Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Shadows of Treachery | The Tion Necessity | The Empire vs. The Alliance

New Aldera
Tags: Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen , Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an

When his brother asked him for a map of the city and shelters, Driver wasted little time putting on his helmet and procuring him the maps, handing him a datapad he had been given in the briefing for the mission.

"This has everything we'll need," Driver explained. "Shelters, outposts... you name it."

Driver quickly hopped on the GADF comm channel to check on the status of the battle. From what he could gather, New Aldera was burning. He turned briefly, seeing enough billowing smoke to confirm that this information was most certainly correct. They would need to move fast if any remaining civilians were to be escorted to safety.

"Comm chatter is chaos," Driver informed Omen. "It's going to hell out there. We'll need to move fast." Driver paused, extending his hand to officially introduce himself. "Sergeant Driver, by the way. 327th Star Corps, 2nd Sector Army. Pleasure to meet you."


New Alderaan, New Aldera | Rakaan Horne
The technique might have been the same, but there was so much more power behind them. It all came from that anger, he was all but certain. Rakaan had always held such strength, such ability, but he would never have deigned to bring it to bear unless it were augmented by the feelings that coursed through him. Even the boy's technique was a testament to those emotions, to his newfound reliance on them. So many gaps, so many sloppy strikes - while Rakaan had sought power, Korvan had spent much of his life devoted to the utter perfection of his technique.​
He had tried to instill the same value into his student, but Rakaan chose shortcuts, he was not meticulous. And even now, he judged him as a teacher. So much potential, had it all gone to waste? There was still never an attempt to strike back, only the blue swirling of his blade as it formed that impenetrable aegis around his form - for every strike, every feint that Rakaan made, Korvan was there, as if he had known the thought before it even occurred to the Imperial Knight.​
It was as if they were a simple extension of one another.​

"The Council willed me not to follow you - they urged me you would return yourself, that you were strong enough." He spoke plainly to Rakaan's question. It was that which they had said that ensured Korvan did not chase after him, he could not deny his student's ability, could he? Korvan could not always chase after Rakaan, he had to learn to take care of himself.​
But there were times still where he needed help - and in that time, he had been abandoned. "I should not have listened - and I didn't in time, but I was too slow, I am sorry."
Korvan slid back along the floor as Rakaan forced him back, quickly returning his blade to the ready - before he saw the armour surging towards him. His motions were quick, and though the smaller pieces clattered and clamoured against his shoulders, the chestpiece of the boy's armour was severed in two by the Jedi Master's block, falling to the ground with a faint plume of smoke that rose from it.​
Once more, Korvan gave his former student an appraising look, and returned to the opening stance for his form. "I failed you then - but now, you are failing yourself."


Shorurra Groznik

'Though it gladdens me to see that you understand now, I must reassure you that I would never suggest abandonment, not when I can tell that it goes against both our guiding principles.... However, in this admission, I must also admit that we must fight until one power routs the other this time. Sorry 'bout that, hands are tied on this one.'

"Then we will fight," Shorurra said simply and solemnly. He would do all he could to insure that it was not the GADF that routed, for New Alderaan's sake, but the Force had yet to show him the way to victory. Perhaps it never would.

He let the doubt drift away in the tides of the Force.

'An' If it ends up being the GADF who routs, just focus on escaping capture after that. Safety in groups - no matter how small.... In any case - good luck, Shorurra. I promise we'll speak again soon.'

"So we shall." A pause, and then, "May the Force be with you." No matter what, Shorurra was still a Jedi, and he would never wish ill on a man fighting for his nation, no matter how much he disagreed. He tossed the small translator back to Growie and returned to the Final Dawn.

He loped across the urban sprawl, robes billowing, scarily quick for a being so large, sending messages as he went. Lieutenant Roche hadn't been encircled yet, but it was only a matter of time- he could see the trap blooming in the Force, see the iron jaws of the Imperial Legions slowly closing. There was nothing to it- he had to send reinforcements to her coordinates, and no less than a battalion lest the gambit be for naught, but no more than a battalion as well, lest the battle line be spread too wide to slow the eventual Imperial push.

He comm'd Lowkazza, his adjutant, to relay his orders.

<Detach the nearest battalion to Lieutenant Roche's coordinates, post haste. Light infantry, heavies might not make it in time. Extraction protocols.>


Rakaan Horne



Korvan Toldreyn Korvan Toldreyn

Once the cause of mild annoyance amidst countless trials and tribulations then, and yet now the force behind a futile and red wrath; the impenetrable shield, the unbreakable defense, the thick hide of armour that Korvan wore with each deflection of his blue blade - an extension of himself, and maybe a feature of his former master he could (if not should) respect absent the whirlwind of emotion that brewed within Rakaan now. A storm like no other, a fire-filled tornado beneath the blackest skies that thundered with incredulous rage.

But for all it was worth and for all it amounted to, mere words made him blink.

"I needed you." He confessed in infinite sorrow.

Rakaan maintained the fragile distance forged between them, no matter how short it was. The brief reprieve in their confrontation as what semblance of light within him threatened to end it altogether. Yet his pale blade hummed with life still, though left by his side as pained eyes found only the floor. He absorbed the uttered words, each sound, syllable and more - excuses to explanation, the pang of fear that came with the realisation strengthened in Rakaan as it weakened his resolve.

