Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Should we remove the Major Faction system entirely?

Brandyn Sal-Soren

Did you stop to think that maybe the people in major factions enjoy the big threads, action and map game?

Also dunno what drama you on about, stuff's been coolio for the past year and a half at least.

Major factions get map game. Minor factions get left alone to do their own thing where peeps can't bother them. Happy medium where everyone is happy. The board is definitely super quiet on a major scale atm but you can contribute that to a nasty case of irl for a lot of us and/or a hell of a grind most of the majors put in between now and 2021
Yup. I did stop to think. Maybe it is just me super imposing my own interpretation of what you sound like saying this, but it feels unnecessarily aggressive. If that is not the case, then I retract that sentiment. Either way, I am not put out by your words. Just curious as to if that is how you intended it to come across.

There has been a lot of discussion about big shake ups on the board. I offer my thoughts on what could be done in place of it. My idea is to essentially make the map game what I already use it for...set dressing. I don't interact with it any more than that. And yes, it is because of drama that I do not interact with it. I understand your experience in the last year may be different to my own. But my experience over several years has led me to just stay out of it, because I know my desire to write a story I am excited for will shrivel and die like a [add appropriate metaphor here, maybe something fruit related].

Everyone comes at this discussion from a different perspective. And I do not expect for a second that my suggestion will be taken up as a realistic path forward. I just wanted to offer it.

If what I suggested really got you riled up, like it seemed it did, you would absolutely hate me for all the other ideas-that-would-never-be-implemented that I have.

Brandyn Sal-Soren

In continuing musings on this, it does appear that on the backend of the board where all the MFOs are doing their thing, they are essentially, hopefully co-operating? This is cool if this is happening. It has always been what I wanted to know was happening. If it is this way, and the board is more co-op in the upper echelons of the factions, then I am excited for the future.

So perhaps if there is any issue at all, it is that we have a system that presents itself as competitive, but is actually co-operative. In game design, you would act very differently ground up if you are designing a co-op experience instead of a competitive experience. Perhaps a change in titles is warranted. Being an 'Owner' makes you sound like you have something to lose, something that is yours. This makes things more personal, less co-operative. Story Admin or the like engenders a role and responsibility to the board as a whole.

The map itself is also geared towards competitive RP instead of co-op. There are tweaks you could make to give MFOs the tools the need for big, bombastic threads, sweeping changes to the board state. All agreed upon of course.

And, then there is always the chance to say to the board "we don't know which way this goes, you write it, we will decide among ourselves who wins and based on what you write".

I will personally just continue doing what I am doing. But thems some thoughts.
The map itself is also geared towards competitive RP instead of co-op. There are tweaks you could make to give MFOs the tools the need for big, bombastic threads, sweeping changes to the board state. All agreed upon of course.

MFOs have way more than any other setting I’ve seen in ten years. They have way more freedom, too. And it’s very much taken for granted here. They don’t need more tools to create activity, trust.

But they also know if my patience is tested again, I’m just going to start sacking them without warning, so keeping the peace is not only heavily incentivized - it’s required. No matter how protected you think you are.

Brandyn Sal-Soren

MFOs have way more than any other setting I’ve seen in ten years. They have way more freedom, too. And it’s very much taken for granted here. They don’t need more tools to create activity, trust.

But they also know if my patience is tested again, I’m just going to start sacking them without warning, so keeping the peace is not only heavily incentivized - it’s required. No matter how protected you think you are.

shrugs Cosmetic changes to distance from a drama past that puts some people off? Rather than granting more tools? Old timers will still know things for what they are but newcomers move into a better world?
shrugs Cosmetic changes to distance from a drama past that puts some people off? Rather than granting more tools? Old timers will still know things for what they are but newcomers move into a better world?

If you made a point in the above, it’s not apparent. Speaking in riddles is cool but getting something accomplished is cooler.

Brandyn Sal-Soren

If you made a point in the above, it’s not apparent. Speaking in riddles is cool but getting something accomplished is cooler.
Change people's titles to distance from an era of drama. Call Major Faction Owners something else that is more cooperative focused. May not change the old timers outlook much, but creates a new appearance for those that arrive later. 'Owner' sounds like you really have skin in the game. If that is not the case anymore, it may send the wrong message. Purely a cosmetic change, most likely.

