Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Shadows of Treachery | The Tion Necessity | The Empire vs. The Alliance

Equipment: Blackwolf (Launchers 1&2 loaded with Advanced Proton Torpedoes, Ventral Launcher loaded with Intruder Missiles)
Allies: GA, Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause , R9-K4 "Keeper"
Enemies: Empire Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber
Commanding: 1x Squadron of 8 T-65XN "Wolf-X" fighters , 1x Flight of 4 BTL-S800 K-wings (loaded with Plasma Torpedoes)
Ari watched as Nemesis squadron broke off of their attack vectors and began to engage the incoming squints. Relying on their somewhat better shields to make up for the numbers, the X-wings broke into elements of 2 fighter sets each and engaged the interceptors at range, trying to use their speed against them by baiting them into high speed maneuvers that end with overshoots and opens them to stutter-fired shots from the cannons or, where the enemies are in tight formations, quick, well timed proton torpedo shots. The K-wings, on the other hand, held back, maintaining the distance from the fighters as they climbed above the plane of battle. Watching this unfold, Ari kept a close eye on her fighter squadron. She wasn’t planning on losing anybody today, whatever the cost may be.

For her part, Ari curved wide of the incoming formations, diving well below the plane the battle was taking place on like a firaxan shark preparing to strike at its prey. If all was going well the Blackwolf would pretty much remain invisible at this point, the anti-sensor treatment and baffled engines keeping it hidden.) Watching the sensor feed from her X-wing squadron and K-wing flight, Ari keyed up her intruder missile tube as she read through the tactical readout of the fleet. Focusing on anything that would be a threat to the planet, she noticed the 4 Onager-IIs near the center of the enemy fleet. those superlasers could wreak havoc on the ground forces. taking a calculated risk, she rolled her X-wing and “dove” towards the ventral side of an Onager-II, pressing her throttle to full speed as she did so, the engines now burning hot and the baffling losing its effectiveness as she approached the destroyer. As soon as she did she’d fly in close and fast on the destroyer’s hull, her superhuman reflexes making pursuit dangerous and her proximity to the ship making point defense extremely difficult.

If I could only keep this up just a little longer Ari felt everything else around her dim as her mind seemed to drop into a trance and her actions became instinctual - no, driven.


Location: Space over Tion
Objective: Break the Imperial Blockade
Equipment: REC-AS02 B-wing Heavy Assault Starfighter
Callsign: Revenant Four
GA: Ari Naldax Ari Naldax GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Andien Gale Andien Gale
Rev Five Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos Rev Six Mylo Thorne
Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan Velran Kilran Velran Kilran


As Revenant Squadron dropped out of hyperspace, Flight Officer Shar Sieu checked the B-Wing's Identification Scan again, making sure the data for Imperial ships was loaded in. It was a nice change of pace to be up in the air again, but fighting the imps... it was certainly a surprise to hear that Revenant, fighting the Maw for years, had been redeployed to Tion for this conflict. While others might chafe at the idea of fighting another country's wars against a state that was not yet an enemy, Shar had no such qualms. Hatred for Imperialism had been with him almost as long as hatred for the Corpos of the Galaxy, longer than he'd even served the GADF. He idly wondered at the irony of it: forced into the GADF to escape 'civil disobedience' charges against an Imperial-aligned government, now being sent to deploy high explosive payloads against Imperial ships. He sardonic grin played on his lips as he checked in:

<"Revenant Four, Standing by.">
<"Contact! Squints at mark two, coming out of the blockade zone now."> He warned the rest of the unit. <"I'll cut across and try and draw fire. I need you to have my back Revenant Five.">
"Anyone wanna join in on the bet?" He chuckled. "I've always wanted to buy my very own Podracer!"
Shar checked the scope. He could not place a name to them, but he saw Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan 's Battlegroup's escort screen within firing range of the Alliance fleets. While the fighters danced with the TIEs, he decided his B-Wing could do better and clear a path for other Alliance fighters racing to deliver strikes and hammer the Imperial line.

The pilot deployed his cannons as he raced ahead, throttle forward. His laser cannons cut a path through one, then two TIEs that aimed to intercept the other strike fighters. Shar adjusted his heading and fell in line with the stream of bombers and strike fighters aimed like a dagger at a point in the Battlegroup Vengeance's line. He readied his B-Wing's warhead launchers, and gripped the controls slightly tighter. He was ready to strike a blow against the forces of tyranny.

Shorurra Groznik


DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie FN-999 Bayaz Bayaz Ibra Sest Ibra Sest
The Final Stand, Southwestern Battlefront, New Alderaa

Shorurra had arrived to a city under siege.

His transport had been shot down on the outskirts of the city, forcing him to cut his way through Imperial lines that, in the days since, had been shored up by the 908th. When he linked finally up with the GADF, leading a squad of Wookie warriors, the venerable Jedi General had thrown himself into the defense efforts with his usual primal grace, coordinating troop placements to strategic locations in the sector, managing the civilian evacuations into the bunkers, organizing the civilian militia, and fortifying the Final Stand itself.

In the days since the initial engagements and General Martin's death, after the battles and skirmishes wound down to a tense stalemate, the Imperials digging in hard to fortify their positions, Shorurra found himself most often in the command center at the helm of the army, regrettably away from the field. He preferred to be with his soldiers, in the blood and the smoke, but it was nigh impossible to coordinate defense efforts while carving through enemy troopers. Both Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor and Bayaz Bayaz had proven themselves invaluable in that regard, leading the soldiers in his stead while he dealt with the ever changing and growing needs of the greater army.

He had come to assist in his capacity as a Jedi, for he felt in his heart of hearts that the Empire had overstepped, but now it fell to him to play the part of general. And while he had no doubts as to the necessity of defending New Alderaan from the Empire, he was of the Crusade, and they were yet still allied with the Empire.

But he was a Jedi first, and that made all the difference.

He sat now in the command center, reclining in a massive high-backed chair as he surveyed a wall of holographic reports. The GADF, when bolstered with the civilian militias, fielded roughly the same number of soldiers as the opposition. Squad positions and battle lines were as solid as they could be, and the kill zones, the avenues through which he expected the Imperials to march through the city, were all prepped and ready. The Empire presented a near impregnable front, still amassing troops, and yet they hadn't attempted to force a battle.

He knew, by now, that he was facing DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie . The Wookie could not think of a finer general in the entirety of the Imperial Army. And it seemed that Gowrie knew of him as well. He replayed again the message he'd received only moments past.

"Haw, Wookie! I know you can hear me, so jus' listen - thirty minutes, meet me for parley by the broken Fountain Lights. You have a choice or two to make, so I'll be there to present you with a few specific options.... We will meet each other alone, attempted exceptions will be shot. Wildcat One out!"

