Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skyfall (Galactic Alliance Dominion of Lujo Hex)

Ex-Soldier | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Location: Lujo
Objective: Sky Falls Down - (Assist GA soldiers)
Nearby Allies: [member="Wedge Draav"] [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Enemies: Vong

It had been hard to convince the recovery team to suit up and prepare for launch. They had remained stubborn but, when she reassured them that they weren't directly involved with the battle, they had relented. On the walk to her ship, she took a moment to learn the names of Recovery B. There were three of them. Dax was the reluctant sergeant she talked to initially, Fritz was a young communication officer that stared too long, and Brook was on combat duties. Additionally, [member="Joza Perl"] had sent along two healers named Rhett and Naomi.

They were setting up in her ship, preparing to take off. The two healers were satisfied with the amount of space provided and began unloading equipment. Fritz was was grinning like a lunatic at her Communications and Encryption Network. Brook helped herself to a few choice blasters from the armory. Only Dax looked unhappy, scowling from the co-pilot's seat.

Isabella rolled her eyes as she settled into the pilot's seat. She'd have a heated argument with him over who should fly the ship. He argued that he always flew for the team and was skilled at landing quickly and efficiently. She argued that he didn't know the controls of the ship and that it was HER ship. So he would just have to deal with that.

As she fired up the engines, Fritz shouted at her from the comms console behind her. "Ma'am, we have a emergency transponder issuing from the planet's surface. Estimates put it somewhere between 150-200 kilometres away, I'll get better signal up close." There was a rapid series of beeps behind her as Fritz worked at the console. She was impressed, she might have to look at hiring a comms officer. "Good work Fritz, we'll head over. Get in contact with the fleet and see if you can determine who might have lost a ship". She slowly pressed on the throttle and the ship rose smoothly into the clear sky.

The S81 Omicron Shuttle was a beautiful ship, fast and maneuverable. It was not, however, well equipped for fighting, so she powered down the guns and diverted the power to the engines, gaining a slight speed burst. Dax had calmed down and was working well as co-pilot. Isabella was by no means a bad pilot, but that didn't stop him from critiquing her techniques. With the instructions to distract her, the flight seemed to be relatively short, but that may have just been the speed at which she traveled. They soon arrived over the crash site.

"Dax, take over for a moment." She handed the controls over and walked to Fritz. The young man was frantically working at the console with one hand, the other holding his earpiece to the side of his head. He glanced at Isabella and held up one finger. She waited for a moment then he dropped the headset over his neck. "That was the fleet" he said. "Rogue squadron are a ship down. The transponder codes match Rogue Ten". Isabella frowned. That meant the crash was a fighter. Not a very good outlook for the pilot then. "Dax, bring as down just outside the crash site". She activated the on-ship PA. "All crew stand-by, we're going in for landing".
Location: Lujo - Xesh Base
Objectives: Provide support to NJO ExplorCorps
Allies: [member="Rebel Sunka"] | [member="Trextan Voidstalker"]
Enemies: Vong

Xesh was the new 'safe-zone' on Lujo. A place where politicians could feel safe with their diplomatic discourse, and where traders could come to take a load off. Where wounded soldiers were transported in order to get them to the Alliance fleet - and darkest of all where fallen soldiers were brought to be sent home. It was also the center of all Alliance Logistical support on the planet surface - but it was well guarded enough by the ground forces and the fleets above that it wasn't much of a worry if the Vong attacked this strong hold.

Zeke was dispatched from the Order in order to provide support and relief to the forces on Lujo wherever they may need - and according to his scanners it appeared that there were only two exploring the ancient One Sith temple. He was determined to impress some Jedi Masters/Knights so that he could one day train and become a glorious warrior of the alliance like them so he hurried to the comm channels reaching out to the Jedi Master Trextan - and Padawan Sunka.

"This is Padawan Windrage - en route to your location to provide support should you need it. How deep into the temple have you gone and what is a good rendezvous point?"