With the frantic rise and fall of his chest, Rakaan wondered if he was all so wrong. If whispers on the wind lied to his addled mind. For what that meant of him, of them. Of the wayward Jedi that entered the ranks of the Imperial Knights; had their stories been not so disimilar to his own, corrupted by fear and hate to tread a dangerous path. Was it too late? Had the damage been done, an irreparable stain on his soul?

He found some faint comfort in the facts. In what had not come to pass, more so than what had.

"How could you listen to them?" It was no simple ask, but a demand. Anger overpowered the sadness in his words, even as they carried both.


Castor E-196

Imperial Naval Special Forces


Master Sergeant Castor E-196
Imperial Navy Special Forces Command; Attached to 908th Legion - 1st Spacetrooper Company

Objective: Seize Rear Admiral Liedran Kathause, Disable ANV Lightmaker
Allies: Under command of FN-999 /Lieutenant Freefall, Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan . Under supervision of Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber
Enemies: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause and ANV Lightmaker marines

Without hesitation, Ignacious transferred the comm channel to his own station - his weathered but composed disposition on display for the commando as he spoke: “Lieutenant, you are to be commended for being in command of the resurgent Space Trooper outfit assigned to this fleet.” He paused as a faint smile lined his lips, but that smile soon faded as he continued: “The next fighter wave to be launched will be offensive - with a flight plan directed straight into the heart of the Alliance formation. I want you and your soldiers to latch onto our TIE Bombers via attachment hardpoints near the rear. During the attack run, a bombing pass will initiate the engagement, and you and your troopers are to detach thereafter upon the ANV Lightmaker

He paused, allowing the beginning of his orders to sink in before continuing: “You will board the ship, and together with a complement of Stormtroopers deployed via shuttles after your initial insertion, and will fight your way to the command deck. Your orders are to kill or capture its commander - Rear Admiral Liedren Kathouse. Do you understand?”
Castor waited some distance from the Spacetroopers. He had been attached to the unit by Navy command to give assistance as needed, but it appeared the Lieutenant was experienced and handling the situation well. The Elite operative had little direct experience in EVA operations, but perhaps more important was his assassination operational experience.

He checked his space armor again, making sure the seals worked. His suit was slightly modified to allow his implants and cybernetics to interface directly with the armour, so that despite its bulk Castor moved as if it were half its weight.

The spacetroopers walked over to a squadron of TIE bombers, their pilots briefly saluting them before scurrying up the hatches into their chambers. Five troopers stuck themselves to the back and sides of each bomber, the pads of their armor fusing to the hardpoints of the bombers as they roared off into space.
Castor followed, holding on tight. The Lieutenant continued his orders, and the spacetroopers went to their positions with little trouble. Castor had had experience with insertions of this manner, and silently gave direction to one of the privates on how to lock his hardpoints in.

And then they were off, the bombers soaring through the battlespace towards the Lightmaker. Castor could feel the magnetic clamps on the hardpoints working their magic. The others were chattering on the comms, their voices tinged with some anxiety, but ultimately determined, Castor noted with satisfaction. This group would do wonders.

[They have plenty to distract them.] concluded Lieutenant Freefall. [Commence Phase One.]
Just as the fleet carrier's point-defense cannons started to aim towards the approaching bombers, the spacetroopers detached their limbs from the hardpoints, releasing themselves into the vaccum of space.

Seconds later, one hundred jetpacks roared to life, sending the finest space marines in the galaxy straight ahead towards the top left of the Alliance carrier.
Castor released his clamps, and the momentum sent him shooting towards the carrier. He activated his jetpack carefully, bumping his acceleration slightly up to lower the time he spent in the vulnerable void of space.

"Troopers, began deceleration." One of their NCOs called out. Castor obliged, firing retro thrusters and his jetpack to slow his descent. He landed feet first on the hull of the carrier, a satisfying thump and the sound of magnetic boots activating. He had landed close to some of the others at something of an access point. On his HUD he watched the others fall like rain along the hull. Time was of the essence; Castor turned on his laser cutter and began drilling along the hull, joined by the others. This group was lucky to land near a false hull lining one of the armoured flanks; within seconds they burnt through the first layer to reveal a false interior that led to another hull lining. Carefully they filed in to the next layer and continued cutting.
Given the schematics, they were close to a maintenance passageway by now.



F I S T _ O F _ T H E _ E M P I R E
The counter gave him the opportunity to liberate his ensnared foot and he pulled it away from her grasp before swiftly turning around his axis and pressing the initiative in another flurry of blows.

Yet, the general's momentum was slower, leaving him planted in his tracks as a blue blade found itself mere inches away from his throat. Its light brightly illuminated his dark visor, the magnetic field's hum somehow louder than the pounding of artillery fire nearby.

Saul reluctantly leveled the sword to his side and tilted his head. "The folly of Jedi." he scoffed. "This restraint is what allowed the Sith to reign supreme over the galaxy for decades." a sneer behind his helmet challenged her. "You know it, Osarla -- without the ruthless fist of the Empire, your creed would still be groveling behind the walls of your temples praying the Sith never reach your doors."

