Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Slice of Life Day: Hindsight's 2020 | Open to GA and Friends

[Location: G.A Frigate Peacemaker]
[Focus: Captain Teica Giraan]

The captain fixed her collar as she got up from bed. She slipped her feet into polished black boots, and strolled over to her personal computer. A breath of the cold air within her quarters rushed through the captain's nose. She let a stream of it out. Teica's fingers hovered over the screen and dialed in to the Peacemaker's bridge.

"Dara," Teica's voice still contained a hint of the Corellian wine's aftereffects, "patch me in to the Coruscant police scanner."

"You sure Captain? You still need res-"

"Commander, I'm giving you an order," Teica halted her first officer's statement.

"Yes ma'am," Dara let out a sigh and called to the comms officer, "Patch the captain in to the Coruscant police scanner, general area of the temple."

The transmission ended with a beep. Teica leaned against the back of her chair. Her head lowered to rest in her open palms as the police chatter went on. Her fingers moved in circles to massage her aching forehead. Only fifteen minutes passed before she shut the machine off, and left her room.

The captain strolled along the Peacemaker's flooring. The frigate had been overtaken with an air of silence. Most of crew had been sent off on their Life Day celebrations while a skeleton crew of volunteers remained. She entered the turbolift. From the complete silence of the turbolift, the realization of her current situation rose.

I had to get taken back to my ship because I got drunk on a single cup of wine. One cup...

She could barely hold in her grin as the doors opened. Captain Teica Giraan, in her dark blue New Republic dress uniform, ran up the bridge walkway and embraced her first officer. Then, she stepped back and looked at the rest of the crew.

"May I have your attention, please?"

Bridge officers all around began to face their captain.

"I've been your commanding officer for five years, and let me say that it's been an honor," she began to stroll around the bridge, "And throughout these years, you've become my family, and isn't that what Life Day's about? Coming together with family, friends, and the people who have your back when you get drunk on Corellian wine. Happy Life Day, everyone."

Teica took a seat and put on a proud smile as the bridge exploded into cheers.

[Happy Life day, people of Chaos.]


Katarine Ryiah

Location: Jedi Temple - Standing By a Large Decorated Tree
Wearing: This
Tags: Open

Katarine was not sure what she was doing here. In the past she had been part of the Rebellion but that was over eight hundred years ago. After all that time the galaxy was still fighting the same wars. Did she even need to speak to anybody about them to truly understand? It all seemed so pointless.

She sighed and took a sip of her wine. Maybe her place in the galaxy wasn’t as a warrior any longer. Maybe it was time to find a man, buy a little house and have some babies. Yea because that worked so well the last time she had tried it.

Well she had come here to talk to someone from The Alliance so she would at least give it a shot.


//: L I F E _ D A Y //:
//: O P E N //:
Life Day.
It was a day of joy and celebration. One typically spent it with their family and friends, both of which felt slightly out of place for the Corellian. A few days prior, she had made a visit to Corellia to put flowers on her family's grave, clean them up and visit for a bit. She hadn't been there for some time; as much as Allyson wanted to spend the rest of her time with her family, she knew there were other things she needed to be doing. Seeing her parents always helped her find some sort of center, especially when everything was spinning out of control. Family was always there for you; maybe one day she could feel that way once again with her friends - if they were still willing.
Allyson leaned against the bar top. She stared at her comm device intently as she could see her reflection on the glass screen. The red and green festive antlers stuck out of her head by means of a headband. There were small little jingle bells that dangled from each of the points. For some reason, the Corellian had decided to go the whole nine yards and draw on a red tip for her nose to give the nod to the old tail of Rudolph or something. Sighing, she couldn't work up the courage to message or call the person she wanted to.
Her head hit the bar top as she groaned her disappointment with herself. It wasn't like they weren't strangers, but still, something kept the Corellian from giving in. Standing straight again, she strangled the comm device and then placed it onto the bar top and waved the bartender over. "Hey Shawn," The man smiled and nodded. "Long time no see Locke." Allyson nodded, seeing the bartender having a tough time not wanting to laugh at her festive nature. "Go ahead, I know I went a little far, but my excuse is that it's been a while since I had a place to celebrate Life Day." Shawn nodded and laughed, tears formed around his eyes, and he poured the Corellian her favorite. "On the house, Locke, thanks for a laugh." He had noticed her frustration with the device beside her. He figured he'd poke at that later.
Allyson smiled, "Thanks, you always take care of me, man." She raised the glass and took a sip of the warm amber liquid. That was home to her, the way it burned the throat so smoothly and warmed her chest. "Mmm," She continued to smile with content as she swirled the amber liquid, letting it splash over the single ice cube that tried to cling to the wall of the glass tumbler—quite a year. Had gone by far too quickly, but at least she still had a few more days to make it all work out for the best. Allyson looked over her shoulder and watched the rest of the New Jedi Order cater to the festivities. All familiar faces, but she felt so much like an outsider. The urge to go poke fun at Auteme Auteme , see if the girl had kept up with the Old Corellian lessons. Maybe have a normal person conversation with Ryv Ryv or see if Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt and Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt had shown up. Allyson just wanted to feel like she felt when she first returned to society after searching for Kaili in the Unknown Regions.
Her attention pulled away from the Jedi as she looked down at her device. With a bit of the liquid courage coursing through her veins, she quickly sent the message she had been letting sit in her drafts. If she showed up, it would be a perfect Life Day, but Allyson wasn't going to depend on it. Hopefully, she wasn't too busy, and there was a potential for a Life Day Miracle.