I guess you still want people overseeing factions to still 'own' to the responsibilities. But that can be conveyed in the title another way.

Achieves very little? Maybe? If someone's gonna peacock over a title like Major Faction Owner, they are probably going to do the same if they are called the Grand Mac Daddy of Story Time.
Yeah but why.

I feel like the rest of the internet plays the “Language Game” to soften hurting peoples feelings, I don’t need to. A square is a square is a square.

Time distances from drama. Banning people distances from drama.

Calling people Major Faction Steward instead of Owner just delays issues, and sounds stupid, and like you said is only cosmetic. Meaning it has no meaning.
In continuing musings on this, it does appear that on the backend of the board where all the MFOs are doing their thing, they are essentially, hopefully co-operating? This is cool if this is happening.
I don't have much to add beyond my last reply to the thread, but I did want to point out that yes what you have been wondering about is (99% of the time) what is happening. Major factions do, when they interact with each other, communicate about things before going ahead with things and plan out storylines ahead of time with each other. Contrary to the bare minimum idea that Tefka Tefka is inferring about drama bans and what-not, this actually makes it easier for major factions to have threads which are enjoyable and/or satisfying for its respective members. A faction that knows it no longer has the activity to sustain itself, for instance, can simply reach out to other factions to create a proper send-off for said group rather than an abrupt death of activity that was the norm only a year ago. Invasions, especially, are discussed at length and (as far as I'm aware) lack any of the bickering and fighting that took place in invasions as recent as 2020.

edit: to be clear I'm involved in major faction stuff with a capacity to actually discuss stuff like this beyond simple conjecture, via my character in the Maw through Darth Mori
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We, the common people, usually don’t find out about the bickering until it’s way past the boiling point. So I wouldn’t say there isn’t any. Even I only find out there’s issues when mediation is needed, and they often don’t want to do that because I’m basically the cops in this situation. You’d be a narc.

But things are chill rn because we have inexperienced MFOs grouped with MFOs who really should’ve stepped down a while ago but can’t due to fear of irrelevancy, FOMO, etc. Almost every reply in this thread boasting “we chill” wants you to believe its due to maturity or overall grooviness. It’s not.

It’s due to inactivity by leadership.
I think it would be helpful to rethink the way majors and minors and the map is measured. From what I have experienced, there is a lot of pressure to keep up thread and post counts. But what that results in is a lack of developing actual story and everyone bails out once the necessary “post count” has been reached, leaving hundreds of unfinished stories, sometimes stories that barely even get past an actual beginning, let alone a middle or an end.

What if the measurement wasn’t post count, but instead story completion? Beginning, middle, and end. The threads are judged on story development, not just a post number. This would immediately shift the dynamics and put the focus on actual storytelling. This would also open up more minor factions to go major because a lot of the minor factions want to focus on dynamic stories and development, not just playing the map game.

Also right now it seems like to be a major faction you have to fit in a very specific box, but it would be amazing to rethink what major factions could be in light of there being very different and unique communities of writers. We want all the flavors in order to develop a truly vibrant and diverse collection of factions that coexist.
After following this thread since the beginning, it's been quite a ride. Generally, everyone screaming into the void - but a few voices, I think, had some legitimate ideas. After some consideration, I figured I'd drop in & leave my two cents - however it'll be received.

Chaos has existed for a decade. We've had good times, and some bad ones... Let's not forget, some of our worst times were only a few years back, when many of the Majors were salt-mines & drama between writers spilled like toxic waste into a verdant field. Getting rid of a few bad eggs did a lot to shift things toward (generally) a more relaxed state-of-play for most writers & factions both Minor & Major. In my opinion, Chaos is due for a shake-up.

I can say, I support the idea that the bill has come due, and it's time to see the map cleaned up a tad. The way I see it, most Major Factions out there care only for the map game with very little attention paid to actually developing or writing anything on the worlds they dominate. A faction can have a hundred writers and reach page 4 in just as many hours, but claiming territory has taken center-stage. Actually writing anything on those worlds, once they're in your influence cloud? It doesn't happen. There's no love for exploration, anymore. The map game is tired, old, and dried up.

