Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion [SJO vs TSE] Operation Silversaber: Silver Jedi Invasion of the Mirial Hex

Location: Mirial Capital​
Objective: Aid Sith Allies​
Allies: The Sith Empire | [member="Kor Vexen"]​
Enemies: Silver Jedi Order​
"I requested reinforcements and they send me a child?"

Samka Derith smirked, albeit devoid of humour. It had been a while since she'd been talked down to like that. Her role inside the First Order had brought the respect she had always craved. The stuck up officers who had once jeered at her youthful appearance now sevred her unquestioningly. Moving outside of that circle however, it seemed she'd have to reassert herself.

The temptation was there. Despite his fearsome appearance contrasting with daintiness, the Ren was certain she was stronger. A Crush, a Choke, an unrelenting burst of Lightning, any one of them would surely establish her dominance over the large man in the only way a Sith truly respected.

But no.

It wouldn't do to leave any misunderstandings in the middle of a battle. The last thing she needed was to be locked up on suspicion of being a Jedi sympathiser. A misinterpretation of her actions could bring the Sith army on top of her and that simply would not do. So instead she continued smiling pleasantly at the Sith.

"I'm not with your command structure," she explained, the sweetest smile never leaving the girl's face as she answered the Sith's question. "Consider me a foreign volunteer. I'm a friend of Lord Carnifex. I was passing through when the Jedi came to burn the place down, it's a nasty habit of theirs I'm all too familiar with by now."

"Ahem." The girl cleared her throat and suddenly stood perfectly upright, her voice suddenly commanding authority instead of the polite, deferential persona on show before.

"You've done excellent work holding this position and your broadcasts to sap enemy morale have not gone unnoticed. Fine work considering the circumstances. What's your name, Sith?" She questioned the warrior, probing to see if he was truly worthy of respect beyond the shallow but convincing pleasantries she offered.
Location | Capital of Mirial
Objective | Push the SJO back
Company | [member="Samka Derith"]

Vexen eyes the young woman standing before her as she simply responds with facial expressions. Perhaps he struck a nerve or she was well mannered enough to not let mere words get the better of her emotions, especially considering who she was being addressed by. The injured soldiers being helped around were busy setting up a fortified position the next block over as they entrenched themselves in place and notified the Lieutenant that was under Vexen's charge. His attention would shift away from Samka as his tattered cape flourished in the breeze as he slowly began to walk off with his back to her, surveying the area for hostiles.

He would speak in a blunt and simple manner in response to her earlier statements, his vocoded voice booming, " Spare me the niceties young one. I am far too old to be getting caught up with them. All that matters to me is that you are here to assist us with this...Jedi infestation we have... " His hands which were crossed behind his back would shift as his head turned to the side just enough to stare at Samka within his peripheral vision. He sensed a great deal of darkness within her despite her rather innocent and polite demeanor. Good. He wasn't stuck dealing with someone that may be of Acolyte strength. Perhaps a Knight or even a Master. His gaze would return to the battlefield; it seemed the Jedi forces in the area retreated after the transport full of reinforcements had arrived. He could only hope that the rest of the reinforcements that were scattered throughout the city perimeter would continue to repel the Silver Jedi Order's forces.

His armor would shift and thud as he turned away from his observatory stance, slowly striding back over to the young woman as she cleared her throat, pausing a few feet in front of her, towering over her smaller, frail figure. He would stand and listen in silence as she went on to compliment his tactics. After she had concluded her sentence, he would speak up, " Stratagems are critical to any effort in battle. The Silver Jedi cannot hope to successfully overwhelm and take Mirial when the populace has turned against them. Those broadcasts sway the public in our favor, something the Silver Jedi cannot afford to allow... " He would pause as he continued to look down on the young woman, " The Jedi's complacency in believing a band of rebels would be enough to turn this battle in their favor is the greatest error they made in invading Mirial. Why do you suppose that is young one? It is because the people of Mirial understand we are here to help them. Any rebel wishing to work against that stands in the way of their peace. An invasion hinges on who wins the public's favor, not dissidents... "

Vexen would look down at Samka as he was unsure whether his little rant had bored her or not. It didn't matter to him either way as he enjoyed hearing his own voice. When asked what his name was, he could not help but be a little dramatic with his introduction. He would raise his hand to his chest before offering a deep bow, not particularly given out of respect for the young lady, but because he enjoyed it whilst he introduced himself, " Kor Vexen, Knight of the Sith Empire. " He would rise up to a stiff posture once more before adding on, "And you are? Or would you rather I go about calling you Young One for the entirety of your assistance? "
Mirial, giving another chance.

The rounds broke the smoke around him with an obvious lack of accuracy. The Padawan’s ‘trip’ was in full swing, and the fact he could even manage to fire in The Slave’s direction was impressive enough, let alone the fact one of them hit. It was the second time he’d been hit so far, his only saving grace being the thin plates of phrik that coated most of his body; saving the tender muscle beneath for another few minutes.

With a sigh at the landing of his own hits, The Slave quickly moved to readjust his direction. He was no novice, and just as he had done the same in a three way battle with a Sith Lord and Dark Jedi Master, he knew staying in the same position was a sure fire way to die; even if your opponent was under the influence and a few steps behind either of those previous opponents. Darting to the right, he’d reposition himself in the smoke and watch the Jedi move about a few more steps, likely hoping to get himself to even a moment of an advantageous position.

The Slave wasn’t impressed yet, still finding some semblance of mercy in his heart for the young enemy. This ‘mercy’ manifested not in an unfamiliar attack shrouded in darkness and nightmares, but the same strike that came before; he’d give him yet another chance to turn the tides of the battle. With footfall breaking the rubble beneath him, he rushed towards Dusaro with another horizontal strike; one which carried the same technique, the same force, the same nature as the first.

Honestly, he just wanted to see how he’d react.

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]

Halfway across the sector, cutting down a fleet.

[ The Technicolor Beat ]

Cybele had been waiting for ships to move to open combat, as the cloaking they used stopped any chance of an accurate shot. In truth, she only intended to destroy a fleet that fled the planet; but engaging in combat would suffice for the time being. Afterall; she'd already been waiting long enough to fill her boredom, what was a little foreplay before the main event? So her computerized thoughts moved to preparing the ship to its final stages of firing, establishing the firing arc, and setting themselves up for the barrage.

First came the slow churn of the reactors moving into overdrive. A series of power systems turned low to prepare for the full barrage from the Technicolor Beat, a ship entirely meant for long range combat. Cybele, the ship’s AXIOS AI idly prepared the calculations in only a few moments before setting the rest of the actions into motion.

Second came the stillness space held, its cold vacuum offering no warning to what was to come. Each of the four hellbore cannons began to spool and prepare for their first barrage while the massive main proton beam cannon began to vent its exhaust. Metaphorically, it was the trumpets announcing death, apocalypse far from outside the standard combat area the many fought in.

Third was its arrival.

