Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Sithspawn Safari


Belt of Strength, Field Com-Scan Link,
Well Worn Boots,
Weal & Woe
Model 6 modular backpack w/ provisions, Rakghoul Robes

Having checked and triple-checked his bag and belongings, after tucking in his pants legs and double-lacing his trusty boots, Naami added his sturdy presence to their forward momentum deeper into the jungle. For his part, Haro Aven Haro Aven brought enough enthusiasm for the lot of them, and Naami grumbled a bit as the boy threw a companionable arm around his shoulders. He jostled him back a little but silently enjoyed the roughhousing.

"Did you prepare properly, soldier?" He teased flatly, eyes glittering with mischief.
"Got your pack strapped right at least."

Then he raised his voice a bit for the benefit of their team, clapping a hand on his peer's shoulder as he did.

"Anything the group needs carried, Haro and I have got it."

Having cast an appraising glance around, he made note that Maiza was still looking pretty rough. Tavis (aka Adean Castor Adean Castor ) chimed in with a game plan, and Naami added his thoughts while he mused a bit on how to approach his fellow zabrak.

"Yeah, I think I saw a small group of hunters trekk through that way. Maybe we follow in the area we know they've cleared, before getting too adventurous ourselves? We all saw that catalog… there are some monsters in here."

The tone of his voice started stoic enough, but by the end, it was clear that the thought of encountering some of the more terrifying Sithspawn would be a thrill for him.

Naami's icy gaze shifted back behind their group already in movement and saw that Leshanna Leshanna was lingering behind a bit with a new new guy. He gave her a nod and a tip of the head— silently saying he was going ahead a bit but wouldn't be far. They also had the commlinks Micah invented, all Kor'ethyr students did if they wanted them. He coolly appraised Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania before facing back in the direction they were walking.

She just loves picking up strays, doesn't she? He mused dryly to himself.

The zabrak considered his horned peer once more, thinking of how to say what had been on his mind. He'd been mulling it over ever since the fight and still hadn't quite figured out the way to put it into words. So despite wanting to break the silence on his end, he merely gave Maiza Vex Maiza Vex a little nod when her gaze seemed to wander near him. Deciding to wait for a better, perhaps slightly more private moment, particularly because it seemed a newcomer was joining them.

Naamino eyed Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar and moved to fall into step with him.

"That's us, gaining all the skills one can't by swinging a saber."

He pitched his voice a bit lower when talking with the newcomer, and sank into his typical rather gruff demeanor. Sporting a rather "Bogan may care attitude" of one man shooting the chit with another as they head out on mission.

"Say, don't I recognize you? Were you at a Diarchy event recently?"


Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia Leshanna Leshanna Haro Aven Haro Aven Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano Maiza Vex Maiza Vex Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne Rieka Rieka Adean Castor Adean Castor Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

Lysander listened as Professor Madrona spoke with both experience and wisdom. His grip adjusted on the databad and the other essentials, bringing them before him. The thought of forming bonds sounded rather difficult, especially after some of the challenges he encountered on Coruscant and Naboo. The mention of survival felt even heavier. Rather than voicing any of his own thoughts, the boy offered a simple nod to the professor.

Suddenly, a massive pale creature emerged from the surrounding area. The tension in the air became palpable. Lysander instinctively took a step back, driven not by fear, but by caution. For a few seconds he studied the beast, trying to understand its intention. Yet despite its powerful presence, the creature showed no signs of aggression. Eventually, he mustered a simple “Hello” in return.

A faint, reassuring smile was finally offered to Adalee. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you later, then.” With a small pivot he gazed at Leshanna next, who’d drawn closer. “Lysander,” he stated simply, mirroring the girl’s simple formality.

Just then, his emerald orbs darted toward the Zabrak who had been observing him with an all too familiar look. Naturally, he wasn’t about to just allow such a glance to go unnoticed; it kindled a challenge within him. Lysander’s body turned slightly, signaling an open invitation, suggesting that he was ready. It reminded him of the overly dramatic staredowns from some of his favorite HoloDramas, like a test of wills!

The boy returned his focus back to Leshanna, his eyes narrowing slightly with curiosity. "I'm down for that," he said, his voice steady. A brief pause followed. "What exactly are your tasks?" The way she had mentioned her duties earlier made him suspect there was more to it than merely cataloging the different sithspawns in Valrar.




Majesty - Ghost
Gear: In Sig
Tags: Gavin Vel Gavin Vel


The thrill of the hunt, the bloodlust, now firmly gripped her; win or lose, she was all in.

Behind her, as she walked masticating a bone dislodged from the dead Acolyte she tagged, the smaller scavengers began crawling over the majestic buffet, soon leaving nothing but one stripped corpse, one exoskeleton: the girl far from over. Back to the trees once more, she looked through the jungle for signs of movement. In the distance, slightly to her left, the underbrush began moving, sounds of rippling leaves echoing in the near silent jungle. But another sound manifested, to the right, with a tone harboring a distinct reverberation of carelessness.

