Jedi Hotelier
Location: Nar Chunna
Objective: 1
"Iokath? Even if the Hotelier wasn't here, we could always buy some black market items from that place. So presumably the Hotelier is in search of some exotic droid or sculpture"
If, in fact, the gangsters were after a base template to produce counterfeits of, what's popular from Iokath would be a set of six statues called Gods of the Machine. Tyth, Aivela, Esne, Nahut, Scyva and Izax. Or maybe the painting called Valley of the Machine Gods, the most famous painting in Iokath history, depicting the final moments of Izax. Of course, she would not pretend to know exactly how big is the organic population of Iokath, but perhaps enough to think that Joliver would go there and be able to open a pastry shop that will be viable in the long term. Now that the gangster understood why Varindar would even want to go to Iokath, they go fetch some artifacts stolen on H'ratth as compensation for this misleading information.
"Here, as a finder's fee" the gangster handed Varindar an ancestral lightsaber that belonged to Oric Traless.
Objective: 1
"Iokath? Even if the Hotelier wasn't here, we could always buy some black market items from that place. So presumably the Hotelier is in search of some exotic droid or sculpture"
If, in fact, the gangsters were after a base template to produce counterfeits of, what's popular from Iokath would be a set of six statues called Gods of the Machine. Tyth, Aivela, Esne, Nahut, Scyva and Izax. Or maybe the painting called Valley of the Machine Gods, the most famous painting in Iokath history, depicting the final moments of Izax. Of course, she would not pretend to know exactly how big is the organic population of Iokath, but perhaps enough to think that Joliver would go there and be able to open a pastry shop that will be viable in the long term. Now that the gangster understood why Varindar would even want to go to Iokath, they go fetch some artifacts stolen on H'ratth as compensation for this misleading information.
"Here, as a finder's fee" the gangster handed Varindar an ancestral lightsaber that belonged to Oric Traless.