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Annihilation Shatterpoint | BotM Annihilation of GA Held Tython


The Ravager

Objective: II - End of an Era
Location: Aboard the Caragol
Tags: NIO - Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock | VADM Tarsa Doon VADM Tarsa Doon | Caoimhe Crannach Caoimhe Crannach | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber

Brotherhood of the Maw: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Accord/Allied Forces: Artemis Toth Artemis Toth | Mith'akis'ormo Mith'akis'ormo | Mylo Thorne | Tren Chaar Tren Chaar | Vaux Gred Vaux Gred | Balt Vizsla | Romul Saxon Romul Saxon | Vemric Keldra | Maple Harte Maple Harte | Verin Oldo Verin Oldo Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus

  • Vemric
    • The charging vessels of Warband Grinâsh surge forth with their SLAM drives just as the Enclave volley fires, causing some of the ordinance and firepower to hit other targets.
    • The remaining Bhorgoth Destroyers and Crucifix-I’s respond in kind to the Enclave lines - focusing their considerable firepower upon the Reqiuem, the Thoros Battlecruiser, the Grievious-class Star Destroyers, and the trio of Argente-class Cruisers. Total armaments are (96) MegaCaliber Turbolasers, close to (20) orbital autocannons from the Crucifix-I’s, and scores of XX-9 Heavy Turbolasers.
    • The charging vessels of Warband Grinâsh, by virtue of their SLAM drives, will make impact within moments of the impact of the aforementioned volley from the main Mawite battle line.
    • Charge targets are as follows: Caragol and (4) vagabonds against the Requiem, (1) Crucifix-II + (2) Vagabonds against the Executioner, same amount as Executioner against the Hellios. Half of the remaining Vagabonds (12) are heading straight for the Argente-class Cruisers, with the remaining (12) stopping short and engaging what other targets of opportunity exist at point blank range/bobbing and weaving through the enemy formation.
    • I’ve preemptively yeeted a couple of my vagabond frigates upon their impact, but am leaving any damage up to the writer of Vemric. This is purely for ambiance and carnage of my own ships.
  • Caiomhe & Vaux
    • Warband Ba’al-toreth has taken damage from the ships of the NIO, and are doubling down in their concentration of considerable firepower against the lead vessels of the renegade NIO commander.
    • The Raz’kazar’akh cruisers of Warband Grinâsh are engaging the fighter swarms/smaller ships from the SJC fleet, lashing out with flak bombardments and megamaser fire.
    • No frigates are present, as they all charged against the Enclave fleet.
    • The warsingers aboard a handful of the Raz’kazar’akhs are using mechu-deru to try and sabotage the torpedoes being launched against them.

  • (8) Bhorgoth Destroyers (10,000m)
    • Nagash
      • Shields 87% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Bro’kaah
      • Shields 90% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Kraaj
      • Shields 83% | Armor 92% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Eypa
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Baga Lopech
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Deeping Maw
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Loerekh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Shaak
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (4) Ra'kazar'agh Cruisers (4,000m)
    • Malediction
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Blasphemy
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Dark Apostle
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Rath-Lakatha
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (8) Vagabond Raider Frigates (4,000m)
    • Memory of Tython (Salvaged GA Frigate)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 88%
    • Banga’ Rott
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Colonial Transport #111(Former GA Designation)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Flaaaka
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • C-5720-Besh (Former NIO Designation
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Maelus
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Kr’ogal
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Scaag
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (1) Caragol - Akûz Flagship (2,000m)
    • Shields 50% | Armor 79% | Power 80% | Subsystems 100%
  • (2) Crucifix Class-2 Destroyer (4,000m)
    • Brakka (Engaging Executioner)
      • Shields 70% | Armor 63% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • K’rggah
      • Shields 66% | Armor 78% | Power 82.9% | Subsystems 100%
  • (4) Crucifix Class-1 Destroyers (7,200m)
    • Varak
      • Shields 71% | Armor 85% | Power 88% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ra’jaka
      • Shields 74% | Armor 87% | Power 92% | Subsystems 100%
    • Faerûn-V’okath
      • Shields 83% | Armor 90% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mela’giroth’vaim
      • Shields 74% | Armor 85% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (8) Bhorgoth Destroyers (10,000m)
    • O’goroth
      • Shields 83% | Armor 95% | Power 92% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ligash
      • Shields 82% | Armor 96% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Io’eth
      • Shields 87% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Akash
      • Shields 90% | Armor 99% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ri’noam
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Arv’inash
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Bakavh
      • Shields 79% | Armor 83.1% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Enakh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (10) Ra'kazar'agh Cruisers (10,000m)
    • Bezarakh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • H’roggoth
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • A’ashbenaz’ungol
      • Shields 83% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Cimeno’ath
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Re’oam’ak
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Khand’evaim
      • Shields 79% | Armor 85% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ni’meloch
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ganakh
      • Shields 90% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • U’toch
      • Shields 77% | Armor 83% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Jenakh
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
  • (32) Vagabond Raider Frigates (16,000m)
    • Cleaver (Engaging Executioner)
      • Shields 82% | Armor 30% | Power 50% | Subsystems 30%
    • Jocasta
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Colonial Transport #37(Former GA Designation)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Rotund
      • Shields 90% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ren’fiki
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • C-7475-Alpha(Former NIO Designation)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • A’gash
      • Shields 78% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • A’enak (Engaging Executioner)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Vak
      • Shields 83.5% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Ikbal
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Chronakhal
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Xinoan
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Razorback (Former Eternal Empire Designation)
      • Shields 50% | Armor 80.2% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • ANV Fatima (Former GA Patrol Craft)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Desecrator
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Sev’Tok (Engaging Requiem)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Empress Tetah (Engaging Requiem) (Destroyed)
      • Shields 0% | Armor 0% | Power 0% | Subsystems 0%
    • Mine Hauler #AV-037 (Engaging Hellios)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Begaan
      • Shields 66% | Armor 74% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • ENS Feltic (Salvaged Eternal Empire Science Vessel)
      • Shields 76% | Armor 81% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Khandar (Engaging Requiem)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Vekht
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mollach
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Stabba (Engaging Hellios)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • The Ram Skull (Engaging Requiem)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Gromandach
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mine Hauler AV-#047
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • ANV Swyft (Former GA Patrol Craft
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • ANV Eros (Former GA Patrol Craft)
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Mining Hauler #AV-004
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • Striega
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%
    • BRAAAM
      • Shields 100% | Armor 100% | Power 100% | Subsystems 100%


As the UES fleet opened fire with another salvo against the Ravager’s fleet, the tide had already been unleashed. The heavy ordinance from the Requiem scored glancing blows against the Caragol, yet due to the sudden shift in both speed and trajectory, the lion’s share of the attack would be felt by the K’rggah and a pair of Vagabond Frigates (namely the Begaan & refitted ENS Feltic). As additional firepower unleashed across the line, the Mawite fleet would once again endeavor to weather the storm. It was easier for the ships lurching forth, with the segment remaining in position getting hit the hardest.

As the warhost surged forth under break-neck speed, the remaining elements of the Bhorgoth Destroyers, Crucifix I’s, and Raz’kazar’akh Cruisers set about staying in the fight as long as they could. It would appear as though the majority of their previous volley would be tanked by the small corvettes of the UES fleet; scattered abroad to minimal effect. Through the constant chanting and projections of ‘battle meditation’ issued by the warsingers within he Raz’kazar’akhs, the commanders of the remaining ships would rally their focus and begin combining their targets against the larger ships of the fleet - specifically the flagship known as the Reqiuem herself, lone Thoros II-class Battlecruiser dubbed the UES Eternity, two Grievous-class Star Destroyers UES Grande Deceptor & UES Anarchist, and the trio of Argente-class Assault Cruisers.

As the Bhorgoth’s aligned themselves in a forward-facing pattern, along with the Crucifix-1’s angling their broadsides to maximize the amount of armaments, a combined assault of nearly 100 MegaCaliber Six Turbolasers, nearly the same amount of XX-9 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, and scores of Orbital Autocannons all lent their strength to the stated ships. While their effect had seemingly been mitigated by some unknowable force or will in the previous volley, this time - they would be applied with great effect and intense focus for each target.

