Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skyfall (Galactic Alliance Dominion of Lujo Hex)

Wedge snapped his head to the alert, then followed the other pilot. He stopped, but before being pulled by the other pilot, he quipped in the doorframe of the tent. "Hey if you're not seeing anyone.." The Rogue Squadron pilot yanked him along, and then spoke to a supporting, what he assumed to be commander of some kind. They spoke briefly, before they both looked at him.

Wedge was suited up in less than three minutes. He sprinted to the newer model of the X-wing, climbing into the cockpit. No problem. Right? Right. That's what he told himself at least. Wedge closed the hatch on himself, and looked upwards as he began to lift off.

"Rogue Ten....standing by."

[member="Asmus Janes"] l [member="Isabella Fonti"] l [member="Barnabas Harou"] l
Objective: Sky Falls Down
Allies: [member="Wedge Draav"] [member="Isabella Fonti"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Barnabas Harou"]
Enemies: Vong

With the carrier at the foremost point in the formation, and the Impasse at the rearmost point, and the enemy firing head-on, in an attempt to take out the interdictor, but at that range the inaccuracy of the yaret-kors, each of which have the firepower of a quad heavy turbolaser, was infuriating to the Vong crew onboard the miid ro'ik. But they didn't deploy any coralskippers just yet: Cathul suspected that softening the point-defense ability was crucial to the enemy. The three ro'ik chuun m'arhs escorting the enemy capital ships, the suuv ban d'krid and the miid ro'ik, were making their advance, with one of the enemy frigates hitting a ball of coalesced yaret-kor projectiles hurled back at the enemy using the tractor beam of the carrier. Even then the other enemy ships in formation were still outside of standard turbolaser range; from the tactical databanks of the Alliance, defeating a miid ro'ik was the priority since they were akin to miniature Star Forges for resupplying and repairing enemy ships. That miid ro'ik was as if its shields were taking heavy damage.

"This is only the enemy vanguard: even if we could defeat that gang, there are more ships at the outer edge of the system" the sensor technician told Cathul.

"Keep firing at the enemy miid ro'ik; also launch a bombing hit-and-run on that suuv ban d'krid"

As the Silver Jedi used those fast bombers, they were loaded with two heavy Deathballs apiece. So the enemy would realize in horror that, with that force, with six squadrons of fast bombers escorted by six interceptor squadrons, that force can do a number on the enemy forward force. Perhaps she would be able to lure out the enemy coralskippers from the fighter screen if she had a bombing run launched on them. Meanwhile, the rest of the fleet kept firing in hopes of bringing the mid ro'ik's shields down, that is, kill the dovin basals, and also kill any maneuverability it might have, while also inflicting hull damage once their shields are down. The ground-based fighter crews are closing in, she thought, while picking up some starfighter departures from the planetside base headed towards orbit, and also the refugees were descending from the hospital ships that she brought from the last sortie on Ceraluen.

Capital ships:

ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier) light shield damage
ANS Impasse (Immobilizer 419-class interdictor carrier) light shield damage
ANS Ormond (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser)
ANS Guimond (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser)
ANS Balberith (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser)
ANS Shield Gate (C-9981-class artillery frigate)
ANS Great Seal (C-9981-class artillery frigate)
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate)
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate)
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate)

Attack craft:
36 Neimoidian Gunship Mk2s
120 RZ-3 A-Wings
120 Chiloon fighter/bombers
Location: Lujo
Objective: Sky Falls Down
Allies: GA
Enemies: Vong

Decker was aboard the ship that had been given to Mynock squadron, the 'Mynock Rock', used as a carrier for the X-Wing fighters. [member="Lisa"], she had yet to have her original body back. And a couple of X-Wing fighters were still damaged, that was what Decker was overseeing, or at least attempting to. He was still thinking about their first battle, how close they had gotten to all of them getting hit and going down. He briefly wondered about the other squadron that had been out there, [member="Wedge Draav"], and the one in charge of the transports [member="Cathul Thuku"].