He paused for a moment before deliberately shortening the distance between throat and blade. "But it's not too late to open your eyes to the truth. You are a warrior, like me, but among an ilk of sheep, serving rats on golden thrones. And when they have no use of you anymore -- the rats will turn and chew you alive. Heroes are the first victims of the Alliance." ​
ALLIES: The Empire | INDIRECT: DECEASED Aron Gowrie DECEASED Aron Gowrie | Bex Tarring Bex Tarring | Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart | FN-999
ENEMIES: The Galactic Alliance | The Tion Republic | Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor | INDIRECT: Bayaz Bayaz | Ibra Sest Ibra Sest | Shorurra Groznik

Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
Omen nodded as he took the flimsy and set it on the ground. Scanning over the landscape as he tried to push the blaring airhorns and incoming Imperial landers from his mind, he started to formulate. It was a big city and thank god its defenders had thought ahead to make bunkers to shelter their civilians from the mad Imp dog. Omen considered the situation out loud, talking to himself. "They are gonna overwhelm us. I know people among their ranks and know their tactics. Since they can't use armor easily in the city, They are gonna to try to crush us by using their endless amount of manpower reserves. Their Stormtroopers are going to go through every hole in that front wall. The Jedi and other support the Republicans might have drummed up might be able to hold their immediate front but if they do a pincer attack and surround the orbital station, it is all over. They wouldn't be able to hold out without supplies from the spaceport or whatever collection of Allied ships that exist up above and that's if their fleet wins..." He wasn't convinced that the Alliance fleet could hold out but then again it was a trained fighting force that had been fighting the Maw for years now. The Navy would still be at home, just with a different target in front of it.

Slamming his finger against the Eastern portion of the Wall, he looked with a smirk at his brother as he commented that the land was about to become a hellscape. "Oh, it will be. The only thing we can do is make it more of a hellscape for them with Guerrilla War and bog them down as much as possible. The East is a bit closer to the spaceport than the West so that's where I suggest we head. Maybe we can hold onto one flank and give more time the civs just a little bit more time before eventually the whole front gets rolled up"

As Driver held out his hand, Omen grasped his forearm in the Mando way of greeting. "ARC Sergeant Omen. I was attached to the 41st as you said." He gave a soft chuckle as he thought about back then. "We used to call out the Yellow Junglecrawlers for how much you were attached to that Felucia. I'm surprised you still don't have bugs coming out of your ears. And I'm talking about the past while people are starting to be shot..." He quickly nodded to two recon walkers sitting alone on the edge of the pad, ready to be "borrowed". "Shall we?"

Driver Driver , Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an , Jerec Yularen Jerec Yularen
shadow of the empire



It came without even the faintest hint. In a sliver of a moment, the wall ahead of him detonated and shards of shattered rubble struck across Veno - rocks pelted across his armoured frame, the dull ache of a physical connection felt full frontal forced several mutters out from Veno. But with yellow visors set on the dust cloud, the Imperial could see nothing as it enveloped him.

"You surprised me with that one," Veno called out to the wind, "Is that all you have?"

His hand reached to the side of his helmet in order to switch the various modes of vision. But pointlessly so, as the terrain beneath him altered at once until it had thrown him onto his rear end. In return, Veno fired wildly around him. Still, the appropriate reaction for someone mentally intact was different than what Veno had in mind. Death, when even so close, was not one to fear.

"Is that some Jedi trick?" He asked, laying flat.

Auteme Auteme


Kyell Laysel



Location: New Aldera
Tag: Sahar Sahar

The shards of glass moved with lightning speed towards the woman after her presence obscured any natural light entering the shop, but it wasn't enough to stop her. A hand came up and within an instant of time, the shards were deflected back to cut into his body, further worsening his already dire situation. Between the blood loss and energy he used for that last attack, Kyell no longer had anything left in him to resist the Imperial Knight.

The option to surrender flashed into his mind, but then he noticed that one of the shards had managed to pierce into her shoulder. Whether it was painful to her at all, he'd never know as intense anger overpowered anything else he could sense from her. But he was certain about one thing — the option to surrender was off the table.

Before he knew it, the Knight's hand gripped around his throat and lifted him off the ground, forcing his eyes to widen in shock a second later as the glass fragment was shoved through his left hand, pinning him against the wall. A silent scream of agony followed as immense pain ran through his nervous system, and now finally, he expected this to be the end. But after a moment of eye contact between them, something else caught the woman's attention. She released her grip and he fell to his hands and knees, still surrounded by sharp glass fragments cutting into him.

<T> "Please..." his strained voice managed in panic as he looked up and listened to her while she glanced at his photo. She wasn't going to kill him — she was turning his feelings for Miri Nimdok against him and leaving him broken worse than even Empress Teta had. At this point, he no longer cared about his own well-being, but about how all of this would affect Miri. She had already lost her father on Tython and this was a sign that his weakness could lead to more people being ripped out of her life. He had made other friends as well, and today he was letting all of them down.

A lightsaber was drawn and with clenched Jaws, Kyell watched it rise up for what almost looked like it could be a finishing blow. Instinctively, he raised his only good arm up defensively in response, only for the hot plasma to sever most of it in a single sweep. He then watched his arm fall to the ground in shock, the lightsaber still clutched in the severed hand, and fell forward as he could no longer support himself at all.

With one hand still pierced by a glass shard and the other gone entirely, he lay within the bed of glass and looked up to see Sahar leaving with his lightsaber. His body was bleeding and broken, but worse than that, his soul had taken a hit he wasn't sure if he could recover from. He definitely couldn't on his own.

I'm... so sorry... he gritted his teeth and lowered his head as black spots filled his vision, and soon, consciousness would slip away from him, leaving him alone, bloodied and beaten in the darkness of the shop.


Miri Nimdok

It began as an itch at the back of Miri’s mind, a vague sense of something being not quite right. She knew instinctively that it had something to do with Kyell—and she knew he was off somewhere conducting Jedi business, which tended to carry quite a bit of risk.