Just as the Jedi saw the Sith to be full of sin and destructive behavior against her Empire’s people, so too did Cybele see any action against The Slave and what he held close to be morbidly cruel. She, this humanized computer, would rain down righteous fury the likes of which few had ever seen; even amongst the most experienced of naval commanders. It was in this singular, long range shot that judgement would be offered, demanded even, and her anger would be cast out upon the world.

Each Hellbore began their rhythmic firing process, shooting a grand total of eight energy torpedos per second. Travelling at nearly 20% the speed of light, the projectiles would soar through the abyss to their predetermined targets; those being the largest ships of the Destroyer Group Romero. The rounds that sought to end their existence were massive, destructive, and were perfectly engineered to tear through not only the shields these ships had, but the armor beneath too. Over the course of thirty seconds, over 240 shots made their way downrange, each able to decimate whatever they hit.

However, that was not where the destruction would end.

For the sake of the ship’s design, it held two massive experimental reactors to power its main guns and the extremely advanced AI aboard. What wasn’t given to the hellbores during their fire process went to the main proton beam cannon, a weapon so destructive in nature it was once known to scorch planets when given the command. This true call to destruction broke the chains that bound it, and let loose the skyquake echo it should be known for.

The singular, massive shot sped through space at the rear of the Hellbore rounds, towards the main star destroyer Akula. Guided by the advanced calculations given at a moment's notice by Cybele, each of the rounds were given an extreme probability of hitting their target when considered with speed and aiming adjustments; yet there was a weakness to this main gun barrage Cybele let loose.

For a few moments, a few very key moments, the god killer known as The Technicolor Beat went silent in the distance; with it the AI known as Cybele. It’d be a few moments before it came online, and a few moments longer before its cybernetic captain regained binary consciousness. It could only be hoped that the assault had some effect, and it was not all for naught.

[member="Arisa Yune"]
Location: Mirial Airspace
Objective: Liberation
Allies: Silver Jedi Order [[member="Maya Zhou"]]
Enemies: The Sith Empire [[member="Darth Ananta"]]

As Cassius tried to come around for another pass at the TIE Silencer, he found himself swarmed by a squadron of new TIEs. He had no choice but to disengage and let the enemy slip away. Part of him was disappointed at being able to see the battle through, but it was of little consequence – it would give him a chance to focus on other objectives. The orbital cannon that had been activated was swiftly taken care off by a bombardment from their frigates, which he was grateful for. As the cannon had been powered up after his initial airstrikes with the EWAR missiles, they’d missed it.

He was giving Green Squadron the order to form back up so he could reorganize a little bit in the air when he felt something… indescribable. At first, it just felt like a strange type of anxiety, with a rising feeling in his chest that was unnatural. Without warning, a sudden fear gripped his heart, and Cassius found himself nearly hyperventilating. His hands shook as he tried to hold onto the controls, but he found it more difficult with each passing second. All around him, what had previously looked like a carefully coordinated hive of insects now was just slow and haphazard. Starfighters smashed into each other and spiraled down to the city below. Laser cannons were fired in random bursts.

It was the voice of his comrades that finally started to bring him back.

“Green Leader,” Green Five radioed out, “what… what’s going on? I… I can’t breathe…”

“Stick with me, Five!” Cassius said in the most confident manner he could muster. Beginning a slow circle high above the city, Cassius looked down to try and figure out what was going on. Although it was already dark, he could see some sort of translucent blob emanating from a singular point. Just by looking at it, Cassius felt as if he were staring into the eyes of Death itself. That had to be it. One of the Sith Lords had to be using the Force to cause this.

“Guys, everyone listen up!” Cassius barked, his voice calm despite his heart nearly thumping out of his chest. “It’s a Sith trick! They’re trying to demoralize us and instill us with fear! We can’t let that happen.” Through short breaths and sorting through the fog that was trying to throw a veil over his mind, Cassius tried to weigh his options.

“I know you’re scared,” Cassius said. “I am too. But we need to stop this, and I know we can do it.”

“All wings. Report in.”

He looked down to his sensor readout. Including Karren, he’d only lost four squad mates so far. That left eight, including himself, to go on an attack run. After a pause, he heard seven distinct voices, some scared out of their minds but fighting the best they could, chime in.

“Form up on me. Let’s go!”

With the remaining starfighter squadrons, as well as what looked like some new Galactic Alliance friends, Green Leader lead the rest of the squadron as they swooped low and formed up. With the path clear ahead of them, Cassius pushed his throttle as far as it would go, and the rest of the fighters followed behind as they all screamed ahead at full speed. Eight arrowheads skimmed over the tops of buildings and wove around comms towers as they made their way towards the center of the dark storm ahead of them.

As they got closer, Cassius almost expected the effects of the fear to compound. Instead, it started to lessen, and the edge was taken off. Almost instinctively, Cassius knew it was his Jedi allies on the ground fighting against it. He was going to need every ounce of confidence in order to do this. Lining up his shot, the squadron aimed for the center of the dark maelstrom, even if it was hard to see. Cassius bared his teeth in anticipation, but soon found he couldn’t hold it in any longer. He let out a loud, shrieking battle cry as he pulled the trigger and red plasma came bursting from the laser cannons.

Cassius knew he might not make it, and that he might not even succeed. He tried not to think about his squadron that was possibly falling by the wayside right now. All he could think about was trying to end this reign of terror before it could affect anyone else. Even if it meant just lessening the impact of whatever this was on his comrades, it was worth it. He'd failed at sector 27-AJ.

He couldn't fail here.
Location: Miria, still tripping on LSD
Objective: Get ouf ot the FUBAR BUNDY level SNAFU
Allies: SJ, [member="Arisa Yune"]
Enemies: Sith [member="The Slave"]

His ears 'twitched' a bit as he heard the sound of a single round connecting. The shrill sound of the extremely high velocity pellet getting deflected off of the metal managed to even reach his ears. Not that this solved anything, that is where the Sith -had- been. But he now knew he could hit him, which was more then he had going for him ten seconds ago. After firing a few hopeful shots off that would not connect with anything, he holstered the pistol. No need to keep something out that he couldn't even use at the moment.

Starting to slowly stop his walking, Dusaro barely had use of his left leg. He could use it for slow, shuddering steps forward but that was about it. Even at that it was not exactly great, if the area had been filled with more rubble and 'rough terrain' he probably would have tripped by now. Leaning heavily on his right leg, he started to raise his lightsaber into a defensive position. It was by almost pure chance or maybe luck that Dusaro did this just as the attack from the Sith came in at his left side. Had he not been in position he would have been killed. But unlike last time where he had been taken by surprise, Dusaro was waiting for this one.

His body reacted to the sudden pressure that hit his body and lightsaber at virtually the same time. By the time he was putitng force to repel the attack, the Sith Sword was already a quarter of an inch into his side. As he started to slow the blade down, it was a inch and a quarter in. By the time he stopped its progress, it had cut over three inches into his side. His mind did not even register the pain as adrenaline surged through his Firrerreo body. Ignoring the extreme damage and not paying it mind, Dusaro's left hand reached out for the Sith arm's to grab it with a grip like iron. Dusaro had him now and he fully planned to use the sword in his side as a anchor to keep the Sith right where he wanted him. At the same time as he went to secure the Sith with his arm, his right arm holding his lightsaber lashed out in a vicious diagonal slash down the bearing of where the blade was in his side at.

