Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion [SJO vs TSE] Operation Silversaber: Silver Jedi Invasion of the Mirial Hex


Location: Mirial Airspace
Friendly: [member="Alkor Centaris"]
Hostile: [member="Maya Zhou"]

Joy pushed the throttle to maximum. The TIE Interceptor’s eyeball shaped cockpit provided a clear view forward. Left Joy feeling exposed in a way he found exhilarating. Just his chair bolted to a pair of ion engines, screaming through the air. He clutched the yoke like a lover and guided the fighter toward the bandits pinging in his sensors.

A voice crackled across squadron comms. “Viper five, pull back into formation.”

“No can do, Lead,” snickered Joy, pushing his TIE to the limits of its speed as he shrieked ahead of his squadron and bore down on an X-wing squadron like a hawkbat out of Hell. “Viper 5, engaging.”

He picked a bandit and came for her head on, not even waiting to acquire target lock before he fired, desperate to feel the thunder of the cannons beneath his feet.
Integrated High Head Display:

Location: Mirial | The Capitol Building
Objective: Assist RC 212 with fire support.
Allies: The Silver Jedi Order - RC 212 , a Rancor?
Enemies: The Sith Empire - Vaylin


Sometimes, Natassia questionned her decisions. And a saying kept coming back to her mind, each time she realized how terrible of a mistake she made.
"The risk I took was calculated. Sadly, math is irrelevant against Force users."
She was still busy setting the light filter of her helmet back to normal when her opponent surprised her by attacking her last known position. Taken in the heat of the moment, she had made the terrible, terrible mistake not to relocate to somewhere else. A rookie mistake, really. But she was rusty, and fighting against those using the Force was never fair.
Then she was hurled against a wall by the overwhelming wave of Force energies. Groaning, she pushed herself out of the wreckage with her mechanical arms, before falling to her knees. Rushing to her rifle, she took it back in her hands, switching the firing mode to single fire. By now, she would have lost the effect of surprise; throwing another grenade would be pointless, and so she took aim at the Sith in front of her.
Old instincts took hold of the former stormtrooper as her finger approached the trigger. It would be so easy, to just put two in the chest and one in the head, as she had been trained to do. But was it worth it?

Having morals in the middle of a battle was the worst possible timing, but after all, was it not true? Jedi, Sith... what was the difference?
They used the Force, bending it to their will, possessing a clear advantage on regular people like her, and exploiting it most of the time. They wielded lightsabers in battle and seemed to always be there to kick her back to reality whenever she got carried away in her missions.
And so, was it worth it? To take yet another life, just because the color of the lightsaber and the powers used were different? What if this person could change her mind, just as she did? What if this person she never met before could walk away, just as she once did herself?
And all of that for what? Some random "ally", rampaging with a Rancor across the Capitol Building? They were both dead meat, what with the amount of Sith around them.
Natassia had so much questions ricocheting in her mind, and so little answers. Breathing out, she squeezed the trigger...

But aimed for the leg.

Kaiza Pawaro

Do, or do not. There is no try.
Location: Mirial, Capital city
Allies: [member="Liuna Ondizi"]
Enemies: [member="Jartris Entumaa"]


Looking around and observing every resistance member in sight, Kaiza eagerly sought after the familiar face of her dad or anyone else from Little Mirial. They would have joined the efforts to liberate Mirial no doubt, unable to stomach the thought of their families slaving under someone as dreaded as Sith. Plenty of unknown faces have wordlessly answered the raven-haired Padawan’s vibrant gaze, but none shared any resemblance to that of her father. Not surprising, given the capital city’s size, but disappointing nevertheless. Perhaps they’d meet on the battlefield or back home – Kaiza had to console herself. For now, swift pace sought to bring her in the Capital building’s direction, everyone’s destination as it seemed.

There appeared to have been some trouble, yet Kaiza found the reports concerning a rancor hard to believe. Unlike the zombie situation. She had seen a few as a little girl, the memory of it still sending cold shivers down her spine. Foul things. One of the many dubious presents given to Mirialans by the Primeval, good friends of Sith. The yellow-skinned teenager did not doubt Mirial served as a testing site for many sick experiments – another reason why Sith had to be stopped.

But before she had the chance to see the truth concerning the rogue ranger and his rancor, her fellow Mirialan’s gesture halted Kaiza's advancement, head turning towards the valley. The young Padawan’s heart skipped a beat upon witnessing the black tendrils of smoke. What to do now? She had joined the operation to free her homeworld – and she still desired to do so. Her team depended on her, the success of their whole plan hinged on Kaiza’s support. When confronted with innocents who were about to become tragic casualties of war though, the Jedi no longer felt so certain about following the plan to the letter. Continuing without any sort of intervention threatened to reduce the hapless civilians to ashes. But were the few lives worth sacrificing Mirial’s future, especially since the Sith empire would undoubtedly drown the planet in blood in retaliation?

Every Jedi’s duty was to save lives, first and foremost. That presented the reason for battling Sith – to spare innocents terrible suffering that followed dark side practitioners wherever they went. If she disregarded some lives in favour of others, would she be any better than those she sought to stop? Even if it meant additional pressure upon the team, Kaiza made a split decision and rushed down the alleyway.

Hindered by the heavy armour encasing her form, she had not managed to catch up to her fellow Mirialan until both of them stood in front of the structure enveloped in fiery flames and oppressive smoke. Disregarding her own safety and perhaps common sense, Kaiza was about to leap into the building. While foolish, she trusted in the Force and her armour to shield her from fire.

With a hiss, the protective mask had assembled over her face. The pitch black night lasted only a moment – soft lights immediately flickered to life and illuminated her tattooed cheeks as the helmet’s HUD activated. It appeared the evacuation process was taking place, judging by the hovering ship. Such a shame her ability to sense others through the Force was nowhere near good enough to tell whether there were still people within the building or not! Despite reaching out through the Force, the only thing Kaiza achieved was sensing the despised marks of death and war, loud enough to overpower all else and deafen the student's mind. Tasting it equalled torture for the young pacifist, and thus she quickly withdrew, shrouding herself in inner peace again to silence the orchestra of war.

"You stay here," she informed, "I'll go ins..."

Her sight fell upon the figure she had not noticed before.

