Location: Space over Tion, Tion, Outer Rim
Objective: Break the Imperial Blockade
Equipment: X-Wing Starfighter
Callsign: Revenant Six



"That's 5 ships down in one minute! Get on my level Mylo!"
Mylo audibly groaned. Kaul Emos, or "Joker", a fitting nickname the members had bestowed on him, was one of the best hotshots he'd ever seen. But as he'd been told time and time again, shooting down ships alone didn't necessarily make you a good pilot. Or mean that your chances of living would go up. With the already low survival rate of starfighter pilots exacerbated by the numerous conflicts of the last few years, he'd taken that advise, or, cautionary tale to heart.
<"Watch your six, Kaul, we're not outta the woods just yet.">
He arced round after the pass, having successfully gotten a number of bandits on his tail, a number of which had been scattered by a prudent attack from his wingman. Nudging the stick to the left, he turned of onto his starboard side, about to engage in a chase with one of the few remaining TIE Interceptors. Mylo grinned to himself as he thought of the perfect move to get his first kill of the battle. Throttling up, he turned into the flight path of the ship, pressing his thumb lazily, letting off a few scarlet darts of fire to alert the enemy to his presence. Glancing out of front viewport and display at the same time, he made sure the ship was level, before pulling back hard on the stick. The ship lurched upward as he accelerated further, the dagger-like ship still ahead of him.
Almost moving into a turn, he made a sudden roll, the stars swirling relative to him, as if he was just about to jump to lightspeed. Levelling out, and steadily throttling back, he hit the trigger and sent a blast that stabbed through the connection between the wing, the panel detaching itself, and the ball cockpit careening out into space just to explode in an inferno. He'd attracted some attention from that manoeuvre surely, and his droid brain made sure to let him know. Mylo hit the ship hard to port, letting a few snapshots run past him, pushing the throttle just past 70 percent in an attempt to escape. Kicking the pedal, he pulled up once more, maintaining momentum for a loop, moving into a half-roll to come out of it, and sent a spray of lasers at an opponent who'd made the mistake of moving to where he'd just been.
Shields shimmering as he passed through the implosion, his sensors went off to alert him that the Empire wasn't willing to give up Tion so easily. Squinting as he stared out at the approaching fighters, he saw the classic solar panel wings and twin ion engine. but this TIE was different.. somehow. Pulling up an image on the display, he moved his two fingers outwards to expand the image. His eyes widened as he tried to mentally configure an idea about what those ships were. "Mig, we got a signature for this model?" Instead of a ball cockpit, it had a simple slit with a crimson glow the colour of his bolts. On his display, the aurebesh letters progressively appeared across the screen. <"A TIE DRONE, LIEUTENANT THORNE."> It read. A grimace began to form on his face as he noticed the new fighters approaching.
<"Incoming! TIE Drone classes with escorts."> Green bolts streaming towards him as he pulled down into a dive, before pushing the X-Wing off into a sharp turn, cutting across the flight path of his pursuers, weaving between blaster bolts that flew past his cockpit. Accelerating rapidly, he placed a hand on the throttling, pushing up slowly, before twisting the stick to the right in a different direction, despite the inertial compensator, he felt the ship lose all forward momentum and loop rolled away. However he didn't complete the turn and complete another roll to level out behind the two drones. The trigger went off and he went bolts straight through both drones, cutting between them just before they exploded in his rear view. His grimace was replaced by a more thoughtful expression. It went back to the age-old debate between droid fighters and organic pilots.
While the former could be mass-produced and used for swarming tactics, in his mind, they couldn't compare with the ability to think critically that an organic pilot could. Spotting more targets coming into cross his flight path, he slowed, switching to his missiles, and hoping that he got a lock.
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