The volley would ripple through the void between the two fleets, with the shots’ velocity overtaking the ships as they had surged forth with their SLAM drives. At the speed in which they advanced, their massive hulks would impact mere moments after the barrage fired by the aforementioned Mawite line, leaving them an absurdly short window to react in any meaningful way after the impact of the volley.. The intended targets of the ramming maneuver would be arrayed thusly: The Caragol, together with (4) other frigates (Sev’Tok, Empress Tetah, Khandar, & The Ram Skull) all made for the Reqiuem arrayed in a pattern in which they would impact almost synchronously into the battlecruiser’s broadside. The Brakka along with another (2) Vagabonds (Cleaver & A’enak) arrayed themselves in a similar fashion against the UES Executioner, with the K’rggah and its own pair of escorts (Mine Hauler #AV-037, Stabba) engaging the UES Hellios. While they tried to aim for the less-robust sections of the ship, one or two of their number met an ignominious end as their hardened, misshapen hulls met the unyielding bulkheads of the battlecruisers moments prior to the projected impact of the larger Crucifix-II’s. The Empress Tetah - its name scrawled archaically upon its outer frame in blood-hued ‘paint’, was one such ship as a mote of fire and energy erupted from the surface of the Reqiuem, with the frigate’s patchwork hull clearly failing the task of going toe to toe against a reinforced armor segment of the massive battelcruiser.

The Cleaver nearly met such a fate against the Executioner, with large sections of her hull suffering massive hull breaches as the fore section of the hull glanced upon a particularly heavy segment of the Enclave battlecruiser’s massive hulk and caused her to list uncontrollably up. She would skid hard against the outer plating of the larger ship, causing her subsystems to suffer catastrophic malfunctions, and her power levels to plummet drastically.

The remainder of the twenty-four Vagabond Frigates set about targeting the remainder of the Enclave Fleet a bit more tactically - primarily the larger ships that would find it harder to outmaneuver their daring attack; such as the Grievous-class Star Destroyers and Argente-class Assault Cruisers. The majority would attempt to stop short of final impact save for those making a collision course toward the Argente-class Cruisers (some 12 in total, in fact). Those who attempted to do so would unleash with their flechette cannons, turbolasers, and shield disrupting projectors against what ships were in range in an attempt to weaken such shield systems for the successful utilization of their jury-rigged grappling hook launchers.

Jagged, serrated metal would lash out from their emplacements, with hundreds of meters of metallic cord shooting forth at what targets were close enough to logically engage in point-blank engagements.


As Warband Grinâsh charged upon the Enclave forces, Warband Ba’al-toreth set about pushing its advantage against the NIO battlegroup before them. The ordinance launched their way pinged against their shields and did modest amounts of damage to the three lead ships of the formation. Even so, the warband doubled down in their concentration of fire upon them, regardless of the pursuit offered by Commodore Herlock. Nearly 100 MegaCaliber Turbolasers hammered into the formation of the renegade NIO officer who attempted to flee the wrath of her commanding officers, with the commander of the warband oblivious as to the meaning and significance behind it.

Meanwhile, the Raz’kazar’akh cruisers of Warband Grinâsh took a small punishment of their own from the SJC contingent refocusing upon them. The Pikes that had attempted to intercept the Vagabond Frigates would find themselves devoid of any targets, as they all pushed forth against the Enclave fleet with their SLAM drives. Instead, they would be greeted with flak bombardment by the cruisers, along with multiple squadrons to contend with of fightercraft launching from the bowels of the cruisers themselves. The megamaster batteries housed aboard were alight with activity as they attempted to keep the larger ships of the SJC at bay.

As the twintails and vipers attempted to launch torpedoes upon the cruisers, they would find an odd development to contend with. While the warsingers had previously been bellowing chants of focus to aid in the bombardment of the Bhorgoth Destroyers in their exchange against the Enclave fleet, several of them within the formation changed their melody. Utilizing the subtleties of mechu deru, the attitude of the torpedoes caused them to react in the most erratic and random of ways - with the warsingers attempting to project the command for as many such weapons as possible to prematurely detonate within their housings, in the hopes of destroying whole squadrons of the fighter craft as they advanced through the hail of flak fire to greet them.


In memory of our late CEO


SHIP CAPTAIN: ROGER POWELL (Ethereal), ZEV TANTOR (Silver City), GYM HALPERN (Celestial City)
EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Angel 2 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Angel 3 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Angel 4 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Angel 5 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  5. Angel 6 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  6. Angel 7 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  7. Angel 8 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  8. Angel 9 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  9. Angel 10 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  10. Angel 11 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Angel 12 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Angel 13 NC-1000 X-Wing
  3. Angel 14 NC-1000 X-Wing
  4. Angel 15 NC-1000 X-Wing
  5. Angel 16 NC-1000 X-Wing
  6. Angel 17 NC-1000 X-Wing
  7. Angel 18 NC-1000 X-Wing
  8. Angel 19 Ashera Class Fighter
  9. Angel 20 Ashera Class Fighter
  10. Angel 21 Ashera Class Fighter
  11. Angel 22 Ashera Class Fighter
  12. Angel 23 Ashera Class Fighter


  1. Angel 24 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  2. Angel 25 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  3. Angel 26 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  4. Angel 27 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  5. Angel 28 Azazael class Stealth fighter


  1. Angel 29 Starfury class Starfighter
  2. Angel 30 Starfury class Starfighter
  3. Angel 31 Starfury class Starfighter

BOMBERS W ESCORT (10 Squadrons)
  1. Angel 32 Demon Class Bomber
  2. Angel 33 Demon Class Bomber
  3. Angel 34 Demon Class Bomber
  4. Angel 35 Demon Class Bomber
  5. Angel 36 Demon Class Bomber
  6. Angel 37 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  7. Angel 38 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  8. Angel 39 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  9. Angel 40 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  10. Angel 41 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Angel 42 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 43 Cherub Gunship
  3. Angel 44 Cherub Gunship
  4. Angel 45 Cherub Gunship
  5. Angel 46 Cherub Transport
  6. Angel 47 Cherub Transport
  7. Angel 48 Cherub Transport
  8. Angel 49 Cherub Transport
  9. Angel 50 Cherub Transport
  10. Angel 51 Cherub Transport

Amenediel Shuttle Mk II


CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 2 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Voodoo 3 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Voodoo 4 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Voodoo 5 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  5. Voodoo 6 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  6. Voodoo 7 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  7. Voodoo 8 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  8. Voodoo 9 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Voodoo 10 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 11 NC-1000 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 12 NC-1000 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 13 NC-1000 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 14 NC-1000 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 15 NC-1000 X-Wing
  7. Voodoo 16 Ashera Class Fighter
  8. Voodoo 17 Ashera Class Fighter
  9. Voodoo 18 Ashera Class Fighter
  10. Voodoo 19 Ashera Class Fighter


  1. Voodoo 20 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  2. Voodoo 21 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  3. Voodoo 22 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  4. Voodoo 23 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  5. Voodoo 24 Azazael class Stealth fighter

BOMBERS W ESCORT (5 Squadrons)
  1. Voodoo 25 Demon Class Bomber
  2. Voodoo 26 Demon Class Bomber
  3. Voodoo 27 Demon Class Bomber
  4. Voodoo 28 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  5. Voodoo 29 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter


  1. Voodoo 30 Starfury class Starfighter
  2. Voodoo 31 Starfury class Starfighter
  3. Voodoo 32 Starfury class Starfighter

  1. Angel 30 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 31 Cherub Gunship
  3. Angel 32 Cherub Transport
  4. Angel 33 Cherub Transport
  5. Angel 34 Cherub Transport

