Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Sharing is Kayri-ng | GA Dominion of Kayri III

The Admiralty

Arage could appreciate the smooth efficiency of the SIA.

So often democratically-run bodies were exhaustingly deficient. Slow, slumberous, understaffed, overbudgeted. It seemed that at least one aspect of the Alliance was above her expectations and that ensured this meeting would presumably avoid giving her a migraine. It would be an interesting meeting all around as far as she was concerned.

The Alliance and Humbarine had been dancing around each other for years now.

But if their leadership had feared Arage to be a meddlesome thorn in their aside at the start of it... well... they had been disappointed. The Lord Admiral of the Humbarine sector proved to be a pragmatic sort. She didn't do things out of ideology or belief. In fact, the longer Arage was in power, the less clear it became what or if she believed in anything at all.

Except maintaining her own powerbase.

Which was problematic in its own right, of course. Seeing as the Alliance saw itself as liberal bastion of likeminded states. Luckily she wasn't made to wait long at all, not even in the classy waiting room, and practically slid into the Director's office.

She sat down, back rigid like a metal bar was shoved down her spine and crossed one leg over the other. Amber-colored eyes met the Chiss' red. They both knew the Intelligence office had been aggressive about their attempts to track down any measure of Force-sensitivity in the dictator. They also both knew the SIA had come empty time and time again.

It did not seem likely that amber eyes coincided with a secret Sith Lord dictator ruling openly.

"Oh, it was uneventful, Director, and that is all we can hope for in these troubling times, yes?" Smooth and lacking inflection as both of them seized each other up. Only at the comment of something strong did Arage allow herself a little smile. More like a curl at the edge of her mouth.

"Your eye does not fail you even now, but water will be plenty. I do not mix business with pleasure... usually." That last word as an idle thought murmured. But Arage never said anything she didn't want to say. Nothing was idle even when it seemed like it. Calculated, measured, deployed after careful consideration.

"Shall we then? I believe the SIA and Humbarine Intelligence has played their little cat-and-mouse games for long enough. Perhaps it is time for the adults to have a frank conversation about expectations."

Oh, yes, the reputation of Arage's bluntness was entirely earned.
Plutus Incarnate
"Well that was aggressive.", one of the Invesment Managers next to Dorian intoned off the microphone.​
"Do you know her?"​
"No - Some Jedi turned politician it would seem. Another for the annals of history.", he said, half listening to her as she spoke of the Alliance's direct control over trade and integration of the systems. When she was done, Dorian would respond;​
"I believe Auteme Auteme has the right of it - besides a few ad hominiem statements no doubt made from the stress of the situation.", he said - offering her both a save and a slight at her obtuse use of political pressure.​
"In time having more traditional government standards from the Alliance would be best - I and the IGBC fully support her proposition. However -", he quickly followed.​
"I believe that the time it would take to not only write up doctrine, implement it, and expend the time and effort to the region may not be possible in the short window the Alliance has. As Auteme Auteme overstated, the Confederacy had a booming economy with massive corporations; using the infrastructure that is already there will allow the Alliance to step in where other nations may not be able to. The IGBC has the connections to foster that speed - and the willingness to hand off control to the Alliance when required to do so."​
"Were we to implement Auteme Auteme 's strategy immediately, we would put ourselves on a level playing field with other nations in the region; and slow the economic recovery of the area greatly. While she no doubt has concern for the people in mind, as we all do, the Alliance is far too leveraged in its war with the Maw to defend trade lanes from the Nether Creatures and Pirates that form from this anarchy; nor does it have the regulatory capacity to bring the Confederation corporations into its fold without mediation."​
"So let me again reiterate - I agree with Auteme Auteme 's proposal, it is the best for the Alliance and the people long term to have the protection and trade regulation of a Senatorial Committee; but in the moment, for the good of the people and the Alliance, we should move quickly to alleviate the most immediate concerns, and help stop the economic whiplash from falling completely in the range of sector wide poverty."​


Aiko Hayata|Coruscant|Business
Tags: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe // Mirana Praji Mirana Praji // Shran Shran // Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto // Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn // Auteme Auteme // Faith Organa Faith Organa // Nayeïr Orega Nayeïr Orega // Eboi Seth Eboi Seth // Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce // Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi // Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo // Brama Tagge Brama Tagge // Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr // Grand Moff Vel'alari // Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn // Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx // Annasari Annasari // Gat Tambor Gat Tambor // Veles Oshu Veles Oshu // Ruus


Aiko listened to the proceedings with interest and half bemusement on her own end, flanked by two of her bodyguards, the head of Hayata corp lounged herself on a reclining chair that took up much of her podium. She'd much rather be smoking and making deals in some high-end restaurant in the rich districts of Coruscant. Still, instead, she, unfortunately, found herself surrounded by Jedi, loathsome oafs labelling themselves as senators and failed businessmen. The irony wasn't lost on her; she wanted to be here; she'd stuffed the chancellor's pockets with a sweet sum of credits to get here. That legitimacy and stature were worth countless credits, especially to her own quest to expand Hayata corp and expand the trade federations operations.

