Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Shadows of Treachery | The Tion Necessity | The Empire vs. The Alliance




Saul's petulance was as vitriolic as his defiance.

She stared at him, narrow eyes suddenly calculating and sharp.

"The truth?"

Her frown deepened, but her arm remained steadfast and true — restraining herself from shearing through his throat and ending him then and there. And what would that make her? A Jedi who cut down one who lay down their defences and was trying to engage in dialogue? Firstly, impatient. Secondly, not a very good Jedi.

Blue plasma growled through the half-inch of air next to his flesh, daring to sizzle and sear.

His words were problematic because they had no doubt — and truth lurked within the syllables. The Jedi had been scorned by the likes of The Alliance, not unlike Kyber Dark. But they'd made amends, unlike Kyber Dark. He spoke of sheep, he spoke of rats, he spoke of Sith — he spoke of them all as animals. Creatures with limited sentience and poor judgement. Caged animals, wild animals, all of them brought to a heel by the likes of him. The top of the food chain.

"The truth is tradin' one Empire for another Empire is no way to bring peace to The Galaxy. You became a hardened warrior, like me, fighting your way out of the clutches of a regime that no longer suited you.

For what, to create the same thing under a different name?

Can'tchya see what you're turnin' into?"

ALLIES | GA | NJO | INDIRECT | Bayaz Bayaz | Ibra Sest Ibra Sest | TORTUGA COMPANY
FOES | THE EMPIRE | Saul Vandron Saul Vandron


New Aldera Defense Base​
[Open to Interaction]
Direct Tag: Monos Monos

The screams were quieter here, thankfully. With only 34 meters to go, Phaineve had left the more-contested outer rings of the facility, holstering her sidearm in accordance. Her shoulder still burned from an earlier firefight, and the worsening pain combined with her closing distance gave the captain cause to start slowing down.

– Where are you, partner? I'm almost at core. Pinging again. – And with a few taps on his analogue datapad, the locational info is on its way to Phaineve. – I'm really tired of this, Phai... This is my last mission. –

She stopped dead in her tracks, catching the wall next to her with a battered and bloodied hand. Phaineve grimaced, both from the cries of her nerves and the obvious defeat in Mox's voice. She'd be lying if she said she hadn't considered retiring, and yet, it felt shocking. She'd already been separated from the other War Hogs through the meddlings of Alliance commanders; Mox was all that remained of her old life.

Everything seemed to be slipping out of her finger tips: her family, her friends, her career. It felt so selfish to dwell on it, but she couldn't help thinking.

But there was no anger in her voice when she opened a line back to Mox; her tone was defeatist, tired and weak. "I'm going to miss you, Mox." Phaineve sighed, and her eyes tracked from her feet to the distant shape of a door. "I'm 30 meters away. Stay safe."

And with that, she picked up the pace.

20 meters. 10. The Corellian slid to a harsh stop in front of a tightly locked security blast door, hurriedly punching in keys until pistons unlocked and slammed the doors into their frame. She ran in, and stared.

The room ran amok with the motions of stressed engineers, typing furiously at their stations and executing remote repairs and diagnostics on every inch of the base as the fighting across each level continued to intensify. She would have rushed to assist them, if not for the presence of the platform's guards. 6 helmeted figures formed the bulwark to the rest of the engineering section, staring her down with the barrels of their blasters.

It hurt like hell when she put her hands in the air, even more when Phaineve hurriedly fished out her identification.

There were slow, relieved nods from the parties involved, before Phaineve came hurrying deeper into the bay. She tapped at her comm link, her voice coming out breathy and exhausted. "Arrived. What's your status, Mox?"

NIV Tregessar
Objektiv III
Direct Engagement: GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.
Enemies of the State: Ewan "Raider" Isaacs | Ari Naldax Ari Naldax | Maple Harte | Andien Gale | Shar Sieu Shar Sieu | Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause
Allies: Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

The Wraith has been destroyed. The vessel detonated, and has impacted against the Tregessar. Although it isn't a fatal blow to the vessel. The Crusher, is presently withdrawing from the battle, in full retreat. The Rapine and Fortitude, along with the escoltas are moving to support Rausgeber's assault. All vessels firing on Olympian and Empyrean task forces. Artillery fire is being launched at the Guardiano. Rausgeber has also ordered for corvettes to attack the Adorba carrier group.

NIV Tregessar, Prefsbelt-Class Super Star Destroyer. (x)

NIV Conquest, Rampart Class Planetary Assault Dreadnought (x)

NIV Rapine, New Imperial i Class Star Destroyer (x)

NIV Fortitude, New Imperial i Class Star Destroyer

NIV Bombardier, Tirallieur Class Artillery Frigate (x)

NIV Halberd, Tirallieur Class Artillery Frigate

NIV Wraith, Mantero Class Missile Frigate (x)

NIV Thundercrack, Mantero Class Missile Frigate

NIV Crusher, Mantero Class Missile Frigate

NIV Warden, Stalwart Class Carrier (x)

5x Escolta-Class Frigates (x)

6x Warrior-ii Class Gunships (x)

4x Cacadore Class Assault Corvettes (x)

Fighter Comps is MIA because I am still bad at math. And I am too tired to care. Imagine though, we're trading at close to 2-3:1 in your favour.


Alarms began blaring across the command bridge as the Tregessar advanced. Its large, dagger shaped form lighting up the void with its turbolasers. "Focus fire.... On the targets we're... Advancing toward!" Rausgeber wheezed, gagging as flecks of bloodied phlegm flew through the holographic display, flying through the array of vessels prepared in formation, "Intensify fire! Slaughter them!" Rausgeber stared as the Tregessar began to press its advance. All of its massive guns now firing on the Silver Jedi fleet. He reached for his ventilation mask, and took a brief series of breathes from it. Eyes fluttering shut, as the sweet taste of painkillers and medicants entered his lungs. He almost felt at peace. Until another blast rocked the Tregessar.

"What-was that?!" Rausgeber snarled to the crewpits. His voice a wheezing growl, as he began to once more splutter. His eyes shot back to the battle display, as the Wraith detonated. Something had smashed the missile magazine, detonating the smaller vessel after a concerted barrage. Sending debris slamming into the starboard side of the super star destroyer. It was not a fatal blow to the vessel, but it was clearly never good to have wreckage slam into a much larger vessel. His eyes then traced to the Crusher, which was evidently limping, "Dispatch.... Fighters.... Move.... Disengage the Crusher. Commander Tandi.... Can withdraw." It was best never to lose a vessel like that. Particularly with senior command staff aboard.

"Press the Fortitude.... The Rapine... To cover their retreat." Rausgeber sneered, slamming his fist against his chest, to stifle another cough. Resulting in something akin to a mixture of a gag and burp. "Provide escort.... These fighters... Destroy them." Rausgeber snarled as he attempted to regain his composure. He reached down to the deckplating for another hit of his mask. Simple. Easy. Relax. They would be crushed beneath the yoke of his skill. This was just a slip up, "Focus fire...." He growled, "From Halberd and.... Bombardier... On the main command vessel."

