you in one of those chair transmitters, right now it just looks like you are some sort of chairtaur, it is pretty weird."

[member="Nyos Val"], [member="Miles Varden"],

((We're in Observer's Palace on surface of Abregado but don't worry about it, we can assume that they have a very good direct connection between the Siege Tower and Palace via shuttles so Miles can be there, get briefed, and quickly go join other pilots))

The droid would nod back to Nyos and Miles, motioning to the holoprojector showing the warship,

"As I have mentioned in my summon an unknown ship has crossed our relative Northern Border, sailing through the no man's space between us and Fringe few hours ago. However, it seems that it is flying only via its sub-light drives."

He would look across the room to those gathered there,

"That and the fact we have already dispatched defensive and reconnaissance task force to keep watch over it means we still have time to act without too much of a hurry, however, its course seems to be plotted directly for Thebeon. I am still awaiting results of further scans from our advance scout squadrons and contact from Lord Protector, however I think we should just sink the thing while we have the chance."

The machine would zoom in then on the ship's image through the holotransmitter,

"But what I can tell you about it right now, it is a design that predates the Gulag Plague, most likely Sith in origin, but by how much I do not know."

He would inform them with a nod

As a matter of fact, this writer did not say Siobhan was standing when she made the call. Given the injuries she had sustained during the Kaeshana Confederation's conquest and purification of Gehenna, wanting to stand throughout the holochat would have probably been uncomfortable for her. Anyhow, for this post she would be seated and light a cigarette whilst she looked upon the visual confirmation of the massive warship thar had been sighted.

Oh, joy, another unknown ship had mysteriously popped up out of the unknown regions. Well, strictly speaking they weren't very unknown these days. Maybe this one was carrying a legion of Lost Sith Masters who could bypass planetary defences with space magic. Or perhaps it was a crew of Lost Atrisian Samurai and Ninjas, out for revenge because their Emperor had suddenly returned, despite having been very publicly blown to bits by a terrorist.

Oh, wait, this is supposed to be a quality post, not an onslaught of meta commentary. "Oh, joy. Another ancient mystery ship. Frankly, it looks like the spitting image of the 'Ghost Ship' the Levantines and Firemane saved Iferetes from. And of the derelict Bando Gora Space Hulk I purged with Firemane troops and the Angelii during Gehenna's second conquest. I guess there's a rule somewhere that says ancient and vaguely ominous space hulks have to look like that. Both were crawling with Sithspawn and other alchemised monstrosities." Well, the derelict Bando Gora warship had been filled with technobeasts, xenomorphs and Klaxxi. Not to mention Bando Gora scientists pursuing heinous medical experiments, who had conveyed some disturbing revelations to Sio's BFF Mirien about her past. Before being summarily executed for their crimes. Speaking of Klaxxi, they were nasty buggers, Siobhan felt a desire to find their homeworld and glass it. Wherever it was. Well, maybe keep some alive and break them until they were obedient pets. She blamed the latter urge on Mirien's influence.

"There may be a connection to those ships. Fringe has access to all sorts of crazy tech and secrets since they went on their conquest spree across the unknown regions, but my gut instinct is to rule the out. That's not a ship for a stealthy infiltration for a great power and sending it on a mission of terror in the belief it won't get traced back to them falls flat since the OP fleet would detect and intercept it fast. This has to be the work of a different party."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Noah Corek"], [member="Miles Varden"],

"Whatever the origins of this vessel are,"

The droid begun, looking to the hologram of Sio,

"It is still heading towards Thebeon, we need to intercept it and either capture it or destroy it before its nefarious purpose can be fulfilled. And my own torso segment instinct tells me that answers to all our questions aboot it, although frankly I am leaning towards just glassing the thing and getting it out of the way."

He would look over the transmission notifications then,

"Still nothing coming through from Lord Protector, maybe just delay on the lines, but just in case I will send an agent to his quarters to ring his doorbell obnoxiously."

