Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant, Level 5171, In Transit, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Invading Space | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ One Time ~ "You like the hit and run, you say it's all for fun, you think that I'm the one for you?"

Everyone on this planet wanted somethings, in the end. Some wanted credits (She did), someone to share them with it (...Hm) or maybe just some solitude (Ick). The sky was part of that bundle of desire, to be above the light pollution and noise of the city that was a planet and the planet that was a city. A part of it was intoxicating, like the finest drug to ever pass through her system. Something about being above this entire firebombed world made something tickle within her magenta body.

"Yeah, you're right," Lynnori reluctantly agreed, gaze finally falling back on him. There was still a bit of that drive to keep digging burning in her expression, though, "Rather get it over with soon enough, though. Otherwise, y'know, guilty party could bounce off-world and then I gotta get in a chase with my fighter and it's probably close to impoundment at this rate." A bit too much information concerning her ship, sure, but that thing was her baby. And if someone impounded her baby heads would roll. Better to think on something else though, the mere thought of someone putting clamps on the Sulit was making her blood pressure rise.

We have plenty of time. Yes, we do.
Coruscant, Level 5171, In Transit, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Heading Home | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ The Less I Know The Better ~ "Is this what you want, is this who you are?"

Kole moved his head in a way, and made an expression that told something of his understanding of the perpetrators potentially fleeing the planet. Things turned messier that way, didn't they? Intergalactic justice was more along the lines of a bounty hunter, and that was a harsh breed of cruel individuals Kole never wanted to come across. Nobody in their right mind should, if he was truly thinking about it.

​"You have a starfighter?" Kole asked, moving ever closer in the direction of his apartment building. It was visible in the distance, and things suddenly began to feel warm. Coruscant had gotten cold, hadn't it? Kole hadn't a clue of her past life, and whether he'd of been interested in it was up for debate. It wasn't something he had ever tried giving the time of day before. Maybe things would change.

​Kole was more akin to a grunt, anyways.
Coruscant, Level 5171, In Transit, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Dwelling On Potentials | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ One Time ~ "Boy, if you wanna go, I would not mind..."

Dwelling on the intricacies of her ship seemed to bring a dreamy, almost mania-riddled expression to her, "Yeah. Helped build her myself, shortly after I left Zeltros. Called 'er the Sulit, she's one of the fastest ships in port, though that's probably because I stripped her down to the bare bones needed to get her at top speed and maybe-slightly put in a few parts I shouldn't have," A soft sigh, then a shrug, "I'd say she's my one true love, but, uh, we're more like platonic partners." The sentiment on her own behalf made her chuckle anyways, lazily, a hand passing through a few blue curls. She looked to the sky above then to the building ahead, starting to relish the gathering warmth, "That your place up ahead? Looks nice."

No lies there. It did look fancy. A good stay for tonight, score. Lyn peered over the edge of the speeder casually to the depths of the planet below with an expression that clearly indicated a level of distaste, speaking up after he'd finished answering the obvious, "Being up this high's nice too."
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Feeling The Comfort Of Home | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ New Person, Same Old Mistakes ~ "You don't know what it takes, stop before it's not too late."

A grin flexed across his face in that moment, an appreciated nod accompanied it. It always felt nice to be complimented, nobody could say it wasn't the truth. Something to do with brain chemicals, or something long those lines. The very things that Zeltron's manipulated, and what Kole believed himself manipulated by. He wasn't all that fussed in the moment, though; deeming everything as a result of them, but they weren't. This was real. The sooner he came to acknowledge and accept it, the sooner he could stop lying to himself. To lie is to be rude, and to be rude to yourself is an easy way to make yourself miserable. It seemed that was the case at the very least.

