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Shadow Hulk: A Touch Of Darkness (Open to Omega Pyretectorate and Friends)

Miles and the other Hornets had deployed and were flying into attack formation when HK's transmissions came through.

"All units abort the attack, we have received a distress signal from the derelict. Repeat about. Return to defensive positions."

The Hornet Squadron turned around and set up an arching path around the two ships in the Nest. He flipped the comm over to reply to the next few transmissions from HK.

"HK we have two dozen dropships on standby as we speak for evac. I will not be jumping this ship, last one I was on had demons of sorts, I will run patrols out here in case the ship goes active. Over."

[member="Nyos Val"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Noah Corek"]
[member="HK-36"], [member="Eyrecae Alzari"]

Siobhan just gave HK a curt nod and then cut the connection. After all, he was talking enough for the both of them! Personally she still thought the space hulk should just be blown up, but at least he was taking a larger force with him instead of just going with the small elite groups option! For just a moment Siobhan felt like she should be out there and accompany them on the raid. After all, she was terribly efficient at wiping out hordes of monsters, even if it sometimes came with her losing a limb or two.

But then she dismissed that thought because fankly she had done her part and over the years shed more of her own blood for Omega than anyone else, at least the way she saw it. They should be fine without her. So she stubbed out the cigarette in an ashtray and then took a sip from the glass of Kaeshana wine one of her servant girls had placed on the desk for her.

Then she activated the comms device and send a call to the Grand Seraph of the Angelii, Aeda Shaytari. The call would contain a recording of the recent conversation and a polite request for support. The space hulk was not an Eldorai problem and strictly speaking in the one could argue that Aeda was above her in hierarchy, so she would not press the point or ask the Eldorai to lead the charge. Presumably Captain Taldir would go out and ice a couple evil things. After having sent the message she pondered for a moment before activating a very special frequency.

As it happened, Siobhan knew just the woman to send to a space hulk infested with Sithspawn monsters. An Eldorai supersoldier who could be quite accurately called a one-woman army. It was hammer time! "Eyrecae, sweetie...I have a task that requires your...special skills. How do you feel about hammerin' monsters on a space hulk?"
With loads of other soldiers rushing all around me I groaned while struggling to get one of the boots on for my battle armor. "Stang!" I yelled finally getting my foot into the boot and completely covered in the white armor. When I had finally found my way off that cesspit Coruscant I was desperate for money and even more desperate for a job. All my old contacts were either dead or had went underground after the Sith took over, but what I did remember was a legion of soldiers that had also tried to take Coruscant from the Empire, though they failed. Yet I still remember watching the armies collide and how the soldiers were able to hold their own against the Sith. So my first choice after fleeing the planet was to join them. I owed one of them my life after all without them I wouldn't be here today.

Reaching down for what seemed like the hundredth time I checked my Opp-1 pistol making sure it was properly cleaned before sliding it back into it's holster. Along with it I carried two Corek pdw weapons. Finally sure that I had everything I hopped in line behind the nearest trooper and followed him to the nearest dropship. I'm pretty sure there was only one dropship going out. Or had I heard it wrong. Taking my seat I shot glances at the ones that sat around me and noticed how heavily armed they weer compared to me and then I didn't recognize any of them. My heart shot into my throat as I realized what had happened but it was to late to change anything. They may be going to the same spot. I reassured myself even though I knew deep down I was wrong. Leaning back in the seat I took on the uncaring and cold look that I used when I used to sell spice trying to fit in with the other soldiers.

Nyos piloted the "Pheobus" into the Protectorate miny fleet. He set the coordinates to Thebeon and gave the all clear for command to set the jump. Sitting back in the chair, Nyos listened to his Milenici crew chit-chat about everything from food to food and back to food.

Nyos enjoyed the brief relief from the unknown that was the strange vessel. He felt something unnerving moving within the ancient ship, he only hoped he was wrong. Since the Bando Gora, Nyos had become very wary of unidentifiable starships. They never bode well for his allies and friends. He had lost so many to the Bando. Even though some were short-lived, a friendship was a lasting relationship on anyone's psyche.

"Ready to move with the fleet [member="HK-36"], on your command. My team is standing by. My med bays are prepped and praying for no patients."

[member="Zemen Selah"][member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="HK-36"]

The commlink buzzed insistently. Eyrecae at first ignored it and went back to her task. Finally, when it didn’t stop, she realised she’d have to answer it or smash it. The latter was appealing…but she knew the ring tone. Siobhan and her were back as buddies again after that little incident with the possession, but breaking the commlink probably wouldn’t help.

Rising, Eyrecae brushed off her hands and picked it up.
“Hey, Kerri-goo,” she said, just to annoy the other woman for interrupting her work. It was unsure where she’d heard the accursed nickname for Siobhan, but she intended to use it without mercy!

