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Dev Shadows of Atrisia

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.
She was moving towards the lift and stopped as the engineers were laying out the lower levels of it and spoke. "How is the excavation going?" There was a look but the man brought up the information she was looking for and presented it so she could see. The impressive facility had a dozen levels of use that they could see and was just as large as the village itself. Using projected energy pylons to connect to the barrierr above so that it was able to shield the entire facility underground with a planetary grade shield around them and protect from even more turning the village into a snowglobe type shielding. Junko was impressive thhough with the idea and what it would let them do with cities on the planet.

"It is going well princess, we have been using the droids to make the walls and framework then moving engineers down to make sure everything in functioning and reinforced. So far these materials are ideal for standing up to attack and with the pylons to connect to the barricades and shielding we are able to make a complete shield around the village. THis will do well for housing the power stations and back up systems for the village like food production and storage." He said it and showed there were different houses which served as stairs and ways to get in without power. JUnko was looking at what they had and housing was important so one of the levels was dedicated largely to homes and while not looking at lavish they were no less big and made for families with room for expansion.
The engineers were showing more of it and displayed what would be in the lowest levels of the facility... mainly massive shelters in case of attack that everyone in the village could fit in plus all of the facility... in the event of catastrophic attack that would rrequire them to have to flee... they could operate with biots and droids from there to try and rebuild while coordinating with other facilities across Atrisia that would serve the rebuilding efforts. THat paired with what else they were working on presented Junko better ideas for what would become their terraforming efforts on other worlds.. this mixed with artificial islands, stations and the anshin over the world.

"Impressive, there was a simple idea and you guys have been working to flesh it out and make it into a far superior design." She was grinning from ear to ear and congratulating them.. there was a whole lot of pride and much like many of the endeavors of Atrisia if they could give aside from soldiers and warriors the same pride well it would expand and improve. SHe knew that one of the things to do was work on culinary endeavors as well as what they wanted to do with the royal guards and woodworkers. THey had developed much more in terms of supplies that the people of Atrisia would have... the other worlds contributing to it when reports of their improvements and terraforming came in.
Junko walked and she was checking out the square lift now... she wasn't going to go down into the facility it was still being worked on but she was looking at the area around it and the buildings served as the ring around it with chokepoints being created for funneling attackers into the line of defensive turrets that were being set up. Defensive droids having warehouses that were made to be funneled and give them what they could get. She saw them setting up a security panel of weapons and equipment for attacks in the event they were unable to get to their own homes and equipment. The benefit of advanced engineering to make the standard weapons similar enough.

She was walking the lift and also seeing the projectors for shielding units as more of the engineers were bringing equipment that was being loaded to be taken down. The lift preparing to go down and instead of leaving a massive hole there was railings set up after she had stepped off of it. "Careful with your footing princess." The one said it and as the lift was going down a secondary shield appeared to prevent others from falling it from hardlight. That would help before she listened to some of the others having fun and entertaining the childrren around them. THey were connecting more of the modules and building up the homes as it appeared from the moated area.
With everything here Alti seemed to have come and joined her as she was looking over more of the area.. presenting a smile though as she had drinks for them to go around and observe more of it. Junko was making her way towards the forested area that was being used for farmland to grow different fruits with one of the families who could oversee it. SHe was seeing more though as they walked through the village... the buildings were important and the design to turn it into a chokepoint laden defensive maze that the residents would be able to use. THere was more as to combat dangers they were also getting better ways to have interconnected walkways between the buildings and connections to the underground facilities.