His voice rang over the comm channel as he awaited for a response from the two Jedi in the temple. He had already found a speeder and was on his way to the temple before they replied; however, he figured that by the time he arrived they would be able to find a good rendezvous point. And while - for a Padawan Zeke was rather skilled in combat he knew he was no match for any kind of Yuuzahn Vong ambush, not without the assistance of a Jedi Master or Knight at the very least.
ALLIES: @Wedge Drav, [member="Decker Willo"], [member="Cathul Thuku"], [member="Asmus Janes"]

Barney had never flown against coral-skippers before.

To be fair, this whole 'vong' thing was a new experience for him.

Barney followed Rogue Ten into the fray, spinning away from a trio of magma bursts almost immediately. He'd never seen a Yaret-Kor in action before, but he knew even one of those could probably knock out his shields. He took a sharp downward turn as two of the coral skippers broke off to engage.

"Ah, lovely. A proper dogfight."

Barney did not sound amused as he careened through the engagement, looking for any way to shake the Vong off his tail. Finally, he rolled upward, cutting the engine.

The two Vong ships, anticipating a tight roll, shot past the suddenly stationary form of Barnabas' X-Wing, which had begun to drift back towards Lujo. Satisfied, the Zeltron started his engine again, blasting his lasers at the ships.

One went down in a fierball of blazing glory, the other getting knicked, spinning off to who knows where.

"Haha! Didja see that, Ten!" Barney glanced around his console, looking for the other Rogue. "Ten?"



Barney went back into the mix, trying not to think about the almost-certain death of the mysterious pilot. He saw a few bombers, ferried by Mynock Squadron, headed towards one of the bigger ships. Figuring they had everything under control, the Zeltron kept his attention on the battle raging around him, doing whatever he could to be a nuisance to the enemy.
Objective: Sky Falls Down
Allies: [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Isabella Fonti"] [member="Wedge Draav"] [member="Barnabas Harou"]
Enemies: Vong

After firing one last volley at the miid ro'ik, the death of that ship made tons of chitin fly in every direction. The Vong's chain of command would be troubled, as the matalok closed in, they had no coordination left, and yet the volume of enemy fire was diminishing for each firepower kill scored on it, for each coralskipper killed, for each firepower kill, period. However, with the Vong, one scores mobility kills prior to scoring firepower kills, pretty much in lockstep, whereas non-Vong ships can potentially have firepower kills scored on before the mobility kills are, and sometimes one scores a catastrophic kill without any mobility kill having taken place before. And yet Mynock Squadron arrived on location after Rogue Ten was downed. As for recovery teams, Isabella and its gang on the surface would also realize that Therapy Command is the main unit responsible for medvac and could handle an entire planet's worth of recovery teams and medvac. So they should be on the lookout for Wedge and any surviving pilot whose craft were killed. In addition, there were an additional four squadrons' worth of coralskippers killed. Also, with the gravity field projector attracting debris and yaret-kor fire from ever-closing ranges, the fire that could somehow pass through the interdiction scheme caused more damage, with the Impasse reporting hull damage.

"The miid ro'ik is dead: all long-range fire is to be concentrated at the matalok!"

While, of course, the enemy carrier retreated while taking only stray turbolaser fire that did not impact the remaining ships, the remaining enemy chain of command was able to protect the a-vek illunnu while the rest of the surviving escorts were now rendered immobile and the matalok was the only ship that could move around. Meanwhile, with several of the Vong frigates on their last legs, the enemy is shattered with each volley of turbolaser fire flying everywhere their capital ships are, alongside hypervelocity cannons and missiles, while the GA fleet remains mostly immobile. They also needed to protect the Mynock Rock in addition to their own fleet, but victory will be of limited comfort to her because of what happened on Velga a week or so ago.