"From there we-" There was an earth shattering blast which hit the command bridge. Rocking it utterly. Rausgeber was sent sprawling, and in the split second between sound and impact clasped the holographic display table. His head sent slamming headfirst into it, cracking the display. The Prefsbelt Stossjaeger guarding the command deck were sent tumbling. And most of the crew were thrust from their stations, a lucky few remaining at their posts. Carlyle picked himself up, slowly, and with no regard for their own safety, helped onto his feet by the Stossjaeger, "What.... Was.... That?!" He hissed, looking to the broader bridge.

The alarm blaring had only gotten louder, as the shell shocked crew got back to their posts. "Stealth fighters milord!" Vice Admiral Cormon reported, clambering out of the portside crew pit, "I saw them-!" An ironic statement, "They appeared from the city scape sir, only appeared on the sensors for a second, before they hit." Rausgeber growled at this. It appeared the makeshift Silver Jedi flotilla was still in action. And had procured armamanets he was not quite prepared for. Still. He had assets at his disposal.

"Get Herlock," Rausgeber snapped, his forehead now embedded with several shards of glass from the holoprojector, "Have his fighters move to cover us..." Rausgeber drawled, as he reached to his tunic, retrieving an embraided handkerchief. He began to dab at the bloodied spots on his head, "Have Herlock dispatch Corvettes.... Group them with ours... And prepare to attack their flanks. Put some pressure on them..." He would not be denied his victory.
Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

Privateering. Sure it was a longer word but it was essentially just glorified piracy with the bill for refit and rearming footed by an authority figure of some kind. Aela liked not having to worry about the costs if the people she weorks for now kept on paying the way. That was why she'd chosen the growing conflict in the Tion Cluster to be the test bed for the hidden gem in her little ship.

High-yield nuclear warheads were small enough for her vessel but had enough power and punch that the weight class of her small ship mattered just that much less. The battle was already quite pitched, and she as an ostensibly neutral third party entering the area likely did not draw any kind of major attention from either side of the combatives present. One little corvette class ship that was registered to an independent owner? There were precious few moments to dedicate to attention outside of immediate battle intellgience so her being here was not high on the priority list.

"My captain, we have arrived at the..." TO-401 said, as Aela cut off.

"Yes, TO I gathered as much given we are now on the edge of a major battlefield. I appreciate your observations but do try to keep them to things I may not notice, yes?" she said, making no motions as she stood cross-armed on the bridge. A crew of 80 was nothing compared to some of these massive monsters barging through space, so she had to pack a punch, hit hard, and flee the scene. She was keeping a recording of her actions this time as she only got paid for confirmed kills or captures so she had to make a point to the Rimward Trade League that she was worth the money they would be paying her.

Boldness as it was, her blood was racing now. Corellians lived for danger and this was perhaps the dumbest thing she had ever done in her entire life. Most of these ships she had never seen or heard of, let alone knew anything about the firepower or capabilities of the vessels at hand. One that stood out though, was the big beast of a ship that looked like it was little more than a massive cannon with a ship strapped to it. She could admire the design ingenuity to create a mobile weapon but that big laser looked like a perfect place to try to sink a few nuclear missiles.

TO spoke yet again, "My captain, are you sure that is the ship you want to target?"

"Yes, target the entry point of the main cannon on that big ship and fire a few missiles down the front of it. I want to see if that thing is connected to a huge power supply that will send that whole ship into a critical failure state. Maybe if I can confirm that kind of weakness the Alliance would like to know about it. I might be paid by the Trade League but nothing in the contract stipulates that I can't side hustle some credits or support from the Alliance." she said, a little excited to get the fire show going.

TO interjected, "Actually that is what that..."

"Nobody reads the fine print TO. Besides, once the Trade League knows how to handle a big boy like this ship they could be convinced to look the other way. Not like they have any real governmental authority like the Empire or the Alliance. We're just here to pick a few cherries and be on our merry way." she said, as she ignored any attempt to hail her vessel. Rather, she stood there in bated anticipation as the payload she ordered now made its way rapidly toward the massive cannon on whatever that ship was called.

"Be ready to scram out of here if we need to, there will likely be some kind of response that will be anything but tepid. Make sure to feed the false intelligence into the scanners so they don't know who we are too. I would rather the Empire believe this to be an act done by...oh let's say...Ashlan? Sure, let's blame this act of violence on the those crusaders or whatever they are.. I'm sure that won't cause any problems at all."


F I S T _ O F _ T H E _ E M P I R E
The searing heat of the saber streamed sweat down his face and peeled away slowly the strips of reinforced durasteel from the gorget on his throat. A glancing blow it might survive but a plunge of the blade -- absolutely never. She had him between a rock and a hard place with his only leverage being her own reticence.

Her allegations struck hard at his zealous convictions. To paint him as one of the monsters he had slain pounded like a hammer against flesh.

"Peace in the galaxy comes with the greatest of costs, Osarla! A cost your creed of mice would never pay for then their purpose would be annulled." the general growled, eyes blinking specific orders on the HUD to a stormtrooper fireteam nearby. A tinge of guilt and regret, faint as a shadow at night, found itself on his tongue. "In a galaxy void of war, we might've been friends."

A pair of stormtroopers in the near vicinity leveled their rifles at the Togrutan Jedi and fired a continuous salvo of blaster bolts, allowing Saul to step back to safety before plunging to assault her when the bolts had subsided. He swung heavy blows at her, each fiercer than the other with each artillery strike drawing closer to their position. ​

ALLIES: The Empire | INDIRECT: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Bex Tarring Bex Tarring | Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart | FN-999
ENEMIES: The Galactic Alliance | The Tion Republic | Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | INDIRECT: Bayaz Bayaz | Ibra Sest Ibra Sest | Shorurra Groznik

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
Omen glanced at the jag eyes on his brother's helmet with curiosity. Only a few clones got that honor. Driver must have done something glorious to earn them. Now now, it is not a time to be jealous. "I can only imagine what you did to earn that. I'm sure you won't let the GA down"

The Clone winced as his brother mentioned the Battle of Kashyyyk. "I... don't like to remember that time. It wasn't pretty..." To say he was captured by Trandoshans and frozen would just be embarrassing. Thinking of being frozen, how did Driver get here? The only explanation would be he was put in stasis like himself. The only other explanation that he was immortal of course sounded silly but hey, there were weirder things in this galaxy.

He followed his brother over to the walkers and slowly climbed on. "I haven't been on one of these things since the war... Hopefully, it comes back to me quickly." Testing the throttled, the walker's engine revd up, the walker purring as it seemed ready to bolt without a moment's hesitation. A shiteatting grin on his face, Omen turned to his brother "100 credits on who can reach the wall first?"

