I would kill you and eat you, but you're a nice little Force User, so hang.
Ibby OOC Account Dec 23, 2014 #2,181 I would kill you and eat you, but you're a nice little Force User, so hang.
Lara Zambrano The Lost Princess. Dec 23, 2014 #2,182 :lol: Hearing you'll kill and eat force users, I think I'll avoid you [member="Tipau"]
Ibby OOC Account Dec 23, 2014 #2,183 [member="Lara Straife"] xD hey, it's only about once a month or so, and only if I don't like them. Otherwise, if I'm not hungry and you're nice, you're safe
[member="Lara Straife"] xD hey, it's only about once a month or so, and only if I don't like them. Otherwise, if I'm not hungry and you're nice, you're safe
Lara Zambrano The Lost Princess. Dec 23, 2014 #2,184 [member="Tipau"] Haha! Well I'll remember to be nice to you for sure! ^_^
Lara Zambrano The Lost Princess. Dec 23, 2014 #2,186 [member="Evard L'Rik"] I'll give you a hug back for that!
Ibby OOC Account Dec 23, 2014 #2,187 [member="Lara Straife"] Nuuu don't hug [member="Evard L'Rik"] -- he's too short! Hug me instead! I have a fluffy tail! And I've decided to spare you!
[member="Lara Straife"] Nuuu don't hug [member="Evard L'Rik"] -- he's too short! Hug me instead! I have a fluffy tail! And I've decided to spare you!
Lara Zambrano The Lost Princess. Dec 23, 2014 #2,190 [member="Norge Rucras"] Well fudge you too! HANG THE FUDGER.
Placeholder 0143 Character P Character Bio Dec 23, 2014 #2,191 GIMMEDAGIMMEDAGIMMEDAGIMMEDA YER NOT LEGAL, EWW