It was a tactic that borderd on the edge of desperation and madness, but Dusaro executed it calmly even while he gazed death in the face. That was perhaps the most extrodinary thing Dusaro showed in that moment, quick decision making in the face of death without any hesitation. But he knew that to survive this fight he would have to take the hand of death and dance along a dangerous edge. Now it was time to see if his opponent appreciated this, or if all the bravado so far had simply been for show.

3 Flash Bang, 1 Smoke, 3 Thermal Dets, 4 2 Pound Explosive blocks

Pair of Shatterguns, Lightsaber, Blaster Carbine

Light combat Armor, Thermal Imaging Visor, Right Hand Repulse Hand


Ranger Scouts(19)

Ranger Snipers(15)

Ranger Combat Medics(39)

Silver Jedi Heavy Weapons Infantry(25)

Mirilan Rebels [Armed with 10MM autorippers] (200)

Mirilan Rebels [Armed with a variety of low grade blaster weapons] (300)

Gnat Runners?(12)(6 per squadron)

YVH-2 Droids (14)

794 Total Troops
Mirial, enjoying the view.

The Slave beamed as the blade sunk deeper into the Padawan’s side, not to mention his quick thought counter strike from the side. With the toxins now flooding Dusaro’s mind and body, there was little chance he’d be free of its effects for at least an hour; an hour pure torture and deceit to the ever comforting reality he had taken for granted. It’d be a curious show just to watch his actions, leave alone fighting him under such influence.

As if to reward the Jedi, The Slave used his free arm to block the lightsaber; half of it meeting phrik plate while the other half cut and burnt his skin. With his cloaking’s primary system compromised, he let the smell of burnt flesh sink into the young man’s nose before responding with a swift and violent kick to the inside of his far knee; easily enough for to break and buckle the cartilage.

The toxins however would do their own work; turning the now visible but smoke shrouded Sith into a demon who’s laugh wouldn’t cease. This mixing with the ever present sound of Ishtar, the blade now stuck in Dusaro’s side, would create a waking nightmare that even the most sturdy of well versed Jedi could not withhold. It tore at his sanity, his understanding of the world, because no matter the focus he bled into his mind’s eye, reality continued to shift and change in ways that only drove him deeper into hell.

If The Slave’s kick landed, he’d back away from Dusaro with a masked grin. Perhaps he still could get some enjoyment out of the fight.

[member="Dusaro Dresari"]
Thank God I'm Not You


Allies: The Sith Empire, [member="Darth Carnifex"], [member="The Slave"], [member="Aria Vale"], [member="Lark"], [member="Enyo Typhos"], [member="Calina Ovmar"], [member="Taeli Raaf"], [member="Kor Vexen"], [member="Morgan Vance"], [member="Dante Sotari"], [member="Vitor Avendahl"], [member="Vereshin"], [member="Jartris Entumaa"], [member="Atlas Kane"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="Lord Ghoul"], [member="Vaylin"], [member="Kaalia Voldaren"], [member="Anora Demici"]
Enemies: The Silver Jedi Order, [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Valkren Calderon"], [member="Roona Osmari"], [member=Sky'ito Yumi], [member="Stephanie Swail"], [member=Marek S'hadar], [member="Jairdain"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Europa Draav"], [member="Liuna Ondizi"], [member="Kaiza Pawaro"], [member="Lara Fairfax"], [member="Natassia Traxen"], [member="Dusaro Dresari"], [member="Jake Daniels"], [member="Kiriko"], [member="Cathbodua"], [member="Setzi Lunelle"], [member="Madeline Roux"]
Objective: End this silly game
Location: Capital of Mirial
Equipment: Armor of Aneshe, Lightsaber

The Sith Lord knew the consequences for her application of the force on such a large scale would be dire - she had no doubt that the charade of being heroes was, at the very least, placed under scrutiny after the psychological horrors she had exposed a large percentage of the opposition and population, both, to.
The trouble with the kind of thinking employed by the politicians of the Empire was that they restrained themselves on behalf of the perception they wanted the average civilian to have of their oh so benevolent Empire, a restraint that made winning wars and killing foes far too tedious a job for the likes of she.

It was fortunate, then, for those feeble political folk that the waves of darkness only inspired the feelings of hopelessness and despair, choking out merely the connection to the light side of the force, rather than placing physical harm on those same civilians. The fear felt, excused even, by those in the city alone added a tremendous amount of fuel to her internal fire - a fire of agony that she fed from like a Leviathan to a sea of souls. The Sith Lord uttered no words when the torrent of the dark side subsided - she needn't spare the energy or the time for words that no ears were deserving of. No, Aneshe enacted the second step in the three step process of levying an insurmountable wall on the Jedi present.

Mere moments before she allowed the spell to subside she felt the natural counter to the darkness brighten from just beyond her metaphorical reach - but it was merely a quaint shade in comparison to the tactic she had employed over Charros IV. Yes, the Sith was intimately familiar with the art battle meditation - it had been one of the focal points to the assault she'd made on Charros with the Galactic Empire that had left the Silvers and their allies to play directly into her hands like puppets on a string. She was surprised to feel the murmur of it's calming touch reach even here, meager as it were, but she found herself glad that a foe both capable and trained in the art of more effective force abilities was present - it would make their defeat all the more sweet.

However, as she prepared to take her seat on the duracrete road, which was largely absent of activity because of both the fighting and her intimidating presence, the whistling sound of superheated particulates zooming in from overhead momentarily caught her unawares. The reason she had chosen this area to stay for her act of sorcery had been to ensure that no Jedi would dare to attempt to 'liberate' this section of the capital - and because, although most areas were in the capital, it was densely populated with housing on one side of the street and a hospital behind her. The Sith forces had been given strict orders to not fire below the horizon line - it was common knowledge in the Empire that killing or physically harming civilians was largely unacceptable except in the most dire of scenarios, which this farce of an invasion was not - so she knew it could only have came from the enemy, likely some hotshot pilot hoping to get a lucky shot through the pitch black storm that had surrounded both her and the areas effected by the waves of darkness. It was unfortunate, then, that it was the building behind her that the laser cannons had struck,
striking the base of the front load-bearing wall, not only killing the patients and doctors that had likely been hiding in fear, but also bring the entire floor above it crumbling down - and by consequence the entire front end of the hospital and the upper two of six floors tumbled forwards under their own, unsupported weight. While she was far enough from the building as to not be buried alive by rubble, the Sith Lord was nonetheless showered by the duracrete, wood, glass, and other shrapnel and debris made airborne by the sudden collapse.

To be entirely honest, Ananta had been surprised by the blatant disregard for civilian life, especially firing laser cannons from air craft into a densely populated city. Unwilling to remain in the open any longer, however, the Sith Lord took advantage of the smoke and dust that had replaced the darkness to move across the road for an apartment building that likely housed many of the medical staff that had just perished with their charges behind her. She had not emerged unscathed, of course, the back of her neck and the right side of her face streaked with her own blood that had been drawn from small wounds caused by the spray of glass shards - wounds which throbbed like a hundred miniature gashes from a knife.