Jedi Temple
Life Day Celebration


This was Ava's most favorite time of year. Life Day festivities and Feté had always been special for her.

And this year, it was even more so because Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce was alive and well Thank the Force! and home from the recent campaigns against the Sith to spend it with her and the children especially now that the twins were four. Gods, her babies were four already?! It was such a wonderous age for kids or was it more a mischievous one? Hmm... Time would only tell though most likely the latter with their Corellian blood.

The High Admiral had insisted on taking charge of Gabe and Gabby while they attended the Life Day celebration at the Jedi temple on Coruscant. Dracken was seemingly making up for lost time with his young ones as duty always came first with the Corellian and took him away from his family most of the time. It had been that way for Ava as well, duty that is until she became pregnant. She wouldn't trade being a mother now for anything though that didn't mean Goldie didn't miss being in the thick of things. But being a flight instructor at the Corellia Military Academy at Fort Bastion just outside of Coronet gave her the best of both worlds; home life and career. Well, that's what she kept telling herself anyway.

Dressed in a Corellian tartan skirt with a black turtleneck sweater and knee-high boots instead of a uniform, the tall blonde hung back and made her way slowly into the hall where the festivities were being held. Steel blue eyes of the Commander followed where the twins were taking their father, who was trying his best to keep up with the little rascals... and failing miserably it appeared by his exasperated features noted from afar. Ava knew all too well that feeling, which definitely brought an amused smirk to her glossed lips. If Dracken needed her though, he'd send out a mayday. Until then, she was going to enjoy not being the primary parent on duty for once.

Ava carried in her hand a mug of spiced caf forgoing any spirits for now. Stopping by a large decorated tree, the long-legged Ralltiiri took a sip of the hot drink and savored the much-needed caffeine as always. She gave a friendly nod to Katarine Ryiah standing nearby and flashed the dressed up brunette a warm smile.

"Hello... I'm Ava. This is my first time in the New Jedi Order's temple. They certainly did an admirable job of decorating for Life Day. That tree there is just beautiful."

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A pilot. It kind of made sense - they were always either sarcastic or drunk as he recalled his acquaintance with Taysonyl Callenid Taysonyl Callenid on Atrisia some time ago. The mention of Dantooine made him slightly squint, the tales of the war from his fellow Jedi were gruesome. Jedi standing with the Sith to fight other Jedi. Just the thought of it terrified him.

"Not really, no." Dagon replied with a slight chuckle escaping the spiral of Dantooine. "When you are still new, yes - you tend to be rooted in the Temple studying and training mostly."

"But you can't protect a galaxy locked behind closed doors preaching to the walls." he echoed something he had once heard Ryv Ryv say. His candidness brought him as much allies as enemies. "How long you staying for?" the Jedi asked. She'd piqued his curiosity and now he wanted to know more.

Marae Tavlar Marae Tavlar

The Galactic Alliance
CORUSCANT // Jedi Temple
Ryv Ryv | Auteme Auteme | OPEN


Zaavik grimaced. The rest of his face awkwardly twitched and contorted as he tried to pass it off as a genuine smile. That was quite possibly the worst sweater he'd ever seen. Wasn't that the point? As if the pink Wookie wasn't bad enough, it just had to have a pun plastered across it too? Great. "I uh-" He sputtered aimlessly, not entirely certain how to verbally cope with the monstrosity that had been presented before him.