Once Dorian had finished his overdrawn monologue and withdrawn from the forefront, Aikos pod moved into the middle and the Atrisian businesswoman arose from her recliner and bowed to Tithe as one might do before performing a play.

"I'd deem it a business hazard to put faith into such words and ideas; you say the Confederacy economy was booming Mr Harper, but it fell apart faster than a shoddily built outer world shack, it's wise to put faith in more stable institutions and all the Confederacy government is but a footnote in the legacy of another state."

She paused momentarily before dramatically reaching out above herself as if almost speaking to a greater power above.

"The Alliance, built upon democratic ideals and strong governance, would know it foolish to put stock into the words of a snake oil salesman like Mr Harper her; wheree is your success stories Harper? where is your currency? all abject failures in the grand scheme of things."

Harper's only successes lay with the moribund remains of the Confederacy, which for all its size and splendour had gone out with a whimper against the encroaching darkness of wild space. Nevertheless, Aiko and her ilk in the Trade federation could at least boast of a diversified business portfolio, with multiple projects in Alliance space, Imperial space and beyond.

"Here at the esteemed institution of the Trade Federation, we'd be glad and honoured to offer the Chancellor our helping and trusted hand in securing the bountiful wealth of the south, and where needed, provide support to the countless refugees of war."
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Objective lll- Protect The Envoy and Make Sure Everything Goes Well.
Kayri III
Equipment: REC-LA/02 Combat Armour HG-54 "The Vora" Verpine Hand Cannon REC-DC/01 "Thunderwasp" Particle Blaster Rifle C-11 "Nastirci" Combat Knife B-11 Greitis-class Combat Boots

Barr looked over at the Prime Minister of the Ashlan Crusade ( Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana ) and her allies as she walked down the ramp and took notice of the Prime Minister's status. He didn't really care who came out of the shuffle that the woman came out of but knew that he was going to have to protect them, much to his annoyance. But a part of him knew that he would be protecting important people and sighed, relenting in the silence of the realization at the possibility of more people coming along to support aid to the Charon colony. More people would need to be protected by him and his soldiers in case the Charon leaders decide to ambush the people giving support as unlikely it may seem. Barr just didn't want the worst-case scenario to happen as he would have to contend not only with engaging in a firefight where the possibility of losing your life can happen at any time and protect the non-combatants that were going to get in the way.

His attention was diverted into his own mind with thoughts of how he was going to protect the other non-GA Solders until it was diverted back into Crusade's presence. She spoke to him, while he provided her with his undivided attention, something that his father taught to him during his teenage years. The newly acquired information was a relief to the young man who showed a small smile while keeping a steely stance on his face toward the Prime Minister. "That good to hear Prime Minister, you're marine will become a great help to us." He spoke heartedly but with enough enthusiasm to make sure that the information that was given to him was welcomed. "My commanding officer will take over command of the marine." He finished, awaiting the woman's response.
Plutus Incarnate
"Who's this one?", another said.​
Dorian, for his best guess - also didn't know. Under their own admission a member of the Trade Federation; but that hardly narrowed it down, they tended to let everyone into their ranks.​
"I'm unsure if you've been informed by the news, reports, or your eyes as to why the Confederacy failed - but I believe it was 'Supernatural Nether Based Terrorism', Miss Aiko Hayata Aiko Hayata , I understand the Trade Federation has minimal experience with large scale fiscal policy but that tends to make them 'fall apart'.", he said with a slight frown.​
It was odd that the Senate preferred ad hominem in the excess to decide on the future of policy, rather than true merit. So, as she asked for credentials and success stories, Dorian shrugged and would offer it -​
"If you need success stories then I shall provide. The IGBC served as the founding monetary source for the Core when it was unifying. Not only did we rebuild the Kuat Drive Yards the first time with the Greyson Imperium, but we served as a major trade facilitator during the prior Chancellor's governorship. Notably, during the Confederacy First ordeal, we helped stabilize Galactic Economies from freefall through our use of Trade standardization - and planets across the galaxy still work under those policies. If your concern is the Galactic Standard Credit - It is still in use across much of the Confederacy's old territory; unlike your own."​
"I believe the Banks large repitoire of successful corporations also aids us in reliability. Jaeger, Locke and Key, and more recently the acquisition of Aurora - all major businesses on the Galactic playing field. The Trade Federation, in comparison has -"​
He paused for a moment as he glanced over some holograms before him. Notes on what the TF had and did not have.​
"Huttaburger.", he said with a cringe.​
"Regardless - the IGBC has already shown as to why it would offer the most reliable, fastest, and geniune form of support for both the Alliance and the Confederate populations. Should the Alliance choose not to back the IGBC on the SILK bill, then we will simply do it anyway - what we ask for is a mutual benefit between the expansive Alliance economy, and the well established IGBC. Poor insults from the desperate and ill informed -", he made a glance to Aiko Hayata Aiko Hayata specifically.​
"- mean little when lives and economies are at stake. While I can plead to the Senate's logical mind, I can not force the adversial to be anything more than that. Should the proposal be accepted with the IGBC's bid, then we would be more than willing to bring other entities - such as the Trade Federation - into the fold on the current standard of trade facilitation."​
With that, Dorian's pod would retreat. The Senate seemed to have a bone to pick with the IGBC despite it being a historically friendly organization with the Senate; which was odd. He could imagine why the Trade Federation was hostile - they were afterall an offshoot of the banking clan close to the force retirement of their founder Gat Tambor Gat Tambor ; but why the Jedi like Auteme Auteme were was lost upon him. Hopefully, the rest of the Senate see their track record and agree - or at the very least stop assuming them some enemy of the Alliane without any implications as to why.​