As the itch became a prickling sensation, she grew worried enough to divert her course, exiting hyperspace and heading in a new direction. The Force guided her as she plotted a new route to… New Aldera. She checked the galactic news bulletins and didn’t like what she saw.

Upon exiting hyperspace, she found herself in the middle of a graveyard. Blasted ships littered the orbit of the blue planet, while still more fighting was taking place on the other side of the world. The gruesome sight of a recent battle was the least of her concerns, however. The prickling had become needling.

Kyell was in terrible pain. She could feel it.

Landing as close to the source of the alarming feeling as she dared, Miri picked her way through an urban jungle pockmarked by bomb craters and carbon scoring. Expecting trouble, she had her pistols drawn, but this particular area was eerily quiet, practically deserted. The only sounds of blaster fire were off in the distance as she stepped through the doorway of a shop littered with shards of broken glass.


The place looked like a tornado had blown through, and Kyell lay motionless in the middle of the wreckage. Miri knew intuitively that he was alive—she would have felt him die—but at a glance, her eyes deceived her, the memory of finding her father’s crushed body still fresh in her mind. Kyell was just as bloodied and broken and was that his severed arm?

Her feet carried her forward and she knelt at his side. “What happened?” she asked, rather stupidly. Kyell was mercifully unconscious and couldn’t respond.

The shock wore off quickly, and her training kicked in. When she was younger Miri had contemplated becoming a healer; she still had some of that medical knowledge. Stop the bleeding by applying pressure, administer bacta, and get him out of there.

He was quite a bit bigger than she was, so she used the Force to float him along. Or tried to—he started to rise, only for her connection to decide to cut out on her at the worst possible time. She narrowly managed to catch him in her arms, easing him back down gently and barely resisting the urge to kick something in frustration.

It’s okay, her dad would’ve said. Call for help.

It would be faster if I carried him,
she wished she could retort. Kyell would almost certainly lose his arm, maybe even his other hand if the damage proved as severe as it looked. Her eyes stung as she pulled out her comlink. Hopefully they could spare someone for a medical evac…

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Maijan was absolutely enthralled. She scampered behind the operative bearing The Empire’s insignia and watched as though she were following along a silver screen holo drama.

With her hyper-intuitive connection to the living Force, far greater than her typical mastery over The White Current, Maijan could feel the flares of Djorn’s synapses as he reacted to the mental projection she encouraged, and he indulged. The more he reacted, the clearer the illusion became. The more real. It sounded, moved, and reacted as Djorn foresaw.

The elder Bline’s expression contorted, his jaw stretching into a voiceless gasp. Pain etched its way into the lines of his father’s expression as the plasma streak cored through his heart. He didn’t evaporate immediately but dropped to his knees, stretching out a pleading hand.

Maijan leaned in, captivated by the swell of emotion that rushed from Djorn’s heart and mind. His feelings vyed and rioted, thrashing about on the multicoloured spectrum she’d been awed by earlier. The rage and pain were like networks of tightly coiled pieces of string. If she pulled one, like a harp, like how she created her illusions normally, it rang out a note she could follow. One note, then another, then another, enough to create a scale, then a song, then a tune that replayed itself through previous memories.

The fallen body of his father was undulating out of existence, but his outstretched hand remained. Around the curl of his corpse, a silhouette at the end of one of those musical strings emerged from the shadows. Blonde, and reciting words that had never been spoken by her but to her. Her voice layered over the words Maijan found in the corners of Djorn’s mind.

“You’re better than this, we both know that. You’re more than this.”

Pale white eyes looked up at him, and like his father’s outstretched hand, the woman joined.

Unlike his father, she was able to rise. She wasn’t dead. Maijan didn’t know who she was, but the emotions thrilling out from Djorn and toward the apparition encouraged her to keep tugging on this harp string.

Loske’s lips moved, and Djorn’s pleas from years ago came out...

“Come with me. I didn’t protect you on before, but I’m here now. We can free you from this nightmare.”

Meanwhile, the adrenaline spiking through Maijan's heart was accelerating her heartbeat a critical amount. Her overindulgence in the Force-enhancing elixir was making itself too comfortable in her bloodstream.

FOES | THE EMPIRE | Djorn Bline

The Stone That The Builder Refused

Allies: The Empire | Open

Enemies: Galactic Alliance

Engaging: Qzekov


Kase, on top of Rhogo, followed behind the advance of the 501st- outside of a few skirmishes, in which Alliance guerillas retreated or were neutralized, there wasn't much action.

The most disquieting thing on the battlefield was the silence, punctuated by the sound of blasterfire, then yells, then more silence, then the silence.

Kase grabbed his knee unconsciously, as he checked the map. A Jedi had emerged from a building, swiftly eliminating a squad of troopers. And he should be right...

He rounded the corner to see a Chiss Jedi, surrounded by still-smoking corpses of stormtroopers.

...By the Force.

He sent waves of calm through his Force bond with his familiar, assuaging the nerves of the akk dog. He patted Rhogo as they warily approached the Jedi.

"Jedi", he called out. "You are interfering in a peace-keeping mission, and you have killed Imperial personnel in the midst. Lay down the blade now, and surrender to me, and I will ensure you will be given a fair trial. Your Order will be informed, and be given every opportunity to negotiate your release."

He clutched his lightsaber.

