Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Such A Perfect Death | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Love Won't Sleep ~ "Yeah, so scared when it hurts right, there's no way around it."

Good things never came easy.

But damn it, she liked it easy.

"No, it's more annoying that way," Lyn countered easily with a nonchalant vibe only she could manage at the moment, head tilted, gaze narrowed ever-so-slightly to regard him in the ambient darkness of the new room, "It's... Confusing to me." The way she said that didn't make it out to be bad, however, just different. Different might be what she needs. The only thing that works.

Maybe that was the reason why she leaned in close, voice shallow with the tenseness that came with being so close to another living being, in the spaces deemed to be there's, invading it without so much as a word to the contrary, "Got any regrets?" Just above a whisper she asked that, a new glint in her eyes.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Running But Wanting To Get Caught | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Borderline ~ "And the soul chokes."

Good things never come easy.

Kole, of all people, could entirely relate to that statement. His existence was almost pitiful, for there was nothing he had truly achieved. A creation, forcefully made to believe in a life he had never lead. Everything torn down, only to be built back up in a shadow of it's former -- albeit lacking -- glory. Now, had all that struggling paid off, was Lynnori a karmic gift to himself? Kole, well and truly, hadn't known. He did now, though, that the situation he was in -- no matter how foreign -- was bliss. The subtlety of her breath as it fell on his face, and the warmth of her body radiating onto his own; eyes locked, unable to divert their paths. He didn't know what to do, and a part of him he desired it to last forever, but there was a second step right around the corner, and he didn't see it.

Every word he spoke had careful consideration behind it. "No." His voice in a hushed tone, right above a whisper. "But I'm looking to do something different." His arms remained by his side, "And see where it goes." Kole was taunting her, egging her on, letting her fracture the fragility of the moment they shared. It may have been his place, traditionally, but he wasn't the kind to bull-rush in. These waters were deep, and it seemed that Kole could hardly swim.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Great At The Chase | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Love Won't Sleep ~ "Wearing my heart beneath those rolled up sleeves, where my eyes can't see."

"Something different?"

Lyn's new, free, utterly dazzling smile of ectasy could have lit up a few dozen clubs alone. Kole couldn't experience the telepathic abilities of a Zeltron due to his unknown condition but the bliss it produced on her end was starting to running all over her brain, with no empathetic outlet in the form of her partner it was stuck within, like a dam trapping water. It didn't help that he really was nudging her on, trying to lead her to the only possible outcome. It was working. If they couldn't swim, they'd simply drown together.

"I'm something different." At last, touch. Her fingers drifted up his arm casually, head tipping to the side with the same looseness.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Succumbing | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Joi ~

Everything became slow, almost still, and internally loud. There wasn't much beyond his own thoughts that he could hear in the current moment. Kole's eye-lids obscured his vision for the briefest of moments in a blink, but one that felt as if it went on for too long. Lyn was still there, her hand tracing up his arm, the finger-nails prodding against his skin. He was never brash, or brazen, and so each movement was filled with a degree of internal hesitance that Kole had become rather adept at concealing. The HRD imagined his lips interlocking with her own, but he found himself too adamant to stay on the sidelines, not to be the aggressor despite his desire. For it only took one step in the wrong direction to shatter the moment entirely, and whilst he wasn't so breakable from the trance, he hadn't the slightest of clue on behalf to the Zeltron.

"I'm something different." It was too true. Never had Kole known someone such as herself, but never had Kole been on for pro-longed interaction. Either way, that sign was so easy to read that a blind and deaf person was sure to determine what it said.

Kole leaned forwards, his head taking the reigns whilst his right arm made it's move, too. His eyes had closed, and remained that way, his lips contacting her own in an inevitable kiss. His hand positioned around her waist, at the would-be corner of her lower-back. That's where he held it.

Kole, Kole, Kole. What've you gotten yourself into?
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Game Over | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ No One's Here To Sleep ~ "What goes on behind these doors, I'll keep mine and you'll keep yours; we all have our secrets."

In the morgue, she'd had a hunch.

Maybe all Zeltrons got that sort of temporary 'There's-going-to-be-something-between-us' foresight. They, after all, were made to enjoy and be enjoyed, a people forged from the selfish desires of pleasure and luxury. Wars and campaigns fell apart when they came to Zeltros, due to the overwhelming desires that radiated from the populace that lured the soldiers away from their guns and bombs to the seat of enticement instead.