There was nothing to it. He was going, if for no other reason than to look upon Aaron with his own eyes and take his true measure. He had already answered the message, sending word that he would be at the broken Fountain Lights as agreed, and had sent word to his captains that he would be absent for a time.

Shorurra did not fear an ambush. He didn't think Growie crass enough to try, nor foolish enough to think the attempt would succeed. The part of him that thrived in the heat of battle wished that the man would try. Shorurra did not doubt that he could crush Growie in single combat, but at the helm of an army?

He did not doubt himself, but the future was not so certain. His meditations on the battles to come had thus far proven inconclusive, just scattered images of moments that might or might not happen, like disparate pieces of a dozen different puzzles clashing together.

This meeting, he sensed, was a pivot. Everything that happened after would depend on its outcome.

Alone, he made his way to the fountain.

if they're watching anyways

"I need to see you."

Auteme had learned a great deal from her time on the Senate Intelligence Committee. Plots of a thousand shades, new colors of invisible wars, enough secrets to bring down the galaxy. Yet, the simplest thing she'd learned was often the most terrifying -- no means of communication is secure.

Every call could be intercepted, every message decrypted, every vulnerability exploited. The SIA tapped lines, stole data, found access to everything. COMPNOR and the ISB were surely the same. She knew better than anyone the danger of reaching to the other side.

And yet, she had to.

"I need to see you."

Three of her staff knew. They'd devised a cover, put a plan in motion -- she was visiting Epoch for a personal matter, and would be inside the palace until it was resolved. Perav, her closest aide, would take a few walks and breaks on the balcony in a holographic disguise, just so the cameras weren't starved entirely. The message was short, cryptic; a location, an allusion, a command. Under the capitol building of New Aldera. There were a few old, unused chambers down there, quiet enough for two people to hold a conversation. It was bounced off a dozen different planets, encrypted, decrypted, hand-written and re-encoded, anything to keep things off, delay discovery. They needed time.

They'd had so much time.

He had duties to attend to; the king, the heir, the commander. She had ambitions to achieve; the Jedi, the reformer, the politician. How many times could she have brought it up? It always seemed too great a thing to ask even of him. She'd never intended to pull him away from his own life, just as he didn't pull her. But now many more lives hung in the balance. She wasn't ready to ask, but there was little choice.

If the Empire became what it'd risen up against, where did that leave him? Where did that leave her?

She needed to see him.

Auteme's time in the political sphere, posh and high-class as the Senate was, had gotten her used to subterfuge. Traversing New Aldera was like flowing down a river. She was just a single drop; invisible among the chaos of battle, going with the current, but never truly touched by it. Her heart ached at the carnage, but her mind was filled with singular focus.

Her presence was flat, near unnoticeable. The cloak she donned seemed to bend the light around it. She moved like a shadow, dodging the most intense parts of the battle, slipping between the lines drawn by the opposing forces. She'd managed to arrive only moments before the fighting had started in earnest, and throughout the day she'd managed to close in on the capitol building. A dozen blocks or so, and she'd be there.

A twist in the current, a moment of turbulence; she found herself smelling smoke, feeling the heat of a terrible fire.

She pressed against a nearby wall in the alleyway she'd been running down, peeking out to see a squadron of stormtroopers, and another armored man. Something drew her in, some intriguing eddy in the water. She leaned closer...

The wall wasn't as sturdy as she'd first thought -- shelling had rendered the building incredibly fragile. A crack spread across the front pillar, and fell, plaster and stone crumbling to the floor.

And her, standing, exposed.


She ducked into cover.
Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline

Allies : The Empire

Hostiles : Galactic Allaince

Equipment : Uniform; custom-made blaster; cerermonial sword; telescope

Task Force 58 composition : AIV Napoléon Bonaparte (Legate-class battlecruiser, flagship); AIV Maréchal Davout (Pellaeon IV-class star destroyer); AIV Maréchal Lannes (Pellaeon IV-class star destroyer); AIV Robert Surcouf (New Imperial-I class star destroyer); AIV Jean Bart (New Imperial-I class star destroyer); AIV Dixmude (Onager II-class star destroyer); AIV Montfaucon (Onager II-class heavy cruiser); AIV Passchendaele (Onager II-class heavy cruiser); AIV L'Effroyable (Harrier-class heavy cruiser); AIV Le Téméraire (Harrier-class haevy cruiser); AIV L'Indomptable (Harrier-class heavy cruiser); AIV Le Malin (Harrier-class heavy cruiser); AIV Forbin (Cuirassier-class cruiser); AIV Cassard (Cuirassier-class cruiser); AIV Camerone (Cuirassier-class cruiser); AIV Koufra (Valiant-class star destroyer); AIV Bir Hakeim (Valiant-class star destroyer); AIV Athos (Katana-class heavy cruiser); AIV Portos (Katana-class heavy cruiser); AIV Aramis (Katana-class heavy cruiser); AIV Silencieux (stealth corvette)

Legend : comm in; comm out; ship's intercom; crew


Legate-class battleceruiser AIV Napoléon Bonaparte
Commanding officer : Commodore Albrecht Herlock

As the fleet flew through hyperspace, Herlock thought about the last months. First of all, almost all of his ships had been replaced and he even got new ones for his fleet. But with a fleet this big, he had to train in order to fight in a beautiful formation of twenty two ships. It hdn't been an easy task but he managed to do this. As he kept thinking the navigation officer suddenly announcedd : "Coming out of hyperspace, Sir !" The full fleet came back to real space near New Alderaan. The battle had already started between Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber 's fleet and the Galactic Alliance. Herlock sat down on his command chair and declared : "To all ships, take a spearhead formation. Communication, open a channel to the Triumvir's ship." As the fleet took formation with the Napoléon Bonaparte and the three Onager II-class ship at the center, the channel opened and Herlock announced then : "Lord Rausgeber, this is Commodore Herlock reporting for duty. My fleet will support yours and take down any hostile craft that might come here. Herlock out."


Lieutenant Sara 'Meteor' Roche
GADF Marines, 222nd Nova Corps, 121st (Augmented) Battalion, 3rd Company, 3rd Platoon

Location: Southern sector, New Aldera, New Alderaan
Objective: Halt the Imperial offensive
ALLIES: Shorurra Groznik Bayaz Bayaz Ibra Sest Ibra Sest
ENEMIES: FN-999 DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis

Sara shook herself awake, feeling the force feedback padding of her armour squeeze her back into consciousness.

The first thing she saw was the dark red glow over her HUD, before the heat washed over her and she realised: that's fire.

Jolting herself to full attention, Lieutenant Roche pried her seat harness open and stumbled to her feet, her armoured head hitting the vehicle's roof. Damn, now she remembered. The patrol. The alert over the comms. And the ambush.