Anticipation mingled with the young girl's excitement, pulsating a tingling sensation through that recreated form, nearly making her drunk with a passionate enthusiasm. But she had to remain utterly patient. Until she could decipher what was lumbering under her, and on both sides, there was no immediate need to reveal herself. With so much of the Force in abundance, more in line with the Dark Side, it would prove both difficult and disastrous to react blindly.

Despoiler **: Check
Acolyte: Check


TAG: Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano | Haro Aven Haro Aven | Leshanna Leshanna | Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

Adean briefly considered handing her whole pack sans datapad over when Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano expressed that he and Haro Aven Haro Aven could carry things for the group. It'd be nice to move unhindered through the jungle. But doing so also risked being woefully underprepared should they get separated, something she'd very much like to avoid. So, for the moment, she would carry her weight.

She didn't expect her suggestion to be listened to let alone acknowledged and for that she felt somewhere between gratified and wanting to shrink back into the abyss. She couldn't hide forever, Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru made that very clear back on Jutrand (imagine if she saw her now), but she could not deny the comfort in the background.

"It wouldn't hurt to start, at least until we get used to the terrain. Wouldn't want our findings to look too similar from another group's, though." And, more importantly to Adean, she didn't want them to be made to spread out more by the chaperones. The goal, in her eyes, was to play things as safe as possible without appearing like she was playing it safe.

On the note of playing things safe, keeping to a group was very much in the Epicanthix's interests. The more well-oiled the group, the more she could fade to the background once complications rose, too. Adean couldn't help but notice that perhaps for once, she wasn't the biggest wallflower in the current group.

While she hadn't formally met Maiza Vex Maiza Vex before, she'd seen her prowess on the battlefield. Definitely someone Adean would want to keep in the good graces of. She'd also seen enough to suspect that the girl's current behavior wasn't the norm. But how best to approach someone who seemed so clearly in her head?

Shouldering her pack, Adean let herself fall into line with the Zabrak. For a good while, she didn't address the other, letting her presence become known, out of focus, before even thinking of saying anything. Once others seemed wrapped up in their own conversations, she cast a quick glance toward the other girl before speaking "I hope we run into a nexus. What about you? Anything from the list stick out to you?" The lie came easy - in the perfect scenario, Adean didn't come across any creatures from their list. But for the purposes of this conversation, there was an element of wonder to her voice, one someone could mistake for genuine enthusiasm.


Theme: Welcome to the Jungle
Equipment: Dagger | Bracelet | Hidden Blades | x5 Homemade Shivs | Power Mace | Holopad
Tags: Haro Aven Haro Aven | Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano | Leshanna Leshanna | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne | Rieka Rieka
Direct Tags: Adean Castor Adean Castor

Trailing towards the back of the group Maiza just walked along following not really asked to be there but she had nowhere else to really be. She thought she would eventually wander away from the group but for now she would stick with them. Not really concerning herself with the others as they bunched into their little cliques. She didn't even really notice people occasionally looking back at her. Well except Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano who gave her a head nod, to which she gave him a short glare out of her blackened eye. It was so damn annoying, just gloat already tell people how she thought she was hot chit and you beat the snot of her.

It bothered her because that's what she would be doing right now had she won the fight. Though she told herself had she won she probably would have finished it, though deep down she knew that wasn't true she had never killed anyone even if a few people thought she had killed Revna Revna 's last sponsored kid what was his name…she couldn't remember but he sure was a mouth.

She did notice the two new faces in the area with that girl Leshanna Leshanna . Also how chummy Leshana was with the prison doctor Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia lately. It made her wonder if maybe there was a little quid pro quo going on there or snitching as it was more commonly called. Even as the thoughts sifted through her mind, she had to ask herself if it even mattered, she was now a death row inmate it was only a matter of time. As word spread of what Naami had done more sharks would be circling in the blood-filled water with her name etched in their teeth and one of them would surely finish the job.

Musing in her own thoughts about her pending demise and the going ons of this prison work detail. She didn't even notice Adean Castor Adean Castor walk up to her. As the girl spoke to her Maiza jumped slightly startled, instinctively pulling one of her knives. As soon as she saw the girl's face though she slowly began to slide the knife back. "Jeezus I could of stabbed you, give me a little warning first damn." Her heart was pounding as the Adean someone she had seen but didn't know by name asked her questions.

"I don't know what's out here." She said honestly Displaying to Adean she didn't have a datapad with such information on it. "My Datapad was busted so I threw it away. Wait…..why are you talking to me?" She looked around suspiciously but there weren't a lot of other kids around, they had all began to move forward not looking back so this wasn't so practical joke to lull her into a sense of security. However, she did see Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar a ways off. "Oh chit, you're with the cop, aren't you?" She pointed in the direction of Trayze who totally had a cop face that could be spotted a mile away. He was also pretty close to the new kids and Leshanna which further lent credence to her theory she was a narc.