@Aerarii Tithe // @Mirana Praji // @Shran // @Xasha Callisto // @Sssar Taszzn // @Auteme // @Faith Organa // @Nayeïr Orega // @Eboi Seth // @Dracken Pryce // @Mazik Stazi // @Donavon Arturo // @Brama Tagge // @Elizie Athacorr // @Grand Moff Vel'alari // @Ishani Sibwarra // @Dominique Vexx // @Annasari // @Gat Tambor // @Aiko Hayata // @Ruus
Objective: 1
Location: Galactic Senate
Tags: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe || Veles Oshu Veles Oshu || Faith Organa Faith Organa || Eboi Seth Eboi Seth || Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi || Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo || Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Grand Moff Vel'alari || Brama Tagge Brama Tagge || Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx || Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn || Gat Tambor Gat Tambor || Aiko Hayata Aiko Hayata || Ruus || Auteme Auteme || Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto || Nayeïr Orega Nayeïr Orega || Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn || Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce


Shran sat and listened to the other senators argue back and forth. Agree, disagree. Make suggestions. It was such a tedious process for a single piece of legislation. His mind drifted back to the last time he had enjoyed working on Coruscant. His days as the Minister of Defense for the old CIC. For all of its flaws, of which there were many, it was efficient. When leadership wanted something done, it got done. It wasn't questioned in an open forum. It wasn't debated in a committee. It was ordered and those orders were either carried out or those responsible would be replaced with someone who could get it done. Those days had been refreshing. Now, the former Minister, Admiral, High Lord, and now current Senator had to do everything in his power not to fall asleep while he listened to the others drone on. The fact of the matter was, he could not care less about whether this legislation actually passed or not. But if Shran was anything, he was politically savvy and he was not above bending the knee and kissing the ring when he thought it would be beneficial to do so. This was one of those times. He was making his debut as a freshman senator and his first assignment was deliberating on legislation proposed by the chancellor himself. Shran couldn't have asked for a better gift for his first assignment. In addition, Shran had his attache do some digging and was able to find out that same chancellor had history with the Sith Empire. Being that Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe was a member of the corporatist bloc, Shran could deduce that likely did not care much about the Imperial cause but it mattered little. The resume was enough for Shran to convince himself to go all in and stand with the chancellor on this matter, hoping to score brownie points.

"Colleagues, I for one fail to even see what the question here is. The former CIS territories are in chaos. They need our help, now more than ever. Now, I will be the first to say that this bill does not go far enough. If it were up to me there would be much direct involvement of this body, or ideally the chancellor's office, to oversee the rebuilding and revitalizing of that territory. With that being said, this is a good first step. Allowing our corporate allies to go in and help foster regrowth will make it easier for us to save them from total anarchy. That is really what this is about. Avoiding a region succumbing to anarchy. Now more than ever they require strong, centralized leadership to bring stability and security back to the area. I am inclined to agree with the notion that a government built on corporations alone cannot stand as the CIS proved. I once again urge this body to stand with me, by the chancellor's side and allow him to take the first step in addressing this situation in the best possible way."
Voice for the voiceless
Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe || Veles Oshu Veles Oshu || Faith Organa Faith Organa || Eboi Seth Eboi Seth || Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi || Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo || Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Grand Moff Vel'alari || Brama Tagge Brama Tagge || Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx || Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn || Gat Tambor Gat Tambor || Aiko Hayata Aiko Hayata || Ruus || Auteme Auteme || Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto || Nayeïr Orega Nayeïr Orega || Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn || Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce || Others...