Amenediel Shuttle Mk II


CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero-G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.
  1. SCAR 4 Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. SCAR 5 Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. SCAR 6 Jackal Class Starfighter
  4. SCAR 7 Jackal Class Starfighter
  5. SCAR 8 Jackal Class Starfighter
  6. SCAR 9 Jackal Class Starfighter
  7. SCAR 10 Jackal Class Starfighter
  8. SCAR 12 Jackal Class Starfighter
  9. SCAR 13 Jackal Class Starfighter
  10. SCAR 14 Jackal Class Starfighter
  11. SCAR 15 Jackal Class Starfighter
  12. SCAR 16 Jackal Class Starfighter
  13. SCAR 17 Jackal Class Starfighter
  14. SCAR 18 Jackal Class Starfighter
  15. SCAR 19 Jackal Class Starfighter
  16. SCAR 20 Jackal Class Starfighter
  17. SCAR 21 Jackal Class Starfighter
  18. SCAR 22 Jackal Class Starfighter
  19. SCAR 23 Jackal Class Starfighter
  20. SCAR 24 Jackal Class Starfighter
  21. SCAR 25 Jackal Class Starfighter
  22. SCAR 26 Jackal Class Starfighter

  1. Ares 1 Cherub Gunship
  2. Ares 2 Cherub Transport
  3. Ares 3 Cherub Transport
SECTOR: Tython
ORDERS: Drive out Maw Forces at all costs
WINGMATES: Tags [House Io] | Maple Harte
Tags [Tython Accords] Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Aculia Voland | Ari Naldax | Artemis Toth | Aximand Sicarus | Mellifluous Magenta | Mith'akis'ormo | Mylo Thorne | Rex Valhoun | Tren Chaar | Vaux Gred
Tags [Enclave] | Balt Vizsla | Romul Saxon | Vemric Keldra | Verin Oldo

TARGETS: Tags [BotM/Final Dawn] Marlon Sularen || Tu'teggacha | Aldo Garrick |Derix Tirall | Akûz the Ravager | Electra-12


Silver City, Celestial City, Ethereal, Divinity, Bartera

  1. Destroyer “Oceanic” is moving on FDS Purifier, FDS Despoiler, and FDS Eradicator, all remaining power re-routed to navigation, engines, and minimal life support. The cooling system was shut down so if the ship does not ram one of the three, it will self-destruct and with luck, the blast radius will be close enough to cause major damage.
  2. Marines are beginning concerted attacks on unexplained “wires” and “towers”
The concerted fire and overwhelming firepower of the Brotherhood ships slashed across the night sky and with reckless intent slammed into the shields of “The Silver City” and “The Celestial City”, the Erebus Jamming Arrays, as well as the Aegis-class Anti-Concussion Field Generator, and Flares were in full running mode assisting the shields to protect the vessels from further destruction. This was not to say that the weaponry was not effective, it was, very much so. The concerted fire brought the shields hard and fast, damage reports were coming in, but the shields were still holding.

” Keep the fire up, one destroyer at a time. If they hit us then they hit us. The more they focus on us the less they do on the rest of the coalition.”

Starting with the FDS Purifier, FDS Despoiler, and FDS Eradicator the carriers returned fire, heavily, even moving closer so that more of their arsenal would come into play. Again, these could not last long “ship to ship” against floating weapons such as the FDS fleet, but they could hold more than hold their own and with the added power of his next order.

” That’s it. If Those bastards want to play? We can play too. Get the bombers back to generic runs, start with their targets right now. Then move to the next set. Keep the attacks generic, and random. Tell them to work their way to the big boys and then back. No specific routes.

The Ethereal” reported her long-range guns were back up and operational and were putting them on the incoming “Pincer” fleet holding them off. The deployed turrets, all seventy-five of them were now firing on both the “Pincers” and the FINAL DAWN ships.

“The Divinity” was able to reroute power to weapons and shields and found success in her actions with the “Ackbar Slash” tactics. This gave Angellus another idea as he looked over the vids that were popping up on his display. The Admiral was going to take to the old “Rebel Alliance” tactic again. To utilize the capital ships in more of a “support” role for the fighters. To let them use their own firepower to engage the weapons of the Maw.

” Captain, good work on your attack patterns so far, what is your status?”

We have heavy damage to multiple decks, but are nowhere near out of the fight, sir!

” Good, I want you to start “Slashing the Deck” as well, and when in position, you’re going to “slingshot” heavies behind those ships!”

I love this plan! We won’t let you down, sir!

” Stay safe and May the Force be with you.”

He wasn’t done though, tired of watching his fighters falling, or unable to keep their targets, he pulled up “The Bartera” Captain.

” Captain, if your heavier guns have a shot on a Star Destroyer or target of opportunity, take it, other than that I want your navigators to go back to their fighter pilot roots. I know that thing isn’t an X-wing, but I want your boys to think like it is one. I want those Maw fighters, no matter WHAT PATH their careers take them… I want them to NEVER forget the Rancor’s Den that they are in as they fight us! How copy?”

Loud! Clear! Ready! Willing… and more than frakking able! Looking away Helm! Start running fight patterns, coordinate with Pouil! looks back We got this! As the snake eaters would say “Alpha Michael Foxtrot!”

Smiling as he watched them go to work, Liram knew that “The Bartera’s” captain was a transfer from the Rangers and was himself a “ground-pounder” the Admiral knew that this ship was in good hands. The career fighter pilot had more plans. There was once a stigma to commanding carriers. They were for a long time considered to be little more than what their name suggests, “Carriers”. That is the thing though and the officer is exploiting this with his own capabilities and experience.

” I want all of my fighters to frag up and run Winchester!”[/B]


“Yeah, baby!”

” Asheras, Archangels. X-wings, all of you… if you see a cannon, hit it. If you see a fighter, hit it. Gank the bastards, waste the muthafukahs! If you see a shield generator up, a Gravity Well, splash’em! Starfurys! Get in on it! I want our stealthers in once their cover job is over!”


“I love this job!”

Looking at reports, he let the pilots get to work as others did not have good news. Commander Isaacs, “Raider”, “SCAR 1:1” was dealing with reports.

” Raider, talk to me!”[/B]

“It’s a mess, Mav…sir… I have teams tactically retreating on one, cornered on another, and holding position on the third.”

” If you can pull back, do so, we’ll figure something out!”

“We finish this, they know the drill. If they can, they bail!”

” Raider! Roger! What about The SCARs?”[/B][/B]

We moved their fighters around the engines of those ships. Standard procedure.

” Raider, it’s your call!”[/B]

“Blow’em all.”

Charges set inside, leading up to and around the engineering of everywhere inside a SCAR Team entered on TSDs 4, 5, and 6 have gone off. Simultaneously, fighters of fallen SCARS have kamikaze moved into those engines and ports as well. Those that could not are gliding in, reactors on overload headed directly at shield generators until their time of existence would come to an explosive end. No, not all of the empty fighters were destroyed in this, just those of SCARs who could not make it back outside. Angellus quietly said a prayer as he watched the results.

Oceanic, we have the majority of your evacuees, where are we?”[/B]

We’re doing it now. We’re running full speed at their main fleet. My XO and I are gonna blow this thing…

” Captain…”[/B]

We’re doing it, if we hit one, great, if we lose… we blow… hopefully with enough of a blast that’ll take out more…

An angry sigh was all that he could muster. The Admiral always firmly believed that a good leader gets his people home. Since he has moved from the deck to the bridge, he has learned multiple times that this is not always the case.

” May the Force be with you…”[/B]


The entire Marine ground forces were moving at their best possible speed, but right now it was not the Colonel taking direct command. Neither was the Admiral from above. It was the tech officers who were calling the shots, the slicers. They were the ones who could locate any potential cyber-threats and respond accordingly. This was their method. It was slow and inefficient, but it was going to have to work.

The slicers could find these problems and if the high-tech stuff could go in, like the gunships, the fighting vehicles, or the tanks they would. However, if this was not the case, they would go “low tech” with Gundarks and troops. Reaper Mag Cannons, LLT-7 General Purpose Warhead Launchers were able to be protected and keep any acquired fighters from attacking so that “jarheads” could blow the various towers that the Gundarks had not lobbed impact grenades onto.

They knew where they were going, there were large groupings of targeted fighting and marched when necessary, loaded onto vehicles when possible on to Kaleth. There was something “final” about this coming battle.

“Voodoo 20 to ‘Warhorse.’ We have five squadrons bagged and fragged ready on your call.

