Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Sharing is Kayri-ng | GA Dominion of Kayri III


Objective II - Keep Calm and Charon
Goal - Gather with entire delegation and meet with the Charon leaders to provide aid and assurance
Attire - Here
Tags - Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Keiran Varn Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau Barr Vexos Barr Vexos

Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana said:
As they walked to the ramp she reached over and gently touched her friend's upper arm in discrete affection. "I will step back a little, these are your people here, but I am right beside you if you need me."

Tiresh brought her hand up for a moment and rested it on top if Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana 's hand that was gracing her shoulder, giving the woman a quick flash of affection as she smiled, “I’m glad you’re here with me.” She said quietly, then brought her hand down as the ramp began to lower.


...Back down on the beach…

Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana said:
"Senator Kobitana, our personnel are deployed and ready to move out at your request. This is probably our best route, staying north of this river gives them an easy way to leave the AO if they desire, this should hopefully make them feel less threatened. I have taken all precautions to minimize risk to our people, but risk will still be present, so please be careful."

She turned and nodded gratefully, “Thank you, Prime Minister. I’m confident that our delegation is more than safe in your capable hands…” She then turned to Keiran Varn and Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau and offered to introduced Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana to the rest of the GA delegation, “Gentlemen, allow for me introduce you to the Prime Minister of the Ashlan Crusade. We are incredibly grateful to be in her protective care today, as well as honored to be collaborating with her in this important introduction of the Charon species to the galactic scene.”

She nodded a greeting to Barr Vexos Barr Vexos as well, grateful for the GADF's desire to protect them while also growing increasingly concerned at their overly-militarized presence, at least in her mind.

Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau said:
“-Senator Kobitana, an honor and pleasure. I hope the journey to the Southern borders was enjoyable.”

Tiresh smiled politely and bowed in return, “Yes indeed! Grateful to be here, Senator Couteau, and also looking forward to enjoying your company outside of the Senate chambers.” It was apparent that the senator had exquisite taste in his very intentional clothing choices. While she knew him to be a member of the committee on finance and commerce, and that he was aligned with the Corporatist Party, she had not had much experiential insight into the Senator beyond what she read on paper and the limited interactions within senate proceedings. Perhaps this was an opportunity for the two of them to become more acquainted.

Tiresh turned and nodded to Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , signaling to her that they were ready to move out. As the group moved towards their appointed rendezvous with the Charon, Tiresh continued to listen as Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau offered some advice,

Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau said:
“The Alliance supports nearly all new Member World Applicants, but do keep in mind to not over-promise or how quickly they would be given full Member status.”

Tiresh nodded, “I understand. I will endeavor to be careful with my word choice, thank you Senator.” She was extremely comfortable with interacting with different colonies and species as a representative of the Kobitana Foundation, however representing the Alliance was still a new experience for the young senator, so she received the advice of her more experienced colleague with a sense of humility.

Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau said:
“However, when it comes to economic support, market viability and an introduction to a nearby hyperlane trade route you have my full support. If you have any questions for me, please ask. As representatives of the Alliance we have a duty to present a united appearance.”

Tiresh nodded again, turning to look at the senator, “I would prefer to submit to your voice regarding such matters of economic support, considering you have much more experience than I do in such sectors. My focus would be narrowed more specifically on attempting to establish a strong social connection with the leadership as well as presenting our relief efforts for the colony on behalf of the Alliance. Perhaps, after my initial introduction, I could relinquish the floor to you while I oversee the distribution of supplies?” She smiled warmly. “Who ever said that Corporatists and Concordists could not work together for the common good?” She mused.


As the delegation drew closer, they could begin to see a substantial representation of the Charon colony up ahead. It was slightly intimidating, as the creatures themselves are considerably intense looking by their own merit. The species had also never attempted such a connection before, and so the interaction was likely to be more raw and unrefined than the Alliance and Ashaln Crusade delegation was accustomed to.
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Objective II | Keep Calm and Charon​

Location: approaching Charon position
Objective: provide humanitarian relief and don't let any Senators get eaten
Tags: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Keiran Varn Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau Barr Vexos Barr Vexos

As the small group of speeders crested a hill Isla was informed of a detachment of Charon a kilometre or so away. Four of her marines jumped out of the moving vehicle, two of them carrying long rifles. She smiled at Tiresh across the speeder "Just a precaution, Senator, they will remain unseen.". Yeah, just a precaution in case the notoriously aggressive Charon try to murder you or any of the other delegates, she did not say aloud.