The Chiss Arbiter listened rather stoically to the debate and opinions of the senators and other representatives in the assembly. Her eyes glowed white as she subtly transmitted updates to Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix through her cybernetic implants. She was quite a masterpiece, and a rather intriguing one at that as she was adorned in an elaborate garment and headdress which concealed the truth of her nature as a cyborg. From the outset, one would simply assume she was either Chiss or Pantoran, the lack of red eyes likely what would cause uncertainty.

As she recieved a transmitted message in response from Tiresh, The Arbiter placed her hand on the control in front of her, ready to move her pod forward for recognition as the current representative of Lujo. Once the floor found some breathing room, her pod proceeded onto the floor. After being recognized, she began to communicate Tiresh's desired contribution to the discussion.

"On behalf of Lujo, as a representative of Senator Kobitana and, by extension, the Concordist Party... along with the respectable Senator from Constancia..." Her head turned slightly and nodded in Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto 's direction, "... It is of my Senators opinion that economic stability for our neighbors is critical in this hour, however concern for mega corporations to govern without oversight is unacceptable and could lead to exploitation. Therefore my Senator would like to second Auteme Auteme 's proposal for a committee to be formed from this chamber. Companies that desire to help and participate in this venture would be expected to submit an application to this committee, as well as open themselves up to an extensive audit. Auditors would be approved and provided by the committee, helping to keep the integrity of the audit upheld. If a company refuses such an audit, then perhaps that is enough of a vetting process to make sure it is good and respectable companies which are helping to stabilize the region. As an additional benefit to these approved companies, we might offer significant tax incentives for further motivation, if taking advantage of vulnerable markets is not enough as it is. My Senator would also request that an acceptable percentage of the profit gained from this region be allocated towards humanitarian relief throughout the region, which could be provided by the Kobitana Foundation, as well as other foundations which might desire to contribute. To this end, Senator Kobitana would request to be a member of this committee, to help oversee the humanitarian efforts and to ensure the integrity of the application and audit process."
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Plutus Incarnate
Dorian sat in his pod as the managers around him spoke about the subtleties of Galactic Alliance affairs - which Senator was found meeting in another's late at night, the usual interesting drama that came with such affairs. Mr. IGBC himself, however, was more curious about who was proposing these ideas. With the Corporatists 'leading' the charge in the Senate with Tithe as Chancellor, he found it odd that the only support thus far was in over reaching government regulations bordering Imperialistic.​
Perhaps Tithe hadn't forgotten his Sith roots, afterall, he mused to himself.​
The arrival of this The Arbiter The Arbiter peaked his interest again. It was rather forward to both decry corporate interests and finish their statement with offering their own 'humanitarian' support - so long as their foundation was paid. At the very least they could have changed the name - but that would do little to hide the fact they were still involved. Dorian, for all he had come to know of the Senate seemed to realize with every passing moment the Senators of the Alliance had little in the way of subtlely.​
And if not that, they certainly carried governmental ambition. How they'd expand into the region fast enough to secure it from the other governments however, seemed less humanitarian and more greedy. And they called him the Devil of the Banks.​
"Cybele.", he chimed to his AI who was routed into the pod's computer.​
"Make a notation on who speaks - I want a full dossier on them at your soonest convenience."​

Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Kayri III, en route to meet with the local government
Action: Organizing the supply drop off and readying for new Member World integration


His eyes turned to face an unfamiliar voice, a greeting from the Senator of Lujo, a somewhat new member of the Senate. Seto returned the greeting with his own, “-Senator Kobitana, an honour and pleasure. I hope the journey to the Southern borders was enjoyable.” He offered a kind smile , brilliant shinning cerulean eyes, and a small bow of his head.

He had not expected this kind of delegation, and even when he was notified of an Ashlan escort group, the young Du Couteau heir never expected this kind of a group. And quite a bit of an armed security detail. Seto had opted for only two Senate Guards for this journey and both were situated at quite some distance away from him. The history of this planet was one of battle scars and constant hostilities, so Seto wanted to present an olive branch.

Though with this kind of an armed escort I should warn them of the thorns on that branch.

Seto silently mused to himself as he continued to move towards the appointed meeting place of the Charon government. Rather, what could be called a local government on a colony world. He moved with a determined step to catch up to the Senator of Lujo so he could walk alongside her to speak before meeting with the Charon leadership.

“The Alliance supports nearly all new Member World Applicants, but do keep in mind to not over-promise or how quickly they would be given full Member status.” Seto explained as he remembered the debacle of Jakku and one Senator Annasari when the subject of being given a full member status was on the table for debate.