Student of Kor'ethyr Academy

EQUIPMENT: Bodie | Vibroknives (x2) | DH-17 Blaster Pistol | Field Com-Scan Link | Adventure Pack

"Did you prepare properly, soldier?"
"Sir, yes, sir!" Haro responded with an over-exaggerated salute and no small amount of sarcasm.
"Got your pack strapped right at least."
Haro glanced down at his pack straps then narrowed his eyes at Naami matching his mischievous look with his own.

"Anything the group needs carried, Haro and I have got it." Haro gave the zabrak boy a look as if to say 'oh, do we now?' but remained silent. There was a part of him that was flattered to be acknowledged as capable of such a task but he was secretly grateful no one actually took them up on it. He'd been training for this sort of thing with Naami on their ruck marches but he still had a ways to go before he could trek long distances with substantial weight, especially in this extremely humid rainforest setting. He was already starting to sweat and feel the weight of his adventure pack.

The girl with green in her hair spoke up–Haro was pretty sure her name was Tavis–suggesting they start with water and soil samples, and Naami agreed. Haro couldn't help but smirk at the way his warrior friend thrilled at the idea of fighting the monsters. Honestly, Haro was surprised that the zabrak had chosen to take the field research route as opposed to accompanying Gavin on the hunt, but he was glad they had such a capable combatant on their team in case they did run into trouble.

"Sounds good to me. Lead the way, soldier," Haro agreed, keeping up the teasing banter with Naami.

Before heading out though, both boys had the instinct to check on Leshanna Leshanna and they spotted the raven haired girl chatting with Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia and one of the new kids. It was then that Haro noticed the massive beast, like a pale stretched out Shistavanen that had crawled out of someone's nightmare, looming near them. He gulped, fighting back the fear that tightened his chest. He nearly bolted for Lesh but quelled his protective impulse when everyone else seemed to accept the beast's presence as completely normal and expected, wondering if this was another case like Myunnah Myunnah as the new girl approached it to have a casual chat. The decidedly good-looking blonde guy greeted the beast then turned to meet Naami's cold appraisal with a defiant posture of his own and Haro wondered if this kid was going to cause trouble, but Naami just turned away to join Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar in leading the charge.

Haro hesitated, watching Lesh interact with the other boy as he considered whether or not to join them, or at least let her know he'd be going on ahead, maybe offer to carry her pack. He decided he would let her be and not butt in on her conversation. Besides, he didn't want to come off as clingy or jealous or anything. He just hoped that the new guy wasn't secretly some weirdo and that he would treat her with respect. Though Haro knew Lesh was more than capable of taking care of herself, he also knew if this guy tried any funny business, Naami wouldn't hesitate to join Haro in teaching him a lesson or two. If he was able to catch Lesh's eye, he would offer her a smile and a wink before he turned and jogged to catch up to Naami, Trayze, Maiza and Tavis. He was glad to see Tavis had decided to try chatting with the gloomy zabrak girl. Haro couldn't help but feel bad for her after her brutal defeat at the hands of Naami. He had plans to try his hand at chatting with the girl at some point on their field trip but for now he fell into step beside Naami and Trayze, catching the tail end of Naami's question about the older guy's affiliation with the Diarchy.​
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Equipment | In Bio

Location | Korriban

Tag | Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia

She exits out from the dense brush, letting her full size be shown there in the open. The beasts darkened nostrils lean in, taking a sniff of all those close by.

"That what they call me? I think so.."

Rieka takes another sniff, her sense telling her the little acolyte was scared.

"With so many of ya lil bastards running about I can only manage to keep watch on a few."

The beast comments to Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia before taking a seat, an audible thud and shaking of the ground as she did so.

"I suppose if I get any excuse to sit here I will take it... Ask your questions little wizard..."

She says to Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne .




Region: Mid rim
System Location: Valrar System
Planet: Valrar

Possessions: Journal of House Dirge | Family Crested Cloak | Hunting and Field Work Manual of Valrar
Equipment: Twin Blades of Dirge | The Point | Bokken (All in Bio) | Holopad | Light Armor


Adalee could feel her heart pounding with uncertainty. This wasn't a normal interaction for her. Sure, she was a capable warrior in her own right, but she couldn't muster powers through the force like everyone else. She was, as her father would say, "Pathetically unfit for the Jedi." She couldn't argue with those words, especially when the very teenagers around her could use the unseen power to their advantage. The only comfort that reminded her she wasn't "unfit;" was her only connection to the force...Blood Magic.

Even then, she wasn't capable of using her powers when she needed them most. Let alone, how to even use them effectively for situations she would want to use them in. Lastly, it had been years since she even attempted the practice. This was primarily due to the dangers of the art and the fact her family considered it a forbidden practice. Adalee considered this for as long as she could remember, in her heart of hearts she wanted to be the Jedi her father always wanted her to be. If Blood Magic was considered forbidden, maybe she could change their minds once she learned how to control it. All the thoughtful hope in her wouldn't save her now though. Not while the lupine beast stared back into her endless sunset eyes.

