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Faction Slice of Life Day: Hindsight's 2020 | Open to GA and Friends

The little girl hurried away snickering finding a new source of entertainment leaving behind the two clumsy 'adults' a fading memory. Dagon looked at the fair lady he'd accidentally downed, slight embarrassment wrapping his face. She offered a hand and he lifted her back up on her feet. At least the snow made her sweater look less ugly.

"Uh, sorry again." he repeated a bit like a glitched-out droid, then introduced himself as the embarrassment slowly began to fade. "You'd make a pretty small starweird." a short smile curved his lips. She was, after all, short. "I am Dagon. A Jedi in training here." he introduced himself gesturing the temple around them. "You, uh, enjoying yourself, yeah? If you want I can probably find you warmer clothes." the Jedi eyed the snow melting on her clothes.

Marae Tavlar Marae Tavlar | OPEN
Coruscant //
// Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze //
Starsleigh Ride //


As the child ran away, the two adults were left alone in the snow. Horribly underdressed considering they both wandered into the snow pit. One more intentionally

"Well..." Words began to come but waited as the man pulled her up with about as much ease as she expected. "I was enjoying myself until some bull decided to knock me over." Marae returned his smile with a smirk of her own as she poked at the man. "And sure. As long as you don't plan on dressing me up like a reindeer, I may just take you up on that offer."

Hands stretched out the fabric to look with mild annoyance as she patted whatever snow hadn't melted yet, at least it wasn't as bad as the grease stains she was used to from the ship. "I don't mind the snow as much as the cold that comes with it. If only I had something warm to help with that." She said staring plainly down at the mug that used to warm her hands laying sadly in the snow, the off-white colour of the eggnog staining the snow.

"I believe you owe me a drink as well, don't you Master Jedi?" The Dantooinian said as she stepped out of the snow and looked over her shoulder at Dagon.

Sitting at the bar, glass of whiskey in his hands, Orson stared at the brown liquid twirling it in the glass for a few moments before quickly tossing it back. The sting of the Corellian whiskey no longer even registered to the smuggler since he’d been drinking it ever since he’d been a teen. He hated gatherings like this, but it was also an easy way to get on planet without raising suspicion. A way to see the innards of the Jedi temple and the circles they moved in, just in case his work led him out here.

Placing the glass back down, Orson tapped twice on the bar signaling the bith bartender to fill him back up. Raising a tabac stick to his lips the smuggler leaned down about to light it, at least till an extravagantly dressed gentleman showed up next to him. A face that was quite frankly all too familiar from all the dealings he’d had with Gat Tambor.

“Seems since last I’d heard of you, you’ve risen above your station as a Sith lackey,” Jade said as he finally lit his tabac, drawing in the sweet, yet pungent taste of smoke. “Yet now you dance to the tunes of the Senate. I’ve heard about your constant gatherings, I would rather swallow a fucking blaster bolt than sit through those.”

Exhaling the smoke that had collected in his lungs the young gunslinger offered the tabac stick to the Senator. “I don’t think we’ve ever truly met. I’m Gat Tambor’s son. I’ve heard of how much work you’ve done with my father.”

Giving the Senator a once over, Orson turned back to his drink. “I expected you to be shorter.”

Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe


Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt



Maybe it was Life Day that reminded her to reflect. Another arbitrary milestone in the year with reminders all around to dwell on the accomplishments made within an annual timeline.

Everything had been happening so quickly since Yinchorr. Instant after instant provided more to occupy their dialogue; Voi’Kryt’s threat, Kiskla’s death, Loske’s new powers, Dantooine’s duels, Felucia’s manipulation and the consequence of decisions –– each tête-à-tête shared put them on a more solid, deeper level of understanding and mutual care. All conversations reinforced mutual support and growth. A pattern that continued time and time again, save for...that one time on Bastion, where they’d been at odds and unresolved. So much had been left unsaid that it felt like that thin edge of the wedge between them would grow into a soundless, untouchable cavity of expectation.

Looking out the backseat window of their speeder, Loske found herself replaying that conversation over in her head again. The words they’d exchanged on Bastion wrapped around small plazas ringed by smooth-edged towers, spires and buildings. The sentiments delivered fluttered around in the manufactured snow that fell from the atmosphere, blending in with the gleaming white (or close to), skyscrapers that stretched out of sight. When she sighed, her breath condensed in a small cloud against the glass and stretched into her vision to gaussian out of the skyline she’d been fascinated with and erasing the words she’d said months ago.

