Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Smells Like Big Business | EOTL Dominion of Sakiya


Sakiya, Hutt Space, Bootana Hutta, Saki system, Ridgetown.

Objective II: The Shield Dome

The whirring sound of power generators hummed somewhere in the background. It made for a great cover for the racket Sieliel was making on the keyboard in front of her. She paused the next line of code and averted her gaze up from the monitor to cast her eyes upon the hanging body of the Sakiyan rooted to the ramparts above here within the Shield Dome complex. Her handlers within the NISB had been thorough as they had been ruthless, and Dimegor had been no exception.

If the rope around the neck above her was anything to go by.

The engineer Mazhar-- colloquially known to his friends as a gambling addict-- owed the Hutt's a small fortune in credits after he bet too much in a high stakes game of Sabacc some weeks ago. Someone in the Krykna had been at the table too, and so through the grapevine, Mazhar's exploits reached the cunning minds of the NISB who, in their haste to secure the latest territory for the Empire, created a scheme that would see the unwitting gambler give the proverbial key to the Imperials set to invade his homeworld.

It was a historic day. In the centuries since the Hutts first discovered the Sakiyan homeworld they had launched countless invasions attempting to occupy the planet and enslave it's natives. In their shared history they had, at some moments, come to occupy vast swathes of territory all across Sakiya only for their rule to be overturned and pushed out as the Sakiyan drove the invaders away each and every time. It was the same stories for the old Tionese who had also come to stake their claim over the planet only to share their failure with the Hutt Clans.

Today the Empire of the Lost would be an exception.

Lowering her gaze away from Mazhar's corpse Sieliel returned to slicing into the control vectors that would divert power away from the Shield Dome. As she went about her work the near team of Imperial Immortals patrolled the ramparts of the facility. With Mazhar's assistance they had successfully infiltrated the complex, and so far, had yet to be caught by the Sakiyan manning the building. But that could change in an instance.

So Sieliel focused her mind away from the murder of the Mazhar to the task at hand.

Objective 3: Technological Marvels

Personalized Stealth Bodysuit
Modified PL-18 Standard Issue Blaster Pistol

"Frack me, frack me, frack me!"

Blaster bolts began whizzing around Dextra as she ducked and deflected the deadly projectiles sprinting for an entrance or at least a place to hide. The entire plant was on high alert and Dextra was in the middle of the conundrum. Not a place to be when you're an operative. While Dextra does like to lead in the front lines like her idol: Mara Jade, she wasn't battle tested like her older sister: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane and even she balks at fighting up close and personal at times.

"Okay come on!" Dextra performed a somersault onto the railing decapitating another sentry perched on there as she saw a possible entrance into plant.

"Bingo!" Dextra was about to run towards the entrance until she heard the familiar sound of an Imperial starfighter. "Fast movers," Dextra looked up at the sky. "Gotta-"


The Imperial Starfighter unleashed a torrent of missiles destroying all of the snipers at Dextra's position. Dextra screamed as the ground violently shook tearing the bridge apart. "YOU FRACKING DUMBASS!" Dextra shouted jumping on the flying debris to reach the exit. "Stupid Paragons! Stupid!"

The young woman landed on the other end looking behind to see half of the plant on fire before running towards the entrance. "At least I'm in," she growled.

CC-22849 'Zealot' CC-22849 'Zealot' , Velda Praz Velda Praz , Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath , Iellax Pellis Iellax Pellis , Lissa Lissa
Location: Rotoksa Mountain Range - Sakiya
Objective: 3 - Technological Marvels: Abduct Engineer Tudan Scala
Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Velda Praz Velda Praz Dextra Tane Dextra Tane CC-22849 'Zealot' CC-22849 'Zealot'
Direct Engagement: Iellax Pellis Iellax Pellis

Lissa started with her task as soon as she was inside the tracking room. Taking off her helmet, the clone studied the holographic screens arrayed in front of her before placing her multi-slice tool inside the data port and tapping at the interface. All the while, Iellax entered the room, immediately suspending the breath within the clone’s chest as her handler’s touch tickled at her skin.

"Next mission I promise there will be more blood to shed. You are doing well keeping your cool. A grand reward is in your future. The others are almost here. Have you managed to track down the target?"

The clone turned to meet Iellax’s xanthous-hued gaze as her heart hammered inside her chest. For a flash of a second, she took in the woman’s features—her flawless blue-gray skin, shoulder-length jet black hair styled in a bob cut, and heart-shaped lips painted in a perfect dark maroon color. Then, quickly blinking in order to reset her focus, Lissa turned her attention back to the screen, shaking her head as she did

“T-thank you, Lady Obscurer. I almost have the location. The data spike is still loading the—” The walls and the ground rumbled and shook, causing Lissa to stumble before she recovered her balance. Glancing up, the clone caught sight of dust coming down from the ceiling. Then, shifting her gaze towards the screens, she cocked her head to the side as her jaw suddenly went slack

“The computer’s shut off!” Lissa tapped away at the interface, but nothing responded to her commands. For a moment, the clone wondered if she had triggered a failsafe designed to counter slicing. However, upon seeing that the lights had gone off as well, she immediately knew that it was something else.