Capital ships:

ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier) heavy shield damage
ANS Impasse (Immobilizer 419-class interdictor carrier) light hull damage
ANS Ormond (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) heavy shield damage
ANS Guimond (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) light hull damage
ANS Balberith (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) moderate hull damage
ANS Shield Gate (C-9981-class artillery frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Great Seal (C-9981-class artillery frigate) moderate shield damage
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate) moderate shield damage

Attack craft:
30 Neimoidian Gunship Mk2s
97 RZ-3 A-Wings
98 Chiloon fighter/bombers
Objective: Survive
Location: Lujo surface
Allies: GA @Isabelle Fonti l [member="Decker Willo"] l [member="Cathul Thuku"] l [member="Barnabas Harou"]

He tried to move. Either too exhausted or he was stuck. He looked down at his leg. Pinched. Wedged inbetween the crumbled cockpit. Couldn't get out. Hopefully no Vong made it to the surface. He would hate to have to die alone in a cockpit. He reached around the cockpit, his vision getting blurry. Concussion, probably. Exhaustion, concussion, the medical problems piled up on him in a relatively short amount of time. He blinked, reaching up to the cockpit. He gave it a hearty push, and could barely open it.

There was a kit beneath his seat. All Alliance pilots had to have one. Contained a few survival items. One of them, being a window breaker. Wedge pressed the pencil-like device against the glass of the cockpit, and covered his eyes. The piston in the device shot out, and smashed the cockpit like it was nothing. Glass gently fell on the pilot. He dug around in the kit again, blindly reaching for what he knew felt like a gun.

He pointed it at the sky. A green flare shot out, and Wedge fell back against the seat. He removed his helmet, setting the famous Alliance helmet onto his lap. He passed out, hardcore.
[member="Zeke Windrage"] [member="Rebel Sunka"]

Trextan didn't take his eyes off the cog for two whole seconds. It wasn't a threat, but something has made it move. A voice called into his ear. It roused him from thought and returned him to a more mundane world of voice commands and orders.

"Windrage, stay at the exit from the library. Might be trouble. I'm sending two men back for you. Voidstalker."

He'd used Jacen's surname without thinking. He was called it plenty, but didn't tend to use it out loud himself. Two soldiers backed away from the group and went to fetch the padawan. Trextan returned his eyes forwards. Just as a shape seemed to detach from the shadows and loom over them.

[member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Rebel Sunka"]

The padawan heard the words of the Jedi Master and all he could help but wonder was what kind of danger could there be at the abandoned temple? Zeke lowered his body closer to his speeder and picked up speed so that he could try to make it to the temple as soon as possible. The aformentioned danger didn't scare him - he wasn't alerted for his or the other Jedi's health.. No instead he was excited - the thought of Danger and him being in the thick of it was something that brought the Windrage joy - because that was the stuff heroes were made from.

"I've made it Master Voidstalker."

He said as he came sliding in sideways slowing his speeder down. He hopped off of the speeder once it had fully stopped keeping his eyes peeled for that guards that were there to escort him back to the group of Jedi within the temple. Unable to find any guards at the moment he looked to the looming structure that stood before him. A true testament to the might that the Sith Empire is able to have. By this point in his life and training Zeke Windrage had come to understand that this is how power worked - it waxed and it waned for all factions in the galaxy just like the cycles of the moon - and that while even though the Sith at this point aren't as strong as they were when they held this temple - that some day they would regain power and try to take back all that was lost from them.

Chills ran down his spine the longer he looked at it - he could feel that there was something extremely dark about this place - not just dangerous but dark and twisted. Finally the troopers that had broken off came exiting from the Library waiving their hands for the Jedi. He took off into a light jog towards them before entering the library where darkness assaulted his vision before the lights from the guards guns illuminated small portions of the room.

Of course it's pitch black he thought to himself as he and the guards slowly walked through the darkness.

"ETA to your location: 3 Minutes Master Voidstalker."
[member="Wedge Draav"][member="Barnabas Harou"][member="Decker Willo"]

"What we some bass," Asmus mused over the SIS channel.

"No Asmus. We do not need..." Ro'venna started. She was cut off by Asmus flicking a switch to broadcast the driving baseline back to the Twi'lek. She muttered some very colourful obscenities.

