Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion [SJO vs TSE] Operation Silversaber: Silver Jedi Invasion of the Mirial Hex

Location: Suburbs, Capital City
Objective: Capture the Jedi alive
Allies: TSE
Enemies: The Silver Jedi, [member="Marek S'hadar"]
Equipment: Armor, Ligthsaber

The Jedi demonstrated inordinate reflexes, his shift of focus from the falling balcony to the attacking Sith certainly spoke of a Master-level Jedi. As the two exchanged slashes, the buzzing noise of the sabers filling the silence around them, Vitor's eyes burned. Metaphorically.

A practitioner of the Force Sense school, primarily, his awareness increased a ten fold.

That also had its drawbacks. Vitor couldn't help but catch a glimpse of a Sith (@Vereshin) quickly trying to escape the scene of Avendahl and the Jedi fighting. The momentary switch in attention gave the Jedi an opening he did not waste as his saber caught both his shoulder's armor plate and the tunic beneath it leaving a scorching mark on his attire and intense pain to Vitor.

The Sith Lord jumped a few feet backwards to escape the melee and use the short distance between them to activate his retribution feedback shield. Immediately after, with a Force enhanced speed, he jumped back into the fray attempting to land a series of slashes upon the Jedi.
Location: Capitol building, Mirial
Objective: Show Sith supremacy

Allies: TSE and its allies
Enemies: SJO and its allies | [member="Jairdain"]

Gear: Mirari, Cruentis Cor, Valkyries founders' armor

Avacyn's saber did not connect and instead was knocked away, and as it was her eyes caught movement from behind Jairdain. Although they were quite some ways away it was not difficult for her to make out they were allies of the Silver Jedi, and that meant that if this fight would take much longer she would be outnumbered. At the sime time Jairdain's own lightsaber was now headed her way and the red-colored beam of superheated plasma was quickly raised to meet it, matching it only with equal strength to keep it in place. It would keep her opponent busy for at least some time and time was exactly what she needed, despite the situation. It would allow the woman to create an element of surprise. Using unconventional tactics did not always work out, but many a time had it given her the edge she needed to take control of the fight or even outright end it. Trying it twice against the same opponent however was something she had learned to be a bad idea. It was why she did not fully depend on it, but an extra trick was never a detriment when used sparingly.

Instead of striking out with Mirari once more, something completely different was done. The redhead pivoted while keeping the two blades locked to stand to the side of Jairdain would she not move along, the wall of a building now directly in front of her. She then released the grip on Mirari and let it crash towards the ground, the blue-colored blade retreating into the hilt as it did. With her left hand now free she drew upon the Force, connecting with the element of wind as she grasped the movements of an air current. Infusing it with her will it surged in power, and as the woman moved her hand it obeyed and moved to her command. Pushing out her arm towards Jairdain, her open palm directly facing her, a powerful blast of wind was sent her way with the intention to blast her into the wall.
Objective: Just survive
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"] and SJO
Enemies: [member="Enyo Typhos"] and TSE

Yuroic felt the Force building in the cyborg, he couldn't believe that this being was able to use the Force. It was more machine than living. However, he wasn't strong enough to defend himself against the attack of Enyo. His legs broke under the stress of the Force Push, the armour remained strong but he was pushed back and collapsed onto the ground. Realising that he was in a dire situation, Yuroic's face changed from calm to panic. The pain in his legs was excruciating. Using the last of his strength in the Force, he triggered the distress signal on his comms. Not able to speak it was just an automated message.

This is Yuroic Xeraic, I am in big trouble and in need of desperate assistance. Please respond to my location, being sent now. It was a simple message that he hoped someone would hear as he continued to focus on the duel to survive.