“The airstrikes disabled the facility’s power grid.” Lissa growled. “We might need to find a way to turn it back on. Maybe we could activate the emergency generators.” The clone suggested, before turning towards her handler with an anticipatory expression struck across her sepia-toned features. The matter of how they would proceed with the mission would ultimately be up to her.

Last edited:

Objective 3: Technological Marvels

Outside of the factory, a war was beginning to unfold.

Starfighters strafing the grounds, taking out targets of opportunity.

Imperial troops on the move, advancing on the factory territory.

Mercenaries streaming down- Bounty Hunters defending the space they'd been contracted to protect.

It soon became clear that something was amiss with the mercenary forces. While some of the Bounty Hunters were able to move, engage, and fight effectively... others were having a run of very bad luck. Weapons stopped firing in the middle of a discharge cycle. Others exploded in the hands of those who held them.

Sabotage. Someone had sabotaged these guns before the Bounty Hunter Mercs had checked them out of the armory.

In the confusion of battle, there was no chance to properly discuss the matter and figure out what had happened. But there was a quick unspoken consensus- the armory weapons couldn't be trusted. Bounty Hunters throughout the facility began switching to the personal arms they'd walked onto the site with. Often less powerful than the arsenal of heavy repeating blasters the factory had provided... but at least they could be trusted.

Inside the factory, the building shuddered and the lights went out. Battery powered emergency lights soon replaced the illumination, but it was clear the mains were out. Velda's eyes narrowed slightly. If the power could not be restored in short order, the failsafes on the information storage system would be triggered, on the assumption of a security breach. All of the data the Empire wanted would be wiped.

She raced through the hallways, her gaze roving and hunting for-

"YOU!" She identified an appropriate coverall, "you're an engineering tech. Why don't we have auxiliary power? What happened to the backups?"

"Automated switching is down," the harried man hastily responded, "manual breakers need throwing. But there's one of those paragon brutes in the Utility shack on the South side of the complex!"

"Show me," Velda ordered.

"Are you crazy?!" The tech backed away from her, "I'm not going back down there. Those guys are monsters!"

Velda unholstered her sidearm, "I'll take care of them. Show me."

The tech looked at her paltry pistol, then at her cold face. There wasn't a face cold enough. "Bantha Fodder! That pistol isn't going to do anything to one of those guys! Look, you want to go down there, that's up to you. Flip the breakers off, then on again. A monkey could do it."

Velda nodded, "Very well. I suppose you won't be needed." She pointed the pistol and pulled the trigger.

The tech collapsed to the floor, fear and shock still plastered on his features. Other factory employees racing through the halls stopped and regarded her with horror.

"I expect everyone to stay on task. Trust the security. If anyone flees from duty, they will be... fired."

She did not use a particularly menacing tone. She didn't need to.

Turning her back on them, Velda proceeded to the South side.

Lissa Lissa Dextra Tane Dextra Tane


OBJECTIVE III: Technological Marvels

Equipment: [X] [X]
Protection/weaponry/ships: [X] [X] [X]


Durasteel was being cut through, duracrete being hammered on in order to finally give the detachment of Arabesk Enforcer droids access to the Facilities. With their weapons drawn and at the ready, they started by walking down the corridors, halting at each door or passageway and carefully screening their surroundings. Like a unit of tactical experts, the droids commenced a full sweep of the corridor and any adjacent rooms and hallways, relaying all the information they got to the other detachments of droids and the detachment of Valkan Guards protecting the Marquis of Valkan himself.

No words would be said, no mentions of names or objectives, as the two dozen droids made their way with unseen efficiency. Once the first signs of life would be encountered, the truth behind their orders and protocols would be clear. The goal of the N&Z's interference with the Empire of the Lost's invasion was the acquirement of the facilities as intact as possible, none of the workers, security of collaborators were considered necessary and thus expendable and termed due for extermination.

The sounds of blasterfire would be rapid and almost singular in nature, indicating expert shooting and conservation of resources by utilizing killshots rather than a barrage of suppressing fire. No screams, no continuous blasts, this was purely a tactical extermination...

With little issue, the droids managed to force their way into the facilities, cutting the connections and feedback of one of the mechanisms which kept the outer blastdoors closed, upon entry, they followed the same tactic as company one, scouring through the nearest corridor and silencing any opposition with expert shots and ruthless dilligence to their orders and protocols. As soon as they passed the first corridor and had checked each and every room meticulously, the Arabesk Droid up front raised its fist in order to halt the others following suit.

"Movement, armed individuals," The droid relayed this information, slowly leaning against the wall. It looked like this company had managed to bump into some of Velda Praz Velda Praz ' men. "Deploying Thermal three, two, one."

In a coordinated way, the one leading the company and the two on his six, reached for their legs, the plates hissing as out of their legs, small explosive devices sprung into their hands. Without any hesitation, the three stepped forward out of the shadows of the corridor and threw the handful of thermal detonators towards the armed individuals, jumping back behind the wall as fast as possible, waiting for the 'boom' to come.

Upon first inspection as they entered their end of the facilities, the company of arabesk droids looked upon what could be described as a massive manufacturing plant, with rows of machinery and heavy equipment strewn around. However, since this was not the target of the company of droids, it quickly moved in silence through the large space, downloading the internal schematics of the facilities as they went on. With the pounding of the Paragons unmistakable in the distance, the detachment of droids quickly noticed they could traverse corridor B3 to end up in the main control room, with a firm nod, the leading droid motioned the rest of the team to ready their weapons in order to take point. "Orders are solid, no survivors are mandatory, keep only those recorded as researchers and engineers alive."