"Get to safety! If there's a shelter nearby, get in there and wait until you receive the all-clear signal!" Kaiza begged the man, urgency creeping into her voice. Everything seemed to be happening so fast she had no idea where to jump first!
LOCATION: Mirial -> Capitol Building
OBJECTIVE: Invaders, get off my lawn
ALLIES: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Greta Kohler"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Lord Depravious"] | [member="Sal Zambrano"] | [member="Vaylin"] | The Sith Empire
ENEMIES: [member="RC 212"] | [member="Natassia Traxen"] | A rancor, I guess | The Silver Jedi Order

Never a dull moment seemed to nicely describe her job.

Dark eyes watched with half a smile, mapping the situation in her mind in the span of a heartbeat. The situation in question was...messy. But she had exceptional faith in the group at hand to be capable enough to deal with the mess. Sith liked starting fires, after all. Aria was no exception. That tended to necessitate some sort of ability to put them out.

Of all the things.

Threads of telekinesis caught hold of the Force Breaker grenade Vaylin hadn't gotten to, and Aria followed suit in letting it soar from the crumbled wall. She spared a second between returning to the fold to offer a nod of approval at her apprentice - she knew very well that the Zabrak handled dangerous missions well, but it was never dissatisfying to be reminded - and reached the other woman at the same time a grenade detonated.

In her mind time slowed, but there wasn't enough of it to conjure a shield, to escape the consequence.
You can take the damage, Aria.
You'll be fine.
It went off.

Fine would be massively overstating it, but she was alive. Ears filled with twice the usual sound and vision hazy like clouds had sprouted behind her gaze, but she was alive. (And really, few things save death were utterly irreversible).

Aria would have helped Vaylin up, but standing proved a struggle they shared for the time being. No matter - she could fight stationary. First to work out who she was fighting; naturally, her gaze followed Vaylin's to the Zabrak's new adversary.

A rifle. A trigger.
Aimed at Vaylin.

Anyone who knew Aria remotely well would know just how much she didn't like having those close to her threatened.

With her vision as karked as it was, she was too late to do anything about the bullet, but there was still plenty of time to handle the lady shooting it. Aria blinked, blinked again, muttering an extremely impolite demand for the spots in her eyes to clear up, then through slow breathing reached through the Force and attempted to catch Natassia in a grip around the throat.

She could barely see, barely hear, but Aria could still do her part.


Saint of the Damned
Location: Mirial
Allies: TSE
Enemies: SJO, [member="Sky'ito Yumi"]
Objective: Continue rescuing civilians, deal with the Jedi
Sithspawn nearby: Svarrif

For a moment, Lark was completely absorbed in the chaotic theatrics around him, each trace of blaster fire reverberating in his ears, like thunder in a mountain range. A message appeared on a nearby holoprojecter, releasing him from his trance. The figure speaking spoke the words that Lark had been thinking since the invasion began, and he hoped that the message would be played to the civilians en masse.

Lark was still resting near the makeshift medical zone, which was quickly becoming overflowed with a flood of wounded civilians and Sith soldiers alike. A Mirialan man clutching his side was escorted into a medical tent, before immediately flopping to the ground like a sack of potatoes. The sounds of war drew closer, was it the zombies, the Jedi, or both? The zombies didn't distinguish Jedi from Sith, they'd attack anything around them. But would the Jedi attack a zone built for the purpose of healing?

The one behind me will not. His Svarrif scouting the areas nearby noticing the singular Jedi as she approached, and as she studied him, in turn he observed her. She seemed rather reluctant to attack. Fine, I'll bite. Let's play a little game, shall we? "I'm going to do a search of some nearby houses," Lark said to a nearby soldier. "If you come under fire, call for me and I'll return." And then, he was off. He was far more mobile than the Sith Troopers, clad in their heavy armor they weren't capable of reaching certain places where injured people might be. He darted into a nearby residential district, hoping that the Jedi would follow him.

Stepping into the ashes of what was once a home, Lark waited. The previous occupants of the house lay broken, like so many others who had been going about their day, trying to regain a sense of peace only to have their entire world turned upside down. A young Mirialan male, perhaps in his early twenties, had a large beam of wood impaled through his chest, a panicked expression etched onto his youthful face. A leg emerged from underneath a pile of concrete rubble, and Lark could sense a small sign of life. Curious as to how someone could survive such a fate, he moved to push aside the debris. He was rewarded with the disfigured body of a young woman, limbs contorted in all sorts of unnatural angles. You were supposed to evacuate, Lark thought to himself. He couldn't explain the sense of life he felt, the woman was as dead as her husband. Lark turned away from the body, keeping a watchful eye for the Jedi.

A whimper, from behind him.

There's no way, Lark thought. He went back to inspect the woman's body once more, but she was still dead. Was his mind playing tricks on him? Confused, he pushed aside the woman's corpse, and heard another soft cry. Underneath the woman was a baby, skin gray with ash, weak but alive. Ah, I understand now. He lifted the baby from the rubble with steady hands, the thing was probably only a few months old.

With a pale hand he brushed some of the ash off the child's eyes, which were caked with dirt and soot. He stepped into the center of the ruins of the house, cradling the child close to his chest with one arm. It felt odd, unnatural almost. You will survive, little one. You will survive, and you will know what the Jedi took from you.
Location: Capital​
Objective: Gather one's bearings​
Allies: The Sith Empire​
Enemies: Silver Jedi Order​

Samka listened to the sound of screams, blaster fire and distant roaring.


Samka glanced up at a distant Skyscraper apparently hit by debris, a smoking dent lay in the side of the structure making it a miracle the building still stood.


Finally she focused on the Force around her. The Dark Side was strong here but now there was something more on the outskirts, the flickering of a challenge from the Light. The Jedi were here. The Ren rocked back and forth between her heels and her front toes contemplating her next move. Not long before she had been deep below ground, exploring the Woyunokut's abilities in very graphic detail, to see how well the creature responded to punishment. It seemed no matter what she did to harm the creature, it would still prefer to attack her scientist companion with no connection to the Force. It had just been getting interesting when the alarms sounded.

"Wh-what's happening?" The scientist had followed her up into the streets. She'd learned his name was Doctor Palit. He was reasonably intelligent, curt, but most importantly, cooperative.

"The same thing which happened to my empire, Doctor. The Jedi aren't content to leave you in peace. They have to bring you their freedoms with their blaster cannons. Let's hope you win your war as we won ours." Samka didn't spare a glance at the man at her side, she continued watching the skies for the enemy, catching the occasional glimpse of ships through the clouds but it was too distant to tell whether they flew for Jedi or Sith.