Yuroic shifted best he could to block the attacks of the cyborg. He saw the attack on his wrist coming, he couldn't block it with his lightsaber. Instead he punched his arm forward at the last moment, Enyo's blade bouncing off his forearm armour instead of lobbing his hand off. He then stabbed upwards at the centre of her body, the only part of her body that he could effectively reach from his position. Yuroic grunted and growled, not showing his fear and putting on a brave face with death seemingly in sight.
Location: Residence in the Capital
Objective: Consume living flesh
Allies: SJO, [member="Liuna Ondizi"] [member="Cardinam"] [member="Kaiza Pawaro"] [member="Lara Fairfax"] [member="Kal Visna"] [member="Stephanie Swail"]
Enemies: [member="Arthur Wayes"]


The bite upon her neck was her only wound, the lividity already causing the green skin to turn into a shade somewhere in between burgundy and violet. It pulsated almost, discharging a jaundiced-hued pus as well as other harmful toxins, but Europa did not feel it, nor her bruised limbs, or even the Mirialan on top of her.
She pushed him off with a snarl, sitting up with preternatural speed.
No sadness, nor anger or even surprise at her situation.
A raw hunger consumed her, and all she could acknowledge was the need to eat the flesh of any living organic nearby. The male Mirialan groaned beside her but she ignored him. Her keen sense of smell for anything conscious told her right away that he was dead and of no use.
Her stomach rumbled painfully, and then: "Ahrrraooooowwwgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgggg!" - a high pitched caterwaul of annoyance at being so incredibly hungry.
She stood now on shaky legs as though just-born foal and shuffled around, testing her gait and flexibility. Feth, she wanted to move faster, but her muscles would not allow it and she shuffled around the living room aimlessly for a moment, until she sniffed the air like a hound.
Sweet flesh beckoned, layers of epidermis, bubbly fat, stringy blood vessels and then the prize underneath - the raw, crimson, blood-soaked meat that she craved. It was close too, and Europa turned now, her hollow eyes pale and soulless, facing the man with the rifle. He was just beyond the walls which contained her and she began stumbling towards the exit, the door now hanging on its hinges, picking up a more rapid pace with each step.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Location: Mirial, some roof
Objective: Honorable duel.... TO THE DEATH!!!
Allies: SJO, RA
Opposition: [member="Lark"]
Equipment (see signature)​

Sukai sat on roof, motionless as Lark approached, Katana saber hilt in lap, but was more than prepared if the man tried anything tricky, sparing with her brother offering valuable experience in those that used underhanded tactics. Silently she stood up, taking a few steps forward, noting the face he had already draw his weapons, before the duel had started, 'One to eager to fight...'o be it'. When within 3 meters of Lark Sukai performed a bow, acknowledging him as the coming opponent before igniting her own blade, the slightly curved azure blade illuminating the are around her, it quite humming being the only sound as the two locked in eye contact.

Other times Sukai would have taken a from 2 or 4 stance, but for this fight she would apply her own swordsmanship style, apply named Ken kōgeki o tomeru. Taking a step back she place her saber in a high guard, parallel to her body on the right side, "......... begin"!!
Objective: Hit things
Allies: TSE. Stoicism.
Enemies: SJO, [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] (concluding duel after discussion with Yuroic's writer). Open to being engaged.
Gear: Simulacrum Body + armour (in sig), bolter, sonic blaster, Forcebreakers, 2x glowsticks.

Her blade had missed its mark, but the Jedi was down and on his last legs. He launched one last attack when he thrust the tip of his blade upwards towards her torso. The sabre connected with her chestplate and bounced off without penetrating, as her phrik armour absorbed the blow. Death was seemingly in sight for the stalwart Jedi. She'd won.

Enyo raised her lightsabre, ready to deliver the killing blow. She could envisage the burning beam of violet plasma chop his head off, causing it to separate from his torso and roll across the ground. Then she would take both his lightsabres as trophies. However, unfortunately for the cyborg, this would not come to pass and the Jedi would live to get a new arm and probably fight again!

Her mechu-deru senses flared when she detected the automated signal. This gave him a momentary reprieve. And when she moved to strike, she heard the sudden roar of engines. The thunderous noise was caused by an approaching dropship. Perhaps it had been in the area and received the Jedi's distress signal. Or it had been en route anyway.