He was broken out of his thoughts when he was alerted to an alert down on the surface of Lujo. Apparently, the Vong were not done, not yet. And that was not good. The corvette carrier was not that good in ship to ship combat, and at least two fighters were damaged and had yet to be fully repaired from the retreat of Velga. But he had an obligation. He stood up straight from leaning against his own X-Wing. "Mynock, looks like they've followed us here. Every ship counts, so let's head out Mynock!" He began gathering his own gear, preparing to board his fighter. "Captain, get me contact with any forces combating the Vong, get me an update on the situation!" he asked to the captain of the carrier corvette. If Lisa was nearby with Farium, it would give some assistance although it would no doubt not be the full force it had been before Velga.
Location: Medical center, Lujo
Objective: Provide relief
Engaging: [member="Lina Renning"]

You went where you were needed as far as humanitarian aid went. For Joza, that meant directing healers and supplies to where they were most needed, but it certainly didn’t excuse her from the field itself. At least that was the way she had seen it. She was the sort to get involved for better or for worse.

The Zeltron had spent the last hour or so meticulously picking shards of glass from a man’s injured arm. It wasn’t the most glamorous of work, but at least she wasn’t pulling bodies out of a collapsed structure this time. Once everything was disinfected and bandaged, she’d stepped out of the ward to grab herself a cup of caf and a smoke. It was an admittedly bad habit that she wasn’t quite comfortable getting rid of. Not yet.

A young woman approached from further down the hall, tall and slender with a graceful appearance. There was an inexperienced edge to her though, something about the way she held herself or the cadence of her voice. Not a bad thing, though—Joza had been like that at one point before she found a comfortable state of being.

That had taken a long time.

“Through there—“ She stifled a yawn with the back of her hand, full cup of caf tilting slightly in her other hand. “Long day?"
Ex-Soldier | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Location: Lujo
Objective: Sky Falls Down - (Assist GA soldiers)
Allies: GA
Enemies: Vong

Isabella laughed as [member="Wedge Draav"] was dragged out of the tent by [member="Asmus Janes"]. Her smile vanished as she remembered her mission and took off at a sprint. Most of the medical treatment was done after battles, once the fighting had died down. But the command had long ago learned you could save a higher proportion of lives if you had recovery teams during the battle. Granted, they could only rescue those injured behind Alliance lines, but no one would dispute that it was an important job.

You can imagine the command's frustration then when 'Recovery team B' didn't report in. By all rights they should already by in the air, so Isabella was tasked with finding where they went. She spent precious minutes running around the base, finding no indication of the AWOL troops. She was puffing and sweating, her face flushed. It was only when she arrived at the medical section that she found the troops.

They were huddled around each other looking despondent. She took a moment to calm herself before approaching one of the members. "What are doing still on the ground? Your team is supposed to be up there" she pointed towards the sky "assisting Admiral [member="Cathul Thuku"]!"

The sergeant she had approached looked at her with dead eyes. "We can't go up there, half the recovery force was killed in the last battle and my CO is bleeding out inside." He puffed on a cigarette and Isabella ground her teeth with frustration. "I'm not going up there, not for a million credits" He ground the cigarette under his foot and walked away.

Isabella gave a short growl in her throat. Make sure there is a recovery force is in the air, that was her clear orders. Well, if they weren't going to go up, she would have to do it. She made her way into the medical center and wandered around until she found a staff member not too busy. She approached [member="Lina Renning"] and [member="Joza Perl"].

"Sorry to interrupt, but there are only a few recovery vessels in the air. Therapy command is engaged with fighting and dropping refugees." She was rushing, so she took a deep breath to compose herself "What I mean to say is we don't have enough transports to ferry wounded soldiers, most are filled with refugees. I'll be heading a team but I have no medical personnel." She took another deep breath, hoping she didn't look too flustered. "Is there anything you can do to help?"

His eyes bounced from side to side, a bit of a perplexed expression on his face "Yeah...I knew that." he turned away to kind of hide the rest of his dumbfound moment to himself.


His stomach churned a bit more, and he could actually hear the silence. Well, really he could just hear the hallow-ness of the place; there wasn't much left and whatever small sound they made was amplified. "Must've been some battle..." he remarked as noted the residue even left over still.

He was a few feet in front of Trex, making his own observation but not really. Close enough to communicate, he heard his command on going further in. "Roger..." he murmured.

