Moira Skaldi
Paperclip Maximiser
@[member="Rave Merrill"], @[member="Kiyala Demont"]
Moira saw crimson everywhere. It was beautiful. Blood and gore splattered everywhere as she cleaved a path through with her Sith chainsword - thanks to Master Valik for creating such a beautifu tool of destruction. While Rave pumped the Reavers and True Reavers full with xenoboric acid and transparisteel flechettes into the savage hordes - she really needed to get one of those guns for herself, she reflected - the HRD hewed, kicked, beat a path through the hordes.
One True Reaver slammed her back with a force push, but she gripped the beast by the shoulder and thrust it back along with her, flipping it over with a loud thud. As it leapt upon her she rammed her fist, which by now had been shorn of its flesh, revealing the metal that truly formed it, into its throat. Retrieving one of her boltguns from her shoulder, she quickly loaded. "Shield your eyes," she commanded and fired, letting loose a single flare round. To creatures like the Reavers, accustomed to the shadows and darkness, the blinding light that enveloped the hoard would have a disorientating effect and chaos ensued. A hail of buckshot followed to take out the nearest, then she went on to strike with the chainsword.
Moira saw crimson everywhere. It was beautiful. Blood and gore splattered everywhere as she cleaved a path through with her Sith chainsword - thanks to Master Valik for creating such a beautifu tool of destruction. While Rave pumped the Reavers and True Reavers full with xenoboric acid and transparisteel flechettes into the savage hordes - she really needed to get one of those guns for herself, she reflected - the HRD hewed, kicked, beat a path through the hordes.
One True Reaver slammed her back with a force push, but she gripped the beast by the shoulder and thrust it back along with her, flipping it over with a loud thud. As it leapt upon her she rammed her fist, which by now had been shorn of its flesh, revealing the metal that truly formed it, into its throat. Retrieving one of her boltguns from her shoulder, she quickly loaded. "Shield your eyes," she commanded and fired, letting loose a single flare round. To creatures like the Reavers, accustomed to the shadows and darkness, the blinding light that enveloped the hoard would have a disorientating effect and chaos ensued. A hail of buckshot followed to take out the nearest, then she went on to strike with the chainsword.