A rotary blaster cannon vomitted ruby rounds of destruction at an absurd rate. Quickly, Enyo bolted and dodged, using her superhuman agility and speed to avoid the salvoes that sprayed the ground and seek cover behind some debris. Some blaster rounds hammered her others bounced off her suit. An indeterminate amount of SJO grunts were approaching on foot, spreading out to engage Sith and their allies. Nearby Sith soldiers responded in kind.

With a telekinetic tug Enyo called her Mark One Bolter back towards her. Feeling a stab of very organic annoyance, she fired a shot towards Yuroic using her sonic blaster pistol. It was extremely unlikely that the shot would be fatal, if it landed. In all likelihood it would deliver an unpleasantly hard punch and knock him out.

The cyborg's red eyes flashed for a moment behind her human irises. Bringing up her bolter, she unleashed explosive bolts on approaching Antarian Rangers, firing merciless bursts that tore through the sea of soldiers and left holes inside their ranks. For good measure, she threw in a devastating telekinetic wave. Amidst the roar of explosions, counterfire and cries of pain, she lost track of her Jedi opponent.


Location: Mirial - Capital City
Allies: SJO - [member="Kaiza Pawaro"]
Opposition: TSE - [member="Jartris Entumaa"]

Liuna stood silently as the Sith Mirialan address them in their native tongue. His words made her brow twitch and her trigger finger a bit itchy. Still, she waited quite patiently at her Jedi companion’s side. And when the man addressed her directly, she nearly laughed aloud.

“<The cost of violence.>” She repeated slowly, “<We Mirialans know this, as should you… Sith.>”

There was a definite tone of disgust, and she clenched her fists.

“<So noble of the Sith to come clean up the mess they made here. Now you suddenly care for the Mirialan cause? Funny, you seem to think that we’ve all forgotten about the atrocities carried out by the Sith. Will you stand by and let them wipe us out for good this time?>”

They had not forgotten about the attempt at genocide that happened at the hands of the Sith. How this traitor could paint himself a victim was beyond Liuna. Though he may be unarmed, he was not defenseless. But perhaps his hesitation was born of guilt; there was part of her that hoped so.

She leveled her blaster at the man’s chest.

“<You are on the wrong side of this fight, brother.>” She said, and then glanced to the side at Kaiza.
Location: Mirial, Capital City
Allies: SJO and their allies
Enemies: TSE, their allies and [member="Kaalia Voldaren"]
Objective: Survive the dance

Their mutual blows deflected, the lack of training on the part of Jairdain was a weakness Kaalia could exploit and she did. However, it wasn't with her second saber. The movements of Kaalia pushed Jairdain not quite off balance, but she went with the motion like a clumsy novice. Which in her opinion she was. Lightsaber combat was her weakest skill, but she had yet to find a good teacher to guide her through more than just the basics.

Thanking for a moment when she heard the second saber of Kaalia turn off, her intuition told her something else was going to happen. Luckily Kaalia didn't use the opportunity to stab at her exposed torso, what she did do surprised the knight. The sudden burst of wind came as a shock and sent her flying into the wall. The force behind the gale was hard enough that when her body connected, her head did as well. Beyond the point of seeing stars, Jairdain fell down an crumpled like a ragdoll at the base of the wall.
Location: Mirial, Northern Reaches
Allies: [member="Morgan Vance"], TSE
Enemies: The Silver Jedi ([member="Stephanie Swail"] ?)

"You and I have different definitions of both 'easy' and 'pie,'" Dante muttered as she headed down into the control room.

Technically located on the first floor, the control room was sunk deeper into the foundation of the building. The main systems formed a ring around a cistern. It meant the room was better protected from an attack from a starship, if one took the opportunity of the shield needing to come down when the cannon fired. But it also meant that the location would be more difficult to defend if ground troops broke through the perimeter.