She was still considering her options. It wouldn't be too difficult to lay low and wait for an opportunity to get off-world. To wait for this battle to end with the least risk to her own person.

A broadcast appeared on a news terminal on a nearby street corner of a large, armoured Sith, his voice deep and booming. An impressive figure for sure. She regarded him as he spoke:

"Those of you who come to torment this planet; consider your actions and their consequences. Mirial burns because of your cold-hearted attack. Strike them while they are rebuilding and trying to gain back their livelihood? I never would expect such treachery from Jedi. How many lives will be lost because you chose war over peace? What has become of your honour and dignity these last few centuries?" At this part, Samka sneered. She'd experienced her fair share of Jedi honour and dignity during her war against the Galactic Alliance. It was about time the Sith experienced it for themselves. "The blood of hundreds is already on your hands because of your lust for wanton destruction. We will fight back with fury and vengeance that is tenfold. Those of you who stay and fight in this futile invasion will be dealt with severely. Consider your attack and retreat if you have any sense of morality or honour in you."

"They won't," Samka said simply as the image of [member="Kor Vexen"] faded away. "The human cost of war is something the Jedi never seem to remember when they seek to extinguish the Dark."

Her eyes flickered back to Doctor Palit, the man anxiously eyeing the streets around them. She could simply leave but she wouldn't. There were enough similarities in their situations between her empire and his. An act of empathy? Not quite. But she owed [member="Darth Carnifex"] a favour. It was time to show how worthwhile their partnership was.

"Doctor Palit," she announced loudly and firmly, "you are to forward the results of our experiments to my shuttle for safe keeping, I may require some more subjects very soon." Plans already forming in the young woman's devious mind. "So I'll pass the coordinates when I'm ready."

"I serve the Sith," the Doctor responded, defiant but not aggressive nor inpolite. Samka did like him.

"I think this counts as an extraneous circumstance. I'll speak with anyone who has a problem with it. Now go and stay safe, Doctor," the Ren gestured for her companion to take his leave.

Feeling him leave, Samka reached out with the Force, scanning for a target, a dot of Light among the Dark.

It was time to hunt.
Location: Capitol Building, Mirial
Objective: Evacuate Mirialan Councilmen
Allies: TSE | [member="Darth Saarai"]
Enemies: Silvers and Friends | Eventually, potentially [member="Marek S'hadar"]

Vitor watched as the last councilman and Saarai exchanged words. Novak, his name, was certainly a man who piqued Avendahl's interest. Frail, old but would not fall on his back. Not a bad ally, but a dangerous opponent.

The Lord Inquisitor explained to him very briefly the situation and Vitor made sure he would remember to check on this case with greater detail after this assault was eradicated.

"Understood." The Lord Adjudicator replied curtly reluctant in sharing his opinion on the matter at this moment of time.

Both Sith Lords followed last the Inquisitors and the Councilmen into the dimly lit corridor going downwards while filling the hole left from the destroyed door with rubble to make trespassing impossible. Muffled sounds of warfare were heard from above, gradually declining as they went further down until they reached a crossroad.

"The path forward leads to our safe haven further underground." One of the councilmen shared. Vitor could feel that on any other day the councilman would've been reluctant to share this piece of information. "The one to the left leads into the city fairly close to the capitol, the other leads to the outskirts of the city."

It was high time for Saarai and Vitor to deal with the threat above. His Inquisitors would see to the Council's safety.

"The city or outside of it?" The Sith Lord asked Lord Saarai as he projected a holofeed with a map of the city and reports of hostile actions in big red dots on different locations.
Location: Space
Allies: The Sith Empire
Enemy: The Jedi, especially the sliver type.
Equipment: Armour, Saber staff and Healing Amulet

She just got an alert, that Mirial was under attack, the Jedi had managed to draw first blood. They invaded, this was unexpected and to bold, something worthy of a sith. They had turned to dark side declaring war, admittedly it was preempting a war they had planned. She quickly came to system, she was in a cloaked fury. She had one plan find the enemy ships, and then cause chaos. As she came out hyperspace, her ship cloaked and and gravity system kicked in so they could not be traced. she then moved quickly towards the planet, she was looking for enemy ships, to ether ambush or attempt to a board. She need a target though, she knew one would present itself soon enough, question is when and where. She was being to stretch out if she did try and board, she would need to warm her muscles up. The time her to act was soon.
Location: Mirial, Drop Zone Over Capital City
Objective: Get to the Landing Zone
Allies: SJO, RA [member="Kiriko"]
Opposition: Sith @Darth Ananta

There was a small look under her mask when she managed to hear the voice. She wasn't one for fighting unless it was the last option and seeing the massive bear moving forward she stayed where she was. Standing as tall as needed and her lightwhip was on her hip. SHe didn't touch it with her hand and made mo movement for it. Her hand pointing them towards the buildings and the blinds so they could start. "Get started without us, we'll buy time if need be." In truth she was uncertain about fighting, try as she might she trained to fight. SHe didn't care about actually using her skills against another outside of training rooms.

"This one is different." She said it mostly to the beart while standing there and raising the small hood of her bodyarmor for a moment. Checking with the internal hud the status of her equipment before she spoke more to the bear. "So do you think she practiced that speech before we came here in a mirror a what?" She wasn't one for jokes but she was curious, her padawans seemed to do much the same when they were talking about how powerful they were... Maybe she should get a mirror and practice her speeches about medical notes and purposes. It couldn't hurt, might make her a better orator for teaching them.... hmm things to think about.
Location: Mirial, ground.
Objective: Secure local Garrison.
Allies: Silver Jedi Order, [member="Roona Osmari"]
Enemies: The Sith Empire, (Unknown)
"That man isn't our concern, stay on mission." Colonel Calderon stated this into their communications system, transmitting it to all members of the unit to reassure them of the situation.

In truth, what the report stated couldn't be any more of a cluster' that anything else he could have heard..A rancor? And even more puzzling was the stated fact that a ranger had mounted the beast in the midst of the capital. How could one of his own men do something of the sort?

He shook the scene of a rancor rampaging through the heart of the city out of his head, and returned his focus on the objective at hand.

The two groups of rangers advanced down the street on either side, checking corners and alleyways as they passed. Their suit's combat boots crunched over patches of snow along their path.

