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She Who Fights Monsters (Lords of the Fringe Dominion of Hebrides)

@[member="Rave Merrill"]

Countless organics slaughtered, interesting specimen acquired for study, another mission successfully completed with Archangel, with payment bound to be substantial, for they would share in the test results.

The droid could not feel exhaustion, though she needed repairs after so much of her synthetic skin had been ripped off by the savage Reavers, but that could and would be replaced. A transmission was sent to @[member="Maelion Liates"], briefly summarising the results of the hunt, noting the presence of the Klaxxi.

Most interesting. As she cut the connection and absorbed the information, she pondered what sort of delightful experiments the Bando Gora might have performed on the spiders elsewhere. Reaverised Klaxxi sounded...fascinating.
@[member="Ashin Varanin"], @[member="Jared Ovmar"]

Siobhan likewise switched off her lightsabre and lowered her boltgun. With just a moment's hesitation, but nonetheless the gesture was there. To her the situation was beyond surreal.

Doubtless a younger self of hers would beat the crap out of her for even talking to the former Sith Empress. Fact was that Siobhan did not trust Fringe. It accepted Sith - or persons Siobhan would classify as such - and seemed a natural haven for them after the Empire had collapsed. She was also quite certain that their expansion towards Phu and Tar Mordren had all been designed in preparation for an invasion of the Protectorate before the abrupt shift in the galactic situation happened.

As for their transition to democracy, well, she did not care about that either way! After all, she was an Eldorai fangirl and they were a femnazi monarchy!

But...some things had changed, even she had. Saying that she had become older and wiser was probably a stretch, but still! Perhaps she had a greater appreciation of her own lack of scruples and righteousness.

"I don't like Fringe, I don't trust Fringe. Or any group with Sithies in it. Only person I follow is Tegs," she stated with characteristic bluntness, for fancy diplomatic talk was not for her, though on the flip side that might make her more reliable because for all her faults - and they were legion - Siobhan was not a backstabber.

"But...we might have some common foes down the line. Reavers are scum that needs dismembering and suffice to say I'm plenty pissed about what went down on Manaan and Jedi 'Crusade for Freedom' sanctimony," she continued. The concession, olive branch if you will, came reluctantly, but it was there.

It occured to her that she sort of was Atrisian nobility. As weird as that seemed to her.
With the fighting stopped Mia pulled her self to her feet from a corner she'd been back into, armour splattered with gore and freshly dented. Fresh scorch marks, courtesy of Jorus incendiary rounds added to the new decoration. She limped forward, over reaver bodies, pausing only to clean her beskad and return in to the sheath upon her back. She pulled her helmet free as she came level with the others, eyes lifting to wall decoration. "Rather you than me, Siobhan." she commented upon the shrine tilting her head "Still, they've captured you well I think." She teased, though there was little hint of it in hard eyes as they dropped from the decor to Ashin Varanin.

Before Velok, she knew only of words regarding Ashin. She had been the first to put and end to the War between her people and the sith, but she'd fallen shortly after, just as Mia had risen among the Mandalorians. Velok's knowledge opened up another pool of information, information that allowed her to place better judgement. She let the two talk out there differences, before offering a nod to Ashin. "Well met, Master Varanin." Her jaw tightening as she flicked her eyes to Jared "Lord Ovmar." She hadn't forgotten his slight.

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Ashin Varanin"] @[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Mia Monroe"]

"I can respect that, Kerrigan. You're the sort to stick to your own, back up your own people, stay loyal to a fault. I do the same."

And she nodded to Mia. "Well met, Mand'alor."

Mia, though Ashin didn't know it, would have a plethora of memories about Ashin. Arranging for the circumstances that had led to her poisoning. Recruiting her in the slums of Trevel'ka. Watching her learn Force Storm. Watching her tear down an entire Sith government in the Unknown Regions, to Velok's glee. Then turning on Velok, defeating him, stripping away the bound souls that enhanced his power. Then watching her reign as Empress.
The Admiralty
He had almost forgotten Mia Monroe's presence here, almost. Seemingly she followed the Merrill-man with the loyalty of a staunch Golden Retriever. Not that there was anything wrong with loyalty, Jared had just never experienced real loyalty. Everyone he trusted had turned on him eventually, it would only be a matter of time before it happened again.