  1. Ethereal (Long-range guns online, shields at 75 percent)
  2. Silver City (Shields taking heavy damage holding at 62 percent, anti-concussion fields and jamming arrays in operation)
  3. Celestial City (Heavy damage to forward launch/landing bays and boy, anti-concussion fields and jamming arrays in operation, shields holding at 51 percent)
  4. Conservator class Heavy Cruiser “Divinity”(heavy damage to decks 8, 11, 14 Shields holding at 56 percent)
  5. "Avalon" Class destroyer “Oceanic” (critical damage Hull breaches on decks 4-7, Shields at 18 percent all non-essential power re-routed to engines, nav, and life-support)
  6. Revelry Class Cruiser “Bartera” (moderate damage Shields holding at 72 percent)

    • Carriers“Silver City”, and “Celestial City” are dug in returning fire Avatar of War fleet TSD’s with long-range cannons focusing on TSD’s 4, 5, and 6 to offer some assistance to SCAR teams.
    • Carrier “Ethereal” moving to engage Pincer fleet with deployed weapons satellites.
    • Destroyer “Oceanic” is moving on FDS Purifier, FDS Despoiler, and FDS Eradicator, all remaining power re-routed to navigation, engines, and minimal life support. The cooling system was shut down so if the ship does not ram one of the three, it will self-destruct and with luck, the blast radius will be close enough to cause major damage.
    • Surviving SCAR teams on TSD-5 bail and escape by any means necessary into “zero-G”, teams on TSD-4 will hold a position as long as possible or until Flight Control back on “The Ethereal” remotely moves the empty fighters of those SCAR teams KIA around the engines of TSD 4 and 5
    • When teams aboard TSD-6 have set their charges around the engines, bail to zero-G, and signal “all clear” then all charges (set by teams and on empty fighters on and around TSD-5 and TSD-6) will go off in an attempt to disable all three ships. TSD-4 will bail by any means.
    • Azazael Class Stealth fighter squadrons (down three and one half squadrons total Angel squadrons 24.26, 28, and Voodoo squadrons 21-24) are now flying attack runs on FDS Purifier, FDS Despoiler, and FDS Eradicator as a decoy for the Oceanic to move into position.
    • After ” The Oceanic is in position, they join in on objective 10 for one run, but then drop down into the atmosphere to assist Objective 16 and commit to Objective 17
    • After ” The Oceanic” is in the position they join Interceptors squadrons, Ashera class fighters, NC-1000 X-wings, and Starfurys and proceed to hit anything and everything that is FDS or TDS related. If it is a cannon, a shield generator, a gravity well, a fighter, it does not matter, if the vessels are aligned with the Brotherhood of the Maw, it gets destroyed.
    • Cruiser “DIvinity” continues engaging “Ackbar Slash” as well as “Slashing the Deck” and multiple “Slingshot Maneuvers” with “Sovereignty Heavy fighters” on TSD’s when and where capable, all trying to draw fire away from attacking fighters and “The Oceanic”
    • Heavy Assault fighter squadrons (Angel 37-41, and Voodoo 28-29) retasked with attacking TSDs
    • “The Batera” is using “anti-fighter” is taking a primary “Anti-starfighter” role and keeping a mobile stance and attack pattern.
    • Bombers(Angel 32-36 , and Voodoo 25-27) are now attacking new targets. They change attack angles each run to eliminate any definitive pattern.
    • 75x Defensive satellites up and operational engaging Pincer fleets as well as Final Dawn ships.
    • Marines are beginning concerted attacks on unexplained “wires” and “towers”
    • Stealth Fighters fly cover for the Marines and takedown computer-controlled fighters.


Through the calamitous destruction wrought all across Tython, the Dark Lord was deprived of His adversary. Though He sensed the Jedi Master yet lived, He did not move to where he had fallen. There would be another time to destroy the Jedi, if he decided to stand in the Dark Lord's way again. Besides, there was a lesson in the pain afflicting his shattered body, one that Master Korr would be incapable of learning if his existence was snuffed out now. Suffering is the catalyst for evolution, perhaps the Jedi would finally understand the dark truth that Carnifex had known for a very long time. If not, then he would die another day. It made no difference.

Screeching through the air, the rocket launched by Koda Fett careened towards the Dark Lord. The black-smoke contrail left in its wake charted its path. Carnifex raised His left arm as the missile closed in, fingers splayed before suddenly clamping down with frightening reflexes. Still sputtering flames and smoke, the missile was now held between the Dark Lord's fingers before it had reached Him. Though the power of the Force, the mechanisms inside the rocket were held in place to prevent it from exploding.

"You should go home, Fett." The Dark Lord's helmet retracted into itself to reveal His face, His bright, piercing eyes staring directly into Fett's from across the way. They seemed to glow all the brighter in the presence of the eclipse, which still covered all of Tython in an unnatural darkness. Great wildfires grew out of control in the pitch blackness, pyres to the world that now suffered under the oppressive yoke of the Sith. Distant explosions likewise lit up the sky, a gruesome display that appeared no more benign than a firework show from a distance. "This world has been consigned to the darkness, its people will be swallowed up by the rising tide. I would rather not see you listed among their number."

Carnifex released the missile and watched as it spun off in a different direction, crashing into a nearby rock and exploding violently. "If you yet tarry despite my warning, then I cannot guarantee that you live to see another sunrise."

"Fine. You can stand." Amani decided to be intentionally difficult, and take the Sith at her word, "But you're gonna have to do it away from the ramp."

She turned to Kai and made a quick switch to telepathy, <Make sure she doesn't try something stupid.> Meanwhile, Amani returned to her makeshift lab setup and collected a few other supplies: notably gloves, a syringe, and a blood bag.

"Why'd you come back? Why not leave us behind and take the ship?"




Wearing: xxx
Weapon: xxx x2
Allies: Geiseric Geiseric | Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir | Aoki-Barran Mira Aoki-Barran Mira | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor | Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina | Vilaz Munin Vilaz Munin | Briika Munin Briika Munin | Rika Hiro Rika Hiro | Asha Vynea
Enemies: Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | A Alexa | Laoth Laoth | Anja Doreva Anja Doreva | Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch
Interacting with: Damsy Callat Damsy Callat | Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood

Damsy threw it. The bloodsworn reacted, but not to the degree Judah had expected. There were those who did not have the masks, but most did. Where the metal had been nothing but shrapnel they were cut through. Yet they still came. The chanting rang in Judah’s ears. Their faith in dark gods propelled them forward with a zeal most would never understand.

Judah despised it and yet he admired it. They were as committed to evil as he was to the light. Were they both blind? Maybe. Judah was willing to die to stop them, and they were willing to die to keep the ritual from being interrupted.

He felt the siren at his back. No dying? Was she looking at the same crowd he was? The truth was they were in a very real and possible situation where death was the only outcome for them. It was the one place, the one thing, Judah had surrendered himself to.

Death was inevitable.

It was a departure from the Jedi code, but Judah had learned that there was death. There was the force, but there was also death, loss, an end of something, a beginning of another.

Ashla cracked. It caused the bloodsworn to pause, but their chant grew even louder. Judah cursed.


Damsey began to scream as the ground erupted. It was a sonic bellow, a force scream, which he did not expect. Judah raised his hands to his ears until the scream was finished.

“Heads up next time…” Judah said with his ears still ringing. Yet, he watched as the noise had to have impacted the bloodsworn.

Judah did what he could to reorient himself from the scream. He charged the enemy again. With the moon destroyed and the ground cracked, Judah knew this was their opportunity. The chaos around them would allow them the distraction needed to press through. His lightsabers cut and slashed as he continued toward their commander. She had to be taken out.

There was a serenity to be found in the midst of chaos, but for the moment, they needed more chaos.”

<< “Can you sense what this is all doing with the water,” >> he asked, pressing the question into Damsy’s mind.​


Location: The Rowan Grove Plateau, Mt. Sintarin, Northern Temple Valley, Tython
Objective: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Allies: BOTM, NSO, Thomas Barran Thomas Barran
Enemies: NIO/Enclave/NJO

War is a funny thing. For most people, it is a terrible prospect. It brings pain and suffering and death to peaceful worlds, and leaves only chaos and ruins in its wake. People fear war. They fear what it can do, what it can create. Those caught in the midst of it pray for salvation; those on the outside give thanks that they are beyond its devastating reach. No civilized humanoid looks upon war and sees anything but evil.