Taking out a datapad on the side he would read through the roster,

"Now who I do not like to send on a mission like that.."

He mused to himself.
[member="HK-36"], [member="Miles Varden"], [member="Noah Corek"]

Siobhan shrugged and took another drag from her cigarette. As for Cater, well, her opinion on the man was terribly low anyway. "Just go ahead and intercept the damn thing. You're Exarch and it's heading straight into Omega territory. Personally I feel like blowing the damn ship up, but then the last two space hulks I boarded were were crammed with monsters," Siobhan said bluntly.

Of course boarding the derelict Bando Gora ship had gotten them fancy toys! "If you think it'll be any use, I can transmit what data Firemane gathered on the two space hulks I mentioned. Along with recordings." Needless to say certain details would be edited out of the recordings from the Bando Gora vessel. Like certain dialogue between Mirien and a Bando Gora alchemist. There'd be plenty of fun scenes with Rakghouls, technobeasts, xenomorphs and Klaxxi though! "I can also see about providing support either from Firemane or the Eldorai. The bulk of the Eldorai navy is geared towards home defence, but they may be able to spare some ships."
Nyos stood silently going over the readings coming in from the scanners. Predates Gulag, now that is old. Almost as old as HK himself. Nyos looked over to Sio and HK,

If it is that old, how is it that the vessel made it this far without pinging anyone else?

He pondered the vessel for a moment while they answered. He went back to the scans waiting for something to pop up.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Miles Varden"]
Miles nodded and walked closer to HK. Nyos stood off to the side looking over the consoles, while Sio and HK confered with each other. Miles' job was simple, fly his Hornet and kill baddies. He was here for Intel and then once deployed, he'd leave the talking to the Higher-Ups

Send in my Hornets HK, we will set up a perimeter around the planet. Whatever the intent of the vessel, we must set up preventative measures. Sir.

He nodded as he completed his sentence. He held tight to his flight helmet, he was not ready for another possible Bando scenario.

[member="HK-36"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Miles Varden"] [member="Nyos Val"] [member="HK-36"]

Noah scratched his chin as he looked over the massive hologram of the ship. "Though I hate to say it out loud, I'm with Kerrigan on this one, mostly because this thing is an eyesore and because if the readings are correct and this thing really does predate the Gulag Plague, who knows what types of weaponry this things holds. Most likely it would be yeas, if not decades and centuries, ahead of anything anybody in the galaxy could field. Though on the other side of the argument, if we got a hold of that ship and reversed engineered whatever tech they had aboard, we could easily become the dominant power in the galaxy. Take away what you will."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Noah Corek"], [member="Miles Varden"], [member="Nyos Val"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"],

"Good point, Nyos."

The droid commended his cyborg companion, taking out a piece of candy from one of his satchels and passing it over to him.

"Here, have a chocolate."

Without skipping a beat the machine would look to the vessel's image,

"Well we have few choice to answer that, either the vessel was extremely lucky and fate has played part in it, Fringe did intercept it and now they are sending it our way, but as Sio mentioned it may be doubtful as we could track that back to them-"

He would give a nod to Siobhan's busty image,

"- Or like the previous vessels like it, the Dark Side taint that bore this ship has not abandoned it and its presence here is the work of some Eldritch power piloting it as we speak, cloaking it before with dark sorcery of space magick."

Damn that space magick and handwavium, the very elements which allow vessels like that travel unseen before and for whole fleets and armies to teleport to Corusc- some heavily defended planets.

"Either way, if we are going to board it for some reason I would rather avoid sending large forces and go with a more tactical approach, a specialized team of elite combatants-"

Once more he would look to Sio's hologram,

"- As such if you can spare anything, I would ask for a team of Angelii or other elite soldiers you have, Force users especially as that is not a role me or my droids could fill. Thank you, in advance, Sio."

He would give her a dip of his head in thanks.