Looking at Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau , he had only brought a very small guard himself and Isla considered the appearance of her own forces, maybe it was a bit much, but it was how she did things, relief efforts required manpower, that was a fact, and she had access to hundreds of thousands of well trained soldiers to provide that manpower, why not use them. "It is good to meet you, if my data is correct, Senator of Empress Teta? I just want to give you my assurance, the Ashlan military is here in its capacity as part of the Kobitana Foundation, they will stay out of the way until we either need their protection, or their bodies to deliver aid."

Isla had a quick thought that she should offer to Tiresh "I think we should discuss commissioning a neutral uniform that my forces can wear while acting as part of the foundation, something maybe a little less mitaristic?" she suggested in a professional tone.

The speeders slowed as the Charon approached and a couple of the marines disembarked to offer their hands to the two Senators, stepping down from the elevated platform of the speeder onto the uneven ground. One of the marines offered the Prime Minister as hand down, and she suppressed a small laugh, being treated like a pampered Senator rather than a career military office now? "whatever would I have done without you Corporal?" she joked with clearly feigned vulnerability as she stepped off.

Isla surveyed the approaching Charon delegation, they were fearsome looking creatures, she was anxious about the safety of the Senators, but this was their mission, she would not patronise them any more than the she would let them patronise her. A notification alerted her to her snipers being in postion.

"Good luck Senators, enjoy your politics, I am here if you need any additional assistance."

"The flaws of freedom." M mused. It sounded like an agreement to some of the statements of letting Kuat just be Kuat for a while.

Arage Bao Arage Bao 's words struck truth's bell and let it ring with each syllable. The Alliance's lack of direct action had let the course deviate from intentions, and while they'd interfered here and there to protect Kuat from external forces — they'd done little to overextend into the inner workings. Not since Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra had lead a party to investigate Loghain at the start of his ascension.

"And it would be you defining overreach, I assume?"
The Admiralty

A light shrug as Arage smiled.

"Flaws to some, victories to others." She murmured calmly as she put her glass down once more. It was... refreshing to finally talk face-to-face to the Director of the SIA. Oh, sure, technically speaking the Chiss wasn't the leader of the Alliance and as such their stations weren't... exactly on the same evened field.

Yet, she respected the intelligence director far more than the polished political creatures that made-up the upper echelons of the Alliance.

She wasn't sure she would have agreed to this meeting otherwise.

"Who else can be trusted to safeguard the Kuati's needs, Director? Be frank, the Alliance doesn't care about Kuat beyond its ability to produce ships and its current flirtation with the New Imperial Order. As long as the world is firmly aligned with Alliance foreign doctrine... and is no longer a headache, you win."
Once Arage Bao Arage Bao set down her emptied glass, M chose to take her first sip.

The woman across from her was frank, blunt, and not shy of sharing her observations. How many other accurate things had Arage conjured up in her mind's eye about the Alliance and its performance that remained unspoken? Over the edge of her glass, M's ruby gaze levelled at the Admiral. Interest glimmered in the corners of her eyes and stuck even when she set the quarter-empty water down on her desk.

As much contempt as she harboured for Imperials, and those Imperial-minded, Arage's focus and willingness made her a head above the rest. At least in the sense that M didn't need to fight the desire to throw the woman out of her office within the first few minutes of her being there. Simply because the urge didn't exist.

"True." She eased back into her chair, hands in her lap. "But that remains to be seen. On both accounts."

For a second, her eyes closed. As if physical punctuation of ending that current train of thought. When they opened again, M had shifted into implementation mode: "Should a transitionary period need to be prepared, in the circumstance of Elaine being compromised, The Alliance will make a statement of support for your takeover. Whether this is a public endorsement or subliminal messaging or otherwise.

I'll look to your read on the matter when the time comes. Given the trustworthiness of your insight with the Kuti's needs."
The Admiralty

A waggle of her fingers in an absent manner.

"It always does. The joy of our work is that nothing is ever set in stone. Otherwise... well. Things would be rather boring, wouldn't they?"

Which was an odd thing to hear coming from an Imperial. If there was one thing those types were usually proud of it was the banality of evil and all its boring bureaucratic ways. Here was Arage however, all but endorsing the quality of chaotic nature in their daily lives. Then again and as the Director so rightfully noted in the sanctity of her mind: Arage had little in common with the average Imperial.

Arage inclined her head after studying M's expression. It wasn't often someone let themselves relax (even for a moment of closed eyes) in her presence and it was an interesting experience.