We’re not ready. Not now.

“You’ve lost so much, you have gaps everywhere family should be and you... trying to fill those spaces before they’re fully healed won’t make you happy. I think you’ll always have this lingering..pain. How do we shake you of your guilt and hurt? Without putting that burden on a child?”

She knew she was right. He knew she was right. As soon as the words left her mouth they’d been proven true. In a whirlwind they’d gone from a cold war to an inferno one. He’d been kidnapped on Yinchorr, and exploited on Felucia. She’d lost her mother and gained a turbocharge of powers she didn’t know how to control yet. Not a welcoming environment for a family.

But as right as it might have been to say, it still felt wrong.

Despite all the frustration she focused on him for deferring their dream for the sake of duty time and time again, he’d given her the opportunity to break the pattern and she’d just... done the exact same thing. And now, after realizing her error, it was too late to apologize or say something as weightless as sorry.

That deflected conversation on Bastion still bore heavily in the corners of her mind. She’d nursed that heartache long enough to realize the only way to rid themselves of it was to reconsider her approach to the conversation altogether.

Why were the Treicolts so untouchable by satisfaction? Why did they make it so? There was never going to be a right time for them, which was largely part of the problem.

And here they were, en route to a celebration that honoured generosity, gratitude and reflection. In the middle of a war –– a random day that was sacrosanct because the people in charge deemed it so. They made it work. If an entity as large as The Galactic Alliance could carve time out to recognize and glorify deserved joy and giving, why couldn’t they?

The driver was starting to decelerate, and Loske tore her gaze from out the window. “Oh, uhm,” she stretched forward between the partition and into the driver’s cabin. “Sorry, can you go around the block again? Slowly?”

In response, the gran made a discontented noise at the back of his throat but obliged with a tap to the meter. An indication he’d keep it running. He wasn’t too bothered by the request, given he was still able to continue collecting credits and the rates didn’t differ much from ride to ride. At least this way he was guaranteed a trip. Although....with this snow from WeatherNet, there were a lot of requests for transportation showing up in his notification centre.

“Thank you.” Loske drew the partition up to full opacity and sunk back into her seat to face her husband, folding her hands into her lap to contain any anxious squirming. Outside, the taxi maintained speed to merge back into the traffic it had just deviated from.

“I should have said this earlier.” She admitted with a small sheepish and toothsome grin. Timing was never their forté, and perhaps sharing a bed with the champion of inopportune moments was influencing her by osmosis.

“But..I..” She’d been thinking about what she wanted to say, but now that she had to say it, she wasn’t sure how to be concise about it. Maybe brevity had no place here, as usual, he deserved full transparency and admittance –– so she lay her vulnerabilities out in the speeder’s backseat for him to receive. “Keep thinking about Felucia when I said we have control over what comes next, starting with us –– Remember?” She paused for effect, giving him the chance to recall the memory (or not) before continuing “..And.. I realize what I said to you on Bastion outright contradicts that. And we..but really me this time.. defer time and time again what we want, just going through the same motions –– and it's just part of our problem. We keep giving control to everyone else, and we’re just reacting and hoping for that horizon.

There’s never going to be a good time, no perfect time. In my mind’s eye, there’s been this vista and breath of relief we take and just look at each other and undeniably understand that yes, this is it. Everything can happen for us now. But that’s so far away, and we keep pushing it further, and..”
Loske inhaled, held the breath, and let it out. “As pretty and fantastical as that idea is, it’s really not our style even if we really want it to be. We manage, with whatever happens, it just works. We make it work.”

Admitting the futility of a picturesque future made her emotions climb –– she’d come to accept that with her own ruminations, but saying it out loud felt different. Mixing that admission in with the excitement of her extended offer created a complex tangle of emotions, but she forced herself to focus on the dominant undertone: Inexorable, unrelenting love.

The more she spoke, revealed, the more her tone warmed.