Kole pivoted his hands forwards, and the speeder began to descend into the area the apartment resided in. A parking garage of sorts, slowly meandering through the closed in area to a designated park, one he could call his own. "Few stories up." He mentioned after departing the vehicle, sure to be on their way to the apartment itself. The turbo lift made things easier, unless Lyn was more determined to take the stairs for whatever reason.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Preparing For The Worst | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ One Time ~ "...But, I'm not the kind of drum you play one time."

Feth the stairs.

She did go to pull out a stimstick though, from her bottomless pockets, almost as soon as they were out of the speeder -- Though reluctantly tucking it away after spotting a sign in Aurebesh blaring about no smoking and what-not. Lame. Straight-edges. A dozen other names flooded her mind as she briefly glowered, like an upset child, but just as quickly got over herself. Can always smoke later, out his window, whatever, wherever.

So instead of puffing away she grabbed the shoebox of Maltoya's illegal casino tokens and waltz into the turbolift with easily a couple hundred thousand dollar's worth. No big deal.

"Your place, your rules." Lyn mused quietly, hefting the box in her arms. Pheromones still assuredly filled the air like they'd been since the morgue, doing nothing to Kole but sure to be a knockout combination to any other pedestrians they bumped into.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Feeling The Comfort Of Home | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ New Person, Same Old Mistakes ~ "Feeling it overtake, all I used to hate."

It was once more that the quiet, soft hum of a turbo-lift had filled Kole's ears. He had stood still throughout the short climb in the building. It raced above, straight through the system. This building wasn't quite as large as Darius', that's for sure. Harper turned down, looking at Lynnori and the box within her hands. He moved to take it from here, but it was clear that there was no malice in the attempt or anything of the sorts, it was merely being polite to some degree. Someone larger than herself was surely more capable of holding the item, after all. If she hadn't accepted his taking of it? He'd of awkwardly returned to his stance from before. Still, motionless, nothing beyond that.

A passive grin resting on his face, subtle in it's nature.

It was only a few short steps from the elevator and to his door, placing his hand over the scanner that created a 'whoosh' hiss, the door snapping open. It was clear that it was dark from the outside, but the moment Kole's presence entered the room the lights turned themselves on. It was basked in a pale, white light, much like the rest of the room itself. The windows showed much of Coruscant, but nothing was able to be seen from the outside. They were tinted heavily, and for good reason. Yet the tint only showed from the outside.

The nearest table found the chip-crate placed on it, landing with a soft thud. The jacket over his figure had been removed, placed upon a rack that was built into the wall. It revealed a jumped beneath, still needing some warmth, of course. "Make yourself at home." Kole made it clear that this was 'no-biggie'. The HRD, himself, stood in the open, doing nothing in particular. It was now that he usually showered, stepping through the door and unloading his belongings. Being clean was preferable, no doubt. It was more comfortable that way.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Anticipating The Best | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ One Time ~ "One time, one time, one time."

Privacy was something Lyn could get behind. Of course she'd pawn off the box to him once he made a beeline for it. Whilst she'd never, ever admit it, her arms had begun to hurt a little. Lots of wealth there to be had, but it was heavy wealth.

That calm gaze swept over the apartment, appraising, picking out features that she found interesting. Her own jacket came off and was set casually near his, clashing styles that somehow found harmony side by side. Leave it to the clothes to act as their clairvoyance. Casually rolling up the sleeves of the blank, form-fitting turtleneck she sported for her own warmth, hands atop her hips for a second as her survey ended, "It's nice. Spacious, cozy, got everything you need to call it a home." A very bare bones assessment, but it didn't seem like Kole lived as large as she liked to. But maybe this change of pace would do some good.

A lazy exhale left her and her eyes fell on the dark skyline of Coruscant again, then to the box of chips he'd set down, then to Kole himself, "What're you off to do now?" Nosey.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Cleanliness | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ New Person, Same Old Mistakes ~ "Two sides of me can't agree."

