Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Sithspawn Safari

TAG: Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano | Haro Aven Haro Aven | Leshanna Leshanna | Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne | Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

DIRECT TAGS: Maiza Vex Maiza Vex

Her eyes widened just the tiniest fraction as Tesar repeated her given name, not expecting the others to have listened in on her and the Zabrak's sidebar. Oh well, it wasn't if they had been trading damning secrets. She gave a nod as he also suggested splitting into groups. Good, all to plan so far. She did note, however, how practiced, maybe even militaristic his explanation was. Perhaps Maiza's designation of Cop wasn't so far off.

A delicate brow rose as Maiza continued to speak, confirming Adean's suspicions. There really was no doubt that the girl was trapped in a hell of her own mind. "I've seen you in the sparring rings. If I thought you were a wash out, I wouldn't have approached." Perhaps it was best she didn't mention the more recent bout with Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano , even if that was what truly had captured Adean's attention. Best not being up the sore subject herself.

A spark of panic lit itself in the pits of Adean's belly. What did Maze mean by that other school? Was her cover already blown? "I think I'm in Derriphan? Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia altered my schedule fairly recently - I'm not sure if there's an official ceremony or something like that." Hopefully that would be enough to draw attention away from the other school, if the Zabrak had indeed been referring to Jutrand.

"As flattering as it is that you think my brain would save them, that group's big enough already. But if you've dealt with cops so much, sure you know how to tail them from a distance? Or take off if we encounter something too big?" The latter part, her voice dropped in volume, all to aware of the prying ears around them.

There was a tightrope to be walked here. A balance to be found between winning this girl's at least temporary companionship (in turn, sowing seeds for future interactions) and scaring her away.

Student of Kor'ethyr Academy

EQUIPMENT: Bodie | Vibroknives (x2) | DH-17 Blaster Pistol | Field Com-Scan Link | Adventure Pack

As if on queue, Haro offered a friendly smile and a casual salute to Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar in response to Naami's introduction. The man had an odd drawl to his speech when he repeated their names with unexpected formality.

"Good to meet you, Tesar," Haro said as the three of them moved deeper into the jungle, Maiza and Tavis tailing behind. He couldn't help but notice how Naami seemed to change a bit around this "cop" guy, as he'd overheard Maiza call him, leaning further into his already surly demeanor and pretending like he was some grizzled veteran beyond his years. Haro stopped himself from rolling his eyes about it and listened to Tesar's suggestion of how they should group up instead, noting that he seemed to have some military experience. Well, that was good. As far as Haro was concerned, the more martially-trained folks they had tagging along the better in case one of the more dangerous Sithspawn crossed their path.

He nodded in agreement at Tesar then stole a glance back to see if he could spot Leshanna Leshanna through the thick foliage but it appeared she was too far back to be seen, or perhaps she and the new guy ventured off in another direction. He pouted a bit, suddenly feeling strangely unsettled by how the same everything looked and he was reminded just how out of his element he was in an actual jungle, having grown up in the galaxy's largest duracrete jungle. He took out his data pad and pulled up a map of the area. Something about holding the tech in his hand and seeing where he was on the map as indicated on the pin made him feel better. He wandered over to the stream and squatted down beside it, peering into the water before reaching for his pack to grab his sample collection device.​


Equipment | In Bio

Location | Korriban

Tag | Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne

Name.. What was it? She could remember many details about her past, the cheers of the crowds.. A woman clad in armor stood in an arena surrounded by the defeated, her blonde hair shining amongst the sands as they all cheered her name.

"Ever since I was a little chit, all I have ever known is battle. Before I was put into the pits I helped clean the fighters before being put into training.. My hands blistered again and again until my skin became as dry and rough as the sands."

Despite the beast's eyes being covered by a cloth, she tilted her head in a confused manner as their hand was placed upon her.

"A gladiator.. Rieka. Be careful avin mercy or pity, not something your elders look fondly on."