"Drop and turn!" Asmus called. She had the same display as Asmus and would see the incoming skipper that he had marked as his target. Her A-Wing dropped its nose back towards the planet and the coralskipper moved to follow. She could fly, her sim stats had overtaken Asmus and were now nipping at Wilson's heels.

Asmus fell in behind the Yuuzhan Vong vessel, lining it up and letting the computer make fine adjustments to keep it in his sights. "Got you a lock!" he called. With his thumb he transmitted targeting information. There was a bright flare as Ro'venna fired a smart missile straight ahead of her. It slowed in its trajectory and was overtaken by the A-Wing that had fired it. Asmus pulled the trigger and the heavy repeating cannon mounted in the nose of his fighter let rip. The stream of fire vanished just a few metres from the coralskipper as its basals soaked it up. Right up until the moment that it flew right into Ro'venna's missile.

The twi'lek pilot pulled up from her descent and marked the next target, Asmus following in her wake. The two of them could pick off rogue fighters that broke the Alliance's fighter screen but the deadly organic fighters could overwhelm them if they didn't keep alert to the situation.

"Rogue Ten is going down," came a call over the comm. Asmus swore. This was going to come back to bite him.
His eyes twitched at the motion of the metal cog, but then so did his ear when he heard something off into the distance. His mouth dropped as he was able to make out the silhouette, but nothing more. He reached for his lightsaber hilt, yanking it from his belt. It previously belonged to Jed...he took it up after he lost his own blade he crafted a while back.

"Get back..." he decreed softly, falling back onto his left foot; he put most of his weight down.

He was a few feet in front of the group, and so was just a tad bit closer. It wouldn't have mattered at this point because whatever it was, was massive.

"What the hell is that thing?"

Every second, the creature came more and more into view.

[member="Trextan Voidstalker"] | [member="Zeke Windrage"]
Objective: Sky Falls Down
Allies: [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Isabella Fonti"] [member="Wedge Draav"] [member="Barnabas Harou"]
Enemies: Vong

"The matalok is approaching standard turbolaser range, all other capital ships have been killed by now" the sensor technician reported.

"All ships, fire!"

With the matalok approaching standard turbolaser range, the crews inside the matalok realize just how hazardous a proposition that is: with much-reduced mobility, by virtue of taking hits, the matalok was vulnerable, even more so as even more coralskippers bit the dust, and it became increasingly difficult for the Vong to keep fighting while their own ships were dying one by one. But Therapy Command could still weather the storm, even as their ships took damage to their hull by taking coralskipper as well as matalok fire. And the missiles not having fired yet because they have another surprise in tow. Debris flying everywhere took their toll on coralskippers, as a result of their propulsion system whose dual-purpose made it vulnerable in several ways. In addition, due to the heavy point-defense, there only remained half of the original coralskippers, about 12 squadrons, while their own losses have been somewhat limited. Will the fleet have enough firepower to kill the matalok in one go? Will the fleet have enough firepower to be able to deal with the enemy carrier afterward? But the retreat of the coralskippers have begun in earnest, while the matalok proved difficult to move around while under heavy fire.

"The enemy is in full retreat"

"Fire MIRVs!"

The forty Asmeru MIRVs were fired in the direction of the coralskippers, with one concussion missile for each coralskipper. The aim was to hit as many of those coralskippers as possible before they could reach their mothership, and the endgame that ensues. But the loss of Rogue Ten was going to be an additional strain to the medvac teams on the ground, and the same could be said of each pilot being shot down in this engagement. Hopefully the impending victory will be a balm on their problems following the ill-fated Anoat sector campaign, one of the largest engagements she fought in.