"This is your first and only warning, Jedi."
Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess
[Approaching New Alderaan - Objective II]
[ANV Lightmaker - CIC]
[Rear Admiral Liedran Kathause in Command]
[ Direct Tags: Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan , FN-999 , Castor E-196 Castor E-196 ]
[ Ari Naldax Ari Naldax , Mylo Thorne , Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos , GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. ]

(AP: Armor Plating, SH: Shielding, SF: Starfighter Squadrons)

All at once, the 74th's earlier aggression was sent hurling back, cannon fire from the Imperial fleet intensifying with the flotilla's own. In unwelcome addition to Moff Korvan and his fleet's bombardment, shells briefly rang out from the forces of Velran Kilran Velran Kilran and Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber . The salvos arrived more threateningly from the latter, hastily deployed batteries hammering at the outskirts of the 74th. Two huge, thundering impacts rocked the Lightmaker's shields and hull, HVC rounds from Rausgeber's artillery frigates sheering into the Alliance lines. But it was mostly noise on sensors, bombardment designed to deter the flotilla rather than outright destroy it. There were already other fleets engaging Rausgeber-- they'd keep him busy enough. Liedran's focus fell squarely on Korvan's forces.

"Move deceleration factor to 3," The Admiral rocked to the side with the lurch of another impact, cursing under her breath while her prosthetic clamped to the table. "Clear a line of fire ahead of Lightmaker. Target their flagship. Vanguard to peel starboard-- shields on full." She sent a glance to the forward viewscreens, panning away from the array of numbers on her tactical displays. The cameras produced an unsteady scene, a mess of shells washing over the surrounding vessels and into view. Blinding flames of ion-blue began to illuminate different sections of the frame as the 74th's frigates began to veer to starboard, opening a clear image of Moff Korvan's flagship.

As the batteries of megamasers and turbolasers opened up across the Lightmaker's frame, Liedran's eyes fell on a swarm of small craft heading her way-- bombers. They were approaching past, mobilizing from the Imperial hangars and diving into the flotilla's waking point defense screens. She watched her own fighters breaking from the ring they'd formed around the flagship's aft hull, and with the same aggression as the Imperials, lunged forth and entered the melee. The Admiral's eyes began to narrow, for in the depths of the furious firefight, miniscule, almost humanoid shapes shot out from the underbellies of the attacking bombers, sailing past the erupting and swerving shapes of Alliance and Imperial dogfighters.

A feeling teased her mind, an old, dreaded feeling felt over Kuat and over Empress Teta. She lost track of the shapes, her eyes widening. The ship rocked as her batteries came lashing out at Korvan's flagship, but Liedran took little time to appreciate the majesty of the bombardment; she tore her feet from the rumbling ground beneath, piercing hazel eyes cutting deep into the eyes of a scanner tech. "Get me a feed on those contacts off starboard." Then a deep stare cut into the Officer of the Deck. "Mobilize the marines. Put shipboard security on high alert." There were nods from both officers before they hurried to their duties.

Lightmaker had a contingent of 300 permanently garrisoned marines and many more security officers for just the occasion. She only hoped they could be enough if a boarding party were to breach the hull.

Her suspicions were confirmed when a visual popped up on her second monitor-- armored Imperial soldiers soaring on the wings of their jetpacks, baring all manner of cutting tools as they began to decelerate. All at once, eyes widened across the CIC. The OOD began to shout into his headset, directing marines across the deck to mobilize and rush to the predicted point of entry. Emergency force fields materialized to isolate the sections, while far thicker blast doors slammed down to wall off the flagship's highest-priority areas.

"Ma'am- Ping from the Imperial flagship, bearing designation NIV Ave Imperator. Moff Ignacious Korvan in command."

She nodded grimly, subconsciously hammering a finger against the side of a monitor. Her voice darkened with her general demeanor. "Let's hear what they have to say."

[Captain Gellne Bridgeport]
[ANV Candlelit Fantasy - 109th Artillery Flotilla]
[ Direct Tag: Velran Kilran Velran Kilran ]

(AP: Armor Plating, SH: Shielding, SF: Starfighter Squadrons)
  • Flagship - Starhawk III-class Battleship
    • ANV Candelit Fantasy [AP: 99/100, SH: 63/100, SF: 0/0]
  • Novella-class Heavy Cruisers
    • ANV Footloose [AP: 99/100, SH: 89/100, SF: 1/1]
    • ANV Geyser [AP: 100/100, SH: 98/100, SF: 0/1]
    • ANV Paragon [AP: 100/100, SH: 93/100, SF: 1/1]
  • Archer-class Auxiliary Corvettes
    • ANV Champion [AP: 93/100, SH: 79/100, SF: 0/0]
    • ANV Manticore [AP: 97/100, SH: 85/100, SF: 0/0]
    • ANV Gladiator [AP: 100/100, SH: 100/100, SF: 0/0]
    • ANV Shieldbearer [AP: 100/100, SH: 100/100, SF: 0/0]
    • ANV Spearman [AP: 98/100, SH: 90/100, SF: 0/0]

Gellne's dreams had once seen them perched on the throne the Navy called an Admiral's Chair, wielding a thundering, powerful voice broadcasted for the ears of a whole fleet. They'd come true, for the most part. As the Candlelit Fantasy barreled forth, her hammer-shaped bow slamming into salvo after salvo of Imperial fire, Gellne delivered a hasty slew of commands from that renowned seat in the center of the bridge. Despite not wearing the expected insignia nor uniform, they bore the acting title of Admiral, and by all intents and purposes held full control over the motions of the 109th.