Kole had run his right hand upwards, slowly through his hair as it seemingly got caught at the point his head curved down. His eyes went off to the side, air blown out of his lungs, "Uhm." He had to think, really. Kole knew what he wanted, what he was planning on doing, but he hadn't a clue whether or not how weird it may be. "Shower." He claimed, his head nodding subtly, his hand reaching the back of his neck where it merely grasped onto it, then furthering, "Something to eat after that." Best to stick to one's usual plans, after all. He didn't appreciate disorder.

His right hand found itself by his side, his left thumbing over his shoulder whilst saying, "So I'm gonna-" Kole swallowed his words, gave a soft internal grunt, "-shower." The HRD back-pedalled in the direction of the bathroom, eventually turning to face it before entering. The door shut behind him, obviously. This wasn't appropriate hospitality, but surely she wouldn't mind. Gave Lynnori more time to settle in without him, one could suppose.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Skirting The Obvious | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ One Time ~ "Boy, I'm not the kind of drum you play one time."

Oh, he really does need a taste of the wild side, doesn't he?

"If you need help just give a shout." Part of her was joking but there was just enough seriousness in her coy suggestion to probably make a few monks button-up in second-hand fluster. But he was already out of sight, damn, a bemused but fading expression across the Zeltron's face as she went back to picking through illicit casino tokens.

Sorting them by style would be an obvious first step. I can't believe he's actually showering. There appeared to be at least two distinct styles of tokens in the box, probably belonging to two operations. Showering alone, even, depressing. She slid a few of the brown-and-silver tokens to the side, the ones she'd initially collected, picking out the second black-and-white token look to put off too. I wonder if he knows how the pheromones don't work. A flick of her finger sent one of the black-and-white tokens skidding across Kole's counter, Lyn watching the way it slowly came to a halt not too far away. If he doesn't, does that make things easier?

An audible exhale and she sent another token after the first one. The force from the colliding pieces sent said first one a little farther. Boredom would rule her until her decided entertainment was clean.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Heart Rate Rising | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ 'Cause I'm A Man~ "I am aware I'm not in control."


Kole, Kole, Kole. What have you gotten yourself into?

He hadn't a clue. This started as something routine; with a corpse, some evidence, and a lead. It was that simple process that somehow devolved into absolute anarchy once he met her. Even as a legitimate Officer of the Law, Kole never had a partner. His life, in it's entirety, was in isolation, solitude. It tended to happen when you were the only truly loyal member of the Coruscant Security Force, so much so that you were an operative for Internal Affairs. 'The Rat'. That is, however, just his design, his programming. Although, he was surely lacking in some departments for more than one reason, and it was this aspect of sociability he struggled with most. There was never any feelings involved with anything, he was purely analytical, logical, facts and figures were his ally, and statistics were his weapon. Kole had found himself alongside some of the most beautiful people in the Galaxy -- as far as he was concerned -- and not a thing swept over him. It was pointless to believe such a thing could really exist. Love, for him, that is.

Lynnori, though, had been the tornado that tore through the farmstead. It was moment he laid eyes on her, that pink skin, blue hair, amber eyes. He wasn't in control anymore, and whether or not one could argue that he never was in control and was merely trying to land a doomed vessel didn't matter. Not anymore. It was the pheromones, that's what he told himself. Of course, he hadn't any idea of his artificial existence, and so that fact they were never going to work slipped right by him, unnoticed. This was his own doing, and maybe he'd find out sooner or later, understand the liberating sensation of feeling something circumstantial.

Kole had found himself in the process of walking through that damned doorway the instant Lynnori spoke, and the words she chose had reached him a mere instant before it closed, leaving her out of the picture. But not his mind. An exasperated sigh departed him in the moment he rolled his head backwards, allowing it to softly collide with the door. The HRD happened to close his eyes for more than a few moments, resting against it. No. His mind ran wild, he couldn't help it, really. Kole's eyes had slowly opened, fading into existence as the light above him created a slight sting in his iris. His feet shuffled across the floor, approaching the sink in which he was to lean on by placing both hands on either side; staring into his own eyes through the mirror. No.