"Miss Monroe. You seem a little bit.. tense, does the scenery upset you?"

Oh he had an idea why she was pissed off. Probably had something to do with his refusal to just take her word for a certain matter back home. If she could not understand that he was not just about to trust the word of someone he had just met? Well.. that was her problem.

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
Mia's hand twitched, the anger the fight had risen in her still not yet ebbed away, taunting her now was not @[member="Jared Ovmar"]'s wisest choice.

"Copaani mirshmure'cye, vod?" She spoke softly, taking half a step forward, the desire to rearrange the man's face far from hidden in her expression.
@[member="Mia Monroe"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"]

"Eeeasy," said Jorus quietly, half-interposing himself between Mia and Jared. "Ovmar, don't get mouthy here. We're in space, and I've got no particular need to see this ship stay intact. Don't push your luck." He tossed a nod of grudging acknowledgement at Varanin, then his eyes flicked to @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]. "There's more to be done elsewhere. I'm thinkin' we should take a walk, folks."
The Admiralty
His head tilted slightly as he took her in, it was a blessing that he had actually taken the time to learn Mando'a. On the other hand, it was fairly obvious what her meaning was. Even without his knowledge of the language.

"Udesii. I am not in the mood to play, this is not the time nor the place."

@[member="Mia Monroe"]
Mia clicked her tongue. "Pity, an imprint of you face on the wall would have made such a wonderful addition to the decor." She cast a glance towards Jorus and the others. Now was not the time or the place, but that didn't mean there wouldn't be one. She turned on her heel and began to walk away.

"Arrogant vaar'ika." she muttered, shoving her helmet back on her head.
Jorus's eyes tightened, but Varanin remained silent. Resting his Mandalorian shell gun on his shoulder, he turned around and headed back the way he'd come.

He intended for him, Mia, and Sio to be well clear of this place by the time Varanin and Ovmar realized someone had stolen their starfighters earlier.
The Admiralty
Jared kept his silence, there was a time to be a self-serving arrogant hubris-filled son of a.. well you catch the drift. But this was not one of those times, they still had a job to do. But he knew a reckoning would be forthcoming and he welcomed it. It had been quite some time since he had been in a good fight. Probably Anaya, now -that- had been a proper asskicking.

"Appreciate it." the message was shared through with Merrill. Say one thing about Ovmar, say he knows his courtesy.

@[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Mia Monroe"]
@[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Jared Ovmar"], @[member="Mia Monroe"]

Siobhan picked up on the, how shall we put it, tense situation between Mia and Jared. Well, the tension was probably as sharp as any good blade. Or something similarly witty like that. Eyes narrowed slightly, but she remained calm.

She sorta liked the colourful imagery the former Mandalore conjured up though regarding the wall and the Fringe Lord's face. The Chaos Goddess was totally anointing Mia as Her Champion!

Regardless after a nod and a last look at Varanin - there was a measure of understanding in her eyes, however fragile that was, but it was there - she turned and departed alongside Jorus and Mia and the portrait, for a mental command simply pulled it and the portion of the wall it occupied out and levitated it into her grasp. At least the Reavers had caught her being hot in a creepy, psycho destroyer of worlds sort of way.

The air was rank with the stench of death, decay, burnt flesh as she trode over the multitude of Reaver corpses. She felt a strong craving for a cigarette and a fething drink. Probably more than one. And so our merry band of morally ambiguous adventurers had successfully dominoed the Hebrides. As they were a Major Faction, it would be added to their influence. Not that Siobhan had any clue what 'Major Faction' or 'dominoing' meant. Perhaps the latter involved games with Domino the Twi'lek.

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