"Sergeant Forestor, anything?" The colonel called out in his cautious pace forward, his weapon still leveled directly ahead of the group of rangers on the right side of the street. This message went to the lead ranger on the opposite side of them.

"Nothing on scanners, si- Hold up, I got something."

Valkren's gloved fist went into the air, signaling a halt in their formation. "Get me some support gunners up here." Soon after this request, on either side of the street two larger soldiers from each group moved up behind the lead soldiers, branching off slightly to watch for a sudden rush of undead. Wielding their Z-6 rotary cannons, the barrels began to spin slowly in their preparation for a coming fight.

Sergeant Forestor's eyes switched from the scanner within his HUD to the street that branched off to their immediate left ahead of them, where the signatures were coming from.

"Contact left!" Someone yelled out as a group of six Mirialans stumbled around the corner, obviously wounded and exhausted just by appearance.

"Hold your fire!" Valkren yelled in response as the six civilians limped/rushed past the platoon of soldiers, yelling and pointing behind them. They stopped when they had put a good distance from the source of their arrival between them, leaving the rangers inbetween them and the open streets.

Valkren cocked a brow behind his visor as he watched them stop and stare forward anxiously, only causing the special forces officer to look ahead, activating his long range communicator.

"Command, this is Raider One. We have civilian non-combatants on my location, looks like they've got wounded aswell. Requesting immediate extraction, how cop-"

"Contact front! Contact front!"

This brought Valk's full attention to their front. Only to see what some of the lead rangers would shouting at, from around the alleyways and corners ahead, the dead began to shamble out of every opening they could directly ahead of them.

Without hesitation, the young colonel barked out his next orders as he leaned into his assault ripper, letting his HUD and his skills flow together in a perfect combination to land the marks he needed to in the ensuing fight.


Slugs and bolts flew from the Radama raiders, their rounds tearing through the flesh of the walking corpses that were doing their very best to reach their closest target.

"Get some! Get some!" Lieutenant Harris's voice could be heard, his own Z-6 rotary cannon spinning to his fullest potential as blue heat soon began to pour out from the mouth of the barrels. The weapon cutting down many of the undead in stride.

Valkren let his assault ripper loose in three-round bursts, perfect for targets like these biohazard threats. His three rounds slammed into one target, and then he'd move onto the next closest threat to his people.

"Someone tend to the civilians wounds!" He knew the LAAT command would be sending for the pick up would have a crewchief with medical training on board, but he still wasn't sure the exact ETA of said pickup. He was banking on this patch of undead not being a great sized horde, so they might be able to eliminate the corpses here and move straight to the garrison and complete their objective. Once their part of the mission was finished, it'd mean they could be deployed to assist their allies at the capital, cause boy did it sound like they needed it.

This was a most exciting birthday so far.
Location: Mirial, Landing Craft
Objective: Securing Suburbs
Allies: SJ, [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Kal Visna"]
Enemies: Sith Come at me!

There did not seem to be any high commanding officers at the moment yet taking charge against Dusaro's push into the Southern suburbs. No calls about incoming tanks or heavy equipment, or any red blades appearing and starting to cut a path through his troops. Was it because they were in the suburbs that they did not care, or were they reacting that slowly to multiple threats across the city. Or maybe there was something else keeping them busy. Either way there was a distinct lack of any commanding backbone for the scattered if heavy patrols which allowed for Dusaro's heavy direct assault to be rather successful. It was not long after that when the call would come in from the Rebel cell planetside that he was going to be linking up with. "This is commander Van Mald, that was a hell of an entrance. Your comm blockers gave us a bit of trouble getting into contact but we managed to work around it. Who am i speaking to and where do you need us?"

"This is Dusaro Dresari, acting commander of this Silver Jedi force. We have this under control and the majority of the suburbs are so far under control. Right now head to sector Seven-F, we have a rudimetary equipment station setup there. After getting you and your people a bit better equipped we will direct you to join up with us in sector Fourteen-F, barring any surprises or changes in situation. What is your rough size?" Dusaro asked as a scout started walking over, Dusaro holding his hand up for the scout to wait a moment before giving his report. "We have roughly five hundred combat capable men." Dusaro winced at that number. They had enough extra equipment for four hundred individuals, that did not how ever include armor. "Roger that, equipment will be tight but we can work with it, get your people up here, we will continue securing the area. I will be back with you in a moment, scout report." And with that, Dusaro muted his mic and looked to the Ranger Scout.

"Sir, we have reports of the class four biological threats coming from sector One-Z near where the wall was breached. There are not many yet and the Sith are still between us and them, but if we do not take precautions we will have issues." Dusaro gritted his teeth. How was he going to deal with this one. Sending people at those things would end badly, but he did not have any light tanks on him, they were the infantry vanguard. As he thought, a nearby holoprojector came on, Dusaro glancing over to it and the person on it as the Sith began to speak. But after the third line, he already had heard enough, pulling out his blaster carbine and putting two shots into the projector, silencing the words of [member="Kor Vexen"] with two well placed shots. The over all reaction of the troops with him was similarly shared for the most part, but not completly. "So they would claim to be the righteous when it tis their own spawn and machinations that are the reasons for this planets and peoples torment, as well as this current war? Greater forms of cowardice and arrogance i have not seen in a long time." Dusaro said with a disintrested tone, looking back to the comms officer. "See about getting into contact with command, tell them we need light tank support and droids to safely mop up the incoming biological threats. And see if there are any other Jedi who can come to assist, i can't cover this entire line on my own and i get the feeling we will need a few more field commanders." "Yes sir, on it. This is Ground group 'Handy Man', calling 'Kusanagi', we need light tank and droid support to deal with biological threats coming from the north east section of the suburbs. We also are requesting any additional Jedi who are able to report to our current location, co-ordinates are as follows." The co-ordinates would lead them to the section of the city where Dusaro currently was. Any Jedi currently on the encrypted network the Silver Jedi were using would hear the request for aid.