With that, they moved out, ready to take down whatever obstacle they'd get on their path...

Tertius was furious, the Paragons had initiated their assault on the facilities, not making it any easier for him to have his droids infiltrate and secure the facilities without too much structural damage. Still, he had little choice, so alongside his Valkan Guards and the detachment of Droids he had with him, the Marquis found himself lopping over a wall which had been torn down by his guards, with the droids taking point and the Valkan legionaires surrounding him, he was safe, but he still regretted that he couldn't just go to the imperials themselves to have them cease their activity.

"Milord," Centurion Livicus raised his arm in order to halt the Marquis in his path, motioning the droids to take a look at what appeared to be the nearest security check point within the facility with a still rather fresh corpse laying on the floor.

"One of ours?" The Centurion asked the droid, who inspected the body.

"Negative," The droid quickly answered. "No blasters or striking weapons were used, a clean cut has been made. This individual has ceased function due to traumatic levels of bloodloss."

"Damn, that means we're not the only ones in here..." The Centurion motioned the group to move on, they still had to find the assets and take down security, though with these strange occurances happening, he wondered wether or not this might be much harder than he thought. "Arabesk, Company four up front, sweep every damn door, we need to reach Hall 4E when we take a left here, be careful."

TAG: CC-22849 "Zealot" | Velda Praz Velda Praz | Dextra Tane Dextra Tane | Lissa Lissa

Verum Prime Leader


Objective: Abduct Engineer
Location: Rotoksa Mountain Range - Sakiya
Outfit: Armor
Tags: Lissa Lissa


Things were going so smoothly. Their target was just about in their sights. Iellax was getting anxious, and a bit regretful that this first mission's success would not end with stopping the beating heart of the target. But success would still be a sweet thing. Especially the celebration she had in mind with Lissa.

Then the computer sputtered out. "Frack!" Iellax blurted out in frustration. She knew bettter than to light the proverbial cigar before the mission was actually complete. Iellax began frantically searching the control board for something that would activate emergency power, hopefully the assault that acted as their diversion didn't knock that out.

Iellax felt Lissa's attention and composed herself. "Let's find the switch for emergency power. It has got to be here someplace. Is there a possibility that just happens automatically? This place is pretty vital I would think…"

"Lady Obscurer, we just arrived at the rendezvous. What happened to the power?" Ideon asked over the comm. His calling her Lady Obscurer didn't have the same effect as when Lissa had done so, even if the second one was only a quick rush due to the power outage.

"Ideon, check the exterior walls of this position. See if you can find an emergency generator and get it running. Nyree, start recon. Find the target and stock to them. Send a signal when you've done so." After giving the others orders the Nagai turned her gaze back to Lissa and a calm hit her. With a smile Iellax gave Lissa a nod. "There is a chance we will have to do this the old fashioned way. Send Nyree any help you found to start her sweep of the facility. Then we hope we find that switch before she finds out engineer."

See Bio for now
Objective 3: Technological Marvels

Personalized Stealth Bodysuit
Modified PL-18 Standard Issue Blaster Pistol


Out of breath and her entire body vibrating like a Holo game controller, a shaky smile formed on Dextra's face. Despite the massive screw up by the tiny-brained tin can of a Paragon, she made it inside of the plant. Dextra anticipated that security was going to be pretty lax since outside there was massive going on and they'll need the manpower. Who knew getting inside was the hard part? Dextra looked around the factory seeing thousands of parts for Repulsorlift engines being repaired by automated machinery arms.

"They're all going to belong to the Empire soon," Dextra said scanning the area for any signs of security or hidden cameras. A big advantage of being a Force User is that you can enhance all of your senses ten fold. Dextra reached into the Force feeling for any disturbances so far so good. Unless they have anti Force creatures like the Ysalamiri blocking her Force Sensitivity. Dextra wouldn't put it past the green skinned humanoids to do so. But then again, getting inside the plant simply required Dextra to jump over the fence.

"Just need to the conference room," Dextra muttered to herself beginning to jump on to the conveyor belt and leapt towards the railing. "And then....."

Dextra's vision went dark scratch that, the entire power plant went dark. "Are you fracking kidding me?!" Dextra jumped over the railing activating her Lightsaber in the process. "What's going on now?!"

Maybe that brain dead idiotic Paragon accidentally blew up one of the generators though Dextra was doubtful since generators of military grade weaponry tended to be shielded. "This must've happened from the inside." Dextra moaned navigating the darkness with her Lightsaber as her only source of light. "I hope it's our people."

Lissa Lissa , Iellax Pellis Iellax Pellis , CC-22849 'Zealot' CC-22849 'Zealot' , Velda Praz Velda Praz , Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
Location: Rotoksa Mountain Range - Sakiya
Objective: 3 - Technological Marvels: Abduct Engineer Tudan Scala
Tag: Velda Praz Velda Praz Dextra Tane Dextra Tane CC-22849 'Zealot' CC-22849 'Zealot'
Direct Engagement: Iellax Pellis Iellax Pellis Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

"There is a chance we will have to do this the old fashioned way. Send Nyree any help you found to start her sweep of the facility. Then we hope we find that switch before she finds out engineer."