There wasn't a chance. He only just met her, and that was awfully strange. Even then, he had a job to do. They​ had a job to do, he couldn't find himself tangled up for one reason or another with an ally, or someone that may try and become a rival in a race to beat this case. Or could he? Kole pressed off of the vanity, turning on his heel and approaching the door, sure to find Lyn on the other side if he had opened it. Instead, he cut himself short, leaning against the frame from the inside of the room. Kole's forearm taking all the weight, his face leaning into it as his closed eyes buried themselves in his arm.


The sound of water running soon became apparent.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Doubt Settles In | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ 5AM ~ "We run into a dark room and we spasm to the sounds."

Anarchy was what she did best. His night might have fallen apart, but hers had gotten a whole lot more interesting.

The sound of clicking wooden tokens is what filled Lynnori's time whilst Kole was otherwise occupied. She was balancing them, stacking them, flipping them; fidgeting, impossible to stay still. Some of it was the new environment she'd been presented with, faced with the uncertainty of something unexpected. Lyn's mind just told her the words, really, and she spoke them without a second thought, really. It hadn't helped this new situation much.

Probably not good. Probably.

How long would this last, anyway? A week? Less than?

Best enjoy the ride. Lyn flipped another casino token and caught it mid-air, a low exhale leaving her as she tipped her head up to look at the markings again. He was right in the fact that they did have a while to figure things out, but she was someone who rushed by nature. The sooner, the better. But, of course, that left them with little excuse to be near. How complicated. She lowered her hand and flipped again.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Anticipation | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ These Girls ~ "When I'm lying in her arms, I'll be thinking 'bout you."


Kole didn't know what to think of the situation and the more time his mind had to dwell on the scenario it only became stranger, and stranger. A tense feeling in his throat, swallowed down only to emerge once more. It was perplexing in every way imaginable, solvable with the easiest of decisions, but one Kole couldn't make. In all reality, Lynnori could of been sent home immediately, dropped off and never seen again. That would've made things easier, right? Sure. It wasn't how this was going to go, though, was it? No, of course not. This investigational adventure was going to be an experience.

In time, Kole had emerged from the bathroom. Clean, just the way he liked it. The lingering sensation of the burning liquid against his skin remained, and it was the scratch in the places he couldn't reach. He was fully clothed, of course, going to effort of keeping a pair within the bathroom to avoid the naked roaming. Beneficial in a time such as this, or possibly detrimental. An olive shirt, a black pair pants. Nothing special, as per usual.

He had greeted Lyn with a raise of his eyebrows, and a flex of the smallest of grins. It was to the kitchen that he headed, ready to fill the void in his stomach he so desperately needed gone. It was on his way that he asked, "Anything you prefer to eat?"
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
It All Begins | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ 5AM ~ "Of a copy of Morrissey, or the blues of the Deep South."

"Huh? Oh, nah. Ate before we checked out Maltoya, figured I wouldn't have a good stomach after that." Honest enough. The food here was always hit or miss, either too expensive to be authentic or too freeze-dried to be worth the few credits paid. Fingers stretched out to recall the tokens from the spread patterns she had created in the boredom, depositing them back into the shoebox. She let a couple remain out, tapping one to the same beat from the speeder, fluid and wild, "Mm. I better get someone on tracing these." The chip in question made it's way into her hand, rolling across her knuckles with the expertise of someone who had clearly played her fair share of games. Settling to hold it in forefinger and thumb the slim Zeltron moved to her jacket, rooting around for the datapad she ensured to keep on her at all times. The dark side of the Holonet would certainly know a thing or two about these tokens. If not, well, they'd just have to go establishment to establishment, wouldn't they?

She didn't mind that idea, but a part of her suspected that he would.