"This sounds agreeable." She murmured simply with spread hands. "I have my eyes on the board, Director, if the..." Her lips curled into a smile. "...unthinkable occurs and the Alliance has a need for me." Light shrug. "Well, I am only a Holocall away, aren't I?"

It was a tight cordon to walk.

But by the Balance if Arage wasn't doing her best to pirouette over it.

Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Kayri III, en route to meet with the local government
Action: Organizing the supply drop off and readying for new Member World integration


Seto smiled, a thoughtful expression shown as he listened to Senator Kobitana’s responses. They were clearly members of the Alliance with their choice of verbiage, proper decorum for delegates entering into discussions with outside parties. Perhaps what made the young Du Couteau noble so accustomed to politics were the rather rigid dignity and orderly etiquette. Nobles and Politicians share so much in common, especially these days of late. He nodded his head to the Senator’s suggestion of having him go into detail of the economic benefits of joining the Alliance.

“We are Senators of the Alliance after all, be a shame if we can’t align ourselves to atleast the same cause.” Seto agreed with the last comment of working towards a common good. I guess our issues lie in what type of ‘good’ we are working towards. . . Seto mused to himself. Credits were after all the simplest goods to work towards in this galaxy.

He turned his attention to the Ashlan Representative, Admiral Isla Draellix, she made it known that her forces were merely a show of support. While Seto was a bit disappointed not being able to introduce himself, clearly their Allies made an effort to know the many Senators of the Alliance. But it does save me a breath I guess.

“You are correct, Prime Minister, and I’m not overly worried about their presence, if anything it shows the Charon people that the Alliance can make allies outside of the Core.” Seto quickly responded.

Further off to the distance Seto began to make out the Charon delegation, a rather intimidating group to say the least. Some claim that such beings were made from outside this galaxy, if not, outside this dimension. And from the reports he saw of the Netherworld Seto considered it to be a possibility. Focus. Seto mentally shook his head and reaffirmed himself to the present moment and readied his opening speech.

The Charon species were rather imposing, their fierceness only matched by the intelligence clearly on display in their eyes. A protocol droid was among the Charon delegation, a clear sign of their willingness to communicate, and also they feel comfortable to use a translator. Seto kept his sabacc smile as he closed the distance between them and the Charon delegation.

A rather intense looking Charon took a moment to step forward and spoke loudly in its language. The protocol droid quickly translation; “The people of Kayri III humbly welcomes the people of the Galactic Alliance and are pleased to see the effort of which goodwill is being shown to us and our people.”

Seto was thankful for the droid, the Charon’s language was a difficult thing to learn, so much so he hadn’t bothered an attempt. No where near the amount of free time I needed. Seto wanted to avoid a political scandal by misspeaking or miscommunicating an insult. No, let the droids or others commit the effort, the risk is far too great for myself.

|| Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix | Barr Vexos Barr Vexos ||

The Alliance Senators cast their votes, ostensibly in the interests of the worlds that elected them. Tithe cast his vote on behalf of the Aargauun people in favour of the proposal. The banking world would do well in the place of expansion to the south - loans and financing would be needed to fund the security and trade work to rebuild the sector. That Tithe’s own pecuniary interests would also benefit clearly in no way swayed his hand.

The Senate Parliamentarian, seated on the lower ring of the Chancellor’s podium, tracked the votes as they came in. Checks and balances were run to ensure the integrity of the vote, and once the allotted time had expired, the poll closed.

Tithe tapped the button on his console to reveal the results with anticipation.

The motion had been successful. But only by the slightest of margins.

The ratio worked out around 8-7 in favour of the Bill. It was a technical victory and would allow the SILK Trade Route to process. But it was a much lower margin than what they had expected. While the Senate had agreed, their votes had also sent a clear message - Tithe’s mandate as Chancellor was under threat. The long string of successes he had enjoyed from the podium was under threat.

He tapped out a quick message to his senior chief of staff. Fire the advisors - they’d gotten the numbers wrong on the vote, and couldn’t be trusted to do the Chancellor’s important work. Then pack up your own desk. There was no room for failure in this administration.