Driver Driver Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an


Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

He overextended himself with his lunge when Aaran’s lightsaber cut through the emitter, effectively disabling the lightsaber. Disarmed but the fight was not over yet. With it without a lightsaber, Simon would continue and not coward. The Jedi should’ve aimed higher, but he would act in accordance to his code. An obsolete code, archaic and regressive as the Jedi acted like their predecessors and their predecessors before them. An endless cycle throughout generations from the moment the Jedi Code was written.

Without fear Simon approached in slow steps towards Aaran, staring down at the blind man.

"Give me those who see what the Galaxy could be. Not what it is."
"You once believed in them. They were not lies then."

“You preach of dreamers, yet the Empire pursues to fulfill its own dreams. A Galaxy of order…something that it could be,” deciding to have a battle of wits in this nuanced philosophical argument. Only doing so to distract the Jedi before attacking. “Once again, you’ve proven to me the narrow views of the Jedi. You want dreamers, but I suppose a select few of them. Dreams approved for your own vision.”

“All your wisdom and still a fool. Much like me in my own youth.”

He already figured out his next move, but he’d allow the Jedi to speak before taking initiative. There was a great amount of debris and shards everywhere where they were caused by the destruction of battle.
7th post








Saul Vandron Saul Vandron FN-999 Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Veno Veno
Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an Sahar Sahar Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart
Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis Jerec Yularen Jerec Yularen Rakaan Horne



Shorurra Groznik Bayaz Bayaz Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause
Qzekov Korvan Toldreyn Korvan Toldreyn Sara Roche Sara Roche Ibra Sest Ibra Sest
Sol Stazi Sol Stazi Kyell Laysel Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor




<"Gowrie to Bramber One! Parley done, meet me at the Command-Centre.... I'll be there shortly, so you can help yourself to some Cladhan in the meantime. Wildcat One out!">

<"Tarring to Wildcat One. The tea is on already. The officer cadre is just cleaning up and we'll be ready for the Mission Brief. Bramber One out!">

'Ooooh, good call.', Gowrie muttered to nobody but himself, coincidentally feeling a little parched from the whiskey and the dust of the deserted parts of the city's warfront, chuckling to himself as he realised how stereotypically-Galidraani such an interaction was. A nice distraction from the nihilism and the circumstances that catalysed such dismay, and with another rising star in the Free-State to keep him both on his toes and in the company of a good sort, Lord Aron couldn't help but admit,'Better arrangement than most in IMPAF anyways.', in mumbled whispers to himself as he checked every potential blind-spot before the last stretch to safety.

Deserted, though he still could hear Vandron's westward push from where he was, and lines always widened for every ebb and flow in conventional ground-warfare since ancient times. Deemed as nothing of concern yet, especially with the early end to parley considered, the Kellas continued on towards the Wildcats' defensive-line with no further concerns holding him back. From there, the short stroll back to the Command-Centre wouldn't take long, and by the time Lord Aron arrived, every seat but his own in briefing-room was already filled with staffers and non-coms alike. The map-holographic table was bleeping and flashing with activity across the entire projected battlefront, showing quite a rapid-paced struggle for ground in comparison to some of those they'd fought for in the past, but every pair of eyes would remain firmly fixed on the Tuath in particular.

'Good strong brew here, Bex. Jus' what the doctor ordered.... An' besides, the Wookie has the hipflask now.'

Though some stares among them were dancing back and forth between Lord Aron and Lord Bex as they waited for the final word, made all the more infuriatingly tense for them by the fact they had to sit and watch both their Major-Generals chuckling and tea together. However, with the mild inconveniences considered, Gowrie's ability to read a room left him with no choice but to get on with it for everyone's sake, placing his cup down on it's saucer as he began,'Good evening, gentlemen.... No more Wookie concerns now, so we can fight them without the moral ramifications getting in the way. Arrangements have been made.', pausing to let the others comprehend the implications of his opening statement. Yet it was clear that all were aware of what that meant, so the Kellas continued,'Jolly good.... But enough o' that - immediate matters to attend to an' not much time to do so.', flattening tones to allow for focus on the map instead.

'It would seem Vandron hasn't requested artillery support yet, but we still have a good read on the lines as they shift closer and farther away, and in this regard - I'm sure we can see where this amble leads.... I think it might help to aim a little bit beyond the frontlines, lets see if we can agitate a sallying response. Sound like a plan?'
Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline

Allies : The Empire | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

Hostiles : Galactic Alliance | Ewan "Raider" Isaacs

Equipment : Uniform; custom-made blaster; cerermonial sword; telescope


Task Force 58 composition : AIV Napoléon Bonaparte (Legate-class battlecruiser, flagship); AIV Maréchal Davout (Pellaeon IV-class star destroyer); AIV Maréchal Lannes (Pellaeon IV-class star destroyer); AIV Robert Surcouf (New Imperial-I class star destroyer); AIV Jean Bart (New Imperial-I class star destroyer); AIV Dixmude (Onager II-class star destroyer); AIV Montfaucon (Onager II-class heavy cruiser); AIV Passchendaele (Onager II-class heavy cruiser); AIV L'Effroyable (Harrier-class heavy cruiser); AIV Le Téméraire (Harrier-class haevy cruiser); AIV L'Indomptable (Harrier-class heavy cruiser); AIV Le Malin (Harrier-class heavy cruiser); AIV Forbin (Cuirassier-class cruiser); AIV Cassard (Cuirassier-class cruiser); AIV Camerone (Cuirassier-class cruiser); AIV Koufra (Valiant-class star destroyer); AIV Bir Hakeim (Valiant-class star destroyer); AIV Athos (Katana-class heavy cruiser); AIV Portos (Katana-class heavy cruiser); AIV Aramis (Katana-class heavy cruiser); AIV Silencieux (stealth corvette)


Legate-class battleceruiser AIV Napoléon Bonaparte
Commanding officer : Commodore Albrecht Herlock

New orders had come. Herlock declared to all his fleet to move out in order to protect Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber 's fleet. He had only a small corvette, but he had many cruisers and star destroyers. All of his ships joined the escort of the Triumvir's flagship and his starfighters formed a protective screen between the Tregessar and the ennemy ships. A rain of laser bolts came out of the weapons systems of the entire Task Force. At the same time, the Silencieux kept firing laser bolts and torpedoes, switching from stealth mode to uncloaked mode in order to confuse the ennemy. "Open a channel. Tell Lord Rausgeber that the cavalry has arrived."
In memory of our late CEO


EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 181st Tactical Starfighter Wing "Nightwing Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Roger Powell "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Powell "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Nightwing 2-5 Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Nightwing 6-9 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Nightwing 10-13 Azazael class Stealth fighter
EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Angel 2-11 Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Angel 12-17 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Angel 18-23 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Angel 24-28 Elysian Class Strike Fighter
  1. Angel 29-31 Starfury class Starfighter
BOMBERS W ESCORT (10 Squadrons)
  1. Angel 32-36 Demon Class Bomber
  2. Angel 37-41 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  1. Angel 42-45 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 46-51 Cherub Transport
Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 2-9 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Voodoo 10-14 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 15-19 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Voodoo 20-24 Elysian Class Strike Fighter
BOMBERS W ESCORT (5 Squadrons)
  1. Voodoo 25-29 Demon Class Bomber
  1. Voodoo 30-32 Starfury class Starfighter
  1. Angel 30-31 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 32-34 Cherub Transport
Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero-G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.