He turned and moved over a pile of rubble which gave under his boots slightly, and stumbled forward a couple of steps before settling into his stance again. He followed the path set ahead, walking further maneuvering himself around obstacles. "A place like this wouldn't be completely empty I don't think...One Sith were known for some wicked things. They couldn't have completely cleaned everything out before the structure fell...that's for sure."

It was just a matter of what...and if they'd ever even find it.

[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

Sol Stazi

Command Deck, Alliance Air Command
Alliance Air Command
Prototype Atmospheric Carrier
Floating Several Kilometers Above the Capital


He should be with his men.

That was the only thought running through the exhausted duros army lieutenant as the shuttle touched down on one of Alliance Air Command's surface landing pads. It was raining this far above Lujo's largest city, and despite how long Sol had gone without sleep the downpour buffeted him back into a state approaching wakefulness when he and the pilots made their dash for the craft's interior. Beyond the massive repulsorlift powered engines that held the massive structure aloft, he barely caught sight of the other atmospheric barges in their formation through the sheets of rain and cloud cover. Air Command was impressive enough, but together with its convoy it made up a sort of floating fortress patrolling the Lujo skies, an archipelago of structures bristling with defensive emplacements.

From what little Lieutenant Stazi understood of the carrier's function, he knew that it was the base of operations for the most senior military personnel on the planet. He had no idea what he could possibly be doing here, but a runner had brought him new orders practically the moment the Sixty-First had touched down on the surface, and the next thing he knew he was on board a U-Wing and headed for the capital. The message had simply said to report to the command vessel, so the moment the airlock door shut behind them shutting out at last the natural elements, the young duros officer found himself now at a complete loss as to how to proceed. As far as he was aware, he didn't know a soul on board.

"Lieutenant Stazi?" a drawling Outer Rim accented man called out from behind him, catching his attention, and as he turned he came face to face with a mustachioed human in a Defense Fleet commander's uniform.

"Sir!" Sol immediately snapped to attention, offering a smart salute, "Reporting as ordered."

"Follow me," the human commander raised his eyebrow at him almost appraisingly before shrugging and nodding.

The naval officer set a brisk walking pace down the corridor, and Stazi fell into immediate lock step behind him. The commander did not speak as he escorted Sol through the labyrinthine interior of the airship, and that was fine by him. Sol remained dimly aware of his surroundings as fatigue began to creep its way back in, and from the inside the structure might as well have been a starship for all he knew. Regulated atmosphere, durasteel plating under his feet, and spartan bulkhead walls of Alliance design, they could have been on a Valor-class if he didn't know any better. Stepping into the first turbolift they came across, they rode the transport without making eye contact, although even through the weariness the duros got the uncomfortable feeling that the other man was glancing at him out of the corner of his eye.

The turbolift doors opened out onto the open design of a command deck, only instead of starfield in the glasteel viewports, there were the tumultuous clouds of Lujo's skyline. Standing before the largest viewports, at the very front of the bridge, was an older duros, this one also in a Navy uniform. The old man turned, Sol's exhausted brain making the connection just a moment too late.

"Ah, Lieutenant," Mazik Stazi, now Captain of the ANS Rebel's Hope, acknowledged him as he waved them both forward to the front of the bridge.

Sol's eyes widened, then narrowed sharply as he scowled, "Hello, father."


He should be with his men.

"How many?" the Captain was barking to a sensor officer as the command deck all around them descended even further into chaos.

"Unknown," the young Devaronian woman answered, "Admiral Thuku has made confirmed enemy contact on the outer edges of the system, but we don't know how deeply their scouts have penetrated into the system."

"Am I dismissed yet, sir?" Sol interjected at the first opportunity.

"A moment, Lieutenant," his father glanced his way, before continuing, "The Admiral seems to think this is just the speartip of a greater invading force, but without direct evidence we can't be certain. To strike at us again so soon after Velga, and across such a great distance, I find it hard to believe we could have missed such a build up in-"

"Captain," the young duros interrupted in frustration, "I really need to get back to my unit."

Mazik glanced his way, and simply said, "Request denied."

"Sir-" Sol began before the Captain could turn back around, but the old man turned back toward him upon first hearing his voice.