And while that call was going on, Dusaro turned back to talking to Rebel Commander Van Mald. "Right, news update. We have biological threats coming from the north east sector of the suburbs, seems the wall broke at some point. While i am working on getting light tank and droid support to deal with that threat, be advised that we may potentially need to send live bodies in to deal with them in the worst scenario. Continue with your current orders, copy?" "Copy that commander, we have arrived and are getting equipped. Maintaining Comm silence until further orders." Dusaro nodded, running through all of that in his head. Was there anything he was missing? Any extra commands he should give out? Or let things play their course. For now, Dusaro ordered the troops in the north eastern section of the city to start forming a bit of a bulwark against the incoming biological threats and to secure civilians from harm and safety. Much as the Sith may like to say otherwise, wanton destruction was not their purpose here and Dusaro would prove it.

3 Flash Bang, 3 Smoke, 3 Thermal Dets, 4 2 Pound Explosive blocks

Pair of Shatterguns, Lightsaber, Blaster Carbine

Jet Pack, Light combat Armor, Thermal Imaging Visor

Location: Mirial - Capitol Building
Objective: Oversee the Restoration Effort | Repel the Trespassers & Kill a Rancor
Allies: The Sith Empire - [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Lord Depravious"] | [member="Sal Zambrano"] | [member="Greta Kohler"]
Enemies: The Silver Jedi & Allies - [member="RC 212"] | [member="Natassia Traxen"]
Equipment: [SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]2x Sith Lightsabers | Armour | Oculus

After she had dealt her Force attack, Vaylin had collapsed to one knee. Her head immediately began to throb painfully, doubling the disorientating feeling of being partially blind and deaf. Somewhere she heard the sound of Natassia hitting the wall, but it was practically drowned out by the muffled sounds of the rancor thrashing about not too far away.

Slowly her vision began to return, blurry but enough that she was gradually making out shapes that were getting sharper and clearer. She saw Natassia settling herself back up again, moving from the wreckage and set up for a shot.

Yet there was hesitation? Why were the not just straight up trying to kill her; a Sith?

Vaylin growled, forcing herself to try and stand but the sudden pain in her head forced her back down. She was defenceless in that moment, a speck of time where she just felt drained - unable to reach for one of her lightsabers. The only option she had left was to simply move, to dive to the side. But before she could the sound of a gun fired off, and rather than feeling the usual burning sensation, Vaylin felt something pierce through her armour's left high boot and into her leg.

The sudden pain was able to snap the Zabrak back to reality, like her ears had popped and the constantly ringing gradually started to fade away. Vision was still utter chit, but she was able to stand up and move. Albeit she had to force herself past the limp in her left leg now.

In the time it had taken for Natassia to fire, Aria had lunged into the fray and managed to catch the soldier with the Force - wrapping it around the woman's neck. The Zabrak realized her master had also been hit by the flashbang. As such, Vaylin began to stalk towards Natassia, summoning one of her lightsabers in the process.

How exactly would the soldier get out of this?

Darth Odium

Location: Mirial City
Objective: Kill Death Cult Separatist
Allies: [member="Lord Ghoul"]
Enemies: SJO peace breakers

Odium moved through the city streets at a blur. His oily presence in the force was hard to mask these days so he didn't bother. His black robes hissed against his legs as he ran looking for something, anything he could do to protect the fragile peace they had built here. Why were the Jedi so blatantly ignorant. Order, was needed! Order meant rules, and rules meant enforcement! They had created order here and the people were glad for it.

His black eyes caught sight of some obvious Death cultist that called themselves separatist. Vile remnants of a now defunct system that would have been better off had it been aborted in the planning phase. The mute Sith lord hissed his anger and hate rising in his being as he leapt forward slashing into the disgusting people who would rather see their own people's city ravaged by Jedi than abide a simple curfew. His saber spun as he did he and removed a head of one man dragging a woman from her home. The woman broke away and darted inside as he feel upon the other's like a flashing red whirlwind.

When It was over he looked up to see smoke and dust billowing into the sky. Fighters tore through the sky firing on civilian targets and holonet relays. He had seen many things, done many things that made this look like a carnival, but he could never get over what some people could do and still lying call themselves good. He was a dark being, violent, hateful, selfish, but at least he was honest about it. They didn't even know what they were. He decided to kill them. The Jedi and their friends must die.
Location: Mirial's Capitol Building
Objectives: Oversee the Restoration Effort / Repel the Trespassers
Allies: TSE | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Lord Depravious"] | [member="Greta Kohler"] | [member="Sal Zambrano"]
Enemies: SJO | The Light | [member="RC 212"] | [member="Natassia Traxen"]

[*]Sith Lightsabers
[*]Scepter of Power

The Scepter was flung away from the Rancor by the concussion rifle, the creature losing its rigidity as it was flung through the air and landing amidst the rubble. The amphistaff would take shelter underground, it's tough hide making it extremely difficult to kill.

The battle progressed quickly, and while the Valkyries dealt with the external threats the Dark Lord focused on the Rancor as it lumbered towards him.

Lightning flung from the outstretched fingers of his left hand, powerful torrents of dark energy raking the arms and midsection of the Rancor. The Sith Lord's lightning was so powerful and so intense that it caused the armor plating that was strapped to the beast to glow brilliantly with heat, the metal screaming as it expanded and sizzled against the beast's leathery hide. It would take more than just scalding heat to bring down such a behemoth, however, and the Dark Lord was forced to roll out of the way as one of the creature's clawed fists smashed down right where he had been a few moments earlier.

His quick thinking saved him from the beast's wrath, at least for the moment, but there were greater dangers to consider.

A tungsten slug grazed his arm, tearing open the fabric and rending a gash through his flesh down to the bone. Carnifex felt nothing, no pain, no physical sensation at all, but the force of the impact yanked him backwards. Quickly he conjured a concave shield of shimmering Force energy that simultaneously protected the Dark Lord from being riddled by the slugs, but also brought them to a complete halt as their kinetic energy was absorbed and transferred into the shield.

Carnifex then manipulated the collective energy in the shield as the propellant to send each and every tungsten slug hurled his way right back at its source.
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Location: Mirial System - Drop Ship
Objective: Follow Lark
Allies: SJO, RA,
Opposition: Zambies
Person of interest: [member="Lark"]
Equipment (see signature)

As Sukai watched what she now could see was a medical bay as voice echoed through out the street, a message for both sides to hear, a voice from the Sith, dressed in the most intimidating from of armor she had seen before. His message something that might have seemed strange, but was one that she did expect. 'Really, the Jedi treacherous, our forces have not fired on the people or bombarded any medical centers, do they not realize that the Jedi's actions are force by their hand'. 'How many innocents have they slaughtered willing in their own goals to expand their empire, how many have they forced to submit to their will or die, how many have been enslaved and worked to death for their war machine or brain washed into becoming murders, how many Jedi have begged for mercy and received non... I wonder how many of these supposed dead natives they were responsible for, no Jedi would willingly kill non combatants'.