Pulling up the defensive information, Dante frowned.

"Technically got a three-sixty firing arc with blaster turrets around the compound. They can be set to automatic- motion based with a sliding sensitivity so they aren't frying every little snow durni that comes hoping by.... or manual. But these two- right here?"

She pointed at two turrets, the ones covering the primary approach. On the screen, they flashed orange.

"Something's wrong. They work, but they can't rotate. Dunno if the cultists jammed them up, or there's ice on the mechanisms or what. Bad place to have stationary defenses."

Checking the cannon's recharge, she adjusted the firing arc with a sweep of her fingers. Tap tap- she set the space above the capital city as a 'no fire' zone. Sure, that was where the concentration of enemy ships was, but they could not risk bringing one down in a civilian zone.

Kaiza Pawaro

Do, or do not. There is no try.
Location: Mirial, Capital city
Allies: [member="Liuna Ondizi"]
Enemies: [member="Jartris Entumaa"]


Today, Kaiza fought for everything dear to her. Attachment was a dangerous thing, yet she believed her cause to be just. It had to be – a chance for Mirial to start again, free of dictators and cultists. But she did not hate the Sith for betraying their people; rather than wishing destruction upon him, she focused on defeating the threat he posed. To her, Liuna, anyone to cross his path in the future. His words reeked of trickery and betrayal, even if the man’s very un-Sith-like demeanour desired to persuade the female duo otherwise. Was there any truth to his words? Hard to say; this wasn’t the time and place to contemplate, and thus the Padawan girl pushed aside any shadow of doubt she might have had.

Taking a step forth, the Jedi circled her Sith foe in slow, carefully measured steps. Giving Liuna a clear shot was crucial, and thus the young Padawan opted for flanking her foe from the left, always ensuring the Sith remained surrounded and his two opponents did not get into each other’s way.

With her dominant foot positioned back, Kaiza held the bright blue blade back in a one-handed grip, angled forwards with the blade arm held parallel. Maintaining a calm centre, she placed herself within the eye of the storm, gently pushing out the conflict and being at peace with herself and the universe. A subtle nod went Liuna’s way after Kaiza established brief eye contact with her fellow Mirialan. Even though wordless, the message was clear. Once her attention shifted back to the threat, she finally spoke up; voice lacking any hint of anger or aggression. Only sorrow and resigned acceptance of the inevitable could be heard, no matter how hard the helmet tried to mask the truth.

“Surrender. You can atone for the past and help us rebuild Mirial.” The golden-hued Padawan begged the man for reconsideration one last time.
tinker tailor soldier spy
Location: Mirial
Allies: [member="Dante Sotari"] | Sith Empire
Enemies: The Silver Jedi | ([member="Stephanie Swail"] ?)

Morgan was studying the front.

There was little they could do about this, what they saw is what they got- or maybe... "I have a few detonators, we can mine the front and make sure to thin the Silvers, if they end up heading our way." Especially if those two turrets were malfunctioning they could use any advantage they could get for this shindig.

It wouldn't be easy regardless.

If the Silvers came in in force then it wouldn't matter how much prep work they did against this thing. Two people could make all the difference in the right place, but this was not the right place.

"See how far away reinforcements are for us."

See, the numbers changed if this was about holding it in a timed fashion. More reasonable, they could hold them off, inflict heavy casualties and keep the facility out of anyone's hands until the Sith came in to save the day. It all depended on the timing, on the numbers, every variable mattered in this situation.

It was both terrifying and exciting.
Location: Mirial - Capital
Allies: TSE
Opposition: SJO | [member="Liuna Ondizi"] | [member="Kaiza Pawaro"]

"<It may have escaped you that I am not on any side in this fight. It is not me who is pointing weapons at people>", remarked Jartris mockingly, with a lively sparkle in his eyes. He was coming to enjoy the bizarre irony of the situation he had found himself in. It was rather more entertaining than the prospect of having to actually bother to kill these women, not to speak of the fact that it would be quite a shame to do so. Young women were a precious resource for a people in dire need of population growth.