Sara readjusted her helmet sensors, cutting through the smoke in the vehicle's troop compartment. The TT-48 Armoured Troop Carrier they were on had been converted for heavy combat, with an enclosed troop compartment, but was still ultimately armoured as an APC, as Sara found out minutes ago. She stumbled through the compartment, finding the exit hatch. She tugged on it. Stuck.

She looked around through the smoke and flames, feeling the heat worming its way into her armour. Thankfully, there were few other soldiers in the transport with her, as the carrier had disgorged most of its riders before the ambush. Nonetheless, Sara still felt pain watching the slumped corpses of the others in the transport.

Sara checked her comms. Noise, but she had to try. As she sent out a signal, she made her way back to the front of the compartment, to the welded door separating it from the pilot compartment, dragging her Chainblaster along, tied as it was to her belt but with no room for her to hold it up. This was not stuck, and the Marine kicked it open. She stumbled over the uneven gap between the transport compartment and the cockpit, and she immediately felt the heat recede. While the pilot lay dead, his head sizzling from a high-powered bolt that had come in through the window, this section was not on fire. Either way, Sara knew she had to get out before the vehicle's power cells exploded under the intense heat from behind.

The trooper ducked under the pilot console, observing the outside. They were on the outskirts of New Aldera. Far from the rest of the 222nd. While the 94th Assault Company under Bayaz Bayaz had been suited for the vanguard deployment, the newly attached 121st Battalion (which was to be disbanded after this op) was sent soon after to assist in urban defense, just in time to smash into Imperial reinforcements. Sara cursed her luck. The routine run from the city to the Final Stand on her route had been relatively safe with, at best, indirect desultory shelling, but her convoy just had to be the first one to be hit by a full ambush. The Imps were really pushing it.

She peeked over the console again. Forest and empty, leafy suburbia. Empty...

They must have cleared the residents out before we rolled through.

This was serious, then. The Imps had taken over a district connecting the main front to the Final Stand. Command had to know. Sara checked the compartment for comms equipment, spotting a working transmitter. She moved over, careful not to expose herself to the window. Whoever fired the shot that took out the driver might still be prowling. She hooked for armour comms into the vehicle's transmitter, and immediately she picked up clean signals. About a dozen Marine life signs in the destroyed convoy, and a working transmission beacon. She hesitated to send out the SOS. Even now she knew the constant skirmishing in the city was ongoing, and if she activated it, the Imps would know there were survivors here.

Whatever the case, I'm not hoofing it back to Last Stand in the open.

Sara hit a few buttons on her armour comms and sent the signal. Preparing to move out, she caught sight of a REC-CBS/01 "Doombringer" Combat Scattergun that lay on the ground of the pilot compartment, tossed from its rack on the wall. She stowed her Chainblaster away as best she could, 'holstering' it by the magnetic clamps in the back of her armour, before picking up the scattergun. In the half-forested, half-urban environment here, the Lieutenant did not want to be spraying bolts blindly unless she had a proper fireteam.

Vaulting over the cockpit console and through the shattered window, Lieutenant Roche slid off the nose of the transport and hit the ground. No sniper fire. That was good news. She moved over to the other ambushed vehicles, looking to find the soldiers whose biosensors had pinged off the console. Within a few minutes, she'd managed to pry open (or, in the case of one particularly stubborn door, blast open with the Chainblaster) the transport doors and pull out those still alive. The survivors, stunned but relieved, helped Sara in rescuing the others. The wounded were kept in one of the vehicles that were not at risk of going up in flames, and before long Sara had a proper platoon to command.

"So Leftenant, what the hell is going on?" Corporal Haskin asked after he'd been rescued from his vehicle, giving voice to what the others thought.

"The convoy got hit, as you can see. But worse than that, we got hit at this location. Right at the midpoint between the Front and the Stand. I think you can all appreciate the gravity of the situation." Those still standing nodded grimly. Few among them were greenhorns, and they were ready to take action instead of wait around.

"I've sent out an SOS signal. I hope the signal is able to reach the 94th under Captain Bayaz Bayaz , but even they will take some time to arrive. In the meantime, we clear the neighbourhood of any remaining ambushers. The Imps will have been able to detect the signal, so expect anything."
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Shadows of Treachery
Objective I: Iron Storm

First Anaxsi Free Brigade -- Second TodHusars Regiment

'Banshee' Company

- IV -
An Old Friend -- Part. I

Interacting with: Jerec Yularen Jerec Yularen Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Driver Driver
— 877, New Aldera's outskirts, New Alderaan

Emerging from the commandery tent, Captain Nukth Kelga’an from the TodHusars Corps drew a cigarette from a pocket on his flack jacket, and then lit it. He turned round to see the number « 256 », reminding the Reptile Brigade from the Third Sector Army. He slowly put his lighter away in a compartment and started walking to kill time before the Imperial breakthrough would begin. Tied to his utility belt, his helmet was swinging at the pace of his steps in the surroundings of the tent. Brought as a reinforcement alongside the 256th Light-Armored Brigade, the two first Anaxsi Regiments of Hussars were standing with the other Imperial Stormtroopers Legions.

After a few minutes of walking around the Yinchorri outpost, the sieur ended up taking a break by sitting himself on the ground. In a desperate attempt to relax, he leaned back on a rock, trying to take a position that appeared appeased to his fellows. When you’re an officer in a military unit, you must show that you have everything under your control -- even your mood. In a way, it resembled the Jedi doctrine about peace, calm and enlightened judgement; but it wasn’t a Jedi trick. Anaxsi knew that, if anger was part of your traits, you would become a good warrior, one of the best among the best, fighting unceasingly for an ideology, but at the same time you would make a nasty officer. That was the first lesson you had to learn at Anaxes War College. The first one, but maybe the most important you would ever learn.

The battle for New Aldera was about to begin. The war between the Alliance and the Empire was moving up a rung with the operations in the Tion Cluster. The confrontation wasn’t open for the moment: the Empire only looked for new territories while the Alliance protected its allies from the Tionese Republic. But there were conventional units on both sides of the clash, not only operatives or agents, enlisting native militiamen. Stormtroopers and GADF’s regiments were there, ready to confront each other.

As Kelga’an stubbed out his cigarette on the ground, he gave a look to his chrono on his left arm, taking note of the time they had to go. He stood up and then walked a couple of steps to the nearest APC, greeting the tank leader who stood on the top. A few metres behind the vehicle was standing another officer from his regiment: Captain Zann, from the 5th Support Company. Her men -- the so-called « Kawas » -- were the backbone of the Sagaie, the one all the officers had to rely on. Kelga’an greeted her on his path and then entering the commanding tent invited her to follow him. In the tent were sitting the cream of the crop of the Anaxsi officers: two colonels, two lieutenant-colonels and a couple of captains, among which was standing Jerec. There were also a few Stormtrooper officers, even if the major part of the 256th was laying its vehicles out before the departure.