Lyn was like that now, certainly; and it was all too ironic that the one in her grasp was there by independent thought instead of by the chemical science rolling off her very skin. There was no going slow, no easing into it; the Zeltron kissed like a drowning girl in search of his air, fingertips digging into him to pull him closer, skin to skin. If the telepathy had worked it would have felt like contact beyond the physical, sharing in the sensations of the other. It was almost more thrilling to go without it, though, to experience a more natural connection than those born of mind games.

Another grin, lips parted, the tip of her near-red nose bumped against his and all she managed was a near-inaudible, "Kole." Before the desire to continue sent her back against him all over again.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 1 Of The Job, Late Evening
Succumbing | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Joi ~

The HRD, from a falsified memory, had understood this. Not entirely well, but this wasn't an entirely foreign concept, but it had been such a long time that it may as well been. It wasn't precise, and it wasn't memorable, but one could suppose it calmed his nerves to some degree as their flesh clashed with one another's. They only got closer together, both in a literal and bonding sense, pressed against one another. It was intoxicating, if nothing else. He hadn't a reply for Lyn as she called out his name, and it was soon enough that they returned to the act at hand. It may not of been the wisest of decisions to become involved as such, but sometimes when you want something you just have to have it. It was only natural, of course.

Kole, as one could assume, never made it to the lounge. It was here that he spent the night.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
Between The Raindrops | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Wide Awake ~ "Whisper it loud, just let me know."

It amused Lynnori that somehow, somewhere, someone had had the epiphany that today was the day for rain.

Admittedly, she was still wearing what she'd worn last night, a fitted turtleneck and skirt and boots, but the look was somehow all sorts of new. Bed-tousled hair, a distinct glow, the subtle changes most didn't look for. Not wishing to get Kole in trouble with his building and also not looking to set the smoke alarm off by accident (Though that would definitely be funny), Lyn was tucked against his window, casually smoking a stimstick. Any fumes were blown out the panel she'd open, to join the smog of the city below. Flawless execution.

Of course the open window it led to a bit of a drafty chill wafting through the apartment, the aesthetically-pleasing pitter-patter of rain. Synthetically-created dark clouds roamed just above them, dispelling their ordered percentage of rainwater onto the population below. It seemed pointless, but, well, at least things were functional enough on the planet that the environmental agency could still do it's job.

Was Kole awake? She silently cursed whatever deity thought making him immune to her empathic abilities would be fun. Normally she'd be able to sense his state, react accordingly. Relying on her other five senses was starting to get tiring. Lyn exhaled another gentle cloud of smoke out her flared pink nostrils, eyes on the opening to the bedroom that had once been their nirvana.

With the rising of the sun and the arrival of rain clouds, reality too had intruded and reminded her of the job still before them. Rude, in her opinion. Yet, still, there was a dead holo-star and a lead to follow. Maybe after breakfast, if he didn't toss her out once he was lucid.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Awakening | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ New Light ~ "You're gonna see me in a new light."


It was a slow, cumbersome, and gradual return to reality. His eyes struggled to remain open, flickering not once, twice, nor three times, but more. Kole could feel the suddenness of a chill across his face and upper-torso, and the discomfort of such a thing had disturbed his slumber. Otherwise? The Replicated-Man may very well of slept for a far longer time, potentially wasting the day. He hadn't the been bothered much by the concept, Coruscant never-slept, and if that meant he had stay out for a longer period of time, then so be it. Yesterday, Kole could afford a good night's rest, especially after a rather strenuous activity. He wasn't one to share details of such a thing, though.

His head peered up with a squinted expression, his eyes not entirely cooperating in the moment of awakening. They scanned across the room, illogically attempting to find whatever it was that made him cold there. There was nothing, though. Kole's gaze shifted towards the door, open with the light from the other room's sneaking it's way in. A grunt that accompanied his basic stretching escaped him in an attempt to rise up, casting a glance to the side of the bed that was vacant, that once housed his arm across it. It was there that Lyn had slept, the two curled up against one another. His memory was spotty, but that was due to the initial stages. It was sure to return to him as the day went on.