She brightened up though at the message.

“Well, I guess I could be persuaded to come along. You know, for the right price.” Said price was probably non-PG-13 and thus couldn’t be repeated in case the kiddies were harmed.
“But can you give me a bit, I’m almost done….”

She looked back to her task. The neat rows of flowers shone brightly in the greenhouse. Yes, the Eldorai supersoldier was growing flowers. Anyone who had a problem could bite her…she’d probably enjoy it.
[member="Eyrecae Alzari"]

"Stop calling me that!" Siobhan grumbled. She really did not like Kerri-goo. Only Tegs got to call her that. She would have to thoroughly punish and discipline the elf. After all, Siobhan was the one in her dreams at least! However, she would not have a problem with Eyrecae growing flowers. Far from it, she approved of her battle sister finding herself a hobby! Moreover, as it happened Siobhan was quite fond of the beautiful garden the villa she and Tegaea lived in had. Yes, she was such a sap these days.

"Be a good girl and you know I'll make it worth your while. OP forces came across a space hulk crossing the border and are moving to intercept. [member="HK-36"] has theatre command. They'll be landing elements of the Iron Company and a team of specialists. Personally I'd just blow the damn thing up and be done it, but go and help them. My guess is that the place will be crawling with Sithspawn. You've seen the recordings of what happened on the Gehenna space hulk. Remember you're part of a team, don't charge off on your own. I've spoken with the Angelii and Captain Taldir will be accompanying you. She's a frigid queen, but she's good at freezing bad things. You'll meet her on the Thrax," Siobhan spoke before she gave Eyrecae a thin smile.

"I like the flowers, by the way. Good to see you found yourself another hobby. I should visit your place some time."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Miles Varden"],

"Roger that, Miles, we will let you know when evac will be needed, reserve just one small dropship for my team, keep the rest focused on the main strike force because they will be in trouble."

The droid responded to message from the Hornet Commander, glad they won't be dead in the water out there,

Next came the message from [member="Nyos Val"], to which HK would respond,

"I may need you to come with my team, Nyos, we will need a good field medic in there, send any medics you have with the main strike force in case they need first aid. Miles will be taking care of dropship transports, he will be managing the dropships transporting wounded straight from battlefield into your medbays."

And finally there came a message to [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], who was going to supply super powered elves in form of [member="Eyrecae Alzari"],

"Sio, it is HK here, have the elves for our elite flanking team come straight to Siege Tower's hangar once their ships arrive here, we will initiate the operation as soon as we can. I assume they will arrive ready for a battle?"

Of course it is presumed that at the time some time has passed between all the orders being issued and troops preparing as HK was in the hangar of the Siege Tower, pacing back and forth by one of the dropships, the was designated for the borderline suicide mission, and the one [member="Zemen Selah"] just managed to sneak onto by accident. He was ready already, his armor ready and attached to his Phrik combat body, cloak cascading off of his shoulders, array of weapons hanging off of his belt.

Another message would be sent, this time to [member="Noah Corek"],

"Hey, Noah, meet me in the hangar of Siege Tower, our team is getting ready, as soon as the Space Elves arrive we will begin the mission."

With a mechanical sigh he would go into the dropship, but not sit down just yet, instead of leaning by one of the transport's walls to stop pacing for a second and inspect the elites and honor guards already in the dropship.

"Hey, you."

The machine commander spoke up pointing to Zemen, perhaps scaring him that his mistake was discovered.

"Good job on polishing that armor."

A commendation came instead before the droid looked away into the hangar, not bothering that the soldier seemed a bit unfamiliar, probably one of the transfers,

"Bloody right elites would know how to maintain their armor properly."

The machine muttered.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="HK-36"]

Siobhan’s reaction and the threat of punishment virtually ensured that ‘Kerri-goo’ would find itself being used again, if only to troll the Countess!

“Sure, you’re welcome to drop by any time you want!” Eyrecae said. She laid down her spade and took a deep breath.

“Oh, Kaida? She’s alright. Needs a good lay,” Eyrecae opined. “And yes, mother, I’ll be good and be home at six,” she added.