« Captain Zann, Captain Kelga’an -- please take a seat. We were waiting for you, » the Sagaie’s colonel declared.

Kelga’an nodded and then sat down on the first chair he found. The officers in the tent could clearly smell the odour of tobacco filling the piece from Nukth. « Sorry, sieur -- I was taking a break outside. »

The colonel shook his head: « That’s not a problem, Captain Kelga’an. I’ll be short. Captain Yularen and you will be the spearhead of the Anaxsi forces in New Aldera. You’ll reach the Orbital Defence Station via the East of the outskirts. The Imperial are on the verge of departure, so you’ll have to deal with a lot of bucketheads legions. Any questions before you go? »​

« No, sieur. »
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█████ - Rama-Actual
New Aldera Orbital Defense Base, New Alderaan

TAGS: Monos Monos Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh

Sylus flexed his glove. It was unusual that he should feel... apprehension. No, wrong word. Anxious? Closer. But not exactly. He was... eager to demonstrate his competence, after what happened at Sana Arya. Yes, that was a good approximation.

<"Teams, begin insertion.">

No time to wonder. Sylus flexed his hands again before lifting them up and pulling them down to his side, beginning the swim up through the briny, brackish pond. He slowed as he reached the surface, carefully peeking his head past the surface of the water. Barely a hundred metres away was the side of the Defense Base, its perimeter already crawling with guards. Well, not his problem.

The operative slowly moved through the deep sewage pond, his mask filtering the toxins and smells. He could feel the liquid tug at him as he moved, the poorly-managed refuse of the city turned into a slurry that harboured disease, filth, and now, its means of defeat. Sylus wondered if the contents of his drink from some time ago in Sana Arya were mixed into this.

Putting aside the thought, he reached the edge of the pond. His HUD lit up, trying to locate the proper position of the entrance of the base without the use of satellite transmissions. He was close enough, Sylus thought, and went under again. Swimming through the muck, he went down, down, down, until the light was almost gone. Then he stopped, hovering in the water.

Sylus took a calm breath from his rebreather and closed his eyes, stretching out with the Force, so long untouched by him. He felt pinpricks and sharp flashes of sensation, all directions and calls in the mind's eye. But he was searching for one thing in particular.


Sylus opened his eyes and kicked forward into the black. He reached his hands out, pushing through the muck, and then touched something hard. The entrance.

Sylus squeezed himself into the reinforced plasteel pipe and pushed forward. There was little space for muscle propulsion once he was several seconds in, and so powered miniature propellers at the base of his suit's boots powered on, pushing him forward. He wound through the pipes that led into the base. The oldest trick in the book, though perhaps the Tionese did not think the Imps would think to use this entrance due to its sanitation status.

Or maybe not...

Sylus halted as he felt the pipe rise and the water level drop. He stepped out onto dry land, still in the intermingled waste system of the Defense Base and nearby military encampments. Now out of the water he could see in the dim light of the sewers, and realised there were security cams swivelling across the top of the system. Sylus drew his EMP grenades and tossed one ahead, watching it fry the sensors. If the guards weren't alerted that something was up, they definitely were now

Sylus clambered onto the sides of the sewage drain, running along the 'streets' that lined the roads of junk. Peeling off his diving suit, revealing a IL-99x Undersuit underneath, fitted into the cybernetic ports that had been drilled into his body long ago, perfect for infiltration and sabotage operations. Sylus checked the weapons strapped to the suit: vibroknife, disruptor pistol, and his ever trusty machete. Of course, he always had his fists and feet as weapons.

He continued onwards, following the route embedded in his suit's HUD. He turned a corner and barreled through an old blast door, his enhancements and suits amplifying his fists, allowing him to smash through the weakened structure. He continued onwards and up an incline, ending at a large passageway that ended in a run-down security station of several guards. Beyond them lay the bowels and belly of the station.

The guards, shocked by the sudden appearance of a man in strange body armour sprinting at them, fumbled for their weapons, forgetting to hit the alarm first. Too bad for them.

Sylus made short work of them with his blade and fists. The last of them fell with a chop to her vertebrae. From contact to conclusion, all of six seconds.

Getting slow.

Sylus vaulted past the security barrier and plunged into the maintenance tunnels. He wondered who he would come across on his way to destroy the base's reactor cores.



Guarantor | Visions of Gold | Attire
Julius Haskler Julius Haskler


New Alderaan. A world of rebirth, of fresh starts, of new beginning. A world in the sights of the Empire.

While the Sith had brought New Alderaan to heel by meandering through its bazaars, the Empire had taken a more pragmatic approach. Pleas from home from the local government had made their way to the Alliance through the diasporic links between the Outer Rim world and its namesake in the Core. The Senate had dispatched Jedi, defense force and diplomatic personnel to safeguard the liberties of the planet.

A curious summons brought the Chancellor to New Alderaan. @Rurik Fee had formally severed ties with the Alliance after the Great Battle of Coruscant, reneging on the Bastion Protocol. Relationships between the Starbird and the Iron Sun soured shortly after. The reclusive Empire had slammed shut its borders to Alliance commerce, much to Tithe’s chagrin - and his bank balance.

This made the invite by Julius Haskler Julius Haskler all the more intriguing.

Tithe’s shuttle Fiduciary had docked with the consular station over New Alderaan, leaving Alliance One to hold position on the edge of the system. Tithe met the Imperial diplomat in one of the well-appointed meeting rooms. Two hoverchairs, separated by a low table housing fine liquor and delicacies from across the galaxy, looked down over New Alderaan through an expansive viewport.

“Ambassador, truly the pleasure is all mine,” Tithe replied to Haskler’s greeting, performing a dramatic flourish and bow. “Please, please, do join me. I must confess to starting without you, I hope you don’t mind.” Tithe selected a decanter of blossom wine and refilled his glass. He had clearly been imbibing for some time.

While Alliance and Empire forces clashed above and on the planet, the two men took their seats. “Now, my stellarcartographers - and I’m told they’re very good - tell me that New Alderaan is beyond the borders of the Empire, and thus a free world. One with its own, how do you say, proclivities, to deter its future.”

“Quite unlike Kuat, wouldn’t you agree?”

The ramifications of the Empire’s brazen grab for the shipwright world were still being felt throughout the Alliance. Former Confederacy worlds along the southern border were being brought online to feed the Alliance’s appetite for warships while the situation on Zuat was being resolved. Tithe cared not for the geopolitics of the dispute, only that his commercial interests had been impacted by the Empire’s raid on the world.