“I will try to locate a map of the facility, then." Lissa answered, before pulling her multi-slice tool out of the port and placing it back on her belt. Then, after sealing her helmet back over her head, the clone left the room and made her way back towards the entrance to the building. However, it was only then that her magnified senses clued her in to other presences within the building—droids and soldiers, gathered around the body of the security guard she had slain moments prior.

A body that she desperately needed to reach.

Concealing her presence, Lissa willed herself into invisibility before sending a telepathic message to Iellax via her armor’s communication system.
Armed intruders inside. Then, emerging out from cover, the assassin approached the assembled soldiers and droids, until she was immediately behind the figure that appeared to be their leader—a tall, blonde-haired man clad in a three-piece suit and armed with a small blaster pistol.

Lissa dropped her cloak and ignited her left arm-mounted gauntlet lightsaber in front of the man’s neck, the white-hot alabaster-hued blades threatening to decapitate him if he moved even an inch.

“Explain your presence here. Now.” The assassin growled in a distinctly feminine, yet distorted voice.

Objective 3: Technological Marvels: Massacre

As the Paragons closed with the mountain, they would soon come into range for their Rocket Packs that was built into their armor. With Multi-Bladed Vibroswords and side arms drawn and at the ready. They would make their charge. ounding through the air like the Phase-0 Dark troopers of old on their Rocket Packs. The Paragons would land directly into close quarters range of the bounty hunters, or in Zealot's case, right on top of them. Crushing a Bounty Hunter under his boot-heel, and with a wide swing of his Vibrosword cut another two piece, Zealot would then order his troops to begin the assault in full


The Commander would bellow into his comm before, holstering his sword and drawing his HIMAR-1 Rifle from the magnetic clamp on his armor. What proceeded was the dozens of Paragons charging up the mountain, automatic fire of Multipurpose Blasters and the THUNK of grenade launchers filled the air. Most energy bolts hit their mark, killing and knocking over their targets violently, while launched 40mm grenades flew and scattered the scrupulous defenders handily.

The Armored Juggernauts then marched upon the Mercenaries, those who did not run or were far too shocked to, were bludgeoned with armored fists and boots, those who did scrambled into covered and attempted to return fire with their own weapons and explosives. Yet their fire would mostly go unnoticed by the Paragons as the constant suppressive fire and high explosive detonation, made any sort of coolheaded aiming extremely difficult, if not an impossibility, meaning that most rounds would glance and bounce off of the thick armored plates. Compounding this withering fire would be the Stormtroopers armed with Hellpyre Flamethrowers and IG-16 Carbines, who hosed down the Saki with Flame and High volumes of energy bolts

The Paragons enter combat properly, crushing the mercenaries with melee openers, and then engaging the rest with withering fire power from themselves and their Supporting Forces

Artificer IPAPA-1 Power Armor (Mostly Aesthetic changes + EM shielding)

Artificer-modified NCE-MW02 M-BVS (Increased amount of teeth, higher power, EM shielding. Though mods make it slightly heavier)

Scoped NZ/NCE Modular Blaster-03P

Artificer HIMAR-1 Heavy Blaster Rifle (Scoped + Improved Pump-action for the Grenade Launcher)

2 Spider Walkers
2 Storm Walkers
100 Infantrymen from the Imperial Army
50 Stormtrooper specialists
Sacred Fox Company: 24 Imperial Paragon Veterans + Zealot
Will Smash Heads for Beer
Objective 3: Technological Marvels

Shoretrooper Armor
Heavy Concussion Repeater
NZ Modular Blaster - 02E
x4 Thermal Detonators

The weapons that Ami received for this mission felt like overkill. While Ami enjoyed getting her hands on large weapons in which she can rip her enemies alive, she was facing a security force rather than an army. Ami wasn't the one to shy away from playing dirty, but she loved a challenge, being in the middle of a scrap with her life on the line. Those were the kinds of stories that she wanted to tell the boys and girls at the bar back in base. Of course, the words Myri Dara Myri Dara swam in her head. She would tell Ami, it was better to always try to safe approach than go guns blazing. Bah! Buttercup was always a massive mood killer with her bland as eggs plans (and personality). "Where's the fun in what she proposes?" Ami thought.

Still, If Ami wants to continue to earn those benefits for her Dad who's still stuck at Ord Mantell and she hasn't contacted in a long time, she'll just have to do what command says. It still sucked having to haul all this heavy weaponry up a fracking mountain though, Ami and the troopers were being led by a Paragon CC-22849 'Zealot' CC-22849 'Zealot' . A walking talking tank, part of Ami wondered how she can become a Paragon but if carrying all this weaponry on her is cumbersome, what will it be like to walk around wearing bulky armor?

After hours of trekking the Mountain, the team began their assault on the power plant. The Paragon roared for all troopers and tanks to charge and shoot the kill. "You're my kind of commander! A crazed maniac wearing a refrigerator as armor! I like ya!" Ami shouted her voice filled with glee as she began to rush into the fray spraying down the green men and women alike with her heavy repeater.

Blaster bolts whizzed past Ami some grazing her armor but she continued her advance through the rubble caused by the Imperial airstrikes continuing to lay down some heavy fire. "Get some!" Ami shouted tearing a Bounty Hunter to pieces with her weapon. "A little gift from yours truly!"