SCAR WING (7 Squadrons)
  1. SCAR 2-10 Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Ares 1-6 Elysian Class Strike Fighter
  1. Ares 7-12 Super Archangel class Multi-Role Fighter/Interceptor
  1. Ares 13–17 Ashera Class Fighter
  1. Ares 18 Cherub Gunship
  2. Ares 19-20 Cherub Transport

SECTOR: New Alderaan
ORDERS: Break the Blockade
WINGMATES: @Tren Char. @
Liedran Kathause, @Shar Sieu, @Andien Gale, @Ari Naldax, @Maple Harte, @ Mylo Thorne ,

TARGETS: @Caarlyle Rausgeber
TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY: @Albrecht F. Herlock | @Ignacious Korvan | @ Velran Kilran

Halpern=Guardano Captain/Fleet XO. Tantor=Celestial City Captain/Cruiser XO, Roger Powell=Silver City/Destroyer CO, Scott Powell/Ethereal/Fighter CO, Ewan Isaacs/SCAR Team CO

Damage Reports!

Tantor=Celestial City Captain/Cruiser XO: We have damage to three of our port side launch bays. Firing control is at half capacity. Shields are holding.

Drop back until you have it back up. Focus on the artillery and missile frigates.

We’re getting hammered by artillery, but shields are holding, I’m moving us to cover other positions.

No, move the turrets into those spots. Keep us back. This guy has no respect for us, let’s use it against him.

Drawing them in?

Counter Deception. We set the table and get them to come to eat.. Scott… bring in the Interceptors and keep the Stealths on the Super.

The stealths will be fine, but the Interceptors will need a minute to jump in. They’re navigating the Sherron nebula and out of comms at the moment.

This was going to pose a small problem as the Stealths were no doubt bringing attention to themselves, however they would hold themselves up. The pilots were more than capable and the starfighters had the tech. Closing his eyes at the sight of the “Revelry” cruisers assigned to his group were either destroyed outright or disabled, he gritted his teeth.

Put them in the soup… keep the Asheras on fighters too. Reassign the X-wings onto the Artillery and missile frigates.


Put our Matteus carriers on those corvettes and frigates. Their long range guns should give those bastards enough problems. Take our artillery as well. That should make things easier, but I want them targeting the Super.

What about our Apollos? The “Mercury” has damage to the hyperdrive./COLOR]

I’m aware, keep them in, give the feint more credibility. Set up the Turrets for this too.

The purpose of this would be the damaged ships would bunch together for protection and combined fire. The Turrets which were set up for “wildfire” and broadcasting targeting issues, any tracking would say that their commands are coming from “The Celestial City” whose firing control is experiencing the same problem. Proximity sensors have been activated and “maximum effect” was set for each cannon. It was not a perfect defense, but if done right should do some damage.

”The Stellar” has been hit hard, reporting serious damage to the engines. The shields are almost off-line. They’re deploying everyone, but going to try an emergency landing afterwards.

I want our Asheras covering them..

What if the feint doesn’t work?

Then we have a picket like we can start pulling maneuvers with. We’re not out of this fight by a long shot.


The ship was rocked by missile fire and is in serious trouble. Colonel Telaksta ordered all troops deployed. The gunships were flying cover for the transports, but the Marines were on their way to the planet as well as the platform. Once this was done, “The Stellar” would be attempting an emergency landing. Shields and engines were heavily damaged having sustained multiple direct hits.

  1. 8,000 Marines deploying on Cherub Transports to the New Aldera Platform to assist in pushing Imperials off (ANY PLAYER iS FREE TO USE THEM HOW YOU SEE FIT IF YOU WISH - IF NOT LET THEM STAY IN THE BACKGROUND)
  2. 9,000 Marines, troops and Mechanized deploy to the planet to assist in Liberation (ANY PLAYER iS FREE TO USE THEM HOW YOU SEE FIT IF YOU WISH - IF NOT LET THEM STAY IN THE BACKGROUND)
  3. Revelry cruisers teaming with “Blackstar” anti-fighter ships to focus on keeping Silver skies clear of fighters.
  4. SCAR Teams assaulting “Thundercrack” (See Ewan Isaacs next post)
  5. X-wings engaging missile and artillery frigates
  6. Bombers and Sovereigntys targeting NIV Warden, Stalwart Class Carrier, 5x Escolta-Class Frigates, 6x Warrior-ii Class Gunships, and 4x Cacadore Class Assault Corvettes
  7. Celestial City and Ethereal are backing off of position feigning more damage than they have moving destroyers in for protection. The purpose is to pull enemies into more direct fire and a trap. “Apollo” Destroyers, and “Divinity” cruiser moving in with the carriers to continue to feign damage further.
  8. Deployable turrets currently firing wildly, broadcasting command link to “Guardiano”, proximity sensors have been activated and fire for maximum effect on any iff determined “enemy”.
  9. Matteus carriers using engaging Corvettes and gunships
  10. Stealth Fighters/Strike fighters attacking Tregessar. Mercurys assisting.
  11. The Long Range Interceptors jump in and target fighters.
  12. Marine Carrier “Stellar” attempting emergency landing on New Alderaan.
  13. Asheras engaging TIEs and covering “Stellar”
  14. Guardiano firing on Rapine
  15. Silver City firing on Fortitude.

CURRENT FLEET STATUS - (Any ships not included in list or “too many” were commandeered from Saleucami




BOMBERS W ESCORT (10 Squadrons)


*All information disclosed in spoilers




Objective: II - Aegis of Liberty
Location: New Aldera Defense Base - Internal Corridors
Tags: Lily Stevens | Aien Mueller | Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh


“PUSH!” A dense smog began to fill the cramped corridors of the base as smoke billowed from the barrels of blaster rifles. The stormtrooper strike force advanced steadily through the complex, with Stalker poetically striding over the corpses of the latest defenders to meet her and her team. She hung behind a rather large pair of stormtroopers holding riot shields, with the remaining troopers of her squad flanking her in a wedge formation. One of their number had already fallen upon entry as a handful of defenders had positioned themselves in ambush for their entry. Another had died in their latest skirmish from an unfortunate ricochet of blaster fire.

Now, the scattered blaster shots which rang out pinged against the energy barriers of the riot shields, with Margo and her compatriots timing their shots with well trained precision as they moved further and further through the complex. They eventually pushed through to a security checkpoint, wherein Margo gave a glance to her corporal, with the two reaching for a pair of grenades on their pouch. <“Grenade out!”> she announced over the team comm channel. In unison, both her and the corporal shifted briefly from cover and threw the hand-held explosives. They skidded into the room and erupted into twin bursts of energy and debris. All that could be heard in that moment were the deafening sound of the explosive charges intermingled with the cries of pain from the defenders, who crumpled to the floor. The blaster fire had ceased as the trooper squad rushed into the chamber. One of the stormtroopers approached the security terminal, and began accessing its subroutines when a lone figure ( Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh ) rushed past and fired a spray of blaster bolts as she pushed past the opening on the far side of the chamber. The eager stormtrooper slumped across the terminal as a blaster hole breached the chest piece of his armor, only to eventually fall to the deck.