She took note of Lysander's words, but the beast had her full attention.

She stepped back slightly as the beast shifted in its motion to sit. Adalee looked quickly back to the excursion pamphlet. Before she could find the information she wanted, the beast sat. The ground shuttered, the weight of the creature turning entirely on it's axis for only a moment. Adalee dug her feet into the dirt below stabilizing her stance subliminally. Years of training was the culprit that kept her steady as the beast finished. Then it lumbered forward, amused by Adalee's words it responded.

"That what they call me? I think so.."

Adalee lightly grinned, the beast understood her. She wasn't sure the information was correct, but the beast had proven it so. Intellect was clearly there, enough to carry a conversation. Luckily, that's all Adalee needed.

The beast began to speak.

"I suppose if I get any excuse to sit here I will take it... Ask your questions little wizard..."

Adalee's brow rose in confusion. The beast no longer seemed scary to her. The more it spoke, the less she felt it was beast and not a child. Her body relaxed and as the tensity of her muscles contracted, she took a breath. Carefully, she moved closer to the sitting white furred wolf. Adalee lowered her voice, the others didn't need to know her personal business.

"Your creation..." Adalee's voice was soft now. "Do you remember it?"

It was straight forward. Adalee needed to know if the pale beast even knew what happened to it. Just because the words on the page told her bits of information leading to the use of Blood Magic, didn't mean the poor creature in front of her was a product of it. She of all people knew alchemy was a fickle. Since she left Dathomir she had carefully studied it. Both from the Book of Dirge and the basic archives throughout the galaxy with its mention. Only, her personal ties to the family of Dirge and the way they practiced such magic was a bit different, but similar.

She stared back at the Sithspawn, it's long white fur dancing across the tall grass near her. It was a magnificent sight, one that would take her hours to soak in.

Adalee finally relaxed, slipping the excursion manual back into her bag. Replacing it was a datapad, the screen staring back at her with a blank document. She pressed record and waited for the massive beast to speak. She hoped it would give her insight, but she hoped before and nothing had ever come of it.

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia | Rieka Rieka | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Leshanna Leshanna | Haro Aven Haro Aven | Zanami Zanami | Adean Castor Adean Castor | Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano

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Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member

Objective 2—Field Work

CURRENT MISSION - Green Thumbs and Shaking Hands
Immediate Goals -
1: Escort your fellow Acolytes through the underbrush
2: Try not to get any rashes...

BLUFOR - Sith Acolytes

OPFOR - Enemy Unknown

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano || Haro Aven Haro Aven || Leshanna Leshanna || Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania || Maiza Vex Maiza Vex || Adean Castor Adean Castor || Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne || Rieka Rieka || OPEN FREQUENCY

It was adorable, it truly was, and the Kiffar allowed himself a smile at the young Zabrak lad's exuberance. Rolling his shoulders back he answered "Maybe Ah was, maybe Ah wasn't.." he turned his relaxed smile to a slightly scrutinous leer. "What's it to ya?"

Whatever assumptions the Zabrak had, the Kiffar allowed him to continue to exude them as he walked forward - giving an acknowledging nod to the scrawny human with shining green eyes ( Haro Aven Haro Aven ).

It was a strange time, with so much possibility ahead of him - being older than most Acolytes present, he felt duty bound to be their de-facto chaperone, yet as it was written on his papers he was also as much a student as they were. Except for the fact he was a newer student, but he wasn't going to let them onto that piece of information.

No, for now, he would remain alert, eyes scanning the trees until everyone peeled off into the groups they felt comfortable being with...
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TAG: Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano | Haro Aven Haro Aven | Leshanna Leshanna | Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar
DIRECT TAGS: Maiza Vex Maiza Vex

An arm rose instinctually to shield herself for the blade that didn't descend. A fortunate twist, surely. Adean had seen the other girl's skills in combat once. Even if she had lost the sparring match, she'd proven herself to be a force to be reckoned with. "We've been keeping pace together for a bit," she said with a gentle tone. The last thing she wanted was for Maiza to think she was making fun of her or that she thought the other was stupid. She was seeking an ally, not to demean anyone, not yet anyway.

"What? No, I'm not with a cop." Casting a glance at the aforementioned Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar , it didn't escape Adean's notice that while on the surface, he very much looked like their chaperone, there was a part of him that felt off, inexperienced. Something that had Adean been more of a vindictive nature, she would've taken as a target to pick at.

"I have the list of potential creatures and samples here if you want to take a look." A datapad was a near constant in Adean's grasp. At the moment, it seemed as if she had an extra one, too, having brought her personal one before the faculty handed some out. She refrained from offering it entirely, however, lest there be homework found only on the academy-provided datapads. "Could be good to know what to look for."