A pity that the blast hadn't ended her, or that the pilot hadn't tried a more desperate maneuver, because the physical pain she had been inflicted with only served to add to the various sources of darker emotions to draw upon. Even now, as she drew on her own feelings of pain, anger, and rage to facilitate a strengthened connection to the dark side of the force, the hundreds of lives lost - souls screaming in tandem with the injured and dying children, elderly, and pregnant - became a source of sustenance that far outmatched the mere fear she had drawn from when she had cast the waves of darkness. The taste of death, of anguish, did far more than act as a font of motivation - it empowered her as she consumed the very essence of the dark side that this massacre had propagated.

Already, as the Sith Lord took her seat behind the closed apartment door, a shudder of darkness, felt but unseen, rippled through the capital and reached far into the sky whilst Aneshe shut her eyes. She fed on the fear and despair that the storm of darkness had wrought as she envisioned a civilian population turning against it's so-called saviors, imagery that came to life through the ancient art of sith battle meditation - taking a page out of her own book to replicate her actions over Charros IV on a far more effective scale. These Mirialans, warped from her own mind into the realm of the living, appeared as real any being born of flesh - just as real as the armada she had birthed over Charros had appeared to the Hapan fleet when she granted the Galactic Empire their victory over the Jedi and their far more numerous allies - and they poured out from the buildings that the Jedi assumed they were liberating, appearing as though merely having stayed just out of sight until that particular moment, to riot against their would-be tyrannical captors.

Shouts of protests, screams of obscenities, and general discord flooded the streets at the illusory counter rebellion against the Jedi and their insurgent allies. Mirial was butchered by the Primeval, yet the Jedi never came, they were forced to suffer genocide at the hands of the Hutt witch-king - still the Jedi never came. Even when the undead flooded the streets and feel for the end was at an all-time high the Jedi still never came - but now that the Sith had both promised and worked towards erasing these past grievances they arrived in force, not because they cared for the Mirialans but because the Jedi practiced a hypocritical prejudice that they levied solely against the Empire to the north without cause or provocation. Even among those that had decided to go along with the Silver Jedi's orders to load into their ships to leave the city and their home behind began to see the truth that had so shrewdly been masked by the façade of an excuse that the Jedi had given them before - spurred on by some sort of planted anger and frustration to lash out against the Jedi. The civilians were not alone in these feelings of rage, however, as the battle meditation that the Sith Lord employed served to promote those darker thoughts and emotions that the dark side drew on within the hearts and minds of any that could be touched by her long reach - Sith and Jedi alike. Doubtlessly it would empower the Sith whilst tempting so many Jedi to walk a darker, more honest, path.
Location: Mirial - Residential Housing | Rooftops
Objective: Convince.
Allies: The Sith Empire - [member="Aria Vale"]
Enemies: The Silver Jedi - [member="Natassia Traxen"]
Equipment: [SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]2x Sith Lightsabers | Armour | Oculus

Vaylin scoffed at Natassia's words, looking down at the woman as she remained knelt before her. It would've been so easy to just lop the head off, just a quick flick and twirl and the the soldier would be dead at her feet. It was a thought that crossed the Zabrak's mind, but it pushed down by curiosity.

And a desire to see how much she could twist.

"What kind of soldier are you then, hmm? Can't manage to defend yourself separated from all your tools and trinkets. Aren't your very bodies trained to be a weapon in itself?"

She imagined fear played a big part, especially for one that didn't have the ability to use the Force. Vaylin had no doubt Natassia would've struck out if she wasn't a Sith, or if she knew she had the upper hand.

"And what would you rather have then? Beat down with the blunt, honest truth? Or smothered by the falsities of the Jedi?"

Vaylin had known the first well, right back to her childhood. Treated as nothing but dirt by her own mother, seen as nothing more than another weapon; another pair of hands to fight against anyone who would dare challenge their family. Then it wasn't until after she had been abandoned by the Jedi, brought under the wings of Aria, that Vaylin came to realize the Jedi had weakened her.

"With the Sith you have a chance of growing stronger, more powerful by overcoming the challenges. The Jedi simply stifle your potential beneath their Code and beliefs. Although..." Vaylin paused, looking out at the destruction around them. "Today has certainly demonstrated that the Silver Jedi don't think on their actions, before they leap into the fray."
Location: Residence in the Capital
Objective: Survive
Allies: [member="Stephanie Swail"]
Enemies nearby: [member="Arthur Wayes"]


Some would call Europa’s intelligence inferior, yet others might praise it as sublimely primitive, its essence boiled down to the basic needs of survival - meat, carnivorous and iron-rich meat. Still, when she bit into the leg of her fellow Mirialan mistaking it for real flesh, and not undead and rotting muscle, it was not the most brilliant and shining moment in her zombiehood. She complained - loudly - and spit out the putrid tissue. Then the officer continued to use her fellow alien as a ladder with which to pull herself back upright.

As soon as Europa stood, she felt a crunch and was flung again into the wall by the woman with the shield. If she could feel happiness it would be now as the woman she wanted to eat had come closer to her.

The male Mirialian’s body had already been damaged by her own blast bolts, and due to the powerful blow with the shield, he began to literally fall apart, chunk by noxious chunk.

The woman now spoke to her, but the officer only gazed back with hollow eyes, her words an unintelligible string of gobbledygook. She only snarled and gnashed her teeth, hands frantically grabbing, her entire being focused on sinking her teeth into Stephanie.

Until the Lightness slammed into her.

“Oooouuuarhhrhhbbbrooowwwwwwwww!” she wailed. While the Jedi before her only did what came naturally - combat the dark with the light - in this case it would surely kill Europa. Still a writhing barrier between them as the light attack infiltrated her body causing a blinding pain, the other Mirialan began to melt from it, his entire right side eroded as though Stephanie had thrown acid on him.

But if the brunette Padawan’s attack did not cease, Europa would be killed within a few minutes.
Location: Mirial, Northern Reaches, Orbital Cannon
Allies: [member="Morgan Vance"], TSE
Enemies: The Silver Jedi ([member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Stephanie Swail"])

"Never again Mor," she muttered as she dragged his limp body. He couldn't hear her, but that wasn't really the point. The point was that continued snark was like breathing- if she stopped she wasn't going to be able to keep doing what she was doing.

"Never again am I going to be dragging your unconscious arse through a building while you leave a trail of blood and-"

The orbital canon fired again, drowning out whatever it was she was saying.


"And another thing!"

Dante huffed, straining.

"Why the fark are you so heavy? You don't look this heavy. Must be your big, fat head."

The sounds of whatever was going on outside were too dim to make out in detail once they reached the control room again. Dante wasted no time getting him into the command pit. It was the lowest point, the most protected. Checking his wounds again, she frowned, hating that the one in his leg was still seeping, even through the patch. Nicked an artery? Maybe. If that was the case there was nothing she could do and she hated it. Pulling off her jacket, she tucked it around him. With the loss of blood, he'd need all of the warmth he could get if she was going to pull him out of this.