Except for those few that, when they are surrounded by death, feel most alive.

As Ronar charged into battle alongside the Bloodhound, every nerve ending in his body was aflame. Like a man in the desert reaching an oasis, he drank in every sensation with reckless abandon. The smells of blood and smoke, the sounds of blaster fire and explosions, the sights of broken bodies and cratered earth; they flowed across his armored form, penetrating deep and making his heart race and his blood surge hot in his veins. He gripped the cortosis sword tightly, his knuckles white on the black grip. His eyes flashed with a focus teetering on madness, like a predator lining up the final leap.


Oh, Ronar could feel it. It had been long, too long, since he had been in a battle of such scale. His was a people of raiders and marauders; if they were brought to determined battle, it normally meant something had gone incredibly wrong. Only in the great tribal wars, fought for vast swathes of territory and resources, could such an engagement be joined. Some warriors went their entire lives without experiencing one. As he hurtled headlong into the war zone, where only death or victory awaited, Ronar's body sang with elation.

Yet, even in the midst of such a feeling, there was a sense of peace hovering beneath the surface. Though his body surged forward along a single, dogged path, a mind such as Ronar's, raised from birth for a life of war, could not be so narrow. Even as he lost himself in the sights and sounds of glorious battle, his tactical mind worked in overdrive, ensuring that not even so merciless a warrior as he was lost totally to bloodthirst.

Rule number seven, Ronar, said his fallen patriarch, words cutting through the battle-fog of his mind, An alpha is a leader because he always stands above. He is both the sword and the mind that directs it.

As Ronar and the Bloodhound passed through the rear-line detachments, the small amount of clarity reserved in the bone-armored warrior's mind directed his pistol into its holster. Then, he reached into a belt pouch, from there drawing a violet covered streamer. This he held in a hand held above his head, an improvised flag that fluttered in his wake.

It may well be that we are separated during the battle, Ronar remembered telling his men before departing in the transports, This I do not fear. You are wolves! Form your packs as you see fit! However, whenever there is a break in the fighting, look up, and watch. If you see a violet banner, you must make haste, for that is the call of your captain. Bring your packs, rally to the banner, and I shall lead you to victory!

With steady hand he continued his charge in the Bloodhound's wake, entering the scarred land between the support battalions and the lead elements. With every step, he struggled harder to retain the clarity of command. The enemy was so close, so near, and Ronar was so ready. He couldn't see them, the lead units obscured by smoke and fire, but he knew that they were there. His cybernetic arm, gripping the cortosis sword, began to glitch slightly as if the muscles were spasming with Ronar's ache to plunge the blade into flesh. Suddenly, the Bloodhound halted, his bone-armored companion nearly careening right into him.

'Almost there, Ronar. As soon as we catch up, we rally the infantry and work our way ahead with the remaining technicals.... I want to jump into their foxholes and give these hill-huggers a FRIGHT!!!!'

Before Ronar could answer, there was a sound, like engines but smaller, as a contingent of warriors clad in full armor landed near the two comrades. Ronar didn't know whether they were enemy or friend, and he didn't care. He only smiled. The clarity of command was nearly gone; Ronar only had enough left to clamber onto the hulk of a destroyed tank, sheathing his cortosis sword. He drew Bloodreaver, the fearsome vibroaxe glinting in the light of the flames, and tied the streamer to the tip of the shaft. Then he held it aloft.

"Ronar's Men!" he shouted with all the force of voice a veteran warrior and commander could muster, "My Violet Wolves! TO ME!"

Truth be told, Ronar didn't even know if any of his men had followed. He didn't even know if any of them were still alive. They had been but soldiers, thirty amongst hundreds. But when he called, and waved the violet banner, there was movement amongst the smoke. Ten men, their eyes wild and bloodshot, faces coated in blood and dirt and the scars of battle, emerged and surrounded the wrecked tank. Was it loyalty that brought them? Was it fear? Was it respect for a warrior whose strength had been proven in a dozen ramshackle fighting pits? It didn't matter.

They were here to fight, and alongside their captain, their warchief, they stood beside the Bloodhound, awaiting his word. Ronar returned Bloodreaver to his back, drawing again the cortosis sword and pistol. Then, he waited.
Last edited:


Location: Tython
Objective: Fight the Sith and do whatever possible to help disrupt their dark ritual
Gear: Armor | Lightsaber
Enemies: Nienna Vess Nienna Vess


Jeren's expression remained impassive as the Sith spoke. Madness seemed to have gripped the man long ago; it would be worse than fruitless to try to reason with him, to make him see the light as it were. He seemed content not only to relish in the slaughter of any who he deemed worth of it, but also to relish in his own pain, feeding on it and using it to his own ends. So it was with the Bogan, corrupting and using men like this as its agents, spreading its tendrils across the galaxy until every corner of it was consumed in darkness and insanity. It was why people like Jeren were necessary.

The Juror's weapon moved in precise arcs, following each swing of the Sith's own blade. Yellow and red flashed as the two swung their weapons, and the steady hum of lightsaber blades was interrupted again and again by the sudden, violent crashing sound of the two clashing with one another. Jeren immediately adopted a defensive stance, careful footwork at play as he steadily moved backward under the cascade of blows rained down upon him by the crazed Sith. Though he knew a fight was coming, he was taken aback by the Sith's sudden, explosive quickness. Jeren just managed to block his initial blows, but it was considerably closer to landing than the Miraluka would have liked.

He was content to parry, block, and dodge as he studied his enemy. Was he truly mad, utterly random in his movement? Or did he have a pattern or tendency that he stuck to? The Sith struck with impressive speed, but not so much so that Jeren could not keep up after the opening movements. Indeed, the attacks themselves did not seem to have the sort of power behind them that would be needed to breach the crusader's defenses. They were quick, but light; damaging if they landed, perhaps, but not in themselves enough to finish off his opponent.

Jeren could feel the hatred and pain radiating from his opponent, but also the sheer joy at the situation. Was this Sith toying with him?

"I'm not here for your entertainment."

Suddenly Jeren stopped moving backward. He parried the Sith's next blow and retaliated with a quick riposte of his own. The next attack he took a large step back just out of range, then lunged, jabbing at him; then another step forward, hoping to get inside his opponents guard as he swung. Precise and controlled, Jeren looked to reverse his opponent's momentum and force him back. The Sith could play his game if he liked, but it would not save him from the purifying light of Ashla.





@Darth Caelitus | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Jem Fossk Jem Fossk
Ryv | Dagon Kaze | Corin Trenor Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust


876 ABY​

In all their righteous force of obligation, Rurik was joined immediately after in the fray by his Jedi allies. Heinrich and Dagon both were intrepid spirits- but far outweighed by the apocalyptic forces at the hands of Darth Solipsis, they'd be dead in moments, even empowered by their meld at the hands of Fossk. Rurik needed to isolate him from the others if there was any hope of slaying him on the field. He'd learned time and time again that this foe, this eternal nemesis only gathered more and more strength from those that faced him in futility.

Ever meager Jedi and novice student of the blade that tried to fell the beast only gave into his font of power in a putrid, parasitic exchange. When battling Rurik and Rurik alone, it was then that the Iron Emperor would crack open the open and smell true weakness. He could inflict damage and cause duress from the Dark Lord where others could not.

But he could not best him alone, this was someone he'd grown far too acquainted with. While the other Jedi melded their minds and power with one another, a single figure refused aside from Fel.

Ryv. The Sword of the Jedi. The original obligation of which Rurik had to protect and foster in the wake of their mutual master and mentor's death. While he'd failed these responsibilities time and time again, there was no greater decisive moment to make good on their shared link and bring retribution to darkness.

While the Jedi on Tython could retain their hold and discipline for now, their world cried out and tremored in pain and anger, it was only so long before they bent to their emotions.

Ryv and Rurik, there was perhaps no one more resilient in all the Galaxy than them to take on this task. They would do what needs to be done.