“Though I must say, your offer of support from the Empire has, shall we say, piqued my interest. Yes, I would very much like to reestablish trade between our two nations, now that a new dawn has risen over Bastion.” Fel’s isolationist economic policy had been disastrous for Tithe and the Core megacorporations. Opening the Iron Curtin would once again let credits flowing freely across the galaxy.

Kyell Laysel



Location: New Aldera
Tag: Sahar Sahar

The moment his eyes locked with the woman in the tower, Kyell knew there was no way back anymore. So he set aside his fears, his hesitation, and drew his lightsaber up in front of him with both hands to confront who he knew was behind all the death he had found here in the streets. Her amusement was a constant pulse in the Force, and he was going to be her next target. Whether he stood a chance at defeating her or not, he didn't know, but as long as he kept her busy, no others could be hurt by her sadistic methods.

With a grandiose jump, he then watched her move down to street level, the cape flowing behind her form through the wind, and her desire to kill following along in much the same way.

"Man of the hour are we? tell me, did you earn that purple saber of yours?"

Kyell frowned and briefly turned his gaze to his lightsaber — was she interested in taking it? He had bonded with the crystal inside the hilt years ago, after his crystal gathering on Ilum, and it has been with him ever since. A Jedi should never lose their weapon, and so he was going to do whatever it takes to keep her from getting her hands on it.

The question she asked remained unanswered though, not because he was too nervous to speak, but because he couldn't speak at all. He only attempted to form a bridge to her mind when she continued to taunt him, but he expected her to shield her mind against his attempt to telepathically communicate.

<T> "You're not going to get away with this."

Of course, he referred to what she had done to soldiers and civilians alike; the people butchered in the streets. Even if he couldn't defeat her, he was going to do everything in his power to protect them as long as possible. And so when she allowed him to make the first move, he drew in a deep breath and quickly extended a hand. His invisible grip reached out to some debris, and with great speed, he hurled some concrete rubble her way in an attempt to distract her.

At the same time, he closed the distance with a Force-augmented dash, and swept his purple blade into a lethal arc across her body, hoping to take advantage of whatever surprise the concrete debris could get him.


Kelinna Tryn



ALLIES: Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | FN-999 | Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | TE
ENEMIES: Monos Monos | Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh | GA
ENGAGING: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
GEAR: Armour | Sniper rifle | Pistol | Rifle | Vibroblade | Vibroknife | Grenade loadout




Corporal Dale Wells' call had Lily ducking down behind cover while the other troops covered them.
"Sir, some troubling footage from the Probe. It isn't just the Tionese opposing us anymore." he said as they huddled together while bolts flew overhead. The hologram on his vambrace displayed two figures hurrying down the hallways.
"What am I looking at Wells?"
"Look closer, Sir."
Lily narrowed her eyes at the holo. It was then that she saw the lightsaber hilts in the figures' hands. "Jedi." she then sneered. "That's going to complicate a few things. How far out is that?"
"Not far." he switched to the tac-map. "They're in this corridor that feeds into our one, heading this way." he said, indicating the locations.
Lily sighed. "We continue forward. I'll need 6 of your best to back me when those space wizards engage. You keep pushing forward with the rest. If we get completely separated, we rendezvous at the main power supply."
"Yes, Sir." he said before jumping back into the fray while barking out names that would be splitting off with Lily when the time came.
<Stalker, Reaper.> Lily called to Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris . <Eyes open. There are Jedi in here, backing the Tionese. We got our work cut out for us. Reaper out.>

Facing old allies.

It was still surreal. How they had fought together on Ziost and were now pitted against one another. It bothered her less now than on Kuat, but was a true shame, nonetheless.

The sharpshooter jumped back into the firefight, her expert aim cleanly taking out their resistance, even without using her precision rifle. The Imperial advance was nigh impossible to halt. Lily knew better than to think it would last, however. Nothing ever went 100% according to plan. The Jedi being present proved that.

Lily moved to the front, leading the assault. It wasn't her forte to lead a full-on assault - there was a reason why Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken was staff-sergeant and not her. But when push came to shove, she could pick up the slack as good as any IMPAF non-commissioned. It was from the front that she would catch sight of the two Jedi rushing into the corridor.

And so the end begins...

2nd post








Saul Vandron Saul Vandron FN-999 Bex Tarring Bex Tarring
Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis



Shorurra Groznik Bayaz Bayaz Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause
Sara Roche Sara Roche Ibra Sest Ibra Sest




Parley in enemy territory, now where was I when I last-?
Csilla, the Mongrel!

Thats the one!

Strolling through the perceived No-Man's-Land for the impending full-scale hostilities, Lord Aron had no such delusions of old-time territorial leeway as he strolled his way westward, and by the time the Kellas reached the broken Fountain Lights, it felt very much like he was being watched from afar. Despite this, the deathly silence would remain an uneventful sort long enough for Gowrie to enjoy a drink from his hipflask, then after slipping his whiskey back into his coat pocket, another cigarra to regain some of the focus lost in the listlessness of his leisurely stroll behind enemy lines.

<"Reed to Wildcat One! They brought more tanks into the fight, consider the opposition well an' truly bolstered o'er there.... So what's the plan now?">

<"Same as before, Alun. Nothing changes on account of heightened defensibility, only a heightened need for patience in response. But enough o' that - I need intel on their last-known positions. Including the LZ.... We've got feet on the ground for this specific sort o' caper, mind? Brief them quickly an' get them moving. Wildcat One out!">

But then the recognisable sound of disturbed rubble reached Lord Aron's ears, instinctively drawing his Fragarach with slow deliberation, hoping the Wookie had been wise enough to heed his warning, as the reneging from the deal would not only have meant death by Disruptor-pistol for Groznik's hypothetical companion, but also would have resulted in the exact same for the wookie himself. Difficult to reload though the pistol was, Gowrie was proficient enough with it that he seldom ever needed to reload after the first draw, and the great ability in swordsmanship that often followed rarely ever gave rise to the need for more ammunition, not even in combat against the Brotherhood of the Maw. And though Lord Aron was always an understated, often-underestimated opponent, his Kellas-like nature would always play to that one reoccurring constant in his military career, that same moment every foe realised the true extent of the challenge they were up against.

'Ah, there you are....', the Major-General started, pausing to make a peaceful, showy gesture of holstering his pistol again as soon as the GADF's appointed representative appeared alone in the distance. The very sight of the sword and pistol alone was enough to show the Tuath's commitment to whatever outcome became of their parley, but keeping all his tools within scabbard and holster alike would be enough to indicate he was still willing to talk with the Wookie on the diplomatic complications at hand. It would be needed this time, as there was still a chance the worst possible outcome could still be avoided, and when Gowrie continued,'I hope you understand the complications your presence alone is causing here, Groznik. Your dual-citizenship wasn't ever slipping past our lot out here - not by a long chalk.', there would be no mistaking the Tuath's attention to the seriousness of the matter at hand.