Standing up, she moved quickly over to the sensor array. Alerts were going haywire- two huge fleets had entered the system, and from this distance both were large enough that the sensors here were having a difficult time getting good counts and sorting out who was who. In a few minutes she would have better data, then she would be able to unleash hell on the chutta up there who had karked up her partner-

"Oh no," she whispered.

She wasn't going to get a few minutes.

Silver Rangers had their orders. They were to reduce the facility to rubble. No mercy. With the shields down and the entry protected by mines and turrets, there was really only one reasonable way to deal with the problem. Especially if one didn't care about silly things like survivors. No mercy.

The silhouette of bombers converging as the sensors tripped alarms that started blaring inside the whole facility saw Dante moving.

Planting her feet, she pulled, tipping over one of the sensor arrays. It came down with a crackle and a lurch- too close to Morgan but that was the point. Hurrying, she jumped over him and repeated the same on the other side. There was no time to get him out- maybe she could have but not with him and she wasn't leaving him- so she pulled again, bringing the other side down. It rested against the first, creating a lean to with a space beneath.

It might not be enough but it was all the time she had.

Slipping under, she crawled in next to the unconscious Morgan. With a grunt, she pulled him into her arms, protecting his head and closing her eyes.


One last shot a heartbeat before the bombers hit.

Outside, the building shook and shattered. The orbital cannon silenced. The top floor collapsed down into the next.

It would take a long time for the dust to settle.

Everything was still there. Once the threat was neutralized, forgotten. But somewhere, in the center of the building a small light flashed. Dante's thumb on the comm unit call button. Slowly tapping.

*** -- -- -- ***

Stephanie Swail

Location: The Capital City
Objective: Help liberate Mirial....and save Europa….but don’t die.
Allies: [member="Europa Draav"] | SJO in area
Enemies: [member="Dante Sotari"] | [member="Morgan Vance"] | The Sith Empire
Gear: {In Sig) Shield | {In Sig) Dagger | Lightsaber | A180 Blaster

Up above, the Ranger gunship carrying the handful of Rangers following Stephanie's command was doing all they could to deconstruct the orbital canon. It was targeting their ships, and they had to stop it. Regardless of Stephanie's strange turn in behaviour, the Commander didn't like her Jedi friend's tone. There would be no razing of the city or turning everything to rubble on her watch.

Dark forces were at work, and she prayed her Jedi friend had simply suffered a small set-back at the hands of these Sith warriors.

”They’re aiming for our fleet a….ound troops with b…by traps, hold tight” the Ranger shouted over the com.

But on the ground, Stephanie wasn’t listening. Instead, she was taking steps back from the ghastly figure of Europa as the Mirilian between them was now a chunk of gore on her shield and a pile of steaming muscle and bone that had decayed from her Force pulsation.

”Get back, get back,” she hissed.

The Force was drained from her; a mixture of exerting so much, of feeling tired and conflicted with the wave of darkness over her. Now, she faced death. The blade hummed beside her as she wheezed, looking for a way out.

Canon bolts were lighting up the sky as they shot to the fleet, and fighters flew overhead, some erupting into shrapnel in seconds after a direct hit.

There was little options left, but to draw Europa out and away. She killed the blade and fixed it to her belt, and used both hands to lift the gore stained shield up above her head and down onto her shoulders. The girl looked a mess, but she was a fighter.

”You want me? Come get me!”

Stephanie broke into a run across to the battle peppered streets of the city, using the environment as best she could and looking to avoid signs of trouble. She raised her com to her mouth.

”When you’re….done….hone in on me…..I need you to disable the Mirilian on me….do NOT kill!”

She gasped as she glanced back, skidding to a halt to wait for a sign of Europa. Her heat thumped – she felt the Sith around the city, and there was danger in the air.

”If we’re still alive… there quickly, Stephy,” they cackled.

Stephanie rested her hands on her knees, feeling the urge again to kill Europa and to let out her hate for the Sith that plagued her life and had ruined it from day one of her time as a solider for the Republic. Let them come. She would take them all on!

After…after she saved….Europa…
MIRIAL – Pantera Class Stealth Frigate.

During the war between the One Sith and the Galactic Republic, Darth Ophidia infiltrated numerous vessels of Republic make and model. She had captured many, sabotaged them, bugged them, seen them repaired, and blown them to a thousand bits in the middle of the void. At the present moment, she would rather prefer not to be caught in the middle of the ultimate option.

Staring at the Hyperdrive, she grinned wickedly as she recognised the make and model. It was almost nostalgic.

Darth Ophidia looked around, ensuring there were no cameras, no personnel, nor droids around to witness. If there were, then they would have to be ended swiftly. Gloved hands picked the two curved lightsabre hilts from her hips with almost ritual deliberation. Her thumbs caressed the activation buttons and she took a deep breath through her nose as the muzzles pointed to the hyperdrive engine. The bloodshine blades engaged; tearing through the outer shell and burning up wires as the plasma seared through. She thrust them deep into the engines and carved lines from one side to another, severing several parts to prevent it from backing itself up. Four lines horizontally, two diagonally, and one vertical. Ophidia then extinguished her blades with a sigh and admired the molten lines.

Her stealth field generator had, as always, shorted when exposed to the sheer energy output of the sabres. The damage would certainly be registered somewhere, and the engine would be quite unstable. But she estimated the ship would not be exiting the system by jump to hyperspace.

Clipping her sabres back at her belt, the Rattataki re-engaged her stealth field generator and climbed back up into the engine corridors. She picked an inactive com from the back pocket of her utility belt and dialled it in to the Imperial frequencies; one she knew the Armada often watched, and the Saaraishash constantly monitored.

Trace this com.

She dropped the com into a crack between the floor she stood on and the ladder she had climbed. It was now a matter of making sure no one repaired the damage she had caused. She would persist as the venom in the ship’s veins, granting a slow death or preferably, swift capture.

[member="Arisa Yune"]
Location: Mirial - Capital
Allies: TSE
Opposition: SJO | [member="Liuna Ondizi"] | [member="Kaiza Pawaro"]

The screams and noise of battle had grown distant, and there was an eerie quiet now all around Jartris, broken only by the whimpering of the two Mirialan women who were left alone to fight their fears. The Sith looked at them for a moment before he turned to walk away. All was as it should be.

As he walked, he finally retrieved his comlink. "<You have nothing to fear, Lomejala>", he said, slowly and firmly, but in a tone that was gentle and comforting rather than admonishing.

"<... Thank you, Sir.>" Jartris could hear how she was trying to suppress the trembling of her voice. He imagined there would nonetheless be a smile playing around her lips. There always was when he called her by her given name.