​The shirtless figure rose up from the bed, casting aside the sheets whilst rubbing the base of his palm into his eye, forcing it to react and wake up. That's how he saw it that is. If Lyn hadn't looked, it was easy to hear him as he almost thundered down the rather thin hallway in a half-assed attempt to even walk.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Morning After | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Wide Awake ~ "Symbolize, could let me go."

"If you were a little louder, the neighbours might hear you."

True for many things. It still was good-natured verbal poking, her systems had filtered the hangover out a while ago, so she was in a position of superiority. Not the first time for that, either. A somewhat-friendly smirk crossed her face anyhow at hearing her unlikely partner rise, nearly at the end of her smoke anyways. Just one of her countless bad habits, one she always told herself she'd kick eventually, but never really found the time to. So she lifted it to her lips again neutrally, amber eyes waiting to see him emerge into the living room.

Lyn's legs crossed at the ankle as she carelessly leaned against his window, a dark pink silhouette against the rain and morning skyline of Coruscant. A gentle exhale to follow.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Awakening | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ New Light ~ "To meet you under the moonlight."


It was cold, truly. The rain hadn't done him any favours, just as the breeze that accompanied it. The hairs on his body stood up, goose-bumps riddling his torso, arms, and legs. As the light in ceiling was found to be a little overbearing, for now, his face was forcefully squinting. His hand dove into the wardrobe he had just pulled open, stifling through some form of wooly-type clothing that was bound to keep him war, catching a glimpse of Jyn's yellow jacket from the night before. It was something dark in colouring that Kole ultimately placed over his form, long-sleeved, warm and comfortable. It was how everyone was to wear clothes on a day that didn't have particaurlly accommodating clothing, no?

As he ventured out into the main room his face had eased up, and he caught wind of what it was that Lynnori said. An amused huff escaped him, but he hadn't a clue of what her truthful intention by that was. After all, Kole was still rather 'innocent'. His hands reached for the fridge, pulling it open as he leant over to take a greater look as to what was inside, as if he had forgotten. "Are you eating today?" Kole asked, his head turning over his shoulder.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Morning After | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Wide Awake ~ "Sometimes it's over before we can doubt it."

The stimstik was done and so was she, casually closing the window with a long exhale and a dramatic flourish, "Yeah, suppose so."

"Depends on what you got, though."

Despite the fact that, technically, Lynnori ought to be walking on cloud nine after that night, she'd begun to feel the opposite. 'Unexplainable melancholy' was a familiar old feeling and the Zeltron loosely combed splayed fingers through her mane, striding over to the kitchen in a few long steps with the same small smirk that had been on her face for hours, "I hope 1313's nice in the rain." An offhand comment, but no doubt one pertaining to the contract hanging over their heads. The odd anxiety she felt at completing it as soon as possible felt terribly misplaced, which then only fed into an internal vicious cycle that played on repeat in the back of her mind. The sooner they got paid, the sooner they ran out of excuses to stop being nearby.

Maybe for now she could just focus on breakfast. An eyebrow raised to him as she leaned on the counter, elbows propped up, "Sleep well?"
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Awakening | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Yes I'm Changing ~ "Yes I'm changing, can't stop it now."


Kole had turned back to face the fridge, the interior's temperature oozing out of the appliance; feeling the cold against his skin. "Hmm." He essentially grumbled in thought. Too many choices, Kole kept a stacked fridge for he never knew what he wanted, but sometimes it was just that little bit overwhelming. Eventually, though, his right hand reached out to grab some pre-packaged meal that held an abundance of flavour, and all the good things. It didn't look appealing, especially inside it's package, but it made do once it was ready to be eaten. Not a favourite, but it's serving was large enough for two. Kole turned around, standing upright to relinquish his grip upon the food and take a look into Lynnori's eyes.

"Yeah." He flexed a grin, a nod following along. He really did, though, sleep well that is. Kole had spent more than a few nights tossing and turning, unable to find himself in the right groove to sleep, or even thought process as one idea led to the other. With Lyn, well, it was an easy sleep, a comforting one. Whether or not the exertion of energy aided in it wasn't known, but there was something that made it easier. It was, however, time to see if such a thing was reciprocated, "Yourself?"
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Morning After | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Wide Awake ~ "Turns to dust and then it's gone."