“Yes, the ahh, the eyes have it,” Tithe declared as he announced the results of the ballot. A hollow victory. “Now moving on, the next item we have is a motion to…”

Keiran Varn



Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


Rushing slightly, he made his way over to join the rest of the delegation. Tardiness was not a good thing and could possibly be taken as a sign of disrespect. At least that was what a few brief lessons with a diplomatic droid had taught him. So he had made it his mission to be at the very least on time. The Charon were likely just as green as he was, this was their first contact after years as part of a brutal death cult. One of the representatives from the Alliance, Senator Kobitana and the representative of the Ashlan Crusade, stood waiting for him, and he raised his own hand in greetings.

"Greetings, Jedi!"

"It's a pleasure, Senator." He said good-naturedly. "Keiran Varn, one of the New Jedi representatives." He added, adopting a more formal posture that may or may not have been effective. Keiran scratched his head slightly before the memory suddenly came. As a gesture of good will, for this, historic moment, as the senator termed it, the Jedi Order had sent a gift. He turned and gestured off into the distance where a small army of workers laboured to unload the gift from the transport.

Turning back, he saw Tiresh call over to someone named Couteau. A senator he guessed. The whole delegation had an air of importance around it. Senators, dignitaries and all round big people. And here he was, a Jedi Padawan. But the Charon didn't know that, at least, he thought so. His heart went double-time as they began to approach the Charon diplomatic envoy. He gave a curt nod in the direction of the Ashlan Prime Minister. "Keiran Varn." Before the group continued on their way. He noted that this was also a humanitarian mission considering the Charon's previous predicament.

Peering off into the distance, the imposing insectoid visage of the Charon sent a slight shudder down his spine. "The Charon?" He mouthed to Senator Kobitana.


Objective II - Keep Calm and Charon
Goal - Gather with entire delegation and meet with the Charon leaders to provide aid and assurance
Attire - Here
Tags - Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Keiran Varn Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau Barr Vexos Barr Vexos

Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana said:
"I think we should discuss commissioning a neutral uniform that my forces can wear while acting as part of the foundation, something maybe a little less militaristic?" she suggested in a professional tone.

Tiresh turned and smiled, "That is an excellent idea. Something that can communicate a more… gentle tone… would be truly fantastic." She trusted Isla explicitly and knew that the Prime Ministry was just as invested in their relief work as she was. She also recognized that the two of them approached things from different perspectives, which she viewed as a great strength for their partnership… however surely it would not come without some natural growing pains as they learned how to work together and lean into each others strengths.

As the delegation disembarked, Keiran Varn leaned over and mouthed to her a question as to whether this was the Charon who stood before them in the distance. She smiled and blinked a subtle confirmation to the Jedi, then paused to offer some helpful advice that she had just recently learned about their culture, saying it loud enough for the rest of the delegation to hear since the Charon were still outside of earshot.

"Try your best not to touch your face while in their presence… or cross your hands in front of you… that might be interpreted as a sign of aggression… besides that… should be fun!" She gave him a nervous smile as they continued their approach to the Charon leaders.

Tiresh cleared her throat nervously as she recited her initial greeting repeatedly in her mind, trying to remember every nuance. Their own protocol droid was positioned to her left between her and Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau , and Keiran Varn was positioned to her right, along with Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana . The rest of their accompaniment was situated behind them, which included her chief of staff of the Kobitana Foundation, the soldiers who were accompanying them, including Barr Vexos Barr Vexos , a holoreporter crew who would capture the event discretely, and the New Jedi Order's gift for the Charon.

"Perhaps, after my opening statement, Jedi Varn could present his gift, followed by Senator Couteau's own statements of introduction? Then I can inquire regarding the aid package." She confirmed to her comrades as she kept her gaze focused on the massive welcoming party that they were quickly approaching. Finally, they all stood before the mighty Charon leadership. One of their number stepped forward…

"The people of Kayri III humbly welcomes the people of the Galactic Alliance and are pleased to see the effort of which goodwill is being shown to us and our people."

Tiresh straightened her posture, raised her chin, and mustered the courage to respond in her final attempt at the Charon's own language,

<Click click scratch squeal click squeal scratch…>

She did her best to hide her fear as she observed the Charon's initial reaction to her attempt. At first, the leader stared at her, as if quite surprised. After a moment, it let out a distinct growling noise as it leaned in closer to the Senator, causing her eyes to widen slightly in growing anxiety…

Oh no… she had butchered the welcome and offended the entire colony!!

But instead, the Charon leader uttered it's own string of clicks and chirps, being quickly translated by their protocol droid,

"This is the first time a human has attempted our complex language. While amusing, it is also… endearing, and a true sign that the Alliance does in fact care about the Charon."