"Thank you, I really like it."

"Yeah, uh, it's great." His intonation wasn't exactly convincing. Either hand gripped the shoulders of the sweater, holding it out awkwardly. His upper lip twitched into a curl as he looked down at the apparel. Unsure what to do with it, though the obvious would be to try it on, he just stood there looking at it.

He blinked when Ryv began stripping his appareled obstructions off to make way for the sweater. Did she expect them to put them on right now? Amazing. The prospect of taking his shirt off in public was almost enough to make him scream. Though, the other Jedi's almost careless confidence was admittedly emboldening. With everyone looking at Ryv, it was now or never.

Zaavik shed his jacket and quickly squirmed his way out of the WARLORD band T-Shirt beneath. The disfigured epidermis, marred by burns and sunders was laid bare for only a moment before he scrambled back into the sweater. It was tight fit. A medium? It was itchy too. Not only was it ugly, but it was also uncomfortable. Unlucky. Zaavik smiled as genuinely as he could towards Auteme as he slipped his jacket back on over it.


Katarine Ryiah

Katarine was lost in thought about babies and husbands and a life she was starting to realize maybe she wanted more than she even knew, when she heard a voice. She came out of thought and smiled at the tall woman.

“I’ve never been here either but it is simply beautiful. I suppose they wanted this to be special.”

She did not know much about the war with the monster Bryn creatures, having just heard about it recently. It sounded terrible though.

“That smells delicious.” She indicated the woman’s cup.

Ava Cartwright-Pryce Ava Cartwright-Pryce

Jedi Temple
Life Day Celebration


“I’ve never been here either but it is simply beautiful. I suppose they wanted this to be special.”
"Mhm I think with all the galactic upheaval as of late, it's a feel-good gesture on their part. I know it has uplifted my children's spirits ten-fold. Course, that could be all the sugar too their father allowed them to ingest so far this evening," Ava grinned with a small chuckle, her blue gaze looking to where the twins were now hiding under the table of Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra .

The blonde bit her lip as Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce had finally caught up to them. Oh, this was gonna be good to watch...

"Also, I believe at some point during the celebration there might be some awards given out by the Chancellor for the efforts in the recent campaigns the Alliance has been a part of," she nodded to Katarine Ryiah, then took another sip of the steamy dark drink in hand.

“That smells delicious.”
"It's a spiced caf, and it is very good. They are serving it at the refreshment bar if needing a caffeine fix that's well worth the extra calories."

Funny how after one reaches thirty, it takes twice as much effort to stay in shape both with diet and exercise. Where had all the time gone to? Seemed just like yesterday, Goldie was a brash, young flight officer with the infamous Rogue Squadron of old. Fast forward to now... Time flies when having fun I guess.

"So what brings you to the Jedi temple other than the Life Day celebration if I may ask, Miss... "

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Elisea Apollodor


"Ah okay," responded Elisea. "Well, then we can both figure this out together since I don't know them either."
Elisea held Nylea's hand as they approached the temple steps. Nylea talked about feeling boxed in by Coruscant's massive skyline and the durasteel jungle that its city made. The traffic was everywhere and it was hard to see the sky, "yeah... the Sith hit this place hard, it's amazing to see it now." Especially when compared to the ruins it had been left in. The only people Elisea had any familiarity with here was Auteme Auteme and Brama Tagge Brama Tagge but outside of that everyone here was new to her.
She gave Nylea's hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance as they crossed the threshold.
"Maybe we can figure out where Auteme is?"
A familiar face was always one of comfort, well, usually at least.


Katarine Ryiah

“I was actually in the area to speak with someone about enlisting. I wanted to know more before just jumping in though. “

Katarine took another sip of her wine and watched everybody celebrating. It was a weird thing to be so out of sorts with the galaxy. Of course anybody would feel out of place if they had woken up 800+ years in the future, but after a few months she had hopped to find her footing. Sadly she had not and as she watched happy couples and family she started to realize how alone she was. She also realized she had not told Ava her name yet.

“Oh I’m sorry. My name is Katarine.”

