Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Showdown at Kaeshana [Rebellion]


Well-Known Member
Oh quite - but by now I expect it. Best we can do is have fun writing, and be gracious about our post edits. Good sportsmanship and cohesive story are what will win us the day - regardless of how our opponents conduct themselves!

p.s. - The White Knighting can be frustrating at times :p so I know where you're coming from!

[member="Aesa Urkith"]


OOC Writer Account
@[member='Rolf Amsel'], Oh I'm definitely having a load of fun! It is just a little amusing to see all these Alliance ships timidly getting together and waiting for overwhelming odds before trying to posture for an attack on our big bad mean looking Star Destroyers.

Valessia Brentioch

[member="Aesa Urkith"]

I'm still getting my numbers together to be honest, right now I believe [member="Cyrus Tregessar"] and [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] are in the area, and [member="Natasi Fortan"] should have a sizable force with her as well. I will coordinate things if necessary, I'm not sure if I can do as much coordinating here as I did in Omega simply because I have other obligations in life right now, such as work and trying to do something called socialising, whatever that is. At any rate, if you need any assistance or help with fleeting let me know. :) And you're right it's based on story and teamwork, so let's get out there and do this!
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
I haven't pinned down a fleet size yet, partially because I cant be bothered to right now and partially because I want to wait and even things out. Bring what you're comfortable with and within reason and we'll iron out the edges with Valiens once everyone shows up.

[member="Valessia Brentioch"]
[member="Aesa Urkith"]
[member="Rolf Amsel"]


OOC Writer Account
Max Fel said:
Wow, just had a chance to check back on the thread, and suddenly it's like the entire Imperial Remnant fleet is arriving.
It is a little flattering just how much all these folks are pulling out to come and say hello Hreh.

Adriago Duilius

An Imperial of Sorts
Until I receive my rank, I won't be able to contribute, but I might within the day, at that time, I'd like to ask,

What role could my senior Navy officer provide in helping?

Give me anything and I will help.

(This is the new character to replace [member="William Kerkov"])


OOC Writer Account
I'm debating on whether to turn up to be honest. The thought of an AT-AT crushing its way through the ruins of Santaissa with a full complement of Stormtroopers happily singing praises to Supreme Leader Sieger does tickle me though ahaha.
skin, bone, and arrogance
FN-0888 said:
I'm debating on whether to turn up to be honest. The thought of an AT-AT crushing its way through the ruins of Santaissa with a full complement of Stormtroopers happily singing praises to Supreme Leader Sieger does tickle me though ahaha.
Make it so.
Aesa Urkith said:
I know that who wins or loses isn't dependent on fleet size, but rather compelling story and teamwork. But it is a little disappointing to have all the "good guys" turn up and "white knight" us if you know what I mean?
Get used to it. :p


OOC Writer Account
It is a little strange to see how overtly the GA insist we are evil. Although, I should consider references to that in posts is probably just an IC perspective.
[member="Rolf Amsel"]
If you don't mind, I believe WE are still at the crash site. Im still getting use to this dominion/rebellion thing, but what would you like me to do now, Major Amsel?


Well-Known Member

Hey! Yeah - it's been quite the hullabaloo. We're still in the city but yeah - that explosion would have severely messed up comms for a time. If you'd like I can tag you coming up behind Fortan 1. Once we get together, I'll make a call out - chances are we'll push into the wreckage, I guess the GA have forces moving on the ruins of the citadel of dawn so, we'll do that - see if we can push into their flank. I'll ask if anyone's en route.

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