Slowly reaching into his coat pocket again, but this time for a translator device instead, Gowrie made sure to be as slow and deliberate as possible with his movements and gestures alike, and in the moment he brought it out and passed it over, it looked as though Groznik was familiar with it's design and purpose as it slowly careened towards the lower-halves of the Wookie's forearms. With official commencement of the negotiations underway, the Tuath took one last moment to look up to the rooftops behind Shorurra, smiling to himself in a little gaze at the clouds before bringing his attention back to the warrior standing just a few paces away. Lord Aron would take as long as needed to make sure his counterpart understood what would happen either, but in doing so, understood that he would need to let the Wookie have his say.

'But know this before you jump to conclusions, I'm not that much of a heartless karker that I would deny another General a chance to speak up for himself.... We can get to the heart o' the matter soon enough though, an' besides - I'd first like to know how you ended up here of all places.'
In memory of our late CEO


EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 181st Tactical Starfighter Wing "Nightwing Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Roger Powell "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Powell "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Nightwing 2-5 Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Nightwing 6-9 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Nightwing 10-13 Azazael class Stealth fighter
EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Angel 2-11 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Angel 12-17 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Angel 18-23 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Angel 24-28 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  1. Angel 29-31 Starfury class Starfighter
BOMBERS W ESCORT (10 Squadrons)
  1. Angel 32-36 Demon Class Bomber
  2. Angel 37-41 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  1. Angel 42-45 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 46-51 Cherub Transport
Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 2-9 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Voodoo 10-14 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 15-19 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Voodoo 20-24 Azazael class Stealth fighter
BOMBERS W ESCORT (5 Squadrons)
  1. Voodoo 25-29 Demon Class Bomber
  1. Voodoo 30-32 Starfury class Starfighter
  1. Angel 30-31 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 32-34 Cherub Transport
Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero-G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.

SCAR WING (7 Squadrons)
  1. SCAR 2-10 Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Ares 1-6 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  1. Ares 7-12 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Ares 13–17 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Ares 18 Cherub Gunship
  2. Ares 19-20 Cherub Transport
SECTOR: New Alderaan
ORDERS: Break the Blockade
WINGMATES: @Ewan ‘Raider” Isaacs. @
Liedran Kathause, @Shar Sieu, @Andien Gale, @Ari Naldax, @Maple Harte
TARGETS: @Caarlyle Rausgeber
TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY: @Albrecht F. Herlock | @Ignacious Korvan | @ Velran Kilran

Halpern=Guardano Captain/Fleet XO. Tantor=Celestial City Captain/Cruiser XO, Roger Powell=Silver City/Destroyer CO, , Scott Powell/Ethereal/Fighter CO, Ewan Isaacs/SCAR Team CO


[Any text inside this style of brackets indicates COMM traffic]

“All ships in position.”

Hitting the “Fleet wide” transmission button, the Admiral looked over the ships and his tactical plans and began to speak.

[What we’re about to do. We’re not following orders. In fact we may very well be going against them. To cross our borders and commit hostile acts in foreigh space can be considered an act of war. That being said my father, my grandfather, everyone in my entire family tree… we would not be who we are if we stood by and watched. There is a saying; I don’t know who coined it but it goes something like “The only thing needed for evil to thrive is for good men and women to stand by and do nothing.”

New Alderaan is an unaligned world. They choose to be, or they would have become members of the Concord long ago. We accept this. The Galactic Alliance accepts that they choose not to join them. The Imperials do not accept their sovereignty. I intend to go there and remind them that this is a mistake. Alone if I have to. None of you are required to go, in fact if you disconnect from this conversation now there will be absolutely no blowback or disgrace. I will tell you though that no enlisted or commissioned officer has ever seen any disciplinary action for following orders…]

With absolutely no disconnections, even two minutes later, the Admiral smiled and nodded.

[Let’s get to work.]


In a snap of light the ships of “The Nirvana Fleet” dropped out of the short hyperspace jump. The combat shuttles, Starfury fighters and other ships that do not have hyperspace capability on their own or were still being armed were launching. Everything else “air-worthy” and “combat-ready” were launched and formed up into their positions in the fleet and their squadrons.

They would be moving in soon enough, but the long range guns on the command ships and the carriers were being powered up. The “Anti-Starfighter” Corvettes and destroyers were securing their positions and the cruisers were priming themselves. The Stealth and Strike fighters were already moving in, they had their orders and the capability to do their jobs and pull recon. The Long Range Interceptors were noticeably not present as well. They were elsewhere and operating on their own.

The Ashera and X-Wing fighters were leading the proverbial pack.

[Let them think we’re “Cowards” they’ll be wondering what the hell happened soon enough.]


The majority of the “Ethereal Marines” as they were called were either on “The Stellar’s” well deck or on the holo. All listening to the commands of Colonel Telaksta, CO of the regiment. All prepared to go down to New Alderaan and defend her like she was Commenor, or Kashyyk. Mech units were being prepped and checked as troop assignments were being given. This was not simply a “hold and defend” this was a “save at all costs” plan. They would not fail, they just needed the chance to not do so.

Fleet is launched, moving on New Alderaan in an undisclosed pattern.
Stealth Fighters (Azazael class Stealth fighter, Elysian Class Strike Fighter) are already entering the sector using their skills to get a layout.
Long Range Interceptors (Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor, Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor) operating two systems on the other side of New Alderaan with orders to enter from opposite sides once battle starts.

SERAPHIC Carrier Group enters first, then OLYMPIAN Command Group, and EMPYREAN Carrier Group covering ADORBA Carrier Group

All ships stay at maximum gun range and secure area, deploying all turrets and initiating defense grid.
Until direct orders were given, all ships were flying countering “Security” patterns.

*All information in spolers



Sahar|Imperial Knights|Tion Operation
Tags:// Kyell Laysel


So the mute could talk, at least telepathically, it seemed. That Sahar at least acknowledged as the Jedi's voice entered her mind, she could only offer a sly smirk as she remarked aptly back at him. Perhaps it was small mercy the Jedi was mute; maybe it would've been even more appropriate if he was blind, like the rest of his peers in the order. She could, of course, see to that.

"Oh, but I will, and there's nothing you can do."

And he answered her in kind; a flurry of debris launched down the street towards her as Sahar threw up her hands and pushed a force barrier against the hail storm of rocks, causing them to fling off the side or back on the ruined street. Just as she tossed aside his cheap trick, the little Jedi unleashed his next masterstroke move in his plan, furiously slashing at her in an arc as she jumped back and ducked under the burning purple blade quickly as if already rehearsed prior. The Jedi soon found Sahar's own answer to his little attack in the response of a swift and curt knee to the stomach as she used his momentum against him and used the pause in the aftermath of the swing to pull close to him.