"<Set these people down somewhere and then pick up from the office whoever of our people made it there. Then wait for myself and Ulduzi. Perhaps we shall have to relocate to Cadomai for a while.>"

Soon Jartris could see his ship pass above himself as he approached the airspeeder he had left in the street. Mysteriously enough, it had survived with no more than a few scratches from stray fire. It was time to leave this atrocity behind.
Location: Capital streets
Objective: Follow the fresh meat
Allies: [member="Stephanie Swail"]
Enemies nearby: [member="Arthur Wayes"]

As Stephanie began creeping back a few steps back, this essentially freed Europa up from the wall, and with a grunt she pushed the Mirialan down before her, trampling right over him to get to the Padawan.

The blade might slow her down, but it would not stop her.

Unfortunately the fellow Mirialan grabbed her ankle just as she was about to reach her prey, and she spent a few minutes snarling at him and yanking her foot away. She canted her head at the taunt, and as Stephanie sprinted off, Europa let out a huge howl of rage and scurried off behind her.

The Padawan had put a good amount of distance between them. Furthermore, the Silver officer spied something on the street ahead, a half-dead possum which, like Europa in a way, had just been innocently foraging for scraps in the neighborhood trash bins. It was just alive enough to cause her mouth to water, saliva dripping now from the corner of her lips. She hungrily tore into the hapless animal, crunching its bones and silencing it with a few chomps to its vital organs. Spitting out silver hair, she nearly ate the entire thing, assuming in her simpleminded way that her hunger would be sated.

But despite the impromptu snack, Europa’s stomach growled again, and she felt that aching, limitless craving for meat again, causing her to twist her body in agony and even vomit up a few remnants of the possum.

She began to run again with the same lopsided gait, shambling boot steps audible near the Padawan, and Stephanie would see Europa skidding around the corner, running right for her. Her face was covered in gore and entrails, her light armor vest splattered with animal viscera.

It would be difficult to see how anyone would survive this strange magic disease that had affected her like so many other Mirialian citizens on the planet, but if Stephanie wasn’t willing to give up on Europa, the Silver officer would not give up on chasing the Padawan. She found herself with a willing zombie pet - a very dangerous and hostile one, but one that was content with pursuing her wherever she went.
Capital City - Nuroo Skyscraper
Allies: SJO
Enemies: TSE, [member="Anora Demici"]

Jorg barely heard the critical tink tink tink of the thermal detonator over the sound of blaster fire, the noise only amplified by his helmet.

Eyes immediately snapped to the right, lips thinning as soon as he saw the small silvery orb. In an instant Jorg moved. He was running into blaster fire, but there was no other way. The Soldier rushed to the side and away from the blast of the grenade, his fingers catching on the edge of the rock wall. He moved as fast as he could, but it wasn't fast enough. Three bolts struck his side, each one splashing into his armor and searing past the padding there. A cry of pain reached out and he stumbled slightly, then the detonator went off.

The Explosion tore into the ground around him the Thermal detonator reaching out and then suddenly imploding as it's baradium charge went off.

The blast wave sent Jorg flying a few feet forward, projecting him against the stone wall and sending him crashing against the opposite building to the left. He landed against the duracrete with a thud, tucked behind a piece of rubble that had earlier fallen. He felt blood pour from his side, his needle disruptor having fallen from his fingers as the blast wave struck him. A grown escaped him. "Kark."

Jorg said quietly, coughing and slowly dragging himself back up.

"To your left Boss."

The words echoed in his radio, a small form of relief flowing over the Soldier as he suddenly heard the distinctive pop of another Needle Disruptor sounding out just down the street. It seemed that his squad had arrived, or at least one of them. Dragging himself from the floor Jorg drew his side-arm, gritting his teeth against the pain as he popped up from behind the wall and fired twice.

Jorg shoots back at the soldiers after getting blown up.
Nova 1 begins suppressing fire at the "ones"
Location: Somewhere in the 5th dimension Mirial
Objective: Survive
Allies: SJ,
Enemies: Sith [member="The Slave"]

Dusaro growled as he felt his blade stopped by something, not being overly surprised that the Sith had something that could block the blade. It had deflected a shattergun so he was not surprised. He didn't know that he had destroyed the integrity of the Sith's suit, but it was not like that mattered much at the moment to him even if he knew. Dusaro expected the kick that came for his injured leg, letting go of the Sith's arm as his body was sent backwards. His bodies trained, natural instinct was to roll with the force and what happened next passed without him consciously thinking about it.

His rear end hit the ground first, his body tucking in to continue the roll backwards. At some point during the initial fall, his lightsaber had been deactivated and dropped. His right hand went to his back right after, looking like he was going to break his fall with it. But as his roll backwards a split second later indicated, that was not the case. His left hand flicked forward before he finished the roll, a flash bang in his hand rolling forward and exploding on the ground in a brilliant display of sound and light. The flash bang against The Slave's inbuilt defenses would be ineffectual though Dusaro did not know it, but it was only cover for what came out a second later from his right hand.

A two pound explosive block came skimming across the ground, bouncing as the flashbang went off. Because of how equipment that blocked out flashbang lights/sounds worked, it meant that for a single instant the uses was effectively blind as the screen and sound systems compensated, or at least that is how the ones Dusaro was acquainted with worked. His instincts on their own made that call as he threw two of the two pound explosive blocks forward under cover of the flash bang. The Firrerreo's back hit the ground hard as his roll came to a end, mashing the remote detonator for the explosives behind his back to keep the sith from tampering with it before it went off.

It was not something Dusaro would get away with without damage to himself. The explosive blocks combined contained enough force to blow apart a house and he was at best ten feet away from it, though with how there was no one in the streets or in the nearby buildings at least civilian casualties were not a concern. Sure he was prone with his body feet first towards the explosion, but that was not going to save him from all of the explosive force. It meant he would survive it but that was about it. But what of the Sith who was standing?

2 Flash Bang, 1 Smoke, 3 Thermal Dets, 2 2 Pound Explosive blocks

Pair of Shatterguns, Lightsaber, Blaster Carbine

Light combat Armor, Thermal Imaging Visor


Ranger Scouts(19)

Ranger Snipers(15)

Ranger Combat Medics(39)

Silver Jedi Heavy Weapons Infantry(25)

Mirilan Rebels [Armed with 10MM autorippers] (200)

Mirilan Rebels [Armed with a variety of low grade blaster weapons] (300)

Gnat Runners?(12)(6 per squadron)

YVH-2 Droids (14)

794 Total Troops
Location: Outside the Capital (Strike Team), Mirial System Outer Edge (Defense Fleet)
Objective: Survive
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"], Silver Jedi and Allies
Enemies: [member="Darth Carnifex"], Sith Empire and Allies
Equipment: In Signature

Alliance Rally Point
Capital Outskirts // Mirial
GAAF Pathfinder Expedition

"Well, this is horrible," Hal Varik muttered casually, handing the pair of macrobinoculars to the Vice Admiral beside him in the lookout nest, "What now, sir?"

The special forces colonel had a point, Zark could not help but admit as he made use of device to get a better look at the city beyond. Mirial's capital was in flames, with attack craft on both sides of the conflict duking it out in the smoking skies above. Every once in a while one would get shot down, wreaking more havoc and destruction on the city center below. By now the Alliance starfighters who had survived the hot landing run were doing what they could to reinforce the Silver Jedi air support, also hoping to draw the Sith's attention away from the now fleeing U-Wing transports.