"<I don't know why you believe that I must be a Sith merely because I do not oppose our current government. I'm afraid you will find it necessary to kill many here if you so eagerly judge by this principle. Unlike, I venture to guess, yourselves, I actually live here and observe what happens. Those who rule us now are not the same who perpetrated the devastation of Mirial. There are many in the galaxy who call themselves Sith, as there are many who use the name of Jedi; not all of them hold themselves to the same standards.>"

While he spoke, he kept his eyes on Liuna almost constantly, his gaze only briefly darting to Kaiza on several occasions, but he did walk sideways very deliberately to prevent the Jedi from taking a position behind his back, ensuring that the three of them continued to form a triangle.

When Kaiza spoke again, he looked at her for a moment, bemused, and then - laughed merrily. "<And how, pray tell, would I surrender to someone I am not even in the process of opposing? Am I hindering you to go about whatever business you think you have in this place? The very concept of surrender seems... inapplicable.>"

"<Sir? What am I waiting for? What's going on down there?>" asked a female Mirialan voice coming from the comlink at Jartris' belt. His eyes darted between the two other Mirialans as if he were trying to judge whether he could answer the message at this inopportune time.
Location: Death Cult Mansion
Objective: End the Death Cult with A Rapto
Allies: Directly - [member="Tabigarashu Madara"], [member="Cle-Var-Ri"], Communication - [member="Darth Saarai"],
Gear: Clothing, Twin Daggers,

It seemed that one of us was not keen on working with me. Fine by me. All the more people to kill. The two who were leaving to report their findings were out of earshot of my singing at this death cult. The high pitched sound came to my ears like any song that would make a man swoon over. However, to the cultists, and possibly the reptilian with me, would find the song much like claws on a chalkboard. Nasty and hurting every portion of the brain, and ears.

Every moment I held this sound, was another second that the cultists were either clutching their heads, fighting my sirens call, or came closer to me with the eyes that only the word of Lust could provide. I sauntered in and slit the throat of three of these men. A woman clutching her head on the ground. Writing in so much pain, that I just might have thought I was a Sadist. Reaching down with my hands, I snapped her neck to the side. Ending the life she once had.

However, one of the men who followed my calling kept coming closer and uttered a phrase over and over.

"Mother Death, please take me. Mother death -"

Smiling I had just the right idea. I closed my mouth. Letting the siren's scream end as the man then shook his head and looked at me. A demon woman.

"One question Clevar, Were our commands to end these whelps, or were are we allowed to have some freedom in what we do with them?"

The slick smile that came on my face, was just wanting so badly to play with these fools. Maybe, just maybe do something more.
In a way, it was almost interesting to watch what she could.

Violence had a draw to it that she'd never been able to avoid, but her intrigue here was her place almost on the sidelines as she watched [member="Vaylin"] fight. She went into battle with Vaylin almost more often than she went alone, and she'd gotten used to how the Zabrak fought (bolder, more aggressive than she, but just as ruthless, just as effective) but it wasn't quite the same as watching like this. If it only weren't for the smoke.

All that said, she was hardly going to leave her apprentice to shoulder endangerment alone. Not because she didn't trust that the Zabrak could handle [member="Natassia Traxen"] by herself. But because that just wasn't how Aria did things. These days she was skeptical of ties to anything but once somebody found themselves close to her - and not even Aria was sure how she and Vaylin had wound up so close - really, truly close, she would go to the Nether and back for them. By contrast, this was a breeze.

A battlefield called for rapid and immediate justice dealt to any poor soul who wound up in her crosshairs, and her inclination towards such chaos had lent her a particularly destructive skillset. But this was not a warzone, whatever the Silvers hoped to achieve (what the hell kind of change went on since I gave up the Jedi shtick? Feth). There was quite enough damage being dealt here without Aria lending a hand.