"Who taught you?"

Too slow, not quick enough for her, she'd rehearsed this for years, slaving away in the training centre on Bastion and toiling in the brutal dog-eat-dog world of Fels order. Sahar had prepared for this, and she sweetly relished the moment as it came, knowing truly that peace with the non-believers in the Jedi order was but a mirage in the desert at best. Foolish people merely upheld Coruscant's rotten core and its spiritually corrupt ruling class.

"Why do you fight for them? You only protect worms and rats in fancy suits."

She sighed, dusting off the dust on her black clothing from the debris as she pulled herself upright and stared down at him with a look that reeked of pity and almost what could've passed for bemusement. Teasingly she placed her gloved hand near her belt, almost as if she'd pull her saber out at any moment and end it right here and then. But no, she wanted this to last as long as possible.


Sahar chuckled, moving to walk off and grinning almost knowingly as she knew he'd only follow.



Equipment: Jedi Battle Armor , Lightsabers

Location: New Aldera, New Alderaan

Tag: Kase Vass Kase Vass

Qzekov hadn’t stepped onto a battlefield in some time due to his past failure to control himself that lead to his master’s death. Now was the time to redeem himself. He wouldn’t let his master’s death be for nothing, he’d join with the other Jedi and stop the enemies of peace or die in the attempt.

War had brought him to mew Alderaan this time. He sat cross legged in a building the Galactic Alliance backed Tion Resistance was using as a base of attack. Meditating with the force to center himself, he took apart and reassembled one lightsaber then the other. They floated in the air until the young Jedi geabbed them and decided to get up.

There was a war to fight. Stepping outside he walked toward the battle already taking place. When he arrived on the scene some Storm Troopers took their shots at him. The three of them quickly laid dead, their blaster bolts returned to them with lethal precision. Qzekov didn’t see it as necessary to use both his lightsabers yet and walked around with one saber ignited in his right hand, looking for the next Imperial to engage him.


ALLIES: Saul Vandron Saul Vandron FN-999 Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | IMPAF and Allied Forces
ENEMIES: Shorurra Groznik Bayaz Bayaz Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause

Bramber Division
Commanding Officer Major General Bex Tarring


1st Brigade (2400 men) (Division HQ)

(3 x Infantry Battalions)

2nd Brigade (2400 men)

(3 x Infantry Battalions)

3rd Brigade (2400 men)

(3 x Infantry Battalions)

4th Brigade (2148 personnel-168 tanks/48 Mechanised-Infantry transports)

(3 x Mixed-Armoured Battalions)


Bramber Division Field Headquarters
For only the second time in the history of the Division, the entire complement of troops that hailed from the southern regions of Galidraan I were deployed together in one cohesive force. The first time had been the founding of the Division proper, the ceremony in which the newly commissioned force was given its symbolic colours. Erskine Barran had even been in attendance, causing each trooper to find that extra inch of height or reason to give their boots a few more layers of polish.

Major General Tarring sat somewhere on the left flank designation, part of the massing Imperial presence in the area. He awaited the word from his colleague DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie and in the meantime, delegated orders to the assembled troops, the supply depots and staging grounds behind the front line a wash with trucks, transports and thousands of soldiers, support crew and, perhaps most importantly, tanks.

The heavy fist of the Bramber Division was the 4th Battalion, the Armoured force utilised in most theatres of war as the lightning strike force that would bring a swift end to most encounters. The impressive mainstay tank of the IMPAF, the Cataphract, was almost venerated by the Imperial troops and lamented by its enemies. Tarring himself had spent countless hours inside one and knew the inner workings of both the beast and men who piloted them. They were hardy and forceful, unafraid to commit to the deepest clashes without question.

He counted out the roll as the final troops began their rotations, deployment orders worked out in advance and distributed prior to planetfall on the behemoth ships of the Imperial Navy. First up was First Brigade. The three Battalions of the Brigade, nicknamed the 'Mighty Arun', were normally kept apart for operational purposes, with few reasons or scenarios calling for their mass deployment. But in a situation such as this, the need for rapid and forthright response would be needed at a moment's notice. The GA were an unknown entity to Tarring, used to slogging it out with the Maw and their heretical ways.

"At least they'll wear clothes" he had quipped to his aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Colonel Horsham. Horsham had snickered, laying out the appropriate crockery and field cantinas for coffee. Bex had invited the other Colonels and Majors of the Division to drink with him, the other command staff of the forces planetside milling around in the highly defended compounds that made up the left flank field HQ. The Wildcats were here in numbers, always a good sign. He was sure the Dunwall would be out and about too, ready to rain their unique brand of chaos upon the enemy.

The First Battalion (First Brigade) was the oldest of the entire Division, with soldiers who had seen continuous action since the formation of the first armed forces in the region. These were hardened troops, used to the chaos of war and swore a unique loyalty to their commanding officer, the newly promoted Major General. Their own CO was Lieutenant Colonel Anders Heath, a smart and brilliant tactician who also understood their unique approach to the Commander-in-Chief. He too had seen conflict with the boss; he'd been at Leith.

Tarring spoke to the assembled officers, sipping coffee and looking over the large tactical display that was placed on a makeshift table.

"The Battalion will be deployed as per your designations. Armoured will be running their own brand of Imperial Justice just to our left."

He gestured a little further along the line. There was a general murmuring and muffled laughter amongst the cadre of officers, especially those from the 4th Brigade; the Cataphract companies themselves. The Iron Fist.

"Begin rotations on the hour, I want the troops at Company strength. We cannot underestimate what we're facing. "



New Aldera Defense Base
[Open to Interaction]

Direct Tag: Monos Monos

The Rebel life wasn't for everyone-- quite frankly, being marked deceased by every available public record did terrible things to the mind and soul. The Rebel Alliance was thorough about that kind of thing: erasing a person from existence.

She'd spent years as little more than an occasionally uttered name in the back of her old academy friends' minds, as a name carved into a tombstone somewhere on Corellia. Though Phaineve didn't join for the terrible feeling her life was now completely dominated by, not at all, there was a novelty to the idea of being erased from the public eye when she and the other War Hogs enlisted. Those were far more naive days, and over the years, she'd watched so many of her friends and peers grow to regret their decisions. They'd all changed so much since their days in the Galactic Alliance. She'd noticed herself becoming more easily agitated; and even before she and her fellow War Hog Monos Monos were shipped off to New Alderaan, Phaineve had already begun to grow distant from the others.