Not all of them had made it the surface, and those that had began to suffer attrition quickly as they were forced to come to terms with the unnatural, extremely hostile 'wildlife' that still to some degree infested the planet's surface. After a few encounters with these roving packs of feral zombies, the Jedi had paused long enough to give the bodies a more thorough inspection. From what the Force and signs of decay told him, these miserable creatures hadn't been raised recently. Everything he seemed to learn about this planet begged a dozen more questions. Just what exactly were the Sith doing here?

"We can't stay here for long," he replied, watching another fighter send up an explosive cloud from below what remained of the city skyline, "Our first priority is to make contact with the Silver Order. I don't want to risk reaching out to them with the Force, so our best bet would probably be through the Antarian Rangers. See if you can slice into their comms, we just need a short window to say hello."

Colonel Varik nodded, descending back down the jury rigged ladder into the depths of the abandoned, partially bombed out suburban housing project to carry out the Admiral's orders. Zark had learned enough from his encounter with Duilius that these were no marauders pretending at Sith, the ships he had fought on the system's edge were organized, trained with military precision. They could not afford to assume the Empire didn't already know they were here, which meant no matter the cover they took or the electronic countermeasures they deployed, the enemy would find them eventually.

They had to keep moving.

Command Deck // ANS Hereafter
Outer Heliosphere // Mirial System
Galactic Alliance Fifth Expeditionary Fleet

"Sir?" the junior bridge officer stirred Commander Bashir from his reverie as he gazed up at the hazy holographic projection of Mirial, "The last of the remaining transports are outside Mirial's gravity well and making hyperspace calculations now."

"Understood," the polar Mon Cal nodded, still feeling the burden of having to assume command of the entire task force and worried about his friend, "All hands, prepare for jump. On my-"

"Contact!" a sensor officer interrupted him, and from the pitch in his tone the acting captain of the Hereafter knew it could not simply be more Sith reinforcements, "Another mass reversion! The transponders match those on the planet's surface, and they are on a direct intercept course with the Sith Armada."

"The Silver Jedi have come. Hold jump prep," Bashir raised his hand in a signal to halt, "Keep the coordinates locked into the navcomputer and maintain our escape vector, but lets see how this plays out."

So far the Sith patrol force had made no move to chase them beyond the heliopause that marked the system's edge, and as Task Force Hereafter drifted into the starless void on full sublight the Commander clung to any hope that he would not have to abandon Vice Admiral Zark to the possibility of capture or death on a conquered Mirial. If there was still a chance they could render aid, perhaps distract the Sith war fleet for long enough to evacuate the planet...but there were still too many unknowns. They still couldn't be entirely sure who had attacked who.

"Hail the new arrivals, and inform them that the Alliance Fifth Expeditionary is prepared to render assistance as much as we are still able."

Most of his ships had taken a battering to their shields from the Commodore's turbolasers, and with the strike team's escort still engaged above the capital of Mirial, they were down almost half their fighter complement. But they were the Defense Fleet, and they could still fight, so long as there was a chance.

Task Force Hereafter - 5th Expeditionary
"Into the unknown."
6540 meters

Name: ANS Crusader Class: Scythe-class Heavy Cruiser (1000m) Shield/Hull: 50/90
Armament: Average Defence: High Speed: Average Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: 1 CF10 Crossfire Squadron, 1 D-Wing Squadron, 1 A-Wing Squadron.
Actions: Holding jump out of system, maintaining escape vector.

Name: ANS Gladiator Class: Scythe-class Heavy Cruiser (1000m) Shield/Hull: 50/90
Armament: Average Defence: High Speed: Average Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: 1 CF10 Crossfire Squadron, 1 D-Wing Squadron, 1 A-Wing Squadron.
Actions: Holding jump out of system, maintaining escape vector.

Name: ANS Absolution Class: Dreadnought-class Mark III Escort Cruiser (700m) Shield/Hull: 50/85
Armament: High Defence: Average Speed: Low Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: Dropships.
Actions: Holding jump out of system, maintaining escape vector.

Name: ANS Sluissi Dream Class: Essex-class Starfighter Killer (120m) Shield/Hull: 25/80
Armament: Moderate Defence: Average Speed: Moderate Manoeuvre: Average
Hangar: -
Actions: Holding jump out of system, maintaining escape vector.

Name: ANS Ascendant Class: Dreadnought-class Mark III Escort Cruiser (700m) Shield/Hull: 50/85
Armament: High Defence: Average Speed: Low Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: Dropships.
Actions: Holding jump out of system, maintaining escape vector.

Name: ANS Rivers of Arbra Class: Essex-class Starfighter Killer (120m) Shield/Hull: 25/80
Armament: Moderate Defence: Average Speed: Moderate Manoeuvre: Average
Hangar: -
Actions: Holding jump out of system, maintaining escape vector.

Name: ANS Hereafter Class: Citadel-class Star Carrier (1800m) Shield/Hull: 75/96
Armament: High Defence: High Speed: Average Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: 5 CF10 Crossfire Squadrons, 4 D-Wing Squadrons, 1 A-Wing Squadron.
Actions: Holding jump out of system, maintaining escape vector.

Name: ANS Mercy Class: Valor-class Carrier (980m) Shield/Hull: 100/100
Armament: Very Low Defence: Average Speed: High Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hangar: 3 Sprite X-Wing Squadrons, 2 D-Wing Squadrons, 2 A-Wing Squadrons.
Actions: Holding jump out of system, maintaining escape vector.

Name: ANS Remember Eriadu Class: Essex-class Starfighter Killer (120m) Shield/Hull: 25/80
Armament: Moderate Defence: Average Speed: Moderate Manoeuvre: Average
Hangar: -
Actions: Holding jump out of system, maintaining escape vector.

Assault One
24x CF10 Crossfire Fighters
20x D-Wing Fast Bombers
Actions: Crossfires providing air cover over Mirial's capital, D-Wings docked.
Assault Two
24x CF10 Crossfire Fighters
20x D-Wing Fast Bombers
Actions: Docked.

Assault Three
24x CF10 Crossfire Fighters
20x D-Wing Fast Bombers
Actions: Docked.

Assault Four
24x Sprite X-Wing Fighters
20x D-Wing Fast Bombers
Actions: X-Wings providing air support over Mirial's capital. D-Wings docked.

Intercept One
42x A-Wing Interceptors
12x CF10 Crossfire Fighters
Actions: Docked.

Intercept Two
28x A-Wing Interceptors
12x Sprite X-Wing Fighters
Actions: Providing air support over Mirial's capital.

Planetfall One
1 Stealth U-Wing
11 U-Wing Transports
Actions: Escaping planetary gravity well, plotting hyperspace jump.