“What I’m trying to say is… with everything else we’ve accomplished together, there’d be no reason we couldn’t make our Triocolt work. I know you’ll do whatever they need and we’ll make ourselves ready.” Blue gaze was transfixed with his bright and candidly observant hazels. In those eyes, she saw beyond the immediate shared connection. Within the depths of amber, green and brown there was the future they coveted unattached to any timeline or location, a covenant that required only him.

“In the spirit of giving,” she smiled, exhaled a breath of humour –– a nod to the anticipated festivities of the day ahead –– and tightened her hold on Maynard’s hands eagerly to draw them into her lap and recited his words back to him. She had them memorized by now, after all those nights turning them over in her head.
“Let’s give ourselves the chance, and try for that part of the dream.”

[Location: Jedi Temple]
[Focus: Captain Teica Giraan]
[Objective: Sober up]

Teica could have sworn that her brain was melting into pudding. She swallowed hard as she fought the urge to release her earlier meals. The captain's first officer stood next to her and watched in fear as the captain's numb feet treaded down the stairway. By now, the curious looks from the party's many invitees had ceased, even though the images were permanently buried in Teica's disoriented mind. Her feet stopped moving as she slumped against the stairway.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" the lieutenant commander's voice quieted.

"Just...errr..." Teica tried to formulate the sentence, "Need...uhhh...sleep..."

Commander Dara's concerned face began to blur in Teica's eyes. The world around her spun out of control. The captain looked back at her first officer, holding up her index finger for a few seconds before nodding. Dara took her arms and helped the captain up, then they both headed down the stairs. Teica could feel her legs wobbling from the effects of the Corellian wine as she was escorted out, and back to the Peacemaker.

. . .

The captain muttered something unintelligible as she rubbed her forehead with a warm hand. She leaned forward and briefly closed her eyes. Then, her right hand began to fumble around the surface of the table beside her. Teica's fingers clasped around a cup of water. She swallowed a lump and brought the water to her mouth, taking a long sip before resting the drink back on her table. Her head still pounded, but her vision had cleared.

"It was only one cup..."

The captain's head dropped as she went back to sleep.
Tags: Cassus Demici Cassus Demici | OPEN

Popping a cheese cube in her mouth, her eyes followed a group of younglings who were chasing each other around.

"It's good for them," she started, head nodding towards the kids. "But it's good for us too- and it's okay to admit that. Even Jedi need a break now and then."

Her head turned to the fellow, a warm smile on her face. He looked a bit weary, almost stretched thin. His question caught her off guard, and the zeltron patted the bag with a small laugh.

"Yeah, decorating duty. I've been banned from the kitchens indefinitely, so had to find something else to occupy my time this morning. Just busywork, but at least keeps my mind off things."

Her gaze returned to the crowd, another cheese cube finding it's way to her mouth. It was easy to forget here- to let the peace wash over you and enjoy the harmony of the music, the buzzing of the people.

"It's been... mmm. It's been interesting. Started out pretty rocky, was doing some work down in the rim, before I came here. But things have kind of started coming together. How about you?"
He pursed his lips at her jab and reached for the cup on the ground, picking it up and setting it on a laid-out conveniently nearby table.

"Understandable, I could offer a blanke-"
"I believe you owe me a drink as well, don't you Master Jedi?" The Dantooinian said as she stepped out of the snow and looked over her shoulder at Dagon.

She was already on the move, the decisions made for him and for her. He clasped his waist with both hands, then dropped them to his hips with an inaudible sigh.

"Sure, why not, eh?" Dagon shrugged, a smile forming. He would've been satisfied giving the girl a blanket and be on his way but something about her assertiveness piqued his interest.

As convenient as the previously mentioned table, there was a wooden Life Day booth serving various drinks from spiced wine to warm eggnog. The smell lingering from the stall reminded him of the rural Life Day celebrations back home on Ruusan.

"Okay, what's the bull getting the nameless princess of Alderaan?" the Jedi jabbed at her with humor as dry as a monk. The vendor rolled his eyes and his mustache squeaked.