“However, when it comes to economic support, market viability and an introduction to a nearby hyperlane trade route you have my full support.” Seto added, as the Chair of Finance and Commerce he had some leeway to push around which new planet was given priority for hyperlanes. And it doesn’t hurt to have a few friends in GAMA either I guess. Seto mused silently to himself.

“If you have any questions for me, please ask. As representatives of the Alliance we have a duty to present a united appearance.”

|| Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix | Barr Vexos Barr Vexos ||
if they're watching anyways

Auteme's pod withdrew slightly to give the floor to others, but it seemed that Director Harper wanted it all to himself -- his quickness to respond to both her and the following jab from Hayata that seemed so suggest his insecurity. At the very least he didn't look it; there was the smooth elegance of an experienced corporate officer behind his words, but what his stumbles and stilted excuses betrayed his true feelings.

Hayata's step forward was more revealing, though. The fact that those two felt confident enough to propose themselves as centerpieces to this new legislation, before it'd even passed, showed far more about Tithe. Was it so sure? Only one Senator had shown full support for the bill through his speech, but the Chancellor's voting bloc was not insignificant.

When the... assistant of the Senator of Lujo spoke up, Auteme began to make her way forward again.

"It seems we are all in agreement," she said, cutting through the debate. "If not on this bill, then at least on the idea that the preferred solution would be more direct government oversight, as the Member for Byss has said." She smiled to the Chiss. Obviously they would agree on little, but it was helpful that he had decided to point out a superior alternative to his own position while trying to defend it.

"Even our good partner, Director Harper, agrees -- so what are we afraid of? That we will not be 'quick' enough? That things will be worse by the time we get there? The Senate is far better equipped to handle such issues than anyone else. We should be working towards a solution that benefits the Alliance and the people of the galactic south." And not merely the corporations we would send there.

She turned to look briefly at the Chiss woman and smiled. The support was nice, if the ambition was a touch overt. "While I appreciate the Member for Lujo's enthusiasm -- and, of course, the Trade Federation and IGBC's, in looking to place themselves in this legislation -- we should be focusing on the matter at hand, which is whether or not this bill passes. I will say no more, I believe this discussion has been rich enough.

"I motion to table this act."
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Listen, watch, listen again. It was the way of politics well it was the way of conversation. A politician needed to know how to listen and then with a bit of decorum and elegance speak their position with hope of swaying someone to their side.

She agreed with what was said though she had the pod move forward and moved to a position where they could see her. It was an awesome sight within these chambers the voice of the people, swayed by kickback, favors, and those who genuinely wanted to do the right thing. A mixture for certain but a necessary mixture. She turned her gaze back to the Chancellor, "Alderaan will not repeat everything that has been said. But it is agreed that the systems to the south require assistance, and aide, and a way to rebuild. It is also agreed with all that has been said about how corporations should not be allowed to come in without some type of oversight." Faiths concerns would not be mentioned there would be no purpose to it but her thoughts were that corporations had been known to take advantage of the weak to gain a credit. Credits were everything to some weren't they.

"We will send the medical fleet from Alderaan as soon as we know which of those systems need assistance, food, medicine, and perhaps some comfort other than that I second to table the act"

Short to the point and with little fanfare. The pod moved back as Faith sat. Becca moved closer not saying anything, "Should I alert anyone?"

Faith nodded, "Not until we know where to go" They couldn't just start on one end of the galaxy and to go the next. They needed a plan, "Schedule a meeting though of the committee on Health, well start there"

Mirana Praji Mirana Praji | Auteme Auteme | Shran Shran | Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto | Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn | Nayeïr Orega Nayeïr Orega | Eboi Seth Eboi Seth | Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce | Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi | Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo | Brama Tagge Brama Tagge | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx | Annasari Annasari | Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | Veles Oshu Veles Oshu | Aiko Hayata Aiko Hayata | Ruus | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe

Objective I | New Silk Curtains

Location: Galactic Senate
Objective: Protect cultural interests
Tags: all the politicos... so many

Xasha listened to the argument that had formed between rival corporations trying to carve their slice of the profits. It was inevitable really, they were competitors, to them this was not about people, it was about making sure they got the fattest share of any potential profits. Looking at the Chiss representative from Lujo, she wondered where their Senator was, hopefully doing something productive.

She got a moment to speak again "Constancia agrees with the setting up of a committee with oversight of the companies involved, if we are committed to ceding our privilege of nation building to the corporations." It was a weighted description intended to remind the gathered Senators of the duty that they had. " The Honorable representatives of both the IGBC and Trade Federation are busy people would surely appreciate the reduced administrative burden that accompanies their kind offers of support for our southern borders." she smiled at the businessmen, honorable representatives sounded so much more polite than greedy money grabber.