The Paragon said something about leaving the eggheads alone but who the frack can tell the difference in this firefight? "Sure whatever!" Ami said to the Paragon. "I'm right with you Psycho!"

It was relaxing getting into a battle again. At that very moment, Ami's complaints about wanting a fair fight dissipated. Battles were fun regardless.


OBJECTIVE III: Technological Marvels

Equipment: [X] [X]
Protection/weaponry/ships: [X] [X] [X]


Moving through their designated area, the first company of Arabesk droids came upon a corridor which seemed to be much more secure than any previous one they had encountered, with security guards wielding quite the heavy weaponry holding their ground in that place, making it quite clear that either this was the command center or they were guarding something important enough to allocate part of their forces here...

As the detonators went off, the droids rushed in, firing off their own weapons to take out the two wounded security guards, quickly moving up the corridor to find themselves on the opposite end of Company One, now also overlooking a hallways with heavy security. For now they kept themselves quiet, reporting their situation to their Master...

With the lights going out, the company of droids that had been pushing through the plant itself found themselves momentarily blinded until their nightvision activated, yet as it did, they noticed some swift and nible being wielding a bright light rushing through the place quite close to them. Not knowing Dextra Tane Dextra Tane was an imperial, their initial order took presedence, as they raised their weapons and started firing expertly clean shots towards her, with clear intent of taking her out...

While they wanted to move on, the lights flickering and the entire place darkening made it momentarily a bit harder to figure out the path to take, yet duing one of these flickers of the lights, it seemed some unknown individual had managed to silently approach and even infiltrate the perimeter set up by the droids and the Valkan Guards.

Feeling the hot plasma of the lightsaber near his neck, the Chairman of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation let out a soft sigh before chuckling calmly.
“Explain your presence here. Now.” The assassin growled in a distinctly feminine, yet distorted voice.

"Marquis of Valkan, Tertius Nargath..." Taking in a deep breath, the man chuckled again, apparently finding the situation rather humorous. After all, if this had been someone belonging to the company, he'd no longer have a head this one had to be either an imperial or someone completely unconnected to the current invasion. Still, since this person didn't flinch with the noise coming from the Paragons' assault, would lead the Chairman of the N&Z to understand this particular individual was an imperial. "Not really smart to try and get in between my guards though..."

Having said that, Lissa Lissa would no doubt notice that the individual that had been standing next to the Marquis, had already shidted their weight and changed their position while she had levied her threat upon Tertius, with the tip of a Vibrodagger near the lower end of her ribcage. The other Valkan Guards seemed to have been quite fast as well, with each muzzle of the weapons they wore already aimed towards the woman.

"I am here simply to take control of the facilities before those Paragons turn it all into a mountain of rubble and debris," The Marquis tilted his head a bit to the side, finding the heat coming from the lightsaber rather uncomfortable.

TAG: CC-22849 "Zealot" | Velda Praz Velda Praz | Dextra Tane Dextra Tane | Lissa Lissa

Verum Prime Leader


Objective: Abduct Engineer
Location: Rotoksa Mountain Range - Sakiya
Outfit: Armor
Tags: Lissa Lissa | Dextra Tane Dextra Tane | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath


Lissa left the room to look for a facility map, and likely another place to start up the auxiliary generator. Iellax forced herself to keep her attention on the control panel she was searching. Seconds could mean the difference between victory and defeat. Eyes quickly browsed the buttons, but the symbols were Sakiyan.

As she continued to search, Iellax heard the activation of Lissa's blade and voices. She smirked for just a moment when thinking of Dex teasing her about her ears and hearing. Then the young Nagai softly padded off to see what was happening. It was highly unlikely anyone other than Lissa would have detected her presence, but at seeing her partner being threatened stealth was suddenly not a priority.

"Marquis is it?" Iellax questioned in a teasing tone. "You didn't think that my girl would be in here alone did you?" there was a smirk on lips that could be heard in her words but not seen in the current lack of light.

As if to answer Iellax' question for the new threat two crimson shoto blades ignited from the darkness illuminating Ideon's armored figure. "The numbers aren't nearly as much in your favor as you'd like to think.

Iellax hadn't even known Ideon was there. Her smirk widened as she stepped into the light of the lightsabers. "You don't want to threaten us," she said with a wave of her hand compelling the bodyguards to cease. She didn't waste her effort trying to affect the mind of the Marquis.


Elsewhere in the facility, Nyree was sneaking through the chaos looking for the group's target. There was increased activity to swerve through, and Nyree noted it was not all local mercenaries. Keen eyes searched through the crowds determined not to have someone else steal their glory and take their engineer. Then a figure she recognized stood out in the darkness. Emphasized by the glow of a lightsaber and quickly surrounded by attack droids of questionable loyalty.

"Lady Director?" Nyree questioned as she saw the red haired woman she knew to be the head of her organization. Nyree deactivated her camouflage and stepped forward to aid her superior's superior.

"Droids are a bit finicky when it comes to orders. These don't appear local. Perhaps they are allied forces that would stand down if we announce our identities? If not I suggest we are out gunned and we run."