Finally he would look to Miles and Noah,

"As to the weaponry on this ship, I most likely predate this vessel itself, and I can tell you from experience, if that thing has anything groundbreaking technology wise for us it will be some sort of Force-based artifact, and if we had means to reproduce it already it would not be groundbreaking in the first place. Technology wise we caught up and advanced from what the tech was before Gulag Plague, Abregado itself makes technology unheard of before in the Galaxy, if you would say you had an idea for a jet suit to lift a fully armored being while being resistant to lightsabers or a rotary cannon version of a shattergun you would be laughed at and proclaimed as malfunctioning-"

HK would shrug.

"- Yet here we are with jet suits and shattergun rotary cannons."

He would look to Miles then,

"So you and your Hornets should not have much to worry about from the vessel, nothing you have not seen before. That said, you are dismissed, set up the defensive blockade and stay in contact with command here."

HK would salute to Miles to dismiss him,

"May the Force be with you, remember to not engage without orders."

Next he would look to Siobhan and Noah,

"And we will wait for message from the Lord Protector at least until the ship enters planetary system. I would have want same courtesy from him if the roles would be reversed. Whether we like him at the moment or not, [member="Ayden Cater"] is still our commander and times of crisis is not the place to neither start dethroning him nor go behind his back. We are soldiers and citizens of Protectorate-"

He glanced to Sio especially since she wasn't part of the OP military anymore technically,

"We have more honor than that, especially since the ship does not place the planet in immediate threat, so far it is only a threatening presence."

Still, Ayden should respond to event somehow as he promised in the OOC thread or the action will move on without him, nudge-nudge wink-wink,

"Besides if Fringe ends up claiming this was a civilian ship we intercepted or one of theirs and tries to gain more support against us or launch another invasion, I want to be able to say I got clearance from Cater before I gave a green light to intercept it."
[member="Noah Corek"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Nyos Val"], [member="Miles Varden"]

Siobhan felt the desire to say a few scathing things but held her tongue. Mainly because she and HK were old friends. "The only commander I have is a certain redhead called Tegaea Alcori. But it's your call. It is best to be err on the side of caution I guess."

She made no comment on the in her opinion preposterous idea that having an ancient space hulk would suddenly turn the Protectorate into a superpower. As it happened and as HK had outlined, science and technology marched on. Otherwise the Kar'zun's millennia old tech would not be hopelessly outclassed when they invaded Kaeshana. The ancient ship suddenly popping up and no one else noticing it did not surprise her much after all the frankly bizarre things she had experienced in her life. Like the One Sith suddenly popping up and seizing Coruscant after returning from the shadows!

"If you really want to board that thing, my advice is to go in full force and not just with a small elite group. You know how well our first boarding action on the Bando Gora command ship with the Chaos God of War's Champion went...and we had a large force of elite soldiers then. If it's crawling with beasts, a small team will get swarmed. Especially if it has, say, Klaxxi or something similarly fething tough." Siobhan said bluntly. "But I'll see about getting you support. I don't have command authority over the Angelii, but the Grand Seraph and I are friends. I'll advise her to send competent people. Transmitted the data I mentioned to you."

Conveniently there was an Angelii...Siobhan did not much like. That blonde chick who was obsessed with freezing everyone who annoyed her...
With a solid salute and a nod, Miles ran off to gather the Hornet pilots.

"Hornets, this is Sargeant Varden. We are tasked with setting up a perimeter blockade around Thebeon. There is an inbound vessel and we are to hold the line until further orders."

He closed his comm as he made his way to the hangar to deploy the Hornets Nest.

Miles made his way to the hangar and got aboard the Hornets Nest with the rest of Hornet Squadron. Guided by an Unyeilding Cruiser loaded with two squadrons of Knights. The two vessels jumped to lightspeed for Thebeon to intercept the Ancient Space Hulk.