So her focus, instead, was not on victory but on Vaylin.

And she exchanged the wave of destruction behind her fingertips for something subtler, more personal, a bullet instead of a bomb; a telekinetic grip reached out, fashioned to help the Zabrak's attempts to push Natassia off. If it found purchase it would deal little real damage - this wasn't her fight to end - but it would make the impact of landing that bit harder to get up from.

Meanwhile, Aria herself had delivered her attack from the other end of the room, half upright with her back against the wall. Battle had sharpened her senses to the edge of a dagger. The smoke was distorting them, and that was harder to recover from than she could have realised.
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Natassia felt the blow coming before she even felt it. Deep in her gut, her instinct told her something was wrong; but she was pushed forward by her rage, her desperate desire to live, to be able to have arms again someday, to touch someone and feel their skin beneath her palms. Gritting her teeth, she kept pushing forward against [member="Vaylin"] 's force barrier, leaning forward as she felt it giving way more and more. But in the fury of battle, she did not notice the blow that followed, both legs kicking her in the gut; what would have normally sent her reeling backwards, however, had a much more powerful effect on her person.
Thanks to [member="Aria Vale"] 's help, the Sith's blow sent Natassia flying, the only thing halting her being a wall of the living room. With the air knocked out of her lungs, she attempted to reaffirm her grasp on her stunsticks, only to realize both were strewn across the room, much, much closer to her foe than herself. Her helmet's display went from yellow to red, the thermal optics failing, as well as the rest of her high head display. Trying to pull herself out of the wall that had taken the form of her armor, she noticed that her left arm was unresponsive, the mechanical appendage having taken most of the blow.

"Frak", she groaned in pain as she finally managed to get out of the man-sized cavity, instantly falling to her knees. Biting her lip to try and suppress the pain, she started to painfully crawl through the smoke, her eyes tearing up, making her realize that the left side of her helmet was missing, explaining the corrupted error messages. It seemed hopeless, but if she had a chance to get away thanks to the smoke and eventually call for a medical evacuation, she'd take it.
For all these years in the Empire, she never feared death. Staring it down as she kicked open doors and gunned down rebels never bothered her so immensely as it did now; every single bit of fight left in her was directed at fleeing rather than fighting. She was crawling blindly through the living room, only gazing up as she saw a silhouette before her.
Unfortunately for her, it was Vaylin's.

"Every road has an end", she mumbled to herself as she looked back down to the ground and stopped moving, awaiting what would follow in silence. What was she to do anyway? Try and crawl away, only to be painfully taken down? No, from what she had heard from the Sith, it would only make them want to play with their food before eating it. Figuratively speaking. At least, she hoped.
But there was one thing she wanted to do if she was to die. Summoning what little strength was left in her body, she pulled herself to her feet, barely able to stand on her wobbly legs. Gazing up into the Zabrak's eyes, she spat at her feet, trying to harden her features, although fear was still easy to discern.
One last show of defiance, and another daring move of yet another of the unsung heroes.
"I'm not scared of you, you Sith piece of chit."
Location: Mirial Capital​
Allies: The Sith Empire - [member="Kor Vexen"]​
Enemies: The Silver Jedi Order​
The situation had descended into an all out warzone. The skies lit up with fire and death as both sides attempted to reinforce and gain air supremacy. Samka had done what she did best, she stuck to the shadows, darting between tight spaces and into buildings, picking off smaller groups of enemies piece by piece. A local boy who volunteered to run messages to the invaders, snatched from the darkness and impaled upon her blade. A sniper atop a three story building had his throat slit from behind. A group plotting to ambush Sith Troopers had their Life Force snatched from them.

So far the opposition was nothing major. Untrained opportunists. Criminals, Rebels and Cultists of some breed or another. Clean up duty was essential. It was, however, a tad dull for the young woman. With more Sith soldiers and local militia joining the fray, Samka was fairly confident she could leave the task to them. Larger threats were forming. Following the stench of death, the Ren rushed to a combat zone.