"All nonessential traffic both arriving and departing this vessel is suspended while the system is not secure," Captain Stazi explained, a look of barely restrained anger on his features, "And getting back to your platoon, while essential to you, is not to the continued functioning of the Defense Force. Now, if you would like to be useful, you can proceed above deck and assist with the coordination of the defensive prepar-"

"Gladly," Sol grunted and turned his back on the other man as he stalked off towards the turbolift.

"I haven't dismissed you, Lieutenant," the Captain called after him, his voice now oddly mild.

"Go cry to JAG about it," his son snarled as the turbolift doors closed.

Turning back to the wide eyed command crew as if the scene had not just occured, Captain Stazi continued seemingly unperturbed.

"Contact Lieutenant Commander Vryyr aboard the Hope and have him hide in the shadow of one of the nearby moons," he ordered, "Undercrewed as she is, she won't be of much use here. And send out the alert to scramble all fighters on the surface."

"Already done, sir."

"May the Force be with you," the old man mumbled under his breath as he gazed out onto storm clouds on the horizon.
Objective: Sky Falls Down
Allies: [member="Wedge Draav"] [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Barnabas Harou"] [member="Isabella Fonti"] [member="Asmus Janes"]
Enemies: Vong

"The thing with the Vong is that, once their dovin basals are killed, one has pretty much scored a mobility kill in addition to bringing the shields down. However their hulls can regenerate"

"More enemy ships coming in: one matalok, one a-vek iiluunu, three more ro'ik chuuns" the sensor technician told her.

The blob of yaret-kor fire previously hurled at an enemy frigate caused heavy damage to the unfortunate frigate that had to absorb the hit of plasma hurled at long range but as the enemy ships closed in, they finally came within standard turbolaser range of the Alliance fleet. For some reason the enemy fleet began targeting the heavy cruisers over the interdictors, probably because the heavy cruisers are more optimized for long-range combat and that they have realized that they posed a greater threat to the miid ro'ik or to the matalok; adjusting the interdictors' targeting solutions so as to direct those blobs of yaret-kor fire at enemy ships was going to be more spread out. With some losses, they managed to score heavy damage to the remaining two frigates on the forward lines, with these three frigates being killed by the standard-range fire they could to the now-immobilized frigates. Broadsides from the carriers, with the artillery frigates continuing to attack the enemy flagship, the very miid ro'ik they have been fighting this entire time. However, the miid ro'ik was crucial to destroy over the matalok so the heavy cruisers' long-range fire was directed on the enemy flagship.

"Enemy fighters coming up!"

"All squadrons, attack formations; defend the fleet! Once their numbers are whittled down we can attack the enemy capital ships"

Any fighter forces coming in from the surface would find that all 24 squadrons of yorik-ets (coralskippers) were coming in en masse to launch an attack on the main fleet; Cathul would then hope that any survivors could then launch attack runs on the enemy capital ships. But since they were out of range from the main fleet, the enemies were going to wait a while to get their coralskippers in position to attack since they were launched from long-range turbolaser range. Meanwhile, on the surface, what recovery teams the hospital ships could spare began to look after the wounded on the surface, refugee or not; Therapy Command was the main go-to unit for medvac and they performed that duty in every major GA engagement: Atrisia, Kaeshana, Skor (both the Graug and the First Order), Mustafar campaign, Anoat sector campaign, Velga. Sure the hospital ships proper are prioritizing the refugees but something had to be done with the rescue teams...

Capital ships:

ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier) light shield damage
ANS Impasse (Immobilizer 419-class interdictor carrier) light shield damage
ANS Ormond (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) moderate shield damage
ANS Guimond (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) light shield damage
ANS Balberith (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser)
ANS Shield Gate (C-9981-class artillery frigate)
ANS Great Seal (C-9981-class artillery frigate)
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate)
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate)
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate)

Attack craft:
36 Neimoidian Gunship Mk2s
113 RZ-3 A-Wings
112 Chiloon fighter/bombers
ALLIES: [member="Wedge Draav"], [member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Asmus Janes"], [member="Decker Willo"]

Barney checked his sensors a third time, trying to get a feel for the new X-Wing. He'd been under the hood, made a few adjustments himself to the sensitivity of the controls, but still wasn't satisfied with the outcome. He would have to learn how to deal with the erratic movements of the Dagger.

The pilots comms crackled, and Barney turned his head to the side. Rogue Ten just checked in. Last he checked, there wasn't a Rogue Ten. On top of that, the voice sounded vaguely familiar.