Ava Cartwright-Pryce Ava Cartwright-Pryce

T H E _ W O L F
Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt


The last the Galactic Alliance proper had erupted in drunken revelry and Maynard bothered to emerge into the limelight was the first Unity Day. It all seemed simpler then, a made man, tears in his eyes. Jedi Knight.

But it also felt like the calm before the storm and now, he’d weathered that storm. That gauntlet of struggle and trials to test him down to the foundation of his being, demanding every fiber of what he was and could be capable of. To save himself, save his friends...and kill his enemies.

He enjoyed the quiet of the back of the speeder, with her. Like those many nights spent aboard their wayward home, The Renegade. Those moments of silence to drink in what they had as their senses were enveloped with entrancing blue and argent.

He was grateful for her request to take them around the block again, extend that moment of quiet, cherished isolation between the two of them as if to batten down the hatches to prepare for loudness and bustle of a social gathering of this magnitude. He could use the faint respite before he’d be expected to offer up that country boy charm again, make it all look like everything was alright, that the Jedi General Treicolt was as bright eyed and resolute as ever.

Little did he know, his better half would give him all the boost he needed to forsake the visage in favor of genuine bliss.

When she began to speak, he all but let her. Content to cherish the sound of her voice and the look in her eyes, s if they undid all wrong in favor of an intangible comfort only she could offer him.

What ever offended him the most of her otherwise understandable reluctance, to take that next step, was that her believing he wasn’t going to do all in his power to make it right. To be the father he couldn't have. To ensure the upbringing he couldn't have, build the life he always wanted. Anything, for her, for them. Whatever it took.

Seemed it was just now she realized that, but he didn't seem to care. It was always better than never and with the swirling peril that enveloped them? There was no making the idealistic dream they sought, only carving out those glimpses of it for themselves where they could manage was the best they could do. Good enough for him.

"Got nothing to It won't be easy...but none of this has been, difference is...we know this'll be worth it." Maynard suggests as she pulls his hands toward her, leaning into press a kiss to her lips before suddenly they feel the speeder come to a stop, the Jedi's gaze drifting away to find themselves at the venue of the Life Day gathering, Maynard offering up a faint grin as he realized the futility of the situation.

"Think we should ask for another trip around the block or-?" He proposes, half jokingly before he offers a brief kiss on the lips, grasping her hands in his before he'd move to pull the pair of them from the speeder.

"Guess we better make our appearances, yeah?" He inquires, arching a brow as he pulls her close to him.

"I love you." Treicolt offers again.
// Coruscant //
// Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze // Auteme Auteme // Ryv Ryv // Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl //
// Starsleigh Ride //


"I suppose you can't can you." His words lingered in her mind a little. Marae hadn't been locked away in a temple, but a lonesome freighter was its own kind of isolation. She too wanted to help out with the war, if not the galaxy. And on the opposite side of Alliance space, it was hard not to feel like she was just wasting away while the real heroes went and fought.

Fortunately, his next question brought her back out from her own head. "Well considering the new travel warning, I might just have to hunker down here for a while. Probably find someplace to crash until they fly me out again." She looked up and beyond the ceiling, mind wandering to where she might be sent next before she looked back at Dagon.

"Unless you've got some spare room available."

All she offered to continue that thought was a quick wink to the man before she spun around to look at all the festive costumes people were wearing. "You know, I believe we might be a tad underdress, let's fix that." It didn't take much deduction to find the source of all the newfound sweaters, a girl reaching into her bag producing some of the most lovably hideous garments. "There it is, the one stripping all those boys."

A cheery greeting as she dragged her dark haired partner over to the girl and the two men surrounding her. "Me and my friend here aren't feeling quite festive enough this life day. I hope I'm not assuming too much if I ask you to fix our little problem am I?"


Dabbing the hot chocolate on her sleeve only did so much to restore the lace. She could already hear her master dismissing it as nothing more than clothing, but she couldn't help the pit of stress that formed in her stomach. Sure, Kaalia was understanding last time. And the time before that.

Also, the time before that.

But what about this time. The years had done little to resolve the thoughts she cycled through. The distraction of the ruined sleeve was almost enough to make her forget where she was, who she was, and who she was surrounded by.

The door swished closed from across the table, drawing her attention back up to it in time for her to see the keypad turn red.