Tiresh exhaled the breath she had been holding in subconsciously, relief instantly washing over her. She smiled in return, extending out her neck forward with her hands by her sides, which was the traditional form of greeting for the Charon.

"The Alliance does deeply care about the Charon. It is our honor to meet with you and to help your colony in any way that we can. My name is Tiresh Kobitana."

The protocol droid to her side interpreted her message, and all of the Charon leaders returned the greeting… stretching out their necks in a formal response.

"I am the mighty Shipplarr, unifier of the colony. Our people have suffered greatly under the grip of a death cult for many years. I am prepared to bring the Charon into a future that is much brighter than it's past. I hope that the Alliance will be the right choice, however I also have many questions."

Tiresh nodded with understanding, "It is our desire to bring transparency between us, so that you experience the truth of who we are and what we represent. We believe that your vision for your species will be able to thrive under the banner of the Galactic Alliance. As a sign of our true nature, The New Jedi Order has brought a gift that we hope will be a demonstration of our deep honor for your culture and customs… I present to you, Jedi Varn of the New Jedi order…"

Tiresh bowed and presented her hand gracefully in Keiran Varn 's direction, allowing for him to step forward and present his gift to the Charon however he deemed appropriate.

Objective I | New Silk Curtains

Location: Galactic Senate
Objective: Protect cultural interests
Tags: senators

"What a shame, a victory for greed over the good people of the alliance." Said Senator Callisto to herself as she saw the results in.

She was pleased how close it was might send a message that causes Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe some discomfort, but his cut from this would pay for more than enough champagne and scented bubblebath to drown out any of his cares fairly quickly.

Looking over The Arbiter The Arbiter she shrugged and shook her head in shared disappointment, the were both political and Galactic neighbours so she doubted this would be the last time they ended up on the same side of the political divide. As all of the corporatist cronies in the Senate cheered, she raised her glass of Constancian whiskey and knocked it back.

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Faith sat back she had watched the voting as the numbers came up there for a moment it was tied and then a was time to change tactics. She looked back at Becca, "Becca ask Alicio Organa Alicio Organa to come to Coruscant, I'd like to talk to him about something, and I prefer he be present"

Only a nod came from the young brunette she looked out to all the senators surrounding them, always a pool and a pool inevitable had predators and prey. She was beginning to wonder who the predators were.

Faith rose up and departed.

"Faith is there"

Faith didn't allow the question to be finished, "Not now Becca please I need to think."
Voice for the voiceless
At first it seemed that the motion would fail, but the votes kept on coming in until it was tied up again. The Arbiter looked around at the other members, in disbelief that such a motion might actually make it through without proper oversight. As it finally tipped in favor, her eyes caught those of Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto as she demonstrated disappointment in the outcome. The Arbiter shook her head in shared disbelief. It was apparent that nothing was in the Corporatists way, and if things continued in this vein, it was unlikely that any other voice would be considered. She felt like her request on behalf of the senator had been reasonable, however it had been completely disregarded. There would be no oversight. The Corporations had been let loose on the South, free to do as they pleased. It was appalling. The Senator would not be pleased.

She sat back down in her chair, transmitting the results of the vote to Senator Kobitana with a deep sigh.

After a moment, she received a message back. The Arbiter immediately responded by messaging Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo and Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce a message, requesting the scheduling of a meeting as soon as Senator Kobitana returned from her diplomatic mission to Kayri III.

They had much to discuss.


Alicio was enjoying some well-deserved leisure time.

Well, 'enjoying' may not be the correct term. In fact, he felt as if he were only tolerating it.

The young Organa had been hard at work administrating the everyday needs of Sanctuary City, approving infrastructure and writing up proposals left and right for weeks without a day off. So it felt strange, then, to be doing nothing but staring at the wall in the living room of his apartment, telling himself to relax. Every once in a while, he walked around the apartment, sometimes stared out of his balcony instead, read the news for the third time.

When he got a blip on his datapad, Alicio turned his attention from his wall, and scrambled to grab it. Flipping through his lock screen, he found a message from his cousin's assistance, Becca. He typed his affirmative response too quickly, having to delete and retype some words due to his haste. He packed quickly, and ran out of his apartment, headed for his personal ship.


A few minutes after Faith Organa Faith Organa left the Senate Room, she would get a holocall on her communication device. Alicio was on a ship headed for the capital, but going from Alderaan to Coruscant would take time. He figured if it was important, she could at least brief him from his secure line.

Whatever it was, Count Organa was thankful for the distraction.

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