Marae Tavlar Marae Tavlar | OPEN




Ashessal was standing in front of the monolith of a buffet table that was laid out before him. His eyes dancing up and down it’s length. Various foods of different heats and consistencies, colors as bright as a dying star and as dulled as the muck in a Corellian gutter. He had a glass of bubbly Polyquaternium-7 in his top-right hand, taking curious sips from a straw as he walked along the edge. Occasionally having to reach up and wipe away some of the ale that managed it’s way past his fangs, he was so hard to find any form of utilities or utensils that were made for his kind on Coruscant. What he would have given for one of the nutritional tubes that he was normally given as rations, at least he didn’t have to struggle on how to figure out how to actually eat those. Or, even, what he would have given for the setting to be ever so less formal. He had been common to the diners and meat-shops of the lower levels of the megacity, he had plenty of Coruscant sliders in his lifetime, but the idea of tearing into something like that in the presence of the higher echelons of Alliance society?

Well, it’d be a nice showing of how life actually was for many on the world, but he didn’t have the strength to make a statement quite like that yet.

He sighed to himself, looking down at the military fatigues that hung from his frame. The nicest pair of clothes he had ever owned, not hand me downs or “fixed-up” from use of another species originally.

It was nice, at the very least, that this was a general open invite event.

Kept him from running rifle drills, at the very least...
// W A S P //
Coruscant //
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze // OPEN //
Starsleigh Ride //


"Don't get too excited now." Poking at him again as she made her way over to the beverage table, eyes wandering to the drinks on the table.

"Princess is it? I'll take that compliment while I can." A smile crossed her lips as she saw the vendor roll his eyes, raising her eyebrows with him as she took a cup of hot chocolate in her hands. Princess certainly wasn't a compliment she had gotten much in her life considering she had been a farmer first and a pilot second. Maybe she should spend more time cleaning up. "I suppose it wouldn't do for a Princess to lack a name wouldn't it?"

"Maraellis, or just Marae if you'd like."
Extending her hand towards the Jedi again, this time as a greeting instead of dragging her out of some snow. "Pleased to meet you, Dagon. Not every day I get to meet a Jedi."
Dagon shook her hand softly, their back-and-forth jabs shifting to pleasantries, "Pleased to meet you too, Marae." he didn't want to risk stuttering over her full name. It didn't really roll of the tongue. The Jedi reached for a cup of hot chocolate himself but did not drink. Something about Marae's features seemed familiar for some odd reason. It wasn't the semblance to girls he knew from Ruusan, brought up in a sparsely populated planet toiling life. No, something else. As if he had seen this face somewhere notorious.

"Not every day I get to meet a Jedi."

"Not from Coruscant, huh? What brought you here of all places for Life Day?" He asked. Brick and mortar, durasteel and duracrete, Coruscant - not really the spirit of Life Day.

Marae Tavlar Marae Tavlar | OPEN

Sergeant Kyli Graf
Coruscant Security Force
Coruscant, Level 5127, Galactic City, Senate District, "Jedi Temple", Grand Hallway
Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau Spirit of Hope Spirit of Hope Otto Shule Otto Shule ,

"Start paying attention to your radios, I shouldn't be coming down here and having to check-up on the both of you." Kyli's metallic and warped voice cooly scolds the two Riot Division Officers, a pair of Human men wearing Coruscant Security Force powersuits, not unlike Kyli. The key outward distinction was the Chevrons worn proudly on their breastplates were firstly less numerous for a single inverted hook and silvery. Kyli's three hooks were a bold brass against a black plate of reinforced duraplast.

"Sorry Sergeant got caught up talking to this Umbaran woman, we thought it might have been the woman with the warrant." Holding up an open gloved palm, as if to halt and silence the man.

"Think about this, would you really arrest her with just the two of you knowing the subject's level of resistance and propensity to carry dangerous articles in public?" Kyli's question was rhetorical and booked nor response from the stunned junior, though she couldn't perceive the officer's face behind the featureless durasteel faceplate, Kyli's hazel spheres could identify the subtle shuddering of anxiety, perhaps she had been too hard on the man?

Making a conscious effort to soften the metallic din of her annunciator
"Furthermore" Kyli paused, breathing a sigh through her nostrils. "While I appreciate your efforts to be proactive. I don't want to hear excuses, your safety is my responsibility and highest priority remember your training and call your contacts." Lance Corporal Riall wordless nods his head accepting chastisement graciously, Lance Corporal Tine said nothing Kyli dismissed the both of them with a dismissive and flippant gesture of left-hand.

"It's good for them," she started, head nodding towards the kids. "But it's good for us too- and it's okay to admit that. Even Jedi need a break now and then."