Her head snapped to the left, following the man that had walked out of it. Maybe he would walk back through? Maybe a friend would take his place? Neither of these things happened, the stranger walking behind a bar and slipping the crate to the ground. He unloaded a bottle and cracked it upon, adding it to a drink before handing off it brunet in--

Aradia double took, her fingers growing a sudden tremor.

"How," she breathed, barely audible. Sense left her, heat washing through her body. She moved without thinking, the mug left behind as she slipped forward. It felt like a dream, the bodies and the music fading to the background as she came to the stool besides the woman. Her breath held in her chest, before courage found the place to say five stupid words.

"You're suppose to be dead."

And she was suppose to be undercover.

Her head turned almost incrementally, her once blue hues darkened to a hazel. Emotions caught along her lashline as she beheld the sight of her ... partner? Competition? Mentor?


Allyson Locke Allyson Locke
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Tags: Cassus Demici Cassus Demici

Ripley was taken aback by the answer about the force providing. It was the kind of view and wisdom she'd expect from one of the old robes, not another younger member of the NJO. She gave the fellow knight a questioning look, but didn't press further. It was a much more optimistic outlook than her own, and she felt maybe she could learn a thing or two from him.

Her hand found the one he had offered, pink palm meeting his own with a firm shake.

"Ripley Kühn. I haven't seen you around before- you new here?"

Her arm fell away after a few seconds, while she considered the question.

"Ya know, I've never really been one for those resolution deals. Plans, in general, don't really work out for me." A small chuckle escaped her before she continued. "I think, though, I'd like to find more ways to help people. Not just in the like, the I'm a Jedi and I'm going to protect you type of way. I think smaller gestures that aren't expected of you can be just as powerful."

A sheepish smile spread across her lips as she realized it probably sounded ridiculous.

"Uh, so yeah. What about you?"


LOCATION: Grand Hall, Jedi Temple
OBJECTIVE: And so this is Life Day
INTERACTING: Orson Jade Orson Jade


No sooner had Tithe taken a seat at the bar then a heard the snide comments from the person beside him. As the Senator for Aargau he had only needed to worry about the concerns of his constituents, the vast majority only concerned themselves with galactic politics when it impacted their balance sheets. As Vice Chancellor-elect he was now beholden to the moans and grown of all citizens within the Alliance’s borders. Perhaps that was why Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra had sent him in first, to draw the attention of the complainers?

The patron next to him made a crude comment about Tithe’s past - nothing he hadn’t heard before. The Vice Chancellor-elect nodded absently and made a vague comment about atoning for past mistakes while looking around for his close protection team. Surely they had to be close? He’d need to work on a subtle signal going forward to alert them when he wished to be extracted from an unpleasant conversation.

Then crass young man then introduced himself as the son of Gat Tambor Gat Tambor .


Aerarii slowly turned back to the man seated next to him, his mind whirling at a million light-years a minute. Of course, the rumours of Tambor’s inamorato ways were spread throughout the galaxy. Naturally, there had been false claimants to the title seeking fortune and glory, but Tithe had never heard one speak with the confidence and matter-the-fact nature of the suddenly intriguing gentleman seated next to him.

“Well my dear boy, why didn’t you say!” Tithe exclaimed. “Ah, barkeep, yes, another for me and my friend here!”

The server droid trundled to procure a drink for both men. “Now, what brings you to Coruscant on this auspicious evening?”
if they're watching anyways

Ryv Ryv Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl Marae Tavlar Marae Tavlar Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | OPEN AND WILL GIVE YOU A SWEATER

"You don't need to- oh-" And then, warmth. A hug as soft as a Life Day sweater. She smiled and sank into the embrace. Maybe her sweaters were pretty bad, maybe she thought it was a little weird that Ryv and Zaavik decided to take off their shirts, and maybe she looked goofy when she was knitting, but it was moments like these that made everything worth it. The kind of moment where she could just be. Not worry, not think too much, not pretend. The kind of moment that she'd draw on whenever she needed strength.

"You're really sweet, Ryv," she said.

Alas, it was only a moment. Their embrace ended but her grin stayed even as she turned to Zaavik. She could tell he wasn't as 'thrilled' as Ryv, but she didn't worry too much about it. "You don't need to wear it... but, you know; spirit of the season."

She picked up the gift and removed the cloth it was wrapped in. A book. Leather-bound, mildly damaged spine, the symbol... of the Je'daii...