And all it took was the death of the admiral before them. The captain watched the man's bloodied corpse set on a hover-stretcher by a pair of medics, then hauled over the trail of reddened debris that led out of the bridge. Amazing what a tandem of faulty shields and intense bombardment could accomplish; the captain swallowed a lump.

The Fantasy, and the Novellas and
Archers she led in tow, began to break from the carefully orchestrated monstrosity of the Alliance battle lines. Commander Reeler, the first-officer-turned-captain of the cruiser, had picked out a formation of Imperial vessels for the flotilla's guns to be trained on. The Egghead Fleet, the name its fleet identification bore, wasn't exactly the kind of target Gellne was used to. It boasted double the ships the 109th did, led by a battlecruiser surpassing the size of the captain's own. But a great deal of the Imperial formation was frigates and corvettes. The high-tonnage vessels that remained, though themselves likely able to cripple the Alliance flotilla, could nonetheless be overwhelmed if the captain played their cards right.

"Open Fire-- All ordnances. Torpedoes and missile batteries to target their Onagers. Distribute the remaining fire across their lines."

"And open a direct comms line. Alert the EWAR techs to stand by for some good old slicing. Let's see if I can buy us some time..."
Gellne lifted from their seat, wiping the sweat from their face and another banishing an expression of nervousness and unease. The captain prayed the officer on the other end of the line would be the diplomatic type.

Or at least reckless enough to keep the link open.
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"I can hold a flank down," Driver confidently told his brother. He knocked on the side of his helmet, drawing attention to his Jaig Eyes. "They didn't give me these cause they looked cool."

Driver had held a flank back in the day with only two men at his side. Two hard hours they held the advance of those droids, allowing for a full evacuation of their unit. Driver still thought back fondly to that day. Jaig Eyes were of the highest honor amongst the Grand Army, a Mandalorian tradition with a profound history to them. So long as he wore them on his helmet, Driver never needed another medal in his life.

We used to call out the Yellow Junglecrawlers for how much you were attached to that Felucia.

The mention of Felucia managed to rise a laugh out of Driver. That felt like eons ago now. Felucia was hell, there was no doubt about that, but it was such a lost time in Driver's life, something he may never be able to go back to. Nostalgic for war. Who knew?

"Ah, Felucia," Driver laughed. "Grand time, if you ignore the disease and acklay. We had it rough out there... Though I'm sure your boys had it tough as well, what with the droid attack on the Wookies."

Omen directed his attention to a pair of recon walkers, conveniently lacking pilots. Driver was always a sucker for walkers. Maybe it was the fact that you were driving a robot. Maybe it was the speed. He didn't care either way. What mattered was that he knew how to drive one.

"I believe we shall," Driver responded, moving over to hoist himself onto the walker. "Well, I guess it's feet first into hell."


Equipment in bio.
Writing with: Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh Sylus (Γ059) Sylus (Γ059) |


For now, it seemed he got away. Little Mox crawled through machines and pumps and dropped down unknown passages, drenched in sweat due to the ambient heat and lack of reasonable ventilation in these normally inaccessible parts of the orbital defense base.

After a few minutes, he arrives at a comfortable ventilation shaft that runs above a walkway leading to one of the base's reactor cores. Again, in a hushed voice, he responds.
– Where are you, partner? I'm almost at core. Pinging again. – And with a few taps on his analogue datapad, the locational info is on its way to Phaineve. – I'm really tired of this, Phai... This is my last mission. – The weight of this decision has dragged on him for quite some time now, and Mox felt it easier to confess to his friend before they got face-to-face.

Slowing down so as not to audibly reveal his location the Anzellan spy sneaks above and past the reinforced blastdoor and into the reactor room. He should exit the vent shaft in about a minute.
Honneur, Patrie, Valeur, Discipline

Allies : The Empire | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan

Hostiles : Galactic Alliance | Ewan "Raider" Isaacs

Equipment : Uniform; custom-made blaster; cerermonial sword; telescope


Task Force 58 composition : AIV Napoléon Bonaparte (Legate-class battlecruiser, flagship); AIV Maréchal Davout (Pellaeon IV-class star destroyer); AIV Maréchal Lannes (Pellaeon IV-class star destroyer); AIV Robert Surcouf (New Imperial-I class star destroyer); AIV Jean Bart (New Imperial-I class star destroyer); AIV Dixmude (Onager II-class star destroyer); AIV Montfaucon (Onager II-class heavy cruiser); AIV Passchendaele (Onager II-class heavy cruiser); AIV L'Effroyable (Harrier-class heavy cruiser); AIV Le Téméraire (Harrier-class haevy cruiser); AIV L'Indomptable (Harrier-class heavy cruiser); AIV Le Malin (Harrier-class heavy cruiser); AIV Forbin (Cuirassier-class cruiser); AIV Cassard (Cuirassier-class cruiser); AIV Camerone (Cuirassier-class cruiser); AIV Koufra (Valiant-class star destroyer); AIV Bir Hakeim (Valiant-class star destroyer); AIV Athos (Katana-class heavy cruiser); AIV Portos (Katana-class heavy cruiser); AIV Aramis (Katana-class heavy cruiser); AIV Silencieux (stealth corvette)

Legend : comm in; comm out; ship's intercom; crew

Legate-class battleceruiser AIV Napoléon Bonaparte
Commanding officer : Commodore Albrecht Herlock

As he received his orders from the Triumvir, Herlock placed his ships into position. As soon as they were ready, he then declared : "Fire at will ! No military Alliance ship is to leave the planet, nor landing !" The guns of the twenty two ships started to ignite and suddenly fired, aiming at the ennemy ships and starfighters. The commodore gave one more order : "Begin launching sequence for all of our starfighters. I don't want to be bothered by those Alliance fighters and bombers. And I want the Onagers to use their best artillery !" 792 starfighters came out of fleet's hangars in a huge tide. The Superlaser Siege Cannon of the three Onager II-class ships opened fire, firing enormous laser bolts capable to take down a small ship into space dust. The small corvette Silencieux went into the battlefield, firing torpedoes and laser bolts with all its might, sometimes in stealth mode, sometimes uncloaked in order to deceive the ennemy.

