Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Should The One Sith Go Minor?

When we discussed the future of the One Sith, I stated my intention to take this faction minor and it is a decision I stand by.

With the new rules for factions going from major to minor, we will be opened up to Rebellions, as too was proposed in the discussion for the future of our faction.

However, to prove that I am speaking the will of the faction, a vote must be held. Therefore, I call this referendum for the future of The One Sith.

Cast your vote now or forever hold your tongue!


Well-Known Member
I vote yes, as it is done for, without 20 people willing to fight for it. [member="Abyss"] can't do it all by himself. :(
I just wish it was not so, but there will be another sith factions to come and take over. :D
[member="Darth Abyss"] [member="sabrina"]

The One Sith is a Major Faction until the next map-update, until then is the time to set fire to the fields. As we are going minor, we are subject to the Major Faction Recall rules, meaning we open to rebellions.
That typical sith stuff, like civilian massacres/Forced recruitment and literally burning city's/destructions of important infrastructure. Just to make sure there wont be much left for those who will take over after us.

[member="Darth Ophidia"]
[member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Darth Banshee"]

You do realize.... corellia is already post apocalyptic terrain?

It is literally a shattered planet barely being teraformed in areas. Type II atmosphere requiring masks, protected biodomes and such.

The population has been decimated due to the netherworld event. All you have is survivors. There is literally no point.


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Isolda"] actually no, as I was on loa during that event.
Though it good place to do weapon testing then, as it would be away from prying eyes, I guess.

Oh and how you been. :)

Rather silly when there are other worlds that have more things like Rendalli, Anaxes, Balmorra, Bilbringi, Onderon, Glee Anselem or the other fortress worlds.

Those worlds have more to offer to others than a post apologetic planet.

That in itself is a waste of resources.

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