Kole's smile put her somewhat at ease, back bowing for a moment in a satisfying stretch, "Like the dead," The irony of her statement wasn't lost on her whatsoever, "So, yeah. Good." Lynnori had always been a terrible sleeper, always. As a child on Zeltros, she had laid awake and listened to the parties and enjoyed the second-hand intoxication she got from merely being near them. As a reckless teenager she opted to fly more often than not, wide awake on concoctions that should have killed her. When she metaphorically crashed from the highs the breaks were short and meaningless, dreamless and restless affairs that restored her body but only put a pause on her mind. Lately, she'd opted to just avoid it as much as possible.

So naturally that's why she'd been a strange combination of pleased and annoyed to know how blissfully she'd bunked down last night. Sure, alcohol-fuelled slumbers were nothing out of the ordinary, but she hadn't just been drunk off just that. It had been terribly hard to wake up before him, to rise early with the world, detangle their limbs ever-so-slowly to avoid disturbance.

Her eyes fell to the food being prepared with rather bland acceptance-- Eating was another thing that seemed like too much of a survival tactic, but, well, she'd regret it later if she didn't engage in it now --and her nails briefly tapped on the countertop, a satisfying clicking noise produced, "I'll probably have to swing by my... Place." She didn't sound overly thrilled at the idea, which, she wasn't. No doubt it was still the same chithole that it'd been when she left it yesterday, "To get some stuff." Her mask, probably, in case it was needed. A blaster, because she hadn't thought to bring one to a morgue. Change of clothes for sure. Maybe a new bottle?
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Awakening | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Yes I'm Changing ~ "Arise and walk, come through."


The unknowing-Droid had continued in his effort to prepare a semblance of a meal, something to get into the stomach before getting on their way, uncovering a murderer, their reasons why, and how. There was something to do with a rather large pay check on the other side of it all, and it's that in which Kole focused on. Although, he remained comfortable that was able to defeat any would-be investigator to the meat of the case, itself. His pink-skinned companion there along every second of the journey. He hadn't quite thought as to what was going to happen when this was all over, whether they'd remain in contact, or split entirely. Kole believed in the former, or so he wanted to.

"That was my next question." Kole admitted, peering upwards as he emptied whatever sachet that the food had been stored in into a pot that was slowly filling with water as it resided in the sink. "Need something more... intimidating." He claimed with a smirk, his eyes never wavering from the process set about before him. Lyn was the furthest thing from fear-inspiring, and that wasn't to say Kole was but a pretty, little, pink think in complimentary clothing didn't bring about the same amount reluctant respect than someone such as Kole.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Morning After | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Wide Awake ~ "Saturate enough to be blinded."

Oh, if only he knew the half of it.

She lifted a shoulder and dropped it casually, grinning, "Yeah, probably. I hadn't been going for intimidating yesterday." Lyn had been going for something much different than intimidation, and if last night was any hint, her intentions had been spot-on, "You just haven't seen me pissed off yet, really."

He'd seen all sorts of her, but he hadn't seen her angry, that was true. And hopefully, the only way he'd been seeing that was if someone else had done something deserving of it. Sure, she was prone to being a little tetchy, but blowing up on Kole was an idea she didn't enjoy. Chewing the inside of her cheek out of a sense of boredom and anticipation her fingers wandered over to a stray illegal token, then, index tapping on the center of it, "And I wonder what I've managed to dig up on these." She still had absolute certainty that they'd been going the way of at least 1313, give or take a couple. Her favorite scene. Yes, for that, she would certainly need to be a little more frightening.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Awakening | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Yes I'm Changing ~ "Another version of myself I think I found, at last."


"I don't plan to either." Kole replied, sure of the fact.

It was within the pot that the food began to enlarge itself, growing into a proper portion worth digesting. Two plates, off to the side, had been lifted with his spare hand, placed down, separated and seemingly ready to have more food placed upon them. It was on those plates that it had found itself, divided in two. "We'll finish this..." He slid Lyn's designated plate over towards her, dragging his own in front of himself. "Get cleaned up..." His attention diverted to the food. "Then, uh, head off." A final glance cast towards Lyn before he delved into his meal, standing at the counter opposite the Zeltron.