Near-instantly, Stalker unleashed with her pulse rifle and fired into the gap along with a handful of her squad mates, but their barrage would fire in vain as a blast door sealed the opening. A pair of stormtroopers would approach the door and fiddle with the access panel, yet Margo knew it was in vain just as the Corporal’s voice could be heard over the comm channel. <“Sir, it looks like they sealed the blast doors.>”

<“You don’t say...”> Margo craned her head over to the NCO with a sardonic look dripping from within - so much so that the Corporal bowed his head slightly, as if realizing the fact he was truly stating the obvious. After a brief pause, she continued: <“The good news is, we are at a security terminal. Unless these bastards had the forethought of cutting the lines and deactivating the terminal, we should be able to bypass the lockdown.”>

Stalker pointed at the stormtrooper corpse behind the terminal. <“Is that our only tech?”>

<“Negative.”> The corporal replied as he motioned for one of the surviving squadmates. The trooper in question rushed up to the SCAR trooper, who sized him up before motioning to the terminal.

<“He’ll do. See what you can do with that terminal to end this lockdown.”> She then pointed at a pair of troopers standing nearby and added: <“You two, start searching the bodies for anything of help - access cards, security chips, IR emitters - anything. The rest of you--”> She paused, taking a moment to discharge the tibanna gas cartridge and replace it with a fresh one. She slid the fresh clip into the receiver and flicked off the safety. A subtle whine retorted back as the rifle powered up to a full charge. She then directed her attention to the remaining squad: <“Secure the perimeter.”>

The stormtroopers quickly set about complying with her orders. Meanwhile, Margo stole a moment to try and raise Lily Stevens on the comm: <“Reaper, this is Stalker - Over?”> Static was her only response. While most soldiers would continue to try and raise their companions over the comm, Margo knew better. One of three scenarios had occurred; either Reaper was dead - in which case there was no point in trying to continue to raise her, or she was currently trying to use stealth and secrecy to her advantage, or, lastly - she was fighting for her life. None of those scenarios lent themselves to the added distraction of having a squadmate chiming ceaselessly in her ear. Although Margo wasn’t force sensitive, she did have an uneasy feeling in her stomach. All she could do right now was push forward to the objective and take down the main power supply in the engineering section. Perhaps the situation would materialize by then.

Before she really had any more time to ruminate over the issue, one of the stormtroopers tasked with searching the corpses spoke up: <“Sir, I’ve found an access card!”> To the trooper’s credit, rather than standing there with his dick in his hand, he proceeded to hand the card to the technician at the terminal. Within a matter of minutes, the blast doors throughout the entire section of the base flew open. Within a few moments further, any technicians would notice a pulsing red display locking them out of the function to engage the blast doors.

The technician turned to Margo and, with a sense of urgency, said: <“Sir, I’ve disengaged the lockdown - but there’s no telling how long it will last. I suggest we move out.”>

With a faint grin, Margo held her rifle at the read and moved toward the door: <”You heard the man - MOVE OUT!”>

Without further delay, the squad moved through the corridor with riot shield troopers in front as they surged forward. In a matter of moments, the squad would happen upon the opened door for the engineering section, sighting a lone figure ( Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh ) standing in the doorway, with half a dozen or more others deeper into the room. The squad did not break stride as they opened fire upon the opened door - the blaster bolts mixed with Margo’s pulse bursts surging into the room, aimed with a reasonable amount of accuracy at those within sight.


Location: New Aldera Orbital Defense Base
Objective: Aegis of Liberty

Even under pressure like this, Valery could still focus enough on her Padawan to know that he was likely in the tougher fight. She was up against more numbers, sure, but she also stood closer to her allies while he was very much on his own against an Imperial who stood out among the crowd. She couldn't quite figure out why, but something about Lily Stevens made Valery feel a little more uneasy about having sent her Padawan forward.

At the same time, she couldn't underestimate the few remaining soldiers focusing on her either.

The Barrier she had projected shielded her against their particle weapons, but it could not last forever, and they knew that. It's why they were unrelenting in their assault, and soon enough, she felt that it was starting to crack. But it was only when their leader fired a sonic round that it fully ruptured, and Valery was sent back several steps.

The danger wasn't quite over, however, as she felt one of the troopers rapidly approaching with the intent to slam her against the ground. She waited and made no apparent moves to dodge or counter it, but at the last possible moment, she altered her connection to the environment to phase, and thereby surprise the soldier, who passed through her as if she wasn't there at all. It was quickly turning into one of her preferred tricks, and it worked especially well against those without a Force connection.

Phasing back into the world, she spun around and lashed out at the trooper with one of her blades to hopefully take him out of the fight. If it didn't, he was now trapped between a Jedi and the alliance soldiers behind her, so he was most likely in trouble. If he wanted to live, he'd be careful.

The spinning motion brought her back around in time to face the three remaining troopers, without a Barrier to shield her but hopefully, her display had given them second thoughts about what they were doing.


Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


GOLD TEAM: Azrael (Assault/Team leader), Castiel (Assault/Pathfinder), Chamuel (Infiltrator/Slicer)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel (Sniper 1), Michael (Sniper 2)
RED TEAM: Gabriel (Demo/EOD), Bartleby (Tech/Team Second), Samael (Heavy Weapons)
Seraphim (Deployable Drones)
PEGASUS 1- Jeremiel(Pilot), Ariel(Weapons), Uriel (Jumpmaster/Cover fire)
RONTO 1- Uriel(Driver), Ariel(Gunner),
Annunaki Captain/Teams Overwatch - Jehova
Azrael, Bartleby, Gabriel, Sauriel, Samael, Castiel, Michael, Chamuel,
Jeremiel, Ariel, Uriel, Seraphim

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
ORDERS: Rescue SJC Citizen from New Aldera Defense platform

Foes: Margo Liaeris Margo Liaeris , Lily Stevens

They were finished with the surgery, or whatever it was. Samael, was a certified Combat-Medic and if it moved everyone along, he was willing to help. Everyone else either set a perimeter, helped Gabriel set charges or in Bartleby’s case, monitored the internal sensors. First there was a Lockdown, then there wasn’t, then there was again. Then there was cluttered use of an id card. This was not something that would be easily picked up on, but “Bart” was set up to pick up on the random choices made.

Boss, we got a problem.


We have another team on the station. Imps.

Bart, eat a Snickers bar! You turn into “Captain Obvious” when you’re hungry!

What’s a “Snickers bar”?

I don’t know to be honest, just felt like the right thing to say.

Focus, you morons.

I can’t pinpoint it, but everything I’m seeing on here tells me we have a Black Ops team coming, and they’re coming this way.