"To me- as shining light in blackest night...we will vanquish this evil, now...and forever." He said, speaking through the Force to Ryv before he began their meld. Shared only with the other, Rurik's eyes screwed shut. Disciplined, resolute and lethal- they would draw on one another's strength to bring low the demon before them.

"I will seize his focus- you will exploit his weakness."

Rurik retracted the slain Caelitus's blade before kneeling down following the blow as the other's continued their assault in his wake. For that moment, his blade died and he gathered his strength- bringing down the will of the Force to further cauterize the pain imprisoning his form. And in that moment of healing and renewal- he felt that presence again. The very same that seized him in the midst of his encounter with Caelitus moments before, those two voices among others speaking as one to Rurik. A collective of spirits both strange of face as they were comforting and familiar to Fel- addressed him once more.

"We are with you."
And with that, Rurik's eyes opened, fading the steely cold irises in place of a blinding argent emerging from his gaze. He stood up once more and collected a powerful sphere of kinetite in his left hand before heaving it violently toward Solipsis, vaulting himself toward the Sith Lord once more to further snap closed the gap between them. He could run and put whatever he could between him and the Iron Emperor- Rurik would find a way and bring his retribution.

He immediately began an aggressive approach before veering back into the natural defensiveness demanded by the form of the Vornskr, awaiting Solipsis's counterattack before he'd hold his left hand up with clawed fingers in the direction of Solipsis to grasp his mortal shell in a tight hold of morichro before moving to swipe his argent blade up through the Sith's abdomen and chest- accompanying the strike with a vicious kick to his chest in the hopes of shattering the Sith'ari's focus and deeply wounding him in the midst of the assault.



:: Hanger, Avatar of War

"I am not." Runi was certainly not a Celestial. Now was not the time to discuss the metaphysical, however. They had exchanged pleasantries, or barbs as the case may be. Neither thought to bend knee to the other. Opponents should stand on even ground and let the battle speak for them; it was a purer form of dialogue though limited in diction. The Speaker preferred the vocal form of conversing, but this would do.

The point of her helm angled down and to the side as Onrai's visage struck. Runi pushed off the floor as she'd been slowly circling the apparition's place in the hanger as the battle was waged about them. She darted first to the right, and then bounded back slightly to the left as she advanced on Onrai's position. The first blade dipped before it swept up and back down to deflect some of the dark energy cast at the Shaman; the wooden length bolstered by mystical energy giving it an unnatural strength.

With a twist of her upper body, Runi sought to evade another exchange to bring her second wooden blade to bear on Onrai herself. The apparition might enjoy playing with the make of the ship, but the Shaman preferred personal combat. Though wood did not engender the same fear as a blade of plasma, her powers made it a formiddable weapon in the modern era; one still capable of killing with the right strike. Though Runi doubted the swords alone would vanquish Onrai under the circumstances. If it kept her attention away from the other vod, however, it would not be a waste.






LocationAkar Kesh, Tython
EnemiesTython Defense | Galactic Alliance - @Allyson Locke | Silver Jedi Order | New Imperial Order | Mandalorian Enclave | Eternal Empire
AlliesBrotherhood of the Maw | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren , Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , Darth Daiara Darth Daiara
EquipmentLightsaber & The Hunger

It was always desperation.

The faltering steps, the frustration expressed through tensed muscles and narrowed eyes, the panic that set in as a reality that was all too sudden set in - they weren't enough, they never could be, never would be, and neither was the so-called light. Hanging in what they called the 'balance' of it all was an impossible task, too, like trying to walk over a tightrope across the chasm of the abyss through gale force winds. Was this pathetic state the way she'd behaved when she well and truly fell? 'No,' She thought, answering her unspoken question as she watched the panic spread, the denial manifest. The woman pulled herself into the darkness like a wounded animal backed into a corner, clawing her way into its depths, out of some crazed belief that it could give her some means to undo the past - a purely fruitless endeavor for someone with aspirations as shallow as a single man's return.

When she had fallen she'd felt the rocks beneath her feet and had been swallowed whole by the understanding that there had never been any point in any of this.

Whether the darkness gave Allyson Locke Allyson Locke her power, the means to do away with Mori, there was no undoing what had already come to pass - Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl had severed himself from her, Darth Daiara Darth Daiara wanted to kill the woman herself, and none of it hinged on or even had been caused by the sith's involvement in either of their lives. 'Pointless posturing.' She thought, watching the woman's bow fade from its brilliant sheen into an ebony mass of hate and anger, and only took several steps back as she prepared herself for the arrow that would form soon after. The light had been anathema to her, a fire that burned away her very being as if she'd been nothing more than mold in its way, but this deranged spiral into the darkness was entirely the opposite - it was what sustained her, what nourished her, and above all it was what she had prepared herself most to overcome.

Usurping the Sith'ari's place in the Brotherhood would come with more than its fair share of challengers, each far more versed in calling upon the dark side than some fallen Jedi.

She felt that smidge of confidence slip slightly, however, when she paid closer attention to the coalescence of darkness that made up the woman's missile just before she let it fly - it was a vindictive anger, not a maddened one, and a righteous hatred in place of the common sort. It was still darkness, and the dark side all the same, but its strength was carried to higher limits through this intense turmoil that brewed inside of her, emotions that ran far deeper and burned much hotter than the pride and ambitions of other Sith. The heightened confidence, verging on arrogance, had pushed Allyson into action - Mori had planned to use the woman's position as a point of reference for the arrow as it moved, being that she could only feel the weight of its presence in the force and could not see it, but she had taken off in a sprint towards her with a bow that steadily morphed itself into the shape of some sort of blade.

Her steps back became steps forward that transitioned quickly into a run - towards the woman, towards uncertainty.

To discern someone's presence, or even their relative proximity, through the force was a tall order to most but it was a repeatable task. Keeping track of someone while they moved, hidden from sight, was somewhat more difficult but indirect environmental interference made it easier; pinpointing the exact distance, speed, and trajectory of a moving object without those physical limitations, all while unseen?

Why, she would have thought it was impossible that the sudden intensity that barreled towards her face had allowed her the time to turn her head so that the fierce pain that scraped across her face, tearing away part of her with it.

Great though the pain was, however, she'd been faced with torture that had been far worse - the adrenaline of it all only pushed her further to jab at Allyson with her spear.




Revenant Squadron: Lead - Tren Chaar Tren Chaar | Three - Ran Serys Ran Serys | Five - Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos | Six - Mylo Thorne | Seven - Leon Gallo Leon Gallo | Nine - Artemis Toth Artemis Toth | Ten - Qellene Tyliame Qellene Tyliame | Twelve - Tristram Vos Tristram Vos


Zev did his best to ignore the chatter on the comms as he continued hunting. Best to stay focused, at least for the moment. He pushed down on the flight stick, sending his craft nose down and rolling gently to the right as he chased after a signal group that had appeared on his scanners. A trio of TIEs presented themselves to him as he came at them from above and to their left. With a grin the young pilot opened up the throttle on his A-wing and sped at them. Best to hit them hard and fast, before they had a lot of time to react to the approaching Alliance fighter. They did react, but too slowly; clearly they weren't among the Maw's elite. Zev switched to pulse-fire mode and opened fire on them from his advantageous attack vector. Three bolts erupted from his cannons, then another three, all streaking through the blackness of space and making contact with the TIE in the middle. The first burst impacted on the TIE's right wing, breaking through its deflector shield and damaging its ion engine; the second burst tore the wing to shreds, scattering debris everywhere. Some of it apparently pierced the cockpit of the TIE, which began venting atmosphere as it entered an uncontrolled spin. It would likely explode soon; even if it didn't, it was dead in space anyway.

The other two peeled off, one breaking hard right, the other down and to the left. Zev rolled left and followed after the latter, arcing after the TIE as it tried to escape. He angled his ship to allow the A-wing's cannons to move upward, tracking the TIE as it flew "above" him. He switched off pulse-fire and opened up again, both barrels spraying shot after shot as Zev maneuvered to put the Maw fighter in the center of his targeting reticle. After a few misses, the second TIE of the group was hit as well. This one did explode. It was so much more satisfying when they exploded.

