Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Should Staff Regularly Prohibit Invasions?

Should we offer a month or two a year Invasion free? Do you think it would be a good draw for recruiting members to the forum as a chance to start anew, prep up during peacetime? Do members/Faction leaders want breaks from all the drama llamas?

Just curious.
having a breather to prevent everyone getting tired can be a good thing. Doesn't have to be all the time but after several invasions have a time to breath. or in times like finals/major holidays when activity drops lower

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
I would like to see the new rules in play before a galaxy-wide "invasion break' takes place.

While this suggestion is likely solving a different problem, I have high hopes that invasions will be much more fun and rewarding adhering to the new rule set.


Originally I was just going to post a big "no.jpg". Upon thinking about it though, I think it could be possible.

But should it? No. Honestly, the value of what it brings to the table is roughly equal to what it takes away. I think for a week or two a year or every six moths it could be much more reasonable, but at such a short length of time, is becomes almost pointless to do so.

On the other hand, no one's forced to fight, so we shouldn't be forced /not/ to.

The long and short: Honestly, no.
It would be nice to consider a short period "rebuilding time" for planets that have been ravaged by war, universally agreed upon. It makes sense that, in a galaxy ravaged by constant war, that even sides that disagree on fundamental levels would come to the agreement that their aggression does have consequences on assets that they claim or seek to claim.

I mean, if you just destroy everything, then what's left to take? Logic dictates that Sith, Jedi, Mandos, et al, are going to be out of luck if they run out of things to conquer, or reasons for which to do so. If you strip a planet of its valuable resources, it becomes less valuable. If you kill all the inhabitants, there's no impetus to trade. If you glass it just to rebuild, you pay the opportunity cost of losing everything that was already there.

As much as I disagree with government intervention on a fundamental level (Alkor, you evil Libertarian scumbag!), I think that taking the time to recuperate after tensions come to a head is important. It's something that nations do now, in fact. Or endeavor to do. Sometimes you just can't get people to agree. (Looking at the middle east, here.) A strong example of this would be the surrender of Japan after Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Sure, they were forced to this point by... uh... nukes... but they had to rebuild their country. And their enemy even helped, after the fact.

(If you can call forced occupation, seizure of resources, and profiteering help, at least.)
I would have to second the suggestion, for the same reasons Savarok did. Good story building ought to be the focus for a while at least. I've been having to fit story development and RP into the gaps between invasions, and now the current invasion timelines of my characters are far ahead of their actual lives. I'm having to go back too much lol

I would like to see an arms race between the major factions take place instead of invasions for a while. Basically the idea is we troll through each others' Factory submissions and put a real effort into out-teching each other.
We can also participate in one another's dominions for fun and story, while still allowing conflict to take place. and factions to grow.

I think these efforts are particularly special because we've had a recent change over in leadership of almost all the major factions. Fresh faces, fresh writers. I feel like the war efforts should be refreshed as well, allowing us to come back to invasions with a great strength in writers and a foundation of months of cooperative RP that had nothing to do with winning and losing.

I mean, we have nothing to lose as far as our writing is concerned, and I'd like to enjoy more threads with OS, Mandalorian and other faction's writers that aren't focused on beating each other at the meta-game. I think that will give us the opportunity to better get to know writers we're not familiar with, as well as foster positive, cooperative relationships between leaders and writers alike from all sides.

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
I feel there's no real easy answer with this one?

On one hand, you'd allow certain factions to expand without the fear of being constantly hammered in the process. Allow them to recruit, rebuild and restrategise before launching themselves back in the fray. You just need to look at the map to spot one that desperately needs that kind of quiet time right about now.

But on the other, I think you'll kill a lot of the momentum more PvP orientated factions thrive on. I also feel that it would breed a certain amount of stagnation. From previous sites, invasions can act like wildfire, clearing away the 'dead wood' factions that aren't working and supplanting them with new ones that (hopefully) will.
Runi Verin said:
On one hand, you'd allow certain factions to expand without the fear of being constantly hammered in the process. Allow them to recruit, rebuild and restrategise before launching themselves back in the fray. You just need to look at the map to spot one that desperately needs that kind of quiet time right about now.
Quiet time, you say?

Yes, prohibiting invasions would be a way to save certain faction(s); you both prohibit them from starting invasions and others from invading them.
Or maybe tie this invasion-free period in with a site-wide event (I think there were no invasions during Netherworld but my memory is foggy) and that way you'll not only allow factions to build up, but also have more writers participating in the event without worry about territory defense.
I don't know about selective restrictions, now.