Mercy or pity was a rarity concerning the Sith, it was also something Rieka had been taught to not do herself. Her actions were to please the crowd, to destroy her opponent.



The zabrak continued to size up Trayze but otherwise seemed amenable to his proposed idea. He, Naami, and Haro appeared to be the forward group so the surly teen remained on high alert to possible threats. His curiosity rose, piqued rather than abated by Trayze's noncommittal answers about where Naami might have seen him before. As they reached the riverbank, the boy noted some large feline looking prints. He called over his shoulder to Maiza Vex Maiza Vex and Adean Castor Adean Castor where they walked some way behind.

"Big prints, look somewhat fresh and moving in that direction," as he pointed downstream.

The boy turned back to consider what next to say to Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar while Haro Aven Haro Aven looked like he was digging into their assignment a bit.

"So what exactly—" Naami began to ask, when suddenly something was leaping out from the sand at the river's edge to attack his friend.

To his credit, the lithe boy dodged instinctively so the dog sized thing that went for Haro's throat, flew past his head to land back in a spray of sand where it began to burrow back in. Naami's saber was in his hand and ignited in moments.

"WHAT THE- Watch out there's another one!"

And indeed the sand of the riverbank seemed to be shifting in a handful of spots, disturbed by the newly agitated Sithspawn. The one Naami had spotted took aim and spat a glob of acid into the center of their trio.



Region: Mid rim
System Location: Valrar System
Planet: Valrar

Possessions: Journal of House Dirge | Family Crested Cloak | Hunting and Field Work Manual of Valrar
Equipment: Twin Blades of Dirge | The Point | Bokken (All in Bio) | Holopad | Light Armor


"Ever since I was a little chit, all I have ever known is battle. Before I was put into the pits I helped clean the fighters before being put into training.. My hands blistered again and again until my skin became as dry and rough as the sands."

The beast's words held weight and the sadness of them made Adalee sympathetic. A fighter morphed into the very large amalgamation of what sat before her. The darkness she must have felt before she was turned was relatable. She had known the practices of such pits. There was something primal and vicious about them. Adalee preferred not to participate in the spectating, in fact, she refused many meetings that took place in the crowd. The sheer concept of trapping unfortunate souls in an arena to fight for survival was degrading, not just to those forced to fight, but those that watched it happen.

Adalee truly hated it. There were other forms of entertainment that could send dopamine to the brain. It didn't have to be fraught with blood in the sands of pits or arenas across the stars. Still, Lorrd had their own and despite her disapproval of them, they brought in a lot of credits. To go against wealth greater than your own in politics was sometimes a sure death. Such was true for fighting pit owners. Her stance on such things wasn't very sith-like and so her hand stayed. It clenched lightly onto the pale beast's paw. A sign to let the creature know she understood her pain.

The power in alchemy must have been vast. It amazed Adalee that such a transformation was possible. The amount of energy and magical practices it must have taken filled her with a sudden excitement. She began to question her own moral values, splintering her thoughts into insidious excuses.

Is the cost always another life? Could I tap into power like this? Can I strip the very core of someone's physiology and make it my own? Doesn't that make me a monster too?

Adalee looked up at the creature as it reacted to her touch. The tight white bandages around its eyes acknowledged her, Adalee wasn't sure if eyes existed behind the bandages. But she could feel as though a gaze tore through her.

No. In this galaxy, you take what you can. If I "Can" do this. If I am capable of manifesting creatures like this. I could reawaken the Thorne and Dirge bloodline. I could be...

"A gladiator.. Rieka. Be careful avin mercy or pity, not something your elders look fondly on."

"Rieka." Adalee's voice was soft and somber. "These people are not my elders." Adalee looked over her shoulder, careful to not incite the wrath of any professors. It's not that she wanted to be rude, but when your whole life was filled with lies, she remained truthful to herself. "Whether they condemn me for such things as mercy or pity, doesn't matter."

