Looking at some of the posts here has left me confused as to how the map game even works anymore. So many people are talking about reforming activity checks, but we haven't done any formal checks in months, right? I know that some factions are still acting like they have to rush to meet a post quota - I recently left a major because they were rushing for territory and posting a dozen threads in a single month that would burn out with stories left unfinished - but for other factions, those days are over and they aren't pretending it's still like that.
A few have also mentioned judging for threads, but I thought that function was done away with this past year in favor of letting factions work out the outcome beforehand (which was a decision I initially didn't like, because I felt like it would take away tension from not knowing what would happen - but I've since found it freeing, because I ultimately don't really care who wins lmao). Staff might step in if things get heated, but the new system seems to be working overall.
So, about that system reform... are we going to go back to having activity checks? Will the judges start judging invasions again? Please no, lmao. As for avoiding stagnation, maybe do a yearly check just to make sure factions aren't languishing and prune the inactive ones. Otherwise I dig the freedom and the more relaxed pace we have now.