The electrified end of her iron produced a high whine as it bridged a pair of loose wires together. She flicked a dust-covered switch and the entanglement of machinery in front of her began to light up and whirr to life. The captain analyzed her handiwork carefully, gently covering the assembly with a panel when she was satisfied.

Phaineve took a deep breath and slumped against the wall, staring delicately down the emptied corridor.

She and Mox had been assigned to the Orbital Defense Base less than a month before the attacks began, bestowed fresh new identities as a pair of mechanics. It had been risky work, as all undercover operations were, but they'd managed to make do. Socializing was cut to a minimum only by their workload maintaining the defensive batteries, rather than by the fear of arousing suspicion.

Then the Empire began to mobilize within the Tion Cluster, spurred by a series of political developments Phaineve cared not to remember in detail. At the end of the day, their workload more than doubled and the former Alliance captain had spent so many nights darting across the Base. If anything was allowed to go awry, a window would be opened for an amassing Imperial fleet to advance. Under no circumstances were they to permit that to happen, the team's handlers had been careful to drill into their heads.

For the first half of the seige, aside from her worsening insomnia, all had been fine; they'd managed to hold off the Empire's advance, buying ample time for the forces of the Galactic Alliance to mobilize. But as the weeks wore on and on, Imperial transports had managed to slip between the cracks in the Tion Republic's defenses. Phaineve noticed her colleagues and superiors grow more antsy every hour, with every broadcast from the burning cities all around them.

She picked up her toolkit, just about to scamper down the corridor and check on a relay that had given her trouble a day earlier, when an earsplitting klaxon began to blare from both her section of the base and from those all the way down the corridors. As seconds wore on, she began to hear sounds she hadn't really heard since her days of active combat: screams, ear-splitting, violent screams.

These days, even the mechanics had begun to carry their own sidearms. They weren't lethal by any means; the pistols were dedicated stun blasters, augmented with barely enough stopping power to deter an armored opponent. It wouldn't be much compared to the equipment supplied to the Empire's soldiers, but... if worse came to worse, if the perimeter really had been breached, her pistol would have to do.

Phaineve drew her weapon and spun, running from the sounds of heavy footsteps that were gradually approaching.

By instinct, the pilot-turned-mechanic chimed her fellow War Hog on a direct line. "Mox, where are you!? What's your status?!
Location: New Aldera

The battle was worse than she expected, it feels like we're outgunned and losing more troops and morale by the second. Ibra was currently crouched behind a pile of rubble from a destroyed pillar watching a squad of imperials pass by while she waits for backup. She wished she wasn't split from the rest of the group but currently she'll have to make do and hope that Marcus or any other friendlies show up to get her out of this mess.

Ibra puts a hand up to her helmet and talks on a local Alliance frequency "This is Private Ibra Sest of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, I've been split from my group and currently in the middle of Imp territory alone, if anyone on this frequency hears this I am close to a semi destroyed cantina and require immediate assistance!"


Engaging: Sara Roche Sara Roche

The ambush had gone well. Swimmingly, in fact. But when the Stormtrooper in commanded wanted to push the advantage and take the Marines out where they stood Melvain had stepped in. He was under no illusions. The people of New Alderra did not want the Empire here. This was not some rebellion standing in the way of progress, though he did agree that their chaos needed to be tempered with the iron will of the Empire, he had thought the Regency would have done this...Differently. Now they were ordering the Knights to take part in this swift and decisive attack on the heart of a burgeoning Republic.

He'd sent the stormtroopers away. He had waited.

It sounded like the marines were getting back together. He didn't know how many his men had killed but hopefully it led them to see reason rather than destruction.

He stood up from the crate he was sitting on, the plastoid box creaking loudly in protest as the stress from his armor and weight was released. The sound cut through the near silence of the abandoned suburb. A smog or mist had obscured him from view for a time, though with all of the chaos he doubted they would have noticed him sitting there anyways. With the Force he cut a path straight through the fog, the force sending his own cape billowing.

"Alliance Marines," he said, his voice tired but with all of the command of an Imperial Moff. "Stand down." He pulled his lightsaber from his belt. "Stand down and no harm will come to you." His eyes were tired, dull brown orbs, the fatigue of Tython still fresh in his mind.


Shorurra Groznik


Broken Fountain Lights, No-Man's-Land, Southwest New Alderaa
Major General Growie stank of liquor and cigarra smoke. Despite the smell- and Shorurra could not begrudge a man his spirits, for he rather enjoyed a barrel or two of mulled gnostra berry wine from time to time- Growie cut an impressive figure for his kind, not large in stature, but in presence, possessed of an almost casual self-assurance that suffused his being. The man truly believed that his little sword and pistol would be enough stop Shorurra, if it came to it, and to the Wookie, who had been fighting honor duels for centuries, the notion was as illuminating as it was humorous, to think that this puny little human could match him- nay, best him.

But Growie believed, and Shorurra had seen stranger things in his long years. Faith in one's self was a powerful thing.

The point was moot, however, as Shorurra had not come to fight. Something deep in his blood sang for battle, yes, but there was a stronger song, full and melodious, that thrummed through his bones, and it was the song of peace.

And if peace could only be achieved through arms, then he would make certain to only bare arms in defense of justice.

"I hope you understand the complications your presence alone is causing here, Groznik," said Growie. "Your dual-citizenship wasn't ever slipping past our lot out here - not by a long chalk."

Shorurra answered with a growl. Not Shryiiwook or Thykarann, but a grumbling scoff from vocal chords shaped for roaring. He hadn't been trying to hide himself in the first place- he was a Jedi, not a spy, and it had only be unfortunate circumstance that saw him rise to take command of the Republic's defense forces.

Growie reached slowly into his coat pocket, withdrew a small translator, and passed it over to the towering Wookie, who caught it in his massive paw. The Imp' commander gazed behind and above Shorurra, and though the Wookie tilted his massive head inquisitively, he didn't turn to glance behind him to see just what Growie was looking at, trusting in his instincts to guide him.

"But know this before you jump to conclusions," Growie continued, "I'm not that much of a heartless karker that I would deny another General a chance to speak up for himself.... We can get to the heart o' the matter soon enough though, an' besides - I'd first like to know how you ended up here of all places."

How did he end up here?

"I came on a ship," Shorurra responded flatly in Shryiiwook, the little device translating his undulating growls and howls into crisp basic. "I don't owe you any answers, Growie, but I will tell you this- I am here because justice demands it. The Jedi and New Alderaan sent out a plea for help, and I answered." He looked his opposing general up and down, eyes narrowed. "Why are you here, Growie? What false pretense has the Empire put forth as the impetus for this war? You and yours may be the formal alliy of the Ashlan Crusade, but you are not my ally, Growie. Not so long as the Empire keeps up this farce." He punched his chest, right above his heart, as if in salute. "I am my own Wookie."


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