She'd subtly (or perhaps not so subtly) refrained from answering Maiza's other question, buying herself time to consider an acceptable response. Why did she approach her? 'I saw your fight and thought you'd be good to be on good terms with' was a toss-up of an answer, even if it was an honest one. Judging from how deep in her head Maiza seemed to be, Adean suspected bringing up the fight would be a bad idea. "I have a feeling this group is too large to get very far all together, so I'm scouting for potential partners, you know? I'm Tavis, by the way."

Tags: Zanami Zanami

Gavin strode through the jungle without the slightest attempt at stealth, his presence a force of nature rather than something to be concealed. To an outsider, his careless footfalls and complete disregard for silence might have seemed reckless, a walking target announcing his position for anything lurking in the shadows. But in truth, his every step was calculated. His instincts were sharpened, his senses stretched outward, feeling the jungle around him as if it were an extension of himself.

His golden eyes flicked from shadow to shadow, scanning for movement, for a worthy opponent. He wasn’t here to rack up trophies like some overeager student desperate for validation—no, Gavin Vel hunted for something greater. A challenge. A test. Whether that came in the form of Sithspawn or another student foolish enough to stand in his way, he didn’t much care.

A dull ache throbbed in his back and side where the last beast had torn into him, but he welcomed the pain. It didn’t slow him—it drove him. It fueled the pulsing current of the Force surging through his body, sharpening his awareness and feeding his anticipation. Every sting, every burn, reminded him that he was alive, that he was still standing.

Then, like a shadow bleeding into his senses, he felt it—another presence. Not a beast. A person.

A slow grin stretched across his face as he stepped through the underbrush, his heavy footfalls cracking twigs and rustling leaves. "Knock knock!" His voice boomed, shattering the eerie silence of the jungle. He didn’t stop moving, but his posture shifted, his frame tensing, prepared to react in an instant.

His eyes scanned the dense foliage, searching for the unseen figure. He couldn't see them, but he could feel them. The energy was unfamiliar, yet unmistakably strong.

"I don’t recognize your presence," he admitted, his voice thick with amusement. "But I know you’re there."

He made no move for his lightsaber. He didn’t need to. If they were from Kor’ethyr, they already knew who he was. They knew what he was capable of. There was no need for a show of force—not yet, anyway.

"I hear there are some massive Sithspawn roaming around here. And they say teamwork makes the dream work… or something equally pathetic like that." His grin widened, sharp and arrogant. "I could use an extra pair of hands. I want to take down the biggest, meanest thing in this jungle."

His tone carried no hesitation, no doubt. Only hunger. Confidence. The sheer certainty that whatever beast awaited them, he would be the one standing over its corpse.

"You can take all the credit," he added, rolling his shoulders. "I just want the fight."

He wasn’t lying. He didn’t care about the points, the rankings, or whatever nonsense the academy had tied to this mission. He just wanted to push himself to the limit—to feel the raw, primal thrill of combat.

The jungle remained still. But he knew they had heard him.

Now, he just had to see if they were bold enough to answer.




Majesty - Ghost
Gear: In Sig
Tags: Gavin Vel Gavin Vel


Zanami watched the man walk brazenly and proud, flowing with confidence in his abilities no doubt, up in her perch. Cocking her head, she and every voice in her head, listened to the man's words; his head swiveling about looking for what exactly? Her? The other entity coming soon into his line of sight? "Look at this thing? Looking everywhere but up! Killing him would be too easy, to predictable. Pfft, LOOK UP! Fool," one of the voices screamed overbearingly in her head, prompting Zanami to clutch it briefly. The voice was right she agreed; there was no denying the formulized outcome.

Extending her tail from the orifice in her back, she wrapped it around the limb she was roosted on and swung upside down, dangling by her powerful tail. With Zanami back in control, the little dash of normalcy driving the invisible wheel, she said,
"You're not hunting us? Very wise of you."

She was unsure how much truth she could accept in his words. He was unknown to her, a foreigner in her eyes; possibly he was sent by Them. He openly admitted to hunting Sithspawn, and she was a Sithspawn but he was no threat to her, but he could be a partner. She was alone, no friends to speak of, and it would be advantageous for them to join forces; there were far more dangerous spawns out there as he stated, that she knew to be a truth.

"We don't know what dreams you speak of, and what that has to do with a team, but we agree to your proposal," she said, then released her tail and somersaulted down softly to the ground, landing on her feet, then looked over her shoulder in the direction of the other visitor. "Company is coming. But you are mistaken about taking down the meanest Sithspawn in the jungle," she added slowly turning her head to the other Acolyte, those eyes changing color from sanity to madness, "Because you are no match for us."

Despoiler **: Check
Acolyte: Check



Student At Kor'ethyr Academy

Nice to meet you, Lysander.” Leshanna said politely, though she certainly kept herself somewhat closed off with the new boy. She was here for study and academic purposes, not to goof off and be all silly. She looked back down at her datapad briefly, fingers tapping and swiping quickly with proficiency and ease as she went over the special notes Professor A’Mia had sent her, taking in the information presented and formulating where and how she would begin her assignment.