She felt that this deal was going to go through, it wasn't a bad deal in the Grand scheme and she could support it in most part, and if she could get assurances that the companies would behave appropriately then she too could vote in favour. Ideally she would like the government to shape the future for the people, but with the current Chancellor in the pockets of the corpos it was about mitigation for the current tenure.

If Arage Bao Arage Bao 's commentary toward the SIA irked the director, she didn't show it. She simply offered a tight nod and folded one leg over the other in her seat, leaning back.

"Expectations are exactly the foundation for our meeting." The chiss agreed, "The suggestions you've received related to Kuat do contain parameters.

You did well getting Loghain into power many years ago. What, if any, operational changes would you be expecting to implement? Or, how are you imagining your installment being executed?"

Her lips thinned, considering something.

"Acknowledging the ephemerality of your timeline of course."

Those representing corporate interests made their willingness to support the legislation quickly known. The IGBC and Trade Federation each sought recognition, trading barbs while offering their services to the Alliance and its restoration of the southern systems. “The Alliance is most gracious for the support of the Trade Federation,” Tithe replied, as if there had ever been doubt that Alliance credits would flow through the powerful conglomerate. “And the Banking Clan, yes, your support in this endeavour would be revered. As I understand it, your Galactic Standard Credit is the dominant tender throughout the southern systems. My, your assistance in exchanging it for the Galactic Alliance Credit through your network of shopfronts will go a long, long way to stabilising the regional markets.”

The Member for Arkania sought clarity as to which companies would take up to work to restore to Confederacy systems, with the Member of Epoch warning against alleged corporate greed. The Members for Lujo, Alderaan and Constancia quickly moved to support Senate oversight of the endeavour.

“If I may,” Tithe offered. “As the Member for Byss rightfully points out, we should move with haste to support our southern neighbours. Now a committee, with all the minutiae and rigmarole…” The Chancellor waved his hands in a complicated web of contrived symbolism. “I’ll tell you this, I’ve been on a lot of committees, and while they have their place, moving with the necessary haste is not their, uhh, forte. Now, you know someone who does work at pace, the bureaucrats, that's who. How about we let the boffins in the Department Commerce, those folks who eat and breath this stuff, let’s leave it to them. The experts as it were.”

He opened the floor to questions and turned to his Vice Chancellor, muting the microphone for a moment.

“Bad idea indeed! Nothing to worry about my dear from where I’m standing. You know, I can be perfectly diplomatic when the mood necessitates.”
Alice watched for any sign of movement, any that would signal where the entrance truly was.

She waited in the stealth field, knife ready. Then at last, she saw it, both with the aid of a built in mini Seismic Sensor, as well as both auditory, olfactory and visual upgrades, she perceived the stealth fields worn by the soldiers exiting out of the hidden base.

Her newly installed Communication Wave Descrambler intercepted their transmissions.

"Alpha Fox Ten is Hot. Alpha Fox Eleven is Hot. Designate Drama Queen and Designate Rowdy Dog are Whiskey. Repeat, Whiskey."

"Solid Copy. Will Tailgate Alpha Fox Ten."

Alice began to follow what she detected as a seven person crew into the colony itself. Then she stopped.

Those code words could have been anything, but if she tried to stop it piecemeal, whatever they were planning, she would surely fail.

Planning was vital in this instance.

Alice silently sprinted back to the hidden entrance, diving in as it closed.

It was a bunker of some kind. Well lit.

Alice took out her knife, passing under high tech scanners.

It wasn't Maw. It was Final Dawn. She saw some of the equipment passing personnel had, as well as sigils on certain equipment.

These psychopaths. Great. Just great. The Android thought. They'd stop at nothing to make sure they succeeded.

Alice crept deeper into the bunker, looking for directions, only to realize it was hopeless. Black Ops likely memorized where everything was. She'd have to explore.

Alice moved silently but swiftly through the passages, looking first for some kind of security room. She found it. It was large, fully staffed. Armed with Disruptors and Explosives. But the key was communications. Both Security and Communications would have to be seized at the same time.

Alice waited until one of the Final Dawn operatives moved, slipping into the armory section and grabbing a Det charge when their backs were turned...then she sprinted out silently, using her X-Ray vision mode to look for cables in the walls, junctions regulating power flow to transmitters. She soon found them (but not before planting the det charge somewhere discreet and close to the Security Section and followed them up, coming across a small communications room where she listened to the Comm Officer making a transmission to the stealthed team she had just seen leaving, noticing two computer screens showing different sections of the Colony, both packed.

"Roger. Alpha Fox Ten is Whiskey. Proceed with pruning measures. Advise Measure to be snug against Kennel. Will check back in Five. Out." The Officer said before switching off communications

The Knife was against his throat instantly.