Kelinna Tryn



ALLIES: Margo Liaeris | Velran Kilran Velran Kilran | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | FN-999 | Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan | TE
ENEMIES: Monos Monos | Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh | GA
ENGAGING: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard
GEAR: Armour | Sniper rifle | Pistol | Rifle | Vibroblade | Vibroknife | Grenade loadout



Damn wizard.

She expected some kind of retaliation. A kick in the gut wasn't one of those expectations. Even though the armour prevented her from being completely winded, she did stumble a few steps backwards.

"You've still got a chance to run and pull back your men..."

The Reaper's visor glared back at the Jedi.
"You don't have much experience with the Empire, do you, Kid?" she asked rhetorically through the vocabulator. She then deployed the energy shield from her off-hand vambrace and settled into a ready stance, blade at the ready.

Just in time too.

The young Jedi lunged at her with a flurry of strikes. She brought the blade up to intercept the strikes at her chest while she angled her off-hand in such a way that a vambrace was pointing at his gut. Instead of trying to strike him with a blade, she instead launched a repulsor wave from the vambrace at his gut, mimicking a Force Push, to try and put some distance between them once again.

"Why are you people here? This isn't Alliance territory." she asked him, settling back into a defensive stance, blade and shield at the ready.





He knew it would happen.

It was a risk to spread out like they did - easier pickings for the Force. At least the Jedi weren't as violent as the Sith. Corporal Norman had been in enough corridors, facing space wizards, that he hardly slowed when the wind of his two comrades being thrown against the roof whooshed past him.

It had been clear that the woman had conjured something to prevent being hit with particle shots, which meant that they now needed a new plan.
<Keep firing, lads. It can't last forever.> he ordered, his mind racing. It was a lot of training to go through in the span of split seconds. The only thing he did remember was everyone had to concentrate - Force or not... was a long shot, but worth it.

With his 3 other troopers concentrating fire on her, Tyler took the chance to draw his pistol. Switching to sonic setting mid movement, he fired a shot at the Jedi. It may not do any damage with her being behind some invisible barrier, but the force of it would sure as shit knock her back some, which would give them an opening to tackle her to the ground.

Or he hoped it would.

Damn space wizards and their surprises.

6th post








Saul Vandron Saul Vandron FN-999 Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Veno Veno
Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an Sahar Sahar Tyrell Lockhart Tyrell Lockhart
Melvain Braxis Melvain Braxis Jerec Yularen Jerec Yularen Rakaan Horne



Shorurra Groznik Bayaz Bayaz Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause
Qzekov Korvan Toldreyn Korvan Toldreyn Sara Roche Sara Roche Ibra Sest Ibra Sest
Sol Stazi Sol Stazi Kyell Laysel Osarla Ridor Osarla Ridor




'May the Force be with you.'

Words that took him aback, as it was the first time anyone had imparted such wishes on him since Ziost, and even as Lord Aron watched Shorurra heading off westward, the Tuath would be quite amazed by the Wookie's pure-hearted farewell. A small victory over the GA, but Gowrie would have taken any and all little wins whenever he could, even in a war between former allies; for none survived of the sort who accepted nothing less than the great, war-defining victories, and none surviving of the sort who believed that such battles could be made commonplace, or common enough to endeavour outside of the rare, suitable opportunities to draw enemies into such battles.

All were smarter, more-cautious by then, and to the extent that even the Brotherhood of the Maw were more considered with their deployments after Tython, choosing instead to bleed the Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi order for every Hex they reconquered after that. The Second Great Hyperspace War was getting nastier with every engagement, as was the norm for any Galactic-scale conflict that dragged on this way, the Empire had proven this before whilst still in her fledgling NIO form, a reality of which had been ready to show face since the very first whispers of another Galactic war were uttered on Csilla. Time needed to pass first, and the proverbial lines in the sand to be drawn and defined once and for all, but the time to address the darkening tone of the war was finally upon them, and none among the living could stop it from transpiring.

I'm beginning to doubt the Force is with any of us now....

Wars drag on, gods turns their backs in disgust soon after.

Putting the returned translator back in his pocket, the Major-General looked across the horizon once more, watching the skies burn a little before turning back eastward to return to the Imperial static line, and in his sullen mood, Gowrie couldn't help but feel like little hopes could be snatched up like the small victories. Despite all the atrocities expected of himself and of all of his colleagues among the caste of Imperial Generals, Lord Aron was relieved that his fight with the Wookies would be decided more honourably than those of others in the past, escaping any and all comparisons to the Sith of old, and from the very moment of official, public declaration; like Lord-Regent Barran, Major-General Gowrie was also a keen Imperial law-student over the years, more due to necessity before than it was for convenience on New-Alderaan.