The captain messaged down to the crew, "Approaching target planet. 5 minutes until we drop from hyperspace, get to your battle positions and ready to deploy upon arrival."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="HK-36"] @[member="Noah Corek"] Nest -Escort Cruiser - Hornet Squadron


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Miles Varden"], [member="Noah Corek"], [member="Nyos Val"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"],

Presumably they would continue to chat and discuss the situation for a bit longer until finally HK exclaimed,

"Alright, we have waited long enough and still no word from Hatter."

He would open up his comm to signal Miles and the fleet already waiting Thebeon to intercept the strange vessel,

"Sink that Circean piece of Sith, I am not taking any chances."

At that the droid would claps his hands,

"Well this was fun, I guess we can all call it a da-"

And then, just as ships would start powering up their guns, conveniently a transmission would come from the ghost ship, or to be specific, a distress signal, transmission asking for help.

"-Oh come on, one day with just ships letting me blow them up with no trouble."

He muttered to himself, sending another transmission to Miles, his Hornets, and other ships,

"Miles! Abort and disregard my previous order to engage, we are getting distress signal from the vessel, I would say just fire anyway but we were not receiving it previously, meaning there is somebody aboard to turn the signal on, so pull your Hornets back and keep watch over it, we-"

He would look to others then,

"We are going into boarding action."

HK spoke solemnly before looking to Siobhan's transmission,

"Muster any soldiers you can, we are not really pressing naval wise since we have the Relatively Northern Fleet here and it is just one ship, but elite and heavy infantry would be good."

He would glance to Noah as he kept speaking,

"We are doing both full boarding action and an elite squad tactic at the same time."

And then he would glance to Nyos as he explained his tactic to the trio there,

"Large force will set up a strong landing zone position or two, we will see how much it will take to get attention of whomever is aboard, really shake things up and hopefully get another full assault going on our forces as they have done before, Iron Company is experienced at trench warfare, setting up a strong position and mowing down infantry, if that happens they can take the punishment."

The machine would look to Sio's hologram then,

"Once that is achieved small team led by me and Noah will land in one of the auxiliary hangars from the ship, while the main force deals with any assault we will head towards the bridge of the ship, whomever aboard that ship is intelligent enough to send out a distress signal all of a sudden we will find them, we will uncover the ship's secrets, and assume direct control."

He nodded purposefully at that, looking to the group,

"Got it?"

It was more of a rhetorical question as he did not give them any time to respond,

"Good, rendezvous in the orbit of Thebeon aboard the Siege Tower, my Greycloak Honor Guards will lead the main assault on the vessel, Noah"

He would look to the Protectorate Commander,

"Get any of your trusted friends or other elite soldiers you know to join our team, and I mean the best of the best, maybe [member="Racket"] if he is still around or [member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"], or [member="Doctor Stormson"], maybe even [member="Aeron Kreelan"], I have not seen her in a bit. Brainstorm, you were always the social one."

Droid quipped before looking to Nyos again,

"Nyos, get med kits and your equipment ready, you will be our team's medic and biology specialist, if we will find something really freaky organic wise, like Bando Gora experiments or Siobhan's Ego, you will be my go-to guy, so make sure you will be on top of your game."


He would open his com up to the Hornet leader again,

"Do you have any transports or dropships in your squadron? You will be in charge of our evac if you do not want to join us personally during boarding."

After that the droid dismissed them with wave of his hand,

"Alright, off you go, we do not have that much time to prepare."
Nyos was already tasking the Milenici on the Pheobus to gather medical supplies and bring the ship around. He saluted to HK and walked towards the hangar for pickup.

A few Milenici met him at the ramp with his gear and his mask.

"Eh! Big Boss, gear go,be oka ya."

"Glad to here it Carl. Let's get into the air and rendezvous with the Hornet Fleet near the planet."

Nyos closed the ramp as he walked into his ship, MD-13 was at his station and awaiting it's first patient.

"Ready MD?"

"Affirmative sir."

"Such a good medical droid." He patted the surgical droid on its can head.

"Very funny sir."

[member="HK-36"] [member="Miles Varden"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Noah Corek"]

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