See Bio for now
Location: Rotoksa Mountain Range - Sakiya
Objective: 3 - Technological Marvels: Abduct Engineer Tudan Scala
Tag: Velda Praz Velda Praz Dextra Tane Dextra Tane CC-22849 'Zealot' CC-22849 'Zealot'
Direct Engagement: Iellax Pellis Iellax Pellis Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

Lissa did not move even as the vibrodagger was drawn and aligned with her ribs. In much the same way, her lightsaber remained in place, following the movements of the Marquis’ neck even as the man sought to move away from the uncomfortable heat radiating off of the alabaster-hued blades. All the while, with the arrival of Iellax and Ideon, who made their presences known only seconds later, the assassin allowed a slight smile to tug at the corners of her lips. A shifting of expression that would likely be invisible to others due to her helmet.

“Control on whose behalf?” Lissa pressed in response to the man’s answer. “Be careful what you say next, Marquis.” She added, the words laced with a low, predatory purr.

“Who are you working for?”


Objective 3: Technological Marvels

The perimeter was well and truly breached.

That much was obvious. There was blaster fire inside, and explosions.

When she got back from the utility building, it would be a challenge to get anything else done. She wasn't a soldier, she was an operative. While the Ministry taught her how to kill, it hadn't equipped her to fight a war.

Killing people was a very different thing to fighting them, after all.

But she had to get the power on, or else the failsafes would kick in and erase the data. Then everything the Empire hoped to accomplish here would be lost.

Unfortunately, achieving her objective meant fighting Imperial units. She wondered if the NISB would be understanding about that as she approached the Utility Building at the outskirts of the factory.

There was blaster fire and explosions outside the factory, too. Paragons battled with Mercenaries. Starfighters danced overhead, exchanging fire with planetary airspeeders. One corpo-suited woman didn't attract a lot of attention in such a battle. Or so she hoped as she snuck her way into the building. She used the security codes that would open the door without making any beeps, or illuminating any lights. Just a silent lock release, and the door opened at quarter-speed.

So far, so good.

Inside the Utility building, she saw that she could have dispensed with the secret entry. There was a visible breach at the far end of the facility where a Paragon had ripped through the wall. The unit in question was still standing around, holding the position.

Velda wished he'd have moved on, joining his compatriots in an orgy of violence. But this was a vital resource of the factory, and so what he was doing was uncharacteristically intelligent.

In other operations, Velda would have had a code-word to explain herself to Imperial assets. But this invasion had not unfolded in such a way as to allow it. Operational security demanded that no one know what she was up to. And so...

Holding her blaster up, she moved silently between racks of transformers and banks of electrical switches. She came up behind the Paragon as he stood like a statue, watching the main control station and waiting for any additional orders.

Every piece of armor has a weak spot, she reasoned.

Paragons were hulking troops. Their powered armor seemed unassailable. But there were flexible portions at the joints which were surely more vulnerable. She came close to the paragon, shoved the barrel of her blaster into the seam between head and neck, and pulled the trigger.

Tags: Velda Praz Velda Praz Dextra Tane Dextra Tane CC-22849 'Zealot' CC-22849 'Zealot' @CC-22849 "Zealot" Iellax Pellis Iellax Pellis Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath



Objective I: In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle...

Location: The Jungle
Squad: 17x Imperial Paragons [2 Squads of 9] [Equipment Below, Including Dieter]
Equipment: Colors:
Dieter, Squad 1, Squad 2
Tags: Shov Brald Shov Brald | Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate
"Deiter," Shov said on the radiolink as he led two squads 10 through the jungle. "We're on our way we're just cutting through the old abandoned Sakiyan bases."

"Copy that Major. We will slow our advance to let you catch up." Deiter replied, "One of my ensigns set off a trap. It released two gundarks. The hunters know we are here now."

Dieter motioned for his troops to move forward at half speed and keep an eye on their sectors. Knees-deep in the swamp, they were slow, easy targets. He kept his HIMAR shouldered and at eye level, sweeping back and forth. Before every step, he looked down to see if there were any traps ahead. Everything was quiet, too quiet. He held up his hand for his squad to stop.

One of the ensigns said, "Sir, the swamp is quiet; even the insects have stopped buzzing."

Dieter switched his vision to thermals, not that it helped, and began to look around. First to his right and then as he turned to his left off in the distance he heard a shout,

"Contact!! Direct fron-" Then a loud ping, followed by the sound of second squad's HIMARs beginning to coat the trees around them.

"Chit. You four," He said pointing, "circle around that way, reinforce them from behind; keep your eyes peeled. The rest follow me with your rocket packs."

As he finished his orders the sound of five rocket packs thundered as they took to the sky directly for second squad. They fired as they came through the canopy.


OBJECTIVE III: Technological Marvels

Equipment: [X] [X]
Protection/weaponry/ships: [X] [X] [X]


Before the Arabesks could respond to the situation, the security guards suddenly got mauled by what looked like a monstrocity of a droid, though the Arabesk droids did detect a lifesign within what they could only conclude to be a suit of armor, highly technological and most likely ment to enhance whomever was wearing it to the utmost capabilities. Rechecking their orders and protocols, as their protocols demanded them to avoid too much visibility, attacking a Paragon didn't seem to be the right call, thus rather than attacking them in the open, a couple of the arabesks threw smoke grenades, followed by a couple of others utilizing thermal detonators as a means of distraction, all the while allowing the remaining arabesk droids to scan the Paragon's suite and identify the weak spots.