You got that off of the system you hacked? ID card usage?

Every entry on here dating back to a certain point is an entry I would make.

Alright then, we’re out of here. Weapons check, we move in 1.

Making his way to Gresa’s office, she was in there talking to others, Azrael touched her on the shoulder.

Doctor, we need to move and we need to move now.

Turning to him, she was not happy to be ordered around. “I will not go without my people. I have friends, and there are wounded here.”

With all due respect, Doctor. They are not my mission and not my problem.

“I suggest you make it ‘your problem’, because I will not leave these people to die!”

We can take those who can move unassisted, that is all. Unless your wounded are military they will not be harmed.

He was, of course, lying, but she did not need to know that. “They will not be harmed? I have your word?”

We need to go, now!

“Give me your word!”

Castiel at this point was practically pushing the others out and directing them to the gathering point. Bartleby was getting a “Weapons check” done, and Gabriel was setting the entrance to blow outward. The blast would seal the blast door and protect any patients in there. Gabriel was the first to admit that he was “off” socially, but no one questioned him when it came to explosives. When Castiel was behind her, the doctor began to freak out.

“You liar! You are not going to protect them!” She started hitting him, but Castiel would have none of this, he subdued her.

Doctor, I am taking every one of your people that can walk. My orders are ONLY to take you. The people who have to stay here will not be harmed, but if anyone comes through the entrance that does not do so the way they are supposed to will be blown to Mustafar. We have to move and that time is now, there are no other options. You can come with us on your own or my teammate here can sedate you and we will carry your ass. Your choice.

It was not his words that eased her mind, it was one of her assistants that volunteered to stay behind, and then another. When she was let go, the doctor just sneered angrily and nodded reluctantly. Three of them would stay and take care of the wounded. Sauriel and Michael each gave them weapons to protect themselves “just in case”. This did not make things easier, but Gresa did agree, but not until saying “goodbye” to everyone. Much to the annoyance of the entire team.

Bart, get’em going. Sauriel, Michael… Overwatch in the hallways, Samael covers them unless we call.


Let’s kill some Imps.

I thought that they were once your brothers?



Mount up! Guns up front packages in the middle.

Moving fast, they had somewhere to be, the problem is, she was not going anywhere without seeing the patients secure. The Gold Team was in front ensuring clean hallways as the Red Team was behind, protecting the civilians. The Blue Team were covering the rear so that no one could sneak up as well as anyone who might pop out in front and surprise them. They would not need to do this, but the Captain was a sap with a heart.

Hold position.

What is it?

Firefight, big one, not far from our position.

Find us an alternate path or a place for our packages to hide. [Blue Team, start pushing forward.]

... yeah, we scare them.


Kyell Laysel



Location: New Aldera
Tag: Miri Nimdok

The call for medical evacuation had been received, and a small team was dispatched into the city ruins to retrieve the wounded Jedi Padawan. But only moments before they reached the shop, Kyell's eyes opened and looked around the room. He was held in familiar arms he normally would have welcomed, but now he felt only disappointment. Not with her, of course, but with himself. She had likely risked so much to come here, and all because he had failed to protect himself again.

It hurt more than the physical injuries he had sustained, the pain of which was numbed by the Force.

<T> "Miri..." he muttered, his telepathic voice strained as he tried to use what little energy he had to talk to her. It likely wasn't a very smart thing to do, but as far as he knew, this could very well be the end. So if he wasn't going to make it this time, he wanted her to at least know something.

<T> "I love you."

The corners of her lips tugged up into a faint smile. Was he being a little cheesy in an already emotional moment? Perhaps, but he hadn't gotten the chance to tell her yet, and as he drifted off into unconsciousness again, he felt relieved she had heard it at least once.


"Here they are!" a voice called out, as a figure entered the shop through the broken window. "We need a stretcher!" The medic continued after seeing the young Padawan's condition.

More followed, and with some effort, Kyell would soon be off to the closest field hospital.


Blades extinguished, Melvain reached out to the transport in the Force and pulled, ripping hull plating free. He remembered the transports well from the war with the Sith Empire, their white painted surfaces halting in front of a stream of blasterfire from Sith Imperial commandoes. Yes, these would do nicely. The two plates protected him on his march back as he focused on the currents in the Force, focused on the marines and their life force pulsating in the all-encompassing energy field. The two pannels slammed into the dirt, forming a shield wall for Melvain to gather his focus behind.

The bolts were denting the plating now. It was made to withstand the class of weapon the marines were using but this much sustained fire without the support of its structure was not in its intended uses. A bolt splattered on the ground behind him and he realized he had little more time. With a roar he released the energy, the telekinetic blast strong enough to rip the panels from the earth and send them tumbling like weeds through the air. The pulse went out all around him sending the downed marines flopping in the wind and causing dirt to swirl.

Miri Nimdok

<T> "Miri..."

<Shhh,> Miri shushed him, a bit startled to find that he was still alert. <Don’t strain yourself. You’re going to be alright.>

Her words came across as stern, but the fretful, painfully gentle touch of her shaking hands as she sought to soothe him told a different story. Thank the Force the medics were on their way. She didn’t know what she would have done otherwise.

Of course, Kyell wouldn’t listen. What was so terribly important that he had to tell her right now?

<T> "I love you."

Her breath caught as her throat tightened. <You haven’t even known me for that long, you silly man,> she muttered, even as she bent forward to kiss him.

He was unconscious by then anyway, neither the touch of her lips or her long hair tickling his face able to rouse a reaction from him. Had she not been able to feel him in the Force still, she might’ve thought he was dead.

Voices drew her attention away from Kyell. She straightened up, one hand on her gun, ready to blow any Imperials who came near straight into the Nether, but it was the medics. She retreated to let them do their job, not wanting to stand in their way.





908th Legion - 1st Spacetrooper Company (aka “1st Space”)

Manpower: 100/100
Orders and Targets: Seize Rear Admiral Liedran Kathause, Disable ANV Lightmaker
Allies: Empire | Cooperating with Castor E-196 Castor E-196 | Directly commanded by Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | eggman Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | other Imperial fleeters
Enemies: GA | Engaging ANV Lightmaker / Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Open to engage GA marines / fighter pilots


Armor link

One by one, the spacetroopers landed with a soundless thump atop the Lightmaker's hull.

[Continue Phase One.] ordered Lieutenant Freefall. [Eliminate nearby point-defense armaments and then split into task groups.]

The company obliged, getting to work as soon as they landed. There were about a dozen point-defense batteries scattered throughout the landing site, but they were all focused on the starfighters above. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, the space troopers withdrew their laser cutters and propelled themselves at the batteries, slicing off their barrels before they could shoot them down. After about two minutes, the process was complete, and the most immediate threat to the space troopers was gone.

Now, the space troopers moved into their assigned groups and dispersed.

The first group of twenty-five troopers, led personally by Freefall, briefly explored the top of the ship, activating their thermal sensors to try to scope out thinner sections of armor where the heat signatures of organic crew may be detected. It didn't take long for them to find a relatively thin armor plate, and the task group went to work.