Capital ships:

ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier) light hull damage damage
ANS Impasse (Immobilizer 419-class interdictor carrier) light hull damage
ANS Ormond (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) heavy shield damage
ANS Guimond (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) moderate hull damage
ANS Balberith (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) moderate hull damage
ANS Shield Gate (C-9981-class artillery frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Great Seal (C-9981-class artillery frigate) moderate shield damage
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate) moderate hull damage

Attack craft:
26 Neimoidian Gunship Mk2s
90 RZ-3 A-Wings
89 Chiloon fighter/bombers
Objective: Assist the Starfighters over Lujo
Location: Lujo Airspace
Allies: GA [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Wedge Draav"] [member="Barnabas Harou"]
Enemies: Vong

Vong? Jarck had faced off against pirates and criminals, but these organic-using soldiers were another kettle of Giju.

As soon as his A-wing had cleared hyperspace, Jarck contacted Red Five, one of his fellow Flight Officers among the Reds and the pilot of the T-70 he was tailing.

"Looks like the Vong fighters are skipping back to their carrier. Jhuagar, Contact the Squadron. I'm Engaging. All Fights, Red Five and Ten have arrived. Looks like we're late to the Party."

"Ten, No! Those aren't our- Blast! You're so insane you'll Class D Yourself one day." The Mon Calamari cried out, before transmitting their sensor information to the rest of the squadon, a few lightyears away in a holding pattern.

Jarck slammed into the back of his fighter as his A-wing accelerated and shot past the T-70, moving in to engage the Coralskippers evac'ing to their carrier. Firing his twin-linked cannons at the skips, he lined up in a perpendicular pattern to the Vong fighters' fight path.

"All flights. this is Red Ten, Engaging. Five, Cover me."

The T-70 struggled to keep up with the A-wing as it rolls to avoid fire and starts to shadow a coralskipper breaking off from the Concussion missile following it.

"Firing Snapshot. One and Two."

As soon as his lock was good he fired off two of the four concussion missiles he carried before breaking off and accelerating to disengage.

"Good Kill, Ten."

"Thanks. Red Ten Engaging."

He switched his focus to forcing the Coralskippers to break off and follow him, resulting in a dispatch by Five, or possibly one of the other fighters in the airspace.
Ex-Soldier | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Location: Lujo
Objective: Sky Falls Down - (Assist GA soldiers)
Nearby Allies: [member="Wedge Draav"]
Enemies: Vong

The ship landed in a small clearing not too far from the crash site. Isabella cleared her throat. "Naomi, Rhett, you'll be on medical duty, naturally. I'll handle the pilot's extraction from the vehicle and Brook will watch our backs". Meanwhile, on ship, Fritz would monitor comms for any emergency broadcasts and Dax would keep the engines warm.

The exterior door of the ship lowered and her team jogged out. The ground was uneven and slippery, so she led her team carefully around rocks and made a beeline for the downed ship as soon as she got open space.

The fighter was in poor condition, but it looked like the pilot had crashed on a shallow angle, minimizing the damage. There were great big scores in the ground from debris. Brook took advantage of high ground and crested a nearby hill. While she looked out, Isabella and the healers approached the cockpit.

[member="Wedge Draav"] had passed out inside. The cockpit window was smashed, presumably as an attempt to get out. It was therefore strange that he was still in the vessel, if he had been conscious. She leaned into the cockpit and looked around, noticing a blood stained leg. "Look's like his left leg is pinched!" She shouted out to the healers. She hoped the blood wasn't from the femoral vein. If it was, she had little time to get him out. She started with the canopy. Using a fusion cutter she cut out parts of the canopy warped or stuck so she could push back the entire frame.

Having done that, she removed all the glass off Wedge and started cutting the left side of the cockpit. This part was trickier. She wanted to use a high setting to cut quickly, but too high might burn Wedge. She found a ideal middle ground and cut away enough of the fuselage to work with. His leg had become stuck when the metal in the cockpit warped upon crash. She turned the fusion cutter down low and made some careful cuts to the metal. Satisfied with her work, she call over the healers.

Once they were in position, she pushed hard on the metal, next to the cuts she made. The metal shifted enough to allow Wedge's leg to escape, and the medical crew pulled him out. He was strapped to a carrier and his head secured in place, just in case there was spinal damage.

