Edward Vyperion The Crashing Loony Character Bio Dec 26, 2014 #2,223 Depends on who finds The Unnamed One first tbh
Evard L'Rik Got Lightning Running Through my Veins Dec 26, 2014 #2,229 Hang after getting [him] drunk.
Ryan OOC Account Dec 26, 2014 #2,230 avoid , an alchemist is dangerous to drink with. you never know what you will wake up the next day with.
avoid , an alchemist is dangerous to drink with. you never know what you will wake up the next day with.
Kesare The Wolf Queen Dec 27, 2014 #2,238 Hang, pick your brain about science things and all that jazz
Edward Vyperion The Crashing Loony Character Bio Dec 27, 2014 #2,239 Hang... you seem almost interesting for some reason.
Malachite the Shoki Not a Holonet Browser Dec 27, 2014 #2,240 [member="Kesare Salazar"] Snog, because snog. [member="Eddie"] Hang. Most droids don't like me for some reason...
[member="Kesare Salazar"] Snog, because snog. [member="Eddie"] Hang. Most droids don't like me for some reason...