Looking out his cockpit, he took a brief moment to watch the debris of Tython's moon drift away from it, much of it headed toward the planet itself. It was one thing to see a ship break apart; it was another to see a moon torn asunder. The Maw truly did seem to be out to destroy everyone and everything, in a way much more profound than any vid in the academy could convey.

The Anaxsi pilot let out a sigh when he heard Artemis on the comms, and a flood of relief washed over him. The two had a rather... contentious relationship with one another, but he was glad to hear she was okay. He smiled as he opened up the comm channel. "Glad to hear it, Em. Would've been pretty embarrassing to go down that fast." Zev laughed lightly. "And it--"

He stopped speaking as warning klaxons in his cockpit, warning him of a missile lock. A glance at his scanners showed an enemy signature coming up on him hard as well. "Missile lock on me, enemy inbound," he said, his voice steady despite the immediate danger of his situation. "Looks dicey. R3-4, see what we can do about that. I gotta get some distance here. Divert shields to rear as needed. Here we go, buddy." He engaged the SLAM system, boosting the A-wing forward at huge speeds, but temporarily disabling his weapons. It was a gamble, but he needed to get up to speed before anything got too close.

Zev realized he was still speaking on an open channel to the squadron as he tried to escape being blasted to space-dust. "Sorry about that, folks," he apologized before closing comms. If he was going to be blown apart, he may as well not be loud about it.




Objective: Eliminate Target
Target: Dimitri Voltura

Siv's vibrospines clashed against the crimson lightsaber violently, showering both of them in sparks as the plasma-on-metal hissed and screeched. The Sith was distracted enough that Siv's besragr jab connected, sending the Sith stumbling violently backwards, the wind knocked out of him. They stood for a moment, a pace from each other, Siv breathing heavily as they sized each other up once more. Now that they'd had limited engagement, Siv had begun to memorize the Sith's attacks; his strengths, his weaknesses, how he relied on speed and the Force to overwhelm his opponent. "You know how many Sith have told me that?" he shot back at Voltura. "I wouldn't be so sure."

The Sith -- perhaps driven by reactive anger -- grabbed at the spear, lunging forward. Siv narrowed as he saw the move, and did something unexpected: guarding his throat with his left arm, he pulled the spear back further, dragging the Sith with it into close quarters once more before slashing with the vibrospines of his left gauntlet out and downwards to the left. At the same time, the Sith's lightsaber came spinning at his legs, but it clashed harmlessly against the beskar plate on Siv's left thigh and rebounded.

He saw the hand reach behind the back, the hilt that materialized in its grasp, and with his own left -- now at his side from the vibrospine slash -- he quickly drew his Skira kal vibroblade, cutting upwards in a reverse grip to parry the metal blade that the Sith was suddenly wielding. His shoulder screamed in protest as the shock of the impact shook muscle and bone, but stim quickly silenced its cry. But the lightsaber was back in the Sith's other hand, and Siv had to react quickly. The parry of the metal gave him only a split second of time -- he elbowed his right out so that both gauntlets were facing the Sith, then fired; sonic repulsor with his right, disruptor barrels with his left; either disintegrating, sending the Sith flying backward, or a bit of both.

Siv didn't waste a moment to follow up on the blow: his mind was now centered and focused squarely on his prey. His besragr twirled midair as Siv one-handedly spun the spearhead to face his opponent. Conventional spear tactics called for the use of primarily jabs and prods, but the monofilament ultra-vibrating beskar edge of the besragr meant that the spear could cut through most materials as like a scythe through grass, allowing Siv to make more generous sweeping cuts. The spear snaked out once, twice, three times in rapid succession, all mere flashes as they struck out at random points along the torso.

From his left gauntlet, his Tarka'yayr electrowhip extended, and he used the reach of the whip to lash at the Sith's body, the ultrachrome-beskar filament crackling with lethal voltages of electricity as it snaked to strike the Sith before recoiling backward. He activated the retractor to withdraw the electrowhip back into the gauntlet, sheathing his knife in the process as he proceeded with a two-handed grip on the besragr to give himself more power and precision to his strikes. "Give up now and I'll make it quick," he called, confident enough to taunt the Sith in an effort to provoke further anger from his opponent. "Don't you Sith freaks crave death anyways?





But it was never really just them. Tython could fall away only for an instant until its fury and rage boiled beneath their feet and in the air around them. Even on the commandeered vehicles from the Bloodsworn, moving faster than they could on their two legs, Ishida and Bernard couldn’t hope to be spared from the brutality that crippled Tython’s balance.

Darkness stretched overhead, and foulness stung the air. Tempestuous, dark, and wild. It was nigh unbearable if it weren’t for Tython’s incredible ability to maintain such evil by meeting it with equal measures of light.

With deep faith in this balance, and The Light’s ability to outlast and overcome, Ishida stole a glance upward to the point of their ascension — the beckon of Henna fresh in her mind — to see the wretched whirl and incomprehensible motions as they happened. Her brows knit, and on her speeder, she stole a glance at Bernard on his own vehicle.

Only that look of concern could be exchanged before an unfathomably loud crack split through the clouds and atmosphere. Palpable and heavy, a rush of darkness ripped through the air. The perfect sphere of Ashla splintered, and pearly-coloured shapes ripped out of orbit in all directions.

It was all so fast. No sense could be made of it.

Ishida felt her mouth go dry — too hoarse to cry out when a giant stone from the sky hurled straight for their location. Streaks of light plummeted past their position, their destination as unknown as the day’s outcome. She thought maybe, due to the steepness of Akar Kesh, the hail fire might miss them. But she was sorely mistaken.

A piece of the moon collided with her pathway. Her vehicle crunched in on itself. Its driver catapulted from the seat. As soon as the moonrock collided with the nose of her speeder, she knew what she needed to do.

While airborne, she twisted to avoid landing on her shoulder, or back, or any other vulnerable position. But she’d been wrong. There was nothing to land on. Mid-aerial, she realized the edge of Akar Kesh was much nearer than she’d calculated. Fire followed the white-haired warrior through the skies, and right over the edge of the height they’d ascended thus far en route to stop Solipsis.

In a panic, her sabre fwwoooomed to life. Bright white against the dark sky and stone, and plunged forward into the cliffside she was at risk of falling from. The stab jarred up her arms, jerking up through her wrists, elbows, shoulders and the base of her neck. She jerked roughly, still at velocity’s mercy despite her introduction of a way to slow her descent. Plasma burned through stonework easily, measure after measure, until it caught on something and her somewhat-slowed descent stopped abruptly. She felt her breath jerk from her lungs, and whoosh through her.

Finally, she let out her breath and stared up at the black skies and the crumbled edge of the pathway she had to make her way back to. She could see the nose of her speeder teetering over the lip, clouds and fire pulsing from its structure and threatening to fall down toward her.

Hot against her face, her sabre burned against dirt and stone — a reminder of how transient her position was. And how far she had to fall.

She drew in a sharp breath.

Hundreds of meters from the ground, Ishida spared no glance down to the grassy sprawl below. All of her attention was focused forward and upward. Her shoulders burned under the pressure of her scrambling kicks to get her foot on something, anything, and the sheer focus of her hauling herself upward enough to get back over the ledge she’d fallen from.

Grunting with effort, Ishida’s exertion diluted the growing pain in her chest around the blackened scar from a Darkshear on Jedha.

ALLIES | NJO | GA | Bernard Bernard




Location:Avatar of War
Allies: Fenn Stag Fenn Stag | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Kaz Krayt | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Varik Awaud Varik Awaud | Romul Saxon Romul Saxon
Enemies: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | The Amalgam The Amalgam
Equipment:Equipment In Bio
The fighting in the hangar was intense. They were holding waiting on the transports to come in. That meant one thing only she had a job to do; her little friend she brought with her was needed. She scanned the hangar looking for the specific detail she needed. The ammo bunker would be the optimal place to set up so she started for it.