Cassus shrugged, a frown intimating over his normally contained countenance.


It was good for others perhaps but for him, he resolved, there was no need of reprieve. His life was duty. It always had been the way for the heir of the Demici family. Even in his moments of least discipline, when he escaped with his brother on his father's luxury yachts rampaging through star systems as young as 8, there was kinesis, there was an orientation; the ship the brothers had built together, the fruit of their labors. And the only time he ever sat still was to meditate, and even that was a service.

Their gazes met one another and a warm smile filled the fellow Knight's face. She had a sweet disposition and kind eyes, but there was a history behind the blue films of them, the way he was sure everyone currently in this hall had an extraordinary story to tell.

"Yeah, decorating duty. I've been banned from the kitchens indefinitely, so had to find something else to occupy my time this morning. Just busywork, but at least keeps my mind off things."

"Yes, I know how it feels, I've been banned from the kitchens as well," the giant-sized human with an equally proportionate appetite lamented. "Probably for different reasons. . ."

The one monastic institution he struggled espousing was the vow of poverty, however only when it came to the extinction of his appetite for savory food. As much as he told himself he enjoyed protein paste and could live off nutrient capsules for days, whenever his particularly robust sense of smell had a whiff of some good cooking he faltered. His former Master saw it only as a trifling impediment to his commitment as a Jedi and even seemed amused by it, but for him, it was a point of dishonor.

"It's been... mmm."

She started in response to his question.

"How about you?"

Cassus thought of the death of his father, the abandonment by his brother, and the Sith occupation of his homeworld before answering. He was so dethatched from his emotion now he was even ashamed these matters of the past year entered his mind at all.

"Oh, well. . .I find reasons to be grateful. The Force has given us so much."

Before continuing he realized that he had been rude in failing to introduce himself formally. "I'm Cassus," he wiped his hand on his cloak before offering his hand.

"And what about resolutions for the new year?"

Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn | Open​
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Aradia held her tension in her chest. Be careful, or your feelings will betray you. Her Master's words stuck inside of her, tempering her as she walked deeper into the belly of the beast.

She didn't know what she expected. She had only seen them at war. They were angry and sweaty and slaughtering everyone then. Here they looked... like a mascaraed. They smiled, they twirled, they exchanged ribboned boxes. There was something inherently fake about the normalness that rippled through the crowds. It didn't match up.

It bothered her.

She walked in a slow circle around the perimeter, feeling out the exits at her own pace. She only had one shot at this. After last time, she wasn't pressed to rush in.

A man in robes slipped out out of the exit she was surveying. She quickly looked away and grabbed at a cup of hot coco as if it was her singular mission in life. Yes. Nothing to see here. Just here a jedi wanting hot coco. Yes.

She gulped back a mouthful, only to burn herself and sputter it back out into the mug. Droplets nearly hit the sleeves of her sage colored dress, splatting on her hand and over the floor. She jerked back-- the dress was her master's.


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Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State


The Chancellor's arrival at the feast had gone from fashionably late to just "late" by the time her official transporter reached the steps of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. In truth, she had not wanted to come at all. It had been her grandchildren and daughter Ishana had finally convinced her that attending would be... "fun." The lights of the Senate Guard speeders and the flash of lights from holo capturers blended together beautifully as the door to the luxurious transport opened and a bundle of bright red silks spilled forth with Adhira's first step. As the older woman was getting to her feet, another door opened and three young children in mini versions of festive formal wear stormed the path lined by journalists and well-wisher. Ishana and Aarav chased after the children as the Chancellor smiled warmly at the crowd.
When the kids were finally wrangled, the beautiful young woman that called Adhira mom and her father, Aarav joined her as she hurried into the Temple. "Ah yes, no questions this evening, thank you," Adhira said as warmly as she could to the reporters of GNN, " and Happy Life Day!"
As the family crested the steps that sharply descended into the great hall where the feast was being held, there was a sudden flourish of brass instruments bringing the assembly of people to their feet. The Chandra clan stood at attention while the anthem of the Alliance played. When it had concluded, they glided down the stairs and to their place at the head of the main table on the dais where the other important individuals were already seated. Her husband, Aarav leaned over and kissed her on the cheek once they had scooted into their spot. "You see, it isn't so bad," the white-haired man nodded down toward their grandchildren who were all beaming happily and tucking into bits of food that had been lain out for them.​
"Yes, well, I had to come... I have to pin medals on people," she scoffed, trying to hide that she was enjoying the time they had been able to spend getting ready with her grandchildren and daughter. She and Aarav had not had much time with them since she was elected Chancellor and they moved to Coruscant. It had been nice. And it was true, she had to award medals. She glanced down the table at Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe , the Vice-Chancellor, and smiled. She was sure he was happy he did not have to fill in for her.​