It would be dangerous, that was for sure. She was armed with one of the school provided lightsabers - a precaution, just in case. But she also had her wits and smarts about her too, and her ability with the Force - as budding as it was.

Sapphire blue eyes lifted to glance at Lysander briefly, noticing that he seemed to be…doing some sort of boyish thing, and her eyes flickered over in the direction he was looking to see her best friend, Naamino, staring back in their direction. Even from a distance, she could see and practically feel the Zabrak’s protectiveness, and she rolled her eyes slightly.

Ugh, boys. She thought internally to herself as she put the datapad away and triple checked she had all her required equipment. Lysander returned his attention to her and seemed agreeable enough to tag along with her, before asking her what her tasks were. She hesitated for a few moments as she strapped her bag to her back, before finally answering.

I am to take note of soil conditions in various parts of the jungle, and collect samples if possible. I am also on the lookout for a few Sithspawn that are of interest to my Professor. And what about you? Do you have any specific assignments?

Leshanna scanned the jungle around them for a little bit, her eyes sharp as she studied their environment as she tried to pick the best direction to go, before her gaze turned back to the blond boy’s.

...You got everything you need? Might be out here for a few days. If you’re ready then we can just head out.


Eager that his banter had been accepted by Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar and aware that he was being sized up in turn, Naami held steady with his signature stoicism and merely offered another shrug. He wanted to come across keen and aware but not overly nosy. The zabrak noted when Haro Aven Haro Aven trotted up and chose to take the opportunity for proper introductions.

"Nah, nothin' to me- just thought I recognized you is all," he said offhandedly, "My name is Naamino Zuukamano, by the way, and this is Haro."

The boy hitched a thumb in the direction of the taller, leaner boy before continuing.

"You aren't listed among the Professors as best I can tell, and I kinda doubt you're a Sithspawn," he joked dryly, "So who'd we have the pleasure of traveling with today?"

Naami pressed on into the jungle, his forward momentum directing their trio a bit ahead given that they seemed to posses the most martial prowess and could act as a forward scouting party, so soon they came across a wide shallow stream. Ice blue eyes kept up a steady scan of their surroundings. He sure as hells wouldn't be caught offguard out here; he had his group to look out for and he was certain that Myunnah Myunnah would never let him hear the end of it if he slipped up out here. One of his hands was never far from the hilt of Woe and despite the cool confidence in his voice, he kept his horned head on a swivel.

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Lysander gave a tilt of the head, a nonchalant smile playing along the corner of his mouth as he heard the girl’s name. “It’s nice to meet you too,” he said, his tone light. Inside, however, he couldn’t help but feel a touch of boredom at the mention of her special assignment. “Collecting notes on soil conditions?” It sounded more like a chore, and not much more exciting than bottling sand back on Korriban; no doubt, it was a far cry from the more adrenaline infused training he craved.

A heartbeat later, his gaze flicked back to the Zabrak from earlier, only to be met with a shrug, which also felt disappointing. But in a rare moment of honesty with himself, he considered the wisdom offered by his mentor, Revna. She had warned him about the dangers lurking on Korriban and the Academy, where the smallest misstep could lead to death if he acted foolishly. The reminder pulled at Lysander's mind, working against his usual bravado.

“I don’t have anything specific, really,” he finally admitted, shrugging his shoulders. “But.. I am kind of curious about these Irahi Drititis. They're actually kind of cute. And yeah.. I have everything I need.” His brow furrowed. “Actually.. I don’t. I didn't quite come as prepared as I should have. I didn’t bring much to Korriban other than myself.”

Glancing at Leshanna’s bag, an idea struck him! “Hey, did you bring anything to eat? I forgot my snacks.” Sure, it was somewhat bold, with a hint of entitlement from his days back on Ukatis, but he figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask. If not, then the boy would just be a survivor, full of optimism.

“Well, either way, I'm ready,” he added with a smirk. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Korriban

Tag | Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne

The first question of many she guessed.. One that caused the hairs on the back of her neck to flair up some, for it was not a comfortable memory.

"Boiling.. My skin felt as if it cracked and a venom sunk inside me. Eyes watched all around, faceless beings stalking in the dark. They watched not out of a sick depravity.. I could feel it, feel as those souls watched with sunken eyes. Their pity, their recognition of struggle. Ya... That is how it all felt, struggling as the abyss choked me and she watched with glee.."

A vivid memory, whoever 'she' was that the beast spoke of, it was clear that even this weapon of muscle feared whoever it was.

"Before it all-"

The beast takes in a deep breath into her dark snout.

"The smells, the crowd cheering.. Blood rushing as my hands cupped the filthy sands beneath me."

The memory, even if broken seemed to be held tightly like a treasure to Rieka. If the little student had ventured or read stories, she might know what the beast was in the past.



Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member

Objective 2—Field Work

CURRENT MISSION - Green Thumbs and Shaking Hands
Immediate Goals -
1: Escort your fellow Acolytes through the underbrush
2: Try not to get any rashes...

BLUFOR - Sith Acolytes

OPFOR - Enemy Unknown

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano || Haro Aven Haro Aven || Leshanna Leshanna || Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania || Maiza Vex Maiza Vex || Adean Castor Adean Castor || Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne || Rieka Rieka || OPEN FREQUENCY

The young, dark haired girl's declaration of him being a "cop" caused an almost physical wince - too many bad memories of being outed by a gang and risking his squadmates.

Steady breathing. Subtle breathing.

He regarded her words, gazing at the datapad and refreshing himself on the Sithspawn present. "Miss Tavis." he echoed, with a nod before regarding the Zabrak and the other human present. "Mr. Zukamano. Mr. Haro." the responses and recollections were curt, but the politeness and courtesy was present in a brusque sort of way. Lastly, he would gesture to himself. "Tesar." He wouldn't give his first name, partly to convey that around him, a standard of good manners would be kept - secondly, he wasn't sure when he would next see these Acolytes, so best not to get attached.

Lastly, he regarded "Tavis", and seeing the other two. "We have 'bout six? Two groups of three, each of us coverin' the other's blindspots." he offered, giving a brief insight to his more militarized background. Unlike most here, he earned both his commission in the Policing Corps and the scholarship to the Academy.
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Theme: Welcome to the Jungle
Equipment: Dagger | Bracelet | Hidden Blades | x5 Homemade Shivs | Power Mace | Holopad
Tags: Haro Aven Haro Aven | Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano | Leshanna Leshanna | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne | Rieka Rieka | Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar
Direct Tags: Adean Castor Adean Castor

Maiza eyed Tavis suspiciously for a moment longer, not sure if she should believe her or not. She did notice Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar looking at Tavis, as Tavis leaned in a little closer to give Maiza look at the datapad. Maiza thought for a moment about apologizing for pulling the knife and not noticing Tavis had been keeping pace with her. She, however, didn't because what would she say other than she had been so in her own head licking her wounds. That would just be something that could be used against.

She casually looked at the datapad that Tavis seemed to hold tightly. Around her their was a lot of nerd talk from the possible narc Leshanna Leshanna to the one of the new prisoners Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania . It seemed all the people were forming up into groups Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano and Haro Aven Haro Aven with the cop, of course Naami would hang with a cop.

The other new prison was running off with that strange looking thing that Maiza had no idea what it was. After her short glance at the others, she returned to the datapad. "Names Maiza but you can call me Maze or Mutt." As she looked at the creatures, she saw one that looked completely menacing and one she knew no others other than those out hunting would attempt to approach. "I like this one." She pointed at one of the creatures on the list a Terentasaur which seemed to have a lot of warning symbols around it. Maiza was careful not to touch the screen of the datapad afraid she would probably break it.

"I am not sure you will want to team up with me Tavis. There are a lot of nerds in this chain, gang and warriors. I am neither of those."
Maiza pointed off to another group of kids who were considered the bottom of the rung in Korriban academy. "I belong in that group, the ones that will wash out or die." Maiza really didn't feel she had anything to offer at this point. She wasn't smart like the Derriphan kids, and she sure as hell wasn't worthy to be a Rakghoul then there was the third group she couldn't remember their name she just called them cannon fodder.

"You go to that other school, right? You might be better off with Naami's crew they need a brain in their group looks like." Maiza didn't know Haro just that he hung out with Naami and Leshanna and Leshanna was off leading the new prisoner around. Also, the cat was missing, both of them. "I don't know scrawny but he hangs out with Naami so I doubt between the two of them they have a single brain cell and will get themselves killed. The cop I don't know probably bring them into the negatives, never met a smart one in my life and I have met a lot of cops." It seemed in jest but Maiza had her usual scowl on her face.

Objective 1
Tags: Zanami Zanami

Gavin took a measured step back, his brows lifting as he regarded the being before him—well, he wasn’t quite sure what she was. Sithspawn, clearly, but unlike anything he’d encountered before. His grin widened as she swung down effortlessly by her tail, displaying a physical control that instantly piqued his interest. Now this is gonna be fun.

Naami was going to love this story when he got back. He briefly wondered how his friend was doing on his own adventure—hopefully not having a better time than me. But right now, he had bigger things to focus on.

"Not actual dreams," Gavin clarified with a chuckle, a rare thing for him—being the one explaining something to someone else. Normally, he was the one scratching his head at turns of phrase. "It’s just a saying. A dumb one, honestly."

When she flipped down and landed, her words caught him off guard, but in the best way possible. The strongest Sithspawn in the jungle? Gavin let out a bark of laughter, eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Oh, I LIKE you,"
he declared, his grin widening into something almost feral. "We are gonna get along famously." And he meant it. Arrogance was a quality he could respect—as long as you could back it up. There was nothing worse than a cocky idiot who couldn’t throw a punch. But from the way she carried herself, he had a feeling she wasn’t all talk. That was exactly the kind of partner he wanted. Someone who could match his energy, who wouldn’t whine if he decided to show off, because they’d be too busy showing off themselves.