The first task was almost done cutting through the hull when a sudden disturbance appeared.

[Detecting numerous heat signatures below us, humanoid in shape. Too many to be a regular group of sentries.]

[Marines. They know we're coming. Still, they underestimate us. Once we make our hole, the vacuum of space should take most of them. The survivors likely don't have the weapons needed to knock us out. Let's get this over with.]

At last, the hole was complete, a circle with a 4-meter diameter extending all the way through the armor. With a powerful kick, Freefall sent the loosely hanging circle flying downwards into the hall below, opening the Lightmaker and its marines to the void of space. Seconds later, the spacetroopers followed, aiming and firing their arm cannons almost instantly.

The second group of twenty-five troopers flew further down the hull, searching for the Lightmaker's hangars. The second task force's goal was to destroy every starfighter and bomber remaining in the hangar, weakening the carrier's offensive power and saving the lives of hundreds of TIE pilots. Near the center of the carrier's starboard, the task force found themselves facing one of the warship's main hangars. Without hesitation, they flew in, seeking to dispose of the ships and any crew members caught within the hangar.

The third group of twenty-five troopers made a hole about one hundred meters ahead of the first task force, aiming for a power source instead of a hallway. Their objective was to secure the Lightmaker's main power sources and manipulate them, diverting power away from offensive equipment and alter the potency of the engines.

The fourth group of twenty-five troopers had arguably the most ambitious task the 1st Space had ever attempted. Evading stray cannonfire and point-defense batteries, the fourth task force began to fly all the way to the Lightmaker's stern. There, they would latch onto the main engines and brute-force their way into the wiring, taking control of each individual engine. If they succeeded, the task force would then cooperate with the third task force to turn the Lightmaker towards the Candlelit Fantasy in the nearby 109th Flotilla, shattering both battlecruisers and leaving both flotillas headless.

It would spell the end for the Alliance's effort to break the Imperial blockade.

Still, there were many potential risks. If the third task force was intercepted, the Lightmaker would be able to divert its power away from its engines, greatly weakening its potential as a ram. If the fourth task force arrived too early, it risked ending the lives of the other seventy-five spacetroopers as collateral.

Only the passage of time would illuminate their fate.

Unit: 908th Legion, 15th Regiment
Allies: Empire | In relative proximity of Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis | DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Bex Tarring Bex Tarring | Saul Vandron Saul Vandron
Enemies: GA | Engaging Bayaz Bayaz / Sara Roche Sara Roche & co. | In relative proximity of Ibra Sest Ibra Sest | Shorurra Groznik

He comm'd Lowkazza, his adjutant, to relay his orders.

<Detach the nearest battalion to Lieutenant Roche's coordinates, post haste. Light infantry, heavies might not make it in time. Extraction protocols.>

No amount of fine vocabulary could hide the fact that Lieutenant Silvertongue was in trouble.
Alliance reinforcements had come in earlier than expected, and they were numerous. Already, Silvertongue's task force was being pushed back on all fronts, falling back slowly but surely as the major attempted to avoid having his line pierced. Under these odds, only one option for encirclement of the previous Alliance force remained realistic.

[Retreat into the Alliance forces Moff Braxis has engaged!] ordered Silvertongue. [Form a strong rearguard and shatter the last of the Alliance forces behind us. Then, we will regroup behind the Moff's forces and withdraw.]

Squads of stormtroopers started to appear at the flanks of the encircled Alliance units, striking from unexpected angles in a final desperate push to escape the larger and more menacing Alliance reinforcements behind them.
Trying to find a Dogfight Foe


Equipment: Zilkin-Class Interceptor
Enemies: GA, Ari Naldax Ari Naldax Shar Sieu Shar Sieu
Allies: Empire Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber

Mae was amazed not just at the amount of firepower brought about in the space above the planet, but also the sheer size of the fleets of both the GA and the Empire. She did not have a clear ally in the fight taking place, she was here purely to sharpen her skills as a pilot and commander. The only shred of loyalties that she held to either party was that of the Sith and Empire, as some of them have assisted her in her path to freedom in the use of the force in her own way. The restrictive nature of the Jedi was not something she cared for, but their hatred to her and her kind for being more free with their use of the force was something that has been slowly gaining momentum in the form of motivation for her. So today, on this battlefield, she has decided to aid the Empire.

She held herself off, away from the main conflict of the fleet battle, in cloaked form of course, to prevent her detection. She wanted to join the fight at precisely the right time which allowed her the greatest advantage. She eventually had two things catch her attention. The first being a group of Wof X fighters and K bombers, and secondly a group of B-Wings and Y-Wings.

She decided to go after the B-wings first, but then saw the Wolf-X and K-Wings heading in on an attack pattern to a key Imperial capital ship and broke off her attack to pursue. It did not take long for her elite speed Interceptor to catch up to the K-Wings of Ari Naldax Ari Naldax . Just before she could de-cloak and light them up, they engaged some afterburners and left her behind for a moment, however, even with the sudden increased speed, the K-Wings could not match the speed of the Zilkin-class Interceptor and she quickly caught up. Unfortunately for the K-Wings, the sudden boost to their engine power, left them vulnerable to fire, as their shields were weakened. She ordered her gunners to target adjacent craft as she would be targeting the craft directly in front of her with her main, heavy cannons.

Mae quickly de-cloaked and simultaneously pulled the trigger, lighting up and then destroying her first target. Moments later, her gunners lit up a second K-Wing and Mae suddenly found herself in the thick of the fight. After successfully destroying the two K-Wings, she had gathered the attention of the Wolf-X fighters that were supplying escort for them and even though they were no match for Mae and her expert craft, they had an advantage in numbers. With the squadron gunning down on her, she whipped her ship around quickly, and activated her cloak once more and left the area of the battle field. Her cloaking field was not perfect and she knew she would eventually be detected in some way, but also knew that her pursuing craft could not waste such time in the heat of battle and her escape was successful.

Mae then turned her attention back to that B-Wing she had targeted earlier. "Where did that B-Wing go?!" she quickly asked her first mate who was busy looking at the instrument and scanners. "Sector 2.56, Captain", the Zilk replied. She made her way in that direction to not only find a wall of flak but also a wall of point defense cannons at that vector. She went at full power to her engines and zipped her way in that direction, regardless. After flanking the flak fire of the Imperial Fleet, she was greeted by a formation of combined Y-Wings and B-Wings. They too were on a line of attack directly at a capital ship formation. Mae made her intercept point at a 45 degree down angle targeting the second wing of each flank. This time, however, had her gunners remain on the same target as herself. As she approached appropriate firing distance and and had a firing solution, she dropped her cloak and lit up one and then another Y-Wing of the formation before splitting through it and swinging back for a second attack run. On her turn and return, she received return fire from tail gunners, slamming into her forward shields, bringing them down by 20%.