"How long do I have before you contact them?" Alice hissed.

"You'll never stop the Final Dawn..." the Officer hissed back defiantly.

"Ah, think you're immune to pain, eh?" Alice gloated.

There were two reasons the unholy shrieks from his throat didn't carry beyond the room. One was the thick walls, the other was the hand cupped over his mouth.

"Let's try that again..." Alice hissed in delight while covered in his blood, watching him writhing on the floor, soaked in his own blood as well.

"How long do I have?"

"Ten minutes! We halved the times in case anyone was listening!"

"What are Alpha Fox Ten and Eleven?" Alice demanded, knowing he wasn't lying through minute analysis of facial expressions and heart rate.

"They... they're teams armed with Baridium Bombs... they're gonna plant it in the delegations meeting place. There's two different areas, on the screens there. That's where--"

Another few seconds of muted shrieking. The walls were splashed with blood and so was she.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire..." Alice sneered, brandishing the knife at her now mutilated victim.

"I want. The truth." she hissed. "How I get it is up to you..."

The Officer, pushed past his ability to withstand torture through very clever and exact knife work began to sing like a bird, quickly learning that every lie he tried to throw in only got him more knifing. The agony was too much. He eventually told the truth about everything, with three minutes to spare. (He found it was impossible to mix lies with truth as well.)

Alice had soon hijacked communications.

"Designate Drama Queen, Designate Rowdy Dog, you are ordered to hold position for the next three minutes..." she said, using the Officer's voice after making sure his last moments were unbridled, silent suffering.

Then she rapidly began beaming the coordinates of this place and the locations of the attack teams to relevant forces present on Kayri under direct control of IVI IVI . They would be wearing stolen Alliance Uniforms...

Then she blew the det charge and a massive explosion rang out through the bunker...
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The Admiralty

"They always do." Arage murmured slyly at the mention of parameters.

None of this brought her joy truth to be told.

Part of her hoped that Julius Loghain Julius Loghain would have succeeded at his rebellion. It might have paved way for Humbarine independence and solidifying control of her own part of the region. Instead Kuat turned into a karking battleground. Brother fighting sister. Untold slaughter of civilians, patriots and external elements.

The latter of which did not concern her, but Arage would be damned if she invited that sort of discord onto Humbarine's soil.

In the last few decades Humbarine had managed to rebuild under her careful aegis. No ideology, pure pragmatism guiding her every step of the way, even when her old friend had turned towards more extreme actions. Did she sympathize? Yes, certainly. The Imperial bend of ways had always appealed to her more.

Her own personal preferences mattered little.

"The ones necessary to instill order, Director. Order, law and discipline." Clipped smooth tone as she finally took a sip of water. "I have extensive connections with the Kuati underworld stemming back from those unruly days." Her own sister helped with that and she was more thankful of Sab's foresight now than ever before.

"Rooting out the... ah, external factors that have helped destabilize Kuat will take some doing, but will be priority. I think we can both agree that the only ones that should interfere in Alliance business is the Alliance, no?"

M brought up just how quick it was all moving, but the light shrug that Arage employed suggested she wasn't that worried about it.

"Luckily I foresaw that the particular bend our mutual acquaintance was going down on would be explosive. The people of Kuat tie me to stability. I was there when Kuat was brought low, my soldiers made sure there would be no rioting or looting. And it was my hand that delivered them a man that gave them decades of... peace." Another sip, measured, every pause a break to size up her opponent. "Elaine is your hope, Director, but let's be honest with each other. She will never stand a chance against the sharp revolving door of politics.

If that occurs, I will not sit idly by and let Kuat's unrest spill into the Humbarine Reach. Kuat's stability is Humbarine's stability and I will do whatever is necessary to ensure my Sector remains unspoiled by these troubles."

There, Arage had just dropped the glove on the table by directly saying she would get herself involved, if the Kuat situation would deteriorate.
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Location: Kayri II
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsabers: Link!
"I don't like this."
Valery heard her Padawan's words in the back of her mind, but she was too focused to respond. Her senses expanded through the area, analyzing more than just living beings, or the lack thereof. She was responsible for the two she brought along with her, and there was no way she'd allow anything to catch them by surprise.
"We're not alone," Valery said after a moment as she began to move towards the ghost town.
Her aura still very much showed that she was paying less attention to her immediate surroundings — she felt a danger lingering in the Force. Death always left a powerful echo that could remain for years, but she felt something more closely tied to whoever had caused this, rather than those who had lost their lives.
"Stay together you two. Let's find those responsible."
With a quick flick, one lightsaber hilt shifted down into her hand. She didn't ignite the blade just yet, but it was hopefully a clear sign to her Padawans that they should be expecting trouble.
Valery then began to move deeper into the village.
Voice for the voiceless
Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe || Veles Oshu Veles Oshu || Faith Organa Faith Organa || Eboi Seth Eboi Seth || Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi || Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo || Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Grand Moff Vel'alari || Brama Tagge Brama Tagge || Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx || Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn || Gat Tambor Gat Tambor || Aiko Hayata Aiko Hayata || Ruus || Auteme Auteme || Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto || Nayeïr Orega Nayeïr Orega || Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn || Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce || Others...