As a Minor Faction, The Family has been incredibly successful; constantly driving content on a number of worlds, playing in our own personal sandbox & gathering writers & resources. While many writers in The Family are content with where we're at (and where we could remain for the foreseeable future) there are others who believe Major Status could provide a boost in visibility, in recruitment, in reaching larger audiences. However, we have no interest in the map game... after all, why would we?

Being part of the MFO "Club", trying to reach some arbitrary standard of measurement in order to keep calling ourselves a Major, and having to drive constant activity? Couple that with what appears to be a group of Site Staff who seem to look down on nearly every Major, marking them as either inexperienced or well past their prime and it just doesn't seem remotely interesting. Major Factions are only in the game for whatever benefits them most. You either play in their sandbox, with their tools, or good luck getting support from your Faction Staff.

My solution?

Give Minors a reason to engage with the larger Galaxy. Give Majors a reason to engage with Minor Factions. Allow Minor Factions to (if it fits their needs) possess 1 - 3 hexes. Place a limit on how many they are allowed, so in-order to gain more, they have to meet the requirements to go Major. Place a rule on Majors that, in order for them to continue being a Major, they have to show continued activity on worlds they control, or they're assumed to have no presence there. It can be fluid, but it also keeps Majors from growing "too big to fail".

In my view, the map game is required to be competitive. To foster PVP between Factions, and encourage war-posting, so keep that. Measure Majors by post completion rather than post count. Make it so the map territories are constantly shifting as groups vye for power... while in other areas, minor factions can be seen as Governments/Organizations unto themselves.

Thanks for reading my long rant, but there it is.
Just gonna be real, everyone liking your post is ill-equipped to be leaders, provide solutions, or otherwise produce engaging content Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud . I’m more trying to capture your attention on a very important point, than I am trying to be a dick.

It’s not my job, nor Chaos’s, to give you reasons to write together. Never was. Junctions, pvp, pve stuff - it’s all fluff. Extra. RP at its purest is freeform. Imagination limitless. If you don’t agree, the internet is a wild frontier.

If you need direction, play a video game.
Just gonna be real, everyone liking your post is ill-equipped to be leaders, provide solutions, or otherwise produce engaging content Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud . I’m more trying to capture your attention on a very important point, than I am trying to be a dick.

It’s not my job, nor Chaos’s, to give you reasons to write together. Never was. Junctions, pvp, pve stuff - it’s all fluff. Extra. RP at its purest is freeform. Imagination limitless. If you don’t agree, the internet is a wild frontier.

If you need direction, play a video game.

I suppose that's why I'm up here doing it for them. I know you're not looking for actual constructive feedback, but let's be real...

You gave people a forum, and we might as well use it.
Just gonna be real, everyone liking your post is ill-equipped to be leaders, provide solutions, or otherwise produce engaging content Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud . I’m more trying to capture your attention on a very important point, than I am trying to be a dick.

It’s not my job, nor Chaos’s, to give you reasons to write together. Never was. Junctions, pvp, pve stuff - it’s all fluff. Extra. RP at its purest is freeform. Imagination limitless. If you don’t agree, the internet is a wild frontier.

If you need direction, play a video game.
Agreed that RP at its purest form is free form, imagination limitless. Couldn’t have said it better. So can we create a faction framework that better supports that? Right now it feels like what is being rewarded is the opposite.
Sure, I’m open to suggestions as always

I think you and the team have put in a lot of work and thought into develop the map and the faction system, and I’m grateful for it and think it does add a lot of flavor. I really enjoy the Chaos community and the elements it incorporates.

I don't think it would need to be big changes honestly. The foundations are great. I think some minor tweaks that could be helpful would be:

Major Factions:
  • A clearly established bar for activity checks (How many threads, how many active writers, etc. If this already exists, I can't find it within the stated rules)
  • Have judges of Dominions, invasions, etc Judge the winner based on the most cohesive and complete story progression, regardless of how many posts it takes to write it. (No half-baked or abandoned stories would be the goal)
Thats it! I think that would be sexy.
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