Barney replied, a question on his lips. "Nice to see you in the air, Ten." He let the statement end there, turning his attention back to the battle he could begin to see ahead. He concluded quickly that Vong ships looked weird.

He received the order from [member="Cathul Thuku"]; defend the fleet. He zipped towards the Alliance ships, X-Wing spinning dramatically in the air.

"On my wing, Ten. Looks like we're playing keep-away." Barney grimaced. "As in, keeping away Vong Ships from the fleet, y'know?"

"Ah, forget it."

Barney zipped into the fray, S-Foils locking into attack position.
[member="Rebel Sunka"]

"It was said they were carting books out of the place when the Alliance attacked. But they held off the alliance for a few months after that and seems the Order was in no rush to finish the job."

That struck Trextan as odd. Whilst the library was quite clearly empty it must have held vast quantities of sith knowledge. Perhaps there had been solid intelligence that they have finished moving everything from here to Coruscant or beyond. Trextan brushed another chain. The metallic rattle echoed across the stone walls.

"Books that were here are probably scattered as far as the sith now. Every dark spot under a rock from Galactic edge to edge." He would know better when Jacen and Aela returned from the scene of a new sith incursion, but for now he was obvious to the new sith threat.

There was less light further into the temple. A small archway led into darker corridors. The gates were strewn across the flagstones. One of the soldiers stopped and dropped a case to the floor. He opened it to reveal ten small spheres. At a touch of a button they lifted off and lit up. The little glow-drones spread out and moved into the catacombs. Rather than wooden shelves and metal chains there were power cables stretching into the darkness.

Trextan fell silent. There was something ominous about this part of the temple.
"Months long siege...makes sense" he nodded, turning his head towards the direction of the echo when the chains rattled within the walls. "I'd suspect more than just books though..." his voice trailed out.

Hmmph, he shrugged.

Well all the darksiders he'd met didn't seem like the reading type, but granted he had far less experience with a variety than most others. But other than that, after he hunted down Vrak he wasn't sure they posed a huge threat anymore. The First order was a whole different thing...

"Look I don't know if it's just me...but I can't shake this feeling." he'd been talking about an uneasiness for a minute now, "I kno-" he turned around and saw the look on Trex's face. "So you feel it too!" he walked over after the release of the drones.

"What is it?"

[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]
ALLIES: [member="Wedge Draav"], [member="Cathul Thuku"], @Asmus Janes, [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Barnabas Harou"]

Once Wedge was gonna Asmus took a quick pace towards another restricted gate. It took a second pass to get through that one into the SIS camp. A young twilek was already marching in his direction. Ro'venna was in the steel gray and navy overalls of the SIS Starfighter wing.

"What took so long?" She asked. "You need to suit up."

"Had an admin matter to deal with. Did you know they've hired some more people to do paperwork and processing?" Asmus replied.

"What's their name?"

"Nope. I saw them first." Asmus hadn't discounted the notion of palming off some paperwork on [member="Isabella Fonti"] yet.

"This is Black One. I only have White Two with me, but we're just breaching atmosphere to support."

Asmus was as delicate with the throttle as he dared. They needed to catch up and get in the battle, but didn't want to waste too much fuel in case this battle was going to become a protracted engagement. Black and White were Wraith and Ghost squadrons respectively. The SIS designations weren't used in any GADF channels.
Objective 1
Lujo Space
Enemies: Vong
Allies: Rogue/Wraith Squadron
[member="Asmus Janes"] l [member="Barnabas Harou"] l [member="Decker Willo"] l [member="Cathul Thuku"] l [member="Isabella Fonti"] l

The SIS pilot was right. It was a little bit of getting used to. Wedge wasn't exactly the most experienced pilot either, so it was a compounding level of 'getting used to'. He was hoping that the 'getting used to' didn't have to occur while something was trying to kill him. The X-wing was definitely- almost infinitely faster, though. The adrenaline was the only thing keeping him awake at this point. He fumbled around in the cockpit, and stabbed himself in the thigh with a stim.

It wasn't like a well-rested alertness, but it helped to fight the burden of sleep and exhaustion a little while longer.