Making friends out of fans was a dangerous game to play as an incognito superstar, but there were a few people from her underground racing days she could get to ask around. As the datapad began to scan the chip, her gaze wandered up to Kole, casually. Almost a little magnetically. Almost.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
In Need Of Something | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Do I Wanna Know ~ "(Do I wanna know) If this feeling goes both ways?"

​Kole gave a shrug as his response, furthering into the kitchen itself. It was clean, immaculately so. It was more than evident that Kole was rather clean or had more time on his hands than he should care to admit. Should, being the key word, of course. Everything seemed stashed away, out of sight and out of mind. His hand reached into the fridge, grasping onto a packaged product that forced the fabric of it, if the term was even applicable, to crinkle. He had taken a step backwards, leaning against the counter whilst unwrapping it as his blue eyes fell back to Lynnori, where their eyes locked before Kole diverted his gaze back to the item in his hand, unraveling it. Stealing one last, subtle glance before stepping forwards and placing it into the a device built into the cupboards, or in a space that had been made for it to sit. Several electronic beeps were emitted, and then he left it alone.

"I need a drink." He mumbled beneath his own breath.

"Know somebody?" Kole asked, pulling the doors to a cabinet open, revealing an unusually wide selection of alcohol, but it was his preferred drink that he was feeling tonight. The kind that burned one's throat more than it had any right to, made your senses go numb, tingly, full of some form of regret. Two smaller glasses found themselves snatched out, held in the one hand. A pop was made as the cap was pulled off, and then the flowing of the 'waters of life' began to make their appearance. It's appearance almost golden in the glass.

He shuffled across to her, extending out one of the glasses he had taken from the kitchen. Lyn made it known she enjoyed drinking, and well, Kole did need a drink.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
The Spiral | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ 5AM ~ "And the drugs will only hide it; the feeling never really goes."

Never one to turn down an offer, Lyn circled to his side of the world, taking the glass with an almost refined mannerism. The chip and data-pad were set down, for their work to continue, "Maybe," She admitted almost cautiously, not exactly guarded but clearly picking her words carefully for once, "I know a few people, you meet them in the biz." Resisting the urge to grab that flask from earlier and make a cocktail deadly enough to make her forget the name 'Darius Maltoya' or even 'Kole Harper', she settled for a conservative sip to test the waters. It was clear by the look on her face she was no stranger to this vice, old friends even, the desire to drown it all out in drink sharp enough to set your bones afire. Maybe the first of many things to have in common. Alcoholism. Well, gotta start somewhere.

"You got the good stuff." She finally remarked after a moment, in a tone of near-appraisal. She'd tasted it all, and she could safely say he had suitable tastes. Maybe not the finest, but he wasn't exactly throwing back a poor man's rum, either.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
The Rabbit Hole | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Do I Wanna Know ~ "Are there some aces up your sleeve?"

Kole had crooked his neck backwards, his eyes almost staring directly into the light above if not for the fact they were closed. The glass in his hand was raised to his mouth, pressed against his lips in a moment of instinctive hesitation. It was always strange to purposely put yourself in a position of discomfort in order to receive some comfort later down the line. It was one of those things that went unquestioned, and the same was going to happen tonight. It really, really didn't matter. The contents of that glass was rushed down his throat in the instant he flicked it backwards, it burned, and it felt great. His face was scrunched, primarily at the eyes, it was nothing major. "The biz?" He questioned, unsure as to what she meant in the moment, speaking through the discomfort he barely let show beyond the slight squinting.

Racer Z, even with the mask, was dead to Kole. He hadn't heard of that name, but it wasn't as if he really paid my attention to those that raced across the stars. Although, Kole was capable of being impressed by anyone that could fly with that amount of raw talent. Might crush his ego, though. Couldn't have that, could we?
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
The Never-Ending Chase | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ 5AM ~ "You won't find love at the bottom of a glass seat home."

That's alright. The racer was dead to Lynnori too.