The forest itself had a bartrier far off in it giving them plenty of land for trees which were being replanted and re-organized into rows carefully. The different fruits so that they could be harvested and droids designed to improve yields... then smaller hovering platforms for additional trees that were planted and prepared. There was even more as they were using the droids to start portioning rice patties, terraced sections for different things to grow in the ground and soil. Transplanting them in and with the modules there were hydroponic bays, livestock being brought in and worked as it was a massive area of farmland.
Junko could see many more aspects... she could see the trees and it presented her fruits in different colors... then there were cherry blossoms that were being planted and controlled. THe floating bioplatforms designed to grow and harvest vine silk and coffee... which would add more to the economic standing since it was a hard to acquire material that few others could get in the galaxy. With some materials though they knew how to alter the raw matter into aurodium and other highly valuable things in the outer galaxy.. for them it was something to be commonplace which worked as it meant even the smallest things the Atrisians sold to the galaxy had value compared to many others.

"This is impressive, you and your team worked all night I take it?" SHe said it and the chiss engineers were there looking a little tired but they were also drinking some tea. "Yes princess, we wanted to start the food production and with the droids we have been developing for these tasks well there is a whole lot of new ideas... we might better be able to create a new generation of organic droids." He said it and another one showed them a display as the grid layout of the trees was done with the droids as they designated all of it and the energy barricade sat on the edge allowing them to utilize as much space. Junko could see some areas that were for water production as well.
"THis is all very impressive." SHe said it while going over the plans and things were going faster then she had expected... they were truly well getting could at this and if they could manage to improve the deployment times... they would have the ability to seed and settle on worlds within a matter of days after the rapid terraforming was done. This was beneficial to them... new droids that would work for this endeavor would also benefit them. THey had the islands but these facilities were able to be on that and function as smaller settlements on the surface with shielding... if they could turn these into deploying drop pods then it would be a lot better.

"Plans for the future." SHe was saying it to herself and the engineer was there with her. THey werre going over it and Junko used her finger to trace it and show her ideas for the future which got a raised eyebrow. "Ambitious but if we could do this with an automatic droid facility built in that would create the terraforming droids you could have rapid colonization and terrraforming down to a world. Send several of these to a planet a few years or months in advance before settlers start coming to the world." The engineer was adding to it and if they could start a project like this well it would go better as they connected to the Atrisian network.
Junko reviewed more of it standing there... every little detail was important and she was getting it uploaded to her interface tfor review in many cases. They might be able to add it to information that was being worked on and they would hopefully be able to continue their works. "This is all most impressive." She was leaving them eventually and between construction, production and orientation the village was only in its second day and already becoming an advanced village that was set up. By the end of the week it should if going the right way be able to start its own production. SHe was moving towards some of the other parts.. they were making a massive springs... a communal bath to compliment the ones in all of the homes.

The building was being set up as they carved rocks and shaped it to resemble a natural springs. THey were setting up the ornate and perfectly controlled temperature waters. THe trees being planted and set up as well as interior baths to match the exterior with carefully formed walk ways that allowed one to maintain grip and traction even if they were wet. This was also a staple of Atrisian society with the bathhouses and if they could get them to be highly functional well they were trying to improve all aspects of them. The new fashioned wood panels being added with what appeared to be a rice paper window fashioned from tempered crystasteel.
Attention went to more and more of the details though... Junko was able to see some of the construction materials that were being used to make the village itself and not just the modules... the wood was strong... supportive and protective like a shell. The paper was a lot stronger then many would be able to see and then there was the roads of the village with its metal and stone.. designed to be self repairing and self cleaning it had smaller pockets for droids that would allow it to present alcoves to keep them clear. The villages, towns and cities would have them and when they could extend them to the planet in carefully laid roads designed to allow faster travel around without destroying the beauty.