'The Silver Jedi do no please in destruction, that was the whole reason to use stealth ships and land troops, not orbital bombardment or strafing runs like the Sith, and if civilians are kill... id rather live with that guilt then try and paint myself as the hero by potting out other transgression, I wonder how many people that Sith has killed". She shook her head, focusing back on the task at hand, now was not the time to do this, now was not the time to let emotion run free, this Sith could say what they wanted, that would not change her mind, or others. She had witnessed the Sith's true intention first hand, the Empires refusal to negotiate and see peace because of the blood thirsty goals to snuff out the light, and willingness to destroy all those that get in their way.

Pointing attention back to the med bay she noted the Sith leave, Sukai had made no attempt t hid her presence, wanting to have the Sith either come to her or go somewhere alone, where they could meet. At the red heads movements she followed, quietly jumping from roof top to roof top as she followed the Sith to a ruined house, looking to be bombarded but from where, the rancor was no where near the area, what shoot could have damaged the structure.

Coming inside she stalked the halls, ash fell from the ceiling the smell of blood, the feel of dead, on all to familiar, just the same as the Sith had done to her home on Dattoine and the Jedi temple. Rounding the corner she saw the Sith in question, cradling a baby, the only survivor, his dead parent laying to the side. It was a little unsettling that she was not longer effected by such a sights, one of the few things she could thank the Sith for when training under them, the removal of emotions from horrific sights. "I wonder what that child's future will be like", leaning up against the wall, arms crossed, her mask muffling the sounds slightly, "Tell me, will you raise his to seek revenge at the Jedi, training him to fight, sending them off to war, maybe have them kill thousand and use his parents death to spur him on, then one day learn the Truth about the Empire and what they have done being hypocritical or dying with resentment for the Silver Order"?
Location: Mirial- The Capitol Building
Objective: Cause hell
Gear: Katarn Armor, Twin Verpine Shatter Guns, LJ-50 concussion Rifle, Sawed off Shotgun W/Cortosis shells, Jetpack, DC-17 W all attachments handy. One tub of peanut butter, one tub of jelly, one loaf of bread. Force Breaker Grenades, A lot

Oh and a Rancor....

Main Enemy: [member="Darth Carnifex"]

Secondary Enemies: [member=Vaylin] | [member="Vitor Avendahl"] | [member="Darth Saarai"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | [member="Greta Kohler"](OOC: Tried to address everyone. Again PM for edits if needed folks.)

Allies so far: [member="Natassia Traxen"]

Not Sure: [member="Europa Draav"] | [member="Valkren Calderon"] | [member="Roona Osmari"]


"Woe unto the enemies of the light."

RC was in a real pickle and it showed as events unfolded. first a loyal partner and trooper who understood the stakes deployed flash bangs, and obliterated the area with white hot explosions. Normally this might have rattled the uninitiated, but RC was both initiated and well protected as his helmet blacked out for a second and sealed off.

But it cost him. Some might say dearly.

Ghretta Kohlers lightning struck the Rancor, enraging it but also burning the skin. Though it may not have been a lethal blow, RC knew it distracted the Rancors focus away from his own commands and made the beast more unruly. A wolf pack killed by a thousand small cuts.

He and his pet were the prey and they were the wolves.

There was nothing he could do about that just this second, but luckily the Rancors plating soaked up a good amount of the damage, saving RC from feeling the electrical currents. He sent a quick twin wrist rocket burst in her direction, one high and one low, letting them blow up just before they reached her.


He continued to break the room down in low motion, addressing threats as they came. Natasia was about to take what he assumed was a force push from Vaylin, the woman whom had catapulted into him. He grunted and spared her a quick six round burst of Verpine Shatter Gun. Hopefully with her caught between her focus and the carnage she would take a few hits.

He noted Vaylin, reeling from the flash bang. And pressed the advantage once more.
Distraction. Break their focus, win the fight.

He lobbed a few more rounds her way, dead center mass, letting the Verpine shatter gun chatter until it went silent. Then he rammed it into his holster, re-gripping his LJ-50 Concussion rifle and slapping it over his left forearm. The second pistol still had more *Umph* to it and it was well established grenades would be useless now.
Unless I can get em down one by one.

His stomach rumbled again.
Sandwich. Soon. But first, kill Sith!
Vaylin was moving again. RC roared in frustration.

"Fething Edge-lords of the Sith! Takes ten of ya don't it!"

He administered another three wrist rockets her way.

And now big daddy had his turn.......

RC grunted, unable to dodge this one.

The entire time he'd been sowing the seeds of distraction and discontent among his followers, big Daddy Carnifex had been up to no good.

The slugs whipped back towards him. three impacting his chest, knocking the wind from him and cracking his Katarn plates with an audible snap. RC grunted, trying to push pat the pain a a redirected slug nailed his T-Slit visor,lodging itself firmly in place inches form his eye.

Spider webs formed.

The Rancor roared, armor plating melting to it's skin and he grunted again. Time for the ace in the hole move. The one he loathed to do. with a heavy heart he dropped his Verpine shatter gun into its holster and unslung his DC-17 with the grenade launcher already attached. He knew there were innocents somewhere here and he'd catch almighty hell for this.

But are they really innocent? Supporting an empire whose sole goal is destruction of the Jedi? Proliferation of the Darkside?

He Shrugged. He'd committed wore atrocity as a Pirate, Deathwatch and as a Lord of the Fringe.

The Rancor was now a done deal.

So he triggered his jetpack, rising up one level through the hole in the roof, attaining a little more cover and fired twin grenades into the support beams of the structure. They exploded weakening it as he gave his last command to the Rancor, with a teary eye and gravely voice.
"Corner, Rampage Go!"

The beast charged, smashing support beams, as grenades impacted others. RC dove, acutely aware he was now bleeding out from Carnifex's counter for Natasia to grab her before the Rancor slammed into the walls, wrecking the last of the Capitol Buildings support beams.

The building was about to collapse.....