Summary of Actions
U-Wing transports land on Mirial outside the capital, take losses from remaining ground based anti-air (mitigated by fighter escort).
Fighter escort also takes losses, break off once U-Wings are clear back down to the capital to provide reinforced air support for Silver Jedi forces still fighting in the city.
Force recon team of Alliance special forces attempts a covert approach towards the capital from the ground.
Task Force Hereafter has completed hyperspace calculations, but have held their jump upon detection of new Silver Jedi reinforcements.

Objective: Maintain Order
Allies: The Sith Empire
Enemies: Silver Jedi Order, [member="jorg"]

There was a reason that commanders often told their soldiers to keep their heads on a swivel. It had been the height of luck that the soldier in front of them had landed alone, and remained so for the first few moments of their fire fight. Despite the fact that Sweeper Squad was a veteran group, even they could be taken by surprise.

As happened when Nova 1 commenced firing from their right side.

One Two, at least, had moderate concealment from being so close to the ground vehicle. One One, however, was in the open relative to the street to their right. He lucked out that his detonator detonated at the same time the soldier opened fire, that turned what would have been a near instantaneous death into a merely excruciating life for the next few moments at least.

The first needle took him in the thigh, catching the side of his femur and shredding the muscle there. The second took him high in the left shoulder as his right leg collapsed under him, and he fell to the ground, screaming a guttural rage at the world. It took him a moment to flip to his stomach and return fire in the general direction the needles came from. He couldn't see through the red of his vision, so he fired blindly and mostly wildly.

One Two had a calmer reaction, as One One screamed and fell.

"Contact right!" Her voice cracked slightly, but she pivoted to put the vehicle more firmly between her and the original soldier (Jorg), and fired from an unsupported kneeling position at Nova 1. Her cartridge ran dry after a moment, and she combat loaded the next one in on reflex. She ignored the screaming of her superior from only a meter away from her, focusing on suppressing the soldier that had hit him.

No one else was able to respond to the attack from the right, and One Two was too focused on trying to down Nova 1 to give a count like she should have.

Anora emptied her explosive cartridge and switched it out with a standard one, having run out of explosive. She made a mental note to pack more for the future.

She took a step up the stairs, needing the extra height to get Jorg into line of sight again as he took out his sidearm to continue returning fire.

One three paused in his firing. "Rifle's jammed." He reported in. Anora could hear a groaning exhale of air as he levered himself to his feet and ran at Jorg. She also heard as One Three opened his comms to broadcast and he screamed a battle cry. He swung the rifle like a bat, aiming at hitting Jorg at his right knee, trying to use the blow to sweep him off balance while he tried to ram his body into the enemy soldier.

Anora cursed and ceased firing, lest she hit One Three.

"Head on a swivel people. Two One, advance to One Three's old twenty and keep watch on the left." She ordered, keeping the fight between One Three and the enemy soldier (Jorg) in her sights. She was a marksman, and would take any shot she got, but for the moment the enraged One Three was in the way.

Anora Demici - Alive, firing standard bolts on Jorg's position from low position inside doorway to Kohli Nar's Bar. Stopped firing when One Three moved into melee range. Will resume firing when clear.

One One - Alive, injured. Firing on Nova 1's position after falling from damage. Prone position near One Two, firing blindly, right side of doorway to Kohli Nar's Bar.
One Two - Alive, firing on Nova 1's position, from next to a burned out vehicle, right side of doorway to Kohli Nar's Bar.
One Three - Alive, engaging Jorg in hand to hand combat. (Feel free to kill him so long as it is either pretty or brutal).
One Four - Critically Injured, inside Kohli Nar's Bar.

Two One - Alive, firing on Jorg's position from a kneeling position behind the back end of the burned out vehicle on the left side of the doorway to Kohli Nar's Bar. Stopped firing once One Three moved into melee range. Watching for enemy reinforcements from the left.
Two Two - Alive, firing on Jorg's position in kneeling position behind the front end of the burned out vehicle on the left side of the doorway to Kohli Nar's Bar. Stopped firing once One Three moved into melee range. Will resume firing when clear.
Two Three - Dead, inside Kohli Nar's Bar.
Two Four - Dead, right side of the doorway to Kohli Nar's Bar.
tinker tailor soldier spy
Location: Mirial
Allies: [member="Dante Sotari"]
Enemies: Everyone else.

Unconsciousness should bring respite, peace, at least for the moment the pain was gone as was every worry that had been harassing you during your waking moments. The dreams were hazy, but they pulled you deeper in and clouded all your senses, until there wasn't anything there besides the restful darkness covering you. People often fought it, when they were in a traumatic experience. They didn't want to slip into it. Not when they had so much more to fight for.

Morgan hadn't wanted it either, but when he did slip away? It wasn't peace and dreams that greeted him. Instead the soldier realized that he was still awake.

Still there.

Could still hear every word spoken by Dante, could feel her dragging him, but that was when Morgan realized it. He couldn't talk - any snarky reply coming to him died on his tongue as it was unresponsive. Couldn't help her by pushing himself up and moving with her. Couldn't ask what was wrong when she whispered "Oh no," Above all... Morgan could not ignore the searing pain that was ripping through him. Not when she was moving him, not when she carefully laid him on the ground.

Not when the sensory arrays crashed down around him and she settled closely against him.

Not even when she whispered, "I've gotchu." to him as Dante covered his body with hers. The sound of wrenching metal, tearing, duracrete bursting, the collapse was violent and many times Morgan wondered... would it end now? Instead the pain continued, exhausting, unending and senseless hurt deep down his bones.

Morgan would have lost himself in it.

If not for the sudden sensation of warmth against his face, wet, it slid over and touched his lips. Salt. Only then did the roaring and ringing of his eyes break and instead he heard her, Dante tried to keep it in. Coughing, no, crying... violent cries. Sadness? Maybe. Aggressive. All that the HRD wanted to do was hold her.

But he couldn't.

"I gotchu too, Dan.... I gotchu too."

Tabigarashu Madara

Good things come in smol packages
Location: Mirial, Capital City, Garrison
Objective: Do you hear the people sing? Lost in the valley of the night.
Allies: ​[member="Darth Saarai"] TSE
Enemies: [member="Roona Osmari"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] SJO

Small, easy to miss, Hirou slipped into the garrison. They slipped amoung the bodies, nose twitching and whiskers quivering. The smell of flesh scorched by blaster fire, blood, and the final moments just after death left the air thick and unpleasant for the sensitive nose of the Nezumi. Hirou's ears swiveled listening carefully. As still as the air was here, in this moment, the sounds of blaster fire from deeper in the facility carried through the corridors.

With a hop, skip and a jump, Hirou scurried up a pipe. A leap that ended with the frantic scrabbling of legs and they managed to reach the ventilation duct. The scratching of small claws echoed, but they trotted along, much preferring this to scampering between bodies.

"Soldiers, deeper in," Hirou said quietly into the comm they had commandeered from Tiba.

Hirou frowned and realized that the passage of the ventilation system did not follow the lay out of the hallways perfectly.

"West of the entrance," they said with some confidence.


Little head tilted right and then left, peering through the grating at the forces gathered there.

"I don't think so," the Nezumi responded dubiously. "I don't see any lightsabers? But I don't have much experience with Jedi, Lord Fa."

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