SHe knew they were working to get droids and a better computer system for planet shaping... it wouldn't be terraforming the planet as much as creating what was needed to properly maintain it. From droids to clean the air and sea... to others to help the farmlands and some for the mountains to make the caves and areas more stable. These would be good for maintaining the planet here but on others it would function to terraform and expand on worlds... they could send them to other planets they were looking at and prepare them for colonization... have it as a means to teach more primitive minds Atrisian values so that when they arrived they would welcome them and be part of the Commonwealth.
It was a little sinister but Junko couldn't see terrible things with it.. they were influencing and aiding another species in development yes... they were teaching them sciences, math, health and means to advance their civilization learning from the mistakes of their people instead of making them they would be able to bypass them. It seemed a lot more beneficial in the long run if they could manage to do it in her opinion. The jedi in her was slightly protesting but experience could help and it is what the jedi did... refine their methods and teachings to try and avoid the mistakes of the past that created sith.. so the Atrisians wanting to teach the finer aspects and what has worked instead of what failed and led to civil war or disagreement... well they would benefit.

SHe was getting a chance to see more of it and what they were working on here as well and it all presented her with approval in their methods... from the village production to what was going to be manufacturing.. they even had started to seed and reinforce the ground to prevent erosion and sinkholes from forming in the village itself. Rain run off into irrigation basins to collect and purify the water... streams that could be used and improved upon... largely being dug out so that they were functional but not overly deep or shallow. Even going so far as to connect the waterways with the sewers of the village which was a closed system and connected to a recycling station for processing everything.
THe workers gave her the last bits of data about what they had and she had walked towards the barricades... the shimmering shields were around the village and went up into a dome. SHe could see them working to establish as the droids were working to make an area between the shield and trees on either side to not have something getting the energy to flare on it. The ones outside of the barrier they were working on as well mostly to trim but turn into a sort of samo and natural barrier.. with rocks being moved and transplanted... trees both natural and fallen so that it formed a chokepoint and with monitors they would be able to detect someone trying to sneak up on the village from around it.

The engineers and construction workers were here working on more of it as well.. placing the sensors and repair droids in smaller alcoves.. with pockets that could be worked on and monitored easily. THen they were working on collection basins for fruit as well as rain water when it comes. THey had a perimeter for the underground facility and where its lifts and emergency exits would be. There was still plenty of construction going on and if anything they were working to reinforce the soil to prevent erosion and sinkholes which would help in the longer run. The displayed soil being used by hovering biobasins to grow more or put into terraced fields for growth of rice.
"So is everything as you were expecting princess Junko?" Her guard was there and Tripitaka was with her... she had a look on her face and nodded her approval. "Oh yes.. more so, you can see it all here and whatever they have been working on have the rest. I don't know what will be more impressive in the end though... that they did this within three days or that most projections show that they can do it faster." She said it and well the idea that they would be able to essentially speed up the process of construction and colonization efforts on other planets was an important one. THey would need to really work on that idea and aspect for others to see.

Tripitaka was there with her and joined her... she had arrived in the night with the last airship which was mostly bringing livestock and droids who were being set up. Many of the creatures they had rescued which would work on the farms and provide milks, wool or other materials. THey would be able to raise them as well as well the fabrication for themselves... roadways were being done and brought in to connect the village at the main entrance which would be going into the village... from there it was the only ground based way past the barricades aside from what were being made as secret escape tunnels they could access and use in case of attack.
Junko went with Tripitaka when they were able to head to what amounted to the airfield... it was mostly a tower with three retractile walkways that would connect with the airships and allow them to be unloaded along the edge of the village. It wasn't much and really her airship was much larger then the others that had brought people into the village... the large amounts of supplies that were being brought it. Crates and larger equipment like vehicles that were brought in. THey had some of the speeders and for defensive measures there was a gentoku train if they needed it as well as one of the faster mag-lev trains. This would allow them faster connection to larger cities.

A couple of the vehicles were designed to get them around faster as well and serve in case of emergency for getting to the anshin which had its own automated shuttles they could use for transporting supplies for sale. Adding them to the shops and selling power to other systems that needed food or supplies in the region. The people out there didn't know where or whom made it but they bought it and the Atrisians charged a good mark up in terms of credits. THe other systems around them were also some fo the largest buyers since they were not as secure or self sufficient thansk to the wars... Atrisia sold them plenty and far off buyers.
Tripitaka had one or two other things set up for the pair of them... where she was wanting to look now though was on the airship as she was heading there to observe from the higher point all of the village. Going up the ramp and stretching out while she looked over the rails of the ship with a wider grin on her face. She found a few others as her guards were there and they had more stuff fo her that had been brought. NEw equipment to show off... some new droid models and experimental methods that they were looking to use with the villages... the transportation network for moving equipment around was one of them.