Just for good measure he grinned and levelled his Concussion rifle at Carnifex, letting the whole clip fly.....
Location: Mirial - Capital
Objective: Help civilians
Allies: [member="Jartris Entumaa"]
Enemies: [member="Liuna Ondizi"], [member="Kaiza Pawaro"]

As Jartris ran off, the starship loomed into the atmosphere and landed in the center of the capital, illuminating the window of the townhouse where Aurelius watched. He placed the Mirialan child on the lounge next to him, before retrieving his gas mask and pulling it over his head. He fastened his gauntlets over his gloves while an omnipresent gargle drew near, before opening his medical case and attaching a few necessary items to his belt. Decaying hands broke the window and reached in through the make-shift curtain. The zombies did not attack Sith, making it clear to him that they had come for the child.

The alchemist took one step backwards and shot one palm against the area of the door. Transmuting the oxygen, a brilliant display of yellow flames erupted from above his glove, blowing the frame off the doorway and incinerating the horde of zombies swarming the front of the house. Aurelius quickly grabbed the child in one hand, being forced to leave behind his medical case in order to leave one hand free for casting.

"We're outta here, sport!" He spoke to the young girl while she wrapped her arms around his neck. Leaping down the staircase, Aurelius shot forward his free hand and unleashed another ring of flames, engulfing an approaching group of zombies and leaving their charred remains behind. He followed the path the Jedi from the starship had taken and made his way towards the sight of the burning pleasure district. Catching the sight of two Mirialan soldiers and Jartris standing among them, he was silently thankful for their presence and only assumed them to be a local humanitarian force.

"Quickly, take her!" Handing the child to the Mirialan woman without any semblance of thought, Aurelius backed away and stood directly in front of the burning building. He raised his hands and collected the flames, transmuting the oxygen fueling the fire to create thick mist which rushed over the building and those inside in the form of a rain shower, releasing surges of steam and extinguishing majority of the flames. The steam settled and Aurelius moved into the building to survey the damage.

Flames waned and died inside and the residents were damp with the brief shower. A woman cowered by the curtains in her exotic costume, burns charring her arms and legs. Aurelius he left behind his medical case, having only managed to carry a select amount of tools. He knelt down beside the woman and tore the end off one of the curtains, while reaching for his serum, coating the piece of material in the cooling substance and applying it to the burns on the woman's arms.
Location: Mirial's Capitol Building
Objectives: Repel the Trespassers/Invaders
Allies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Aria Vale"] | Sith Empire
Enemies: SJO | [member="RC 212"]
Equipment: Battle Armour Lightsaber

This battle was getting a whole lot of messy as it went on, the rider of the Rancor that had dropped on them proving to be quite the capable foe indeed. That sent her adrenaline pumping and her spirits soaring like no other. The chaos and excitement in battle was infectious, and this particular soldier didn’t exactly seem to be entirely sane with the way he behaved and the words he used. Or perhaps, he was simply in a blood lust just like most of the Sith were. It was kinda ironic considering whose side he was on,the Jedis. He may not have been a Jedi but you would think that they would at least imparted some of the Jedi values onto their troops? Maybe not.

Just after Greta had let loose that burst of lightning from her hands that was simply a pure display of the dark side of the force, the Rancor’s skin burned, crisping up through the sheer heat of the lightning.It’s thick and tough hide would endure however, and although the stench of burning Rancor skin filled the air, the Rancor was now thrown into a mad frenzy, raging as it fought through the pain with its animalistic mind. Her plan of trying to cook its rider was unsuccessful however, and the soldier continued to remain an annoying thorn in the rear.

The above mentioned pain in the rear wasn’t about to let that attack go unchallenged as he let out two wrist rockets sailing through the air, heading for the Sith knight with impunity. Greta managed to stop one of the lower rockets with a telekinetic blast, exploding it before it even came close to her. However, that left her exposed to the other rocket which exploded just inches above her head, which gave her a terrible concussion as her vision swam, blurring the figures in the room. A chunk of debris which got dislodged by the rocket struck her on her shoulder, which sent painful tremors around her body.

Chanting the Sith code internally to bolster her morale, Greta willed her body to fight against the pain, turning them into hatred which she would then use against the enemy. She recovered just as soon as the Rancor began rampaging, wrecking support beams and the like. Igniting her lightsaber, the Sith knight charged towards the monstrous creature with terrifying speed, the very intention of striking the legs of the creature with vicious fury and deep hurting strokes.

It was time to finish the damn monster.
Location: Mirial - Capital
Allies: TSE
Opposition: SJO | [member="Liuna Ondizi"] | [member="Kaiza Pawaro"]

A lone Mirialan woman appeared on the scene, armed and armoured. She was probably a member of a local militia, though whose side, if any, she was prepared to fight on was anyone's guess. Not long after her followed another, clad in full-body armour that one would not have expected to find in the possession of a mere militia, let alone on the body of a girl rather than a real fighter. Both of them were unmistakably in a state of imbalance and excitement; the second one in particular.

Jartris could no more be called relaxed in this moment than an icicle could be limp. But the Sith was collected, for the chill that had taken hold of his soul gave him clarity of vision and thought.

The hood of his heavy robes, which he no doubt wore for protection against the cold, conspired with the darkness of the night to make his face difficult to discern at a distance, but the flickering light of the conflagration revealed the occasional glimpse as he approached. His tattoos, woven intricately of many small diamond shapes, marked him to any Mirialan as a highly accomplished individual. Those who were familiar with more ancient conventions would known to read something more in them: enlightenment.

He let them wait for his reply for an eternal-seeming handful of seconds before he finally addressed them in their mutual native tongue. "<Calm down, young ladies. The building is empty>", he said, slowly and deliberately, and pointed upwards at the hovering transport with his palm. He had not, of course, ascertained that this was really true. Those who could make it to the roof were saved, and those who could not were hardly worth saving. But as there were no screams to be heard from the burning building anymore, he was probably, accidentally, telling the truth.

"<Have you seen others who might need to be evacuated?>" Surely they didn't come alone from nowhere. "<I'm afraid the time for hunting Woyunokut is over, I am not about to have my pilot fired upon by lunatic Jedi when they fail to recognise what she is targeting.>" There was no facetiousness in the tone of his voice, but if there was anger behind his words, he was concealing it quite well. He was indulging his habit of saying outrageous things in just such a manner as to leave the listener in an uncomfortable state of uncertainty about how he meant them. "<Many tragedies have happened when civilian ships were mistaken for military vessels.>"

In truth, there was every indication that these two young women were more worth saving than all too many others; and their youthful zeal might well come to be the end of them in a situation such as this.