He rolled his X-wing, a popular manuever that he had grown to love, and nearly get good at- but found that the X-wing he was using was a little faster, and the rolling made him a little more dizzy than usual. Wedge was an aggressive man- he didn't even roll into be beside Barney. He dove right after a few Coral-skippers, his S-foils popping into attack position as he flew. In space, it didn't make him lose any momentum, so it didn't matter much. He opened up on a Coralskipper that was in formation, and watched as a squadron-size element he was taking on broke formation and scrambled around the ships.

"Stack 'em like bricks!"

Wedge was full of hate- hatred and a desire for revenge. If Wedge was a force user, he probably would've ended up with an affinity for the color black and a nice, red lightsaber.
Location: Medical center, Lujo
Objective: Provide relief
Allies: The Galactic Alliance | [member="Joza Perl"]

In spite of herself, Lina grinned.

"They tend to be," she answered, faintly cheerful. She had an idea that the other woman understood what she meant. Relief work was undeniably tiring - worth it without a doubt, but tiring.

Clear blue gaze swept over the Zeltron in casual observation. Stronger, seemingly, than she was - not that it was such a great feat - graceful, just shy of her height. Intuition seemed to say she could relax. To some degree, she did. Not fully, because she'd be back to work soon and because even the friendliest of strangers rarely put her fully at ease, but to some degree she relaxed.

"Lina." She outstretched a hand. "And-"

[member="Isabella Fonti"] approached the pair and she turned to face the newcomer as she spoke. Not enough recovery vessels. They couldn't hold wounded soldiers. She needed medical personnel. Eyes flickered between the other two in uncertainty and then she spoke up.

"I can't do an awful lot, but I'll help where I can," she offered.
She supposed there'd be time later for caf.
Objective: Sky Falls Down
Allies: [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Barnabas Harou"] [member="Wedge Draav"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Isabella Fonti"]
Enemies: Vong

Once again, the tactic of forcing yorik-et projectiles to coalesce under the effects of interdictors wasn't fully effective, and it was even less so now, not the least because some stray yorik-et projectiles fired from fighters still managed to hit capital ships: they appeared headed towards the big ships. But then killing the suuv ban d'krid was something that naturally occurred, with the first two ro'ik chuuns losing both shields and mobility because their dovin basals were killed. Also, the point-defense and fighter screen allowed them to kill, combined with the ground-based fighters that just made their junction, to score a combined 4 squadrons' worth of coralskipper kills. Provided any GA fighters and, more crucially, bombers, survived the onslaught, Cathul knew that the traversal rate of Vong yaret-kors as mounted on a matalok or an a-vek illunnu was horrible: they were akin to ships that only had heavy turbolasers for anti-capital weaponry, and, as such, she could launch an attack using fighters with limited losses and deal devastating damage with ordnance. Yet the Balberith was still hit the hardest because the matalok fired part of their batteries at interdictors' blind spots.

"We can't hold out much longer" the captain of the Balbetith signaled to Cathul.

"Keep firing at the miid ro'ik: killing the miid ro'ik will deal a severe blow to its command structure"

After everything they heard about Vong, a fleet losing its flagship will take a while to recover any coordination. And then they continued to chip away at the miid ro'ik, preventing it from performing its other duties and forcing it to repair its own hull while effectively immobile. Meanwhile, the enemy entered the hornet's nest, while there are five frigates left to go, and a broadside from the Hero of Coruscant on each flank allowed it to deal some considerable shield and mobility damage to two more of those ro'ik chuuns that were closing in on standard turbolaser range. Naturally, because, to Vong, shields equal mobility because their shield generators were their engines as well, they charged as fast as they could while they still had mobility. And, with one additional volley fired at the miid ro'ik, its debris can hit the a-vek illunnu behind it as well as the rest of the fleet forward of the destroyer, with the matalok absorbing the brunt of the hits.