The Tuath wanted a good fight, and in order to assure his role as a worthy, toe-to-toe antagonist for the Wookies, he knew this was the only way to escape condemnation across the Galaxy, and all for the audacity of declaring war on such beings from the offset. Great warriors though the Wookies were, all across the Galaxy had already known that their race had been endangered too much already, giving more reason to respect the history of Groznik's people, Gowrie knew it was the only way to fight them as an Imperial, to do so honourably lest it be brought against his Triumvirs as charges for war-crimes down the line, whilst also holding to the opinion that the Galidraani didn't need such stains on their prestige either.

In Lord Aron's mind, there was always another way, especially for one who wished to become the greatest living non-Kyber swordsman after Erskine Barran.

<"Gowrie to Bramber One! Parley done, meet me at the Command-Centre.... I'll be there shortly, so you can help yourself to some Cladhan in the meantime. Wildcat One out!">


Bramber Division
Commanding Officer Major General Bex Tarring


1st Brigade (2400 men) (Division HQ)

(3 x Infantry Battalions)

2nd Brigade (2400 men)

(3 x Infantry Battalions)

3rd Brigade (2400 men)

(3 x Infantry Battalions)

4th Brigade (2148 personnel-168 tanks/48 Mechanised-Infantry transports)

(3 x Mixed-Armoured Battalions)


Bramber Division Field Headquarters

<"Gowrie to Bramber One! Parley done, meet me at the Command-Centre.... I'll be there shortly, so you can help yourself to some Cladhan in the meantime. Wildcat One out!">

Bex took the communication and mulled it over in his head. He was a great fan of his compatriot, a true commander. There were those in the upper command echelons of any force by money, influence or damn-good luck. Bex was there because of a little bit of them all. Gowrie was a talented leader and their association brought honour to Galidraan. He knew the strengths of Gowrie and his Wildcat force. They were masters of armoured combat, perhaps equally blessed and ferocious in hand-to-hand combat. But their deployment in their Cataphracts was enough to give pause to anybody determined to stubbornly hold their ground against the beating drums of war, even when they accompanied the metaphorical song of Galidraan. When you danced to their tune, you made sure to dance as quickly away from whatever was coming at you as possible.

The Bramber were a different kind. No less brave but their infantry drills were ferocious. They also could be counted on for ceremonial duties, some of the finest parade ground troops in all the Imperial Army, Bex had little doubt there. Even Gowrie might relinquish that claim to the boys from the South.

Tarring responded in his clipped tones.

<"Tarring to Wildcat One. The tea is on already. The officer cadre is just cleaning up and we'll be ready for the Mission Brief. Bramber One out!">

He looked down at the table that was being cleared of elements that would be unsuitable or distracting. The battle map was laid out in clear order and updated in real-time.



Things were getting chippy now.

Velran leaned against the Holoprojector observing the battle that was being portrayed. His music turned off due to Velran needing to think. "Let's focus on the positives." Velran muttered. "The TIE Interceptors are doing a good job of holding down the right flank, the Donnegars are doing good job of kiting away from the main battle line and Captain Jodi got her head off her ass and is now taking care of the immediate threat. "You see?" Velran muttered to himself. "The moment I've took control everything is A-Ok! Seriously, how we these little nincompoops operate without me?"

"Sir!" Corporal Ednor called out. "You might want to look at this!"

"This better be good news Corporal!" Velran shouted. "Or I will scream like a schoolgirl who just saw Spider."

"Huge Ion levels detected near the High Ground!"


Velran eyes focused on the K-Wings launching their Intruder missiles, the weapons hit their mark, striking at the hall and the communication tower."

"Sir, we've lost contact with High Ground," Corporal Ednor said while Velor shook gripped the edges of the Holoprojector. "All right then!" He said. "You want to frack with me?! You want to play games huh!?! Do ya?!"

Velran turned his gaze towards Ednor. "Establish contact with the High Ground immediately!" He barked. "Their back communications should be up in a few seconds!"

"Yes sir!"

Velran typed furiously onto the pad of the Holoproject attempting to communicate with the TIE fighter squadron he sent out to intercept the Alliance Starfighters. "Hey Bobby," Velran said staring at the projection of a TIE fighter pilot. "We have a wee bit of a problem; we have identified K-Wings fracking chit up dead ahead. They're as slow as Rancor with their kneecaps blown off, so you should have no problem outmaneuvering them! Take those bastards out..... pretty please?"

"Roger that Admiral!" Bobby replied. "Death Squadron form up on me! Take out those bruisers! Second Squad just keep those T-65XN "Wolf-X fighters busy!"

Velran pressed a couple of buttons. "How are those guns people?!" He asked the remaining Captains of the Onager crew.

"30 seconds until full charge sir!" They announced in unison.

"I spy with my little eye something beginning with: MAKE YOUR MINIJUMPS NOW BECAUSE YOU HAVE MISSILE BATTERIES AIMING AT YOU!"

The captains were shaken up but otherwise bowed and made their jumps to their locations before the projectiles could hit them however the missiles batteries continued to batter the High Ground. The TIE Fighters sent by Velran arrived firing in unison towards the K-Wings. They've destroyed two and damaged one more as they continued to engage the K-Wings. The TIE Fighters from the High Ground continued to chase Ari Naldax Ari Naldax and her squadron across the Star Destroyer while the Corvette unleashed 4 Proton Torpedoes, 2 of them heading straight for Ari.

"Now that's more like it," Velran said. "Get those Imperial Class Star Destroyers and Frigates and engage the nearest battleship! The ANV Fantasy!"

Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause , Ignacious Korvan Ignacious Korvan , FN-999, Castor E-196 Castor E-196 , Mylo Thorne, GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd.

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