Of course saying that and actually accomplishing it were two different things especially with the swirling fire fight and duels that seemed to be cropping up all across the hangar. She got bogged down when a group of Maw soldiers took notice of the bomb she was carrying. They were good enough that they didn’t immediately die to her and fellow Si’kayha that and the numbers held the difference. She killed two personally with her blaster pistol getting good shots in when they moved out of cover. Three more die to a well placed grenade. All in all they killed about thirty of them.

As they moved across the hangar they picked up a few extra troops as she relayed what their objective was moving fight to fight like this was slower going but it helped gather extra troops she would need to run a defense for her while she work and helped push back the Maw buying time for the defenders.





Reports streamed erratically through Bug’s datapad, and at his captain’s side, he did his best to parse the updates through. Every chance he got, he regurgitated the headlines to his Tortugan superior. It started with The Scar Hounds charging, and their brutality. The Moonchildren (they’d seen their sacrificial ways before) were the first wave. The second was stronger, more reinforced. Waves of Alliance personnel were meeting a gruesome enemy head-on. Each wave more unorthodox and begrimed than the last.

<Draw out their best to meet ours.> Orsala grimaced, her face exposed to the elements and keeping a watching eye at the scene below. General San Tekka was still in the lead, and she was poised to flank from the side and support. They should be applying pressure soon.

Bug, however, seemed in another world. Not a part of this battlefield. He squinted at his datapad at one of the reports. Its patterns were irregular. It made sense, yes, but it was incongruent with the other intel he was streaming simultaneously to maintain a full-scale view of the battle in as real-time as technology could support. All irregularities he collected, aggregated, summarized and included a quick hypothesis, but welcomed the network of the SIA to access if they were watching. ATTN: Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn

<The enemy cannot advance past this position.> The order rippled through the comms and popped into the eardrums of the Marines under her command. Shockwaves rippled beneath her feet, and the sky rained debris unseen until today to the battlefield. They threatened to fall. Many stumbled, tripped, and warred against gravity to remain upright. <We keep them at the Temple grounds. Whatever it takes.>

Osarla felt the Force swell, a strength drawn on it from somewhere unseen. Stability found its way beneath their feet.

The skies, however, were a different story. Starfighers had come to their aid, filling the atmosphere with transient hope that clenched when their patterns became erratic. The Captain grimaced, staring up at the iconic silhouettes of the ships. Their run for Broken Sabre was well done, but they were in jeopardy now.

<Forward!> With the ground shaking less, the giant Togrutan and her company rumbled forward.

Half-a-dozen repulsor tanks at their hind, Osarla and a squad of her most trusted — Reporter, Fiddler, Brick and several others — mounted speeders. Their guns and her sabre were active as though they were about to launch into jousts.

Bug stayed behind, crouched on a larger transport behind the tanks. As good as he was on the field, the curiosities on the network begged his attention instead.

ALLIES | GA | NJO | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Madison Starr | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel | Tracyn Ordo Tracyn Ordo | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Wedge Draav Wedge Draav | Alessandra Io
FOES | BOTM | The Mongrel The Mongrel | Darth Saevius Darth Saevius | Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco | SF-3335 SF-3335 | Project Uriel Project Uriel | Darth Libertas Darth Libertas | Rose Dorce

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Location: Akar Kesh - Tython
Objective: Defend the Ritual
Direct Engagement: Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou

It went without saying that Chassella had been prepared to dedicate this life towards the ritual, her faith so strong, so steadfast, that she believed her sacrifice and the corresponding reward for it, would come to mean in the Great Correction. Even if her death only expedited the ritual by a few seconds or even a tiny fraction of a second, with her extensive martial training under the Eight Arrows Sect, the Elzeri knew that in combat, such small, seemingly insignificant measures of time could make all the difference between life and death or success and failure.

And it made the difference here.

The Kitsune came at her with violent speed and intent, her fangs bared even as she tapped into the Light as a font of power. Anticipating that she would dodge the two chakrams with preternatural, feral agility, Chassella called them back via her attunement, with the bladed discs immediately shifting their trajectory to return, before burying themselves in her opponent’s back.

First, the Elzeri glanced down, poring over her body for severe injury and fully expecting to find herself cut in twain or an argent blade plunged through her core. Her relief was like a powerful drug, but as she turned around to find the Kitsune on her knees, surrounded by an expanding pool of crimson, her surprise could have filled an ocean.

Had she done it? Had she really defeated a Goddess?

Calling her chakrams back to her hands—an action which undoubtedly would result in further pain for the Kitsune as the bladed discs ripped themselves free of her wounds—the Elzeri examined the blood which coated the blades with a mixture of surprise and elation. Nevertheless, Chassella walked towards the ailing, dying Kitsune, her mismatched eyes wide with intense focus as she began to chant, ur-Kittât flowing from her lips like a song for a few moments, until she pulled a syringe from her utility belt.

“War then, death now, and soon…rebirth.”

And with that, Chassella punched the syringe into the Kitsune’s carotid artery, filling the barrel with a measure of blood before withdrawing it and placing the device on her belt.

Then, after collecting the Kitsune’s lightsabers, Chassella turned and left.


Meeting the scav king's roar with an unflinching gaze, Master San Tekka plunged his lightsaber into heavy power armor with inhuman strength. No matter how many they killed more conscripts flooded onto the temple grounds. Tython's foundations gave way beneath them. Entire squads swallowed up by a hungry earth. Few heavy cannons remained firing, some cast down by upheaval while others burned from enemy strikes.

"Captain Ridor," the Jedi crusader activated his comlink, "We can't break through to the walkers."

Zark wiped a bloody scalp where the scav king's vibroknife grazed him. He tried to keep moving forward until a gunship crashed close enough for the shockwave to hit. Disorientated the Jedi Master saw a glimmer and picked up the strange shining object before realizing it was a fragment of meteorite. It should have been white hot but all he could feel was a light within.

"Ashla's Gift..." he breathed.

Closing both eyes, Master San Tekka reached out and shared that light with the troopers around him. Starchaser's Knights only amplified its effect. Hope. Just a fragment of a living moon's sacrifice but it was more than enough. Here at world's end the Tython Accord rallied.

  • More troop losses including heavy cannons before Caltin is able to stabilize the temple foundations.
  • Master San Tekka engages the scav kings while channeling the light from a moon shard to further empower Prosperity's battle meditation.
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Asha Sar'andor

She could not meditate for long before the world around them intensified into pure chaos; the Jedi, the Sith, the Maw, all of them coalesced into an unstable blanket which seemed to drench the planet. Cotan called out to her, biding her to rise and join him as he intended to move further toward the heart of the storms, but his words were cut off.
That was all the urging she required. At once her eyes snapped open and she locked her gaze upon him. She could feel it too, the devastation, but in that moment he was her primary concern. They had to stand strong, if one buckled it would all fall apart. So she rose and took his hand in hers, channeling her strength through to him once more. Intensified only as the moon above began to crumble and break, sending shards of dusty space rocks down toward them.
Her heart wrenched, and a pain unlike any other ran through her core. "No..." Not Ashla...
Asha's lips began to move soundlessly once more as she ran through the Code within her mind, drawing upon it for renewed strength. It was difficult though with the weight of it bearing down upon them, soon held in place by little more than the will of the man at her side.
At some point throughout he sank to his knees, and she could feel his exhaustion pulsing through the crystal at her chest. The rest of the battlefield, the world, was drowned from her view, from her thoughts, as she knelt down alongside him and pulled from her reserves. No more was her focus on anything more than imbuing Cotan with her strength, giving to him all that she had.
Fatigue began to brew but she held strong, memories of the Netherworld firing within her mind. She'd sat beside the Chasm with the memory of Jyn and done similar once before, for Sargon, for Ashin, but she'd need to give more now than she had before.
Even when he bid her once more to rise, even as she stood and helped him to his feet, and guided him toward the core, it seemed more as though she'd gone into some strange form of autopilot. In that moment she'd become little more than a battery, a vessel through which to flow the Force through the touch of their entwined hands.
"You've got this" she breathed, with a tightening of her hand, words barely audible above the rumble of the storms, "You're stronger than you realize..."
Then silence from the redhead, as drew inward with focus.
(At this point I'm just writing support for Cotan, I haven't been able to keep up with everything else. I apologize <3 )

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