“You don’t want to come play on the space hulk too?”
[member="Eyrecae Alzari"]

"Good girl. Make sure you eat all your veggies, don't jump into vans with strangers because they offer you candy," Siobhan said in what was a parody of her mummy tone. "I'll be staying here. Have your fun. Maybe you can try to defrost Taldir. Though I doubt she's ever gotten laid."
Hessai did a last minute check over his armor plates-making sure the straps were in place and body fitting as to not missing their use and making damn well sure the Mandalorian iron plates got their worth's use. Left blade, then right, then checking his Blas-tech rifle and "Woebringer" pistol. Considering all things about what the mission ahead was looking like, he was not looking forward to "mysterious floating capital ship" that suddenly appears unarmed or unmanned by anything identifiable. He was in the Siege tower, armed and ready to go along with the rest of the troopers and mercenaries in the hangar. His corvette was currently parked with the twins elsewhere, being a solo mission where assault troops were needed over a picket line. His eyes glanced about as he looked for someone competent to stick to; after all, one needed one's back watched in either a holdout or a moving frontline if they were sent to investigate anywhere.
Miles and the rest of Hornet Squadron 'buzzed' around in formation awaiting the arrival of the strike teams. When HK's response came in, Miles alerted the Hornets Nest of the plan to dispatch one dropship for HK and his team specifically.

"Roger that HK, you will have Echo-1. My ballziest drop pilot. Upon your arrival, he will be running the meter for your extraction. Be warned, he's been known to run some risky maneuvers on arrival."

"Alright Hornet Command, get ready with those Drops and keep Echo 1 on standby for Command exfil. Keep me posted on their progress and the derelict."

[member="HK-36"] and friends.
Nyos jumped from his seat and made for the mini Caf machine that Kevin was brewing a fresh pot on. HK's message came through and before he could reply, Kyle and Phillip jumped on the comms and replied for him.

"Okay Big Boss Robot, be help booboos and owies, other Big Boss Doc go wit yoo Robot."

Nyos broke into an open laugh as they replied, it could be easily heard over the comm transmission. His metallic voice echoed the ship walls and soon the rest of the crew laughed their tiny, distinguishable chuckles. Nyos patted Kyle and Phillip on the head and sent them on their ways.

"You got that HK? We will help with the Booboos. I'll be waiting your arrival."

On that, Nyos had Eric take them to hyperspace, they'd meet the rest at the derelict ships location.

[member="HK-36"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Sitting upon the dropship I couldn't help but feel as if something was screaming at me to get off the dropship before it was to late. I was actually about to act on it but was stopped by the appearance of a droid marching onto the dropship. Staring at the bucket of bolts I froze, stepping off now would be to suspicious. I may even be stopped by someone wondering where I was going. I couldn't risk it so I stayed with my but firmly planted in the seat. I had even began to calm down now feeling the urge for a deathstick or even a small dosage of spice, but I was caught off guard by the machine suddenly pointing at me. Staring up the metal finger at the machine my eyes widened. Good thing I was wearing a helmet though. "Thank you sir." Zemen said barely keeping his voice from shaking from the fear he had felt.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

“You take the fun out of everything!” Eyrecae said, pretending to sulk. “Alright, I’ll go find Kaida and lay everything out with her,” she said with no innuendo at all.

“But, I guess I should ask, where is this space hulk of deadly doom?”
[member="Eyrecae Alzari"]

"If you go for a ride with here, make sure you're properly warmed up first. In case she accidentally ends up freezing you in the heat of things," Siobhan said cornily. Her innuendo was as lame as usual.

"The space hulk is en route to Theoben, in close proximity at present. [member="HK-36"] and the Siege Tower are in Theoben's orbit. You'll meet up with him and his team in his ship's hangar. Now get going. If you're a good girl...I'll have a substantial reward for you when you return," Siobhan added, just as cornily, then cut the connection and switched the holocom off. Kaida would be meeting Eyrecae aboard the Thrax, an Illyria-class frigate. Transport to the ship would be provided.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Hessai Venscythe"],

"Alright, on your feet!"

Hessai would hear a command as his Commander, or Commanders made themselves known, while the main body of troops would not be led by HK himself, it would be led by his four copies he used as Elite Guards instead, the difference between them? They did not had as much memories as the primary machine, their bodies were not made from Phrik, and the lightsabers they wielded had blue blades. Yeah, not only were his commanders droids who wore armors and cloaks, he could see a lightsaber hanging off of each of their belts.

"This will be a tough fight, but if we use all that we have learned through the years, if we persevere and use every trick we have, we will make it through the night!"

One of the machines begun a bit of briefing with a quick speech,

"From what we have seen from previous ships like this they will be filled with alchemical horrors and terrible inhumane aliens! They will most likely come at us wave after wave! But if we stand firm, fighting as one behind our barricades, our shattergun rotary cannons and bolt guns roaring through the shadows, we can all make it through this alive!"

Of course that was a stretch, but the troops always wanted to have hope,


The machine pointed to Hessai,

"I like the way you look, like a Gladiator,"

Nudge-nudge, wink-wink, Russel Crowe,

"I want to see you right there on the frontline."

Meanwhile, in the "Elite" dropship,

HK would nod to [member="Zemen Selah"],

"My bloody pleasure."