They moved more slowly over the rocks on their way back, but made it back to the ship quickly. She left the healers to tend to Wedge in the medbay while she joined Dax back in the pilot's cabin. "We have the pilot" she said. "Take us back to base".
[member="Zeke Windrage"] [member="Rebel Sunka"]

Trextan tried to stay calm. The soldiers were tense, affected by the atmosphere of the place. The Force moved darkly here, perhaps no matter what they did it would always be scarred. Rifles were all firmly trained on the advancing creatures as it took long strides over operation tables and power cables.

"Hello?" Trextan tried. There were many weird and wonderful species in the Galaxy. He didn't want to shoot a friendly sentient just because he didn't recognise the species. Trextan wanted to believe that, but he knew the truth. This thing had been created by the dark side.

"There's more than one!" A soldier cried out. Trextan could see more shadows moving in the recesses. The soldiers rearranged themselves for broader coverage. The young Voidstalker forgot all about the padawan that was coming.

The creature didn't respond. It lowered itself to all fours, suddenly two feet from the ground instead of eight. Now it moved like a spider until it stopped ten feet away and barred its teeth. The first soldier to panic fired right for its head and struck...nothing but thin air.


In a blink of an eye, hundreds of lights flickered into existence, the revision of space revealing the sudden arrival of the Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance sector task force. The reinforcements for those who had swept through the first wave of the lingering Yuuzhang Vong threat arriving.

Alongside the Mon Cal, Omega Pyre, and Incom ships that went inching towards Lujo, more came into existence beside them. Long ago, the Alliance came here to try and make a beachhead against the One Sith forces and failed. This time around, it would not be so.

They were ready.

While the Alliance forces on the ground had taken the bulk of the damage and had been the first to the fight, these alliance forces would reinforce forward operating bases and provide heavily needed aerial support to secure the sector. Squadrons were deployed, and those on the ground would find relief as the Alliance forces moved to secure themselves across this space.
[SIZE=9pt]Trextan realised that the creature had just moved with supernatural speed. It had shifted its entire body to the left and the blaster bolt struck the ceiling high above them. The Justicar shouted a warning as it hunkered down on all its limbs, but the soldiers could do nothing but take aim before it leapt forwards. This was a creature born of the darkside. A sith experiment carried out in these catacombs likely before the Alliance first came to Lujo and attacked this facility. Perhaps it had been left behind deliberately. A trap for whoever dared to enter this temple. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]One of the soldiers gave a shrill cry as he was skewered on one of its long limbs. This time several soldiers at proximity fired bolts right into its body. Yet it seemed to be protected by a chitinous hide that soaked up most of the damage. Another member of the scarred was sent tumbling across the ground by a sweep of one leg.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Trextan chose his moment carefully. As soon as he approached the creature turned its full attention to the Jedi. It reared away, spear-like limbs raised to strike. The young man approached slowly. His saber was held forwards and slightly to the left. There was no point assuming a tight defensive posture as he would do when faced with blasters. By the time he caught a strike by one of those ghastly claws it would be too late. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Aim for the head,” he called out calmly to the soldiers as he rushed forward. There was a whoosh as a claw lanced through the air just above one shoulder. Trexten brought his saber around and down and cut it clean from the body. Yet the terror still came for him. Its focus was so fixated on Trextan that it only noticed the soldiers forming a semi-circle around it when they opened up. A barrage of bolts struck its head and neck. Suddenly it was no longer trying to strike Trextan but backing away. As it turned to leap and flee Trextan rushed in and swung low. The saber hissed and spat as it cut through the tough armour on the creature’s back legs. That coiled power, ready for the leap, had no outlet and the thing screeched and flailed as it fell to the ground. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Rather than step into the barrage Trextan closed his eyes and held out his left hand. A telekinetic pressure held the bizarre sithspawn down as bolt after bolt impacted against it. The soldiers fanned out and refused to let up. The nightmare beast had taken two of their number in an instant and they didn’t stop firing until the last of the twitching stopped. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Trexten sensed the life depart the creature. Oddly he sensed relief. The twisted soul that had been ensnared in deformed flesh seemed glad to become one with the Force once more. With a sigh Trextan deactivated his saber. The Force was clear for once. That thing had been the darkness at the edge of his perception. Now it was gone the danger was over. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“That was the only one.” Trextan called. The soldiers seemed less sure. The shadows had seemed to move in the creature’s wake. “Let’s look for anything dangerous leftover. Don’t touch anything with bare skin without asking me.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Temple of Lujo, that had once withstood the full might of the New Jedi Order had finally been cleansed of the last shadow. [/SIZE]
Objective: Sky Falls Down
Allies: [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Isabella Fonti"] [member="Wedge Draav"] [member="Barnabas Harou"] [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]
Enemies: Vong