He rolled his shoulders, the anticipation settling deep in his muscles like an itch he was dying to scratch. "So, the deal is simple," he said, his tone still casual but laced with an edge of seriousness. "We actually work together. No stabbing me in the back, and I won’t stab you in yours."

Gavin casually moved past her, scanning the dense jungle, his golden eyes sweeping across the underbrush. The place was crawling with creatures—potential challenges lurking just beyond sight. Perfect.

"Name’s Gav, if you need to communicate," he continued, his tone easy. "And just so we’re clear—don’t get any weird ideas about me stealing your kill or whatever. I don’t give a damn about accolades."

His lips curled into a smirk. "All I care about is the fight."


Region: Mid rim
System Location: Valrar System
Planet: Valrar

Possessions: Journal of House Dirge | Family Crested Cloak | Hunting and Field Work Manual of Valrar
Equipment: Twin Blades of Dirge | The Point | Bokken (All in Bio) | Holopad | Light Armor


"Boiling.. My skin felt as if it cracked and a venom sunk inside me. Eyes watched all around, faceless beings stalking in the dark. They watched not out of a sick depravity.. I could feel it, feel as those souls watched with sunken eyes. Their pity, their recognition of struggle. Ya... That is how it all felt, struggling as the abyss choked me and she watched with glee.."

Adalee listened carefully. The words that began to form the beast's story sank into the pit of her stomach. This didn't sound like anything her book spoke of. She knew the dark aspects of alchemy could produce many outcomes, but as the beast spoke, Adalee could feel the air around them grow heavy. This wasn't the force, as much as Adalee wanted it to be a natural connection to the invisible strings of magic in the open spaces between them, it wasn't. This was pure fear, a sadness that ruptured her own perception of dabbling with the dark art of alchemy. Her heart sank slightly, nothing deserved whatever the pale beast was describing.

Adalee's own skin curled inward as goosebumps lifted to the surface. The sweltering heat couldn't stop the natural instinctive reaction. She tried to make sense of everything she heard. All the explanation did was create more questions. For a slight second Adalee wanted to leave. If this was the magic she sought, if it was able to do something so sinister...

I want nothing to do with this.

Rightfully, her thought immediately warned her of the initial dangers of the associated outcome of alchemy. If blood magic was part of such a horrific process, she wasn't even sure why she wanted to know more. All the warnings told her that the very thing before her was created by an evil that she didn't know existed. Didn't know was possible, till now. Still, she stood allowing the beast to have its moment. Ironically, Adalee was having her own moment. A sudden shift in her perception invaded her mind.

This doesn't necessarily mean blood magic was used...right? But if it was...

The little Thorne stepped closer to the beast, fully relaxed, she placed her hand on the beasts large paw. Her amber eyes lifted to the creature. If it looked back, it would see a sunset of empathy staring back at it. Part of the story hurt Adalee to her core, but she had to press on.

"Before it all-"

The beast takes in a deep breath into her dark snout.

"The smells, the crowd cheering.. Blood rushing as my hands cupped the filthy sands beneath me."

The crease in her pale forehead widened Adalee's eyes. Her heavy heart almost broke for the lupine creation before her. This used to be someone like her. A very being that could remember the simple pleasantries of life. Adalee couldn't imagine not being able to touch Lorrdian Lillies again. Being transformed into something like a beast or worse an amalgamation of something far more insidious. Then as the words of the creature struck the chord of its past life. She felt something else. She felt enough confirmation to finish her original thought, it felt disgusting and exciting all at the same time. Before she did, words escaped her.

"You used to fight like a warrior in your past life..." Adalee felt even more confirmation, this very thing used to be a person. The twisting emotions in her became more real now and she finished. "not by choice either, what was your name? Did you keep it?"

She had way more questions, but her internal realizations screamed at her mind like a concert of chaos.

Power. Power to turn anyone into anything I imagine. If blood magic can do this, what else could I do?
No, this poor person was tortured!
Look at it! Imagine the whole world at your fingertips, after everything you've been through you could make them bend a knee to you. No longer pathetic.
I wouldn't want to do this to anyone!
Maybe, I do... a little...
Father said...
Picture it, your own father, cowering to your power, your creations. He would accept you...
Maybe, but at what cost...lives of others?
Lorrd needs someone that takes action. Not someone afraid to get things done, even if that means a few unorthodox... ways.

Adalee snapped out of her internal struggle and moved her hand through the white hair on the creature. She finalized her chaotic thoughts.

Power. I'm touching power.

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia | Rieka Rieka | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Leshanna Leshanna | Haro Aven Haro Aven | Zanami Zanami | Adean Castor Adean Castor | Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano


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