SHe was able to see some other things like galactic news... there wasn't much happening... if anything all of the upheval for a new atrisian senator didn't seem to add anything and they were just where they always were... just now Shoma could hang out with her instead of having ot be on Coruscant... so a benefit. That was how she was looking at it the same with many of the different jedi groups or problems that they might have to deal with.. she was choosing to look at it as a net positive cause the alternative was that there was something sinister going on... and really it wasn't that it was just their wanting to be left alone might actually be working.
THey spent another three days there in the village specifically working on to make sure all of their equipment was working and construction finished. Collecting the data for improvement and a means to improve other villages on the planet... they oversaw the droids and storage... building up food and waterr reserves that would be used by the village themselves. Each house was working to produce their own and sending extra into a storage that was automated to be sent to the Anshin where it was being logged in and sold to offworlders, a portion donated to aid relief efforts on other worlds and a portion donated to the capital for planetary stores that in worse case scenario would be able to feed the planet.

Junko was looking at a lot more data that was coming through for all of them... the interest as she laid there in the bed and was surrounded by a few of her handmaidens brought more attention. Alti was in a position within the village of a leader... she was going to be in charge for now but the village once it was established and secured... everything handled they would if they wanted to vote and choose their own. SHe was fine with it and mostly just served as a voice who would talk with the main towns around them or major cities. Junko had seen them all off as the airship was leaving with her kimono closed before more of the information about their mining came.
She was looking more at the facility as the airship was taking off and rising up into the sky... the sunlight casting different shadows as she could see it from above and it looked bustling so far as they were still moving things around. THey were setting up the homes in places and with families moving into the underground sections of the facility below them.. it meant they would have a lot more to do. Manufacturing and mining was the primary parrts with farming as droids were set up to send out and receive supplies. THe airship finally leaving the Area as frrom one fo the rooftops she could see Alti and a few others waving goodbye. Junko bowed her head and she would come back and check on them from time to time.

Her handmaidens were there for her and showing what reports she might have to deal with next... a chance at a new royal academy that was being set up... the old building rebuilt and even more.... There was a possible tournament coming to the grand arena which would be fun to see but she wanted something exciting... there needed to be something here in the reports... "Hmm." She was looking for more things that they were getting. She could see one of the cities was wanting an investigatorr for some of the lords in the city. They were concerned about one fo the schools on the planet that seemed to ignore all laws but the Carp school was old and mostly harmless... ignorable even.
There was more infoirmatyion coming to them... she was able to check out sections and parts of the available data as manufacturing in the shipyards was able to exponentially improve with each anshin that was built. The planetary sphere designed for this purpose as well as a means of commerce among the Atrisians themselves. THey were developing choushin ships which were able to well grow and improve themselves... that was an important thing to see. There was even more as the generations of Atrisians fighters were beefed up to be tactical and powerful with their capabilities to become walkers and defend entire areas.

There were more production numberrs as they were producing a grreat deal of gift boxes for the galaxy and it was drawing in heavy revenue... there was the interfaces and companion droids they had for everyone on Atrisia itself that they could use. WIth improvements they would be able to turn them into additional combat units. For personal protection.. the last thing she knew they were going to be looking to work on was for each citizen the shielding units in their clothing which were important. THe normal atrisian clothing was designed to block and protect from sabers. There was jewelry that they were selling to offworlders and positive reviews for their foods.
"That is where we should go next... villages and towns are good but lets make sure everythign on the ANshin is going well." SHe said it and there was a nod from her handmaidens as JUnko looked up and the massive sight of the ANshin was high above them.. the duel layer dyson sphere which saw the massive production for them... with its inner for Atrisian and its outer shell where commerce with offworlders happened. It was divided up allowing the moons to exist in their own protective shell with shielding and protection... and then the planet. FOr the largest security they were able to muster while the other worlds and moons around them were being used for the purpose of colonies and production as well. The entire system served its purpose.