First the smoke blocked any normal view, the thermal detonators caused a shockwave heavy enough to distract and disorient the Paragon, while finally in the end, several shots from the droid's weapons managed to disable the suit in its entirety, with only a few more additional rounds needed to down the Paragon and more importantly the person within the suit.

"Control room secure, Imperial," The metallic voice was clear and concise over the comms... Yet as they remained in silence, the droids could hear it, faintly yet distinctly, the sound of a handgun being unloaded. "Possible hostile, checking perimeter..."

With the appearance of another, the droids halted their advance upon Dextra Tane Dextra Tane , their scanners analyzing the speech pattern of this newcomer, all the while checking their database and running through their orders and protocols just to see whether they needed to exterminate these witnesses or not.

"Checking protocols...scanning..." Lowering their weapons, the droids approached the pair cautiously. "Director Tane... you are authorised to command Company Three, by order of the N&Z you have clearance to issue commands."

" isn't all that surprising," The marquis' voice remained calm, even when the newcomer made it quite clear that she wasn't going to hold back. Yet her use of the force was...shoddy, considering the Marquis wasn't the one doing the threatening to begin with. Even Livicus, his centurion, was merely acting and reacting towards an act of aggression by an unknown assailant. "Rather funny to see not one, but three assassins so front of a crowd."

His eye hurt, the eye that he never saw anything through since his childhood, his heart was racing, his weak and feeble heart beating as fast as it could, skipping several beats in the process. Yet, despite the pain, the shortness of breath, Tertius maintained a calm facade, not allowing himself to buckle under the pressure of these interlopers.
"Marquis is it?" Iellax questioned in a teasing tone. "You didn't think that my girl would be in here alone did you?" there was a smirk on lips that could be heard in her words but not seen in the current lack of light.

As if to answer Iellax' question for the new threat two crimson shoto blades ignited from the darkness illuminating Ideon's armored figure. "The numbers aren't nearly as much in your favor as you'd like to think.
"Marquis of Valkan, Tertius C. Nargath, Chairman of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation," The Man breathed rather shallowly, yet held a firm stance, even with the threat of having his neck sliced by the lightsaber. "The odds ARE in my favor though, do you really think these men can't handle a few upstart spacewizards? They are proud, heavily trained Eriaduans... don't compare them with those so-called elites the Empire purports to employ."
“Control on whose behalf?” Lissa pressed in response to the man’s answer. “Be careful what you say next, Marquis.” She added, the words laced with a low, predatory purr.

“Who are you working for?”
"Control on my behalf... The N&Z Umbrella Corporation," A chuckle escaped the Marquis' lips, surely this would probably come as a bit of a shock. If these were imperials, they'd be making the biggest mistake in their career and even if they werent... threatening one of the leading corporate entities in the galaxy was perhaps never a smart thing to do. "I do not work for anyone besides myself... however, if you are imperials... you might want to recheck your orders and more precisely how bad any bad move against me could hurt the very powers you are working for. So... all of you, let's be civilized and simply de-escalate this rather pointless charade and STAND. THE. FUCK. DOWN. YOU MORONS!!"

Loud, clear and with an air of command only one who may not have had the strength to move objects, but did have the power to move worlds would have. "All of you, just stand down, I do not know what your goals are, but if they do not intervene with my own then..."

"Director Tane... you are authorised to command Company Three, by order of the N&Z you have clearance to issue commands."

"Anyone want to explain why my droids just encountered..." Letting out a sigh, the Marquis moved a bit forward, slow enough not to alarm Lissa Lissa . "Really, NISB, Paragons...what's next, some deepcover infiltration?"

TAG: CC-22849 "Zealot" | Velda Praz Velda Praz | Dextra Tane Dextra Tane | Lissa Lissa | Iellax Pellis Iellax Pellis

Objective 3: Technological Marvels

Personalized Stealth Bodysuit
Modified PL-18 Standard Issue Blaster Pistol

"Well, what do ya know?!" Dextra saw a familiar figure deactivate her cloak and approach her. "Nyree? Is that you? So, if you're here then Iellax Pellis Iellax Pellis isn't too far away."

From what Dextra understood, Nyree and lellax were essentially a package deal, they were good at their jobs and it seemed that they arrived at the power plant first with no problems. "Unlike me," Dextra thought miserably. "Why can't Teckla Tane Teckla Tane give ME a cloaking device?!"

She's half convinced that her sister was trying to kill her or maybe she wanted her to suffer because according to Teck: Pain builds character. "Why don't you fight along alongside Nerf Herding Paragon?!" Dextra thought. "Come on Teck! Fight with them and know the meaning of pain!"

"How did you get in the plant?" Dextra asked deactivating her Lightsaber. "It would be lovely if you opened the entrance doors ya know? Getting here was a trip thanks to the trigger-happy Paragons causing a ruckus in the middle of MY infiltration."

Dextra planted her hands on her hips. "Who shut off the lights though?" She asked Nyree. "Was it Iellax? Where is she now?"

Just as she finished, a voice was heard a company approached the pair while Dextra immediately activated her Lightsaber. However, the company said that she was in command of them by order of the N and Z. "I am?!" Dextra raised an eyebrow the Lightsaber hummed next to her face. "Oooookkkay I guess."