Approaching the barricade, the man in charge was oddly familiar. They'd not met but only after a moment's thought, Samka remembered the large hulking Sith as the being on the holoterminals previously. She watched from a distance for a moment, listening as he delivered orders to a shaken lieutenant who, to her credit, seemed to regain some composure.

The girl revealed herself to this Sith almost lazily. She strode forwards a few steps, a calm expression on her youthful features, "You requested reinforcements, my Lord?" She'd keep the formality of titles for her hosts, even those whose power she outstripped. It kept them in an agreeable mood. She curtsied at [member="Kor Vexen"] with her typical polite charm, apparently completely unfazed by the battle around them. "I can offer my services."

The girl's smile turned devilish, twisting the teenager's face into something sinister. "You'll find me most capable at putting Jedi beneath the ground. Practice has made me perfect."
Location: Mirial - Residential Housing
Objective: Fight Natassia
Allies: The Sith Empire - [member="Aria Vale"]
Enemies: The Silver Jedi - [member="Natassia Traxen"]
Equipment: [SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]2x Sith Lightsabers | Armour | Oculus

Vaylin watched with a great deal of satisfaction as Natassia was sent flying off her and over into a wall. She could feel Aria's presence flow over and intertwine with hers, enhancing her physical attack and helped propel the soldier with a much harder force behind than it would've otherwise had.

There was a resounding thud and crash as Natassia's form smashed into wall, enough to make an indent in it. Vaylin picked herself up, eyes remaining fixed on her opponent despite the smoke. Once the Zabrak had a bead on her foe, it became difficult to lose it - certainly wasn't disrupted by the room's current state. She went to stalk towards Natassia, but noted the woman's stun sticks were just laying there on the ground. Vaylin picked them up, inspecting them for a moment before she began to walk forwards.

She knew Aria was remaining in the sidelines still, watching to see what she was going to do. There had been a very distinctive difference these days, compared to when the Zabrak had first been encountered.

Vaylin saw Natassia's silhouette ahead, crawling on the floor now. Her expression remained neutral as she approached, seeing the soldier lift her head up to look in her direction. The Zabrak's head tilted slightly, realizing she could now see the woman beneath the armour - at least half her face anyway. Even now, Natassia demonstrated a inner strength she had, to manage to pull herself up onto her feet despite having just been tossed into a wall.

The woman spat at her feet, and Vaylin didn't seem to react, instead her attention was focused on taking in the fear that Natassia was trying to hide. It was almost intoxicating, something Vaylin could get lost in, but there was more important matters right now. She stepped forwards and immediately wrapped her hand around the woman's protected neck, but didn't add any pressure, instead she forced Natassia's head side to side.

Tanned skin, white hair, light blue eyes - defiance still lingering in them.

"Good, I'd be disappointed if you were." Vaylin lifted her other hand, a object held in it. To Natassia, it looked; amongst all the smoke, to be one of her lightsabers. But the truth was revealed when the air suddenly crackled before the Zabrak jabbed one of the woman's own stun sticks into an exposed part of her armour - keeping it there until she felt the soldier fall unconscious. Nor did she just let Natassia drop, and instead guided her down until she crumpled to the floor.

Vaylin turned to see Aria finally approaching through the smoke that remained, a curious expression on her face. The old Vaylin would've gone for the kill, maimed the soldier if she couldn't. But this one was a Valkyrie of the Sith Empire, her duty was to evaluate and judge whether someone was worthy to be converted. And she had seen something in Natassia Traxen.

"Let's take her up to the rooftops." It was clear the Zabrak had an idea, and the Sith duo were soon leaving the living room and searching for a ways to reach the roof. By the time Natassia awoke, she'd find herself stripped of any visible weapons and equipment, looking down upon the destruction and chaos the Silver Jedi had brought upon Mirial's capitol.