Kole, in all honesty, was an efficient figure. Everything needed to be done, and it needed to be done as soon as it could be. To get everything out of the way before heading off? It was something he was going to prefer over anything else.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Morning After | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Wide Awake ~ "These colors don't belong."

An expression caught somewhere between chagrin and anticipation mixed on Lyn's face as she poked at the food with, assumedly, a fork, eating with a laziness that she could clearly only muster, "Mm, uh," Properly swallowing to ensure she didn't speak with a mouth full of admittedly-okay food, she continued, "I live in a..."

"Transitional neighbourhood."

Level 1339 was like living on the edge. Just close enough to the worst of the worst to see the worst of it, just far away enough to know that some people there were only there out of poverty and not a desire to kill innocent Zeltrons and eat their eyeballs. Poverty was Lyn's reason, at least. In a move that perhaps spoke more to her character than anything else, the majority of her living expenses were to pay for the Sulit to be kept in a proper fancy dock with security. All those credits went to that; whatever was left over would keep her afloat.


Another swish of her fork and she'd consumed just a bit more of the meal.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Awakening | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Yes I'm Changing ~ "Another version of myself I think I found, at last."


​Kole forced his fork to rotate in a circle several times in his grip, almost as if it were his way of making some sort of indication he was planning to speak before actually doing it. It was, of course, because his mouth just so happened to be full of food in the moment. He wasn't about to show some poor manners now, as he'd been a fairly great host so far. He may of thought so, at least. "I'm sure it's fine." Kole blindly reassured, food recently vacating his mouth. His gaze persisted on Lyn, waiting to see her facial expression's reaction to his comment. It was often the face that was more telling in the moment of a response than anything else. Instinctive reactions, difficult to control.

He hadn't the same love for an item that Lyn had, and maybe calling her vessel 'an item' was going to trigger something. That sort of platonic love wasn't known to Kole. His attention turned back to his food where he continued eating, his pace at it was somewhat fast, as if he was trying to get through it as quickly as he could, which was true. His routine, to some degree - for one reason or another, had been set back.
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment, Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Morning After | Interacting with [member="Kole Harper"] ~ Wide Awake ~ "I've been falling in my dreams."

A soft scoff left the Zeltron, the smallest of grins starting to form again. No verbal response, though the incredulous raising of her eyebrows said it all; there really was little confidence in the fact her place was 'okay'.

Kole's apartment was fine.

Her's was barely livable.

Yet the thought of losing the Sulit was too much anxiety for her to bare, so, it was endurable. Maybe with the money from this she would afford to move up a couple levels and avoid those catcalling drug dealers and maybe-murderers. Dream on. With an index finger, she pushed the plate away and off to the side-- A wasteland of finished meals, now --And Lyn's eyes turned to the short hall that led to the bedroom. No doubt, recalling at least a couple memories, but she chose to only say, "Guess I'll grab my jacket." Before sliding up from the counter and strolling off to where he had led her before.

Sadly no exertion or enjoyment was awaiting Lynnori inside now, it was just a quick trip in and out to collect the distinct garment, casually shrugging it on over her shoulders. Sure, it wasn't overly intimidating like Kole's entire wardrobe seemed to consist off (Surprise surprise, only bleak colours here) but it gave her a certain confidence.

Blue hair and pink skin poked out from behind the hallway's corner then, peering over to the HRD, "Done?"
Coruscant, Level 5171, Kole Harper's Apartment Day 2 Of The Job, Morning
The Awakening | Interacting with [member="Lynnori Cruz"] ~ Yes I'm Changing ~ "Another version of myself I think I found, at last."


Lyn's amber eyes were able to fall upon Kole, witnessing his head right above the sink as the water that ran from the tap washed down his face. It was an attempt to wake himself up entirely, obviously. "Almost." He replied, standing up straight as he moved with a certain speed to his walk. Shoes, socks, shirt, coat, and gun. That's what needed, and it was after a short circuit that all of which was upon his person.

​In the process of taking his leave, he turned his head to the Zeltron alongside him, asking, "Do you want to drive there?" An eyebrow raised to accompany the query. It was easier if she did, really. Following directions on Coruscant tended to be difficult.

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