The NISB really needs to stop with this need-to-know basis chit.

Lissa Lissa , CC-22849 'Zealot' CC-22849 'Zealot' , Velda Praz Velda Praz , Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
The Sword of the Empire
Objective 1: In the Jungle The Mighty Jungle.....

HIMAR-1 Heavy Imperial Multipurpose Assault Rifle
Personalized IPAPA-1 Imperial Power Assisted Personal Armor
NCE-MW02 "Multi-Blade Vibrosword"
x4 Thermal Detenator
x4 Dioxis Grenade

"Sir," Maximus approached Shov his blue helmet glistening against the Sun. "Shall we gag the Sith Lord?"

As usual, Shov was annoyed with Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate flirtatious gestures, even after he made it clear to her that he was not going to break despite her wearing practically nothing and speaks honeyed words. This only encouraged Sicarius to flirt with Shov even more. "Let her be," Shov said clutching his rifle. "I still control her leash, we need the Sith sniff out artifacts. Command informed us that there's a Force artifact somewhere on this planet."

"Imperial command or Paragon command?" Maximus asked.


"But why are we interested in Force artifacts?" Maximus said in dismay. "Isn't that job for the Inquisitors?"

"You should not question paragon command Lieutenant," Shov said trying to catch up with Sicarius. "You're here to follow orders."

"Good soldiers follow orders," Maximus said. "That is the creed that encompasses not only the Paragons but the entire Imperial Army."

"Indeed," Shov nodded as he saw Dieter Kovasch Dieter Kovasch in sight. "I see you Dieter!" Shov said while he looked down at Sicarius. "Slow down Sith," he growled. "Now."
Objective 1: In The Jungle The Mighty Jungle

"Oooh gag me." Sicarius licked her lips at Maximus "Now you're talking. I hope you can match that promise with the appropriate whips and restraints. I find a gag by itself just isn't quite enough."

Sicarius thought for a moment.

"Well depending on the gag."

Sicarius scoffed at the trooper dismissing him from her mind. The trooper was unimportant just another toy soldier ready to fall in line and die for duty and the Empire. They were a dime a dozen and could be switched out as easily as spare parts to a pod racer. Sicarius decided to have some fun as she set off before finally allowing to slow down for Shov and the rest of the troopers to catch up.

"First you say don't dawdle then you say slow down. You really should be more consistent Shov. The Empire likes consistency doesn't it. Well you're mad emperor didn't but the rest of you seem like the typical buraecracy I've come to know and loathe of Imperial stooges."

Sicarius shook her head.

"Fine I'll wait for you and this Dieter Kovasch Dieter Kovasch to have a little pow wow like a pair of Ewoks while you just tell me when and where you want me to search for Force Artifacts."

Sicarius turned away from the troopers as she extended her senses already trying to search out the artefacts in question. Truthfully once again she was struck that other than the circumstances this was exactly the sort of mission she preferred. Searching for artefacts. Admittedly being a prisoner put a damper on things. Sicarius sighed and shook her head wondering how much longer her Master was going to make her suffer through this humiliation. When it came to bondage she much preferred pain to humiliation.

"Whenever you're ready my dear?" Sicarius called back to Shov Brald Shov Brald
Verum Prime Leader


Objective: Abduct Engineer
Location: Rotoksa Mountain Range - Sakiya
Outfit: Armor
Tags: Lissa Lissa | Dextra Tane Dextra Tane | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath


There was an arrogance to the Marquis that Iellax found very irritating. She was used to being the most confident being in the room. The fact that her will did not project upon her target made things doubly irritating, then there was the declaration of how shocking it was that Verum Prime had revealed themselves. "If our mission was to eliminate you I assure you Marquis you'd have no clue we were here til it was too late."

The arrogance continued with the Marquis declaring his advantage, and demeaning the Verum assassins' skills as mere wizardry. Iellax grinned at that. "Odds are a fickle thing Marquis. You have the numbers, and your men have enough will to keep their heads when pushed against their orders. But I promise you our talents run deep and just because you see three doesn't mean we are all there is."

Lissa continued asking who Nargath was answering to. It was with little shock to Iellax that he announced himself as holding control of the situation. The de escalation was a bit surprising due to the arrogance and perceived odds, but Iellax wasn't really looking forward to a fight.

"Looks like they may not be opposition Lissa. Let's see if we can avoid showing the Marquis what we're capable of huh?" there was a mischievous grin on Iellax' lips.

She then turned to the Marquis as he listed the particulars of the Imperial presence. "The Empire likes to cover all bases. At least one method is bound to succeed. Lucky for you and your men we aren't being instructed to assassinate anyone this mission. We are currently trying to get some minimal power to this station so we can find our target. Perhaps you might point us in the right direction?"


"Good to see you Lady Director. Yes it is Nyree. Iellax and the others are elsewhere trying to ascertain the location of our target. I was sent to do the same in a low tech manner," Nyree responded to Dextra.

"Oh you know we have our ways. If we would have known that you were on planet we would have given you a special Vernum passkey. We were under the assumption all the bangs on the door were just a distraction. Looks like I am with you now though…" Nyree smiled as she looked over the droids who no longer seemed hostile.

"We think the Paragons knocked out the power. Let's see how helpful these droids can be?"

See Bio for now

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