The Arbiters eyes continued to glow as she transmitted the progression of thoughts and opinions presented by the others to Tiresh. After a bit, she she pushed her pod out again into the middle, awaiting her turn to speak.

“While the honorable Chancellor is correct in stating that there is an immediate need, I fear that we might risk jeopardizing our relationships and control within the region if we do not begin to think about a more long-term and stabilizing way forward. While I am not criticizing the intentions of the honorable members of the IGBC ( Veles Oshu Veles Oshu ) or the Trade Federation ( Aiko Hayata Aiko Hayata ) …” She turned and nodded respectfully in their directions, “There are many corporations out there that would have a more… narrow… perspective of their role in stabilizing the region.” That was probably the nicest way she could think of to bring home her point while not causing friction with the corporations present, “If we simply allow cooperations be the face of the Alliance in the region, then there is a substantial risk that our representation will be skewed and limited in it’s scope. The last thing that any of us would want is to unintentionally cultivate a negative light of this noble and well-intentioned Alliance, and allow for those governments with more sinister intentions to obtain a foothold within the region.”

She took a moment, looking around the chamber, “My Senator could support the passing of this legislation in an attempt to provide immediate stabilization to the region, but only if a council from this chamber is formed in order to deliberate and implement the many other faucets of need that exist, and to pursue a more well rounded representation of the Galactic Alliance throughout the region. And my Senator would still expect full audits to be done at the standards previously mentioned on every corporation involved… while allowing for them to operate unhindered before the audit is completed. However, if any red flags are discovered for any corporation, they would be expected to meet with the council with the possibility of being removed from Alliance support within the region. That might be an acceptable compromise?”
"The ones necessary to instill order, Director. Order, law and discipline."
"I have extensive connections with the Kuati underworld stemming back from those unruly days."

M offered a knowing smile that didn't reach her eyes. Underground connections with the desire for order, law, and discipline defined by a leader and that leader alone had limited definitions. All of which were not ideal in the eyes of freedom and liberty.

"Rooting out the... ah, external factors that have helped destabilize Kuat will take some doing, but will be priority. I think we can both agree that the only ones that should interfere in Alliance business is the Alliance, no?"

Her smile remained, offering only a tilt of her head at the shared agreement shared under the veil of what would have otherwise been humorous.

"I hope to be surprised by Lady Elaine." M admitted after Arage articulated what the underlying concern was in the rightful heir to Kuat. She'd been in power before, usurped, and her return might be celebrated but her hold over the throne was likely tenuous at best. It had been many years since she'd been in power, and the galaxy had changed.

"Should that not be the case, your connections and your armies, what is your expectation of Alliance oversight? The official marshal service to oversee and assist with the transition.

It would be expected that official delegates from the shared resources of The Alliance are dispatched to how The Alliance's interest in Kuat's stability."
The Admiralty

"I find that in our business hope is merely an impediment for more successful and pragmatic solutions, Director." Arage responded almost to the tune, as if she had been expecting it, but then again. If you put your chips on someone like Elaine... then clearly you could only have hope up your sleeve. Unless of course they had replaced Elaine with a more experienced and malleable clone-

No, no. That wasn't very Galactic Alliance like.

A third sip as she let that last question linger between them.

"I would be pointing out the obvious that the Alliance isn't really loved by either side on the planet." Murmured delicately, yes, but anything 'delicate' coming out of Arage was suspect.

"Our mutual friend's side hates you with the passion of... well, to say that would be to be indecent." Her fingers curled around the glass and kept it to her side for now. Something pleasant about the cool feeling against her hand. "Elaine. Well, I don't think her supporters have quite forgotten how long the Alliance has sat on their hands and played nice with her usurper. They are playing nice right now, because they know she cannot take the throne from our mutual friend on her own."

A black mark in its own regard as far as Arage was concerned.

"This is all to say that I welcome a limited oversight from the Alliance, if the unfortunate befalls Elaine. But limited is the key word, Director. I will protect the Kuati people as if they were my own people if it comes to that. Even from Alliance overreach."

If a forcer had been busy reading her thoughts and emotions right now they would have find out that Arage believed every word she just said.

Either she was deluded or the best liar in the Galaxy.

But perhaps you can't be one without the other.

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