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Should Major Factions Be Provided Incentives For Winning Rebellions?

Should we provide incentives for Major Factions winning a Rebellion beyond just keeping the hex?

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[member="Kuat Drive Yards"]

I get it, but one of the top three reasons people join our community is because the map game is unique and appealing and well-done here. People like the game, man. Even if it loses it’s magic for some of us after being here for a while.
I'm usually not one for amping up the mapgame but this time I'm going to be for it.

As is rebellions offer nothing for the defending faction in comparison to a minor faction that will now have access to the vast privileges of the map. Some people say that keeping your hex is good enough, i disagree. You've won this hex already and done the work for it. I think if minor factions lose a rebellion they should not be allowed to rebel again for 2-3 months.

Also perhaps the rebellion victory could be used as a token towards a MF claiming a SSD? In place of one of the dominion requirements.

Just my two cents.

I mean, I approve either way. You guys could make decisions without our input. I may not like the final ruling but it could've been made without hearing the community.

Yeah, everyone has different tastes. I just wanted to keep in freeform roleplay and not hand out trophies, money, hexes, or special junk only because they got enough flag points to win the game


Tefka realistically though, if you reward Major Factions, Minors really need an equivalent victory gain. I know they can go Major or make the hex neutral, but if the MF victory reward outweighs what we have now for Minors, it's unfair, I think
With the new SSD rules, a minor faction stands to gain not just the ability to jump to major if they win, but also a free SSD to go along with it should they be victorious in a rebellion. Considering that, I think it's only fair that major factions should gain some form of reward as well for winning one. Plenty of people have argued against changing rebellions since a third dominion should be 'big risk, big reward', rebellions should be the same.

Minor faction wins the rebellion? Awesome, that hex goes neutral or gets taken over, plus they get the SSD.

Major faction wins the rebellion? Awesome, they keep that hex, and give them another random one.

This way, it's risks on both sides, as it stands a minor faction can rebel forever with no consequence.
No. They already get the hex and if done well a good story out of it too. Plus if you’re lucky enough to have a decent faction admin participation as a writer is likely to get you a reward too.

If they need any incentive to win it, it should be to avoid a side effect of losing. I.E. not only do they lose that hex but adjacent hexes will become at risk of rebellion. Major factions dominate the sight so much already, I’d like to see more incentives/opputunities for minor factions.
[member="Aryn Teth"]

Immediately get a SSD, hmm?


Now you have my attention

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Yes. Mainly because then Major Factions may not just default to 'this is irritating but I guess we'll try to have fun.' If they've got something to gain, not just something to lose, that's half the thread with a better attitude by default.

Major factions already not only get the pros of being a major faction but also major factions should already be doing their best if they want to keep their territory.

Plus, how would this affect recalled factions if they win rebellions beyond staying on the map?

I’d say one needs to give minor factions even more incentive to win. Allow them to not only be able to bump up to major but give them an SSD. Let the winnining minor factions be able to strike another rebellion back to back.

Why not give minor factions their own mandates they can activate for a rebellion one time only?

1) mandate rebellion of wealth: they are able to field a fleet as large as a major faction during a rebellion
2) mandate rebellion of the hunter: allow them to gather unlimited allies of mercenaries or bounty huntress
3) mandate rebellion of ally clout; allow them to use the resources of another major faction for that single rebellion
4) mandate of rebellion of infiltration: allow them to use embedded spies from within to start a rebellion as infiltrators
5) mandate of rebellion of Hope: if the rebellion is successful, able to ride the morale boost to attack yet another hex within the major factions cloud.
6) mandate of rebellion Leroy Jenkins: one shot rebellion that can potentially gain three hexes if won, but if they lose the major faction can gain two more adjoins hexes due to the PR of smiting said rebellion

I dunno. Stuff is already heavily pro major factions; I don’t see why we should grant them any more boons.

Also where are the flash points?
I don't think that the Major faction should necessarily gain too much from succeeding in a rebellion like gaining an adjacent hex, but providing them with some sort of random wildcard to play later down the road for something pertaining to the map game to spice it up a bit, like getting extra ally slots for the next invasion or needing X less posts for a dominion to complete it. Something to give them a slight advantage in the map game for their efforts without majorly affecting it. I do think there definitely needs to be some sort of dampener on the faction that initiated the rebellion and failed particularly if it is significantly smaller than the one they are rebelling against since it would make more sense that the smaller faction has more to lose than they do to gain from a rebellion.
skin, bone, and arrogance
This rending of garments regarding rebellions has officially jumped the shark with this question.

The answer is no, of course. There's already an incentive: you keep the hex and the SSD (as applicable). Keeping the territory you conquer is the point of the map game, which in turn is the point of being a Major Faction. You shouldn't need more incentive than that.

Sor-Jan Xantha

Natasi Fortan said:
The answer is no, of course. There's already an incentive: you keep the hex and the SSD (as applicable). Keeping the territory you conquer is the point of the map game, which in turn is the point of being a Major Faction.
Precisely this.

There's no "flaw" with our current Rebellion ruleset that isn't inherent to the map game itself. The incentive to the Major Faction is keeping their footprint on the map, because only a Major Faction can even have a footprint on the map.
I think it should effect minor factions if they lose. Realistically that would be resources lost and all this other stuff, but with the hand wavingness of rp here it should cost them more to go to battle. In this manner by providing rewards, you could limit rebellions without limiting them. A minor faction could do as many rebellions as they want in a month but do they really want to give up that much ground if they arent ready to win? And from a major faction standpoint they would have the resources to to say you are rebelling so we will squash it and take more territory.
What if we had a stipulation where if a Minor loses a Rebellion, they can't rebel again ever; but if they win, and they choose not to go Major, they can continue to rebel until they lose?



Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder
i like [member="Alkor Centaris"] idea, but at the same time i have to say no, i mean i am a member of the mandalorian empire, a major faction, i was around and in it back in 2015 when it wasn't a major faction and we were busting our a$$ to become major. Now that we have it i see where the minor factions are at and how they feel, they want to become major, but the major factions worked for what they have, and that's a good feeling, now just handing over a hex to us and saying here you go have free territory because you beat the sh** out of this puny minor faction for rebelling is not a good feeling, i liked that feeling i got when the mandalorians made major, and i sat proudly as the faction worked to gain what it has now, if your in a major faction and are not proud of your hard work to get it where it is today then you got issues, just saying. don't be lazy work for what you got, don't be like a 5 year old expecting freebies to be given to you because some punk tries to take your candy.

my point is, NO major factions should not get a reward for fighting off rebellions because they actually already get a reward for defeating the rebels. they get the satisfaction of successfully defending their territory from some minor rebellion faction.
I feel like nobody reads my Factory updates.

Literally from the announcement of SSDs:

Jamie Pyne said:
Minor Faction Wins Rebellion: Provided the minor faction meets all requirements to go major, and they choose to do so, they may steal the dreadnought reward and submit their own.

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