Auteme's eyes widened. With an archivist's care she opened it; the first page was the slowest, but her excitement grew with each flip until she was almost bouncing. She looked like she wanted to run to her room and stay up late reading it. Perhaps it was Zaavik's way of getting her to understand why one might want to leave the party.

Her eyes left the page long enough for her to spit out a few questions. "Is this for real? Where did you get this? And in such good condition -- an actual communal journal? With six authors?"

She kept flipping. "Honoghran, High Galactic, Aurebesh... I recognize the Krevaaki script, and the Iktotchi and Mirialan... I'll need a translator for that. But it's- Zaavik, this is-"

She couldn't find the words, as many words as she'd just read. The book disappeared into her bag and she controlled her excitement long enough for her to give him a hug.

As soon as the hug ended, of course, it was back to bouncing with excitement. "Can't wait! Can't wait can't wait can't wait. Oh, you guys- I have gifts for you. Later though. I promise you'll like them."

Her smile was threatening to infect everyone nearby. When Dagon and his new friend came over she'd already pulled out two more sweaters. "Here you go!"

Dagon and the woman's sweaters were both in the classic red-white-green colors. Dagon's had the triangular form of an evergreen tree: "I'm Pine-ing For You". The other had another little holiday plant: "Cheerful from Head to Mistletoe".

Auteme regretted nothing.




"Would you be ready to depart, Master Varobaldr?"

The two younglings turned with a squeal of delight to the new well-dressed arrival. "Oh, you look so convincing!" Tallya emphasized, crouching to give a jingle of one of Bernard's rogue bells at the end of the curled toes. "I love it! You mustn't ever take it off!"

“That’s the Jingle-bell walk!”
Janu emphasized, with a giggle.

A smile erupted and forced the strung-on beard to stretch up to his ears.
"Ah, Bernard, you look very convincing. Moreso than I," Gesturing, he pat his pillow belly. He was about to acquiesce before he held up a hand. "Wait one moment, I just have to...ah, here they are." While he took time to commit to the invitation from the Arkanian, he navigated to a pair of sacks against the wall. One, he slung over his shoulder. The other, he handed out to the Padawan to take. "We mustn't forget the glad tidings we're handing out."

"What's Santa without some toys?" Janu nodded sagely, agreeable with the oversized pouches the two other Jedi were responsible for.

"Ah, and you girls, you get one too for your classmates." The bag he handed them was a fraction the size that he and Bernard had to manage, but was equally awkward in shape. The same trinkets were shoved inside, and they peered inside eagerly.

"What are they?" Janu asked, looking up with an arched brow and plucking out a single, golden Starbird badge. She rotated it around in her hand while Tallya peered quizzically at the shape, taking a poke. In response to the touch, a vibration cued off to a random trinket in Bernard's sack.

“Does everyone get one?”

"Yes, everyone gets one. We have much to do, Bernard. They’re randomized communicators. To help spread the cheer." Asmundr explained with a smile. "And to let everyone know how many people they have around them, supporting them, within The Alliance."

He gave a final nod and turned to leave the room alongside the Padawan. The younglings followed after them for a few paces, before splitting off to join their friends and distribute the gifts to their friends.

As they wandered down the halls, Asmundr practiced his belly-born laugh to mirror the joviality of the fabled saint of cheer, and distributed the small token of appreciation to open hands. Walking away from each, they could overhear some of the tunes being played, and the initiation of conversation. A few communicators in his sack buzzed, and curious voices seeped through the fabric of the sack.

After an indeterminate amount of walking, they ended up near the generous spread of food. They sprinkled their gifts into the hands of happy attendees, but the giant costumed Jedi paused when approaching a multi-armed soldier.

“Ah, excuse me, ho, ho, ho, which of your hands do I place a gift in?” Asmundr asked, a giant grin plastered beneath the curls of his false moustache. "Or is it one per arm?"

Both Nylea and Elisea would be meeting new people today. The echani hadn't been inclined to involve herself much with any Jedi order after the Sacred Lotus disbanded, and with it the Jedi order that it housed. She understood their cause and their reasons to take up arms against the forces of Darkness, but it was not the path she herself walked. Nylea was a healer. A mender. Not a fighter. There were never too many of that kind of Jedi, considering her work was never-ending.

That didn't mean she didn't want to forge a connection with those who wished to do the right thing, though, regardless of the shape their work took. The people of the Galactic Alliance, at the very least the ones she had met, were good people.