Capital ships:

ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier) moderate shield damage
ANS Impasse (Immobilizer 419-class interdictor carrier) moderate shield damage
ANS Ormond (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) moderate shield damage
ANS Guimond (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) moderate shield damage
ANS Balberith (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) heavy shield damage
ANS Shield Gate (C-9981-class artillery frigate) light shield damage
ANS Great Seal (C-9981-class artillery frigate)
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate)
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate) light shield damage
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate)

Attack craft:
34 Neimoidian Gunship Mk2s
105 RZ-3 A-Wings
105 Chiloon fighter/bombers
Ex-Soldier | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Location: Lujo
Objective: Sky Falls Down - (Assist GA soldiers)
Allies: GA
Enemies: Vong

Isabella let go of an unconsciously held breath as the healer offered her help. After spending all day running around, chasing insubordinate soldiers, it was a relief to have someone agree to help so readily. "You're a lifesaver" Isabella said. She was literally, as well. But short quips like that weren't professional. "I'll just need-"

He commlink beeped loudly, interrupting her. She rolled her eyes. "I can never catch a break, please excuse me for one moment." She walked away from the two and turned on the device. She flinched at the barrage of words that came from the speaker. "Fonti! What is the status on the recovery team?" Her superior was shouting down the comms and Isabella had to turn the sound down just to hear herself think. "Their CO is badly wounded and the crew refuse to fly without him." She then went on to explain her concerns about the lack of recovery vessels and her idea to command one herself for the battle. She'd barely finished talking before a loud cackling came from the other end of the comms. "You realise that is Therapy Command up there? They have no lack of medical vessels, they'll handle the bulk of the medvac and one missing recovery team won't compromise that."

Isabella turned her face to the wall so the nearby healers couldn't see her face flushed with embarrassment. This will go on her record for sure. 'Prone to panic and presumes prior knowledge of naval strategy', that would set her back a fair bit. Field work would probably be out for a while. She straightened as the comms crackled back to life.

"You were sent to find the recovery team because they are assigned to recover downed pilots who crashed on Lujo's surface. Several teams have already been dispatched, but we'll need one more in the air." There was a pause on the other end of the line. "Your idea is not a bad one however. I'll get in contact with HQ and get them to assign you temporary command of Recovery B. Gather the remaining crew in your S81 and get in contact with the fleet. You'll be taking over their duties."

Isabella responded with a "Yes Ma'am" and shut off the comms unit. She grinned, excitement blossoming in her chest. Finally, a way to contribute to the battle in a meaningful way. She got her face back under control and approached the healers once more.

"Sorry about that. As I was saying, I'll be taking over one of the recovery teams in charge of recovering pilots crashed on the planet's surface. Any survivors we bring in will be in critical condition and I'll need your help to stabilise them once they arrive here."

She gave an apologetic smile to [member="Lina Renning"] and [member="Joza Perl"]. "I also have to leave now, unfortunately. Extrememly rude of me to appear out of the blue and disappear so suddenly." She stopped for a moment, thinking. "I have some caf beans from Garqi, don't ask how I got them. Come find me after the battle and I'll make us all a cup of Caf as a apology."

She left the medical center and approached the recovery crew. "Suit up fellas, we've got a job to do."
[member="Rebel Sunka"]

Trextan shook his head. "I don't know..."

The young Justicar had great potential in the Force, but it wasn't always a substitute for experience. Whilst he could sense that something was amiss he couldn't hone in on the source to identify it.

"Could be someone with bad intentions or just an abandoned artefact."

The leader solder with them raised a hand for silence. They advanced carefully in pairs, always switching between overwatch and movement. Trextan gave Rebel a nod and followed in their wake. Soon the soldiers were taking cover behind several small generators, looking out at a serious of tall tanks filled with a deep green fluid. Some of them had panels attached that still seemed to be drawing power.

Trextan had never seen the workshop of a sith alchemist, but this was what he imagined what it would look like.

There was a noise to their left. Soldiers turned with Trextan as his hand went for his saber. A small metal cog rolled innocently across the floor before settling in a bed of wires.
Location: Medical center, Lujo
Objective: Um
Engaging: [member="Lina Renning"] | [member="Isabella Fonti"]

Joza’s lips parted, throat tightening a bit in preparation for response but stopped short as a Chiss woman came bounding up to them citing the need for medical aid. The lack of proper space and personnel was unfortunately an all too common situation, one she’d had to work with plenty of times during relief missions.

“Of course.” She responded quickly in kind after Lina. One corner of her lips tilted upwards just slightly at the young woman’s willingness to jump in and help. It was a good trait to have given how versatile medical emergencies can be. “I’ll send a few healers as well.” For all she tried to do, the Zeltron couldn’t heal with the Force so it stood that she took a more conventional route when it came to tending to the injured and sick.