Adalee observed Rieka, her heart yearned for her freedom and the power to do the same to others.

She was conflicted. Unsure.

"The Pale Beast Rieka." Adalee let go of its paw. "That's how they label you. I know the past can be difficult to remember after everything you've been through. However, do you remember how..." Adalee had sweat drip from the tip of her head, the heat becoming a layer of moisture against her skin. she took a breath. "Or what was being done to you as you changed? Anything at all about how they did this to you?"

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania | Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia | Rieka Rieka | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Leshanna Leshanna | Haro Aven Haro Aven | Zanami | Adean Castor Adean Castor | Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano


Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member

Objective 2—Field Work

CURRENT MISSION - Green Thumbs and Shaking Hands
Immediate Goals -
1: Escort your fellow Acolytes through the underbrush
1.1: Dispatch the Sithspawn!
2: Try not to get any rashes...

BLUFOR - Sith Acolytes

OPFOR - Enemy Unknown

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano || Haro Aven Haro Aven || Leshanna Leshanna || Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania || Maiza Vex Maiza Vex || Adean Castor Adean Castor || Adalee Thorne Adalee Thorne || Rieka Rieka || OPEN FREQUENCY

With the quickness of a gunslinger, the globule of acid was quickly caught and lobbed back in the general director of its dispatcher. A second hand pushed the flying, canine sized roach mere millimeters away from Haro to a stone's throw away from the Acolyte Aspirant.

"Festerer." he grunted, a strange motion of his hand as he found his holster twist in such a way that the discharge would thud into another burrowing bastard. The projectile struck the poor creature as it poked its head up, hawking up another acid spit and choking on a mix of its own bile and blood before expiring. Now deceased, Trayze used the Force to yank the creature like a chitinous root vegetable, flinging it once more at another smattering of scuttling Sithspawn - noting their cannibalistic tendencies at best, or utilizing their weakness to their own acidic saliva to his advantage, before conjuring his slugthrower pistol to his hand, still smoking and trained in on the encroaching creatures.

"Sabers out if you got 'em. Hit 'em with their own spit or underbelly if ya don't." While perhaps counterintuitive on the account of either a) Sith are to compete with one another and b) people may have already studied them. But it was better to have friends than enemies, and this "squadron" was under his protection.
Student of Kor'ethyr Academy

EQUIPMENT: Bodie | Vibroknives (x2) | DH-17 Blaster Pistol | Field Com-Scan Link | Adventure Pack
Haro had just pulled the collection device out of his pack when he caught sudden movement in his periphery, turning to look just as the stealthy little Sithspawn lept for his face. The way he was positioned at the bank and the angle of the leaping attack left dodging forward as Haro's best bet.

"Oh chit!" Haro cried out as he ducked and threw himself into the shallow river, narrowly avoiding the snapping maw and piercing mandibles of the chitinous creature. He scrambled to stand up in the knee deep water and drew his blaster, whipping his wet mop of hair out of his face with a flick of his head, and looked around frantically, trying to get his bearings and figure out where to aim.

"WHAT THE- Watch out there's another one!" Naami barked in warning and activated his light saber as the riverbank rippled with movement before another of the creatures popped up and projectile vomited a glob of acid at them. Tesar gestured and, using the Force, he redirected the glob back at the Sithspawn then he tossed the corpse into more of them.

"Was that acid?!" Haro shouted in dismay.

"Sabers out if you got 'em. Hit 'em with their own spit or underbelly if ya don't." Tesar advised.

Haro definitely didn't like being in the water as it greatly hindered his movement which was one of his best skills but the Sithspawn were still creating a barrier between him and dry land. So he kept his blaster at the ready and trained on the undulating ground. When the next of the creatures decided to take a leap at him, he fired at its underbelly twice then shuffled to the side as its corpse plopped into the water beside him. He worked his way out of the water and closer to Naami and Tesar as quickly as possible, doing his best to avoid the acidic discharge and slicing mandibles.​

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