A shoulder lifted and dropped casually, "The biz," Lyn repeated, like that helped, "Freelancer work. You meet people." Technically, what she'd done before had been freelancing work, so she really wasn't lying to him. Certain enterprises had hired her to run blockades, put on shows, distract from the real spectacle elsewhere.

Like Kessel, outrunning other racers to hide the overthrowing of a monarchy. That had been one wild day. Another sip and she let the memory wash away with the strong drink, leaning on his counter slightly now, "Same way you got all those friends in the CSF, I guess." The hand with her glass briefly moved to rub at her forehead, a yawn stifled. Maybe leaving it all overnight was for the best, let things stew and process, see it all with fresh-- albeit, potentially hungover --eyes. Tomorrow would be the new day to begin.

At least there was someone to share it with. 'Till the ride ended. Grimacing briefly she knocked the rest of the drink back in a mildly impressive gulp.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
The Rabbit Hole | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Do I Wanna Know ~ "Was sorta hoping that you'd stay."

She was certainly... distracting. If there was anything Kole had to hire her for it was that, since she managed to turn the 'robotic' Kole into something truly real. That nickname always had an odd twist of truth to it, and in hindsight it'll be something to laugh about, but in the immediate revelation it'd be a horrifying one, too.

"Hmph." Kole huffed, accompanied with a nod. The device he placed his meal into began beeping rather loudly, annoyingly. His gaze turned over his shoulder, facing it before striding in that direction, he managed to call over his shoulder, "You sure you don't want anything?" Soon to grab his own food from the not-microwave. Something pre-packeged, cheap and full of all the healthy alternatives to life. It wasn't as if they were make any change on him. Kole was able to eat whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. His physique was locked in stone.

If Lynnori hadn't changed her mind Kole was to return to the counter, setting down his meal with cutlery in hand. Beginning to dig in, and it didn't look very appetising. That was one thing you could draw from it, really. "Beyond-" Kole began, rolling his fork-hand in a circle as he leaned against the counter, freshly swallowing, "-freelance work, you do anything else?" Certainly curious, willing to know more.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Counting Bottles | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ 5AM ~ "And you don't know what you've got until it's gone and you don't know who to love until you're lost."

"Nah," She waved him off again, head shaking, "Maybe in the morning."

Watching people eat was a spectator sport Lyn didn't participate in much if at all, but she found herself still drawn to look anyhow. It was that push and pull that kept her roped in, expression perfectly neutral as to not betray her inner machinations. But, out of drink for now, she moved to collect the flask from her jacket and pour herself another, this liquid a rosy pink to match the girl who would be drinking it in spades no doubt, "I've been told I'm a good public speaker." Clearly a sardonic comment, the Zeltron shrugged, "Fly, mostly. Make enough credits to scrape by, keep my ship in top condition, I don't really--" Her voice went a little dry then and she took a sip of the new sin, mouth twitching after, "--Have anything else going for me, besides that."

Ah, bitter, familiar truth. Missed you.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Drowning | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Do I Wanna Know ~ "That the nights were mainly made for saying things you can't say tomorrow day."

That was relatable. Unfortuantley, so. To have something mundane in your existence was never pleasurable, and Kole knew that all too well. He hadn't a thing going on in his life, and it might bore him to tears if he had known any better. Maybe Lyn was here to show him what an eventful life looks like. She seemed the type to know more than the next on 'eventful'. All Zeltrons were, really. From experience, that is. No intentions on generalising, of course. An understanding look formed over his face, the brief raise of his brows and the cock to the side let that be known too.

His fist ran to his mouth, hovering just before it as she grabbed her own flask. It was with a mouth that contained some food that he spoke with, "I've got more." He allowed it to sit as he chewed, swallowing it and speaking more politely with hands down by the food itself. "It's a... new bottle, I wasn't going to keep it around for long, anyways." As if he was offering to smash the whole thing out, and by 'as if', he means literally. Kole could stomach his fair share, but we'll have to see how he holds up against a Zeltron.

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