The Chiss was called away for a moment, returning looking out of breath but still energetic. The Zeltron was a little confused as to what was going on but that wasn’t as much of a concern to her so long as things were getting done. “No worries, keep your head out there and be safe.”

A brief flurry of excitement blossomed through her chest at the idea of heading into battle herself again—but she was no good as a pilot and wouldn’t be of much use unless there was a boarding party involved. She was here and would make herself useful here.

Joza watched as Isabella rushed off, feeling the lines of exhaustion weigh heavier than usual around her eyes. Fishing around in her pocket, she retrieved a flask, flipped the lid open and poured the contents into her coffee. She nursed the next sip with a contented sigh.

The commlink buzzed in her ear, giving way to a muffled voice. “Fifteen minutes until the next batch arrives and we have to play triage unit.” She smoothed a hand through her hair at the crown and turned to walk back into the emergency ward. It was quiet now but that would change soon. “You coming? Could use the extra pair of hands.”
Objective: Lujo defense
Allies: [member="Decker Willo"] l [member="Cathul Thuku"] l [member="Barnabas Harou"] l [member="Joza Perl"] l @Isabelle Fonti l [member="Asmus Janes"]
Enemies: Vong

He smirked as he jerked the faster X-wing next to Barnabas. He dove in first, squirreling against Coral Skippers. They were fast, especially in space- but the new X-wing he was flying could turn faster than they could. But that didn't mean he was untouchable. A Coral-skipper hunter/killer team wove in between Wedge. The first one overtook him, forcing him to bank hard right. Right into the path of another Coral-skipper. Wedge looked over and braced himself.

The shot knocked his S-foil loose, and his engines began to stall. Warning lights and sirens went off in the cockpit. He was losing control. He descended back towards the planets. Comm unit was out of commission. Couldn't reach anyone, or anything. He was screaming towards the planet, fast. He let out some speed, but he had limited control. He pulled on the oxygen mask as fast as he could, taking deep, weighted breaths. Had to try and breathe normal. Fires sprang up from his engines. He snapped his head towards his wings, grimacing. His eyes grew wide with fear.

Wedge slammed into the ground. Wedge, later in his life, would describe it as the loudest, most terrifying noise. He landed firstly in a pile of gravel and rock, sending debris flying everywhere. It cracked the cockpit's windows, pushing the atmosphere into the cockpit prematurely. It hissed as he looked around. He was exhausted. The stim was wearing off. Adrenaline rushed it through his system. His body felt heavy. He reached downward, and pulled the standard-issue transponder hard.

Hopefully someone would come and get him. Everyone in space would probably think he was schwacked- no way for anyone sky-high to see his transponder from orbit on most of their systems. Unless some of the bigger ships were also looking at the ground.

He leaned back in his seat, feeling the ache from his body. Hopefully an Alliance person would come and pick him up. Otherwise, he'd have to use some of the training he got to actually manuever his way back to friendlies.
Location: Lujo
Objective: Sky Falls Down
Allies: [member="Wedge Draav"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Isabella Fonti"] [member="Asmus Janes"]
Enemies: Vong

Decker pulled out of the hangar slowly, angling toward the signal given to his ship's computer from the captain of Mynock Rock. "Things sound bad, Mynock Lead. Multiple squadrons engaged in combat, and an Alliance fleet of cruisers and frigates. Can't see the situation from here. I'll head in and-"

"We both know that the Mynock Rock is not built for ship-to-ship combat, you more than I" Decker said. He couldn't have the Mynock Rock going in, and even though the captain ranked over him by quite a bit, he sometimes listened to Decker. The captain was no doubt smart enough to hang back. "Just hang back pit of the combat zone." Decker led the squadron straight toward the large firefight, and he could see he was much too late for the beginning of the battle. "This is Mynock 1, we are coming in to provide support!" He switched off outer comms to squad, preparing to give them orders. "Mynock, split off in pairs and find some Alliance bombers to cover for now, draw enemy fighter fire off them." That gave any bombers the support of five fighter pairs. Decker teamed up with Mynock Four, and headed for some bombers that were trying to go in for some runs. Already he knew this battle was going to be a lot tougher than the last.

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