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Elisea Apollodor

"C'mon Nylea, you look amazing, really - c'mon." Urged Elisea as they joined the festivities, the trip from Dosuun was certainly what some might call crazy. Considering they took nearly every red-eye connection they could, but here they were. "You'll have to tell me how you know these wonderful people in the NJO." A light tease from the Avalonian, but nevertheless she was happy to send time with the woman she loved in a glittering ecumenopolis such as Coruscant. Elisea would represent the First Order and more importantly FIMS while there on Coruscant, she bore the red and white FIMS emblem on her lapel.
It definitely wasn't Dosuun. "I forget that places like this don't really have much in the way of a sky, if only just skylines for kilometers at a time." Part of the Avalonian was simply star struck by it all the other part felt like if she looked down things were going to get worse. So she held onto the Jedi, hand in hand as they walked together. Life Day festivities differed between Dosuun and Coruscant, by quite a lot for where on one planet there was a glorious ceremony and presentation of it all. The other was less on ceremony and more on celebration both of which were good. "So um, who should we find first?"
Nylea Apollodor Nylea Apollodor | @Open to Interaction
Coruscant brought back memories. They weren't the fondest ones, either. She had history here and much of it were things she wasn't comfortable sharing with others.

And that was ignoring the last time she was here. When the Sith overwhelmed the planet and reduced much of it to ash.

She knew she'd be back here eventually, it was Coruscant after all, and today she was proven right. Yet, even though this was the planet where things had taken a dark turn in her life, it was also where she was lifted out of that darkness and if there was any better way to be reintroduced to the planet she had called home for years, the echani couldn't imagine it. A Life Day celebration with her love by her side.

Even then, formal dress had never been Nylea's thing. As long as Elisea said she looked fine, though, she'd be okay. "I have met a few of their members in passing over the years. Most of them, though, I do not know," she replied as they approached the Jedi temple steps. This kind of celebration was what Nylea was much more used to; the First Order loved their ceremonies and it would never be Nylea's thing. For Elisea though, she'd attend one every single day if she had to.

"I never missed that part of Coruscant too much," the echani admitted. "It used to make me feel boxed in, trapped. That feeling seems to be gone now, though." Spending the day here was going to be just fine.

"I am not sure who is attending, so I suppose we could simply look and see who we run into," she replied as they walked up the steps."The last time I saw the Jedi temple, it was in ruins. I am glad to see they restored it."

Elisea Korrado | OPEN
"Gabriel Gabriella Cartwright-Pryce!" The names were still being workshopped.

It wasn't clear which of the two little kremlings he was calling after as two very small, very well dressed, and very wild children ran through the Jedi Temple squealing with too much Life Day punch in the stomachs. He sighed heavily and tiredly. Who knew he would survive three wars with the Sith only to be done in by five-year-olds. Pryce's eyes widened when he saw where they were headed. The main dining table? And was that-

"Oh no-no-no," he scrambled around a rolling BB-based servant droid and between probably important business people and a small handful of Jedi just in time to see the twins stars of destruction spawned from him dive beneath the cascade of fancy dinner cloth and under the seats of the Chandra household. It was too late. He stopped and ran a hand through his hair, sighing heavily before he straightened his uniform and marched beside his Chancellor's family and smiled at her assorted family before wincing and leaning down conspiratorially.

"Madame Chancellor, I don't mean to intrude, and I'm terribly sorry for this but the Kremling twins are under your table. Give them a good kick for me?"

Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra
Open to Interaction!!!
Attire: Dress Jacket

Kat walked into the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, it was not too different to the one that was on Commenor or Kashyyyk, but Kat smiled warmly and nodded her head to the strangers as they wandered around and checked out the plenty Life Day activities for them to enjoy. Kat had her hair braided and down her left shoulder, the white hair was getting long and could likely use a fresh cut. Adjusting her green dress, Kat sighed, she wasn't sold on this dress and it being the right move for the celebrations. She had brought with her a cropped black leather jacket that she wore on top of it, the jacket was zipped up for now since the weather was chilly outside. However, she had aimed to remove it once she was indoors or at least unzip the dress when she was inside. Her hands were in her pockets as she looked around and spotted some punch being served.

Stepping over to the punch that was alcoholic, she poured herself a large drink and took a long sip. Kat wanted to relax, she had seen her family briefly, knowing she was going to be busy over the festive holidays she could not stay as long as she wanted. Her niece was disappointed but enjoyed her present from Kat, and her sister Rose was happy to see her. Things with her mother were frosty since Kat was distancing herself from them since they had moved back to Eshan but nothing bad was sad so Kat took it as a positive. Finishing her drink, Kat wandered through the Temple, curious about how it looked and enjoying the Jedi Temple, she was happy to see some many people around and the celebrations going strong.

Eyes scanning around, she was starting to recognise some faces but there were plenty of others that she could not. Kat sighed as she was not sure who to talk with or interact with. Nerves of social interaction was hitting her again.​
// W A S P //
Coruscant //
// Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze //
// Starsleigh Ride //


"Nah, wasn't lucky enough to be born on Coruscant, unfortunately." She said before blowing some of the heat away from the drink before taking a small sip of it. "This Princess came from some farm on Dantooine. One of the nicer ones at least." A small chuckle coming with her words as she recalled her home.

"As for why I'm here, old leather is only comfortable for so long. They built those freighters to last, not to be comfortable." The phantom feeling of her sore shoulders returned as she thought about that dingy old seat. It certainly hadn't been the best memories travelling to destitute planets in a clunky old ship. "Us pilots spend a lot of time in seats as it turns out."

"How 'bout yourself? I heard they keep you Jedi locked up in these temples most of the time."
Bringing the drink back up to her lips as she waited for his answer.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things

S W O R D _ O F _ T H E _ J E D I
Auteme | Zaavik Dagoth | Open


Ryv suddenly arrived.

"Huh," he looked back at the table he set up earlier in the evening. "I could've sworn I was just over there, handing out food to people. Odd."

The sight of Auteme's heinous smirk saw the kiffar slip a foot back as if to run away. He knew such a look. It was on the battlefield against the Sith he'd witnessed such evil time and time again. Only to see it on Auteme's face of all people? It cranked his anxiety higher than any Sith in the past could ever hope. He cleared his throat and slipped both hands into his jacket pockets. Her baleful grin only grew, the inhuman, ugly look a yearly occurrence since they met years ago on Peace.

"Auteme, I-" his defiance began and ended in the same breath. Before he knew it, she'd ripped an oversized sweater from her bag and tugged it over her smaller frame. The wrinkly visage of an ancient Grandmaster met Ryv's perturbed stare without faltering. It's empty, black gaze was that of an endless abyss. A timeless void stretched out in those two orbs of black. He couldn't look away from the horrific sight of the yearly Life Day sweater until Auteme pulled his out from her bag and held it forward. He took it in both hands and gently ran his fingers along the knitted surface. His bare fingers slipped in between where the fabric split.

His eyes glazed over as visions appeared within his mind. The Force delivered a brief viewing of Auteme as she toiled over the gift. He'd never tell her, but this was his favorite part of Life Day every year. Getting to see just a flash of her face as she poured her love for those closest to her into her work. The way her nose crinkled when she stuck her finger with the needle or the excited giggle as she finished the creation and set it aside always put a smile onto his face. Seeing her happy meant the world to him.

"Thank you," he finally muttered. "I really like it."

In typical Ryv fashion, the kiffar pulled his jacket from his shoulders and stripped the t-shirt from his frame out in the open. He didn't much mind the mixture of surprise and disgust from nearby onlookers as they laid eyes on his scarred form. For a long time, he hated every one of those scars. They made him sick when he looked at himself in the mirror. Hell, he hated himself for them. But they weren't his to control, and he decided long ago he wouldn't allow the actions of those who hurt him to dictate how he viewed himself.

He slipped the ugly sweater over his head, tied his jacket around his waist, and moved to pull Auteme into a hug.
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