Giving a grace period to a newly conceived major faction to allow it to grow might seem like a good idea, on one hand. It contributes to story build if you do something realistic like expand outside the scope of the major conflict. Say, the Mandalorians in canon in a more isolated sector of the Outer Rim while the GA conflict was focal to the Core, Mid and the coreward fringes of the Outer Rim.

If your faction is remote and builds, it makes sense, but that doesn't really mean you need to be given special privilege. On the other hand, if you crop up in the middle of the conflict, you're painting a target on your head, back, and pretty much every part of your body.

Neither instance should allot for a temporary ban on hostilities. I can tentatively advocate for temporary galactic peace, but on a case by case basis, it's just trying to save someone from going under if they were going to in the first place. I'm a big fan of letting endeavors fail if they're on the path to failure. On the other hand, if they can endure the test of being ripped into, then they proved that they were rightfully in the position they were in, and ought to stay.

Long story short, let the writing tell the story that it's going to naturally.
Ehhhh...starting to look like a slippery slope around here.

I don't think you all should mandate a break for a number of reasons. As mentioned, it disrupts the momentum and for warring factions, can really destroy the activity. Or not, could really go either way. However, seeing as though you all have already done it, I think the precedence should remain with the potential for it to occur. With the restructuring of the invasion rules, the RPJ's will have a fairly active role in the invasions and should be able to adequately gauge the environment - to help determine when this might actually be needed.

Something else to consider is a mandated intermission for invading factions. For instance, say the OS invades the GR...again. Following the public announcement of the results, the OS are required to wait a minimum time period before they can even send invasion terms for another invasion (two weeks for ease of the example). That way, if the GR is raring to counter attack, they have the buffer of two weeks to send new terms, get things squared away, and start a counter strike. And if they don't want that, they can spend the two weeks breathing or domming or whatever it is they want to do.

You could also include spawn protection for Major Factions as they come out of the gate (1 month of invasion free time for building, which could follow their rebellion to major faction should that be how they are birthed).

Or you could just wait and see how the new rules pan [member="Jay Scott Clark"] stated, not really sure I'm bothered either way.
Well, I know I am not a leader of a major and I am not a seasoned pro at this sort of thing, but.... well I will go ahead and give my opinion:

1) Continual invasions at this rate are all not really possible. Or feasible.
Let's look at what we are talking about; a military take over of a system. Not just a planet, or even a country but a planet. The closest reference that we could have in modern history to this sort of thing is WWII. Look a the massive amounts it cost Germany, Italy, and Japan to conquer even small countries that were close by. Millions. It takes a long time to re-assimilate the econ and build after the damage. I know, I know "Its a game, don't be such a realist." Well guys, the best games are based on reality. Just hand waving it and saying "time lord science" or "Its Star Wars" is the worst line ever. Military action at this scale for this long would have by far killed off all the galaxy and bankrupted all of our countries, if we are being honest.

2) The Drama.
Invasions are way high on stress. And (my opinion is) the stress gets worse when you have them back to back to back. And there is scientific reasoning for this; stress is caused by cortisol, a hormone that does not rapidly leave the body and can have situational triggers to amp them up. It raises blood pressure and stimulates the activity of the almagada while shutting down your prefrontal cortex. What does that mean in real terms? Exactly what you see; emotions flaring and reasoning shutting down. This isn't bad--it in fact helped to preserve our race through some pretty dark times and is one reason why we outlived the dinos. However, without a real threat to kill and bring resloution, the prefrontal remains shut down and the almagada remains in high gear. Meaning? You stay mad and unable to reason for a while until you "cool off". Anger makes you stupid. Getting pwned by Loldodging, or not getting to loldodge someone else makes you angry--thereby stupid. etc etc etc. Grudges get held, negativity continues and before you know it your screaming at your computer about how your smarter than the other n00b on the other end. Your both n00bs, its just happening that way.

3) The special wears off.
You ever hear an amazing song and go "SWEET I LOVE THIS SONG!!" After listening to it fifty times in two weeks you hate it? Its ok, I do it too. Why do you hate it? The special wore off. If invasions happen so many times the same way, the special wears off. You start to go "oh boy here we go, another invasion time for me to try to act excited about this one...." and then there is the pressure to perform which makes it worse and feeds reason numbah 2.

In conclusion, I don't think it would be bad, over all.

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