He would answer before sending out an answer to [member="Miles Varden"],

"Roger that, thanks for support!"

And another one to [member="Nyos Val"],

"Haul ass, Nyos, we will be heading off in a bit, with or without the Eldorai."

No they won't, this writer is scared of Siobhan's writer too much to just skip her,

Still, he would send a transmission to [member="Kaida Taldir"] and [member="Eyrecae Alzari"],

"Eldorai Forces, are you en-route to rendezvous with us at Theoben? We are waiting on you, please hurry as the Hulk Vessel is starting to get awe-fully close to the planet's system."
Hessai's expression behind his helmet was one of dry amusement. "This place strikes me from description as just a bit more violent in possibilities then any arena with a simple rancor. At least you can tell where it's going from and to." He settled himself in towards the frontline with the steady pace of a man in heavy armament and armour-one that while having suspension cables built inside the suit itself to help with the deadweight's fatigue was designed for taking blows as he gave them rather then dodging them. And wouldn't that be something to enjoy? He kept his blades where they were, knowing they did want to keep whatever it was they expected at range. Instead of the Hyperion rifle however he stuck to a faster firing rate-if anything was to be deflecting blasts from a blas-tech weapon, the last thing he needed was a slow reload time to deal with if something faster was coming at him too.

He chose a spot when they would board the ship on the flanks to hold when they held a line, figuring with his back placed to the ship's bulk he'd at least not be pulled down from behind and nestled his rifle in hios grip. He would be set for holding that portion of the line, and had a feeling that the few thermal detonators he had would all be used up if he had to shoot at the walls as well at the ground.

At this point in time the Illyria-class frigate bearing elves would arrive at the rendezvous point with the Siege Tower. Shortly thereafter a transport shuttle would shoot out of the bay of the Thrax and fly towards the Protectorate ship, ultimately presumably docking after having sent the necessary clearance codes.

Presumably [member="Eyrecae Alzari"] would be aboard if her writer, who unfortunately seems to be committing the abominable heresy of having a RL without asking this one for permission, finds the time to post, along with Kaida and a small team of minions who would have the good fortune of being bossed around by the frigid cryomancer. Naturally Kaida would look stoic as usual, though this fact for some reason does not stop this writer from pointing it out at every moment.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Kaida Taldir"], [member="Eyrecae Alzari"],

"Alright, 's go, 's go!"

The droid hurried the Elves up as they finally arrived, not omitting to place a quick slap on Kaida's butt, letting her join the list of Protectorate personnel who was patted on the rear end by the machine, including Moira Skaldi when she was still with Protectorate and Sarge during wedding of Tegs and Sio.

Moving back onto the dropship he would order the ramp to close before giving out a command, [member="Noah Corek"], [member="Miles Varden"], [member="Nyos Val"], [member="Zemen Selah"],

"All units prepare for deployment, operation Shadow Hulk is initiating."

And so soon enough the elite dropship would start to lift off, the war droid sitting in front of Zemen as a mechanical helmet closed over his already metal head,

"Helmets on and weapons cocked-"

The droid ordered,

"We may encounter some beings on the landing, depends how much of the creatures on board will fall into our trap and move to intercept the main strike force, and if there are any beings on board in the first place. Also remember to have your motion trackers activated at all times."

Meanwhile with the main strike force, [member="Hessai Venscythe"],

A whistle would be heard from the speakers as the captains and droid commanders begun to usher the troops onto the dropships and transports,

"All aboard the transport ships!"

They called out,

"We are initiating the operation, prepare your weapons and seal your armor! We do not know the conditions on the ship, prepare to fight in void conditions!"

Void referred to lack of oxygen and little to no gravity, i.e. most ghost ships sailing through space, thankfully most of the merc armors nowadays had air-sealed and breathing systems as well as magnetic soles to keep them anchored.

Either way, they would see the Elite dropship lift off from the hangar, it would be the first ship to leave in order to find best point for insertion in advancement. The rest of ships and transports would follow soon enough, the combat they all came for would begin soon enough, all they needed to go through first was sailing across the cold, cold void of space.
@HK-36 @Kaida Taldir [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Zemen Selah"] [member="Hessai Venscythe"]

Nyos donned his armor, the likelihood of loss of atmos was high, he didn't feel like dying from asphyxia. He grabbed both swords, his Ripper and one of his SRR1 in case they wanted to detain if there are any lifeforms.

Kevin are we ready to board? I'm gonna jump ship from the Airlock, alright, let's go boys. On your toes for wounded. Dave, Evan, and Harry were joining Nyos in the boarding party as medics. They each had a spacesuit and medical gear.

Then, the airlock was opened, and the four launched towards the Hulk.

En-route Lord HK.

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