Before the women had time to respond, [member="Aurelius Morday"] wandered back into sight, the young child still in his arms. Jartris raised an eyebrow as the alchemist handed the child to the younger woman before proceeding to extinguish the fire and retrieve a badly burnt women from the remains of the house. Now that was a very unwelcome turn of events.
Location: Mirial System, Outer Edge
Objective: Establish System Control
Allies: Silver Jedi and Allies
Enemies: [member="Adriago Duilius"], Sith Empire and Allies
Equipment: In Signature

Command Deck // ANS Hereafter
Heliopause // Mirial System
Galactic Alliance Fifth Expeditionary Fleet

Translating back into realspace almost too quickly for the naked eye to grasp, Task Force Hereafter manifested on the outer reaches of the Mirial system as if from nothingness.

At the vanguard of the Alliance battlegroup twin Scythe Heavy Cruisers, the ANS Crusader and Gladiator, activated their shields and powered up their sublight reactors along with the rest of the Fifth. On each cruiser's outer rear flank were two older model Dreadnought Mark IIIs, each side with an Essex-class Starfighter killer between them. Behind the Scythes came the contingent's more lightly armed Valor-class Carrier the ANS Mercy, with Vice Admiral Zark and the crew of the Hereafter bringing up the rearguard.

"All ships reporting in, Admiral!" on the bustling command deck of the Citadel-class Star Carrier, the already quite apparent intelligence was delivered perfunctorily by Commander Bashir as a matter of protocol, "The task force has raised shields, weapons systems are on standby, and all pilots are on alert."

"Sensors!" the Jedi Knight called after confirming his XO's report with a nod, "What do you hear? I'd like a confirmation on those weapon discharges."

"Weapons fire confirmed farther in the system," a junior officer manning the primary sensor station responded, "Impossible to ascertain more from this distance, too many stellar bodies and gravity wells between there and here."

"Navigation, take us into the heliosphere on an alignment vector with Mirial Prime," Zark called out after a brief consideration of the star system before him projected through the military holoprojector, "Whatever is happening here, chances are its on the most populated world. Comms?"

"We're within range of Mirial sir, but there appears to be heavy interference," came a report from communications, "Likely artificial in nature, indicative of some sort of jamming. Should we attempt to penetrate it, Admiral?"

"We didn't come all the way out here to hide, but I'd like to know just a little more than I do now before I send up a flare," the Alliance flag officer decided, his eyes gazing intently at the holographic representation of their plotted course to a clear line of sight with Mirial. With the ponderous Scythes leading the charge, it was slow going, "Make no attempts to jam passive scans, but lets hold off on introducing ourselves just yet."

"Its a good bet they already know we're here," Bashir muttered grimly beside him.

"Who?" Zark asked, glancing at the Mon Cal quizzically.

"That does seem to be the question," he replied, and the Jedi noticed for the first time the fear radiating off the man.

Not fear of battle, they had been through variations on the present theme too many times for any of that. It was fear, the Admiral knew, that Zark's intel would be confirmed, and the revenge of the Sith was at hand. Clasping his young friend's shoulder reassuringly with his prosthetic hand, he gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile.

"The Force wills it."

Task Force Hereafter - 5th Expeditionary

"Into the unknown."

6540 meters

Name: ANS Hereafter Class: Citadel-class Star Carrier (1800m) Shield/Hull: 100/100
Armament: High Defence: High Speed: Average Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: 5 CF10 Crossfire Squadrons, 4 D-Wing Squadrons, 1 A-Wing Squadron.
Actions: Approaching extreme Mirial orbit at system's edge.

Name: ANS Crusader Class: Scythe-class Heavy Cruiser (1000m) Shield/Hull: 100/100
Armament: Average Defence: High Speed: Average Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: 1 CF10 Crossfire Squadron, 1 D-Wing Squadron, 1 A-Wing Squadron.
Actions: Approaching extreme Mirial orbit at system's edge.

Name: ANS Gladiator Class: Scythe-class Heavy Cruiser (1000m) Shield/Hull: 100/100
Armament: Average Defence: High Speed: Average Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: 1 CF10 Crossfire Squadron, 1 D-Wing Squadron, 1 A-Wing Squadron.
Actions: Approaching extreme Mirial orbit at system's edge.

Name: ANS Mercy Class: Valor-class Carrier (980m) Shield/Hull: 100/100
Armament: Very Low Defence: Average Speed: High Manoeuvre: Moderate
Hangar: 3 Sprite X-Wing Squadrons, 2 D-Wing Squadrons, 2 A-Wing Squadrons.
Actions: Approaching extreme Mirial orbit at system's edge.

Name: ANS Absolution Class: Dreadnought-class Mark III Escort Cruiser (700m) Shield/Hull: 100/100
Armament: High Defence: Average Speed: Low Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: Dropships.
Actions: Approaching extreme Mirial orbit at system's edge.

Name: ANS Ascendant Class: Dreadnought-class Mark III Escort Cruiser (700m) Shield/Hull: 100/100
Armament: High Defence: Average Speed: Low Manoeuvre: Low
Hangar: Dropships.
Actions: Approaching extreme Mirial orbit at system's edge.

Name: ANS Sluissi Dream Class: Essex-class Starfighter Killer (120m) Shield/Hull: 100/100
Armament: Moderate Defence: Average Speed: Moderate Manoeuvre: Average
Hangar: -
Actions: Approaching extreme Mirial orbit at system's edge.

Name: ANS Rivers of Arbra Class: Essex-class Starfighter Killer (120m) Shield/Hull: 100/100
Armament: Moderate Defence: Average Speed: Moderate Manoeuvre: Average
Hangar: -
Actions: Approaching extreme Mirial orbit at system's edge.

Name: ANS Remember Eriadu Class: Essex-class Starfighter Killer (120m) Shield/Hull: 100/100
Armament: Moderate Defence: Average Speed: Moderate Manoeuvre: Average
Hangar: -
Actions: Approaching extreme Mirial orbit at system's edge.

Summary of Actions
Simplified shield/hull values to a percentile system for convenience.
Task Force Hereafter jumps in on the solar system's outer edge, approaching Mirial on impulse engines to obtain more detailed sensor scans.
Shields up, weapons systems on standby, and all pilots on alert.

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