"I need that first batch of Kyber Cells to shields on the double" She ordered her engineering crew. A definite error to her judgment was not doing so previously and waiting to make the first batch after already engaging enemy ships.

  • Shields 80% l Weapons 100% l Engines 100% l Crew 100% l Kyber Cells 5 & timer started

    Kills: 2x K-Wings and 2x Y-Wings

    Total Kills: 2x K-Wings and 2x Y-Wings

Last edited:

Location: New Aldera Orbital Defense Base
Objective: Aegis of Liberty
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble / Lily Stevens
Silas shot forwards and drove his blade into the soldier's defenses, one that now included an energy shield she had activated at the last moment. Even with the new edition, the padawan still went at the woman with fierce intent "I know enough..." he said through gritted teeth as a strike collided with her blade. However, Silas didn't see the trick up her sleeve. Silas looked down and wasn't able to react at all as the repulser hit his gut. The force pushed him back towards the wall and almost knocked him off his feet, luckily he was able to keep a good balance and look back at her with defiance.

"Maybe not enough" he grunted with a deep breath, winded slightly from the energy that had just hit him. At the same, he was thinking about how Valery Noble Valery Noble was holding up. Just before the confrontation, he saw six figures rush past the door towards her. If they were gunning for his master, she'd be outnumbered six to one. However, deep down he knew his master would be able to withstand those odds any day of the week. If she had taken down powerful sith in her lifetime, six soldiers wouldn't be a problem.

"If you think I'll give you an honest answer then you really are more foolish than you look" he fired back to her, his lightsaber loosely hanging at his side "I've given you a chance to save your men, but you chose greed over everything. How do you not see it is a hopeless operation you're doing?" he said to Lily, trying to somehow play at her mind. Not a second after, his hand would open up and wrap the force around some small but heavy containers and objects around the room. One by one he flung them at her, while at the same time running swiftly straight at her. Once in range, he jumped up and suddenly jabbed his saber forwards into the shoulder that held her shield in the hopes that the objects had lowered her guard.
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Castor E-196

Imperial Naval Special Forces


Master Sergeant Castor E-196
Imperial Navy Special Forces Command; Attached to 908th Legion - 1st Spacetrooper Company

Objective: Seize Rear Admiral Liedran Kathause, Disable ANV Lightmaker
Allies: Under command of FN-999 /Lieutenant Freefall, Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan . Under supervision of Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber
Enemies: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause and ANV Lightmaker marines

The main force breached, and in poured Freefall's group, only slightly away from Castor's entry point.

The third group of twenty-five troopers made a hole about one hundred meters ahead of the first task force, aiming for a power source instead of a hallway. Their objective was to secure the Lightmaker's main power sources and manipulate them, diverting power away from offensive equipment and alter the potency of the engines.
For his group, the Spacetroopers breached with practiced precision as the final hull layer melted open, the soldiers letting the breached room's air vent before they entered, blasters firing and taking out the unprepared technicians. As Castor brought up the rear, several Alliance Marines breached the room the Spacetroopers had piled into.

Castor reacted before either group could act, sending a blaster bolt into the helmet of one Marine. A brief firefight ensued; the marines' firepower was only sufficient to damage one Spacetrooper, while the return fire downed all six of the Alliance soldiers.

[Primary reactor down three, lateral five. Lasker, take point.] The group's sergeant ordered. [One-Nine-Six, cover the rear with Hrand and Scornia.]

The group changed formation quickly despite their bulky suits, moving off through a pre-marked path in the ship marked on their HUDs. Bringing up the rear, Castor kept an eye on sensors as the group split into three echelons and continued through the winding maintenance tunnels, trying to keep his head stooped to keep from hitting his enlarged frame on the ceiling. While Castor's echelon stomped down their pathway, he heard the others on the comms:

[Contact right-]

[Contact neutralised]

[Be advised, central path blast doors locked. Cutting through, ETA thirty sec]

Castor caught movement on his sensors to the left of the echelon as they crossed past a junction. He swiveled sideways, spotting a figure ducking into the cover of a hallway.

[Contact second left!] The ELITE opened fire, prompting return fire from the Alliance Marines stalking the echelon that now poured towards the junction. They were heavily armed, chainblasters and scatterguns all.

[Contact front!] called the sergeant at the front. The Marines were beginning to swarm the echelon. At this close range, the Alliance soldiers would be able to hit the Spacetroopers weak spots or simply land lucky hits.

[Follow me!] Castor, faced towards the side passage, raised both arm-mounted blasters and charged. He could feel even his enhanced muscles strain to accelerate the heavy mass of both himself and the armour, but it was enough to close the gap between he and the Marines. Evidently not expecting the swift movement of the lumbering giant, the nearest Marines did not react in time as the mass of Castor and his armour smashed into them. Scattering to draw a bead on the commando, the Marines themselves were downed as the rest of the echelon followed Castor into the detour passage.

The HUD re-routed the group's path, and without having to say a word, they all followed, not slowing their literal momentum as they bounded down the tunnels towards the power core. The Spacetroopers flanked a Marine detachment that had been preparing an ambush faced the wrong way, and they easily cut through them. Soon they were at the main blast door of the unshielded maintenance rooms of the Primary Reactor. The control rooms lay several passages away, and as they turned in that direction, the Sergeant asked into the comms:

[Echelon 3 approaching control room, status check on 1 and 2.]

[This is 1, we are heading to ours in under a minute.]

[This is 2, we are cutting through a defensive blockade.]

As Castor and his detachment bounded down the last hallway, more Marines cut them off and filed into the passageway they had come from, opening fire.

[We don't have a minute.]

The Sergeant cursed.

[New plan. This is Echelon 3, we are beginning an emergency reactor unseal.] The Spacetroopers changed direction and headed directly to the blast door of the unshielded maintenance hallways, and fired up their cutting lasers and began hammering on the blast door even as Castor and two others held off the Marines. One of them was forced out of the line of fire, a concentrated stream of blaster fire cutting through his arm armour, and disabling his armour's arm pistons.


The reactor blast door cracked open due to the efforts of the Spacetroopers, and copious amounts of heat and heavy radiation flooded out of the blast door into the tunnel. The Alliance Marines scrambled for cover. Those unlucky to be caught directly in the sudden jet of energy pouring into the hallway screamed in pain, burning up. Their armour was sealed too, but certainly not rated for an unshielded reactor.

So it was for the Spacetroopers. Their armour would hold for longer, but they needed to get out of the irradiated area immediately and into the control room.

[Back to the control room!]

Now forced into cover or out of the tunnels completely, the Marines were disorganised and easy to cut down as the Spacetroopers trundled through, racing against the clock to get into the control room and out of the irradiated zone before their own armour seals broke. They finally reached the control room, breaching it too. The technicians here were as unprepared as the ones earlier and were dispatched in a matter of moments.

[Freefall, this is group 3, one of our echelons is in the control room. Beginning power diversion] the Sergeant radioed, while Castor and several others began to set up defensive barriers along the forced entryway into the control room.
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