"I am sure she is around here, somewhere," Nylea replied as she looked around at a sea of strangers. Public events like this weren't her strong suit, but she'd manage. Spirits were high and it was hard not to be influenced by that. Chances were the echani would be exhausted by the end of the day, but that was okay.

"Oh, there!"

Nylea pointed towards Auteme in the distance as she was busy opening a present. She looked to be in a bit of a group already, but this was a good moment to meet new people, the echani supposed. "Shall we go say hello?"

The Galactic Alliance
CORUSCANT // Jedi Temple
Ryv Ryv | Auteme Auteme | Marae Tavlar Marae Tavlar | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Nylea Apollodor Nylea Apollodor | Elisea Korrado | OPEN



Auteme's gift had been a lucky find. Though, the method of obtaining it had been a bit dubious. He wasn't going to mention that he'd lifted off an equally dubious ruin delver. Wouldn't wanna ruin it. If anything, one could think of this as returning it to the proper hands. Je'daii to Jedi, rather than some dusty relic collector who wouldn't have gotten anything but a few extra creds out of it.

Zaavik froze. The sudden embrace seeing his posture go rigid, arms freezing up half-way towards his head as they slipped from the hug just in time. Shoulder rose and head sunk downward, like a turtle hiding in a shell. Touch. Close. Bad. The tips of his fingers awkwardly tapped her shoulder obligingly. "Glad you like it," he squeaked. Itching sensation overwhelmed his torso as the release of her embrace saw the sweater shift against his bare skin beneath.

A loud exhale heralded relief. He began scratching near his ribs on either side, grimacing.

Major Faction


Become One With All Things

S W O R D _ O F _ T H E _ J E D I


Oh right.

Ryv released Auteme and quickly stepped back, his hands hidden away in his jean pockets. He threw a look Zaavik's way as his fellow Jedi slid his sweater on. Stifling a laugh at the gaudy clash of pink fabric and red skin, Ryv reached out and patted his friend's shoulder. The life of a Jedi was one of sacrifice. Sometimes that meant taking a blaster bolt to the chest. Other times it meant putting on an ugly sweater in the middle of your temple to make someone happy. Both were equally painful, but at least one didn't land you in a hospital room.

When the zeltron passed Auteme a gift, Ryv took a step back. Others closed in on the trio at a rapid rate. Ugly sweaters were popular enough to attract a crowd, especially Auteme's sweaters. Seeing no better chance to depart, the kiffar nodded Dagon's way and moved past him and his companion into the crowd at large.

Strangers wandered about the temple. Some snacked on the food prepared by the Order while others just traveled the halls in awe of its storied history. Ryv couldn't blame any of them. This temple had seen ages come and go, be it under Jedi or Sith control. There was so much to be seen, so much to do. It made the perfect place to disappear for a while. Be it alone or with another, you could lose yourself in something much greater than any one person.

So, he did.

Ryv chose the first corridor that broke away from the grand hall. He hummed a festive tune as he strode deeper into the temple proper. He offered smiles to those who saw him pass, nods to others. By now, the kiffar's enigmatic nature was known throughout the order. Many of the Jedi left him to whatever it is he sought in his quiet walks through history. The people of Coruscant were less informed. He found his walk interrupted time and time again by inquiring minds. They asked him questions about the art, wanted pictures taken with their loved ones, or him, or both really.

It took longer than he expected, but Ryv inevitably found his way to the council chamber. He strode inside and walked the circle. His hand brushed across each surface, his mind assailed by hundreds of scattered memories. Hundreds of Jedi Masters had sat in each of those seats. Their wisdom so vast, it left a mark on even the inanimate. It brought a smile to his face. So few could claim a title as illustrious as Jedi Master. To think he would one day count himself among the likes of Masters Yoda or Windu both baffled and frightened him. Would he ever be ready?

Snow fell just beyond the window. The artificial flakes danced through the air, only to pile up across the temple grounds. A thin layer of frost spread across the transparisteel surface.

He stopped before the chair once claimed by the little green Jedi Master and took a knee.

"You probably wouldn't have led the Jedi against our sister order, huh?" Ryv shifted to sit on his bottom. He leaned back against the Grandmaster's chair and rested his head on the armrest. "Being the best, worst Jedi kinda sucks, masters. Any advice?"

Silence filled the chamber. No words came, no answers were given.

"Yeah, I know..." he sighed. "I know."

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