The timely arrival of reinforcements allowed them to deal with the remaining Vong stragglers, mostly fighters whose ammunition was now very limited and they could no longer fire as much ammunition as they would have liked; some of them were out of ammunition altogether. Then again, so was the case with the ammo on the Alliance's bombers, too. Both sides broke off their respective attacks, because neither could have the supplies for following through. The Vong are retreating, and those reinforcements are mostly there to secure the perimeter, the high orbit. Victory over the Vong may be well-appreciated but at what cost? Cathul began to ask immediately for the casualty counts of the ships, knowing that, more than simply a question of logistics, of how many crewmembers had to be replaced, it was a question of caring for the fallen. That was the more unpleasant part of the job to her, and yet it was a job she needed to do. Assessing the mess of an engagement.

"All ships, casualty reports!"

"This is Frivolous Lawsuit: we took six dead, 15 injured"

"This is Balberith: 830 dead here, over 1,000 injured"

"This is Guimond: 595 dead here, 1,034 injured here"

"This is Impasse: 391 dead here, 622 injured here"

"Admiral, we have taken 740 dead, 1,466 injured" the chief medical officer reported in.

Capital ships:

ANS Hero of Coruscant (Mateus-class fleet carrier) light hull damage
ANS Impasse (Immobilizer 419-class interdictor carrier) light hull damage
ANS Ormond (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) heavy shield damage
ANS Guimond (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) moderate hull damage
ANS Balberith (Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser) moderate hull damage
ANS Shield Gate (C-9981-class artillery frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Great Seal (C-9981-class artillery frigate) moderate shield damage
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate) heavy shield damage
ANS Frivolous Lawsuit (Krayiss-class escort frigate) moderate hull damage

Attack craft:
26 Neimoidian Gunship Mk2s
90 RZ-3 A-Wings
89 Chiloon fighter/bombers
Location: Lujo
Objective: Sky Falls Down
Allies: @Wedge Draav @Cathul Thuku @Isabella Fonti @Asmus Janes
Enemies: Vong

Decker dove down under the hull of one of the Alliance ships, skimming across while targeting some Vong fighters. The ship had taken quite a lot of damage throughout the battle, and a lot of fighters on either side were falling in fiery blazes through the darkness. "Mynock Squadron, tighten formation, stick to your partners!" The enemy fighter was struck down. For his second mission, already things were getting slightly out of hand. He wasn't sure by his current position in this combat who would win, but he had a suspicion...

"Mynock Lead, I've got a hit on my stabilizer. I may need to-" A sudden blaze erupted by Decker's side, and he banked left away from it. "No!" He could not believe it. They had all promised each other, swore it that they would make it through, until they at least became known amongst the Alliance. Some of Mynock wanted the fame. The one that had been shot down was one of them, and a close friend to Decker. He started to feel that they wouldn't be the first loss, and he did not want to lose anymore. "Mynock Squadron...form up on me." As much as he wanted to pull out, he couldn't yet. The fleet needed their help. That's when he realized that the Vong were pulling out, retreating. Now all they needed to do, was finish them off.

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