Saint of the Damned
Location: Mirial
Allies: TSE
Enemies: SJO, [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Objective: Don't Die

Lark stood silently as the Jedi stood and approached, holding his sword with loose fingers. Even as the duel neared it's dawn, he kept his dagger sheathed. Even compared to the enchanted sword, which he had gradually become accustomed to while training under his Master; the swordsman [member="Krest"], it was the smaller weapon that he was most deadly with. It wouldn't match well against the longer than average blade Sky'ito used, so he'd have to save it for an opportune moment.

Lark did not return the bow, but not out of any kind of disrespect. He offered a slight nod of his head instead. It felt good to be up against someone who wasn't familiar with all his tricks. His style was a kind of brutish cunning. Despite his lean frame he was stronger than he looked, yet he wasn't quite proficient in any particular fighting style. He could hold his own, but he preferred a different method of fighting. Trickery and misdirection, deciphering one's weaknesses and using it against them.

But no need for anything fancy right off the bat. Like a teacher proctoring a test, Sky'ito shouted for the battle to commence. Lark twirled his ghostly sword, before quickly raising his it and bringing it down in a quick, downwards crescent.

Tabigarashu Madara

Good things come in smol packages
Location: Mirial, Capital City
Allies: [member="Darth Saarai"], [member="Vereshin"], TSE
Enemies: Scary cultists and Jedi I guess ([member="Roona Osmari"], [member="Valkren Calderon"])

There was nothing subtle about the happiness and excitement of the Nezumi as they came bounding over. Skittering back and forth for a moment, the little creature leapt, catching Lord Fa's robe and scurrying up it. Usually, Hirou showed a little more decorum than that with the Sith Lord, but it didn't come naturally so in a moment such as this, well. Perhaps they could be forgiven.

They ended up on the peacock's shoulder, then scampered back and forth from one side to the other, talking the whole time.

"I was lost! But first I went with Tiba back to that house- I hate that house- Cultists were back! You'll never believe what they are up to! They are manipulating the-"

"The Jedi, yes."

Hirou stopped, whiskers drooping slightly. A little crestfallen.

"Oh. You know."

A beat, ears flicking back before perking back up.

"Oh! And the zombies! They are going away!"

"Yes, Lord Carnifex's work."


The ears drooped a little more.
Location: Staging Area, Corva Sector
Objective: Complete Phase 3 of assault, save what's left of [member="Yuroic Xeraic"].
Allies: SJO, Mirialan Separatists/Rebels, Dominion Remnant
Enemies: TSE, Mirialan Death Cultists
Directly Engaging: [member="Dante Sotari"], switching from engaging [member="Darth Ananta"] to [member="Enyo Typhos"] once planetside.

[Advance Group - Mirial Airspace]

In a surprising turn, the Sith unveiled their first piece of serious firepower against the hovering Pantera: an orbital gun. As the emplacement was detected after powering up, the frigates began to take evasive maneuvers and elevate above the layers of nagnol clouds while launching additional ECM drones, but Corvus still took a glancing shot from the emplacement, the shielding on its port side flashing white from the collision. While only a glancing shot from the slug, its shielding would be depleted nearly a third by the awesome power of the powerful cannon.

Following the release of ECM drones, the frigates fired off salvos of Asmeru MIRVs at the orbital gun. The MIRVs homed in on the orbital gun, then split apart to unleash their payloads of Hornets a few kilometers directly above the city, aiming to bust the shield generator and ruin the barrel assembly with a firepower kill (F-kill). Dozens of the shield busting smart munitions were now on a direct course for the orbital gun, set to rain hell with 150 mm vibro-flechettes if they weren't intercepted before passing through the shielding.

Soon the frigates would be out of harm's way, but they would be unable to support the ground forces until the orbital gun was neutralized. Calls were made to gunships and fighters planetside to prioritize destroying the orbital gun in an attack to follow up on the frigates' precision missile strike.

Still unknown to most of the crew of one of the frigates, they now had a special Sith guest ([member="Darth Ophidia"]) aboard...

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