THe airship was heading to the palace and herr ship was there... they could take it up as Junko stood on the deck of the ship. She traveled yes but there was a whole lot to do on Atrisia that required their attention.. she would be able relax as working out here in the mornign was important. THe kimono gone.. instead small shorts that clung to her and a sports top exposing her midriff. Hair in a tight ponytail as she ran along the perimeter of the deck. The sounds were there for her and she was able to lose herself in the simple pleasure of working out as she knew her handmaidens were ollowing with her. THe jedi continued her routine as the ship was going and was able to ascend and descend the levels of the ship running around it at a jog with smiles to he rest of the crew.
The morning crew well some of the guards joined her... the best part of training and working out... having a team as they followed and it was easier on a confined space... if they were in the palace where most of the structure would make for her being able to practice with the force. Here though she was just making sure they ran with her several laps at a fasterr pace to push all of them and work up a sweat. She didn't need to do much though as going along on the deck of the ship she stopped and one of the atrisian fighters was set up in patrol mode with its wings there as she motioned and jumped up grasping the wing.

Her arms pulling herself up and they got the idea following suit as they moved with her and sounds of all of them came. One of the walkers moving to make more rom but also lift up into the air a little as the repulsors were used to increase resistance at her command. Adding weight so Junko was straining to pull herself up eventually but she could feel the sweat on her back where the skin was exposed to the cool air. The black training top and her shorts. Junko allowed the force to slowly flow through her body as she revitalized her muscles... pushed herself to more limited and eventually felt herself shaking practically from the effort as she dropped down with the others who were drenched in sweat.
Junko breathed in and then exhaled in the cooler air for a moment as she looked at them and laughed to herself. Standing tall and stretching as she felt her back and body pop and stretch. THe protesting for a moment causing a sense of relief. "Good job but we are not done yet." SHe said it and was moving with them towards the doors leading back down. SOme broke off to go back to their rooms.. well the section of barracks as they were going to need to clean up for the shift change but a few others stayed with her like an escort when they were moving forward... with grins but also the chance to hang out with the princess before they were all going towards the royal chamber.

Junko finished though and thanked them as she entered going with one or two who escorted her inside to help. THey were estatic though as she showered and changed with them into a more regal looking kimono and clothing. Going back outside as they arrived on the anshins first ring and docking the ship was able to give them quite a sight. The reception from the people was important at least in somethings.. she wanted to use it to gauge how they were feeling and they provided her with plenty in terms of interest. The jedi princess being able to feel the mood of the others around her as all seemed happy to see herr... while others werre wondering what brought her here.
Junko walked through the port on the Anshin as she was taking in more of it. The inner sphere of the station was purely Atrisian citizens... their interests and businesses thaat served to sell and contribute with the outer sphere. This meant there were the massive shipyards of the Commonwealth with all of their glory as they were building shells for the Choushin tree ships. The stations that would be distributed around the system and along hyperlanes that they used for transportation of goods... then into surrounding systems that the Commonwealth worked with. As a means to ensure protection they would rather take no chances.

She also knew about many of the other improvements to the ships that they were working on.. largely with systems as Atrisian fighters were compared to many other far and beyond in terms of functionality and capability. From their speeds, performance and utility. There was few vehicles that were being made to match them as well and she could see the landfall... a facility to produce arms and armors that the Atrisian military used. THe sleek equipment and armor designed to give them some of the best in terms of advantages against enemy forces. The droids were the next biggest thhing they produced and new fabricators and designed were shown.

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